The Brownsville revival needs to be revived today. Our country is dry and we desperately need more of the Lord Jesus Christ. I remember Steve Hill shaking my hand looking at me right in my face saying " GOD LOVES YOU!" I'll never forget him. Can I hear this song as soon as I get into heaven?!
My wife and I were radically born again in 1995. Brownsville songs of revival during that time we will carry with us forever. Down here in South Florida, Missionary David Hogan, who would preach at Brownsville would leave there and come down to our little hole-in-the-wall Church. Thirty+ teen and 20-something kids would follow Hogan down here and camp with tents in our backyard and we would be on FIRE with the Holy Spirit all weekend long!!!!!! WOW!!
I still listen/worship to BVille music. There’s nothing like it. It’s from the heart and they held nothing back. It’s pure worship. Like Lindell would say let’s not sing about God let’s sing to Him!
No matter how many people sings this song. Lindell Cooley will always bring something amazing to it!! I believe he was born to sing this song!!! You can hear it in him, his passion for Jesus!!!! Oh we cry Holy is the Lord!!!!
Praying for another revival like Brownsville. The whole world, all mankind needs the salvation, love, mercy, and compassion of Jesus Christ to heal and change our hearts and minds. Forgive us our sins, hatred, bitterness, anger, and idolatry. Holy Spirit fill us. Set us on fire for loving the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and loving each other as ourselves. Holy Spirit blow across the lands. Bless mankind with the seeds of salvation and God’s Word. 🙏🏼
This particular rendition by Lindell Cooley has always moved me, since my then-boyfriend & now husband played it for me 20 years ago. He picked up the CD when his church in CO visited Brownsville. He still plays the CD it's on regularly & he always cranks this song up so I can hear it in the bedroom, where I am currently bedridden the majority of time. I listed it in my "5 Wishes", information for when my body dies, & I've requested that this be played at my funeral/memorial, whichever my husband chooses. We have different Faith backgrounds but Spiritual music like this unites us, one of the reasons I married him, one of the best choices I've ever made in my life! Other older women in our small town are jealous of how he treats & takes care of me-he tells me every day he loves me, has brought me my 1st cup of coffee EVERY SINGLE MORNING since he met me at 8:00 am, just to name one of his many rituals that shows how much he cares for me. I/we may have challenges but we are incredibly Blessed!
No skinny jeans and fog machines there. Not even projection! Lindell led us! Was there for a Worship and intercession Conference June 2000. Been praying for Revival in the land ever since! Love this pure and spontaneous worship!!!
This revival was fire and I was a new follower of Jesus…I had no clue the amazing anointing I was under would save me deeper and deeper as time went on. I stumbled hard a few years later…but God never gave up on me. 🙌🏼🙏🏼🕊️ I See The Lord!
I didn't understand when I was 16 at Brownsville....I was a rebellious teenager mad to go by my mom....I can say now that I crave His Presence.... beautiful song to tap into His Spirit
Leigh Ann Paige would of loved to of been there. The Holy Spirit was so strong there it must of been a blessing to witness this event. Love LC seen him at winter fest in Tennessee such a blessing. Hang in there and keep the fire God bless you
Mom played this back in the day I was a kid. Back when worship was announced. 90 through the early 2000's was a good time. Rip mom she died in 2020. Even singing this song in school not church u can feel the presence of the lord even u are a half stepper.
Lindell Cooley sings from his heart, and his love for the Lord comes through his songs. This is why he is one of my favorite Christian Music Singers. May our God Bless Lindell with the anointing to reach lost souls through his music, and to draw those who already belong to Jesus, even closer to Him.
Wow! How inspiring! I have been playing the piano since I was 5 years old. I began composing music at the age of 12.Playing the piano has been my connection and communication with Jesus. About 10 years ago I got my hand caught in a hedge trimmer which cut off the end of one of my fingers.I was devastated & feared I'd never be able to play again, but GOD had other plans! I smile with such joy becuz it only took me 1 year... and "I am still able to play only by the Grace of God" as you said! WOW!
I totally get it 8 years ago I was at church and the worship team was singing/ playing their hearts out ! The bass player had left about 5 years ago and nobody else filled the spot so I asked The Lord to fill the spot with someone and He told me to do it I had no experience or guitar but I said I would I can’t read music so I play by ear and work at it
@@spencerbanks3500 amen amennnnnn I totally get it too! I can’t read music and play by ear and it’s that ANOINTING brother that breaks the yoke ! Keep playing for Jesus
Like Isaiah, I came into the presence of the Lord, saw myself as I really was and cried, "I am unclean!" Through His Grace and Mercy, He cleansed me with the blood of His Son Jesus, the LIVE coal from off the altar of God. I pray for a true, supernatural move of God to once more break out and spread through this land and this world.
