Hello , Lada Duncheva and Vic DiCara's. My cousin is interested in an astrological chart. I leave you my Whatsapp number to make a chart?! Thank you very much. I am waiting for you on Whatsapp at the number: +34603371450
Are they true systems of "astrology?" Or is that just a name that clueless scholars, who view divination as a mental disease, gave to those systems of divination. Have you ever drawn up a Chinese horoscope or a Mayan one? What does one of those charts look like?
What your reading is true because it was at the time where both systems were aligned but that doesnt mean they were gunna be like that forever. The same way they made that system is the way sidereal astrologers now a days do readings but observations of the sky (of those 12 divisions in the sky) It just happens to be that those divisions have the constellations there too. your right when u say the 12 divisions are the important, but 2000 years ago in spring people were looking up at the same part of the sky people now look up to in spring regardless of constellations. There are over 40 constellations not only 13 or 12 but they used to 12 to divede the sky equally but they used those 12 constellations to keep track of those divisions in the sky
No words Sri.VicDicara Garu, I am fortunate to see this video. How much time it could've taken to you to come to the conclusion. But we are the lucky creatures to get it all in a single 25 min. video. How can we show our gratitude ..?! Padabhivandanalu Sri. Gurudeva...
Interesting. I can be wrong - but my own self-introspection and intuition told me sidereal placements resonate more with who I am - or I think I am. I’ve been using sidereal for myself and occasionally consulting friends & family for over a year as of now. So far so good.
Maybe do we have to listen to our intuition? as for my vedic astro chart, regarding nakshatras, i feel much more in tune with the sidereal outcome than with the tropical. might be factors but for now i dont know of them
Old books coincide when the point of the vernal equinox was in Aries in the stars of Aries! What do books tell you? Of course, he will tell you about the quadrilateral division of the equinox and solstice periods as it was in that period, and it corresponds to the constellations of the real stars in the sky. Of course, it was compatible with the stars of Capricorn, the stars of Cancer, the stars of Aries, and the stars of Libra at the time of writing those books! The stars coincide with the two equinoxes! And equal division to facilitate the calculation, and it is not important that the beginning is above a certain star It is not important that the sun passes a particular star Rather, it is a celestial division, but it corresponds to the circle of stars that make up the zodiac! Rather, it is not important that there are twenty constellations in the sky when you say there are thirteen constellations It seems that you do not understand things well and what is the purpose of the division! There are many stars in the sky, and the sun and planets pass over many stars, but they do not pass over them exactly The sun does not pass over many stars of the nakshatras. Are you saying that the nakshatras are wrong? You are so confused, brother! The picture is as clear to you as it looks!
Yes, i had the same impression. It's all in the same realm, the stars and constellations are the signs. And since i'm a spanish native i feel i can't express clear what You Just did. 😅. Further more, i add that the sky is moving, and soon the 13 sign Will be a fact, as soon as humanity evolves, more chakras Will be operating and maybe Even in india Will start using Neptuno 🔱 Uranus and Pluto
Dear Vic, I listened to this well prepared and presented video again with great joy, appreciation and wonder. I wish you could present this video at the Sedona Vedic Astrology conference and have a round table forum discussing your points and allow feedback from the Sidereal astrologers as to why you are correct or incorrect on your interpretation of the ancient texts. I doubt they are ready for this, but I believe, if cool heads prevailed, it would be a wonderful and exciting discussion. Thank you for your continued search for the truth, even if it is not convenient. Yesterday I listed to an interview by Kapiel Raj of the KRS channel with Jeffrey Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong appears to be a very learned and successful Vedic Astrologer who has been practicing Vedic Astrology for over 40 years. I liked everything he said except for his trite dismissal of the Tropical zodiac. I suggest you listen to the interview if you have not already. Mr. Armstrong says the Tropical zodiac is clearly wrong because you only have to open a smart phone app called Sky Map and it shows you the correct location of the signs/constellations and they are Sidereal positions, not Tropical. He adds that all you have to do is look to the sky and it is obvious the Tropical zodiac is not accurate. As I said, I really appreciate Mr. Armstrong's knowledge of Vedic astrology and have read some of his work (he has a great "Vedic Astrology Deck" that is a wonderful tool for learning). But he apparently does not feel the Sidereal vs Tropical debate has any merit. This left me disappointed because most of his other comments were well formed and supported. I find that most Vedic astrologers give very little evidence to support the Sidereal zodiac other than to "look where the constellations actually are I the sky." Such a shallow response clearly indicates they do not give the debate any merit and basically feel it can be ignored. If they believe astrology is a "science" then such a critical debate should not be ignored. Thank you again for this video and your continued support of authentic astrology. David
Great information, I finally understand and the logic of the factual differences. This explanation cleared up my confusion that the other info I listened to didn't bend in the direction of my learning curve. Greatly rewarded by your teachings. I thank yo Vic🌗🌞
You are amazing. You get the essence of the subject to the core of it. I feel the same. One has to breathe in and understand the essence of existence before taking up this subject. Keep making more videos. Thank You.
I am 65 years old so I have some experience under my belt. In my case sidereal calculations of the natal horoscope seem much more accurate than the tropical version.
I very much agree. I’ve been practicing for 30 years now and once I made the switch to sidereal everything became so much more clear. Charts and reading made much more sense and I found them to be far more accurate.
Indeed, i'm doing charts since 1997, since 2020 i Discovered the sideral - vedic charts, and all of the suden the SO many charts i have i'm My data base came to sense. I'm sure he misunderstood the suryasidhanta
I am glad that I was able to figure out confusion about tropical vs sidereal zodiac within one day. I also listened to KRS interviewing Sam Geppi. My first concern with their video was why they didnt allow any comments? They left out to question the point you made from Srimad Bhagavatam. So this conceited my inclination towards your view. I have questions with my sidereal chart , showing debilitated venus in seventh house in virgo instead of libra in tropical chart. I felt that the position in virgo would be more realistic, however it was only to the fact that I dont believe that I will get that amazing beautiful, good and feminine wife as venus in seventh house in libra is a strong indicator of. Lets back to arguments. I read an excelent article where Dane Rudhyar was mentioned (one of best astrologer of 20th century) and was a proponent of tropical. Another even more striking article (I´m posting a link about) was written by Ernst Wilhelm vedic astrologer. He is consistent in his article with your point of view and include even more sources to support tropical zodiac. So all in all Kapiel with Sam didn´t convince me at all. Kapiel Raaj is an awesome astrologer, I like much of his videos and he for sure is damn good with nakshatras and consultations, however as for defending sidereal zodiac he is not doing well in my opinion. Here is the article, I mentioned earlier. It is really enough evidence for supperiority of tropical over sidereal zodiac! tropical-vedic-astrology.net/mystery-of-the-zodiac-by-ernst-wilhelm/
Hi, since my teenage I only used the tropical matrix.. For exemple. In tropic my sun is in 8th house in pisces. My moon is in 4 in sagittarius, venus is in 6th in aquarius. Ok? With the sideral matrix, my sun is in 9 in pisces, my moon in 5 in scorpio and venus in 7 in capricorn.. The fact is that all is till balanced.. If u know how works the houses in sideral vedic, 3,6,8and 12 are trik(malefics ) houses 1,4,7 and 10 are (powerful houses) and 1,5,9 (benefics).. What is better a falling moon in scorpio but in 5th house benefics with a sun in 8th house malefic asc cancer or a moon in sagittarius in 4 strong and a sun in 9 very benefic asc lion.. I think twice are useful and the result converges. My real question would be, can we use the Nakshatra on the tropical matrix??
