Abdul Rahman Al Ossi - Surah Yusuf (12) Beautiful Recitation

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 ม.ค. 2025

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    Surah Yusuf (Prophet Joseph)
    12.1 Alif. Lam. Ra. These are verse of the Scripture that maketh plain. 'Alif-Lām-Rā Tilka 'Āyātu Al-Kitābi Al-Mubīni
    12.2 Lo! We have revealed it, a Lecture in Arabic, that ye may understand. 'Innā 'Anzalnāhu Qur'ānāan `Arabīyāan La`allakum Ta`qilūna
    12.3 We narrate unto thee (Muhammad) the best of narratives in that We have inspired in thee this Qur´an, though aforetime thou wast of the heedless. Naĥnu Naquşşu `Alayka 'Aĥsana Al-Qaşaşi Bimā 'Awĥaynā 'Ilayka Hādhā Al-Qur'āna Wa 'In Kunta Min Qablihi Lamina Al-Ghāfilīna
    12.4 When Joseph said unto his father: O my father! Lo! I saw in a dream eleven planets and the sun and the moon, I saw them prostrating themselves unto me. 'Idh Qāla Yūsufu Li'abīhi Yā 'Abati 'Innī Ra'aytu 'Aĥada `Ashara Kawkabāan Wa Ash-Shamsa Wa Al-Qamara Ra'aytuhum Lī Sājidīna
    12.5 He said: O my dear son! Tell not thy brethren of thy vision, lest they plot a plot against thee. Lo! Satan is for man an open foe. Qāla Yā Bunayya Lā Taqşuş Ru'uyā Ka `Alá 'Ikhwatika Fayakīdū Laka Kaydāan 'Inna Ash-Shayţāna Lil'insāni `Adūwun Mubīnun
    12.6 Thus thy Lord will prefer thee and will teach thee the interpretation of events, and will perfect His grace upon thee and upon the family of Jacob as He perfected it upon thy forefathers, Abraham and Isaac. Lo! thy Lord is Knower, Wise. Wa Kadhalika Yajtabīka Rabbuka Wa Yu`allimuka Min Ta'wīli Al-'Aĥādīthi Wa Yutimmu Ni`matahu `Alayka Wa `Alá 'Āli Ya`qūba Kamā 'Atammahā `Alá 'Abawayka Min Qablu 'Ibrāhīma Wa 'Isĥāqa 'Inna Rabbaka `Alīmun Ĥakīmun
    12.7 Verily in Joseph and his brethren are signs (of Allah´s Sovereignty) for the inquiring. Laqad Kāna Fī Yūsufa Wa 'Ikhwatihi 'Āyātun Lilssā'ilīna
    12.8 When they said: Verily Joseph and his brother are dearer to our father than we are, many though we be. Lo! our father is in plain aberration. 'Idh Qālū Layūsufu Wa 'Akhūhu 'Aĥabbu 'Ilá 'Abīnā Minnā Wa Naĥnu `Uşbatun 'Inna 'Abānā Lafī Đalālin Mubīnin
    12.9 (One said): Kill Joseph or cast him to some (other) land, so that your father´s favour may be all for you, and (that) ye may afterward be righteous folk. Aqtulū Yūsufa 'Awi Aţraĥūhu 'Arđāan Yakhlu Lakum Wajhu 'Abīkum Wa Takūnū Min Ba`dihi Qawmāan Şāliĥīna
    12.10 One among them said: Kill not Joseph but, if ye must be doing, fling him into the depth of the pit; some caravan will find him. Qāla Qā'ilun Minhum Lā Taqtulū Yūsufa Wa 'Alqūhu Fī Ghayābati Al-Jubbi Yaltaqiţhu Ba`đu As-Sayyārati 'In Kuntum Fā`ilīna
    12.11 They said: O our father! Why wilt thou not trust us with Joseph, when lo! we are good friends to him? Qālū Yā 'Abānā Mā Laka Lā Ta'mannā `Alá Yūsufa Wa 'Innā Lahu Lanāşiĥūna
    12.12 Send him with us to-morrow that he may enjoy himself and play. And lo! we shall take good care of him. 'Arsilhu Ma`anā Ghadāan Yarta` Wa Yal`ab Wa 'Innā Lahu Laĥāfižūna
    12.13 He said: Lo! in truth it saddens me that ye should take him with you, and I fear less the wolf devour him while ye are heedless of him. Qāla 'Innī Layaĥzununī 'An Tadh/habū Bihi Wa 'Akhāfu 'An Ya'kulahu Adh-Dhi'bu Wa 'Antum `Anhu Ghāfilūna
    12.14 They said: If the wolf should devour him when we are (so strong) a band, then surely we should have already perished. Qālū La'in 'Akalahu Adh-Dhi'bu Wa Naĥnu `Uşbatun 'Innā 'Idhāan Lakhāsirūna
    12.15 Then, when they led him off, and were of one mind that they should place him in the depth of the pit, We inspired in him: Thou wilt tell them of this deed of theirs when they know (thee) not. Falammā Dhahabū Bihi Wa 'Ajma`ū 'An Yaj`alūhu Fī Ghayābati Al-Jubbi Wa 'Awĥaynā 'Ilayhi Latunabbi'annahum Bi'amrihim Hādhā Wa Hum Lā Yash`urūna
    12.16 And they came weeping to their father in the evening. Wa Jā'ū 'Abāhum `Ishā'an Yabkūna
    12.17 Saying: O our father! We went racing one with another, and left Joseph by our things, and the wolf devoured him, and thou believest not our saying even when we speak the truth. Qālū Yā 'Abānā 'Innā Dhahabnā Nastabiqu Wa Taraknā Yūsufa `Inda Matā`inā Fa'akalahu Adh-Dhi'bu Wa Mā 'Anta Bimu'uminin Lanā Wa Law Kunnā Şādiqīna
    12.18 And they came with false blood on his shirt. He said: Nay, but your minds have beguiled you into something. (My course is) comely patience. And Allah it is Whose help is to be sought in that (predicament) which ye describe. Wa Jā'ū `Alá Qamīşihi Bidamin Kadhibin Qāla Bal Sawwalat Lakum 'Anfusukum 'Amrāan Faşabrun Jamīlun Wa Allāhu Al-Musta`ānu `Alá Mā Taşifūna
    12.19 And there came a caravan, and they sent their waterdrawer. He let down his pail (into the pit). He said: Good luck! Here is a youth. And they hid him as a treasure, and Allah was Aware of what they did. Wa Jā'at Sayyāratun Fa'arsalū Wa Aridahum Fa'adlá Dalwahu Qāla Yā Bushrá Hādhā Ghulāmun Wa 'Asarrūhu Biđā`atan Wa Allāhu `Alīmun Bimā Ya`malūna
