La verdad que me conmovio la escena de Leon y Valentina abrazandose, llore mucho cuando vi esa parte 😢😭❤ Como voy a extrañar mucho esta novela y verla a mis niñas Juliantina, tendre que ir al psicologo por todo los estados emocionales que pase 😂😂😂
De verdad que el reencuentro Carvajal me mato.... 😭😭😭 Aun que no dieran juliantina fue un capítulo intensoo... No me creó que ya esta por terminar todo... 😭😭😭😭😭
@@yosoyval8066 aahhh gracias por decirme! como sólo veo a Juliantina no me entero de lo demás jaja. ¿A qué hora es? (para esperar el video al terminar :D)
Coño no entiendo por que los bloquean , hay vídeos horribles de otros casos que no son de la novela que no bloquean y estos capítulos que son normales uno tiene que verlos una vez y rápido antes que los quiten . Que Rabia. Uno madruga para verlos y se topa a veces con que lo bloquearon. Espero que me dejen ver el final .
Gracias Nat!!!!! Estamos a portas del final y tú al pié del cañon con todos quienes por ti podemos ver esta gran historia... a hora descansa que es tarde...un abrazo!!!!!!
Excelente... 👏👏 Estuvo la escena del reencuentro de los Carvajal. Que fuerte el alma de León (padre de Val) en el cuerpo de el Chino (padre de Juls). Vamos a ver que pasa el día hoy.
Como todos los vídeos que subes de #Juliantina te doy las gracias por sacar tiempo y subirlos!!! Estoy un poco freakeada porque me duele mucho el alma y las entrañas de ver que Televisa se jodió con la novela (no dejo de lado algunas escenas buenísimas de nuestras chicas, entre otras) pero que mal, iniciar algo tan bello, arruinarlo casi desde el comienzo de ellas y capítulo tras capítulo teniéndonos así para que al final, en el puritico final las reconcilie.... En serio que hay mucha lección en esta novela!!! Y por favor, con los sentimientos del fandom no se juega señoras y señores, somos teleaudiencia y con la comunidad no se juega y lo digo con la mejor de las intenciones!!!! Gracias Speedy 😘
Muchas gracias por compartirlo natppy1, sos una genia, no me cansaré de repetirlo una y mil veces!!! Termina otro mes, termina febreroy te convertiste en esa personita que esperamos muchos, cada noche, cada madrugada para los que estamos lejos, para compartir la novela. Quizás algunos puedan llegar a pensar "pero es sólo una novela", Sí, es verdad, pero el hecho de compartir significó noche tras noche, horas para grabar, editar, subir, y eso significa tiempo, y eso es lo que valoro, el tiempo de tu vida que nos regalaste para que pudiéramos disfrutar de algo que nos gusta. Ya estamos a 1 de marzo de 2019, pronto finalizará la novela Amar a Muerte, pero seguiré aquí esperando lo que nos quieras compartir en tu canal... MUCHAS GRACIAS POR TODO!!!
Aiing todos los días espero estos capítulos 😍😘😍con ansias 🙈 Hasta llore en el momento que Jacobo (León )les contaba sobre todo lo que vivieron con el 😘😍🙈
Cómo son...por dios!! Maldita sociedad, lo de Val y Juls es amor al fin, se merecen una buena escena romántica y un final juntas y tranquilas. Pero la producción seguramente se dejó llevar por el miedo, en definitiva si la gente vio todo lo novela por un capítulo más intenso para ellas no les va a cambiar en nada 😟😔
ahhh!!! Dios !! la verdad juliantinas me gusta pero el drama familiar el rencuentro ah!!! llega al corazón, jacobo como papa es lindoo ah!! buu ya estamos por el final que pasara con eva jajaja me a llegado a gustar la novela jejeje.
Los Carvajal te hacen llorar y Juliana haciendo de mal tercio, entre Lupe y pachito, y diciendo que se va poner audífonos y la tele me hicieron la noche. Gracias Natppy1
Hey gracias por tomar minutos o talvez horas de tu tiempo para subir estos capítulos tan emocionantes y no tener que esperar la novela porque en mi pais esta atrasada total mente
Me tengo que despertar mas o menos a esta hora para ver el capitulo antes que lo bloqueen en mi pais. Lastima que nada de Juliantina. Ojala que televisa le den un buen final.a.las chicas vamos por un beso vamosss.
Gracias hoy si alcance a verlo, UPS ya falta nada para que termine, espero que sea un buen final, pasan los días y casi nada de Juliantina 😞 haber cómo se la sacan al final, tomando en cuenta que solo serán dos capítulos más.
