well they have a pretty good gamesense but also they communicate better in case of missing and have COMMS! I dont have comms in my 4k just silent gameplay or calling others dog xd
@@Jovan654321 Definitely. Your mid gets solokilled? Thats a 50/50 instant game over because he gives up. You pulled lane at the wrong time/your carry didn't pay attention to it? Thats a "fkn dog ass player" into afk farm/not play. Your offlaner misses an initate? Thats gg go down mid useless dog cent. Joys of dota.
What I noticed, watching Xcalibur Sing Waga stack games, is their focus on taking adventagous fights, they use arguments like : void is not here let's fight, or they have black hole cd let's fight. Or they communicate about items like, let me finish bkb then go smoke . That was very insightful for me, I don't know if BSJ answering comments, but I would like to hear his thoughts on that .
It's all about being humble and realistic of who is stronger, like in real life you usually take fights you know you can win. Powerspikes and being aware of them on the other team.
@@CarlosC77 Yea, u basically summarized it in a way that's more understandable for you I guess. For me, It's just easier to make decisions, when I have that general idea of good fight conditions.
U want to take the best fights you can get. If someone typed out after pushing you try to chase as fast as possible to catch someone. If your enemy has spells like ravage/chrono/black hole also an ez choice to search for fights after they used it. But even if Windrunner used ult she is really weak. Those are opportunities to take advantage of. This is a pretty easy concept to win even in low mmr. Just needs awareness and a good eye on the minimap.
Basically, before you commit to anything big: - Look at the minimap - Do a head count of each team aka are we fighting outnumbered? - Check everyone's big CDs and resources - Check whether lanes need tending to No need to make fights harder than they are by doing stuff like fighting over nothing or fighting with major spells down... those are unforced errors.
Absolutely. I can tell you about this because I've played a lot of competitive Dota and I've built my habits back then. What you observed is entirely correct. In a game of Dota there are usually too many things to keep track of. And for this reason it's very important to give info on certain important things you notice to make sure everyone is on the same page. Not unlike CS for example. The comms should be short and concise so it's not distracting. Now exactly what you want to say will depend a lot on your role in the game and the drafts but the major things that are somewhat constant are: - Rosh timers - TP cooldowns - Big cooldowns on game winning abilities & items (make a habit to always let your team know when a major cooldown was used on you or used BY you - BH, Chrono, Refresher. etc.) - Enemy movement (like if you spot the enemy heading towards the direction of your carry you might as well let him know. You don't know if he saw that or not) - Power spikes/timings. (don't count that people will know timings it's good to make a plan in the beginning of the game and try to get your team to follow it if possible) - Target focus! (This is one of the most important ones! In a teamfight if you are able to identify the correct targets always make sure you call them out. Best way to do this is by calling out the hero name couple of times with a sense of urgency in your voice, but like not hysterical. e.g. you catch their Faceless Void endgame out of pos and you hex him. Your first reflex should be to call out VOID VOID VOID.) Repeat for next priority target. - Buybacks - Enemy Vision (wards) also gem for that matter. These are the major ones out the top of my head, but there are also plenty other small things you may want to keep your team updated on. Your resources, your ability to fight, This comes with experience. Dota is a hyper team focused game and you need 5 players who think alike and are on the same page for it to work. Any relevant info you think can achieve that is good info. Now for pubs this also extends further, because I also keep track of what my team is doing and if I notice they are about to make a disastrous play I would let them know proactively. Also if I see my carry going for some bad build on his quick purchase I would suggest other options and explain why. But this goes beyond normal comms in Dota. It's more like free coaching on my part, cause it's super hard to play the game otherwise.
GG! It was indeed very educative this video! Thank you void and jakiro for the sacrifice of the Flaming, but these can only be taken as lessons and always having space to improve. BSJ, you show already a lot of growth and self knowing. It is crazy to see a beloved game like Dota teaching about cooperation, communication, emotional intelligence and self knowledge. GL HF
That rant around minute 40:00 is exactly what I've been seeing in my games and i would classify it as "people not knowing that they should play in a certain formation"
@@HighLanderPonyYT it is because when ranking up in dota you learn to only rely on yourself and trust no one..only use other people as meat shields. but you yourself are no meat shield, you are the main character
When the calibration came out, I went from 5,5k to 7,2k mmr EU (mainly pos 1-3). I then lost 400 mmr in 1 month 😅, the skill difference was really noticeable, especially in the support role.
Yes calibration was sick, went from 6.2 to 7.4 then up to 7.9 but I took a break / didn't tryhard with friends on smurfs and now I dropped to 7.6 with 12 losses 2 wins or smth
@@nltiro3387 thank you. I actually got coaching on a daily basis during the summer, and I'm not gonna lie, I literally lost 4 games because of account buyers. Same streak by the way ⚰️
This was great, I feel like I learned a lot. I dunno about the useless comms callout as a morale play, but I'm looking forward to seeing the next edusmurf lobby with your comms in it. Thanks for putting this up!
This was a pretty good video. Would have loved to hear some closing thoughts on exactly what separates 5k's from 9k's, I feel like there weren't any bold statements made in terms of answering the question.
