@@FrederickDunn From the first time I spotted your channel on You Tube, I knew you were the best out there… and said so in a comment to Cameron Reynolds and was called « ignorant » by some! Hah .. now I feel vindicated with this endorsement that Tom Seeley just gave you! 😂😂😂😂♥️
Frederick, you do us all a great service with interviews such as this one. Dr. Seeley is the very upper crust of those who make serious studies of honey bee behavior. I trust there will be more. I am grateful for you.
A real treasure of a special interview. What a privilege for me to have been allowed to absorb the time today enjoying the interactivity of author/teacher with student/interviewer/mentor to so many of us. I must feel it seems somewhat like a bee, being fed/nurtured. Is it stupid to note this, but the knowledge gained; it lights up my mind, like nourishment delights. I mean all of Fred' s, quizzical fascinations and interviews and observations do but, in this interview particularly I can see that the apple did not fall far from the tree. Thank you so much Mr. Dunn and Doctor Seeley.
While driving to pick up my packages, I actually just listen to this and what a great interview.I super appreciate all the effort.He's done into this book and I will hundred percent be buying this as soon as I hit my hotel room for the night.
Hi, Fred. Just saw the interview you did with Dr. Seeley from this past April. Excellent interview. Very informative. Needless to say Dr. Seeley was impressed with your expertise by complementing you for doing the best interview he has ever done. Thanks for all you do, helping us "Backyard Beekeepers".
Dr. Seeley is someone who I've admired and read for many years. It was an honor to have him interview with me, and that final word from him pretty much made my year! :) Thank you.
Didn’t think I needed to listen to this interview as I’ve read some of Seeley’s books. I was so wrong! Fred- this was an incredible interview and I appreciate it so much! Your questions and ability to listen created a valuable resource. Thank you!!
Fantastic interview, Fred! Such a huge compliment from Dr. Seely to you saying best interview he’s done. Congratulations! QUESTION about water. My bees, collect water off the damp sand on our brackish beach. I’ve never provided other water but now I’m wondering, do they need a freshwater source as well? Perhaps you could address this on Friday Q&A? Charles City, Virginia Debbie
Thank you so much! The answer is yes, they do need fresh water also but it sounds like there may be plenty of that around. It never hurts to offer them more options. Keeping the location of the water source location consistent is also valuable to those foragers :)
Thank you for doing this interview, been waiting for Dr. Seeley to put out what some of us have been saying for years and he called for someone to make well insulated wooden hives as I have asked for. I have found no company that makes 2 inch hive body’s or extra deep frames (of wood) Hopefully Hill Co will now after Dr. Seeley said it, as I asked at NAHBE, all the big companies been asked years ago. Great information and I have to watch it again because I kept falling to sleep.
I also like his description of the wooden-clad insulated hive body. I think most companies are tied to the maximum return on their investment. If keepers are skilled, as Tom is, then making your own modifications are possible.
Thank you, Thank you both! Fred great interview, Tom I've been watching as many of your lectures as I can find. I really appreciate the knowledge you two gentlemen have and the way you continue to share.
This was such a great interview that it can't be put into words!! That man has done so much for the understanding of Honeybees. I'm glad that my thoughts are along the same lines as him. The science is way over my head, I just want them in my area. My garden did so much better when they were here then were completely gone for 2 years, I stopped Vegetale gardening because of that, native bees couldn't keep up with pollination needs. Mosquitoes and the spraying of pesticides from them killed everything. I live in a small town not a large suburb. Pesticides need to be brought under control!
I love the way Dr Seeley talks about bees, you can really see and feel the passion and he's so smart and can explain everything so clearly and exacting that its very easy to understand his concepts. I wish i had the $ to buy his books and support his work. Omg ive always wanted a raccoon!!!
Hi Jason! I have to say that I really wanted more discussion about his raccoon. They are curious for sure. We talked "off camera" more about a film titled "My Side of The Mountain" and how that also influenced his raccoon interest. He's definitely motivated by a need to know more... I share that enthusiasm.
I agree with his final statement! I'm sure I'll be watching this again. I very much like the fluidity of the conversation and how you added little plugs along the way to get it right, regardless of who you were correcting. Well done. Thank you for helping to share some wisdom.