I have enjoyed your video series on this subject. U explain it so clearly. The sad annoying part is no matter how clear & logically tropical is proven delusional biased ppl will still come at u with stupid arguments & comments disagreeing and just will not admit to themselves that tropical zodiac works.
Vic, Where I get confused is how can you determine someone as an individual? How are people able to make predictions based off of the tropical zodiac if the stars are not aligned? I thought that astrology measured energy coming from space for human use or that we were predisposed to certain characteristics based on influences from space. But that cannot be just from the 12 houses because there may be no anchor behind them. If I've got it all wrong let me know. I'm trying to understand this thing lol Thanks!
Very informative video, but i think having the correct zodiac is very important because of the exaltation and debilitation of planets.For example, if in sidereal, its exalted and in tropical its debilitated, then which one do you consider for your planet? exalted or debilitated? Interpreting the strength and weakness of a planet is also very different and confusing. From my experience, I agree with you that the zodiac is not based on the stars but space itself.
Wonderful presentation. Clears up all the discussion between sidereal & tropical. Like the way you bring up the ancient texts--Hindu, Babylonian. Synchronizing solar-lunar makes perfect sense. That's what the Chinese astrologers are doing for our modern-day almanac.
I feel like both charts tell you the same themes in different ways… the universe has a way of letting you know your purpose and it seemingly doesnt care how you find out.
I am open to the idea of mixing the sidereal nakshatras with tropical rashis . I would like to give it a try for comparing it with the " normal " siderial vedic rashis . But where can I find a horoscope-generator-program which gives me such a mixed version ? Or is there even a way to change the birth hour , so that a vedic horoscope-generator-program would give these tropical rashis ? ( and other tropical features that you mention )
If your words were true, the ancients would not have cared to name these stars With these labels, they also published pictures of her, even in Babylon Aries, Leo and Pisces are stars together Any sane person who is clear with himself would have realized that the seasons are the constellations And that's what you say the seasons are the constellations While the stars are something else Why did the ancients call these two stars Aries and Leo, and why did they carve their images as we know them today? And if they had a mind, they would call it different names, like Aries, for example, they call it football And Leo call it basketball The seasons are the constellations It will be easier for them!
sidereal seems more acurate to me especially vedic system, mainly because i am an aries in tropical and piscies in sidereal, i know for sure that i am piscies for i know my own character, they are sooo different, further more only by looking at the star can the vedic system come up with dasha system which predicts between 7 to 20 years of your lifetime, how that can be so accurate, i dont know about the history but i feel more connected to vedic because it is more accurate
Well i Guess you just misunderstood the Surya sidhanata, the signs are just the same in both sistems, they are in the same realm, the idea of Aries o degree starting just with the equinox in a fixed system goes against the fact of evolution itself. The signs are still expanding, the ppl born today has a different level to those 5000 years ago... Its obvious we are developing , soon a 13 sign will come to be important to describe the ppl born in that time. Its super easy to realize this simple by doing the astrological chart of many famous ppl.
November means 9, and December means 10. So we did't always have 12 months in our year. July and August were added later Julius Caesar and August Caesar.
Your right the constellations are not the zodiac signs they are just a represenation of divisions in the sky. The constellation itself doesnt give off the energy but its just a marking point of that specific division in the sky. So over time we dont have the same constellation in the begining of spring in the sky not cus the constellation moved (because constellations are fixed) but becuase the earth rotated a lil. So over time the division in the sky thats marks aries is not aries no more its pisces. Who cares about the constellation thats only a marking point we use or refrence. Oh and before there was a 13 month calendar too
erick7brian There are several different types of calendars, based on different planetary movements, and taking different approaches to resolving the lack of exactness in synchronizing sidereal and tropical measurements.
Tropical says i am a sag moon sidereal says Scorpio i am the complete opposite of sag! Scorpio moon fits me perfectly. In tropical Ted Bundy for example is a sag sun and sag moon in sidereal he is a Scorpio sun with Scorpio moon and a Scorpio stellium i 4th house we all know which one he is!
Where can i see example charts - side by side comparisons of exact major events in both types of horoscopes - sidereal vs tropical to understand why one is giving more accurate results than the other?
I’m also wondering this. It would be a great presentation to have a comparison of a sidereal reading and a tropical reading for someone unbiased and have the person who’s chart is read, to provide feedback regarding which is most true.
I ran and found a copy of the Surya Siddhanta and everything Vic is saying is true!!! So basically the Tropical system is older and the Sidereal system developed later? This is all so fascinating to me
Not that it was developed later. They are for different measurements. Sidereal is for stars. Tropical is for zones of the ecliptic. It was later (lets say around 0 AD / BCE roughly) that the two were briefly confused (brief in most parts of the world). Please see vicdicara.com/tropical
i am not siding wether it is sidereal or tropical, but personally i feel more connected to sidereal, maybe all should try first both and see which is true for yourself
Anyone can make their own measurements, they just have to be consistent. Theoretically anyone can make their own astrology, using measurements and meanings. It would just be a waste of time. I don't think this over all perspective is stressed enough in the discussions. A lot of the discussion gives the impression that one might conflict with the other, when I'm pretty sure that's a wrong conceptualization considering these are just measurements and the meanings we observe. I guess it's confusing when these systems use the same names, so it would be more clear if each system had their own zodiac names that happened to overlap.