39:56. I am sorry but you are totally wrong in my opinion. Void is 3 level lower than you and probably less hp and armor at that time. If Tiny combo connected to Void instead of you, Void would die before clicking BKB. You had survived with 20% hp, Void would lose all his hp and be killed. Sometimes you should trust your teammates because they know the best that how much damage can tank (because they always check their hp in fights. Every player firstly check their own hp and enemies they trying to kill rather than their teammates' tankiness. It is main rule of human nature).
Well. That situation is a bit more complicated than BSJ made it look. First of all DP overextended there going behind the barracks (especially considering tiny bought back right before DP goes in) The enemy team don't really have heroes capable of defending this push. So DP going out of position to go on the Viper was completely unnecessary. In my opinion that was the first and biggest mistake made. Since it happened though, Void probably should've followed. (I actually don't know what items he had to be completely sure) but assuming he had decent items if he bkb's and goes in on the Viper there's not really much that can threaten him. However, my personal opinion here is that it wasn't going to be favorable situation for BSJ's team either way. Because DP would've likely still died the same way and then I don't think this Void would be able to kill anyone under T4's. (May be one target) and he has to back off and then he has no bkb and the push is over. At the time DP went behind the barracks the Void was actually hitting them along with BSJ which is what I'd like my Void to be doing in this situation.
Tiny didn’t have dmg items so if FV was paying attention to his enemies like you said, he’d know he’d have time to time walk after the combo. Also BSJs anger was a buildup of FV playing like a pussy around his big cooldown the whole game which is a majorly noob thing to do but is sadly super common. Also any melee hero is gonna have more armor and hp than windrunner. Also hanging back with every escape option off cooldown while ur squishy teammates are in is always a misplay. Also human nature is a terrible excuse for shitty team play in a video game.
@@ronaldhardy3096 Faceless Void has less hp and magic resistance (too important against Tiny) than Tiny and comob of Tiny decreasd Wind Ranger's hp to 20%. Faceless would die if Tiny jumped him. Tiny had enough damage.
Safety bubble is in my opinion the “non-negotiable” tier 1 item. If you have it as an option you get it every single time. It has saved me on countless occasions on every position and as a core helps with farming neuts. Safety bubble also would have kept BSJ alive on that bottom engagement at 14:45 effectively netting about a 500g difference between death and farming more camps since you’re still alive.
@@ITZBROKENhotDOG12 not delusional at all and it doesn’t change what I said at all and I prefaced it with my opinion. Just because YOU don’t like it, doesn’t make someone delusional. Good riddance
Not a critique or anything but you are so still when you play dude I couldn't tell if the recorded you was paused or not until I watched this on my 65" smart TV to see the whites of your eyes move, luv ur work btw.
I learned a lot. Of all the things you said, only 1 thing that I knew which is catching more enemies. I tried to do that alot as support. Sick blind gleipner at the end though.
Watching respawn timers when pushing high ground is the one thing I do do; also, Ceb in true sight constantly reassuring his team after a bad play/fight is the opposite of what you said. It’s anti tilt. Sometimes you need it. Pubs tilt so easily at times.
The way ceb does it is different, it’s not like a hey man okay that isn’t so bad, it’s super reassuring “it’s fine we got this, just do x y z next fight and we crush em” then immediately jumps into the plan of what’s next. He fully takes charge of the situation, it’s not just talking about what’s going on. I think ceb’s actually a great example of BSJs point - future focused communication. Say what went wrong -> how do we change that -> let’s set up so it’ll be changed for the next fight -> here’s how we do that, let’s kick their ass
27:17 arguably wasn t that tp bad? the enemy seeing you tp in the wave make nyx know you re not there, so he will try to snatch a kill there even if before he saw everyone in that same area. Then he sees you mid and decides to kill marci
He BSJ! I really have to be honest to you: U ARE SOOOO FKN right!!! In 90% my head just go up and down. Your explaination is eas to follow! Ty for your work!
Thanks for the commentary a lot of useful info. Would be great if people used comms in solo queue that often, they don't which is sad, they do in scrims though.
You do it and if they listen, good. And if they don't, you can keep doing it, just in case. It's good practice regardless. Smite probably does this better with the VGS system anyway. :P
People naturally look to a leader. If you speak with authority, and ESPECIALLY if you're playing well yourself, even 'toxic' players will usually follow you.
Depends on the approach dude. People listen to me 90% of the time, but I always try to speak clearly with calm and confident cadence. I also know my stuff too. It's exceptionally rare for me to make a bad call in my mmr bracket. Also it helps if you break the ice early and establish a friendly atmosphere within the team. PS: Now there's the other problem that having to lowkey coach people every game gets tiresome real quick.
I am rank 2300 now and when i get into lobby with rank 100 players, they often captain the game. Coz they will either tell me what to do, or suffer my rank 1 billion gameplay.
Branches give stats which increase base health and mana pool, backpacking stat items reduces ur max hp/mana thus making the bottle regenerate a higher percentage of his mana. It may seem small but it can make the difference between being able to cast a spell that seals a gank or them simply walking away.
