Google Translates Muhammad in the Bible


ความคิดเห็น • 7

  • @prophetsnotprofits
    @prophetsnotprofits  13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @TheMessianist thank you. For a detailed response including the explanation of the PLURALITY or RESPECT given to ELOHIM (GOD but the "him" or "hym" in Hebrew is a PLURAL but ofcourse the Hebrew GOD of Moses was a UNITY thus denoting a respectful plurality of Language such as "WE the QUEEN" in English is also given in the SONGS of SOLOMAN" to MuCHMDYM...... "DYM" but not in the other references Mr. White refutes Shabir Alley with.... the other instances may indicate a noun but not in this case.

  • @prophetsnotprofits
    @prophetsnotprofits  13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @TheMessianist Thank you for your comment and on you be peace as well. The opening comment is my literal interpretation of the Hebrew. Their are other meanings for the words in Hebrew according to my humble research when I was investigating this verse. Which English words chosen in translation have significant impact in changing meaning.

  • @prophetsnotprofits
    @prophetsnotprofits  13 ปีที่แล้ว

    You will see I refute the arguments regarding the other places where Muchmad is in the bible argued by Mr White as in these places the plural of respect is not given. Only in Songs of Solomon is the plural of respect given "dym" thus pointing myself to conclude that this mention of the word is a Person's name NOT an adjective as argued.

  • @AzwadOnline
    @AzwadOnline 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am a simple practitioner of my faith. The unseen Creator and Merciful is we call on him as Jesus called on him. Hebrews 5:7 claims Jesus cried out to his God with tears to be saved from the persecution and his prayers were answered. I have found great freedom in Islam and the knowledge that God is intimate with His Creation.The intimacy of placing your face on the ground has helped break many chains of spiritual servitude the the physical world. As the body lowers the soul rises

  • @prophetsnotprofits
    @prophetsnotprofits  13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @prophetsnotprofits FOR a DETAILED explanation see the following youtube video: /watch?v=CsGLTSE1KZ0

  • @tbppuglia
    @tbppuglia 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thats the cheqpest trick. Huh? Machmadim is by no means a proper name, its the pluram form of the word machmad which means desiranle. You selected a part of the word and played a dirty and shameful trick on the hebrew text of the bible, shame on you for exploiting peoples ignorance of the ancient language.