@@anetpetWhat is identity? I can't distinguish attributes included in identity from just attributes. My understanding is that identity does not include any attributes, but that is not how others think about that.
I have extreme anxiety, and I also suffer from depression, BPD, complex PTSD, among other things (i have a psychologist and all of these are diagnosed) I have them as a light personality trait inevitably and I find mental health very fascinating but I do hate myself and wish I had a better mental state but it is improving. But none of it is truly my fault, I was thrown into a lot of bullying and went through literally everything in my parents divorce and was used by both my parents, given a false sense of security, etc. for my actions I didn't have a choice. But this has strengthened my faith to Christ and my study of theology as a Lutheran. I don't take the blame for the things that weren't my fault either and I believe some of you guys would need to go through some of the things I have to truly understand but I agree. I play a major part in making it a personality trait of mine but it's minor and no matter what it affects me and will inevitably create a sort of "personality trait". however no one should ever idolize their mental health issues, especially because it makes your health worse, most people that idolize their mental health issues have very minor if any actual problems with their mental health. perhaps they are misunderstood, but regardless, mental health problems should never be idolized. if you have any feedback to this, late me now as I'm always looking to further my knowledge on my faith and religion.
Is stabbing one of your conservative christian values? Man Fatally Stabbed in Confrontation as He Danced at a Gas Station O’Shae Sibley, 28, was vogueing when men attacked him with gay slurs and told him to stop. A hate crimes task force is investigating.
@@ChosenKing777No the issue is we are supposed to read the bible and bring its knowledge into our way of life. Liberals do the opposite and read irl issues into the bible, learning nothing.
Man I checked the page and the comments are outrageous. Some directly stated that Jesus never “died for our sins” and that that was a White Nationalistic Jesus. Beyond that some said to throw out the Bible and instead rely on meditation. Could not be any more heretical than that.
There’s no successful lie that doesn’t have a bit of truth to it. That being said, that’s a bit of a silly notion. I’m not a progressive Christian whatsoever, but the reality is that the closer you are to the truth, the less you have to throw away to reach the truth. I get your point but you’re just wrong
I think a better version of what Flameguy is trying to say goes "Twisting the truth is far more dangerous than a blatant lie" if that is what he meant then it just was communicated poorly and you weren't in disagreement.@@comeintotheforest
Eh, if you accept Jesus as the saviour you are saved. It doesn’t matter how stupid or wrong you are. I’d prefer a “bad” Christian over an atheist or someone of another religion
"Banning Abortion is Unbiblical" They quote the bible, then say the bible is not a biology textbook making their previous statement false by making their proof false in their own eyes.
Also banning Abortion is NOT unbiblical because in Pslam 139 King David say how God knits us together in our mothers womb (not direct quote he uses singular but its applicable to us) and how God is our creator even though our Mom and Dad through love making may have physically started the process its God that continues the process imo.
Why should the bible have any say in abortion thought you lot had separation of church and state. Whenever I feel bad about living in the uk I look at American Christians and then I realise how lucky I am.
@@Flixio-6 First off while yes technically the States have separation of Church and State its something that is a) badly enforced and b) wasnt actually promised in the US constitiom (forgive my spelling Im Canadian not American) but in private letters from Thomas Jefferson (not even President at this point) to local churches who feared persecution because they were Church of England which is why they then changed their church name to Anglican. Secondly considering as Christians we believe that God created life and abortion iis literally the destroying of a life (no matter if its cells fetus etc that person is going to be a human not an animal) so this is why IMO the church should have something to say about the issue of abortion.
@@Flixio-6 Why would the separation of church and state mean that Christians cannot vote their conscience informed by their religious beliefs, whatever those may be? How would you even begin to enforce that in any way, shape, or form? You clearly do not understand what separation of church and state means.
I hope stabbing some is also unbiblical. Man Fatally Stabbed in Confrontation as He Danced at a Gas Station O’Shae Sibley, 28, was vogueing when men attacked him with gay slurs and told him to stop. A hate crimes task force is investigating.
I don’t think the meme about mental illness not being a sin is used to excuse actual sins. I like that meme and wholeheartedly agree. As someone with OCD, recognizing my intrusive thoughts were not sin was key to recovering from OCD and getting rid of those thoughts entirely. A lot of Christians suffer this way and need to know they aren’t sinning or faithless just due to things like intrusive thoughts, depression, or anxiety. Of course, we all still have to take ownership of our actually sinful actions!
i always feel so bad for being unmotivated and being so irritable, and think i’m super sinful, and i hate myself even more. so, i don’t know, obviously i’m still responsible but it’s more than just sin.
Yea redeemed Zoomer doesn’t take a nuanced approach to the mental health movement at all. Yes it can be used as an excuse to sin, but that’s not the driving force behind it in Christian circles. It’s a legitimate mode of suffering for a ton of people, and they need assurance that they are not sinning for suffering mentally and that God loves them and can take their brokenness and make it new. It’s not as simple as “just try to overcome your symptoms” because it’s being ignorant on what the sickness is actually like.
Yeah, it's a more nuanced issue. But I think the part he mentioned IS an issue in the mental health community/industry. There are many people who need ACTUAL HELP, but a lot of people have just been excusing their immaturity or unwillingness to grow and work through those struggles because of "their debilitating anxiety" or something. Not everyone is like that, but it's a flaw in the system. That's why I don't like these really big blanket statement posts. There's some truth, some lie. We view things so harshly now, and I think in a lot of areas there can be a blend. We need to ultimately go to God as the authority on how we view issues, and we need to view issues in a manner that is obedient and shows a Christlike attitude of love and maturity.
I heavily appreciate how much you respect other Christian groups. You do a very good job at pointing out the parts of each sect of Christianity that you recognize the merit in.
The definition of gods in the language of PHYSICS and MATHEMATICS is GODS are ALIENS are TYPE 7 ADVANCED CIVILIZATION which lives in 10 Dimensions and 11 Dimensions. Achieved the victory on time for them there is no time they can travel future past present and make inteferences with time they were also Type-1 civilization but with technology they became Type-7 so advanced that they conquered the victory on death they have achieved immorality they are so advanced they can make living organisms with technology they have full control on this universe all galaxy, all Stars all all Black holes and they have been achieved tremendous speed of light, teleportation.
@@Bubby79 This is not even remotely an accurate representation of Christian ethics and hamartiology. You presuppose 1. An extreme version of total depravity which even many Calvinists would reject. 2. That hell is literal fire and torture. 3. That Christian ethics is deontological -- NB it is not.
@@Bubby79 what you just said is not even close to the Gospel message the Gospel message is that Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God came down to earth and died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead on the third day. And he gave to use a promise that anyone who believes in him shall be saved.