I have seen the Lord and his combat train filled downtown Baghdad when I was ore there back in 03 when the Lord and the devil dog’s over ran Iraq. We praise you Lord God Almighty with all our heart, mind and soul!!!! Yes we will answer him and we will go we’re ever you want us to go Lord. And we did cry holy is the Lord!!!! Semper Fi!!!!!
Fire of God in repentance was transforming while there Feeling this now all these years later. Getting in line 4:30 in morning to be in His presence. Life changing.
my guilt has gone and my sin has been forgiven!!! PTL!!! I LOVE YOU Lindell Cooley!!! TYSM for your AMAZING worship music!!! HALLELUJAH!!! GOD IS REAL, PEOPLE!!! NOT MOHAMMAD, NOT BUDDAH, GOD, JESUS AND THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!! AMEN AND AMEN!!!
Yesterday my sweet loving kitty was killed by dogs. Our hearts were sad and heart and I have felt the comfort of Holy Spirit. God used this song as a declaration to the greatest loving and faithful God ever. His love washes over the pain and replaces with peace
Wow seems like just yesterday when I attended Wheeling WV for the Brownsville revival that was brought here and I met Lindell as many of us did that holy day. I still here this in 2023 after 25 years and I cry . How holy is our God !!!!
Hate to blow your bubble but Peter said the same thing 2000 years ago, my end time teaching is simple, Jesus comes, i go. i just want to be working in His field when He comes. Love, not fear.
@@waynemurphy2594 RT yt yt 5th time is a great place for me and I am in the middle east and the world 8AM I have to be 8inches and have to do battle for a good time to ti you know you have a tiller in your head that is a good thing is to be a part of it all you have is the same thing as your life tr 4655575 yt tr 55554 re 5664 ute 6 tut 5 tree 5⁵667656 tr 4 tr 4 tree 5 try 539 yet re 3445 Rey 5454 ti 45955 tree 5 tree 393454 up 552934343945 re 345
*Isaiah **7:10**-14 Moreover the LORD spake again unto Ahaz, saying, Ask thee a sign of the LORD thy God; ask it either in the depth, or in the height above. But Ahaz said, I will not ask, neither will I tempt the LORD. And he said, Hear ye now, O house of David; Is it a small thing for you to weary men, but will ye weary my God also? Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Revelation 12:7-9 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Matthew **1:22**-23 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.*
That day when we party and Jesus is our all in the temple and dance in his presence, beautiful worship, it took me higher to imagine that day in heaven, Holy Holy Holy Lord!
My wife and I play the piano and guitar parts, I do the vocals, and this is still one of our favorite worship songs of all time!!! It stirs hearts in church and in the prisons we go into!.
one of my favorite songs of all time! I was there when this was recorded...all I can say is it was like heaven come earth!!!! Brownsville assembly pastors conference 1996!!!
I was blessed to visit in the summer of 99, during the sound check God's presence decended in a way I have never experienced. All I can think of is Hab 3:2 LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, LORD. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy.
I see the Lord. ..May God bless each person ND show them the path He has selected for you until.that day when we cry, holy holy is the Lord on His triumphant return!!!!
yes, agree, I gave my life to Jesus in 1996, as a former heavy metal guitar player...this worship (and many others) touched me so strong, that I was willing lost all for Jesus, even all that music I was addicted so strong...and there was only a few CD-s we could bought in Slovakia, eastern Europe that years...
@ 2.56 !! Yes my Jesus has taken all my sin shame and guilt. I would have died . Now I completely belong to Him. Praise and glory to Almighty God. Love You Jesus. God bless you all.
I wish I could have been here. But the album from the Brownsville Revival has blessed me so much! I don't know how anyone can listen and not PRAISE GOD!
I was in a public place by myself. I was listening to Utube. then this song came from nowhere I kept listening. to it and I knew I was being understood by the lord. I don't have a answer I know that since then I was called to witness someone is watching you. God bless you.
Let us continuously daily worship the Lord cry out Holy Holy is The Lord with all our Heart. Thank you Lord for the longing to worship you with all of my heart not just today but everyday. Hallelujah.