Me da mucha pena por que Lucía tendrá un final muy triste, hoy lo dijo angelike, ella merecía un bonito final, siempre apoyo a los hijos de León y realmente amaba a su esposo, sin saber que estaba en otro cuerpo 😢
Gracias nappty eres la mejor siempre subes los videos super rapidos para nosotros aunque siempre bloquen los video siempre los subes rapidos para q los podamos disfrutar eres la mejor q mal q youtube bloque los videos gracias por todo 😘😘
Yo deberás no entiendo como van a resolver todo esto en 2 capítulos, estubo interesante el capitulo de hoy pero definitivamente ya nos fregamos con el tema de juliantina xq no creo q en este relajo de la novela le vayan a dedicar mucho tiempo a ellas q tristeza 😥 m quédare con muchas ganas de escenas d ellas 2 q lamentable q está linda historia termine asi en el aire
Pues eso es porque está todo hecho de antemano y no contaban con la repercusión de Juliantina. Si hubieran sabido que se iban a hacer tan populares les hubieran dado más espacio.
Yo creo que van a salir con un "X TIEMPO DESPUÉS" todos viven felices y en un mundo de color de rosa, y entonces como "ya nada impide que estén juntas" vuelven a salir y todos se casan y son felices (como siempre en televisa jajajaja). Pero ya veremos
Maca entro hoy al live de la pagina de insta Juliantinafans, y dijo q hay sorpresas, le aviso Carlos Bardasano q en otras ocasiones ha estado en el live, y es el productor de Amar a muerte 😍😍😍😍
la neta que si no solucionan el tema de Juliantina, y muchos otras tramas más que las tienen a medias, pues les toca sacar otra temporada y eso será algo positivo...Pensemos positivo!!!
1 - [CARVAJAL HOUSE] Eva: What? The driver is our dad? Val: Do you feel okay? Guille: I'm perfectly fine Valentina. And even thought it seems like a lie, I swear it's true. Eva: I can't believe you're pranking us like this. What's wrong with you Guille? Don't you see how am I?! Guille: It isn't a prank Eva! Do you believe I'd make up something like this? Val: Do you really believe what you're saying? Guille: Yes I do. Jacobo: I understand you're surprised because this sounds absurd. Eva: Of course I'm surprised. I'm surprised you're helping my brother to prank me like this, what's wrong with you? Who do you think you are?- Guille: It isn't a prank Eva!! Please, stop being stubborn. Listen to him. Jacobo: Don't worry Guille, this is the normal reaction everyone has when we talk about this. That's the reaction I had the first time I saw myself like this in a mirror, and I thought it was a dream or a nightmare. Val: Jacobo you're not understanding something. Our father was killed right in front of our eyes. We buried him. Jacobo: Vale, what you're not getting is that I am León Carvajal. I am your father. And yes, as you know I died in an operating room and for your information, even when it sounds absurd, I resuscitated. As if it was magic, I don't know it sounds better for you, I ended up resuscitating in the body of a sicario called "El Chino" Valdés. A guy who killed a federal judge and was sent to the electric chair in Texas. Eva: What? Are you saying that my father's soul resuscitated in the body of a sicario? Jacobo: Broadly speaking is called transmigration Eva. Val: That's what happened to Juliana's dad. Eva: Valentina explain yourself. Val: I don't understand it completely either. Juliana is a bit worried because Jacobo, or Jacobo's body, is actually the body of Juliana's father who's El Chino, but it seems that the soul of her father is in another body, of a person called Beltrán. Eva: I can't believe it. Everyone here lost their mind. Val: That's what I understand but- Jacobo: What Valentina is saying is true. This body you're seeing is the body of Juliana's father. This container, shell or whatever you want to call it is El Chino Valdés. Try to see behind these eyes if there's someone, [if there] is the soul of your father, León Carvajal, and that has to do with you. Valentina, Guille, Eva. Eva: That can't be true. People's soul don't go jumping from one body to another, that's impossible. Jacobo: As I just explained to you Eva, that has a name and is called soul's transmigration, which happens when someone dies and the soul transmigrates into another body. Eva: Not true. Human beings die and that's it. There's nothing more. They never comeback. Guille: Eva, I know it's difficult to understand. I saw when my father got killed. We buried him. I cried for him. But it's true. Eva: Guille, I'd also love for dad to be here, but he's gone. Guille: Camilo- Eva: How d o you dare to say something like that? Guille: Camilo kept sending us signs Eva. He has being studying this phenomenon for years. And all of those absurd theories, the ones we used to laughed at, are true. There's life after death, and here's the proof.