Also the MOST FAMOUS HYMN Amazing Grace WAS WRITTEN BY A CAPTAIN OF A SLAVE SHIP WHO LATER GOT SAVED AND RENOUNCED IT which is why he writes "Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wrench like. Once was lost now Im found Once was Blind but now I see." Ironically later in life the writer of Amazing Grace he actually became physically blind and said how he noticed just how blind he really was.
When he shows up for the last time in the movie Amazing Grace, John tells William Wilberforce that after all that God had let him see throughout his long life, God had decided he had seen enough and took his sight to prepare him for his journey to heaven.
Polls done in different Latin countries have shown Latin peoples preferred being called Americans more so then any other ethnic name for their people. Depending on the poll it varies between Latino being first and American being second to American being first and Hispanic being second and so on. American consistently got within the top three in all polls with Latinx always ranking the lowest no matter what.
Agreed! X isn't even a Vowel... it doesn't even fit with Spanish grammar either. The people who use the word "Latinx" must have took inspiration from SpaceX or Twitter/X. 💀
I remember seeing a meme that said "Latinos when you call them a racial slur :) vs Latinos when you call them Latinx >:( " (It shows the actor that played Gus from breaking bad) is that true?
Isaiah 5:20 - “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil, who substitute darkness for light, and light for darkness, who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” It’s time to take action.
The problem with so many of these posts is found in the responses. “I think what they’re trying to say…” Soft, fluffy, non-specific language is useful in that it sounds nice and you can make it mean whatever you want it to mean.
As a simple high school science teacher, yes a child in the womb is not breathing as we do. But it still requires oxygen, just like we do, they transfer the oxygen through the blood, just as we do, and their cells still undergo respiration, just like we do. The only difference is that there is a slight change as to HOW they get the oxygen and nutrients. Still a human, still a child, still living.
It doesn’t matter if it’s technically alive or potential to save life. Pro choicers, at least in the US, are usually concerned with the legal precedent of the state respecting bodily autonomy. It’s already well established: The state can’t force you to use your body for something you don’t provide consent. Eg, Even if a drunk mother crashes her car and endangers her child, that state cannot force the mother to donate her blood -even if it will save her child. Even if you died, that state cannot use your organs to save potential life if you didn’t provide consent.
Very big difference between dismembering or poisoning a baby who is developing in their mother’s womb, and being forced to donate an organ. Murder is murder, and to actively poison or dismember a baby simply for the crime of existing is depraved beyond degree, and has been condemned by the Church in all ages. The womb is designed to carry and nourish a baby. To say “It’s my bodily autonomy to poison this baby to remove them from my womb” is the same as stabbing a baby to prevent them from drinking their mother’s milk.
I am a conservative christian and i am involved with a lot of gay people. A lot of my friends are in the gay community. I really dislike that progressive christians are unable to separate loving the sinner vs accepting the sin. Like, it is ok to love the gay person, but why would you erase the scripture to say that the sin is ok?
Exactly!!! Most of my friends are either gay/apart of the community, and they're wonderful people! It sucks that some people either can't see past the sin, or refuse to accept it as a sin :(
5:12 The reason I'm pro-gun is because historically, civilizations that outlawed weapons for civilians were very top-down oppressive, and that's very bad for Christianity 9/10 times.
Also, the amount of kids who die from gun violence isn't even comparable to the amount of abortions. (also, stop laying into Ghost. I think she gets it...)
also being anti gun just means that you want only the government to own guns. And after the last 5 years i dont think any reasonable person would want that
One of the worst "Progressive Christian" talking points not often talked about is: "Christianity is not a religion, its a relationship!" Just like that you throw out all the sacraments and all you have left is a buddy who doesn't fault you for anything and no responsibility to change yourself.
To be fair, the sacraments that matter are his, not man's traditions. He does want a relationship, you are welcomed into his family, may call upon him as Abba father and he will treat you as his children. That includes discipline to help us grow, as a loving father disciplines his children to help them. God isn't a distant figure checking we've observed the proper rituals and provides the correct sacrifices. He detested these things done without true intent to serve him. The holy spirit resides within us.
Most Evangelicals (even the Fundamentals) here in Germany would agree with „it‘s all about your personal relationship with Jesus“… (I would say that this is their „Christianity in a nutshell“)
15:20 I giggled, but they want you to pronounce it "Latin Ex" It's basically them attempting to de-genderize language, but end up trampling...y'know, language, and the people who use the language. The word Latino refers to people of either gender when used in a certain context, in the same way "man" can refer to people of either gender.
"Latinx" is just an accidental slur at this point. As a Brazilian I'd rather be called a monkey or some other slur than a "Latinx", and most other Latinos agree.
Common Religious Symbols Judaism: A star that represents a based and wise line of kings. Their reigning descendant rules over the entire world. Christianity: A symbol of the ultimate act of sacrifice and humility. The only way to come to the Father. Atheism: An oversimplified model of the atom that scientists don't even use anymore. Represents science, a field of knowledge that was pioneered and perfected by Christians. Also, did you read Woke Jesus by Lucas Miles? He does a really good job of breaking down the bogus TheoLib "Historical" Jesus, whom they've robbed of all of his divinity.
The cross is a symbol of persecution of Jesus, and modern christianity seems to have not really moved on from that persecution and many conservative christians act like things they disagree with are acts of persecution
2:20 I agree that-and it is actually standard practice in the clinical world-one should never treat mental illness as an excuse for immorality or sin, but I do think it’s important to clarify that you cannot assume that the suffering that genuine mental illness inflicts is a punishment of sin. I don’t think the meme was aiming at that so I don’t really agree with it. But to separate mental illness from sin is very important, both for the prevention of using it as an excuse and of falling into hopelessness, since to call something unavoidable like suffering sin would be to call sin unavoidable-which though true when in bondage to sin nature is not true of those free from it. Most relevant example of a mental illness where this distinction is important is OCD, and particularly religious scrupulosity which falls under the umbrella of OCD, since the most important and first part of addressing the disorder is understanding that the unwanted thoughts are not reflections of one’s own beliefs, desires, or attitudes, but rather most often the opposite. Believing that the unwanted thoughts are sins is a fast way to despair to a dangerous extent. Like all ailments, mental illness might be used as an excuse for sin, which is bad, but in itself mental illness is not sin.
Your straightforward bluntness made me laugh out loud several times. Love that you said Jesus’s mission and teaching was not about inclusion, but rather redemption. Very well said!
I say: "Humans and English people are like rectangles and squares; all English people are humans but not all humans are English people" By your logic I just said that English people *are* squares and they should take offense to that i get this comment isnt meant to be taken seriously but still you cant just ignore the idea of metaphors
Yes, there are many hadith and Quranic verse on war; but there also many about love and kindness towards your fellow man. What exactly is your point? I could make the same claim of the Bible with equal, if not perhaps superior, justice.