    12.20 And they sold him for a low price, a number of silver coins; and they attached no value to him. Wa Sharawhu Bithamanin Bakhsin Darāhima Ma`dūdatin Wa Kānū Fīhi Mina Az-Zāhidīna
    12.21 And he of Egypt who purchased him said unto his wife: Receive him honourably. Perchance he may prove useful to us or we may adopt him as a son. Thus we established Joseph in the land that We might teach him the interpretation of events. And Allah was predominant in His career, but most of mankind know not. Wa Qāla Al-Ladhī Ashtarāhu Min Mişra Li'imra'atihi 'Akrimī Mathwāhu `Asá 'An Yanfa`anā 'Aw Nattakhidhahu Waladāan Wa Kadhalika Makkannā Liyūsufa Fī Al-'Arđi Wa Linu`allimahu Min Ta'wīli Al-'Aĥādīthi Wa Allāhu Ghālibun `Alá 'Amrihi Wa Lakinna 'Akthara An-Nāsi Lā Ya`lamūna
    12.22 And And when he reached his prime We gave him wisdom and knowledge. Thus We reward the good. Wa Lammā Balagha 'Ashuddahu 'Ātaynāhu Ĥukmāan Wa `Ilmāan Wa Kadhalika Najzī Al-Muĥsinīna
    12.23 And she, in whose house he was, asked of him an evil act. She bolted the doors and said: Come! He said: I seek refuge in Allah! Lo! he is my lord, who hath treated me honourably. Lo! wrong-doers never prosper. Wa Rāwadat/hu Allatī Huwa Fī Baytihā `An Nafsihi Wa Ghallaqati Al-'Abwāba Wa Qālat Hayta Laka Qāla Ma`ādha Allāhi 'Innahu Rabbī 'Aĥsana Mathwāya 'Innahu Lā Yufliĥu Až-Žālimūna
    12.24 She verily desired him, and he would have desired her if it had not been that he saw the argument of his Lord. Thus it was, that We might ward off from him evil and lewdness. Lo! he was of Our chosen slaves. Wa Laqad Hammat Bihi Wa Hamma Bihā Lawlā 'An Ra'á Burhāna Rabbihi Kadhālika Linaşrifa `Anhu As-Sū'a Wa Al-Faĥshā'a 'Innahu Min `Ibādinā Al-Mukhlaşīna
    12.25 And they raced with one another to the door, and she tore his shirt from behind, and they met her lord and master at the door. She said: What shall be his reward, who wisheth evil to thy folk, save prison or a painful doom? Wa Astabaqā Al-Bāba Wa Qaddat Qamīşahu Min Duburin Wa 'Alfayā Sayyidahā Ladá Al-Bābi Qālat Mā Jazā'u Man 'Arāda Bi'ahlika Sū'āan 'Illā 'An Yusjana 'Aw `Adhābun 'Alīmun
    12.26 (Joseph) said: She it was who asked of me an evil act. And a witness of her own folk testified: If his shirt is torn from before, then she speaketh truth and he is of the liars. Qāla Hiya Rāwadatnī `An Nafsī Wa Shahida Shāhidun Min 'Ahlihā 'In Kāna Qamīşuhu Qudda Min Qubulin Faşadaqat Wa Huwa Mina Al-Kādhibīna
    12.27 And if his shirt is torn from behind, then she hath lied and he is of the truthful. Wa 'In Kāna Qamīşuhu Qudda Min Duburin Fakadhabat Wa Huwa Mina Aş-Şādiqīna
    12.28 So when he saw his shirt torn from behind, he said: Lo! this is of the guile of you women. Lo! the guile of you is very great. Falammā Ra'á Qamīşahu Qudda Min Duburin Qāla 'Innahu Min Kaydikunna 'Inna Kaydakunna `Ažīmun
    12.29 O Joseph! Turn away from this, and thou, (O woman), ask forgiveness for thy sin. Lo! thou art of the faulty. Yūsufu 'A`riđ `An Hādhā Wa Astaghfirī Lidhanbiki 'Innaki Kunti Mina Al-Khāţi'īna
    12.30 And women in the city said: The ruler´s wife is asking of her slave-boy an ill-deed. Indeed he has smitten her to the heart with love. We behold her in plain aberration. Wa Qāla Niswatun Fī Al-Madīnati Amra'atu Al-`Azīzi Turāwidu Fatāhā `An Nafsihi Qad Shaghafahā Ĥubbāan 'Innā Lanarāhā Fī Đalālin Mubīnin
    12.31 And when she heard of their sly talk, she sent to them and prepared for them a cushioned couch (to lie on at the feast) and gave to every one of them a knife and said (to Joseph): Come out unto them! And when they saw him they exalted him and cut their hands, exclaiming: Allah Blameless! This is no a human being. This is not other than some gracious angel. Falammā Sami`at Bimakrihinna 'Arsalat 'Ilayhinna Wa 'A`tadat Lahunna Muttaka'an Wa 'Ātat Kulla Wāĥidatin Minhunna Sikkīnāan Wa Qālati Akhruj `Alayhinna Falammā Ra'aynahu 'Akbarnahu Wa Qaţţa`na 'Aydiyahunna Wa Qulna Ĥāsha Lillāhi Mā Hādhā Basharāan 'In Hādhā 'Illā Malakun Karīmun
    12.32 She said: This is he on whose account ye blamed me. I asked of him an evil act, but he proved continent, but if he do not my behest he verily shall be imprisoned, and verily shall be of those brought low. Qālat Fadhālikunna Al-Ladhī Lumtunnanī Fīhi Wa Laqad Rāwadttuhu `An Nafsihi Fāsta`şama Wa La'in Lam Yaf`al Mā 'Āmuruhu Layusjananna Wa Layakūnāan Mina Aş-Şāghirīna
    12.33 He said: O my Lord! Prison is more dear than that unto which they urge me, and if Thou fend not off their wiles from me I shall incline unto them and become of the foolish. Qāla Rabbi As-Sijnu 'Aĥabbu 'Ilayya Mimmā Yad`ūnanī 'Ilayhi Wa 'Illā Taşrif `Annī Kaydahunna 'Aşbu 'Ilayhinna Wa 'Akun Mina Al-Jāhilīna