2 - Val: So are you, are you my dad? Eva: Of course not Valentina, that's not true. And what about you? If you were really our dad, why are you saying this until now? Why did you come to this house as if you were a driver? Jacobo: The first thing I did after crossing the U.S. border was coming to my house by force of habit, and evidently Fabricio threw me out. It was obvious that was going to happened but it didn't even crossed my mind. I decided to talk to Camilo, and he didn't believed me either. I thought that because he was one of my closest persons and someone who had studied this for a long time it was going to be easy, but it was difficult for him to believe. Eva: That doesn't explain my question. Val: Camilo always talk about dad as if he was never gone. Guille: That's true. Eva: But you're still not answering my question. Why did you wait so long to tell us you are our father? Jacobo: Do you want to know? Eva, because I decided to keep it a secret. I thought it was better to keep it a secret and I found out that this body was a great shell to figure out many truths that were hidden in this house and the most important of all was who was responsible of my own dead. Eva: Are you saying that my father resuscitated to have his vengeance and play detective? My dad wouldn't do that. I don't have anything more to do here, I have more important things to do. Jacobo: No, you don't have anything more important to do than staying here. Because you put us all in a huge problem okay? So yes, your father is back to help you. Eva: No, I don't want the help of a driver! Jacobo: Do you want evidences? Valentina, do you need evidence? You were 6 years old and your mother was dying of cancer, her last wish was for you to have a happy birthday. And as a dumb parent, I decided to bring you a clown which is what you hated the most and you ran off to your room, where you locked yourself. I walk through this hallway to your door which was closed. We tried to talk, you told me you had nothing to talk with me, and we spent hours like that. Guillermo, you had a girlfriend named Paola, all of your friends were going to Acapulco in their cars, you didn't had one and you had the great idea of taking your dad's 1967 Mustang, you came back with a wrecked car. You were fearing a scolding, when I should've been the one afraid of why you didn't had the trust to asked me to teach you how to drive instead of running the risk of killing yourself. Now is your turn. Eva: No. All you just said, Camilo could have told you. Jacobo: Yes? Eva: Yes. Jacobo: Quit that challenging face Eva. Hey, look at me. You and me alone sitting on that table. (flashback. León: Your place is here, next to me, in front of the company. Eva: Dad, but see I already made all of the exams. I was accepted in the University. You know I always wanted to study Art History is my dream! León: Yes, I had dreams too and I had to put them aside and you know why? For you my love, for my kids, for the company. Eva: I don't have kids! León: But someday you will. Eva: No I don't want to! León: And you have to be ready for that day and stop losing your time! And you're going to stay here and you're going to study administration. Because I want to be proud of you, I don't want you to throw your life away my love, get it. You're going with me everyday to the company, you're going to see what happens there, because one day, you're going to be in front of the Carvajal group. Okay?) Jacobo: You were yelling me you wanted to go to Europe to study Art History. But that mistaken father who didn't listen got stubborn and told you, you were going to be the best person to manage the Carvajal company. Something more? Val: Dad... Val: I'm glad you came back because... we need you. Guille: Dad was always here. Eva, are you okay? Eva: I'm really confused. Everything you told us, was only known by my dad. I don't know what to think. Jacobo: It's difficult to assimilate all of this, isn't it? And I think there are too many things we need to talk about. So I'm going to ask you to please leave me alone with Eva. Val: Yes, yes. Eva: Tell me. I'm listening. Jacobo: Yes, you're going to listen to me. But in the place you and me fix things.
3 - [APARTMENT] Lupe: They don't stop talking about Valentina's sister in the news. Do you think she's going to jail? Juls: No, shut up. (door) Lupe: Are you waiting for someone? Juls: No... what's the hurry... woah! Panchito Panchito: Good night. Juls: So dapper. Panchito: Thanks. Lupe: Did we say we were going out today? Panchito: No. Juls: What?... oh, well I'm going to sleep. I'm putting on my headphones, don't worry. And TV on. Lupe: Why so dressed up? Where do you come from, or where are you going?... Do you want a coffee? Panchito: Yes.
4 - [CARVAJAL HOUSE] Val: What do you do in a moment like this? Should we go with Jacob- with dad and hug him? Guille: How should we call him? But I think the most important is for him to talk with Eva, right? Val: What do you think will happen to her? Guille: No idea. But was she did, she crossed the line. And I don't even know if, dad, as Jacobo, can do something. Who's going to believe him? Val: Don't say that out loud because... why do you think he came back? Guille: No idea. Perhaps to help us. Perhaps to end some unfinished business. Who knows, ask Camilo, he knows everything. Val: You ask Camilo. Guille: But I don't think we should worry about that in this moment. Val: You're right. Guille: Well, I'm going to Renata's apartment. If anything happens call me. Val: Obviously. Guille: Yes? Val: Yes... Be careful. [LUCIA'S ROOM] Lucia: Yes? Val: It's Vale. Lucia: Come in Valentina. Come in, come in. Come. Val: I came to ask you if you know about dad. Lucia: Yes. Val: I thought I'd find you happier, honestly. Lucia: It's strange. It's something wonderful but its been difficult for me to understand. Val: Yes.. Lucia: To really assimilate that your father resuscitated in someone else's body is-, I don't know if I can. Val: You can. We can. It's going to take some time but- what's happening is beautiful, really. Val: I came, firstly because I wanted to thank you. Because of everything you've done while he wasn't here. How you took care of us and- thank you. Honestly, thank you, you've been really important [to us]. Lucia: I did it from the heart. Val: I know. Lucia: Where is he now. Val: He is with Eva. That's the other thing I wanted to talk with you, things aren't looking good at all for Eva and I know you have your differences and I respect that, you know? but Eva needs a lot of containment in this moment and she needs her family, and you're her family too. Lucia: I'm going to do whatever is necessary to make sure she's fine. Believe me. Val: I know.