@@meanderingmangomanthe1stof611 mainly my point is that there are Quran verses and Hadiths that aren't exactly loving, or at least not the "progressive Christian" type of love. Maybe I'm wrong Abt the severity of some of the verses or Hadiths, but I can say at least that capital punishment contradicts the progressives idea of love. Again, I've just started looking into Islam so I'm not too familiar with it yet.
@@Young_Christian7 Well, in that case you're right on the money. I mean, I don't think there is a single pre-modern religion (a pre-modern anything for that matter) which would meet a progressive's warped definition of love. A genuine point of advice if you choose to look into hadith collections, though. Often, the harsh or "unflattering" hadith are cherry-picked; not always, mind you, but often. If you really want a taste of what any given collection has to offer, start by picking a book in a single collection, and then read through all the hadith in that one book. Then, take them in totality. Often, a single hadith can have multiple versions which clarify or qualify each other. A great example of this is adult breast-feeding in Sahih Muslim's Book of Suckling. Many Christian polemicists online love to mention that Islam allows adult breast-feeding based on one hadith, but then ignore the others that clarify it was a one-off instance and that the milk was delivered in a cup, not through direct suckling as many of them falsely allege.
@@meanderingmangomanthe1stof611 yep. In fact, I believe that their definition fits with hate. Think about it. They consider hateful to correct people, but the real hate is letting someone fall.
@@St.Raptor Probably.... because gay people dont... ya know.... do the whole passing of genes... cuz..... they cant reproduce.... so I would wager a guess that almost anything is more likely to be genetic than homosexuality lmfao
@@St.Raptor Yes, ancient thing about humans and our pattern seeking brains. When we see a group doing bad things, we adapt to that, and change our view on it. You could make the same argument about racism. "Why are people racist towards black people in America?" To be answered by "Well they commit almost half the violent crimes!" Or, in the case of homosexuals, are 12x more likely to be child predators. You could make the argument that this is all genetic, due to the way humans adapt to perceived threats, but do you really think that the case?
Honestly, I’m not Christian nor Atheist and I don’t identify with any religion (although most of my family is Christian) but I honestly just love hearing you speak. I don’t think I could ever return to any Christian belief but I love hearing religious perspectives and I think that’s why your now my favorite youtuber to listen to. Its fascinating to watch your videos and I love them. Thanks for making these videos
Thank you! I respect you for being willing to listen to other perspectives and enjoy doing so. If you have any questions about Christianity, I'd love to try to answer or at least point you to some resources.
Honestly the comments were way worse than the posts. "I was listening to the radio and they said only born-again Christians go to heaven what a horrible thing to tell kids!"
@@SmileyHappy1000the only value to being in heaven is in being with Christ. And being with Christ certainly is the point of Christianity. So while I think it gives the wrong impression to say that "getting to heaven is the point" I think it can also be wrong to say it isn't.
11:28 "Krishna is the original Christ hence Krishna literally meaning Christ". Atheist and pagans always try to argue that there is a pagan origin on Jesus Christ, but always are surface level similarities like the like sounded names.
@@Britishdarnlibso everything you know about Norse mythology comes from Snorri Sturluson, who was born in 1179 AD and who was also a Christian. So Christianity was already an established religion, when the Proes Era was written down.
Progressive Christian: complains about Conservatives missing the point and believing Jesus was God Also Progressive Christians: quotes someone who beileved Jesus was God....
@@marvalice3455 Yes it is. They have become staunch naturalists and Darwinists (at least in principle, even if they don't fully believe in evolution, but more and more do). And anything not completely worldly is now being instantly condemned as "gnosticism".
~10:25 telling Muslims that Prophet Muhammad (Salah Allah 'Alayhi Wa Salam) was not a Muslim is indirectly telling Muslims That Prophet Muhammad will rot in hell forever 💀
26:00 I really appreciate that the 4 top comments on this post were calling out this heresy rather than being super positive like the comments on the other posts we saw on this account beforehand Also, while I, as a Baptist, disagree with you on some issues (like the sacraments, rapture, and evolution) I just want to say: I'm grateful for this channel. With God's blessing, you seem to have reached many people our age, built a great community, and continue to make good content. Keep up the good work, brother
Agreed. Some things he said I disagree with, mainly the communion and rapture bits given what Paul writes about both, but overall I love watching his videos! Plus even if he is wrong about those details, or I’m wrong and he’s right, what matters about Christianity is still the same regardless, and that is that Jesus is Lord and he is the one who saves us. All the other things are details that aren’t important to salvation, but may have a place for understanding the times and the seasons or what communion is technically.
As a Muslim, I agree completely. In fact, none of the three religions on that poster can be just summarized by the word "love." There all much too complex for that. Unfortunately, in his attempt to be inclusive, the person who made that sign completely missed even the simplest details of Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity.
I mean… they are at least temporarily. I was a part of a whole friend group of progressive Christians in college. Now years later all of them are either no longer Christian or they became more conservative in their beliefs. I think it’s more of a phase than it is a real religion.
I wish! If they were just doing some RP thing then ah but no I think those atheists who claim to be Christian but actually aren't are actually serious in what they say. 💀
Best as I can tell, the quote at 24:23 was not from C. S. Lewis. His views on love were far more complex and it doesn't even sound like something he would've said. There are so many fake Lewis quotes floating around I can almost always tell which ones are real or not.
Same here, I go to a coC in the middle of NOWHERE, (the hillbilly southwest part of Missouri) and we talk about Gods love 10x more than progressive Christian’s do.
@melokuhlebhengu6800 belief or doctrines that contradict established church doctrine to the point where they are irreconcilable, i.e. people who deny the resurection or the trinity. Typically, nowadays, at least, it is only used to refer to important issues rather than minor differences.
@@melokuhlebhengu6800heresy is when a man who claims to be Christian rejects necessary teachings of the faith. If you are an atheist, than you cannot truly be a heretic. Though you could still spread heretical ideas
@@crazydrummer5043 the 10 commandments were shown to moses through stone tablets. "Dropping the stones" would be to reject and abandon the 10 commandments.
I'm so happy to finally hear someone who wants the patriotic hymns out of church. I go to a Baptist church, and yes I want God to work in America and bring us back to Him, but I HATE singing those songs IN CHURCH. Outside of church, whatever. You do you. (I don't care to get in political discussions anyway, but I feel that shouldn't touch our church service. It's already weird enough giving respect to those who fought for us when the service is supposed to put attention on God instead of man.)