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      12.34 So his Lord heard his prayer and fended off their wiles from him. Lo! He is Hearer, Knower. Fāstajāba Lahu Rabbuhu Faşarafa `Anhu Kaydahunna 'Innahu Huwa As-Samī`u Al-`Alīmu
      12.35 And it seemed good to them (the men-folk) after they had seen the signs (of his innocence) to imprison him for a time. Thumma Badā Lahum Min Ba`di Mā Ra'aw Al-'Āyāti Layasjununnahu Ĥattá Ĥīnin
      12.36 And two young men went to prison with him. One of them said: I dreamed that I was pressing wine. The other said: I dreamed that I was carrying upon my head bread whereof the birds were eating. Announce unto us the interpretation, for we see thee of those good (at interpretation). Wa Dakhala Ma`ahu As-Sijna Fatayāni Qāla 'Aĥaduhumā 'Innī 'Arānī 'A`şiru Khamrāan Wa Qāla Al-'Ākharu 'Innī 'Arānī 'Aĥmilu Fawqa Ra'sī Khubzāan Ta'kulu Aţ-Ţayru Minhu Nabbi'nā Bita'wīlihi 'Innā Narāka Mina Al-Muĥsinīna
      12.37 He said: The food which ye are given (daily) shall not come unto you but I shall tell you the interpretation ere it cometh unto you. This is of that which my Lord hath taught me. Lo! I have forsaken the religion of folk who believe not in Allah and are disbelievers in the Hereafter. Qāla Lā Ya'tīkumā Ţa`āmun Turzaqānihi 'Illā Nabba'tukumā Bita'wīlihi Qabla 'An Ya'tiyakumā Dhālikumā Mimmā `Allamanī Rabbī 'Innī Taraktu Millata Qawmin Lā Yu'uminūna Billāhi Wa Hum Bil-'Ākhirati Hum Kāfirūna
      12.38 And I have followed the religion of my fathers, Abraham and Isaac and Jacob. It never was for us to attribute aught as partner to Allah. This is of the bounty of Allah unto us (the seed of Abraham) and unto mankind; but most men give not thanks. Wa Attaba`tu Millata 'Ābā'ī 'Ibrāhīma Wa 'Isĥāqa Wa Ya`qūba Mā Kāna Lanā 'An Nushrika Billāhi Min Shay'in Dhālika Min Fađli Allāhi `Alaynā Wa `Alá An-Nāsi Wa Lakinna 'Akthara An-Nāsi Lā Yashkurūna
      12.39 O my fellow-prisoners! Are divers lords better, or Allah the One, Almighty? Yā Şāĥibayi As-Sijni 'A'arbābun Mutafarriqūna Khayrun 'Ami Allāhu Al-Wāĥidu Al-Qahhāru
      12.40 Those whom ye worship beside Him are but names which ye have named, ye and your fathers. Allah hath revealed no sanction for them. The decision rests with Allah only, Who hath commanded you that ye worship none save Him. This is the right religion, but most men know not. Mā Ta`budūna Min Dūnihi 'Illā 'Asmā'an Sammaytumūhā 'Antum Wa 'Ābā'uukum Mā 'Anzala Allāhu Bihā Min Sulţānin 'Ini Al-Ĥukmu 'Illā Lillāhi 'Amara 'Allā Ta`budū 'Illā 'Īyāhu Dhālika Ad-Dīnu Al-Qayyimu Wa Lakinna 'Akthara An-Nāsi Lā Ya`lamūna
      12.41 O my two fellow-prisoners! As for one of you, he will pour out wine for his lord to drink; and as for the other, he will be crucified so that the birds will eat from his head. Thus is the case judged concerning which ye did inquire. Yā Şāĥibayi As-Sijni 'Ammā 'Aĥadukumā Fayasqī Rabbahu Khamrāan Wa 'Ammā Al-'Ākharu Fayuşlabu Fata'kulu Aţ-Ţayru Min Ra'sihi Quđiya Al-'Amru Al-Ladhī Fīhi Tastaftiyāni
      12.42 And he said unto him of the twain who he knew would be released: Mention me in the presence of thy lord. But Satan caused him to forget to mention it to his lord, so he (Joseph) stayed in prison for some years. Wa Qāla Lilladhī Žanna 'Annahu Nājin Minhumā Adhkurnī `Inda Rabbika Fa'ansāhu Ash-Shayţānu Dhikra Rabbihi Falabitha Fī As-Sijni Biđ`a Sinīna
      12.43 And the king said: Lo! I saw in a dream seven fat kine which seven lean were eating, and seven green ears of corn and other (seven) dry. O notables! Expound for me my vision, if ye can interpret dreams. Wa Qāla Al-Maliku 'Innī 'Ará Sab`a Baqarātin Simānin Ya'kuluhunna Sab`un `Ijāfun Wa Sab`a Sunbulātin Khuđrin Wa 'Ukhara Yā Bisātin Yā 'Ayyuhā Al-Mala'u 'Aftūnī Fī Ru'uyā Ya 'In Kuntum Lilrru'uyā Ta`burūna
      12.44 They answered: Jumbled dreams! And we are not knowing in the interpretation of dreams. Qālū 'Ađghāthu 'Aĥlāmin Wa Mā Naĥnu Bita'wīli Al-'Aĥlāmi Bi`ālimīna
      12.45 And he of the two who was released, and (now) at length remembered, said: I am going to announce unto you the interpretation, therefore send me forth. Wa Qāla Al-Ladhī Najā Minhumā Wa Aiddakara Ba`da 'Ummatin 'Anā 'Unabbi'ukum Bita'wīlihi Fa'arsilūni
      12.46 (And when he came to Joseph in the prison, he exclaimed): Joseph! O thou truthful one! Expound for us the seven fat kine which seven lean were eating and the seven green ears of corn and other (seven) dry, that I may return unto the people, so that they may know. Yūsufu 'Ayyuhā Aş-Şiddīqu 'Aftinā Fī Sab`i Baqarātin Simānin Ya'kuluhunna Sab`un `Ijāfun Wa Sab`i Sunbulātin Khuđrin Wa 'Ukhara Yā Bisātin La`allī 'Arji`u 'Ilá An-Nāsi La`allahum Ya`lamūna