That was a fantastic interview. So much great information and you asked him a lot of the questions that I had. I have already ordered the book but i definitely want to go back and watch the interview again. Thank you for sharing.
Tom Seeley is so interesting. I have had the good fortune of attending a lecture here in NY. So excited to read his newest book. I wonder, if the bees do not appreciate sound as we do, does no one in the hive hear the virgin Queen piping? Wow!!!! The best interview Tom Seeley has ever had!!! That is really saying something!! Thanks Fred. ❤
Yes, @lambbrookfarm4528 already mentioned it, they feel the vibrations through the comb and other hive parts or from bee to bee. I'm also glad that Dr. Seeley mentioned the near-field sound that they pick up with their antennae within milimeters of the piper. :)
Thank you for sharing Dr Seeley and his recent book with us. His closing comment about a wood clad insulated hive is solved with the 20 frame insulated Layens hive. I have 20 of these and they are great year around in Southwest Ohio. Deep frames and extra width controlled by your divider board make them great for honey expansion during the summer and cozy for our cold winters. The insulated version has an R-value of 9 while 3/4” pine is less than 1. Warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
Thanks for sharing. Yes, the layens hives are well insulated. He wants to remain with the verticle configuration. My Layens are too small, and offer no room for expansion, I purchased Dr. Leo's largest Hives. Insulation definitely helps in cold climates, and also has advantages in the hot areas as well.
Hopefully you get a chance to work with a 20 frame version. I sell to locals in my area and they love them. Local bees, hives that meet your conditions from local builders. I think Langstroth would approve.
Hi Fred. Good to be listening to your Channel once more. . . (A while to get the Internet back on the Property ! Tech outage / Local Upgrade. . . ) Anyhow : My go to Reads are Dr. Seeley's The Lives of Bees, and Honey Bee Democracy. Might have to get his latest Book too. 😁 Lovely to now catch up on Yesterdays discussion with you both. Scottish 🏴 time difference, meant I'm enjoying it now. 👍 Wow ! : Can't believe I have had Bees longer in my life, than Fred (Bees :circa 2006.) I had a School Project that lead Me to have x4 Hives on my Parents Garage Roof (Flat & Sheltered, South Facing aspect.) across from the well known & famous Edinburgh Botanical Gardens. (Amazing Pollen Source for sure. Nectar was great too) for 'Old Town' Bees in a City location. 🤭 And somewhere, I have a lovely 'personally written' Letter from the UK Bee Expert "Brother Adam" of Buckfast Abbey / Bee Fame. All Hand Written with a : Fountain Ink Pen. . .I 'wrote' a note and he Wrote back ! 🤗 (I was only a x14 Years Old Kid) back in the mid 1980's. A novice Beek not knowing how famous he was. Took until the Covid Lockdown (A Swarm found Me !) To have Bees in my life again ! Guess that Bee knowledge was there somewhere, remembered from over x40 years ago. Bees have been here for many Millenia, this Beek for only a few decades or so. 😎 Still learning from the Hives and the Bees themselves. 🐝 So a really "big Thank You" to you both for more insight and knowledge 'shared.' Hope the next 'Kid' : gets to do Bees too. 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝 Happy Beekeeping 2024 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝
Nicely done Fred. I like that he studied the bees to learn how they live and not studying them to try and change the way they live. I have adapted the thought process that I think you and now I see Tom has when ask a question about venting, entrance size, insulation, ect. What are the bees doing in a tree or wall cavity? They are teaching us we just need to listen. Thanks Mark
🎉 Thanks Fredrick! It must take so long to do all the work that Thomas has done. I can’t help but wonder if Thomas would have any experiments on Bee Venom in the brood nest area, as Marla Spivak mentioned?
We're benefitting from 50 years of beekeeping and observations when it comes to Dr. Seeley. To my knowledge, he's posted no studies regarding bee venom. I do know that there is some interest in the air inside hives, and that includes atomized bee venom.