Your commentary on that last post had me rolling dude! "Your sin is so bad it nailed God to the Cross" its like i knew that and yet never heard it that bluntly and it hit me different. "God still loves you even though your doing such a crappy job" once again I knew this and yet just hearing it like that makes me laugh and really ponder
Muslim here, yea, it's pretty offensive to imply that Mohamad was not a Muslim. In Islam, being a Muslim is not defined by following the Quran and what Mohamad preached, its defined by an absolute submission to God. It's why our biggest holiday celebrates Abraham placing his trust in God when God orders him to kill his son. To us, Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, and all the other Prophets were Muslims because they submitted and placed their absolute trust in God. I have absolutely no idea why they would think any knowledgeable Muslim would accept that Mohamad wasn't a Muslim.
Hey man, I hope you keep making these videos cause you don't know how many people you're reaching. It's different hearing someone around my age talking about God/Christianity and I wish you nothing but success with your channel and journey as a Christian.
Agreed! Redeemed Zoomer is a gemstone in modern day! The sea of atheists is growing, but there is still hope! I'm Gen Z and Christian, I wish more Gen Zers were Christian.
"You're doing really well given your circumstances." "No you're not! You're dead in your trespasses and sins." My reaction to this was kind of comical. Thinking about my circumstances and how terribly I'm doing, the meme had me cringing. I know I can be doing better; I should be doing better, but somehow I cannot find any strength, willpower, or motivation. How long will I continue to dig cisterns that can't hold water in place of the well of Living Water? "Christ have mercy" is really all I can say.
Hi, don't fear it, if you work for it, even if a small thing like doing your bed or letting sunshine into your bedroom is already a huge step. Jesus will always be there for you, it doesn't matter whether you're Evangelical, Catholic or any denomination, Jesus is Lord and is always there for you, He is always there to hug you at the end of the day! God bless you, please stay safe!
10:25 As a (newly converted) Baha'i, meaning I believe in Buddha, Jesus, *and* Muhammad, this post is WILD. Of course Buddha was a Buddhist, Jesus a Christian, and Muhammad a Muslim, because presumably They believed the things They were teaching. The love thing is kind of true, I don't know much about Buddhism unfortunately but their point still stands. I get what whoever posted this was going for, but this is a terrible way to articulate it.
@@Arpitan_Carpenter well we all do, but man they want God to accept, but not accept God. They're changing God as opposed to asking "in their words" the rainbow 🌈 spirit to change them. They don't wanna be changed. Like I love women. Love everything about em, except they can easily be mislead. But I know I can't go around banging chicks just cause I want to. My lord commands me to be faithful to my wife. So therefore I have to change. In their view God is a granter of wishes, and is changeable to their own values.
I don't think that's biblical. The Corinthians verse that says "God is not a God of confusion, but of peace" is in context about worship services. But that certainly doesn't mean you can blame Satan for all confusion, especially given that God authored Satan. Remember the tower of babel? Or being forced to wander in the desert for 40 years? Or the fact that confusion exists in the first place? Seems like He authored plenty of confusion.
@@rorke6092 Well confusion is probably another cause from sin while directly not being sinful in its own right like boredom. And while yes he caused confusion for the people in The Tower of Babel by mixing up their languages yet they were trying to reach God and he saw that as sinful. Basically in any story that God cause "confusion" it is against sinners that are doing wrong and know what they are doing is evil.
There's no such thing as someone equally progressive and christian, or even conservative and christian. If you're progressive or conservative, you're not christian. If you're christian, you're not progressive or conservative. You can believe in topics in similar fashion as either conservatives or progressives, but if you contradict Christ in the name of a political ideology, then check your beliefs cuz Jesus isn't really to you what He's supposed to be in your life.
Conservative Christianity, also known as conservative theology, theological conservatism, traditional Christianity, or biblical orthodoxy is a grouping of overlapping and denominationally diverse theological movements within Christianity that seeks to retain the orthodox and long-standing traditions and beliefs of Christianity, it is contrasted with Liberal Christianity and Progressive Christianity which are seen as heretical heterodoxies by theological conservatives. Conservative Christianity should not be mistaken as being synonymous with the political philosophy of conservatism nor the Christian right which is a political movement of Christians who support conservative political ideologies and policies within the realm of secular or non-sectarian politics. The two major subdivisions of Conservative Christianity within Protestantism are Evangelical Christianity and Christian Fundamentalism while the Confessing Movement, Confessionalism, and to an extent Neo-orthodoxy make up the remaining within Protestantism. Theological conservatism is also found in Roman Catholicism (excluding Catholic Modernism) and is also found within Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy, the Church of the East;[26] and throughout all of Mainstream-Nicene Christianity in both Western Christian and Eastern Christian traditions, although not every community has had a direct connection with the Fundamentalist-Modernist controversy. Evangelical leaders like Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council have called attention to the problem of equating the term Christian right with theological conservatism and Evangelicalism. Although evangelicals constitute the core constituency of the Christian right within the United States, not all evangelicals fit that political description. The problem of describing the Christian right which in most cases is conflated with theological conservatism in secular media, is further complicated by the fact that the label religious conservative or conservative Christian applies to other Christian denominational religious groups who are theologically, socially, and culturally conservative but do not have overtly political organizations associated with them, which are usually uninvolved, uninterested, apathetic, or indifferent towards politics. Tim Keller, an Evangelical theologian and Presbyterian Church in America pastor, shows that Conservative Christianity (theology) predates the Christian right (politics), and that being a theological conservative didn't necessitate being a political conservative, that some political progressive views around economics, helping the poor, the redistribution of wealth, and racial diversity are compatible with theologically conservative Christianity. Rod Dreher, a senior editor for The American Conservative, a secular conservative magazine, also argues the same differences, even claiming that a "traditional Christian" a theological conservative, can simultaneously be left on economics (economic progressive) and even a socialist at that while maintaining traditional Christian beliefs. ------ Not all of these people who claim they’re Christian or who are Conservatives in the Political Sense are actually Evangelical Christian or even Christian in general, a good chunk of these people only say they’re Christian because their parents, grandparents, great grandparents, and ancestors were Christian. There are many people who are only Culturally Christian, Nominally Christian, or Diest who claim to be Christin for social or cultural reasons but in actuality are Atheist, Agnostic, Deist, Unitarian Universalist, Theologically Liberal (Liberal Christianity) and New Age Mystics, etc. Also, remember that the United States was NOT founded as a Christian nation, a good chunk of the Founding Fathers were Culturally Christian, Deist, theologically liberal, or sacrilegious heretics that syncretized Western Classical thought, American exceptionalism, extremist forms of nationalism and even in some cases White supremacy with Christianity creating a false religion called “American Civil Religion” that on the surface looks like Christianity but in reality is very shallow and just co-opts Judaeo-Christian (Christian and Jewish) terminology for state propaganda. Most of these people described have turned America or their respective countries into a deity instead of focusing on Jesus, some people are turning America and Patriotism into an idol syncretizing it with Christianity. The evils and idolatry of American Civil Religion and Western Classics Civil Religion is seeping into many vocal American churches, this ideology needs to be cast out and rebuked. - Well a certain faction of Americans who call themselves Christian or even Evangelical Christian believe in heresy. Plus when they surveyed a certain bunch of Political Conservative so-called “Evangelicals”, a majority of them knew next to nothing about the faith they claim to believe in, but actually are either atheists or theologically liberal Mainline Protestants LARPing as Evangelicals or politically conservative Mainline Protestants because the Republican Party told them they’re Evangelical or Christian in general because they hold mostly Politically Conservative (even specifically social conservative) views while in reality their Theology is mostly Liberal (unorthodox and heretical) / theologically liberal. Most of them usually just check the “Evangelical” and “Christian” boxes or call themselves that only for cultural reason, because their great-grandparents/several family members were Evangelical Christians or Christian in general at some point, or they’re practitioners of Civil Religion (Western Classics Civil Religion/American Civil Religion) who are co-opting Christianity, Evangelical Christianity at that, to push a political agenda or social movement (especially among Political Conservatives).