When equipping a vitality booster, your current hp increases to stay at the same percentage relative to max hp. IE if at full health; you stay at full health when an item is delivered. This means flat regen with a lower health pool means more, as you heal for a greater percentage of your health, and then when you re-equip your items, have more life (and mana works the same)
Not really.. 90% of his advice was simply how to play around ur teammates better and is very useful to soloque players. Pretty much the only team play advice he gave was not overcomming
Aggro works the same as it always did. Towers will attack its current target until it either dies or leaves range. The tower determines the next unit to attack based on a prioritized list. What interrupts this procedure is targeting an enemy hero with an attack while in range. If you issue your attack on the enemy hero during the tower's attack downswing and leave range before the next attack is issued, you can safely enter and exit tower range without taking hits. This mechanic can be taken a step further by manipulating a 2.5 clock in which one can cycle aggro safely under a tower. If you use this technique while the enemy is attempting to last hit or deny under tower, you can force the enemy hero to either take 100+ harass damage or miss last hits every time you pressure mid wave. if you're doing this and your opponent isn't, you'll have lane dominance early.
Anyone notice his recorded face being frozen in one spot after a certain point in the game? But it would move slightly from time to time? It was creepy. Lol.
At 41:00 did not Void use Time dilation so that Tiny couldn't blink? No need to be a dying meat shield when you did the right safe thing beforehand, no?
I was the Void. I felt like I'd be wasting a 9 second BKB if I activated there to just save him, but I agree that I could have been more initially aggressive in my positioning given that I had BKB. The reason I didn't was personally I felt like we REALLY should just wait 10 seconds for my chrono but I didn't communicate it beyond pinging it. BSJ got blinked by Tiny, so I felt like there was no way Tiny would have the CD to blink him, and on top of that I had intentionally Time Dilation'd them, but I understand BSJ's frustration. That doesn't excuse any of my other mistakes though haha.
Pretty inefficient item for ranged heroes, and that inefficiency is amplified by the fact he has a spell that fills that role. Redundancy is very bad for efficiency
What a terrible mid match up. Currently 5k and didn't learn anything new the first 10 minutes of the game. If only viper went mid it would've been a fair match.
The branches? Stuff like bottle gives a flat amount of mana and hp per charge, so if you lower your stats, you get a bigger % return whenever you drink from bottle. Adding the stats back afterwards means you have more net hp/mana than if you didn't remove them in the first place.
If you have max 1000 hp, and heal 500 HP, it's the same as healing for 50% of your max HP. If you remove 2 branches, the -2 strength will result in you having a maximum of 956 HP. If you heal 500 HP now, that would be the same as a heal of ~52.3% of your max HP, since your max is lowered. when you add the branches back into your inventory, your max HP goes back up to 1000, but your current HP% stays the same - the result is that your health goes up by 52.3% intead of 50%. this works for mana too, so its doubly important when using bottle. This also the mechanic behind 'tread switching'. having blue treads (higher max mana) when spending mana, and green treads (lower max mana) when restoring it will maximise the amount you have and minimise the amount you spend
@@HighLanderPonyYTit’s absolutely not too .001% minmaxing stuff. How often do you see people survive with single or double digit HP? That’s the difference between swapping for regen and not.
Hi BSJ, lemme be very honest with you, I believe if they know you are in the team or vs you, this is not helpful, they will try a lot harder knowing you are in the team or vs you, a normal game in this average MMR is very tough ppl will go afk if you don't do whatever they want you to do, they will go afk if you commit an error, like 80% of these games they are toxic ppl you have to mute or you have to be PMA. Even if you are PMA sometimes they won't play, I had a game we were winning and the carry went afk cuz he was in a bad position and died. He was blaming the rest of the team, and we were really ahead in that game, at the end we won but he was so toxic he was about to destroy his items and feed. I believe if you play a normal ranked game in this MMR or the one you are trying to teach WITHOUT them knowing it is you, that will be more realistic.
My thoughts The attack speed is mostly wasted Her charge shot will not apply item effects And focus fire is a single target high damage skill so the dot of mage slayer wont have meaning And the most imprtant thing is it was a item for not dying to nyx and for that mage only gives 25 magic resist,since almost every time ur not able to hit nyx before the combo to apply the 40% spell damage debuff and he is the one caching u off gaurd And linken gives good stats for universals and fixes most mana problems
If he skipped the linkens, the nyx would burst him every time. Gives him survivability and extra stats as a universal hero.It’s better to survive in a team fight and contribute something .
Jesus. Looks like a 3k game, shows that DotA is just a numbers game, you play more with > 50% winrate and you'll have a higher ranking. These guys aren't even mechanically competent.
Its better you play with 3 man party because you can still knoe what to do. You wouldnt be sad if you lose even u play bad. Ranking up solo from 2k or less is very hard
What separates me as 4400 mmr from 5k? My team permanently diving fountains when they can finnish the game!!!! Or going solo 1v5!!!! Buying divine without bkb and jumping first!!!! U can try as much as you can but i cant change 4 individuals playing in team, Hard life of average player in average. random pub. Bjs having good tips in many videos but it just does not Work in 3-4-5 k pub with monkeys in team.