Roll up your rapture rug and your golden ticket to heaven and get to work....feed the hungry , cloth the naked,,heal the sick, cast out devils, raise the dead, proclaim liberty to the be at work when he shows up
I absolutely have utmost respect for vineyard music, and I thank the Lord for this and I thank God for our experience at the Brownsville church. We were truly changed forever... Praise God!
Now this is worship! I wish churches would go back to songs similar to this one and others that were sung by Lindell Cooley and Kent Henry and Don Moen, and all the other great ones! Today, it's just a concert!
Who is here after all that is happening in the world today, when you are coming back oh God please do not pass me, put that hunger in my spirit, to be hungry for you only.
I've played this song a few times with my P&W team. SPecifically, I remember my lead guitarist, Scott, who passed away last year and this was his favorite song, so we played it at his service, and I lost it. This song gets to me every time, and even now I still tear up when I hear it.
This song removes me from all and I am before a wonderful God of all and there is no problems and there is no more hurt and pain just love of the purest and joy beyond thought and beauty beyond mind.. Thank you Lord for a vision I will always hold on to.... I love you Lord Amen... Thank you Holy Spirit for taking me there.....I every song...
Soon, we His people, will be singing these words, "I SEE THE LORD, and the Angels Cry Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD." \o/ Thank you, Lord Jesus, all my sins have been paid for by your death on Calvary. \o/ Blessed be the Name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. I love this song. I can feel His presence. Thank you for posting. Sharing with a Bible Forum. I WILL GO FOR YOU, LORD! I cry, Holy, Holy is Lord! COME LORD JESUS! \o/
I got in on the last year's of the revival. I'll never forget the powerful praise and worship followed by anointed preaching. The doors closed around eleven or midnight all nights.
Desire of my heart is for the tangible Presence of God with me, my family & in my town. May His presence drown out the noise of divisiveness & rebellion in our country.
I do cry glory is the lord and i feel the presence of god as i hear your song of praise.hallaluh aman i cant hear this song enough.thank you.keep singing his praise god sent you to us.i feel the holy spirit thru your voice and song of praise.
Jesus said " I am the way, the truth, and the way". I try and seek the Lord every day. I know that He is everything. I depend on the Lord for everything.
I am praising and worshiping the Lord, reading scriptures-- Isaiah chapter 6 verse 3 when this song came to my mind; I love the Lord so much ❣️ 12-15-23
The Brownsville revival needs to be revived today. Our country is dry and we desperately need more of the Lord Jesus Christ. I remember Steve Hill shaking my hand looking at me right in my face saying " GOD LOVES YOU!" I'll never forget him. Can I hear this song as soon as I get into heaven?!
It's Good Friday 2024 it's 5:00 in the morning and I'm listening to this thank you Jesus
My wife and I were radically born again in 1995. Brownsville songs of revival during that time we will carry with us forever. Down here in South Florida, Missionary David Hogan, who would preach at Brownsville would leave there and come down to our little hole-in-the-wall Church. Thirty+ teen and 20-something kids would follow Hogan down here and camp with tents in our backyard and we would be on FIRE with the Holy Spirit all weekend long!!!!!! WOW!!
Amen 🇺🇸 I experienced the Glory like liquid love 💘
Wave after wave for day
Brownville n Pensacola
1995 Glory of God!!!!
I still listen/worship to BVille music. There’s nothing like it. It’s from the heart and they held nothing back. It’s pure worship. Like Lindell would say let’s not sing about God let’s sing to Him!
Oh man I want that soooo bad
It was an amazing time to follow Jesus
Is that the David Hogan with a large ministry to the people of old Mexico, or, is it the younger man?
No matter how many people sings this song. Lindell Cooley will always bring something amazing to it!! I believe he was born to sing this song!!! You can hear it in him, his passion for Jesus!!!!
Oh we cry Holy is the Lord!!!!
Yes, Amen❤
He's a awesome singer. You can hear the love he has for the Lord!
@@RhondaPhillips7 .......... Yes, he definitely has a heart for Jesus!!
I heard it first with Terry Hill & prefer his rendition best though this is great.
I'll look for you in heaven Terry. RIP.