Swami Sri Yukteswar brought forth the true Yugic cycle back into perspective. Within that paradigm of the Yuga system that he refers to, the dark ages or Kali Yuga occurred when scientific and sacred knowledge got lost. Mistakes took place because the general consciousness of the planet was simply low. Sri Yukteswar has a book called the Holy Science which goes into this, but a more precise book is called "The Yugas" by Joseph Selbie & David Steinmetz. I think this correlates well to how the sidereal zodiac came into being when the general consciouness of the planet was low. Ernst Wilhelm goes into this too in his Ayanamsa and Rasis audio on his website.
tropical astrology based on season and vedic astrology based on Actual position of planets, zodiac and stars |prediction blaesd on Tropical planetary position goes wrong because tropical astrology fucus on season not on actuall position of planets
watch the video and think about the contents before commenting on someone else's channel. Please familiarize yourself with the content here vicdicara.com/tropical
I really enjoyed this video. It makes perfect sense from a northern hemisphere perspective but how does the Tropical Zodiac work in the Southern Hemisphere (given that the Zodiac began in the Northern Hemisphere when the southern hemisphere was unknown for most people)? I am sure you have had this question before.
the zodiac derives its symbolism from its element, modality and planetary ruler. these are the same in north and south hemisphere. the position of the sun in the zodiac affects weather, but differently at different locales. It is not a part of what makes the zodiac signs signify what they signify
Wow! what a nice presentation prabhu. This was highly informative. I read a really nice thing by PVR Narashimha Rao that points out that actually the ancient seers used both, and uses parasara as the referance pointing out places in Hora sastra where he uses both systems, but for differant things. I'll find it and link it to you if by chance you havent read it already. Might be usefull. Thanks so much.
Hello Vic! Thank you so much for what you're doing. I started doing vedic astrology with tropical zodiac because of ernst willhelm. Right now I switch back and forth between western and vedic, the problem is to learn Vedic you need a teacher. As soon as I can I will get enrolled in your courses! I would like to ask you a question that keeps coming to my mind to which I haven't been able to answer. If the nature of a sign is determined by its relation with the equinoxes, ¿ How are people born on the southern hemisphere affected ? I read charts everyday and what I see is that even if we have the summer solstice here at 21 december people born at this time period have very much capricorn traits! this sign is related to winter and old earth. Are we anchored somehow to the northern hemisphere? to mt Meru at the north pole perhaps? In peace & Light, Usul
Vic Dicara , thank you for your videos and it has explained well the difference and no correlation between zodiacs and nakshatras.. I have three questions.. Q1.can you explain the logic of vimshottari mahadasha from our ancient texts. Also why certain planet is assigned certain number of years in a mahadasha.. Ex- Jupiter - 16 yrs , Mercury- 17 years.. Q2. Why in tropical zodiac system when you do not consider nakshatra .. You take nakshatra to locate the position of moon and from there vimshottari mahadasha is calculated.. If there is absolutely no connection between zodiac and nakshatra then why you consider it to calculate it for vimshottari? Also you say that each nakshatra is different in size some are huge and some are small .. Then how you calculate the pada of the nakshatra for moon in different nakshatras to calculate the starting of vimshottari mahadasha? Q3. How the sequence of planets is determined for vimshottari mahadasha . Any ancient text which explains the sequence?
One thing i want to ask Vic DiCara Sir... You use tropical sign and sidereal nakshatras, What about the sign placements in navamsha?? Because planet's signs in D9 are literally nakshatra padas, so they should remain same (which holds true as far my observation goes) or they would also change sign?? And what about signs of other divisional charts??
they all flip flop actually but for myself venus in the sidereal navamsa goes from exalted pisces same house always but in the tropical has jumped into libra where it is also happy......I am guessing this applies across the board but alas I am just learning also
you should read his article on his website where he supports his argument with the surya siddhanta, the vedic text for calculating these sorts of things. the reason why most vedic astrologers use ashwini as the starting point for mesha is because it was written this way in the texts, not accounting for the precession of the equinoxes. but if you read the surya siddhanta correctly as vic does, you will find that the zodiac is tropical and makes sense that way.
According to you, since the zodiacs are divisions of space, should the Nakshatras match with the zodiac signs as well? Shouldn't Aries start with Ashwini? shoudnt the nakshatras use the same concept? a division of space and not stars?
have to mark this explaination as a circuit breaker.....deep down one sensed that the atmakaraka was always saturn and not mars admitting the truth is always hard.......the one spin off however is that mercury and jupiter flip back to exaltations......you beauty and hey ketu in the 12 house finally explains all those visions and stark raving madness......ops bepread and butter pudding in oven ......brilliant brilliant explaination
I think because the outer planets take longer to travel that is why they could not see them because they took longer to travel over the earth so that is why its not mentions. But we are in the aquarius age we are changing and those plantes are helping because if you notice not everyone is born around uranus or pluto or neptune like you said its mathematical points.
Ahhhh see now I can envisage how a map and a clock can be seen as the same thing lol. With a bit of imagination, can extrapolate it out into 3d space. 😎 Of course once you do imagine it you realise you don't have to imagine it cos it's our everyday perspective lol. Have you ever seen contact that movie with jodie Foster where that rich guy reveals how the message from the vegans fits together, except in that example they're map/clock is in 4 dimensions. Also more recently there was another film also called arrival which in a different way was really talking about the same concept. 4th dimensions an internal dimension isnt it, Atleast that's how it's always seemed to me looking at 2 dimensional depictions of 4 dimensional objects like a tesseract
Although, you could argue they were actually outer dimensions rather than inner dimensions. They only appear like internal dimensions because I'm picturing it from the perspective of being outside of the object. If you place yourself inside at the centre they're all expanding outward so external. As above so below I guess 😂 you can start drawing outward inward or inward outward. Same difference. I just realised that's what metetrons cube is isn't it. Or the merkaba or whatever they call it
What's the relationship between Ophiuchus and Lyra constellations. Other than they were both rejected from their respective worlds. Ophiuchus from the zodiac and Lyra from the lunar mansions. I just realised the Ophiuchus constellation imagery looks an awful lot like an upside down mirrored version of the Capricorn symbol.
And so now we must clone you and have your carbon copies (pun intended) teach at every school here in the United States. We would actually have children who learn how to THINK (clearly, deeply, methodically, critically), which is, I think, the key to true intellect. Thank you so much for this thoughtful explication. Namaste.
Why don't you change the name of the constellations in the sky, which are drawings of certain stars, to names other than Aries, Taurus, and Gemini? Horoscopes are just weather and seasons until things become clear to you and others! He proposed naming the constellation of Aries after the tomato And the constellation Taurus is named after basketball And the constellation of Pisces in the name of Batman And the constellation of Scorpio in the name of James Bond Since the zodiac have nothing to do with the stars and constellations! Horoscopes are just a state of weather is it hot cold ? Moderate ? Your horoscope is a weather condition!