« To « roam »in the same direction as the Bees »! There you go! Follow their imprinted « nature »! It’s all in there…. ! « A good Bee keeper is one who discovers it »! It is so refreshing to the intellect to hear a specialist who understands this… they are so rare! Thank you M. Dunn… thank you.. thank you…thank you….! Note: Tom Sealy does not use the word « Ferral » but the word « Wild » Bees…??? Question: Is there a consequence to understanding Bees when one base their understanding of Bees on Darwinian theory rather than a « created » nature ? That is a question that needs to be asked to Dr Seeley. Most think it’s the same. But it’s not. This is the most important question that needs to be resolved of all other question on Bees because it’s the starting point to understanding them and any creature for that matter. To say that they are the same is not a sign of intelligence…! I apologize in advance for offending some people’s sensitivity… ! To evolve is not the same as to adapt.. that is the basic question to answer….to really understand! My two cents!
This will be a classic interview tutorial video.. I think will be still taking about this video for hrs to come.. Another documental material clip. For the beekeeping & worldwide enthusiasts.. Farewell to all from NYC 🇩🇴🗽🇺🇸🦅🐝
So many of my questions have been answered.Thank you. We should be calling them a bee metropolis instead of a hive and we are just Godzillas. Co2 release/absorbing with plastic vs wood vs tree hives vs open hives.
I just rescued a swarm. They’re in back of my truck in a horizontal hive and I’m letting them all find their new home while I’m setting in my truck watching this. When you ask him the air speed of a swarm you should’ve also ask him if he knows the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow. African or European. Aaaahhhhhh. Monty Python and the Holy Grail😂
HOLY SWARM KNOWLEDGE BATMAN! At 55:30, the discussion about cross flight to and from an apiary. @josephrawls says that he thinks a bee yard attracks swarms nearby. Could it be this streaking behavior influence?
I’m super jealous and appreciative at the same time. What a significant compliment he gave to you… the best interview he’s ever done!
I have to say that I was very pleasantly surprised and so grateful :)
From the first time I spotted your channel on You Tube, I knew you were the best out there… and said so in a comment to Cameron Reynolds and was called « ignorant » by some!
Hah .. now I feel vindicated with this endorsement that Tom Seeley just gave you!
There was a strange crop in the video just before he said that. Fre ed?! 😅😅
@@rtxhoneybees He said several other things at that moment which I did edit out :) sharp observation there :)
To many beekeepers, Dr. Seeley is a national treasure. Thank you, Fred, for delivering such a fun and informative interview with Tom.
Thank you, Jeff! It was a pure pleasure to have this visit with such a lengendary researcher. :)
Going to be one of those interviews to be listened to over and over 👏👏👏
Thank you, yes there is so much information :)
Frederick, you do us all a great service with interviews such as this one. Dr. Seeley is the very upper crust of those who make serious studies of honey bee behavior. I trust there will be more. I am grateful for you.
Thank you so much! It's been a while since I've had a comment from you. :)
I could listen to Dr. Seeley for hours. I regret not having him as one of my professors (years ago). Great interview, Fred.
What a pleasure it would have been to be one of his students and get into that Bee Lab :) Thank you!
A real treasure of a special interview. What a privilege for me to have been allowed to absorb the time today enjoying the interactivity of author/teacher with student/interviewer/mentor to so many of us. I must feel it seems somewhat like a bee, being fed/nurtured. Is it stupid to note this, but the knowledge gained; it lights up my mind, like nourishment delights. I mean all of Fred' s, quizzical fascinations and interviews and observations do but, in this interview particularly I can see that the apple did not fall far from the tree. Thank you so much Mr. Dunn and Doctor Seeley.
Thank you so much, Thomas :)
While driving to pick up my packages, I actually just listen to this and what a great interview.I super appreciate all the effort.He's done into this book and I will hundred percent be buying this as soon as I hit my hotel room for the night.
Glad you enjoyed it!
The man interviewing 'The Man'... very interesting! Thanks Fred, Thanks Dr. Seeley
That's the way I look at it too!
Tom Seeley is definitely "the Man!" I'm so happy that he was willing to talk with me :)
Hi, Fred. Just saw the interview you did with Dr. Seeley from this past April. Excellent interview. Very informative. Needless to say Dr. Seeley was impressed with your expertise by complementing you for doing the best interview he has ever done. Thanks for all you do, helping us "Backyard Beekeepers".
Dr. Seeley is someone who I've admired and read for many years. It was an honor to have him interview with me, and that final word from him pretty much made my year! :) Thank you.
Thank you for another fantastic interview! It is wonderful for a backyard beekeeper to have access to the experts you bring to interviews.