Se mamo Juliana con el: me voy a poner audífonos y la tele bien prendida 🤣
Bien que sabe la niña
No hubo Juliantina pero Maca nos hizo la noche 😍 en IG
Suuuper me hizo reír después de que estuve llorando , cuando Val abrazó a León jiji!! Fue buena ecena ! 😅😅
@@ariadnaserrano4772 que es lo que publico??
Y creo qe mañana va tener un accidente juliana
Me vale madre la familia de val necesito juliantina.
eme arg Jajajaja
Xd jajajaj
PTM jajájaja
same 😂😂
La verdad que me conmovio la escena de Leon y Valentina abrazandose, llore mucho cuando vi esa parte 😢😭❤
Como voy a extrañar mucho esta novela y verla a mis niñas Juliantina, tendre que ir al psicologo por todo los estados emocionales que pase 😂😂😂
De verdad que el reencuentro Carvajal me mato.... 😭😭😭
Aun que no dieran juliantina fue un capítulo intensoo...
No me creó que ya esta por terminar todo... 😭😭😭😭😭
¿Cuándo se acaba? Por fa
@@mon1489 el domingo es el gran final... 💔
@@yosoyval8066 aahhh gracias por decirme! como sólo veo a Juliantina no me entero de lo demás jaja. ¿A qué hora es? (para esperar el video al terminar :D)
@@mon1489 así comenze hasta que me pegue a la novela completa por ellas jajajaja
El final lo transmitirán a las 8
@@yosoyval8066 jajaj Gracias!! :D
Like si lo estas viendo ahora antes de que lo vuelvan a bloquear TT
No lo pude ver lo bloquearon y no se q paso
Coño no entiendo por que los bloquean , hay vídeos horribles de otros casos que no son de la novela que no bloquean y estos capítulos que son normales uno tiene que verlos una vez y rápido antes que los quiten . Que Rabia. Uno madruga para verlos y se topa a veces con que lo bloquearon. Espero que me dejen ver el final .
Lloré con el momento de los hermanos, y me cagué de risa con lo de Juls
No te rindes y sigues subiendolos que genia. Mil gracias!
Gracias Nat!!!!! Estamos a portas del final y tú al pié del cañon con todos quienes por ti podemos ver esta gran historia... a hora descansa que es tarde...un abrazo!!!!!!
Ya espero con ansias otro beso Juliantina! 😍😍, debo mantener la calma, ya está cerca!
Mmmm la gente esperando con ansiedad y apenas salgan con una chichipatada..osea un pico fatal muerte lenta
Aparte de juliantina amo la novela también 😂❤
SoyFanDeSeries No mientan las dos 😉
@@giselagh82 de veras me gusta la novela entera! Claro está aaaamooo más a mis Juliantinas!
Olga Paredes mmm... 🤨 ok 😉
@@giselagh82 😉😉😉😄😊😊okis!
Excelente... 👏👏
Estuvo la escena del reencuentro de los Carvajal.
Que fuerte el alma de León (padre de Val) en el cuerpo de el Chino (padre de Juls).
Vamos a ver que pasa el día hoy.
Ahre entre re rápido por qué luego lo bloquean , gracias por subir los capítulos 😊.
Wey, bien bonita la reunión de la familia Carvajal y todo. Perooo. ¡¡¡¿Y mi Juliantina?!!!
El abrazo de Val y su padre 😍😭
Como todos los vídeos que subes de #Juliantina te doy las gracias por sacar tiempo y subirlos!!!
Estoy un poco freakeada porque me duele mucho el alma y las entrañas de ver que Televisa se jodió con la novela (no dejo de lado algunas escenas buenísimas de nuestras chicas, entre otras) pero que mal, iniciar algo tan bello, arruinarlo casi desde el comienzo de ellas y capítulo tras capítulo teniéndonos así para que al final, en el puritico final las reconcilie.... En serio que hay mucha lección en esta novela!!!
Y por favor, con los sentimientos del fandom no se juega señoras y señores, somos teleaudiencia y con la comunidad no se juega y lo digo con la mejor de las intenciones!!!!