I have no idea who created this controversy of Sidereal and Tropical Zodiac? Popularity doesn't mean it is the correct method. On the ground I haven't seen this issue with any Indian astrologer, this is been discussed and raised by the westerners or the modern world. KN Rao is a researcher and scholar no doubt! VicDiCaras is brilliant with his skills. Again I did not find anything new may be because I'm coming with a little knowledge of Sanskrit. in General it is an insight giving video.
At ~11:17 min into your video, you quote Surya Siddhanta. In that quote you say that here is the formula for calculating the current position of the equinox relative to the fixed stars. Is this a formula that would determine how far we are into the Age of Pisces or near to the Age of Aquarius?
you sure do have Moon in Aquarius or something in Aquarius in my humble knowledge! I started looking at NASA software when I was a child just exploring birth chart (western style)....and I found out no one takes into account Ophiucus!
It can even be argued that you did not understand the Babylonian texts correctly And you do not understand well the constellations and stars, and choosing certain stars from among several stars with the same constellation, and so on You have a very, very big misunderstanding!
If you use Nakshatra and convert it to the tropical system And all your reliance on Nakshatra What are you talking about, brother! You rely on fixed stars and real locations! If the person's horoscope is Tropical, Pisces, and at the same time, Nakshatra is used You will put Ashwini under Pisces and read the influences of Ashwini What is the point of talking about the tropics while you are using the Nakshatra system of reading? What are you talking about bro!
Vic and others using Tropical - is the predictive capabilities of Tropical as good as Sidreal? Does it have a dasha system like Sidreal? This is a genuine questions
Yes. Why would there be a need for it to have a different dasha system? All the techniques defined in classic texts can and should be applied to tropical zodiac coordinates.
@@VicDiCaraAstrologyI'm going through my Rahu antardasha right now. In sidreal my Rahu is in the 12th house in pieces with Jupiter. I have never been spiritual and attracted to Bhakti yoga this much ever. Makes sense from Sidreal. In Tropical (although theoretically it makes more sense than Sidreal) I can't relate to my Rahu period at all. Rahu is in the 11th house in pieces in Tropical and Jupiter is in the 12th. I haven't been making any networking or side ventures and making new friends during this time as it would suggest from Tropical.
Someone might recommend me to use a plain western chart-generator , since they give the tropical signs ; but the definitions of many western features and aspects like houses etc seem to be different from the vedic version , and a western chart just confuses me ( The absence of Rahu and Ketu , but the inclusion of Neptune , Uranus etc ) . I am more aquainted with vedic jyotish and would like to concentrate on this style , while wanting to check for myself if tropical features are more accurate
Blackout Trinidad Seriously! I keep asking myself that, too! :) I got quite distracted and haven't been able to make the video. Now I am planning to do it as a book with the fundamental materials for planets and houses as well. My books are available at www.vicdicara.com
if im born in december the 12th month, would that actually make me a pisces and not capricorn ? being thats the 12th zodiac ? im curious about this also thank you for your content.
The calender we use today starts with capricorn as the first month, not Aries. This is because it starts with the solstice, not the equinox. Also, the calendar we use today is pushed out of alignment with the zodiac by 9 days. Christians did this to make it easier for them to specify when Easter should be observed. You should always check an actual ephemeris/chart but if you are born in January, your sun sign is Capricorn. If you are born in March it is Pisces. Now, subtract 9 days from that. So if you are born from 9 days before January, its Capri. 9 days before March, Pisces. But always check an actual astrological chart / ephemeris if you are anywhere near the 21st of a month. Also, this is only speaking of the SUN sign.
Your interpretation of the text is incorrect And interpret it in a way in favor of Tropical He explains to you the division that is related to the positions of the stars! And equal division is very normal for ease of use You know that there are Nakshatra stars, for example Mola, which are at the tail of Scorpio, but in the system they are considered to be at the beginning of Sagittarius This is not important except for division and calculations It is a true circular space But it is also linked to the locations of the stars in the constellations The constellations are the same as the stars Drawings are found in Babylon What are you talking about bro!
Precisely, the origin of traditions no matter what they are, to actually do the research, even if one thinks, I have the truth, I have the way, research and take personal responsibility for the knowledge you claim to be truth, no matter what it is. If what you believe tells you you cannot research the other side of things, this is a red flag to do just that.
You are ignorant abt Vedic Astrology please study vedas first. You will understand why stars are used. Stars are based on solar system only and stars are not fixed in vedic/sidereal. You should learn basics first.
Man this is the best explanation I have ever heard!
Absolutely 😇😇
💯 definitely I was hardcore Sidereal, but this video really made me rethink everything
@@M.YasinTorres ever since i discovered Vic’s channel i never looked back at sidereal ever again. As u can see this comment i made is 6 years old
I've been following you for a while but just ran across this video and this makes so much sense!!! Especially when backed up by scripture
well done, such a clear, thruthul and insightful presentation!
Lada Duncheva and Vic DiCara's.
My cousin is interested in an astrological chart.
I leave you my Whatsapp number to make a chart?!
Thank you very much.
I am waiting for you on Whatsapp at the number:
Tropical-Vedic astrology is the future
faustozone Right on!
Seen before. Poor "scholarship" not very convincing and of little epistemic value.
Chinese and Mayan astrologers do not use Zodiacs.
Are they true systems of "astrology?" Or is that just a name that clueless scholars, who view divination as a mental disease, gave to those systems of divination. Have you ever drawn up a Chinese horoscope or a Mayan one? What does one of those charts look like?
"it's space!" that's my favorite part
What your reading is true because it was at the time where both systems were aligned but that doesnt mean they were gunna be like that forever. The same way they made that system is the way sidereal astrologers now a days do readings but observations of the sky (of those 12 divisions in the sky) It just happens to be that those divisions have the constellations there too. your right when u say the 12 divisions are the important, but 2000 years ago in spring people were looking up at the same part of the sky people now look up to in spring regardless of constellations. There are over 40 constellations not only 13 or 12 but they used to 12 to divede the sky equally but they used those 12 constellations to keep track of those divisions in the sky
this is the most accurate video i hv seen....u really a true finder of truth
No words Sri.VicDicara Garu, I am fortunate to see this video. How much time it could've taken to you to come to the conclusion. But we are the lucky creatures to get it all in a single 25 min. video. How can we show our gratitude ..?! Padabhivandanalu Sri. Gurudeva...
Interesting. I can be wrong - but my own self-introspection and intuition told me sidereal placements resonate more with who I am - or I think I am. I’ve been using sidereal for myself and occasionally consulting friends & family for over a year as of now. So far so good.