      12.47 He said: Ye shall sow seven years as usual, but that which ye reap, leave it in the ear, all save a little which ye eat. Qāla Tazra`ūna Sab`a Sinīna Da'abāan Famā Ĥaşadtum Fadharūhu Fī Sunbulihi 'Illā Qalīlāan Mimmā Ta'kulūna
      12.48 Then after that will come seven hard years which will devour all that ye have prepared for them, save a little of that which ye have stored. Thumma Ya'tī Min Ba`di Dhālika Sab`un Shidādun Ya'kulna Mā Qaddamtum Lahunna 'Illā Qalīlāan Mimmā Tuĥşinūna
      12.49 Then, after that, will come a year when the people will have plenteous crops and when they will press (wine and oil). Thumma Ya'tī Min Ba`di Dhālika `Āmun Fīhi Yughāthu An-Nāsu Wa Fīhi Ya`şirūna
      12.50 And the king said: Bring him unto me. And when the messenger came unto him, he (Joseph) said: Return unto thy lord and ask him what was the case of the women who cut their hands. Lo! my Lord knoweth their guile. Wa Qāla Al-Maliku A'tūnī Bihi Falammā Jā'ahu Ar-Rasūlu Qāla Arji` 'Ilá Rabbika Fās'alhu Mā Bālu An-Niswati Al-Lātī Qaţţa`na 'Aydiyahunna 'Inna Rabbī Bikaydihinna `Alīmun
      12.51 He (the king) (then sent for those women and) said: What happened when ye asked an evil act of Joseph? They answered: Allah Blameless! We know no evil of him. Said the wife of the ruler: Now the truth is out. I asked of him an evil act, and he is surely of the truthful. Qāla Mā Khaţbukunna 'Idh Rāwadttunna Yūsufa `An Nafsihi Qulna Ĥāsha Lillāhi Mā `Alimnā `Alayhi Min Sū'in Qālati Amra'atu Al-`Azīzi Al-'Āna Ĥaşĥaşa Al-Ĥaqqu 'Anā Rāwadttuhu `An Nafsihi Wa 'Innahu Lamina Aş-Şādiqīna
      12.52 (Then Joseph said: I asked for) this, that he (my lord) may know that I betrayed him not in secret, and that surely Allah guideth not the snare of the betrayers. Dhālika Liya`lama 'Annī Lam 'Akhunhu Bil-Ghaybi Wa 'Anna Allāha Lā Yahdī Kayda Al-Khā'inīna
      12.53 I do not exculpate myself. Lo! the (human) soul enjoineth unto evil, save that whereon my Lord hath mercy. Lo! my Lord is Forgiving, Merciful. Wa Mā 'Ubarri'u Nafsī 'Inna An-Nafsa La'ammāratun Bis-Sū'i 'Illā Mā Raĥima Rabbī 'Inna Rabbī Ghafūrun Raĥīmun
      12.54 And the king said: Bring him unto me that I may attach him to my person. And when he had talked with him he said: Lo! thou art to-day in our presence established and trusted. Wa Qāla Al-Maliku A'tūnī Bihi 'Astakhlişhu Linafsī Falammā Kallamahu Qāla 'Innaka Al-Yawma Ladaynā Makīnun 'Amīnun
      12.55 He said: Set me over the storehouses of the land. Lo! I am a skilled custodian. Qāla Aj`alnī `Alá Khazā'ini Al-'Arđi 'Innī Ĥafīžun `Alīmun
      12.56 Thus gave We power to Joseph in the land. He was the owner of it where he pleased. We reach with Our mercy whom We will. We lose not the reward of the good. Wa Kadhalika Makkannā Liyūsufa Fī Al-'Arđi Yatabawwa'u Minhā Ĥaythu Yashā'u Nuşību Biraĥmatinā Man Nashā'u Wa Lā Nuđī`u 'Ajra Al-Muĥsinīna
      12.57 And the reward of the Hereafter is better, for those who believe and ward off (evil). Wa La'ajru Al-'Ākhirati Khayrun Lilladhīna 'Āmanū Wa Kānū Yattaqūna
      12.58 And Joseph´s brethren came and presented themselves before him, and he knew them but they knew him not. Wa Jā'a 'Ikhwatu Yūsufa Fadakhalū `Alayhi Fa`arafahum Wa Hum Lahu Munkirūna
      12.59 And when he provided them with their provision he said: Bring unto me a brother of yours from your father. See ye not that I fill up the measure and I am the best of hosts? Wa Lammā Jahhazahum Bijahāzihim Qāla A'tūnī Bi'akhin Lakum Min 'Abīkum 'Alā Tarawna 'Annī 'Ūfī Al-Kayla Wa 'Anā Khayru Al-Munzilīna
      12.60 And if ye bring him not unto me, then there shall be no measure for you with me, nor shall ye draw near. Fa'in Lam Ta'tūnī Bihi Falā Kayla Lakum `Indī Wa Lā Taqrabūni
      12.61 They said: We will try to win him from his father: that we will surely do. Qālū Sanurāwidu `Anhu 'Abāhu Wa 'Innā Lafā`ilūna
      12.62 He said unto his young men: Place their merchandise in their saddlebags, so that they may know it when they go back to their folk, and so will come again. Wa Qāla Lifityānihi Aj`alū Biđā`atahum Fī Riĥālihim La`allahum Ya`rifūnahā 'Idhā Anqalabū 'Ilá 'Ahlihim La`allahum Yarji`ūna
      12.63 So when they went back to their father they said: O our father! The measure is denied us, so send with us our brother that we may obtain the measure, surely we will guard him well. Falammā Raja`ū 'Ilá 'Abīhim Qālū Yā 'Abānā Muni`a Minnā Al-Kaylu Fa'arsil Ma`anā 'Akhānā Naktal Wa 'Innā Lahu Laĥāfižūna
      12.64 He said: Can I entrust him to you save as I entrusted his brother to you aforetime? Allah is better at guarding, and He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy. Qāla Hal 'Āmanukum `Alayhi 'Illā Kamā 'Amintukum `Alá 'Akhīhi Min Qablu Fa-Allāhu Khayrun Ĥāfižāan Wa Huwa 'Arĥamu Ar-Rāĥimīna