Gracias Speedy 😘
La historia que cuenta Jacobo del cumpleaños de Valentina me encantó, fue un capítulo conmovedor
Muchas gracias por compartirlo natppy1, sos una genia, no me cansaré de repetirlo una y mil veces!!! Termina otro mes, termina febreroy te convertiste en esa personita que esperamos muchos, cada noche, cada madrugada para los que estamos lejos, para compartir la novela. Quizás algunos puedan llegar a pensar "pero es sólo una novela", Sí, es verdad, pero el hecho de compartir significó noche tras noche, horas para grabar, editar, subir, y eso significa tiempo, y eso es lo que valoro, el tiempo de tu vida que nos regalaste para que pudiéramos disfrutar de algo que nos gusta. Ya estamos a 1 de marzo de 2019, pronto finalizará la novela Amar a Muerte, pero seguiré aquí esperando lo que nos quieras compartir en tu canal... MUCHAS GRACIAS POR TODO!!!
Aiing todos los días espero estos capítulos 😍😘😍con ansias 🙈
Hasta llore en el momento que Jacobo (León )les contaba sobre todo lo que vivieron con el 😘😍🙈
Hijos De Dios! Me van a querer resolver lo de juliantina en un pinche capítulo y yo necesito maaaaas
Sac Zuzu jaja asi baser toda mendiga semana esperando
Gracias por siempre editar para nosotros. eres lo mas❤️
Gracias, por soltar os melhores capitulos.😚👏👏👏👏
Cómo son...por dios!! Maldita sociedad, lo de Val y Juls es amor al fin, se merecen una buena escena romántica y un final juntas y tranquilas. Pero la producción seguramente se dejó llevar por el miedo, en definitiva si la gente vio todo lo novela por un capítulo más intenso para ellas no les va a cambiar en nada 😟😔
ahhh!!! Dios !! la verdad juliantinas me gusta pero el drama familiar el rencuentro ah!!! llega al corazón, jacobo como papa es lindoo ah!! buu ya estamos por el final que pasara con eva jajaja me a llegado a gustar la novela jejeje.
Los Carvajal te hacen llorar y Juliana haciendo de mal tercio, entre Lupe y pachito, y diciendo que se va poner audífonos y la tele me hicieron la noche. Gracias Natppy1
X2 😢😢😭😄😃😀😅
Esa Lupe va a armar pelea de lobos! 🐺🌚
Muchas gracias por publicar los videos de Juliantina !!! Por favor, ponga subtítulos en portugués ... Aquí en Brasil viendo su canal. Gracias !!
Lloré que capítulo más conmovedor T_T
El recuentro de los carvajal me hizo llorar😭😭
No sé cuanto falta para que se acabe esto pero realmente necesito un final con las juliantinas juntas!!! Televisa csm!!! >:v
El domingo se acaba :c
Hilary Stacy El Domingo termina
Gio E. van a pasar la novela sábado y domingo?
yamila mansilla No. Mañana Viernes y ya después el Domingo con un especial de dos horas!
Gio E. ahh gracias!
Gille : “ como los llamamo ?
Yo: llámenlo papá chofer 😹😹😹
natppy1 muchiiiiisssiiiimas gracias 😊 por tu trabajo tiempo y dedicación al subir cada vídeo de las juliantinas eres una genia 😘😘
Anhelaba este video.... gracias
No quiero que se acabe la novela😥🌺
Hey gracias por tomar minutos o talvez horas de tu tiempo para subir estos capítulos tan emocionantes y no tener que esperar la novela porque en mi pais esta atrasada total mente
Juliana va a tener papi nuevo .! Y Val genial cómo 100pre en su actuación
Lloré con las escenas de Jacobo/León con sus hijos diciendoles quien es realmente!😭❤ neta gracias por los vídeos❤
Que cena dos três filhos com o Pai Eu choro toda vez que assisto, é muito boa.
Me tengo que despertar mas o menos a esta hora para ver el capitulo antes que lo bloqueen en mi pais. Lastima que nada de Juliantina. Ojala que televisa le den un buen final.a.las chicas vamos por un beso vamosss.
Gracias po poner la série 😀😘😘👏💪👍
Que hermoso reencuentro 👏👏😉
JULIANA: -viendo como estúpida--ah que? Ya me voy a dormir,con audífonos y la tele bien prendida
Gracias 😍 me encanta
Hay gracias estaba esperando a que lo subiera Muchas gracias ❤
Graciasss!!! Saludos...🇦🇷🇦🇷
#llorocomovalentina jaja qué pecado, pero es que cada 3 capítulos llora
Muy intenso hace rato pero todos estos capitulos siento que son también una pérdida de la historia Juliantina feliz😭
Me voy a poder audífonos eh no se preocupen 😂😂
Siempre tan puntual!!! Te amo!!! Obvio deje todo por ver este capitulo que ayer me dejó 😮
Qué bien actua Macarena (Valentina) le creo todo.
sundaepanda 👌👏
Joder, Como llore 💔
Gracias hoy si alcance a verlo, UPS ya falta nada para que termine, espero que sea un buen final, pasan los días y casi nada de Juliantina 😞 haber cómo se la sacan al final, tomando en cuenta que solo serán dos capítulos más.