Maybe do we have to listen to our intuition? as for my vedic astro chart, regarding nakshatras, i feel much more in tune with the sidereal outcome than with the tropical. might be factors but for now i dont know of them
This is amazing, so important knowledge is revealed here, thanks!!!
Old books coincide when the point of the vernal equinox was in Aries in the stars of Aries!
What do books tell you?
Of course, he will tell you about the quadrilateral division of the equinox and solstice periods as it was in that period, and it corresponds to the constellations of the real stars in the sky. Of course, it was compatible with the stars of Capricorn, the stars of Cancer, the stars of Aries, and the stars of Libra at the time of writing those books!
The stars coincide with the two equinoxes!
And equal division to facilitate the calculation, and it is not important that the beginning is above a certain star
It is not important that the sun passes a particular star
Rather, it is a celestial division, but it corresponds to the circle of stars that make up the zodiac!
Rather, it is not important that there are twenty constellations in the sky when you say there are thirteen constellations
It seems that you do not understand things well and what is the purpose of the division!
There are many stars in the sky, and the sun and planets pass over many stars, but they do not pass over them exactly
The sun does not pass over many stars of the nakshatras. Are you saying that the nakshatras are wrong?
You are so confused, brother!
The picture is as clear to you as it looks!
Yes, i had the same impression. It's all in the same realm, the stars and constellations are the signs. And since i'm a spanish native i feel i can't express clear what You Just did. 😅. Further more, i add that the sky is moving, and soon the 13 sign Will be a fact, as soon as humanity evolves, more chakras Will be operating and maybe Even in india Will start using Neptuno 🔱 Uranus and Pluto
Dear Vic,
I listened to this well prepared and presented video again with great joy, appreciation and wonder. I wish you could present this video at the Sedona Vedic Astrology conference and have a round table forum discussing your points and allow feedback from the Sidereal astrologers as to why you are correct or incorrect on your interpretation of the ancient texts. I doubt they are ready for this, but I believe, if cool heads prevailed, it would be a wonderful and exciting discussion. Thank you for your continued search for the truth, even if it is not convenient.
Yesterday I listed to an interview by Kapiel Raj of the KRS channel with Jeffrey Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong appears to be a very learned and successful Vedic Astrologer who has been practicing Vedic Astrology for over 40 years. I liked everything he said except for his trite dismissal of the Tropical zodiac. I suggest you listen to the interview if you have not already. Mr. Armstrong says the Tropical zodiac is clearly wrong because you only have to open a smart phone app called Sky Map and it shows you the correct location of the signs/constellations and they are Sidereal positions, not Tropical. He adds that all you have to do is look to the sky and it is obvious the Tropical zodiac is not accurate. As I said, I really appreciate Mr. Armstrong's knowledge of Vedic astrology and have read some of his work (he has a great "Vedic Astrology Deck" that is a wonderful tool for learning). But he apparently does not feel the Sidereal vs Tropical debate has any merit. This left me disappointed because most of his other comments were well formed and supported. I find that most Vedic astrologers give very little evidence to support the Sidereal zodiac other than to "look where the constellations actually are I the sky." Such a shallow response clearly indicates they do not give the debate any merit and basically feel it can be ignored. If they believe astrology is a "science" then such a critical debate should not be ignored.
Thank you again for this video and your continued support of authentic astrology.
Cool heads would not prevail.
Really well made video, and a clear explanation of the differences between the sidereal and tropical systems. Thank you.
Follow your own star.
One day, the world will celebrate you for your teachings 💯🙏
Great information, I finally understand and the logic of the factual differences. This explanation cleared up my confusion that the other info I listened to didn't bend in the direction of my learning curve. Greatly rewarded by your teachings. I thank yo Vic🌗🌞
You are amazing. You get the essence of the subject to the core of it. I feel the same. One has to breathe in and understand the essence of existence before taking up this subject. Keep making more videos. Thank You.
sachin sharma Thank you Sachin!
I am 65 years old so I have some experience under my belt. In my case sidereal calculations of the natal horoscope seem much more accurate than the tropical version.
I very much agree. I’ve been practicing for 30 years now and once I made the switch to sidereal everything became so much more clear. Charts and reading made much more sense and I found them to be far more accurate.
Indeed, i'm doing charts since 1997, since 2020 i Discovered the sideral - vedic charts, and all of the suden the SO many charts i have i'm My data base came to sense. I'm sure he misunderstood the suryasidhanta
I am glad that I was able to figure out confusion about tropical vs sidereal zodiac within one day. I also listened to KRS interviewing Sam Geppi. My first concern with their video was why they didnt allow any comments? They left out to question the point you made from Srimad Bhagavatam. So this conceited my inclination towards your view. I have questions with my sidereal chart , showing debilitated venus in seventh house in virgo instead of libra in tropical chart. I felt that the position in virgo would be more realistic, however it was only to the fact that I dont believe that I will get that amazing beautiful, good and feminine wife as venus in seventh house in libra is a strong indicator of. Lets back to arguments. I read an excelent article where Dane Rudhyar was mentioned (one of best astrologer of 20th century) and was a proponent of tropical. Another even more striking article (I´m posting a link about) was written by Ernst Wilhelm vedic astrologer. He is consistent in his article with your point of view and include even more sources to support tropical zodiac. So all in all Kapiel with Sam didn´t convince me at all. Kapiel Raaj is an awesome astrologer, I like much of his videos and he for sure is damn good with nakshatras and consultations, however as for defending sidereal zodiac he is not doing well in my opinion.
Here is the article, I mentioned earlier. It is really enough evidence for supperiority of tropical over sidereal zodiac!
Hi, since my teenage I only used the tropical matrix.. For exemple. In tropic my sun is in 8th house in pisces. My moon is in 4 in sagittarius, venus is in 6th in aquarius. Ok? With the sideral matrix, my sun is in 9 in pisces, my moon in 5 in scorpio and venus in 7 in capricorn..
The fact is that all is till balanced.. If u know how works the houses in sideral vedic, 3,6,8and 12 are trik(malefics ) houses 1,4,7 and 10 are (powerful houses) and 1,5,9 (benefics).. What is better a falling moon in scorpio but in 5th house benefics with a sun in 8th house malefic asc cancer or a moon in sagittarius in 4 strong and a sun in 9 very benefic asc lion.. I think twice are useful and the result converges. My real question would be, can we use the Nakshatra on the tropical matrix??
Witty and clear presentation. Matter of fact, excellent. In short, you hit and run the ball, and are correctly awarding compelling information.