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      12.65 And when they opened their belongings they discovered that their merchandise had been returned to them. They said: O our father! What (more) can we ask? Here is our merchandise returned to us. We shall get provision for our folk and guard our brother, and we shall have the extra measure of a camel (load). This (that we bring now) is a light measure. Wa Lammā Fataĥū Matā`ahum Wa Jadū Biđā`atahum Ruddat 'Ilayhim Qālū Yā 'Abānā Mā Nabghī Hadhihi Biđā`atunā Ruddat 'Ilaynā Wa Namīru 'Ahlanā Wa Naĥfažu 'Akhānā Wa Nazdādu Kayla Ba`īrin Dhālika Kaylun Yasīrun
      12.66 He said: I will not send him with you till ye give me an undertaking in the name of Allah that ye will bring him back to me, unless ye are surrounded. And when they gave him their undertaking he said: Allah is the Warden over what we say. Qāla Lan 'Ursilahu Ma`akum Ĥattá Tu'utūni Mawthiqāan Mina Allāhi Lata'tunanī Bihi 'Illā 'An Yuĥāţa Bikum Falammā 'Ātawhu Mawthiqahum Qāla Allāhu `Alá Mā Naqūlu Wa Kīlun
      12.67 And he said: O my sons! Go not in by one gate; go in by different gates. I can naught avail you as against Allah. Lo! the decision rests with Allah only. In Him do I put my trust, and in Him let all the trusting put their trust. Wa Qāla Yā Banīya Lā Tadkhulū Min Bābin Wāĥidin Wa Adkhulū Min 'Abwābin Mutafarriqatin Wa Mā 'Ughnī `Ankum Mina Allāhi Min Shay'in 'Ini Al-Ĥukmu 'Illā Lillāhi `Alayhi Tawakkaltu Wa `Alayhi Falyatawakkali Al-Mutawakkilūna
      12.68 And when they entered in the manner which their father had enjoined, it would have naught availed them as against Allah; it was but a need of Jacob´s soul which he thus satisfied; and lo! he was a lord of knowledge because We had taught him; but most of mankind know not. Wa Lammā Dakhalū Min Ĥaythu 'Amarahum 'Abūhum Mmā Kāna Yughnī `Anhum Mmina Allāhi Min Shay'in 'Illā Ĥājatan Fī Nafsi Ya`qūba Qađāhā Wa 'Innahu Ladhū `Ilmin Limā `Allamnāhu Wa Lakinna 'Akthara An-Nāsi Lā Ya`lamūna
      12.69 And when they went in before Joseph, he took his brother unto him, saying: Lo! I, even I, am thy brother, therefore sorrow not for what they did. Wa Lammā Dakhalū `Alá Yūsufa 'Āwá 'Ilayhi 'Akhāhu Qāla 'Innī 'Anā 'Akhūka Falā Tabta'is Bimā Kānū Ya`malūna
      12.70 And when he provided them with their provision, he put the drinking-cup in his brother´s saddlebag, and then a crier cried: O camel-riders! Lo! ye are surely thieves! Falammā Jahhazahum Bijahāzihim Ja`ala As-Siqāyata Fī Raĥli 'Akhīhi Thumma 'Adhana Mu'uadhinun 'Ayyatuhā Al-`Īru 'Innakum Lasāriqūna
      12.71 They cried, coming toward them: What is it ye have lost? Qālū Wa 'Aqbalū `Alayhim Mādhā Tafqidūna
      12.72 They said: We have lost the king´s cup, and he who bringeth it shall have a camel-load, and I (said Joseph) am answerable for it. Qālū Nafqidu Şuwā`a Al-Maliki Wa Liman Jā'a Bihi Ĥimlu Ba`īrin Wa 'Anā Bihi Za`īmun
      12.73 They said: By Allah, well ye know we came not to do evil in the land, and are no thieves. Qālū Ta-Allāhi Laqad `Alimtum Mā Ji'nā Linufsida Fī Al-'Arđi Wa Mā Kunnā Sāriqīna
      12.74 They said: And what shall be the penalty for it, if ye prove liars? Qālū Famā Jazā'uuhu 'In Kuntum Kādhibīna
      12.75 They said: The penalty for it! He in whose bag (the cup) is found, he is the penalty for it. Thus we requite wrong-doers. Qālū Jazā'uuhu Man Wujida Fī Raĥlihi Fahuwa Jazā'uuhu Kadhālika Najzī Až-Žālimīna
      12.76 Then he (Joseph) began the search with their bags before his brother´s bag, then he produced it from his brother´s bag. Thus did We contrive for Joseph. He could not have taken his brother according to the king´s law unless Allah willed. We raise by grades (of mercy) whom We will, and over every lord of knowledge there is one more knowing. Fabada'a Bi'aw`iyatihim Qabla Wi`ā'i 'Akhīhi Thumma Astakhrajahā Min Wi`ā'i 'Akhīhi Kadhālika Kidnā Liyūsufa Mā Kāna Liya'khudha 'Akhāhu Fī Dīni Al-Maliki 'Illā 'An Yashā'a Allāhu Narfa`u Darajātin Man Nashā'u Wa Fawqa Kulli Dhī `Ilmin `Alīmun
      12.77 They said: If he stealeth, a brother of his stole before. But Joseph kept it secret in his soul and revealed it not unto them. He said (within himself): Ye are in worse case, and Allah knoweth best (the truth of) that which ye allege. Qālū 'In Yasriq Faqad Saraqa 'Akhun Lahu Min Qablu Fa'asarrahā Yūsufu Fī Nafsihi Wa Lam Yubdihā Lahum Qāla 'Antum Sharrun Makānāan Wa Allāhu 'A`lamu Bimā Taşifūna
      12.78 They said: O ruler of the land! Lo! he hath a very aged father, so take one of us instead of him. Lo! we behold thee of those who do kindness. Qālū Yā 'Ayyuhā Al-`Azīzu 'Inna Lahu 'Abāan Shaykhāan Kabīrāan Fakhudh 'Aĥadanā Makānahu 'Innā Narāka Mina Al-Muĥsinīna
      12.79 He said: Allah forbid that we should seize save him with whom we found our property; then truly we should be wrong-doers. Qāla Ma`ādha Allāhi 'An Na'khudha 'Illā Man Wajadnā Matā`anā `Indahu 'Innā 'Idhāan Lažālimūna
      12.80 So, When they despaired of (moving) him, they conferred together apart. The eldest of them said: Know ye not how your father took an undertaking from you in Allah´s name and how ye failed in the case of Joseph aforetime? Therefore I shall not go forth from the land until my father giveth leave or Allah judgeth for me. He is the Best of Judges. Falammā Astay'asū Minhu Khalaşū Najīyāan Qāla Kabīruhum 'Alam Ta`lamū 'Anna 'Abākum Qad 'Akhadha `Alaykum Mawthiqāan Mina Allāhi Wa Min Qablu Mā Farraţtum Fī Yūsufa Falan 'Abraĥa Al-'Arđa Ĥattá Ya'dhana Lī 'Abī 'Aw Yaĥkuma Allāhu Lī Wa Huwa Khayru Al-Ĥākimīna
      12.81 Return unto your father and say: O our father! Lo! thy son hath stolen. We testify only to that which we know; we are not guardians of the Unseen. Arji`ū 'Ilá 'Abīkum Faqūlū Yā 'Abānā 'Inna Abnaka Saraqa Wa Mā Shahidnā 'Illā Bimā `Alimnā Wa Mā Kunnā Lilghaybi Ĥāfižīna
      12.82 Ask the township where we were, and the caravan with which we travelled hither. Lo! we speak the truth. Wa As'ali Al-Qaryata Allatī Kunnā Fīhā Wa Al-`Īra Allatī 'Aqbalnā Fīhā Wa 'Innā Laşādiqūna
      12.83 (And when they came unto their father and had spoken thus to him) he said: Nay, but your minds have beguiled you into something. (My course is) comely patience! It may be that Allah will bring them all unto me. Lo! He, only He, is the Knower, the Wise. Qāla Bal Sawwalat Lakum 'Anfusukum 'Amrāan Faşabrun Jamīlun `Asá Allāhu 'An Ya'tiyanī Bihim Jamī`āan 'Innahu Huwa Al-`Alīmu Al-Ĥakīmu
      12.84 And he turned away from them and said: Alas, my grief for Joseph! And his eyes were whitened with the sorrow that he was suppressing. Wa Tawallá `Anhum Wa Qāla Yā 'Asafá `Alá Yūsufa Wa Abyađđat `Aynāhu Mina Al-Ĥuzni Fahuwa Kažīmun
      12.85 They said: By Allah, thou wilt never cease remembering Joseph till thy health is ruined or thou art of those who perish! Qālū Ta-Allāhi Tafta'u Tadhkuru Yūsufa Ĥattá Takūna Ĥarađāan 'Aw Takūna Mina Al-Hālikīna
      12.86 He said: I expose my distress and anguish only unto Allah, and I know from Allah that which ye know not. Qāla 'Innamā 'Ashkū Baththī Wa Ĥuznī 'Ilá Allāhi Wa 'A`lamu Mina Allāhi Mā Lā Ta`lamūna
      12.87 Go, O my sons, and ascertain concerning Joseph and his brother, and despair not of the Spirit of Allah. Lo! none despaireth of the Spirit of Allah save disbelieving folk. Yā Banīya Adh/habū Fataĥassasū Min Yūsufa Wa 'Akhīhi Wa Lā Tay'asū Min Rawĥi Allāhi 'Innahu Lā Yay'asu Min Rawĥi Allāhi 'Illā Al-Qawmu Al-Kāfirūna
      12.88 And when they came (again) before him (Joseph) they said: O ruler! Misfortune hath touched us and our folk, and we bring but poor merchandise, so fill for us the measure and be charitable unto us. Lo! Allah will requite the charitable, Falammā Dakhalū `Alayhi Qālū Yā 'Ayyuhā Al-`Azīzu Massanā Wa 'Ahlanā Ađ-Đurru Wa Ji'nā Bibiđā`atin Muzjāatin Fa'awfi Lanā Al-Kayla Wa Taşaddaq `Alaynā 'Inna Allāha Yajzī Al-Mutaşaddiqīna
      12.89 He said: Know ye what ye did unto Joseph and his brother in your ignorance? Qāla Hal `Alimtum Mā Fa`altum Biyūsufa Wa 'Akhīhi 'Idh 'Antum Jāhilūna
      12.90 They said: Is it indeed thou who art Joseph? He said: I am Joseph and this is my brother. Allah hath shown us favour. Lo! he who wardeth off (evil) and endureth (findeth favour); for lo! Allah loseth not the wages of the kindly. Qālū 'A'innaka La'anta Yūsufu Qāla 'Anā Yūsufu Wa Hadhā 'Akhī Qad Manna Allāhu `Alaynā 'Innahu Man Yattaqi Wa Yaşbir Fa'inna Allāha Lā Yuđī`u 'Ajra Al-Muĥsinīna
      12.91 They said: By Allah, verily Allah hath preferred thee above us, and we were indeed sinful. Qālū Ta-Allāhi Laqad 'Ātharaka Allāhu `Alaynā Wa 'In Kunnā Lakhāţi'īna
      12.92 He said: Have no fear this day! May Allah forgive you, and He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy. Qāla Lā Tathrība `Alaykumu Al-Yawma Yaghfiru Allāhu Lakum Wa Huwa 'Arĥamu Ar-Rāĥimīna
      12.93 Go with this shirt of mine and lay it on my father´s face, he will become (again) a seer; and come to me with all your folk. Adh/habū Biqamīşī Hādhā Fa'alqūhu `Alá Wajhi 'Abī Ya'ti Başīrāan Wa 'Tūnī Bi'ahlikum 'Ajma`īna
      12.94 When the caravan departed their father had said: Truly I am conscious of the breath of Joseph, though ye call me dotard. Wa Lammā Faşalati Al-`Īru Qāla 'Abūhum 'Innī La'ajidu Rīĥa Yūsufa Lawlā 'An Tufannidūni
      12.95 (Those around him) said: By Allah, lo! thou art in thine old aberration. Qālū Ta-Allāhi 'Innaka Lafī Đalālika Al-Qadīmi