@@marshahinson2360 ......... I'll have to check Terry's version out! Thank you
Praying for another revival like Brownsville. The whole world, all mankind needs the salvation, love, mercy, and compassion of Jesus Christ to heal and change our hearts and minds. Forgive us our sins, hatred, bitterness, anger, and idolatry. Holy Spirit fill us. Set us on fire for loving the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and loving each other as ourselves. Holy Spirit blow across the lands. Bless mankind with the seeds of salvation and God’s Word. 🙏🏼
Still crying "holy, holy, holy is the Lord" in 2023.❤
Keep keeping on Magda - same here in 24
Me too
And in 2025 ❤🙏
No gimmicks, no flash- just anointing!! Prayers for you Bro Lindell!!
We are now in 2020.Who is here to praise the King of Glory?yes HE IS WORTHY, OUR LAMB OF GOD,PRINCE OF PEACE
Im right here with you
Here I am to worship the Lord with you.
I cry Holy Holy is The LORD
I’m am here too. Glory to our King of Kings & Lord of Lords. May His Righteousness rule & reign through us! We sing glory hallelujah!!
Amen Come Lord Jesus
Can you hear the fire in this mans voice!!!
This particular rendition by Lindell Cooley has always moved me, since my then-boyfriend & now husband played it for me 20 years ago. He picked up the CD when his church in CO visited Brownsville.
He still plays the CD it's on regularly & he always cranks this song up so I can hear it in the bedroom, where I am currently bedridden the majority of time.
I listed it in my "5 Wishes", information for when my body dies, & I've requested that this be played at my funeral/memorial, whichever my husband chooses.
We have different Faith backgrounds but Spiritual music like this unites us, one of the reasons I married him, one of the best choices I've ever made in my life!
Other older women in our small town are jealous of how he treats & takes care of me-he tells me every day he loves me, has brought me my 1st cup of coffee EVERY SINGLE MORNING since he met me at 8:00 am, just to name one of his many rituals that shows how much he cares for me. I/we may have challenges but we are incredibly Blessed!
This song starts my day. No better way to start it than praising God. Hallelujah!!!
Dude I feel ya!
Me too!
No Matter What, Above All Else, Jesus Is Lord.
Now that's what I call pure worship to the LORD and not to the Flesh. Praise be to God. T
No skinny jeans and fog machines there. Not even projection! Lindell led us! Was there for a Worship and intercession Conference June 2000. Been praying for Revival in the land ever since! Love this pure and spontaneous worship!!!
Praising God in 2024!! The world's a mess, and GOD STILL REIGNS!
Halleluyah Lord its all about You. We praise Your Name....very very soon You are coming our Jesus Christ.
And God wins! Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess, Jesus is Lord!!!!!!!!!! ❤🙏 He always will be!!!!!! Amen!!!!!
This revival was fire and I was a new follower of Jesus…I had no clue the amazing anointing I was under would save me deeper and deeper as time went on. I stumbled hard a few years later…but God never gave up on me. 🙌🏼🙏🏼🕊️ I See The Lord!
I didn't understand when I was 16 at Brownsville....I was a rebellious teenager mad to go by my mom....I can say now that I crave His Presence.... beautiful song to tap into His Spirit
Leigh Ann Paige How wonderful that he continued to call after you.....what a lovely testimony .
Leigh Ann Paige Moms always know best!!And the Lord never forgot you.
A seed was sown that has been manifested. Keep the water flowing your soul....... hallelujah holy holy is the Lord!
Leigh Ann Paige would of loved to of been there. The Holy Spirit was so strong there it must of been a blessing to witness this event. Love LC seen him at winter fest in Tennessee such a blessing. Hang in there and keep the fire God bless you
I was rebellious 2!
Mom played this back in the day I was a kid. Back when worship was announced. 90 through the early 2000's was a good time. Rip mom she died in 2020. Even singing this song in school not church u can feel the presence of the lord even u are a half stepper.
Lindell Cooley sings from his heart, and his love for the Lord comes through his songs. This is why he is one of my favorite Christian Music Singers. May our God Bless Lindell with the anointing to reach lost souls through his music, and to draw those who already belong to Jesus, even closer to Him.
Amen!!! 😁 🙌 👍👍👍🔥🔥🔥
Wow! How inspiring! I have been playing the piano since I was 5 years old. I began composing music at the age of 12.Playing the piano has been my connection and communication with Jesus. About 10 years ago I got my hand caught in a hedge trimmer which cut off the end of one of my fingers.I was devastated & feared I'd never be able to play again, but GOD had other plans! I smile with such joy becuz it only took me 1 year... and "I am still able to play only by the Grace of God" as you said! WOW!