I have enjoyed your video series on this subject. U explain it so clearly. The sad annoying part is no matter how clear & logically tropical is proven delusional biased ppl will still come at u with stupid arguments & comments disagreeing and just will not admit to themselves that tropical zodiac works.
Excellent video! Superbly explained simply. Deep gratitude 🙏🏻🌟✨💕
Vic, Where I get confused is how can you determine someone as an individual? How are people able to make predictions based off of the tropical zodiac if the stars are not aligned? I thought that astrology measured energy coming from space for human use or that we were predisposed to certain characteristics based on influences from space. But that cannot be just from the 12 houses because there may be no anchor behind them. If I've got it all wrong let me know. I'm trying to understand this thing lol Thanks!
Very informative video, but i think having the correct zodiac is very important because of the exaltation and debilitation of planets.For example, if in sidereal, its exalted and in tropical its debilitated, then which one do you consider for your planet? exalted or debilitated? Interpreting the strength and weakness of a planet is also very different and confusing. From my experience, I agree with you that the zodiac is not based on the stars but space itself.
OMG! I'm so happy! What a great teacher! Finally some answers for this confusion! And such clarity!
I feel the tropical always makes more sense to me.
perfectly explained, simple and well understood for spanish people! thank you!
Wonderful presentation. Clears up all the discussion between sidereal & tropical. Like the way you bring up the ancient texts--Hindu, Babylonian. Synchronizing solar-lunar makes perfect sense. That's what the Chinese astrologers are doing for our modern-day almanac.
I feel like both charts tell you the same themes in different ways… the universe has a way of letting you know your purpose and it seemingly doesnt care how you find out.
I am open to the idea of mixing the sidereal nakshatras with tropical rashis . I would like to give it a try for comparing it with the " normal " siderial vedic rashis .
But where can I find a horoscope-generator-program which gives me such a mixed version ? Or is there even a way to change the birth hour , so that a vedic horoscope-generator-program would give these tropical rashis ? ( and other tropical features that you mention )
If your words were true, the ancients would not have cared to name these stars
With these labels, they also published pictures of her, even in Babylon
Aries, Leo and Pisces are stars together
Any sane person who is clear with himself would have realized that the seasons are the constellations
And that's what you say the seasons are the constellations
While the stars are something else
Why did the ancients call these two stars Aries and Leo, and why did they carve their images as we know them today?
And if they had a mind, they would call it different names, like Aries, for example, they call it football
And Leo call it basketball
The seasons are the constellations
It will be easier for them!
sidereal seems more acurate to me especially vedic system, mainly because i am an aries in tropical and piscies in sidereal, i know for sure that i am piscies for i know my own character, they are sooo different, further more only by looking at the star can the vedic system come up with dasha system which predicts between 7 to 20 years of your lifetime, how that can be so accurate, i dont know about the history but i feel more connected to vedic because it is more accurate
For years I thought I was a cancer, but came across Vedic and realized i was Gemini
All made sense afterwards,
Excellent Video. I also had to admit the Sidereal was wrong. We should catch up soon.
i like your personality that comes through this video
This is awesome. This gives me more confirmation! Thanks a million for sharing! 😀✌👍
Well i Guess you just misunderstood the Surya sidhanata, the signs are just the same in both sistems, they are in the same realm, the idea of Aries o degree starting just with the equinox in a fixed system goes against the fact of evolution itself. The signs are still expanding, the ppl born today has a different level to those 5000 years ago... Its obvious we are developing , soon a 13 sign will come to be important to describe the ppl born in that time. Its super easy to realize this simple by doing the astrological chart of many famous ppl.
This is extremely accurate. Great build, Vic.
November means 9, and December means 10. So we did't always have 12 months in our year. July and August were added later Julius Caesar and August Caesar.
Thanks for the video.
Besides all the knowledge you have, you are a very enlightened soul and such an excellent communicator.
Robert Roberts Thank you so much!
Your right the constellations are not the zodiac signs they are just a represenation of divisions in the sky. The constellation itself doesnt give off the energy but its just a marking point of that specific division in the sky. So over time we dont have the same constellation in the begining of spring in the sky not cus the constellation moved (because constellations are fixed) but becuase the earth rotated a lil. So over time the division in the sky thats marks aries is not aries no more its pisces. Who cares about the constellation thats only a marking point we use or refrence. Oh and before there was a 13 month calendar too
erick7brian There are several different types of calendars, based on different planetary movements, and taking different approaches to resolving the lack of exactness in synchronizing sidereal and tropical measurements.
Tropical says i am a sag moon sidereal says Scorpio i am the complete opposite of sag! Scorpio moon fits me perfectly. In tropical Ted Bundy for example is a sag sun and sag moon in sidereal he is a Scorpio sun with Scorpio moon and a Scorpio stellium i 4th house we all know which one he is!
Where can i see example charts - side by side comparisons of exact major events in both types of horoscopes - sidereal vs tropical to understand why one is giving more accurate results than the other?
I’m also wondering this. It would be a great presentation to have a comparison of a sidereal reading and a tropical reading for someone unbiased and have the person who’s chart is read, to provide feedback regarding which is most true.
I ran and found a copy of the Surya Siddhanta and everything Vic is saying is true!!!
So basically the Tropical system is older and the Sidereal system developed later? This is all so fascinating to me
Not that it was developed later. They are for different measurements. Sidereal is for stars. Tropical is for zones of the ecliptic. It was later (lets say around 0 AD / BCE roughly) that the two were briefly confused (brief in most parts of the world). Please see vicdicara.com/tropical
The way tropical astrology now works is more of a calendar of some sort but not really for personality traits and astrology
erick7brian I disagree
i am not siding wether it is sidereal or tropical, but personally i feel more connected to sidereal, maybe all should try first both and see which is true for yourself
I'm so grateful for this video. I've been lost for a long time with astrology, and what system is most accurate.
thank you
Anyone can make their own measurements, they just have to be consistent. Theoretically anyone can make their own astrology, using measurements and meanings. It would just be a waste of time. I don't think this over all perspective is stressed enough in the discussions.
A lot of the discussion gives the impression that one might conflict with the other, when I'm pretty sure that's a wrong conceptualization considering these are just measurements and the meanings we observe. I guess it's confusing when these systems use the same names, so it would be more clear if each system had their own zodiac names that happened to overlap.
I got terrible focusing problems but are you sidereal or tropical I thought you were sidereal but now idk
Loved this Vic thanks, what is the music you used in the video?
Is it that Tropical is congruent with a solar calendar; and the Sidereal is congruent with a lunar calendar?
