after calculating the cost to build one of these, I can buy this blaster for the same money and be done with it. I spoke with Michael at the company today, very nice and humble gentleman. This is still an American made product, and in my mind that counts for a lot.
How much did the box weigh(about) when you received it. My shipping quote is $94 from Texas to Upstate NY. It would have to weigh 125lbs. at FedEx ground rates.
Update ? Elaborate a little on the media you use and the type of compressor you run, hose sizes,pressures any drier-water separator ahead of the blaster ? etc. I'd much rather throw my cash their way then towards Idiot Freight and the church of the coupon people.
after calculating the cost to build one of these, I can buy this blaster for the same money and be done with it. I spoke with Michael at the company today, very nice and humble gentleman. This is still an American made product, and in my mind that counts for a lot.
How much did the box weigh(about) when you received it. My shipping quote is $94 from Texas to Upstate NY. It would have to weigh 125lbs. at FedEx ground rates.
Great video put together.all you need is a better led light inside the barrel so you can see better.
gdzie kupic takie plastikowe okno >?
had mine for 15 years , may have to replace the gloves
What " CFM " do they recommend for compressor ?
The gun operates on 12 cfm of air at 80 psi.
What was the cost? I agree with the comment below.
I bought some and tried them, the lemon is so sour
Update ? Elaborate a little on the media you use and the type of compressor you run, hose sizes,pressures any drier-water separator ahead of the blaster ? etc.
I'd much rather throw my cash their way then towards Idiot Freight and the church of the coupon people.
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