I've lived in the south my whole life. And every evangelical church I've attended has been very involved in helping the poor (both locally and abroad). I don't know where this idea that evangelical churches do not help the poor comes from.
The thing is Catholic and Mainl The thing is Catholic and Mainline Denominations/Churches are much more centralized and have much more old money-style multi-generational wealth while Evangelical denominations/churches are much more decentralized, grass-roots, and have amassed a lot less tangible wealth/real property barring a few mega-churches that gained larger audiences and membership due to emerging technologies like the television, internet, and mobile banking in recent decades. You can even see it in the term “Mainline Protestant,” where the etymology for “mainline” is linked to the affluent, historically “White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP)” old money-style areas of most towns/cities where the main trolly/train lines passed through in the same way that “Main Street” is always the affluent part of most small rural to mid sized suburban towns; while the Evangelical churches were in the houses, at revival camps, rural dirt roads, urban sides streets, in the inner-cities, and only recently in new money-style suburbs until Evangelicalism in the United States started to diversify socio-economically.
You make an interesting comment at the 9:30 mark about how, in your experience, mainline churches do more to serve the poor than evangelical ones. In my experience, in the north of England, the evangelical non-denom church I'm part of, and the many others in our area, do a vast amount of work in this area. Our church has a weekly food pantry, hosts a weekly group for the elderly, and actively goes out to people in the area who are struggling. Does anyone else see this where you live?
It really depends on the place. Sometimes mainline churches do better in serving the poor, at others, non-denominational churches do better at serving the poor. Regardless, the Holy Spirit works through Christians, regardless of denomination.
Most of the posts on those profiles are so much bullshit, that they don't even deserve any reaction. Still props to you for pulling through all that garbage.
"Religion is one of the safest places to hide from God." I'm starting to doubt that this is even a Christian page. Traditional Christian doctrine does not contradict with a plethora of progressive values, and most progressive Christians aren’t like this. This is someone with fundamentally different spiritual beliefs.
First time commenter, long time watcher here. I semi-disagree with you disregarding “it’s possible to get an A in Bible and still flunk Christianity.” If someone dedicates their time to memorizing the words but not acting on them in real life then it is a waste of time. Read the Bible to understand its value and then implement those values in your life
Alot of people also dont understand that if you lived a thousand plus years ago you did not know what people looked like who lived on other continents. So some people from Europe trying to depict Jesus would draw or paint a person that somewhat looks like them. They didn't have the diverse communities like today. EX Lots of Europeans didnt know what asian people looked like. Or the other way around just look up asian depictions of Jesus. But modern people assume malice from this.
Most depictions of Christ are based on traditions that go all the way back to the first century. Tbh, I have much more of a problem with femboy Jesus than I have with Korean Jesus.
It’s really funny to me how after each one he reads you can hear the cortisol lol, and then he reads a moderately agreeable one and it takes him off the ledge of revolution. I’m right there with ya
5:16 I'm glad they value children so highly, but sadly, illegalizing guns won't save many children at all. In fact, it may get more killed. A robber will be less willing to attack a family if the parent has a gun. Plus, i atleast hope all the people who've shared this picture also do not support abortion. Because as they've shown by sharing this, "rights" are never as important as children!
Never once in years of therapy dealing with PTSD has anyone tried to tell me my sinful actions are not my fault. they explained to my broken childish psyche in a time of need that the evil I suffered as a child was not my fault, but now I have to take 100% accountability for my actions and work towards healing and transformation with my biblically based faith as moral compass and the primary source of strength. I am disappointed in the church and mental health services equally because they ultimately do not, or cannot show up in times of need. Most of what you are saying makes it easy to be the pharisee or levite that passes the dying man that the samaritan will help. He didn't have right doctrine or know the messiah or have an apostle's creed. We should try to see the truth in what the "progressive" churches are saying. I wanted to laugh, but I'm just disheartened in the lack of unity on the essential truth that Christ has done it all and we are saved by grace . Not right doctrine.
I noticed at 2:40 you refused to read an explicit word in the meme. I think you should do a video about why you don’t feel comfortable swearing, and what the Bible says about swearing. Why a lot of Christians won’t say the f bomb or other dirty words and saying always confused me. I got to church every Sunday and have been Christian my whole life, but Irl swear basically every sentence. The only thing I do not do is swear the lords name/say the lord’s in vain, which the Bible obviously says is wrong. But outside of the Lord’s name I haven’t heard of anything in the Bible that prohibits swearing. It’s something I’m really curious about.