I'm so glad you liked it, I was very fortunate to have this conversation with Dr. Seeley :)
Didn’t think I needed to listen to this interview as I’ve read some of Seeley’s books. I was so wrong! Fred- this was an incredible interview and I appreciate it so much! Your questions and ability to listen created a valuable resource. Thank you!!
What a great compliment! Thank you so much :)
Fred I no you always wanted to do this interview with Mr Tom and you have done an excellent job thank you
Thanks, Wally, you are so right, I've been patiently waiting for an opportunity to talk with Tom and it finally happened!
Thanks for the reply Fred. I’ll do as you suggested and include fresh water. Thanks for all you do for us beekeepers!
Wow! “Best interview ever” he said! Great conversation! This was very insightful and interesting! Thanks.
Thanks, John! :)
Fantastic interview, Fred! Such a huge compliment from Dr. Seely to you saying best interview he’s done. Congratulations! QUESTION about water. My bees, collect water off the damp sand on our brackish beach. I’ve never provided other water but now I’m wondering, do they need a freshwater source as well? Perhaps you could address this on Friday Q&A?
Charles City, Virginia
Thank you so much! The answer is yes, they do need fresh water also but it sounds like there may be plenty of that around. It never hurts to offer them more options. Keeping the location of the water source location consistent is also valuable to those foragers :)
Thank you Fred what an awesome interview and thank you Mr. Seeley, what a wealth of knowledge, or is it Dr. Seeley, not sure
It's Dr. Seeley, but he's very informal and happy with "Tom". It's another sign of a great man, not tied to titles. :) Modest and profoundly informed.
Thank you Fred. Please try to have him on again. Could listen to you two all day. Always great to here I’m doing a few things right from two experts.
I agree, Ross! It's nice when your practices are reinforced by someone who is so educated in the ways of the bee :)
Thank you for doing this interview, been waiting for Dr. Seeley to put out what some of us have been saying for years and he called for someone to make well insulated wooden hives as I have asked for. I have found no company that makes 2 inch hive body’s or extra deep frames (of wood) Hopefully Hill Co will now after Dr. Seeley said it, as I asked at NAHBE, all the big companies been asked years ago.
Great information and I have to watch it again because I kept falling to sleep.
I also like his description of the wooden-clad insulated hive body. I think most companies are tied to the maximum return on their investment. If keepers are skilled, as Tom is, then making your own modifications are possible.
Was a great interview, I learned something new 👍
If you've learned one new thing, it's worth it :)
Thank you, Thank you both! Fred great interview, Tom I've been watching as many of your lectures as I can find. I really appreciate the knowledge you two gentlemen have and the way you continue to share.
Thank you very much! It's a pure pleasure to share discussions like this one :)
This was such a great interview that it can't be put into words!! That man has done so much for the understanding of Honeybees. I'm glad that my thoughts are along the same lines as him. The science is way over my head, I just want them in my area. My garden did so much better when they were here then were completely gone for 2 years, I stopped Vegetale gardening because of that, native bees couldn't keep up with pollination needs. Mosquitoes and the spraying of pesticides from them killed everything. I live in a small town not a large suburb. Pesticides need to be brought under control!
Thanks, Tommy! I'm glad things are improving there.
I love the way Dr Seeley talks about bees, you can really see and feel the passion and he's so smart and can explain everything so clearly and exacting that its very easy to understand his concepts. I wish i had the $ to buy his books and support his work. Omg ive always wanted a raccoon!!!
Hi Jason! I have to say that I really wanted more discussion about his raccoon. They are curious for sure. We talked "off camera" more about a film titled "My Side of The Mountain" and how that also influenced his raccoon interest. He's definitely motivated by a need to know more... I share that enthusiasm.
Hi Fred… wonderful memory captured for us all to enjoy. Dr. See let Said it all on closing… “Best Interview Ever” Kudos from the best…
🍻, m8!
Dr. Seeley….
I'm not going to lie, that final statement made my year :) !
@@FrederickDunn The truth is you did lead a fabulous interview. Dr Seeley simply stated it.
Ty fred i will but his book. He was so nice to you and glad he took the time.
I would have to say that he's truly friendly and generous with his time, I know that it was a rare opportunity :)
I agree with his final statement!
I'm sure I'll be watching this again.