Estaba a punto de quedarme dormida cuando vi la notificación? Gracias Natppy
Qué curioso... El mismo tipo es el papá de las dos, para Juliana el cuerpo para y Valentina en alma.
Creo que valentina es la más sensata de los tres hermanos.
Me da mucha pena por que Lucía tendrá un final muy triste, hoy lo dijo angelike, ella merecía un bonito final, siempre apoyo a los hijos de León y realmente amaba a su esposo, sin saber que estaba en otro cuerpo 😢
Lucía se lo merece por culera.
Gracias gracias
They are both beautiful
estos días , mi parte favorita del día es cuando subes un episodio **o**
I learn more how to value your friendship, i love it cute and sweet...
Gracias nappty eres la mejor siempre subes los videos super rapidos para nosotros aunque siempre bloquen los video siempre los subes rapidos para q los podamos disfrutar eres la mejor q mal q youtube bloque los videos gracias por todo 😘😘
Jajajajaja juliana me hizo reir
Excelente ...escena...👍👍👍👍
Vine volando antes de que lo bloqueen 😱😱
Jjjjjj la suegris cada vez más alborotadita.jjjjjj
gracias natppy1 me hiciste feliz
Gracias!!! 😘👏👏👏
Me voy a poner audífonos 😂😂
Val se reporto en el live de juliantina fans ultimo ..yo morí
Yo deberás no entiendo como van a resolver todo esto en 2 capítulos, estubo interesante el capitulo de hoy pero definitivamente ya nos fregamos con el tema de juliantina xq no creo q en este relajo de la novela le vayan a dedicar mucho tiempo a ellas q tristeza 😥 m quédare con muchas ganas de escenas d ellas 2 q lamentable q está linda historia termine asi en el aire
Perdone mi ignorancia pero cuándo es la fecha del final? por fa
Pues eso es porque está todo hecho de antemano y no contaban con la repercusión de Juliantina. Si hubieran sabido que se iban a hacer tan populares les hubieran dado más espacio.
@@mon1489 este domingo a las 8 de la noche en el canal de las estrellas :)
@@ferkamirlo9189 Gracias!! :)
Yo creo que van a salir con un "X TIEMPO DESPUÉS" todos viven felices y en un mundo de color de rosa, y entonces como "ya nada impide que estén juntas" vuelven a salir y todos se casan y son felices (como siempre en televisa jajajaja). Pero ya veremos
Aaghh no #juliantina in one scene..again😢😢😢😢almost end..jajajaja natpappy1 thank you😘😘
Sera que fui la unica que lloro con el momento carvajal..
:V Amo tantooooo!
Maca entro hoy al live de la pagina de insta Juliantinafans, y dijo q hay sorpresas, le aviso Carlos Bardasano q en otras ocasiones ha estado en el live, y es el productor de Amar a muerte 😍😍😍😍
Del final?? O habra segunda temporada o spin off?? Xq creo que eso seria una sorpresa el spin off o segunda temporada
La juls me voy a poner los audífonos y la tele bien prendida 😂😂😂
la neta que si no solucionan el tema de Juliantina, y muchos otras tramas más que las tienen a medias, pues les toca sacar otra temporada y eso será algo positivo...Pensemos positivo!!!
Hoy no estuvieron juntas,😥😥
So... phewww so much talking in this episode. *TRANSLATION* as replies as usual. (4 parts)
Eva: What? The driver is our dad?
Val: Do you feel okay?
Guille: I'm perfectly fine Valentina. And even thought it seems like a lie, I swear it's true.
Eva: I can't believe you're pranking us like this. What's wrong with you Guille? Don't you see how am I?!
Guille: It isn't a prank Eva! Do you believe I'd make up something like this?
Val: Do you really believe what you're saying?
Guille: Yes I do.
Jacobo: I understand you're surprised because this sounds absurd.
Eva: Of course I'm surprised. I'm surprised you're helping my brother to prank me like this, what's wrong with you? Who do you think you are?-
Guille: It isn't a prank Eva!! Please, stop being stubborn. Listen to him.
Jacobo: Don't worry Guille, this is the normal reaction everyone has when we talk about this. That's the reaction I had the first time I saw myself like this in a mirror, and I thought it was a dream or a nightmare.
Val: Jacobo you're not understanding something. Our father was killed right in front of our eyes. We buried him.