Many things separate 9k's from 5k's it's a combo of mechanics and knowledge (obviously) but there's this big misconception that lower mmr players are low mmr because they lack in depth understanding of Dota. And that is pretty true for the most part, but mechanical skill is becoming way more important these days I feel like. Especially if you want to solo carry. My history with Dota is pretty much akin to a pro player. (if you've watched Nikobaby explaining how he started it's basically 1:1 since we are both from BG and similar in age) I was 9 when I played my first game back in ?? 2003-2004 probably. Hence, with all that exp I believe I understand this game a lot more in depth than most people. But even so I am struggling to solo carry my games at 3-4k mmr. Like there is a clear difference between being good in solo MM and being good at Dota. I think they are quite opposite actually. And that feels bad. I still win most of my games, but I need to literally make every single call and sometimes I just cba.
To be fair to your teammates, you called Nyx going top seconds before they killed your teammate. I get that you're not typically a mid player, and obviously Nyx can go invis, so it's tough to predict, but you made it sound like it was entirely your top lane's fault that they died to his gank. Mid players who fail to call missing in time/fail to countergank are a scourge to the dota community
@TheMartinTD Yeah, they probably do. But not calling MIA as soon as you know that your opponent is gone makes 0 sense. It takes no time, and you could easily save your teammate
Countergank, yeah, if your mid is good for that. Some mids are just better to push the tower hard as BSJ pointed out. I hate when certain people wants me to countergank with level 6 DK because they think it would save anything when they die next to the enemy tower.
Nyx Nyx Nyx here, it was fun! Thanks for the opportunity! GG WP
what is your mmr?
@@a.39886 5060
When am I gonna get my opportunity
Icky invis heroes. Eeew. :P
The answear is : 4k MMr.
Math 🤓
The math is strong with him.
Thank you I was left wondering
@@parham1023hello there
thank you sir
I was Tiny in this one and it was stressful AF. Enjoyed it thou, will recommend. GG WP
What separates 9k from 5k?
9k = I should've noticed that the enemy tiny is missing
5k = wtf no report missing
well they have a pretty good gamesense but also they communicate better in case of missing and have COMMS! I dont have comms in my 4k just silent gameplay or calling others dog xd
Sounds like my 2k heaven @@nefdude3892
@@nefdude3892The last part only gets worse the higher you go...
@@Jovan654321 Definitely. Your mid gets solokilled? Thats a 50/50 instant game over because he gives up. You pulled lane at the wrong time/your carry didn't pay attention to it? Thats a "fkn dog ass player" into afk farm/not play. Your offlaner misses an initate? Thats gg go down mid useless dog cent. Joys of dota.
13:27 "The choice between going top or bottom is really up to the persons call" made me way more invested in the video
One doesn’t shower and the other does it maybe 1 time a week
What I noticed, watching Xcalibur Sing Waga stack games, is their focus on taking adventagous fights, they use arguments like : void is not here let's fight, or they have black hole cd let's fight. Or they communicate about items like, let me finish bkb then go smoke . That was very insightful for me, I don't know if BSJ answering comments, but I would like to hear his thoughts on that .
It's all about being humble and realistic of who is stronger, like in real life you usually take fights you know you can win. Powerspikes and being aware of them on the other team.
@@CarlosC77 Yea, u basically summarized it in a way that's more understandable for you I guess. For me, It's just easier to make decisions, when I have that general idea of good fight conditions.
U want to take the best fights you can get. If someone typed out after pushing you try to chase as fast as possible to catch someone.
If your enemy has spells like ravage/chrono/black hole also an ez choice to search for fights after they used it. But even if Windrunner used ult she is really weak. Those are opportunities to take advantage of.
This is a pretty easy concept to win even in low mmr.
Just needs awareness and a good eye on the minimap.
Basically, before you commit to anything big:
- Look at the minimap
- Do a head count of each team aka are we fighting outnumbered?
- Check everyone's big CDs and resources
- Check whether lanes need tending to
No need to make fights harder than they are by doing stuff like fighting over nothing or fighting with major spells down... those are unforced errors.
Absolutely. I can tell you about this because I've played a lot of competitive Dota and I've built my habits back then. What you observed is entirely correct. In a game of Dota there are usually too many things to keep track of. And for this reason it's very important to give info on certain important things you notice to make sure everyone is on the same page.
Not unlike CS for example. The comms should be short and concise so it's not distracting. Now exactly what you want to say will depend a lot on your role in the game and the drafts but the major things that are somewhat constant are:
- Rosh timers
- TP cooldowns
- Big cooldowns on game winning abilities & items (make a habit to always let your team know when a major cooldown was used on you or used BY you - BH, Chrono, Refresher. etc.)