    • @syedkaiser
      @syedkaiser  6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      12.96 Then, when the bearer of glad tidings came, he laid it on his face and he became a seer once more. He said: Said I not unto you that I know from Allah that which ye know not? Falammā 'An Jā'a Al-Bashīru 'Alqāhu `Alá Wajhihi Fārtadda Başīrāan Qāla 'Alam 'Aqul Lakum 'Innī 'A`lamu Mina Allāhi Mā Lā Ta`lamūna
      12.97 They said: O our father! Ask forgiveness of our sins for us, for lo! we were sinful. Qālū Yā 'Abānā Astaghfir Lanā Dhunūbanā 'Innā Kunnā Khāţi'īna
      12.98 He said: I shall ask forgiveness for you of my Lord. Lo! He is the Forgiving, the Merciful. Qāla Sawfa 'Astaghfiru Lakum Rabbī 'Innahu Huwa Al-Ghafūru Ar-Raĥīmu
      12.99 And when they came in before Joseph, he took his parents unto him, and said: Come into Egypt safe, if Allah will! Falammā Dakhalū `Alá Yūsufa 'Āwá 'Ilayhi 'Abawayhi Wa Qāla Adkhulū Mişra 'In Shā'a Allāhu 'Āminīna
      12.100 And he placed his parents on the dais and they fell down before him prostrate, and he said: O my father! This is the interpretation of my dream of old. My Lord hath made it true, and He hath shown me kindness, since He took me out of the prison and hath brought you from the desert after Satan had made strife between me and my brethren. Lo! my Lord is tender unto whom He will. He is the Knower, the Wise. Wa Rafa`a 'Abawayhi `Alá Al-`Arshi Wa Kharrū Lahu Sujjadāan Wa Qāla Yā 'Abati Hādhā Ta'wīlu Ru'uyā Y Min Qablu Qad Ja`alahā Rabbī Ĥaqqāan Wa Qad 'Aĥsana Bī 'Idh 'Akhrajanī Mina As-Sijni Wa Jā'a Bikum Mina Al-Badwi Min Ba`di 'An Nazagha Ash-Shayţānu Baynī Wa Bayna 'Ikhwatī 'Inna Rabbī Laţīfun Limā Yashā'u 'Innahu Huwa Al-`Alīmu Al-Ĥakīmu
      12.101 O my Lord! Thou hast given me (something) of sovereignty and hast taught me (something) of the interpretation of events - Creator of the heavens and the earth! Thou art my Protecting Guardian in the world and the Hereafter. Make me to die muslim (unto Thee), and join me to the righteous. Rabbi Qad 'Ātaytanī Mina Al-Mulki Wa `Allamtanī Min Ta'wīli Al-'Aĥādīthi Fāţira As-Samāwāti Wa Al-'Arđi 'Anta Wa Līyi Fī Ad-Dunyā Wa Al-'Ākhirati Tawaffanī Muslimāan Wa 'Alĥiqnī Biş-Şāliĥīna
      12.102 This is of the tidings of the Unseen which We inspire in thee (Muhammad). Thou wast not present with them when they fixed their plan and they were scheming. Dhālika Min 'Anbā'i Al-Ghaybi Nūĥīhi 'Ilayka Wa Mā Kunta Ladayhim 'Idh 'Ajma`ū 'Amrahum Wa Hum Yamkurūna
      12.103 And though thou try much, most men will not believe. Wa Mā 'Aktharu An-Nāsi Wa Law Ĥaraşta Bimu'uminīna
      12.104 Thou askest them no fee for it. It is naught else than a reminder unto the peoples. Wa Mā Tas'aluhum `Alayhi Min 'Ajrin 'In Huwa 'Illā Dhikrun Lil`ālamīna
      12.105 How many a portent is there in the heavens and the earth which they pass by with face averted! Wa Ka'ayyin Min 'Āyatin Fī As-Samāwāti Wa Al-'Arđi Yamurrūna `Alayhā Wa Hum `Anhā Mu`riđūna
      12.106 And most of them believe not in Allah except that they attribute partners (unto Him). Wa Mā Yu'uminu 'Aktharuhum Billāhi 'Illā Wa Hum Mushrikūna
      12.107 Deem they themselves secure from the coming on them of a pall of Allah´s punishment, or the coming of the Hour suddenly while they are unaware? 'Afa'aminū 'An Ta'tiyahum Ghāshiyatun Min `Adhābi Allāhi 'Aw Ta'tiyahumu As-Sā`atu Baghtatan Wa Hum Lā Yash`urūna
      12.108 Say: This is my Way: I call on Allah with sure knowledge. I and whosoever followeth me - Glory be to Allah! - and I am not of the idolaters. Qul Hadhihi Sabīlī 'Ad`ū 'Ilá Allāhi `Alá Başīratin 'Anā Wa Mani Attaba`anī Wa Subĥāna Allāhi Wa Mā 'Anā Mina Al-Mushrikīna
      12.109 We sent not before thee (any messengers) save men whom We inspired from among the folk of the townships - Have they not travelled in the land and seen the nature of the consequence for those who were before them? And verily the abode of the Hereafter, for those who ward off (evil), is best. Have ye then no sense? - Wa Mā 'Arsalnā Min Qablika 'Illā Rijālāan Nūĥī 'Ilayhim Min 'Ahli Al-Qurá 'Afalam Yasīrū Fī Al-'Arđi Fayanžurū Kayfa Kāna `Āqibatu Al-Ladhīna Min Qablihim Wa Ladāru Al-'Ākhirati Khayrun Lilladhīna Attaqaw 'Afalā Ta`qilūna
      12.110 Till, when the messengers despaired and thought that they were denied, then came unto them Our help, and whom We would was saved. And Our wrath cannot be warded from the guilty. Ĥattá 'Idhā Astay'asa Ar-Rusulu Wa Žannū 'Annahum Qad Kudhibū Jā'ahum Naşrunā Fanujjiya Man Nashā'u Wa Lā Yuraddu Ba'sunā `Ani Al-Qawmi Al-Mujrimīna
      12.111 In their history verily there is a lesson for men of understanding. It is no invented story but a confirmation of the existing (Scripture) and a detailed explanation of everything, and a guidance and a mercy for folk who believe. Laqad Kāna Fī Qaşaşihim `Ibratun Li'wlī Al-'Albābi Mā Kāna Ĥadīthāan Yuftará Wa Lakin Taşdīqa Al-Ladhī Bayna Yadayhi Wa Tafşīla Kulli Shay'in Wa Hudáan Wa Raĥmatan Liqawmin Yu'uminūna