Swami Sri Yukteswar brought forth the true Yugic cycle back into perspective. Within that paradigm of the Yuga system that he refers to, the dark ages or Kali Yuga occurred when scientific and sacred knowledge got lost. Mistakes took place because the general consciousness of the planet was simply low. Sri Yukteswar has a book called the Holy Science which goes into this, but a more precise book is called "The Yugas" by Joseph Selbie & David Steinmetz. I think this correlates well to how the sidereal zodiac came into being when the general consciouness of the planet was low. Ernst Wilhelm goes into this too in his Ayanamsa and Rasis audio on his website.
except he didn't. He made up a new concept of the yuga cycle.
@@VicDiCaraAstrologyproof? Where is your evidence ? What are you basing this statement on?
tropical astrology based on season and vedic astrology based on Actual position of planets, zodiac and stars |prediction blaesd on Tropical planetary position goes wrong because tropical astrology fucus on season not on actuall position of planets
watch the video and think about the contents before commenting on someone else's channel. Please familiarize yourself with the content here vicdicara.com/tropical
I'm in Your same idea, Just by observing charts over and over
What’s your take on some astrologers mixing Vedic with the tropical system?
please see: vicdicara.com/tropical
Who has translated these texts into English?
I really enjoyed this video. It makes perfect sense from a northern hemisphere perspective but how does the Tropical Zodiac work in the Southern Hemisphere (given that the Zodiac began in the Northern Hemisphere when the southern hemisphere was unknown for most people)? I am sure you have had this question before.
the zodiac derives its symbolism from its element, modality and planetary ruler. these are the same in north and south hemisphere. the position of the sun in the zodiac affects weather, but differently at different locales. It is not a part of what makes the zodiac signs signify what they signify
Wow! what a nice presentation prabhu. This was highly informative. I read a really nice thing by PVR Narashimha Rao that points out that actually the ancient seers used both, and uses parasara as the referance pointing out places in Hora sastra where he uses both systems, but for differant things. I'll find it and link it to you if by chance you havent read it already. Might be usefull. Thanks so much.
Nimai Hedemark that would be very great to have, Nimai. Thank you.
Hello Vic! Thank you so much for what you're doing. I started doing vedic astrology with tropical zodiac because of ernst willhelm. Right now I switch back and forth between western and vedic, the problem is to learn Vedic you need a teacher. As soon as I can I will get enrolled in your courses! I would like to ask you a question that keeps coming to my mind to which I haven't been able to answer. If the nature of a sign is determined by its relation with the equinoxes, ¿ How are people born on the southern hemisphere affected ? I read charts everyday and what I see is that even if we have the summer solstice here at 21 december people born at this time period have very much capricorn traits! this sign is related to winter and old earth. Are we anchored somehow to the northern hemisphere? to mt Meru at the north pole perhaps?
In peace & Light,
Vic Dicara , thank you for your videos and it has explained well the difference and no correlation between zodiacs and nakshatras..
I have three questions..
Q1.can you explain the logic of vimshottari mahadasha from our ancient texts. Also why certain planet is assigned certain number of years in a mahadasha.. Ex- Jupiter - 16 yrs , Mercury- 17 years..
Q2. Why in tropical zodiac system when you do not consider nakshatra .. You take nakshatra to locate the position of moon and from there vimshottari mahadasha is calculated.. If there is absolutely no connection between zodiac and nakshatra then why you consider it to calculate it for vimshottari? Also you say that each nakshatra is different in size some are huge and some are small .. Then how you calculate the pada of the nakshatra for moon in different nakshatras to calculate the starting of vimshottari mahadasha?
Q3. How the sequence of planets is determined for vimshottari mahadasha . Any ancient text which explains the sequence?
One thing i want to ask Vic DiCara Sir... You use tropical sign and sidereal nakshatras, What about the sign placements in navamsha?? Because planet's signs in D9 are literally nakshatra padas, so they should remain same (which holds true as far my observation goes) or they would also change sign?? And what about signs of other divisional charts??
they all flip flop actually but for myself venus in the sidereal navamsa goes from exalted pisces same house always but in the tropical has jumped into libra where it is also happy......I am guessing this applies across the board but alas I am just learning also
you should read his article on his website where he supports his argument with the surya siddhanta, the vedic text for calculating these sorts of things. the reason why most vedic astrologers use ashwini as the starting point for mesha is because it was written this way in the texts, not accounting for the precession of the equinoxes. but if you read the surya siddhanta correctly as vic does, you will find that the zodiac is tropical and makes sense that way.
That's literally one man's opinion lol
Vic, where do the names of the signs come from and when were they assigned? And when did the constellations get their names? Thank you.
According to you, since the zodiacs are divisions of space, should the Nakshatras match with the zodiac signs as well? Shouldn't Aries start with Ashwini? shoudnt the nakshatras use the same concept? a division of space and not stars?
have to mark this explaination as a circuit breaker.....deep down one sensed that the atmakaraka was always saturn and not mars admitting the truth is always hard.......the one spin off however is that mercury and jupiter flip back to exaltations......you beauty and hey ketu in the 12 house finally explains all those visions and stark raving madness......ops bepread and butter pudding in oven ......brilliant brilliant explaination
I think because the outer planets take longer to travel that is why they could not see them because they took longer to travel over the earth so that is why its not mentions. But we are in the aquarius age we are changing and those plantes are helping because if you notice not everyone is born around uranus or pluto or neptune like you said its mathematical points.
Ahhhh see now I can envisage how a map and a clock can be seen as the same thing lol. With a bit of imagination, can extrapolate it out into 3d space. 😎 Of course once you do imagine it you realise you don't have to imagine it cos it's our everyday perspective lol. Have you ever seen contact that movie with jodie Foster where that rich guy reveals how the message from the vegans fits together, except in that example they're map/clock is in 4 dimensions. Also more recently there was another film also called arrival which in a different way was really talking about the same concept. 4th dimensions an internal dimension isnt it, Atleast that's how it's always seemed to me looking at 2 dimensional depictions of 4 dimensional objects like a tesseract
Although, you could argue they were actually outer dimensions rather than inner dimensions. They only appear like internal dimensions because I'm picturing it from the perspective of being outside of the object. If you place yourself inside at the centre they're all expanding outward so external. As above so below I guess 😂 you can start drawing outward inward or inward outward. Same difference. I just realised that's what metetrons cube is isn't it. Or the merkaba or whatever they call it
What's the relationship between Ophiuchus and Lyra constellations. Other than they were both rejected from their respective worlds. Ophiuchus from the zodiac and Lyra from the lunar mansions. I just realised the Ophiuchus constellation imagery looks an awful lot like an upside down mirrored version of the Capricorn symbol.