- Enemy movement (like if you spot the enemy heading towards the direction of your carry you might as well let him know. You don't know if he saw that or not)
- Power spikes/timings. (don't count that people will know timings it's good to make a plan in the beginning of the game and try to get your team to follow it if possible)
- Target focus! (This is one of the most important ones! In a teamfight if you are able to identify the correct targets always make sure you call them out. Best way to do this is by calling out the hero name couple of times with a sense of urgency in your voice, but like not hysterical. e.g. you catch their Faceless Void endgame out of pos and you hex him. Your first reflex should be to call out VOID VOID VOID.) Repeat for next priority target.
- Buybacks
- Enemy Vision (wards) also gem for that matter.
These are the major ones out the top of my head, but there are also plenty other small things you may want to keep your team updated on.
Your resources, your ability to fight, This comes with experience.
Dota is a hyper team focused game and you need 5 players who think alike and are on the same page for it to work. Any relevant info you think can achieve that is good info.
Now for pubs this also extends further, because I also keep track of what my team is doing and if I notice they are about to make a disastrous play I would let them know proactively.
Also if I see my carry going for some bad build on his quick purchase I would suggest other options and explain why. But this goes beyond normal comms in Dota. It's more like free coaching on my part, cause it's super hard to play the game otherwise.
GG! It was indeed very educative this video! Thank you void and jakiro for the sacrifice of the Flaming, but these can only be taken as lessons and always having space to improve. BSJ, you show already a lot of growth and self knowing. It is crazy to see a beloved game like Dota teaching about cooperation, communication, emotional intelligence and self knowledge. GL HF
That rant around minute 40:00 is exactly what I've been seeing in my games and i would classify it as "people not knowing that they should play in a certain formation"
Most people are terrible at rubber banding to their tank or support as a carry or vice versa. It's so hard to play with them.
@@HighLanderPonyYT it is because when ranking up in dota you learn to only rely on yourself and trust no one..only use other people as meat shields.
but you yourself are no meat shield, you are the main character
only weird in this video is bsj using window media player at 2024
I think DP might also be just nervous in a smurf game with BSJ and over-comming stuff as a result.
He knew he was responsible for that fight and he made a comment to cope with it lol
When the calibration came out, I went from 5,5k to 7,2k mmr EU (mainly pos 1-3). I then lost 400 mmr in 1 month 😅, the skill difference was really noticeable, especially in the support role.
Yes calibration was sick, went from 6.2 to 7.4 then up to 7.9 but I took a break / didn't tryhard with friends on smurfs and now I dropped to 7.6 with 12 losses 2 wins or smth
@@nltiro3387 thank you. I actually got coaching on a daily basis during the summer, and I'm not gonna lie, I literally lost 4 games because of account buyers. Same streak by the way ⚰️
how did u deal with accbuyers and griefers?@@charbelyounes5188
at 18:30 you should see that the portal was charging.. that particular was 2k mmr play :D
i think anyone has lapses, it is overall the median and standard deviation of these lapses that matter.. even TI grand finals, there are dumb mistakes
This was great, I feel like I learned a lot. I dunno about the useless comms callout as a morale play, but I'm looking forward to seeing the next edusmurf lobby with your comms in it. Thanks for putting this up!
34:30 Bsj dropping the backpack bars, album releasing soon 😂
This was a pretty good video. Would have loved to hear some closing thoughts on exactly what separates 5k's from 9k's, I feel like there weren't any bold statements made in terms of answering the question.
Because there is no one difference, every little thing bsj said in this video is like +1 mmr
39:56. I am sorry but you are totally wrong in my opinion. Void is 3 level lower than you and probably less hp and armor at that time. If Tiny combo connected to Void instead of you, Void would die before clicking BKB. You had survived with 20% hp, Void would lose all his hp and be killed. Sometimes you should trust your teammates because they know the best that how much damage can tank (because they always check their hp in fights. Every player firstly check their own hp and enemies they trying to kill rather than their teammates' tankiness. It is main rule of human nature).
Would like BSJ to see this comment and give his opinion on that, I'm not sure what to think anymore xd
first of all FV has to pre BKB in there,not to get hit by everything first,the FV place is not behind his team.
Well. That situation is a bit more complicated than BSJ made it look. First of all DP overextended there going behind the barracks (especially considering tiny bought back right before DP goes in) The enemy team don't really have heroes capable of defending this push. So DP going out of position to go on the Viper was completely unnecessary. In my opinion that was the first and biggest mistake made. Since it happened though, Void probably should've followed. (I actually don't know what items he had to be completely sure) but assuming he had decent items if he bkb's and goes in on the Viper there's not really much that can threaten him. However, my personal opinion here is that it wasn't going to be favorable situation for BSJ's team either way. Because DP would've likely still died the same way and then I don't think this Void would be able to kill anyone under T4's. (May be one target) and he has to back off and then he has no bkb and the push is over. At the time DP went behind the barracks the Void was actually hitting them along with BSJ which is what I'd like my Void to be doing in this situation.
Tiny didn’t have dmg items so if FV was paying attention to his enemies like you said, he’d know he’d have time to time walk after the combo. Also BSJs anger was a buildup of FV playing like a pussy around his big cooldown the whole game which is a majorly noob thing to do but is sadly super common. Also any melee hero is gonna have more armor and hp than windrunner. Also hanging back with every escape option off cooldown while ur squishy teammates are in is always a misplay. Also human nature is a terrible excuse for shitty team play in a video game.