  • @AbuSelim-qz7xz
    @AbuSelim-qz7xz ปีที่แล้ว

    সুবহানাল্লাহ কি সুন্দর মধুর সুর।

  • @walidarbi6107
    @walidarbi6107 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    الله أكبر نستغفرك ربنا و نتوب إليك الحمد لله حمدا كثيرا طيبا مباركا فيه اللهم صل و سلم وبارك على حبيب الله و رسول الله لالعالمين محمد وآله و صحبه أجمعين

  • @jasminnizar6670
    @jasminnizar6670 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Alhamdulillah 👍👍👍
    The best recitation of Surath Yusuf in the world 👍👍
    The recitation is in sweet voice 👍

  • @ummerpt731
    @ummerpt731 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mashaalla ❤ butifull qirat ❤❤🥰

  • @serifemelek4905
    @serifemelek4905 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    ALLAHÜMME Salli Ala Ali Seyyidina Venebiyyina MUHAMMED RESULULLAH Sallallahu Aleyhi Vesellem Aleyhisselatu Vesselam.Duaile.Es - SELAM 🌹🌿🕋❤️🌿🌹

  • @jasminnizar6670
    @jasminnizar6670 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Best recitation

  • @allahkabandaibneadam9841
    @allahkabandaibneadam9841 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    subhanAllah what a beautiful recitation what a beautiful Mosque . What a beautiful religion .. Alhamdulillah i am Muslim . A very proud Muslim. Summa Alhamdulillah

  • @imaniboina8260
    @imaniboina8260 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Machaalloih ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Machaalloih mot fou Machaalloih Machaalloih tabaraka lloihou watanla ahsan

  • @erares2864
    @erares2864 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Süper ötesi bir ses ve süper ötesi bir hikâye...