I very much like the fluidity of the conversation and how you added little plugs along the way to get it right, regardless of who you were correcting.
Well done. Thank you for helping to share some wisdom.
I am so glad you enjoyed it :) Thank you!
That was a fantastic interview. So much great information and you asked him a lot of the questions that I had. I have already ordered the book but i definitely want to go back and watch the interview again. Thank you for sharing.
Glad you enjoyed it!
My takeaway....ive been blessed to learn from two of the very best,and pass that knowledge along
He's a virtually unlimited source of great information :) I was so glad to be able to visit with him. :)
@@FrederickDunn I picked up another of Kim flottums books (better bee keeping) ill cherish, giants of the craft.
This interview was really great!
Thank you so much! It was a pure pleasure.
Both these guys are so interesting.
Thank you so much! :)
Tom Seeley is so interesting. I have had the good fortune of attending a lecture here in NY. So excited to read his newest book. I wonder, if the bees do not appreciate sound as we do, does no one in the hive hear the virgin Queen piping? Wow!!!! The best interview Tom Seeley has ever had!!! That is really saying something!! Thanks Fred. ❤
On natural comb, the vibrations are transmitted through the comb.
@@lambbrookfarm4528 Thank you for clarifying! :) I am glad that I can hear her as well….ready to charge!
Yes, @lambbrookfarm4528 already mentioned it, they feel the vibrations through the comb and other hive parts or from bee to bee. I'm also glad that Dr. Seeley mentioned the near-field sound that they pick up with their antennae within milimeters of the piper. :)
Another great interview. Thank you.
Thank you for watching, and for taking a moment to comment :)
Wow what a great interview. Thanks so much.
Thank you, Keith! :)
Great interview as usual! I was able to get the book in audio format. I’m looking forward to learning more about these amazing creatures!
Audible has really been a great resource! I often put books from Audible on a wifi speaker so I can listen while I'm in my shop.
Lovely deep dive into bee research. Thanks for the interview's informatioan and interaction between you two.
I never get tired of visiting with Dr. Seeley :)
I really enjoyed this interview thank you so much can’t wait to read his books:))
Glad you enjoyed it!
Looking forward to watching the Interview Fred :) hope all is well your way! Have a great day
Thank you for sharing Dr Seeley and his recent book with us. His closing comment about a wood clad insulated hive is solved with the 20 frame insulated Layens hive. I have 20 of these and they are great year around in Southwest Ohio. Deep frames and extra width controlled by your divider board make them great for honey expansion during the summer and cozy for our cold winters. The insulated version has an R-value of 9 while 3/4” pine is less than 1. Warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
Thanks for sharing. Yes, the layens hives are well insulated. He wants to remain with the verticle configuration. My Layens are too small, and offer no room for expansion, I purchased Dr. Leo's largest Hives. Insulation definitely helps in cold climates, and also has advantages in the hot areas as well.
Hopefully you get a chance to work with a 20 frame version. I sell to locals in my area and they love them. Local bees, hives that meet your conditions from local builders. I think Langstroth would approve.
Love listening to, and gaining knowledge from Dr Seeley, (and you!) Thanks for doing this interview.
Glad you enjoyed it!
I absolutely loved this interview thanks for sharing
Glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for taking a moment to comment :)
Thank you so much :) I really appreciate the support!
Hi Fred.
Good to be listening to your Channel once more. . .
(A while to get the Internet back on the Property ! Tech outage / Local Upgrade. . . )
Anyhow :
My go to Reads are Dr. Seeley's The Lives of Bees, and Honey Bee Democracy. Might have to get his latest Book too. 😁
Lovely to now catch up on Yesterdays discussion with
you both. Scottish 🏴 time difference, meant I'm enjoying it now. 👍
Wow ! : Can't believe I have
had Bees longer in my life, than Fred (Bees :circa 2006.)
I had a School Project that lead Me to have x4 Hives on my Parents Garage Roof (Flat & Sheltered, South Facing aspect.) across from the well known & famous Edinburgh Botanical Gardens. (Amazing Pollen Source for sure. Nectar was great too) for 'Old Town' Bees in a City location. 🤭
And somewhere, I have a lovely 'personally written' Letter
from the UK Bee Expert "Brother Adam" of Buckfast Abbey / Bee Fame. All Hand Written with a : Fountain Ink Pen. . .I 'wrote' a note and he Wrote back ! 🤗 (I was only a x14 Years Old Kid) back in the mid 1980's. A novice Beek not knowing how famous he was.