@@ronaldhardy3096 Faceless Void has less hp and magic resistance (too important against Tiny) than Tiny and comob of Tiny decreasd Wind Ranger's hp to 20%. Faceless would die if Tiny jumped him. Tiny had enough damage.
Safety bubble is in my opinion the “non-negotiable” tier 1 item. If you have it as an option you get it every single time. It has saved me on countless occasions on every position and as a core helps with farming neuts.
Safety bubble also would have kept BSJ alive on that bottom engagement at 14:45 effectively netting about a 500g difference between death and farming more camps since you’re still alive.
Fr that item is OP on cores
Lol delusional if you think he survives that with SB.
@@ITZBROKENhotDOG12 not delusional at all and it doesn’t change what I said at all and I prefaced it with my opinion. Just because YOU don’t like it, doesn’t make someone delusional. Good riddance
If ur taking safety bubble on every single hero every game possible ur definitely losing some mmr in the long run
Whatching this on youtube meaning it was still recorded BSJ.
Not a critique or anything but you are so still when you play dude I couldn't tell if the recorded you was paused or not until I watched this on my 65" smart TV to see the whites of your eyes move, luv ur work btw.
I learned a lot. Of all the things you said, only 1 thing that I knew which is catching more enemies. I tried to do that alot as support. Sick blind gleipner at the end though.
Watching respawn timers when pushing high ground is the one thing I do do; also, Ceb in true sight constantly reassuring his team after a bad play/fight is the opposite of what you said. It’s anti tilt. Sometimes you need it. Pubs tilt so easily at times.
The way ceb does it is different, it’s not like a hey man okay that isn’t so bad, it’s super reassuring “it’s fine we got this, just do x y z next fight and we crush em” then immediately jumps into the plan of what’s next. He fully takes charge of the situation, it’s not just talking about what’s going on. I think ceb’s actually a great example of BSJs point - future focused communication. Say what went wrong -> how do we change that -> let’s set up so it’ll be changed for the next fight -> here’s how we do that, let’s kick their ass
27:17 arguably wasn t that tp bad? the enemy seeing you tp in the wave make nyx know you re not there, so he will try to snatch a kill there even if before he saw everyone in that same area. Then he sees you mid and decides to kill marci
He BSJ! I really have to be honest to you: U ARE SOOOO FKN right!!! In 90% my head just go up and down. Your explaination is eas to follow! Ty for your work!
Jakiro player here (2Face 4.6k mmr) :) Was a lot of fun and interesting to hear the post game insights! Looking forward to the next one GG
i was the Marci, the game felt ez,on that smoke moment i didnt hear BSJ say no,and there was actually someone top for us to kill on the camp.
Even though I only play Turbo, I still learned a lot from this to apply there. Looking forward to more
The biggest assumption of this video is that even after I learn everything, I'll be matched against 4 other dudes that know what to do as well.
Thanks for the commentary a lot of useful info. Would be great if people used comms in solo queue that often, they don't which is sad, they do in scrims though.
'were dodging them guys' goes onto explain why dodging them is the play, proceeds to run directly at and commit ult at the first enemy he sees xD
this video taught me something, using comms is fucking hopeless
if BSJ viewers won't listen to calls from BSJ then what fucking chance do I have?
they did listen to most of his calls though. people usually listen in my games
You do it and if they listen, good. And if they don't, you can keep doing it, just in case. It's good practice regardless.
Smite probably does this better with the VGS system anyway. :P
People naturally look to a leader. If you speak with authority, and ESPECIALLY if you're playing well yourself, even 'toxic' players will usually follow you.
Depends on the approach dude. People listen to me 90% of the time, but I always try to speak clearly with calm and confident cadence.
I also know my stuff too. It's exceptionally rare for me to make a bad call in my mmr bracket.
Also it helps if you break the ice early and establish a friendly atmosphere within the team.
PS: Now there's the other problem that having to lowkey coach people every game gets tiresome real quick.
6k us east midlaner I call missing every single time and nobody ever listens
havent seen it man but im sure that it will be awsome ty BSJ
Interesting, so you can right click under tower without aggro tower if you time it somehow. Because he didn't need to deaggro on any allied creeps
i was the viper, honored to be a part of this video :)
Hi bsj can you make a vid where there is also another smurf on enemy team? it would make it rly interesting
smurf off!
its really humbling when you think youre a hotshot as a 7k player but get absolutely destroyed by a top1.5k EU
Damn, your team stack more than GG on every single tournament my pubs in 6k don't even pull creeps
stacking every opportunity at 4k with an obs., pinging and coms, but no one comes to clear.. and enemy gets it.. i'm talking luna, underlord.. tf xD
Yeah lmao that what I mean@@xMoomin
great content, really valuable hearing you break down the macro
I like BSJ 's face when playing. blank and cute at the same time.
15:12 a four for one, even, with a buyback
I am rank 2300 now and when i get into lobby with rank 100 players, they often captain the game. Coz they will either tell me what to do, or suffer my rank 1 billion gameplay.