  • @imaniboina8260
    @imaniboina8260 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sourate youssouf suidik alloihouma soili wasalim wabarik ala nabiyna Muhammed 💕💙💕💙💕

  • @serifemelek4905
    @serifemelek4905 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    MAŞALLAH ALLAh'u Ekber Lailahe illallah Elhamdulillah Tebarekallah Barekallah Esdağfurullah Subuhanallahi Vebihamdihi Subuhanallahil azim.Duaile.Es - SELAM 🌹🌿🕋❤️🌿🌹

  • @elisdedeh2984
    @elisdedeh2984 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Masha allah, beautiful Quran Recitation , very nice voice, Allah bless sheikh❤

  • @ferdousara8717
    @ferdousara8717 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Alhamdulilah alhamdulilah allahuakber amin

  • @sherrymohammed7768
    @sherrymohammed7768 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Subhan Allah, magnificently done, so perfect and serene, may Allah SWT shower his blessings and grant him a place in Jannah Fil Dous Ameen

  • @mariacomel4631
    @mariacomel4631 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Bacaan dn swara yg sll sy rindukn

  • @misrangfatma3092
    @misrangfatma3092 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    جزاك الله خيرا 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

  • @SamSam-ys3dm
    @SamSam-ys3dm 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Masha Allah subha nallah, beautiful recitation. Allah protect you Ameen. 👑😊

  • @imranhanif3511
    @imranhanif3511 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    great voice
    My fovourite imam

  • @salamaamdjad9001
    @salamaamdjad9001 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Merci cheikh Alonsi de ce magnifique récit quAllah swt vous bénisse et vous protège ameen

  • @ainizainalfanani1057
    @ainizainalfanani1057 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Allaahu Akbar , sungguh!! ,mulia Syaikh Abdurrahman Bin Jamal Al Aushy

  • @mukthiarbegum340
    @mukthiarbegum340 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Shek abdul rahman ossi asslamuilikum varhamatuhu wabkatu

  • @buraksahin312
    @buraksahin312 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Allah razi olsun super tilavet hocam

  • @norudabagh1830
    @norudabagh1830 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    يااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااارب تحمي لا هذا الشيخ وبارك في يارب

  • @salamaamdjad9001
    @salamaamdjad9001 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Émouvante apaisante magnifique MachaAllah vraiment une voix sublime chaque sourate que cheikh Abderahmane Alonsi recite on a l'impression que c'est la plus belle

  • @random2464
    @random2464 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Mashallah Allah bestow his blessings upon u nd this channel fr such a beautiful recitation

    • @syedkaiser
      @syedkaiser  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jazakhallah Khair, Ameen.

  • @shawonchowdhury7718
    @shawonchowdhury7718 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Masaallah. Alhamdolillah

  • @MohammadAhmad-cu9do
    @MohammadAhmad-cu9do 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Masha Allah

  • @salamaamdjad9001
    @salamaamdjad9001 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    MachaAllah machaAllah machaAllah sans commentaire

  • @shabilaakinan
    @shabilaakinan 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    ❤️❤️❤️Masha Allah❤️❤️❤️🇲🇨

  • @fahadfaadu1674
    @fahadfaadu1674 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Masha Allah 🥰🥰🥰🥰

  • @serifemelek4905
    @serifemelek4905 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Masallah Can Hocam Camlara cansın Can Hocam benim.ALLAH ( CC)'hu talebelerinin.Sayisi Artdirsin Amin.Masallah Barekallah Tebarekallah Elhamdülillah Elhamdulillah Elhamdülillah ALLLAh'u Ekber ALLAh'u Ekber ALLAh'u Ekber Lailahe illallah Lailahe illallah Lailahe illallah.)' Bullerin otuyo,Ya,Rabbim Kainaata,Seslerine Ses,Ver güçlerine güç ver Ya,Rabbim Kur'an Bülbülleri ötsün,Ya,Rabbim.Hiç Susmasinlar.Ya,Rabbim.Kur'an,Işığı Olu,Kalpleri Diriltsin,Ya,Rabbim.Gercegi Anlamalarını Nasib Eyle Ya,Rabbim.Amin.Cahillikten Kurtaran Rabbime Hamdolsun.İman Nimetini Ümmeti Muhammedin Uyu,yanlarinada Nasip Eyle.Ya,Rabbim☘️.Amin☘️Amin☘️Amin🌹☘️🌼☘️🌼☘️💐☘️🌼☘️🌼💐☘️🌼☘️🌼☘️💐☘️🌼☘️🌼☘️🌹

  • @sukaipenn9812
    @sukaipenn9812 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @sukaipenn9812
    @sukaipenn9812 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Allah Akbar

  • @Enseignement-sur-Lislam
    @Enseignement-sur-Lislam 3 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @xezerxezer6650
    @xezerxezer6650 6 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @ahilamir3206
    @ahilamir3206 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mash Allah bast

  • @sukaipenn9812
    @sukaipenn9812 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    As Salamu Alaykum

  • @ksr28rehan
    @ksr28rehan 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @imaniboina8260
    @imaniboina8260 3 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @thegaming7301
    @thegaming7301 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    م شاءالله

  • @rubelhasan1568
    @rubelhasan1568 4 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @zeniyasheikh2461
    @zeniyasheikh2461 6 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @Medical-Plus-Dr
    @Medical-Plus-Dr 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    What is the fun of this recitation when you put useless ads for money. It is a sim and better not to post like it

    • @syedkaiser
      @syedkaiser  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      🤦Before you go around making negative assumptions about people making money from Adds, I advise you to research and find out first why there are Adds on the videos. Let me tell you now, this is the policy of TH-cam, Adds cannot be removed from copyrighted videos & non copyrighted videos, for further clarification check the About section on my TH-cam channel.

  • @xezerxezer6650
    @xezerxezer6650 6 ปีที่แล้ว