Tamra Lynn been 10 years since this post! How ya doin still playin for Jesus ??
Praise God!!!
I totally get it
8 years ago I was at church and the worship team was singing/ playing their hearts out !
The bass player had left about 5 years ago and nobody else filled the spot so I asked The Lord to fill the spot with someone and He told me to do it
I had no experience or guitar but I said I would
I can’t read music so I play by ear and work at it
@@spencerbanks3500 amen amennnnnn I totally get it too! I can’t read music and play by ear and it’s that ANOINTING brother that breaks the yoke ! Keep playing for Jesus
Like Isaiah, I came into the presence of the Lord, saw myself as I really was and cried, "I am unclean!" Through His Grace and Mercy, He cleansed me with the blood of His Son Jesus, the LIVE coal from off the altar of God. I pray for a true, supernatural move of God to once more break out and spread through this land and this world.
amen i agree
Amen n Amen Hallelujah
Oh yeah! Was at that revival balling my eyes out! ❤
The most powerful revival I have ever experienced! WOW!
I have seen the Lord and his combat train filled downtown Baghdad when I was ore there back in 03 when the Lord and the devil dog’s over ran Iraq. We praise you Lord God Almighty with all our heart, mind and soul!!!! Yes we will answer him and we will go we’re ever you want us to go Lord. And we did cry holy is the Lord!!!! Semper Fi!!!!!
Tiefe und kluge Bemerkungen.
God bless the Marines!
I was at Brownsville revival also I still carry that fire with me these songs are forever a part of my soul .
Matt Shoemake amen to that I went a couple times fire fire ..
Amen. How wonderful.
Fire of God in repentance was transforming while there
Feeling this now all these years later.
Getting in line 4:30 in morning to be in His presence.
Life changing.
my guilt has gone and my sin has been forgiven!!! PTL!!! I LOVE YOU Lindell Cooley!!! TYSM for your AMAZING worship music!!! HALLELUJAH!!! GOD IS REAL, PEOPLE!!! NOT MOHAMMAD, NOT BUDDAH, GOD, JESUS AND THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!! AMEN AND AMEN!!!
The most powerfully inspirational song I've ever heard that makes me feel as if I am in Heaven
Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty!!!
Praising the Lord here in 2021! 🙌🏻 Love this song! ❤️☝🏻❤️
Yesterday my sweet loving kitty was killed by dogs. Our hearts were sad and heart and I have felt the comfort of Holy Spirit. God used this song as a declaration to the greatest loving and faithful God ever. His love washes over the pain and replaces with peace
Praise Jesus!!! Thank you for dying so I can live the resurrection life with You and Best Friend Holy Spirit!!!
Can’t wait to hug you!!!
Wow seems like just yesterday when I attended Wheeling WV for the Brownsville revival that was brought here and I met Lindell as many of us did that holy day. I still here this in 2023 after 25 years and I cry . How holy is our God !!!!
My God I’m about to shout💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽
This is May 2023...Is anybody here??
I'm here!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
It's April '24! I still see the Lord!
Well it's 2024 and I thank God I'm here
Yes May 2024 ❤❤🙌🏻 I cry Holy Holy is the Lord Jesus Christ ❤
This is May 24.😊
Time is up. Jesus Christ is coming any day now.
Hate to blow your bubble but Peter said the same thing 2000 years ago, my end time teaching is simple, Jesus comes, i go. i just want to be working in His field when He comes. Love, not fear.
@@waynemurphy2594 RT yt yt 5th time is a great place for me and I am in the middle east and the world 8AM I have to be 8inches and have to do battle for a good time to ti you know you have a tiller in your head that is a good thing is to be a part of it all you have is the same thing as your life tr 4655575 yt tr 55554 re 5664 ute 6 tut 5 tree 5⁵667656 tr 4 tr 4 tree 5 try 539 yet re 3445 Rey 5454 ti 45955 tree 5 tree 393454 up 552934343945 re 345
Jesus ain't real
*Isaiah **7:10**-14 Moreover the LORD spake again unto Ahaz, saying, Ask thee a sign of the LORD thy God; ask it either in the depth, or in the height above. But Ahaz said, I will not ask, neither will I tempt the LORD. And he said, Hear ye now, O house of David; Is it a small thing for you to weary men, but will ye weary my God also? Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Revelation 12:7-9 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Matthew **1:22**-23 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.*
That day when we party and Jesus is our all in the temple and dance in his presence, beautiful worship, it took me higher to imagine that day in heaven, Holy Holy Holy Lord!
Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts... His glory fills the earth!!! Holy! 2019
NOV 18, 2024, HALELUYA, still can worship JESUS with this song. MARANATHA
AWESOME!!!! HOLY IS THE LORD!!! Yes He is!!!!!!!! Thank You Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My wife and I play the piano and guitar parts, I do the vocals, and this is still one of our favorite worship songs of all time!!! It stirs hearts in church and in the prisons we go into!.
one of my favorite songs of all time! I was there when this was recorded...all I can say is it was like heaven come earth!!!! Brownsville assembly pastors conference 1996!!!
I was blessed to visit in the summer of 99, during the sound check God's presence decended in a way I have never experienced. All I can think of is Hab 3:2 LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, LORD. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy.
Dustin Vonn there is a true revival coming I believe during this falling away period. his church is raising up
I see the reruns with steve hill pastor Kilpatrick evangelist nathan morris and Steven hill are my favorite preachers for today
I see the Lord. ..May God bless each person ND show them the path He has selected for you until.that day when we cry, holy holy is the Lord on His triumphant return!!!!
This is pure worship. Glory to God!!
Power in this song
Aman my sister hallaluah i love you.aman
The Lord is Holy!!!
Same here, from when they was in Norway
Leni Hassve Asphaug Great news praise the lord
He is high and lifted up, Thank you Jesus.
I went to the brownsville 21 times I couldn't get enough, I miss it so bad. wow what worship!
I was blessed to be able to go back in 95 and was pregnant with my youngest daughter so I told her she was there to 😂🙌🙏🏼it was amazing
It's one of my favorites too. : ) Glad you enjoyed it!
Yeshua. I cry Holy, Holy is The Lord‼️🙏🏾
yes, agree, I gave my life to Jesus in 1996, as a former heavy metal guitar player...this worship (and many others) touched me so strong, that I was willing lost all for Jesus, even all that music I was addicted so strong...and there was only a few CD-s we could bought in Slovakia, eastern Europe that years...
The rapture of the church is any day now. THE KING IS COMING HALLELUJAH. Our redemption draws nigh.
Absolutely sister,Holy Holy Holy is El Shaddai
Only those keeping 10 Commandment a reading rev.12 Revelation.
Once you see the Lord, you will be ready to ride with Him :)
I have not been serving God for a while. and I knew about and looked this song up. this is amazing compared to other versions. brings me to tears.
Lord you are HOLY, AMAZING, WONDERFUL, AWESOME!!! You are everything we need & more!
@ 2.56 !! Yes my Jesus has taken all my sin shame and guilt. I would have died . Now I completely belong to Him. Praise and glory to Almighty God. Love You Jesus. God bless you all.
I lift my hands in joy with my anointed friends...we all need a Holy lift......TOGETHER AS ONE,GBY the ones I Love.
The Lord is Holy majestic
He's Holy spirit
His eyes fire 🔥
Angels cry Holy
Holy is The Lord. If I abide in you. Thank you Lord Jesus.
I see the Lord is one beautiful powerful song
OHHH I listened,worshipped for hours to this..yes holy is He..📖🥀🌹
I wish I could have been here. But the album from the Brownsville Revival has blessed me so much! I don't know how anyone can listen and not PRAISE GOD!
Me too!!
What is the name of the album?
Jerry, you don't have to THERE, Jesus is right with you, enter in my brother,
Lord thank you for Lindell Cooley! What a gift you gave us all!
glory be to God, not to the singer.
Kimberly Hasty Yes so true. I love his worship
Awonderfulpraise song
Excellent praise the lord 🙌
Amen 🙏 Hallelujah
I just have no idea how someone could give this song a thumbs down. It’s so anointed and you can feel the presence of the Lord. It’s wonderful!!
Glory to God our God the only God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!!!!!!!
I was in a public place by myself. I was listening to Utube. then this song came from nowhere I kept listening. to it and I knew I was being understood by the lord. I don't have a answer I know that since then I was called to witness someone is watching you. God bless you.
Praise you my Lord, Glory to the King of kings
Love that guitar. HOLY IS THE LORD!
