If you want a real Adventure, don't go kayaking on a Rough River or climb a mountain. Just quit your job once you have learned it. And the next job, and the next job. Don't be a one job horse. Bob Black wrote a beautiful book called the abolition of work.... Thank you for helping NPR be less hidebound.
Step into the forest. Forget the trees. Simplify, and look to Nature. Stop punching the time clock. Blow up your alarm clock. On bear Butte, perhaps the most sacred Mountain in the world, I discovered a pile of beautiful old clocks hidden in a thick Grove of bushes. This of course was metaphorical art placed there by some medicine person. As Herman Melville said, Give It Up, sub Subs.... :-)... :-)... :-)...
Haha, it sounds here like Blake is having a fight with himself. And that he hasn't learned Jiu Jitsu yet!
If you want a real Adventure, don't go kayaking on a Rough River or climb a mountain. Just quit your job once you have learned it. And the next job, and the next job. Don't be a one job horse. Bob Black wrote a beautiful book called the abolition of work.... Thank you for helping NPR be less hidebound.
To make a beautiful and fluid song, syllables and words have to be easily sung as notes.
Step into the forest. Forget the trees. Simplify, and look to Nature. Stop punching the time clock. Blow up your alarm clock. On bear Butte, perhaps the most sacred Mountain in the world, I discovered a pile of beautiful old clocks hidden in a thick Grove of bushes. This of course was metaphorical art placed there by some medicine person. As Herman Melville said, Give It Up, sub Subs.... :-)... :-)... :-)...