Took until the Covid Lockdown (A Swarm found Me !) To have Bees in my life again !
Guess that Bee knowledge was there somewhere, remembered from over x40 years ago.
Bees have been here for many Millenia, this Beek for only a few decades or so. 😎
Still learning from the Hives and the Bees themselves. 🐝
So a really "big Thank You" to you both for more insight and knowledge 'shared.' Hope the next 'Kid' : gets to do Bees too.
Happy Beekeeping 2024
Such a great story, and what a nice keepsake from Brother Adam! I hope you framed it :) Welcome back.
Really enjoyed this interview.
Thank you so much, it was an honor to have him on :)
Nicely done Fred. I like that he studied the bees to learn how they live and not studying them to try and change the way they live. I have adapted the thought process that I think you and now I see Tom has when ask a question about venting, entrance size, insulation, ect. What are the bees doing in a tree or wall cavity? They are teaching us we just need to listen.
Thanks Mark
Thanks for taking a moment to comment, and I'm so glad you like what you've been hearing :)
🎉 Thanks Fredrick! It must take so long to do all the work that Thomas has done.
I can’t help but wonder if Thomas would have any experiments on Bee Venom in the brood nest area, as Marla Spivak mentioned?
We're benefitting from 50 years of beekeeping and observations when it comes to Dr. Seeley. To my knowledge, he's posted no studies regarding bee venom. I do know that there is some interest in the air inside hives, and that includes atomized bee venom.
Amazing interview Fred.
Thank you, Patrick :)
Thanks Fred,
Great interview , very informative
I am so glad you liked it! I was very happy to visit with him and share the interview :)
« To « roam »in the same direction as the Bees »!
There you go!
Follow their imprinted « nature »!
It’s all in there…. !
« A good Bee keeper is one who discovers it »!
It is so refreshing to the intellect to hear a specialist who understands this… they are so rare!
Thank you M. Dunn… thank you.. thank you…thank you….!
Note: Tom Sealy does not use the word « Ferral » but the word « Wild » Bees…???
Question: Is there a consequence to understanding Bees when one base their understanding of Bees on Darwinian theory rather than a « created » nature ?
That is a question that needs to be asked to Dr Seeley. Most think it’s the same. But it’s not. This is the most important question that needs to be resolved of all other question on Bees because it’s the starting point to understanding them and any creature for that matter.
To say that they are the same is not a sign of intelligence…!
I apologize in advance for offending some people’s sensitivity… !
To evolve is not the same as to adapt.. that is the basic question to answer….to really understand!
My two cents!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Another above average interview, lol thanks Fred!
Glad you enjoyed it! and I'll take that grade ;) !
This will be a classic interview tutorial video.. I think will be still taking about this video for hrs to come.. Another documental material clip. For the beekeeping & worldwide enthusiasts.. Farewell to all from NYC 🇩🇴🗽🇺🇸🦅🐝
Thank you so much, I'm glad that you find it to be so beneficial :)
Wow, what a treat!
Thanks, David!
So many of my questions have been answered.Thank you.
We should be calling them a bee metropolis instead of a hive and we are just Godzillas.
Co2 release/absorbing with plastic vs wood vs tree hives vs open hives.
Great interview and guest. Such an important researcher in the history of beekeeping. Wonder if Dr. Seeley uses screened bottom boards?
Thank you so much, and he does not use screened bottom boards :)
I just rescued a swarm. They’re in back of my truck in a horizontal hive and I’m letting them all find their new home while I’m setting in my truck watching this. When you ask him the air speed of a swarm you should’ve also ask him if he knows the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow. African or European. Aaaahhhhhh. Monty Python and the Holy Grail😂
I LOVE Monty Python, and when I was in High School we cited every line to each other throughout the day :) Knights who say neee....
I got my copy of Tom’s book on Audible.
You're going to really enjoy that. Thanks for sharing :)
HOLY SWARM KNOWLEDGE BATMAN! At 55:30, the discussion about cross flight to and from an apiary. @josephrawls says that he thinks a bee yard attracks swarms nearby. Could it be this streaking behavior influence?