Let us continuously daily worship the Lord cry out Holy Holy is The Lord with all our Heart. Thank you Lord for the longing to worship you with all of my heart not just today but everyday. Hallelujah.
finally I found this song
after searching for such a long time
really God touches me through this song
Anmol Ghale
me too-God Bless-
Amen me too. Heard this song in 1995 and it touches me every bit as much as it did back then. Praise God!
Jesus is coming soon to take his church out of here! Even so, come Lord Jesus!
Roll up your rapture rug and your golden ticket to heaven and get to work....feed the hungry , cloth the naked,,heal the sick, cast out devils, raise the dead, proclaim liberty to the be at work when he shows up
I absolutely have utmost respect for vineyard music, and I thank the Lord for this and I thank God for our experience at the Brownsville church. We were truly changed forever... Praise God!
Father, my God, You are so HOLY!!!!!!!!!!11
Now this is worship! I wish churches would go back to songs similar to this one and others that were sung by Lindell Cooley and Kent Henry and Don Moen, and all the other great ones! Today, it's just a concert!
+Jerry Ayala : Try lenny smith's "Who Was And Is And Is To Come" album :) Real songs with melodies!
Amen! Agree 100%
Oh, yes!
You said it. love all 3. Revival like this will come soon.
Jerry Ayala Performance art has taken the place of worship...and just see the results. The falling away...
Jesus is lord King of kings lord of Lords every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is lord ✨✝️😊❤️
Who is here after all that is happening in the world today, when you are coming back oh God please do not pass me, put that hunger in my spirit, to be hungry for you only.
I've played this song a few times with my P&W team. SPecifically, I remember my lead guitarist, Scott, who passed away last year and this was his favorite song, so we played it at his service, and I lost it. This song gets to me every time, and even now I still tear up when I hear it.
This song removes me from all and I am before a wonderful God of all and there is no problems and there is no more hurt and pain just love of the purest and joy beyond thought and beauty beyond mind.. Thank you Lord for a vision I will always hold on to.... I love you Lord Amen... Thank you Holy Spirit for taking me there.....I every song...
sherrel cox Great comment
We will be singing this in heaven
Hallelujah to the Lamb of God!!!
Soon, we His people, will be singing these words, "I SEE THE LORD, and the Angels Cry Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD." \o/ Thank you, Lord Jesus, all my sins have been paid for by your death on Calvary. \o/ Blessed be the Name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. I love this song. I can feel His presence. Thank you for posting. Sharing with a Bible Forum. I WILL GO FOR YOU, LORD! I cry, Holy, Holy is Lord! COME LORD JESUS! \o/
It's 3 times HOLY isn't it ?
Totally awesome song
You are the Temple and the Kingdom of God is within you!
I was there in Brownsville,we got in line at 7:00 am for a 7:30 pm service,the worship was awesome this strengthens my soul
I love this song and thank you Jesus
Love some Lindell Cooley!
Wow! My favorite song of all time on you tube!
All I can say hallelujah thank you Jesus blessed be the name he is worthy Jesus is Worthy.
I got in on the last year's of the revival. I'll never forget the powerful praise and worship followed by anointed preaching. The doors closed around eleven or midnight all nights.
If you've been to the Throne room you have seen Him. I have . Glory to Father thank you my Jesus and precious Holy Spirit
I see the lord in everything living and breathing. From broken to whole
All Glory and Honour to His Majestic Name! The Spirit of God is all over it...Glory to God!
Desire of my heart is for the tangible Presence of God with me, my family & in my town. May His presence drown out the noise of divisiveness & rebellion in our country.
I do cry glory is the lord and i feel the presence of god as i hear your song of praise.hallaluh aman i cant hear this song enough.thank you.keep singing his praise god sent you to us.i feel the holy spirit thru your voice and song of praise.
we need revial lord more of you lord jesus
Jesus said " I am the way, the truth, and the way". I try and seek the Lord every day. I know that He is everything. I depend on the Lord for everything.
he is coming soon we love you Jesus
Amen Jesus is coming soon! What a celebration it will be in heaven!
Yes He is
I am praising and worshiping the Lord, reading scriptures-- Isaiah chapter 6 verse 3 when this song came to my mind; I love the Lord so much ❣️ 12-15-23
It's now 2021 and there are more here to praise our King Jesus!! And there is a harvest on the way!!
My mom had this cassette and others of lindel. Rip mom. This song is so anointed no matter how far I stray u feel the presence ofgod
What a great song... one that also has a message :)