No Sky Too High

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.ย. 2024
  • Subtitles available in English and French. Click the Closed Caption (CC) icon to activate.
    “NO SKY TOO HIGH” is an original song written by 14 Wing Greenwood Honorary Colonel (HCol) Terry Kelly and 14 Wing Bandmaster Warrant Officer (WO) Jeff Campbell. The song and video, dedicated to the RCAF, celebrate the Royal Canadian Air Force’s heritage, current roles, and most importantly, its people.
    Bassist and guitarist Kevin Perkins, and drummer Tim Fisk join HCol Kelly and WO Campbell in this musical homage.
    HCol Kelly is a singer, songwriter, and professional speaker. He has released seven full-length recordings, resulting in seven East Coast Music Awards and nominations for four Canadian Country Music Awards and a JUNO. He has shared the stage with Symphony Orchestras, and has performed his original music in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and for the troops in Afghanistan. He is most recognized for his inspirational song, “A Pittance of Time”. HCol Kelly is a recipient of the King Clancy Award and Hal Rogers Fellow Award, as well as Honorary Doctorates in Civil Laws and in Fine Arts from the University of Kings College and Saint Mary’s University, respectively. He has received the Canadian Country Music Association’s Humanitarian Award; is proud to be serving as Honorary Colonel of 14 Wing Greenwood (since 2015); and is a member of the Order of Canada.
    14 Wing Bandmaster WO Campbell is the co-writer, arranger, and project manager of ‘No Sky Too High’. He has been a member of the Canadian Armed Forces since 1999 and has served as the 14 Wing Bandmaster since 2015. He has also served with the Stadacona Band of the Royal Canadian Navy in Halifax and the Royal Canadian Artillery Band in Edmonton. He performs as a clarinetist and pianist with many ensembles and was a founding member of Edmonton’s WindRose Trio, whose album, “Path of Contact,” won a Western Canadian Music Award for Best Classical Recording in 2009. WO Campbell holds a Master’s degree in Music from DePaul University in Chicago, and a Bachelor’s degree in Music from the University of Victoria.
    No Sky Too High
    Written by 14 Wing Honorary Colonel Terry Kelly and Warrant Officer Jeff Campbell
    Published by Gun K Publishing - SOCAN
    Look to the sky
    And imagine a time,
    When birds and celestials ruled regions on high.
    When childlike fascination
    Unbridled imagination
    Gave mortals the wings to fly.
    Our story of flight
    Tells of joy and lost life,
    Raw grit, innovation, vulnerability and might.
    Wooden wings, wax, and feathers
    Sealed a flight plan forever,
    And the RCAF keeps that vision in sight.
    And there's no sky too high
    No land mass, no ocean too wide
    No far is too far when we're bound for the stars
    No, there's no sky too high.
    Stories unfold
    Of families brave and bold
    Adding force to the air force
    Through service at home.
    All across the nation
    There's pride and admiration,
    ’Cause away or at home we're together and we know.
    Comrades stay strong,
    When missions are long,
    We fight through adversity and operate as one.
    The pathway to the stars
    Takes heads, guts, and hearts
    And the RCAF soars above and beyond
    Above and beyond,
    And there's no sky too high
    No land mass, no ocean too wide
    No far is too far when we're bound for the stars
    There's no sky too high.
    There's no sky too high
    No land mass, no ocean too wide
    No far is too far when we're bound for the stars
    There's no sky too high
    There's no sky too high
    There's no sky too high.
    Avec un ciel sans frontières
    Par le colonel honoraire Terry Kelly et l'Adjudant-chef Jeff Campbell
    Adaptation française par Paul Gallant
    Regarde vers le ciel
    Et imagine un temps.
    Quand Dieux et les oiseaux
    Dominaient d’en haut.
    Enfants fascinés
    Imaginations débridées
    Ont donné aux mortels
    Le vent sous leurs ailes.
    Une histoire vécue.
    Joie et vies perdues.
    Avec innovation, puissance et bravoure.
    Ailes de bois, de cire et de plumes.
    Un plan de vol pour toujours,
    Et l'ARC garde cette image en vue.
    Avec un ciel sans frontières
    On peut traverser mers et montagnes
    Rien n’est trop loin: les étoiles, notre destin
    Avec un ciel sans frontières.
    Des familles courageuses
    Des histoires audacieuses
    Le service à domicile
    Sont l’honneur de l’ARC
    Partout dans la nation
    Fierté et admiration.
    Car loin ou proche, ensemble nous savons.
    Les camarades ont le don,
    Dans toutes ces longues missions
    De combattre l'adversité et opérer comme un seul.
    Les étoiles sur nos chemins et des cœurs plein d’entrain
    L'ARC s'envole vers le ciel, s’envole vers le ciel.
    Avec un ciel sans frontières
    On peut traverser mers et montagnes
    Rien n’est trop loin: les étoiles, notre destin
    Avec un ciel sans frontières.
    Avec un ciel sans frontières
    On peut traverser mers et montagnes
    Rien n’est trop loin: les étoiles, notre destin
    Avec un ciel sans frontières.
    Avec un ciel sans frontières.
    Avec un ciel sans frontières.

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