Thank you. Was needing this.
Thanks so much!
good info
Excellent work☆ #astrology #teacher. Thank you!
And so now we must clone you and have your carbon copies (pun intended) teach at every school here in the United States. We would actually have children who learn how to THINK (clearly, deeply, methodically, critically), which is, I think, the key to true intellect. Thank you so much for this thoughtful explication. Namaste.
very clear , thank you for sharing ! :)
This is an excellent presentation. Where is part 2?
So do I just use my tropical zodiac and sidereal nakshatra?
Why don't you change the name of the constellations in the sky, which are drawings of certain stars, to names other than Aries, Taurus, and Gemini?
Horoscopes are just weather and seasons until things become clear to you and others!
He proposed naming the constellation of Aries after the tomato
And the constellation Taurus is named after basketball
And the constellation of Pisces in the name of Batman
And the constellation of Scorpio in the name of James Bond
Since the zodiac have nothing to do with the stars and constellations!
Horoscopes are just a state of weather
is it hot
cold ?
Moderate ?
Your horoscope is a weather condition!
I have no idea who created this controversy of Sidereal and Tropical Zodiac? Popularity doesn't mean it is the correct method. On the ground I haven't seen this issue with any Indian astrologer, this is been discussed and raised by the westerners or the modern world. KN Rao is a researcher and scholar no doubt! VicDiCaras is brilliant with his skills. Again I did not find anything new may be because I'm coming with a little knowledge of Sanskrit. in General it is an insight giving video.
At ~11:17 min into your video, you quote Surya Siddhanta. In that quote you say that here is the formula for calculating the current position of the equinox relative to the fixed stars. Is this a formula that would determine how far we are into the Age of Pisces or near to the Age of Aquarius?
Are we now into Aquarius age?
you sure do have Moon in Aquarius or something in Aquarius in my humble knowledge! I started looking at NASA software when I was a child just exploring birth chart (western style)....and I found out no one takes into account Ophiucus!
No Aquarius, sorry.
LOL ok.... i give up then haha
you said your moon in satabhish nakshatra
@@VicDiCaraAstrologyu have Pisces ♓ in ur chart
It can even be argued that you did not understand the Babylonian texts correctly
And you do not understand well the constellations and stars, and choosing certain stars from among several stars with the same constellation, and so on
You have a very, very big misunderstanding!
Were you in HK when this video was recorded?
Thank you very much for sharing the precious knowledge.
He has precious knowledge.......... 👍
If you use Nakshatra and convert it to the tropical system
And all your reliance on Nakshatra
What are you talking about, brother!
You rely on fixed stars and real locations!
If the person's horoscope is Tropical, Pisces, and at the same time, Nakshatra is used
You will put Ashwini under Pisces and read the influences of Ashwini
What is the point of talking about the tropics while you are using the Nakshatra system of reading?
What are you talking about bro!
Vic and others using Tropical - is the predictive capabilities of Tropical as good as Sidreal? Does it have a dasha system like Sidreal? This is a genuine questions
Yes. Why would there be a need for it to have a different dasha system? All the techniques defined in classic texts can and should be applied to tropical zodiac coordinates.
@@VicDiCaraAstrologyI'm going through my Rahu antardasha right now. In sidreal my Rahu is in the 12th house in pieces with Jupiter. I have never been spiritual and attracted to Bhakti yoga this much ever. Makes sense from Sidreal. In Tropical (although theoretically it makes more sense than Sidreal) I can't relate to my Rahu period at all. Rahu is in the 11th house in pieces in Tropical and Jupiter is in the 12th. I haven't been making any networking or side ventures and making new friends during this time as it would suggest from Tropical.
Someone might recommend me to use a plain western chart-generator , since they give the tropical signs ; but the definitions of many western features and aspects like houses etc seem to be different from the vedic version , and a western chart just confuses me ( The absence of Rahu and Ketu , but the inclusion of Neptune , Uranus etc ) . I am more aquainted with vedic jyotish and would like to concentrate on this style , while wanting to check for myself if tropical features are more accurate
Very enjoyable listen
Thank you
Thank you! Great job!
Love it, thank you
✨Thank you, Sir, 🙏✨
✨Sir, how to use swiss tropical geocentric ephemeris for India 🙏🏼✨
Wher is part twoo????
Blackout Trinidad Seriously! I keep asking myself that, too! :) I got quite distracted and haven't been able to make the video. Now I am planning to do it as a book with the fundamental materials for planets and houses as well. My books are available at www.vicdicara.com
if im born in december the 12th month, would that actually make me a pisces and not capricorn ? being thats the 12th zodiac ? im curious about this also thank you for your content.
The calender we use today starts with capricorn as the first month, not Aries. This is because it starts with the solstice, not the equinox. Also, the calendar we use today is pushed out of alignment with the zodiac by 9 days. Christians did this to make it easier for them to specify when Easter should be observed.
You should always check an actual ephemeris/chart but if you are born in January, your sun sign is Capricorn. If you are born in March it is Pisces. Now, subtract 9 days from that. So if you are born from 9 days before January, its Capri. 9 days before March, Pisces. But always check an actual astrological chart / ephemeris if you are anywhere near the 21st of a month.
Also, this is only speaking of the SUN sign.
I think Spica is pronounced SPIKE-ARE.
Your interpretation of the text is incorrect
And interpret it in a way in favor of Tropical
He explains to you the division that is related to the positions of the stars!
And equal division is very normal for ease of use
You know that there are Nakshatra stars, for example Mola, which are at the tail of Scorpio, but in the system they are considered to be at the beginning of Sagittarius
This is not important except for division and calculations
It is a true circular space
But it is also linked to the locations of the stars in the constellations
The constellations are the same as the stars
Drawings are found in Babylon
What are you talking about bro!
Both are corrects its just jyotish dont use outer plantes.
Awesome you’re in japan 🇯🇵
I agree with everything except putting Babylonian in western💔
much appreciated!
Thanks a lot 🐅 tiger.
Precisely, the origin of traditions no matter what they are, to actually do the research, even if one thinks, I have the truth, I have the way, research and take personal responsibility for the knowledge you claim to be truth, no matter what it is. If what you believe tells you you cannot research the other side of things, this is a red flag to do just that.
persian calendar is tropical
Stellar! Pun intended!
You are ignorant abt Vedic Astrology please study vedas first. You will understand why stars are used. Stars are based on solar system only and stars are not fixed in vedic/sidereal. You should learn basics first.
this is also rubbish. please watch my videos before you decide who and what i am.