Jacobo: Vale, what you're not getting is that I am León Carvajal. I am your father. And yes, as you know I died in an operating room and for your information, even when it sounds absurd, I resuscitated. As if it was magic, I don't know it sounds better for you, I ended up resuscitating in the body of a sicario called "El Chino" Valdés. A guy who killed a federal judge and was sent to the electric chair in Texas.
Eva: What? Are you saying that my father's soul resuscitated in the body of a sicario?
Jacobo: Broadly speaking is called transmigration Eva.
Val: That's what happened to Juliana's dad.
Eva: Valentina explain yourself.
Val: I don't understand it completely either. Juliana is a bit worried because Jacobo, or Jacobo's body, is actually the body of Juliana's father who's El Chino, but it seems that the soul of her father is in another body, of a person called Beltrán.
Eva: I can't believe it. Everyone here lost their mind.
Val: That's what I understand but-
Jacobo: What Valentina is saying is true. This body you're seeing is the body of Juliana's father. This container, shell or whatever you want to call it is El Chino Valdés. Try to see behind these eyes if there's someone, [if there] is the soul of your father, León Carvajal, and that has to do with you. Valentina, Guille, Eva.
Eva: That can't be true. People's soul don't go jumping from one body to another, that's impossible.
Jacobo: As I just explained to you Eva, that has a name and is called soul's transmigration, which happens when someone dies and the soul transmigrates into another body.
Eva: Not true. Human beings die and that's it. There's nothing more. They never comeback.
Guille: Eva, I know it's difficult to understand. I saw when my father got killed. We buried him. I cried for him. But it's true.
Eva: Guille, I'd also love for dad to be here, but he's gone.
Guille: Camilo-
Eva: How d o you dare to say something like that?
Guille: Camilo kept sending us signs Eva. He has being studying this phenomenon for years. And all of those absurd theories, the ones we used to laughed at, are true. There's life after death, and here's the proof.
2 -
Val: So are you, are you my dad?
Eva: Of course not Valentina, that's not true. And what about you? If you were really our dad, why are you saying this until now? Why did you come to this house as if you were a driver?
Jacobo: The first thing I did after crossing the U.S. border was coming to my house by force of habit, and evidently Fabricio threw me out. It was obvious that was going to happened but it didn't even crossed my mind. I decided to talk to Camilo, and he didn't believed me either. I thought that because he was one of my closest persons and someone who had studied this for a long time it was going to be easy, but it was difficult for him to believe.
Eva: That doesn't explain my question.
Val: Camilo always talk about dad as if he was never gone.
Guille: That's true.
Eva: But you're still not answering my question. Why did you wait so long to tell us you are our father?
Jacobo: Do you want to know? Eva, because I decided to keep it a secret. I thought it was better to keep it a secret and I found out that this body was a great shell to figure out many truths that were hidden in this house and the most important of all was who was responsible of my own dead.
Eva: Are you saying that my father resuscitated to have his vengeance and play detective? My dad wouldn't do that. I don't have anything more to do here, I have more important things to do.
Jacobo: No, you don't have anything more important to do than staying here. Because you put us all in a huge problem okay? So yes, your father is back to help you.
Eva: No, I don't want the help of a driver!
Jacobo: Do you want evidences? Valentina, do you need evidence? You were 6 years old and your mother was dying of cancer, her last wish was for you to have a happy birthday. And as a dumb parent, I decided to bring you a clown which is what you hated the most and you ran off to your room, where you locked yourself. I walk through this hallway to your door which was closed. We tried to talk, you told me you had nothing to talk with me, and we spent hours like that. Guillermo, you had a girlfriend named Paola, all of your friends were going to Acapulco in their cars, you didn't had one and you had the great idea of taking your dad's 1967 Mustang, you came back with a wrecked car. You were fearing a scolding, when I should've been the one afraid of why you didn't had the trust to asked me to teach you how to drive instead of running the risk of killing yourself. Now is your turn.
Eva: No. All you just said, Camilo could have told you.
Jacobo: Yes?
Eva: Yes.
Jacobo: Quit that challenging face Eva. Hey, look at me. You and me alone sitting on that table.
(flashback. León: Your place is here, next to me, in front of the company.
Eva: Dad, but see I already made all of the exams. I was accepted in the University. You know I always wanted to study Art History is my dream!
León: Yes, I had dreams too and I had to put them aside and you know why? For you my love, for my kids, for the company.
Eva: I don't have kids!
León: But someday you will.
Eva: No I don't want to!
León: And you have to be ready for that day and stop losing your time! And you're going to stay here and you're going to study administration. Because I want to be proud of you, I don't want you to throw your life away my love, get it. You're going with me everyday to the company, you're going to see what happens there, because one day, you're going to be in front of the Carvajal group. Okay?)