Ephesians 4:29 and James 3: 9-12. Heard a sermon on this topic, hit hard. And honestly, if the world is having sex out of marriage and not sayings it’s a problem and making u look like an idiot for not doing it, you’re doing something right. If non Christian people look at u weird for not cursing ur doing something right. Hope that helps
My fellow friend, helping the other brother who put some verses, here it is: Ef 5: 1- 5; Mt 5: 22 (and the context); Whole book of proverbs pretty much talk about the foolishness of pretty much any word we say, and others that talk about anger, and wise of saying the right words
10:49 >"Middle-Eastern Brown Skinned" this already shows whoever wrote this doens't know how ethnicities work, that just sounds more racist. Also why does Jesus's race even matter so much. >Saying Jesus was jewish and not christian, is like saying Julius doens't count as a Caesar becasue the title only came after him. Like yea that totally makes sense. >Who the heck is calling Jesus patriotic? also thinking living in a colonized place and being patriotic are mutually exclusive also shows whoever wrote this has no idea what they're talking about. >Ok that one is not so bad. 'restoration' is a conservative viewpoint btw so i'm not sure the message they're tryiung to portray is correct. >Jesus DYING FOR YOUR SINS IS LITERALLY THE BASIS FOR THE RELIGION, Like i don't like gatekeeping christianity but we still gotta draw the line: If you don't believe Jesus died for your sins, you are NOT a christian, it's that simple. >Jesus, or Jehova for that matter, deos not send sinners to hell. Sinners themselves condem themselves to hell by not following God. I believe The parables make it pretty clear that "Hell" is not a divine punishment, it's just what's out there in waiting outside of God's grace, and thus by refusing his grace you're letting yourself vulnerable to it on your own accord. >...Who in the hell is saying Jesus is ''silent in the face of oppression what.". Also the oppressed people Jesus talked to are NOT even slightly comparable to the modern progressive american idea of an 'opressed group' this post is def talking about, it's just disengenuous. >All the times Jesus critized religious people it was becasue they were sinning. Those two lines are the same thing. >Yea Jesus didn't endorse Church and State. He also didn't subvert the empire, wahtever that means, he just said it as is: The politics of men are not important in the face of God. Heck he LET himself be labelled a terrorist and executed, for crying out loud, how is that subverting the empire? >"Tell me you don't knwo what figurative sense is without telling me you don't know what figurative sense is". >...Since WHEN are half-siblings not part of traditional family? you do realiize not all half-silblings are borne out of cheating, right? >The "Holy War" Jesus endorses is against sin and evil itself, not people, as such it is not really violent by nature like humanities wars; also he literally whipped people so they'd stop desacrating the temple and told his followers to sell their cape to buy a sword, Jesus does NOT condemn fighting if it's the correct reason to fight, Jesus condemns you for sinning, which includes violence on most occasions, but self-defense and defending what's important is not violence by any reasaonble standarts. So yeah. Sorry to comment a wall on a month-old video but that image seirously infuriated me.
Very true, for the ethnicity it would depend on what people were there at around 5 B.C. Also I believe it was a mixed area due to traveling and had decent populations, and that place swapping hands between empires from time to time
4:00 The Orthdox actually agree with this. "Logos Spermatikos". We can say that the Spirit always guides the Church, but we can't say with knowledge that the Spirit /isn't/ also present in other places (ex ecclesia).
Yeah, anything that is true ultimately comes from God, who is Truth. The trouble is all the false things that go along with the truths in other religions. Paul praised the Athenians for worshipping the unknown God, but he didn't stop there - he introduced them to him.
4:45 "Unlike conservative Christianity, progressive Christianity has no interest in upholding the First Commandment" It should be so simple. "I am the Lord your God: you shall have no other gods before me."
You probably won't see this comment but the pic at 10:41 is offensive to me as a Muslim, as not only is it calling what we believe to be the seal of the prophets and the greatest man who ever lived to be a non-Muslim but it is also calling Jesus a non Muslim, of whom we deem to be a true follower of God, and therefore a Muslim aswell
The fact that they posted that Thomas Sowell quote at 19:13 is hilarious, because these are the exact kind of people he was talking about when he said that.
Hi, Newer Christian here. I LOVE YOUR CONTENT. This and my girlfriend made me convert and Jesus Christ has redeemed my life ever since I converted. You really changed my life with your content brother. Keep it up❤
2:36 (timestamp not verse) Sexual orientation isnt a choice, however, embracing that you are that way and getting together with someone of your type is. You have a choice to do something against the bible. You can choose to lie with a man as a man or a woman as a woman. You can choose to do that.
The fact that they even use common left rhetoric, dare I even call it racism, like “coloniser,” does not exactly help to quell criticism that their beliefs are founded on political views first rather than on religion first.
It's depressive how they can't defend their ideas with love. It's all about attacks! This lack of love is sinful enough to say that they aren't Church. They, likewise the pharisees, are based on the customs and not in the Bible.
You missed a post at 5:02 where a REVEREND says Jesus did not die for our sins. And he's a DOCTOR, presumably of Theology. Like, I'm not even a Christian, and even I know that Jesus dying for our sins is a pretty important part of the whole thing! What is it with protestant reverends on social media having the worst takes about everything? Can anyone with a thought about God (even a secular one) call themselves a reverend? This Caleb J. Lines guy seems like he's a preacher for the Democratic Party first and the Church not at all.
“Multiple paths to God” God: “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” It doesn’t say “ways” it says “way”.
Was it not Jesus who said to take care of their physical needs before you even try to take care of their spiritual needs? Some churches, sadly, have forgotten about that.
Christ and the Apostles did administer to physical needs before they preached. He may not have said it, but that was the modus operandi. Someone who is mainly concerned with their day to day, isn't going to be concerned about their soul.
The comments at 4:54 at dumb. The first one can be easily countered by everyone deserves hell, NOBODY is actually good since we still sin and is only through Christ that we are redeem. This multicultural things is not a power either and in fact when the "multiculture" goes outside what actually want you to believe then all that accepting talk goes outside the window. The second comment just says that the real religion the guy has is american social justice where judging someone over appereance is the worst sin, I am sure that guy is hypocritical since for sure believes white people are evil and I don't believe he doesn't love material things
@@janusasorousrex2118 by default everyone deserves that, and just look at every civilization and the evilness we did. But we were saved by Christ and through him we enter to Heaven. And if you think Heaven and Hell not existing is better than the total nothingness then you actually just accepted eternal Hell since that infinite black void that many atheist believe is what happens after death is just eternal punishment and torture. This is why people without God want to search for immortality to avoid this punishment and in this search they create evils on earth just like Emperor Jiajing who kept girls around the age of 13 captured to harvest her menstrual blood since it was a ingredient for his "red lead" that could give him immortality.
It is funny how Baptists will pride themselves on believing the Bible and taking it literally, but then say it was grape juice and not wine when it literally says wine I say this as a Baptist myself
Its funny how they say God is nonbinary, but they dont accept his preferred pronouns of he/him.
EXACTLY like what the heck💀
Hungarian believers don't have such problems :)))
God doesnt have a gender, you are atributing a biological characteristic to a non-biological being
You can be non-binary and go by he/him pronouns dumbass 💀
@@angora6588how come?
Correct, your anxiety is not a sin. It's also not a personality trait and it most certainly shouldn't be turned into an idol.
Mental problems are not a sin, but you do with them in a negative light is.
And should also not be our identity, Christ is our identity
@@anetpetWhat is identity? I can't distinguish attributes included in identity from just attributes. My understanding is that identity does not include any attributes, but that is not how others think about that.