02:40 why does he put those branches in his pocket? whats the meaning of this
Branches give stats which increase base health and mana pool, backpacking stat items reduces ur max hp/mana thus making the bottle regenerate a higher percentage of his mana. It may seem small but it can make the difference between being able to cast a spell that seals a gank or them simply walking away.
Does bottle not heal a fixed amount? Why do people unequip their items to lower their health when using regen items?
When equipping a vitality booster, your current hp increases to stay at the same percentage relative to max hp. IE if at full health; you stay at full health when an item is delivered. This means flat regen with a lower health pool means more, as you heal for a greater percentage of your health, and then when you re-equip your items, have more life (and mana works the same)
premise's having a good team that listen and coordinates with u
Not really.. 90% of his advice was simply how to play around ur teammates better and is very useful to soloque players. Pretty much the only team play advice he gave was not overcomming
Glad you typed there because you looked pissed when you were typing hahaha
I'm the ranged creep in this game. I have to say every game is stressful for me as I always get the spells early game. I don't know why.
18:30 how he missed nyx there?
havent played in a while, tower used to agro u as soon as you hit enemy hero in tower range. Was this changed?
Aggro works the same as it always did. Towers will attack its current target until it either dies or leaves range. The tower determines the next unit to attack based on a prioritized list. What interrupts this procedure is targeting an enemy hero with an attack while in range. If you issue your attack on the enemy hero during the tower's attack downswing and leave range before the next attack is issued, you can safely enter and exit tower range without taking hits. This mechanic can be taken a step further by manipulating a 2.5 clock in which one can cycle aggro safely under a tower.
If you use this technique while the enemy is attempting to last hit or deny under tower, you can force the enemy hero to either take 100+ harass damage or miss last hits every time you pressure mid wave. if you're doing this and your opponent isn't, you'll have lane dominance early.
Why leave shackleshot at lvl 3?
I get not taking the lvl 10 talent, but lvl 3 shackleshot?
Love the educational smurf series!
what is that thing everyone does with the branches.... you re equip it
Brian, continue "how to counter" series please...
yoooo broooo, you did not throw Loda under the bus like that lmao
Anyone notice his recorded face being frozen in one spot after a certain point in the game? But it would move slightly from time to time? It was creepy. Lol.
At 41:00 did not Void use Time dilation so that Tiny couldn't blink?
No need to be a dying meat shield when you did the right safe thing beforehand, no?
I was the Void. I felt like I'd be wasting a 9 second BKB if I activated there to just save him, but I agree that I could have been more initially aggressive in my positioning given that I had BKB. The reason I didn't was personally I felt like we REALLY should just wait 10 seconds for my chrono but I didn't communicate it beyond pinging it. BSJ got blinked by Tiny, so I felt like there was no way Tiny would have the CD to blink him, and on top of that I had intentionally Time Dilation'd them, but I understand BSJ's frustration. That doesn't excuse any of my other mistakes though haha.
People who don't wait for my shit to be up when it's only 5-10 secs for a big difference in a fight rustle my jimmies. @@Calethir
@@Calethirchill out mate at least you were better than troll
Why not just bring quelling blade?
Pretty inefficient item for ranged heroes, and that inefficiency is amplified by the fact he has a spell that fills that role. Redundancy is very bad for efficiency
48:58 Void = Cancer
Chrono on a dead body
Great video but needs 1 more BSJ to critique the other 2 and would be perfection
Me, after reading the title: 4k MMR
Ooooh, oooh, oooh, I know this one! 4,000MMR.
Saved you all 50min :-D
How you know the average mmr of both teams
15:12 it was 4 + BB for 1
Wasn’t better if u bought disprieser instead of bkb? Troll and np root catch in bkb
What a terrible mid match up. Currently 5k and didn't learn anything new the first 10 minutes of the game. If only viper went mid it would've been a fair match.
This doesnt work in sea server
great insights bsj
I embrace myself often
BSJ why are there apostrophes on plurals in the video title?
the difference between 5k and 9k mmr: smoke better
best dota content creator out there!
why dont buy scepter?
yea what if your behavior score just doesnt get above 6k where you can't even chat properly lmao.
Powershot doesnt cut nature trees
Can someone explain to me, a lowly Guardian scrub, why BSJ is removing and adding the sticks from his inventory like that?
The branches? Stuff like bottle gives a flat amount of mana and hp per charge, so if you lower your stats, you get a bigger % return whenever you drink from bottle. Adding the stats back afterwards means you have more net hp/mana than if you didn't remove them in the first place.
If you have max 1000 hp, and heal 500 HP, it's the same as healing for 50% of your max HP.
If you remove 2 branches, the -2 strength will result in you having a maximum of 956 HP. If you heal 500 HP now, that would be the same as a heal of ~52.3% of your max HP, since your max is lowered.
when you add the branches back into your inventory, your max HP goes back up to 1000, but your current HP% stays the same - the result is that your health goes up by 52.3% intead of 50%.
this works for mana too, so its doubly important when using bottle. This also the mechanic behind 'tread switching'. having blue treads (higher max mana) when spending mana, and green treads (lower max mana) when restoring it will maximise the amount you have and minimise the amount you spend
It's some top 0.001% minmaxing stuff that probably doesn't affect 99% of players.