Jacobo: You were yelling me you wanted to go to Europe to study Art History. But that mistaken father who didn't listen got stubborn and told you, you were going to be the best person to manage the Carvajal company. Something more?
Val: Dad...
Val: I'm glad you came back because... we need you.
Guille: Dad was always here. Eva, are you okay?
Eva: I'm really confused. Everything you told us, was only known by my dad. I don't know what to think.
Jacobo: It's difficult to assimilate all of this, isn't it? And I think there are too many things we need to talk about. So I'm going to ask you to please leave me alone with Eva.
Val: Yes, yes.
Eva: Tell me. I'm listening.
Jacobo: Yes, you're going to listen to me. But in the place you and me fix things.
Lupe: They don't stop talking about Valentina's sister in the news. Do you think she's going to jail?
Juls: No, shut up.
Lupe: Are you waiting for someone?
Juls: No... what's the hurry... woah! Panchito
Panchito: Good night.
Juls: So dapper.
Panchito: Thanks.
Lupe: Did we say we were going out today?
Panchito: No.
Juls: What?... oh, well I'm going to sleep. I'm putting on my headphones, don't worry. And TV on.
Lupe: Why so dressed up? Where do you come from, or where are you going?... Do you want a coffee?
Panchito: Yes.
Val: What do you do in a moment like this? Should we go with Jacob- with dad and hug him?
Guille: How should we call him? But I think the most important is for him to talk with Eva, right?
Val: What do you think will happen to her?
Guille: No idea. But was she did, she crossed the line. And I don't even know if, dad, as Jacobo, can do something. Who's going to believe him?
Val: Don't say that out loud because... why do you think he came back?
Guille: No idea. Perhaps to help us. Perhaps to end some unfinished business. Who knows, ask Camilo, he knows everything.
Val: You ask Camilo.
Guille: But I don't think we should worry about that in this moment.
Val: You're right.
Guille: Well, I'm going to Renata's apartment. If anything happens call me.
Val: Obviously.
Guille: Yes?
Val: Yes... Be careful.
Lucia: Yes?
Val: It's Vale.
Lucia: Come in Valentina. Come in, come in. Come.
Val: I came to ask you if you know about dad.
Lucia: Yes.
Val: I thought I'd find you happier, honestly.
Lucia: It's strange. It's something wonderful but its been difficult for me to understand.
Val: Yes..
Lucia: To really assimilate that your father resuscitated in someone else's body is-, I don't know if I can.
Val: You can. We can. It's going to take some time but- what's happening is beautiful, really.
Val: I came, firstly because I wanted to thank you. Because of everything you've done while he wasn't here. How you took care of us and- thank you. Honestly, thank you, you've been really important [to us].
Lucia: I did it from the heart.
Val: I know.
Lucia: Where is he now.
Val: He is with Eva. That's the other thing I wanted to talk with you, things aren't looking good at all for Eva and I know you have your differences and I respect that, you know? but Eva needs a lot of containment in this moment and she needs her family, and you're her family too.
Lucia: I'm going to do whatever is necessary to make sure she's fine. Believe me.
Val: I know.
This was a great episode. ❤ Thanks AK. 😊
Por favor sube por parte los capítulos 61 y 62 siento que me perdí de mucho
Gracias por subir o vídeo ; Pero queiro ve a juliantina porfa Las amo ❤️ Ilove you Valentina mucho
La novela se estrena este lunes en mi país pero yo no pude aguantar la espera y aquí estamos
Sos la mejor gracias :D
Eng subs plz. What happened?
Esperar desde las 10:00 para ver el capítulo antes de que lo bloquen y nada 😑#Juliantina
Val: ya me voy a voy a poner los audifonos....y la tele bien prendida......
Que tanto puede gritar lupita???? Jajajaja
Tienes razon es juls.....estaba pensando mas en los gemidos que me equivoque 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hola gracias. El de ayer solo vi la mitad BUENO LO IMPORTANTE , y después ya lo habían bloqueado 😞
Muchas gracias nena.
Gracias 😘
Estamos a nada de que termine la novela y aún no hay juliantina.... no puedo más las necesito juntas please!!
Alguien sabe que pasará en el segundo avance ???
Estuvo muy bueno emocionante q pasara con Mateo lo tiene el alacran
Primer comentario. Gracias por los videos, fue súper rápido
¡Guay! Pero todavía añoro a Juliantina.
Gracias ❤
12:29 Juls : what ? Ahh , I'm going to sleep , I'm going to put headphones Ehh don't worry ! Hahahaaha 😂 I can't 😂
Ta sha you are naughty hahaha
Every budy seem happy🤗🤗😍😍😍😘😘😘 # smiling # gathering wow!!
graxs por subir este video...algo es algo no???😉
Listo llegue como flash
ya mire toda la seria con estas partes lol