I have extreme anxiety, and I also suffer from depression, BPD, complex PTSD, among other things (i have a psychologist and all of these are diagnosed) I have them as a light personality trait inevitably and I find mental health very fascinating but I do hate myself and wish I had a better mental state but it is improving. But none of it is truly my fault, I was thrown into a lot of bullying and went through literally everything in my parents divorce and was used by both my parents, given a false sense of security, etc. for my actions I didn't have a choice. But this has strengthened my faith to Christ and my study of theology as a Lutheran. I don't take the blame for the things that weren't my fault either and I believe some of you guys would need to go through some of the things I have to truly understand but I agree. I play a major part in making it a personality trait of mine but it's minor and no matter what it affects me and will inevitably create a sort of "personality trait". however no one should ever idolize their mental health issues, especially because it makes your health worse, most people that idolize their mental health issues have very minor if any actual problems with their mental health. perhaps they are misunderstood, but regardless, mental health problems should never be idolized. if you have any feedback to this, late me now as I'm always looking to further my knowledge on my faith and religion.
I agree, you shouldn't idolize, or in a better term, fetishize, mental health.@@panzerinvictus
Other Christians will have political views based on Christianity, these people have Christianity based on their political views
Is stabbing one of your conservative christian values?
Man Fatally Stabbed in Confrontation as He Danced at a Gas Station
O’Shae Sibley, 28, was vogueing when men attacked him with gay slurs and told him to stop. A hate crimes task force is investigating.
@@ChosenKing777No the issue is we are supposed to read the bible and bring its knowledge into our way of life.
Liberals do the opposite and read irl issues into the bible, learning nothing.
@darth3911 conservatives read the Bible and base everything off of it. It makes them not learn anything about the real world.
@@darth3911yeah ngl I don’t even think most regressive “Christians” even believe in God so they aren’t even Christians
no more so than southern conservative evangelicals do
Man I checked the page and the comments are outrageous. Some directly stated that Jesus never “died for our sins” and that that was a White Nationalistic Jesus. Beyond that some said to throw out the Bible and instead rely on meditation. Could not be any more heretical than that.
It’s scary Brother. Stay strong!
Progressive Christianity is so dangerous and deceptive. Unfortunately it’s not even true Christianity
At that point calling yourself a Christian is just an insult to people who actually believe in Jesus.
And in the video, one comment claimed that the idea that only born again Christians can go to heaven was false.
Mimicking the truth is far more dangerous.
There’s no successful lie that doesn’t have a bit of truth to it. That being said, that’s a bit of a silly notion. I’m not a progressive Christian whatsoever, but the reality is that the closer you are to the truth, the less you have to throw away to reach the truth. I get your point but you’re just wrong
I don’t remember where he said this but IIRC Chesterton has a bit about how heresy isn’t a lie, but a half-truth
I think a better version of what Flameguy is trying to say goes
"Twisting the truth is far more dangerous than a blatant lie"
if that is what he meant then it just was communicated poorly and you weren't in disagreement.@@comeintotheforest
Eh, if you accept Jesus as the saviour you are saved. It doesn’t matter how stupid or wrong you are. I’d prefer a “bad” Christian over an atheist or someone of another religion
"Banning Abortion is Unbiblical" They quote the bible, then say the bible is not a biology textbook making their previous statement false by making their proof false in their own eyes.
Also banning Abortion is NOT unbiblical because in Pslam 139 King David say how God knits us together in our mothers womb (not direct quote he uses singular but its applicable to us) and how God is our creator even though our Mom and Dad through love making may have physically started the process its God that continues the process imo.
Why should the bible have any say in abortion thought you lot had separation of church and state. Whenever I feel bad about living in the uk I look at American Christians and then I realise how lucky I am.
@@Flixio-6 First off while yes technically the States have separation of Church and State its something that is a) badly enforced and b) wasnt actually promised in the US constitiom (forgive my spelling Im Canadian not American) but in private letters from Thomas Jefferson (not even President at this point) to local churches who feared persecution because they were Church of England which is why they then changed their church name to Anglican. Secondly considering as Christians we believe that God created life and abortion iis literally the destroying of a life (no matter if its cells fetus etc that person is going to be a human not an animal) so this is why IMO the church should have something to say about the issue of abortion.
@@Flixio-6 Why would the separation of church and state mean that Christians cannot vote their conscience informed by their religious beliefs, whatever those may be? How would you even begin to enforce that in any way, shape, or form? You clearly do not understand what separation of church and state means.
I hope stabbing some is also unbiblical.
Man Fatally Stabbed in Confrontation as He Danced at a Gas Station
O’Shae Sibley, 28, was vogueing when men attacked him with gay slurs and told him to stop. A hate crimes task force is investigating.
“The difference between Progressive Christianity and Atheism is that not everything Progressive Christians say is wrong.”
What a diss 🔥
That’s not really a diss?
“Erm….uhhhh…ummm…uhhhh…skydaddy!” -🤓
He's referring to Christianity- specific things.
triggered so bad that you are denying realities for your fairytales?
As a Latinx I am highly offended at the word Latinx
Sounds like a Pokemon.
A word made up by white democrats to describe an entire race/ethic group. Sounds like n word slur part 2 to me.
Same it's really cringe and stupid
Nowadays you could probably just identify as something else. :)
I've heard Latino people say they'd rather be called slurs than Latinx
I don’t think the meme about mental illness not being a sin is used to excuse actual sins. I like that meme and wholeheartedly agree. As someone with OCD, recognizing my intrusive thoughts were not sin was key to recovering from OCD and getting rid of those thoughts entirely. A lot of Christians suffer this way and need to know they aren’t sinning or faithless just due to things like intrusive thoughts, depression, or anxiety. Of course, we all still have to take ownership of our actually sinful actions!
i always feel so bad for being unmotivated and being so irritable, and think i’m super sinful, and i hate myself even more. so, i don’t know, obviously i’m still responsible but it’s more than just sin.
Yea redeemed Zoomer doesn’t take a nuanced approach to the mental health movement at all. Yes it can be used as an excuse to sin, but that’s not the driving force behind it in Christian circles. It’s a legitimate mode of suffering for a ton of people, and they need assurance that they are not sinning for suffering mentally and that God loves them and can take their brokenness and make it new. It’s not as simple as “just try to overcome your symptoms” because it’s being ignorant on what the sickness is actually like.
I don’t think he’s ignoring mental illness. It’s more of a critique of the people that make a mental condition their entire personality.
Yeah, it's a more nuanced issue.
But I think the part he mentioned IS an issue in the mental health community/industry. There are many people who need ACTUAL HELP, but a lot of people have just been excusing their immaturity or unwillingness to grow and work through those struggles because of "their debilitating anxiety" or something.
Not everyone is like that, but it's a flaw in the system.
That's why I don't like these really big blanket statement posts. There's some truth, some lie. We view things so harshly now, and I think in a lot of areas there can be a blend. We need to ultimately go to God as the authority on how we view issues, and we need to view issues in a manner that is obedient and shows a Christlike attitude of love and maturity.
Romans 7:14-20 says otherwise, as much as I hate to admit
I heavily appreciate how much you respect other Christian groups. You do a very good job at pointing out the parts of each sect of Christianity that you recognize the merit in.