@@HighLanderPonyYTit’s absolutely not too .001% minmaxing stuff. How often do you see people survive with single or double digit HP? That’s the difference between swapping for regen and not.
Backpacking a branch or too is not the biggest of deals most times, but for bigger stat items its quite important.@@HighLanderPonyYT
Hi BSJ, lemme be very honest with you, I believe if they know you are in the team or vs you, this is not helpful, they will try a lot harder knowing you are in the team or vs you, a normal game in this average MMR is very tough ppl will go afk if you don't do whatever they want you to do, they will go afk if you commit an error, like 80% of these games they are toxic ppl you have to mute or you have to be PMA. Even if you are PMA sometimes they won't play, I had a game we were winning and the carry went afk cuz he was in a bad position and died. He was blaming the rest of the team, and we were really ahead in that game, at the end we won but he was so toxic he was about to destroy his items and feed. I believe if you play a normal ranked game in this MMR or the one you are trying to teach WITHOUT them knowing it is you, that will be more realistic.
I am going to reflect everyone and make dota great again.
Mr banana slammed is that the defense grid voice pack? That's such a cool game
Matchmaking system
is this before smurfing was bannable?
why did you choose linkens over mageslayer?
My thoughts
The attack speed is mostly wasted
Her charge shot will not apply item effects
And focus fire is a single target high damage skill so the dot of mage slayer wont have meaning
And the most imprtant thing is it was a item for not dying to nyx and for that mage only gives 25 magic resist,since almost every time ur not able to hit nyx before the combo to apply the 40% spell damage debuff and he is the one caching u off gaurd
And linken gives good stats for universals and fixes most mana problems
If he skipped the linkens, the nyx would burst him every time. Gives him survivability and extra stats as a universal hero.It’s better to survive in a team fight and contribute something .
Because you deal more damage with damage items than without them.
But you also don't deal any damage if you're dead.
It's a fine line to tread.
Jesus. Looks like a 3k game, shows that DotA is just a numbers game, you play more with > 50% winrate and you'll have a higher ranking. These guys aren't even mechanically competent.
that Jakiro tho O.o
Some sus positioning sometimes yes but think I had impact where it mattered haha
What about 2ks from 5ks
3000 mmr
Its better you play with 3 man party because you can still knoe what to do. You wouldnt be sad if you lose even u play bad. Ranking up solo from 2k or less is very hard
Short answer: tons of grind.
Me a 2k player: hmm interesting
Is that Windows media player
What separates me as 4400 mmr from 5k? My team permanently diving fountains when they can finnish the game!!!! Or going solo 1v5!!!! Buying divine without bkb and jumping first!!!! U can try as much as you can but i cant change 4 individuals playing in team, Hard life of average player in average. random pub. Bjs having good tips in many videos but it just does not Work in 3-4-5 k pub with monkeys in team.
Yo wtf my boy BSJ got jacked??
The difference
9k is pro
5k trying to be 9k.
btw i was the one who made all the stacks BSJ farmed throwout the game
lol, what do with 900 mmr =)
Me, a 3k scrub... Hmmm intersting!
Favorite segment, just sayin :)
Same as 9k vs some top 20. xD
Many things separate 9k's from 5k's it's a combo of mechanics and knowledge (obviously) but there's this big misconception that lower mmr players are low mmr because they lack in depth understanding of Dota. And that is pretty true for the most part, but mechanical skill is becoming way more important these days I feel like. Especially if you want to solo carry.
My history with Dota is pretty much akin to a pro player. (if you've watched Nikobaby explaining how he started it's basically 1:1 since we are both from BG and similar in age) I was 9 when I played my first game back in ?? 2003-2004 probably. Hence, with all that exp I believe I understand this game a lot more in depth than most people. But even so I am struggling to solo carry my games at 3-4k mmr. Like there is a clear difference between being good in solo MM and being good at Dota. I think they are quite opposite actually. And that feels bad.
I still win most of my games, but I need to literally make every single call and sometimes I just cba.
roughly 4k =P
5k to 9k seperates MMR.
Meanwhile me: 2k600mmr😢
To be fair to your teammates, you called Nyx going top seconds before they killed your teammate. I get that you're not typically a mid player, and obviously Nyx can go invis, so it's tough to predict, but you made it sound like it was entirely your top lane's fault that they died to his gank. Mid players who fail to call missing in time/fail to countergank are a scourge to the dota community
You are missing the point, that’s why he’s 9k and these people are 5k because 9k players know this is what’s going to happen.
Calling mia is a luxury, not a must.
@TheMartinTD Yeah, they probably do. But not calling MIA as soon as you know that your opponent is gone makes 0 sense. It takes no time, and you could easily save your teammate
Countergank, yeah, if your mid is good for that. Some mids are just better to push the tower hard as BSJ pointed out. I hate when certain people wants me to countergank with level 6 DK because they think it would save anything when they die next to the enemy tower.