@ChosenKing777 that's as much respect as it deserves
I disagree. I watch all of his vids and he shits on Baptist. Every other "intellectual" denomination is good to him
"God still loves you despite what a crap job you're doing." - Redeemed Zoomer sure has a way with words!
And it has the added benefit of being incredibly true
I struggle with shame and guilt so much I literally wrote this on a sticky note and put it in my Bible
“A child is worth more than all the guns on earth 😌”
Had me on the floor ☠️
The first comment 5:45 on that post is "if only it's in the womb"
ran straight to the comments LMAO
I've said this before. I think the same political party should both restrict guns and ban abortion.
Why? The issues have nothing to do with each other.
@@CruelestChris Both issues involve the killing of innocent children. If a party is pro-life, it should also support restrictions on guns.
"Bruh you support abortion what are you talking about?"🤣
If Jesus did not die for my sins...then I am still in my sin, and my faith is in vain.
Thanks, progressive christians! This is such a message of hope!
The definition of gods in the language of PHYSICS and MATHEMATICS is GODS are ALIENS are TYPE 7 ADVANCED CIVILIZATION which lives in 10 Dimensions and 11 Dimensions. Achieved the victory on time for them there is no time they can travel future past present and make inteferences with time they were also Type-1 civilization but with technology they became Type-7 so advanced that they conquered the victory on death they have achieved immorality they are so advanced they can make living organisms with technology they have full control on this universe all galaxy, all Stars all all Black holes and they have been achieved tremendous speed of light, teleportation.
im not sure its much better than “you’re a horrible person no matter what and you’re gonna burn in eternal agony if you dont follow these rules”
@@Bubby79 This is not even remotely an accurate representation of Christian ethics and hamartiology. You presuppose 1. An extreme version of total depravity which even many Calvinists would reject. 2. That hell is literal fire and torture. 3. That Christian ethics is deontological -- NB it is not.
@@Bubby79 what you just said is not even close to the Gospel message
the Gospel message is that Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God came down to earth
and died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead on the third day. And he gave to use a promise that anyone
who believes in him shall be saved.
@@Bubby79are you gonna claim to be good
There’s no consensus on what hell is
Also the MOST FAMOUS HYMN Amazing Grace WAS WRITTEN BY A CAPTAIN OF A SLAVE SHIP WHO LATER GOT SAVED AND RENOUNCED IT which is why he writes "Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wrench like. Once was lost now Im found Once was Blind but now I see." Ironically later in life the writer of Amazing Grace he actually became physically blind and said how he noticed just how blind he really was.
When he shows up for the last time in the movie Amazing Grace, John tells William Wilberforce that after all that God had let him see throughout his long life, God had decided he had seen enough and took his sight to prepare him for his journey to heaven.
Amazing comment my dude, but I can't stop laughing at your grammatical mistake "that saved a wrench like me".
@@shadowrath1388 🤣🤣🤣I just realized I misspelled it! Thxs for the heads up! Am I going to fix it? NOPE! Too funny to fix.
@@davidfitzpatrick6535 Agreed!
Bruh, got Philemon 101.
Latinx is such a silly word. as a Mexican myself I will never refer to myself as "latinx" lol
Polls done in different Latin countries have shown Latin peoples preferred being called Americans more so then any other ethnic name for their people.
Depending on the poll it varies between Latino being first and American being second to American being first and Hispanic being second and so on.
American consistently got within the top three in all polls with Latinx always ranking the lowest no matter what.
Agreed! X isn't even a Vowel... it doesn't even fit with Spanish grammar either. The people who use the word "Latinx" must have took inspiration from SpaceX or Twitter/X. 💀
@@keagaming9837 pretty sure "latine" would be a better use but at that point just say Latin American or Hispanic
I remember seeing a meme that said "Latinos when you call them a racial slur :) vs Latinos when you call them Latinx >:( " (It shows the actor that played Gus from breaking bad) is that true?
@@keagaming9837it was elon musk
Isaiah 5:20 - “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil, who substitute darkness for light, and light for darkness, who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”
It’s time to take action.
The problem with so many of these posts is found in the responses.
“I think what they’re trying to say…”
Soft, fluffy, non-specific language is useful in that it sounds nice and you can make it mean whatever you want it to mean.
So thats how the bible has been reinterpreted and retranslated so many times!
As a simple high school science teacher, yes a child in the womb is not breathing as we do. But it still requires oxygen, just like we do, they transfer the oxygen through the blood, just as we do, and their cells still undergo respiration, just like we do. The only difference is that there is a slight change as to HOW they get the oxygen and nutrients. Still a human, still a child, still living.
It doesn’t matter if it’s technically alive or potential to save life. Pro choicers, at least in the US, are usually concerned with the legal precedent of the state respecting bodily autonomy. It’s already well established: The state can’t force you to use your body for something you don’t provide consent. Eg, Even if a drunk mother crashes her car and endangers her child, that state cannot force the mother to donate her blood -even if it will save her child. Even if you died, that state cannot use your organs to save potential life if you didn’t provide consent.
A clump of cells is not a baby.
And we shouldn't be aborting babies so late into pregnancy that they're capable of being born.
@@panyrosasbut is the child a part of the mother's body?
Very big difference between dismembering or poisoning a baby who is developing in their mother’s womb, and being forced to donate an organ. Murder is murder, and to actively poison or dismember a baby simply for the crime of existing is depraved beyond degree, and has been condemned by the Church in all ages. The womb is designed to carry and nourish a baby. To say “It’s my bodily autonomy to poison this baby to remove them from my womb” is the same as stabbing a baby to prevent them from drinking their mother’s milk.
I am a conservative christian and i am involved with a lot of gay people. A lot of my friends are in the gay community. I really dislike that progressive christians are unable to separate loving the sinner vs accepting the sin. Like, it is ok to love the gay person, but why would you erase the scripture to say that the sin is ok?
Exactly!!! Most of my friends are either gay/apart of the community, and they're wonderful people! It sucks that some people either can't see past the sin, or refuse to accept it as a sin :(
You are strugling to make theme non degenerate again?
@@LutzWeissmuller the people? no. theyre not degenerates just because they sin. the church? sort of, im sick of seeing big modernisation
@@tyler10203 They are in fact degenerates, if they werent they will dont became homosexual
@@tyler10203 So you are sick of modernisation but not from homosexuality being accepted by socirety and spreaded? lol
"Multiple ways to God"
"Jesus said to him, 'I am THE WAY, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father EXCEPT through ME"
John 14:6
Now this is the truth.
do you know the rest of the chapter or just this quote?
@@romanmay2867 this quote is enough
@@rogerio7546 being a circularist isn’t the point silly i’m just asking
@@romanmay2867 does the rest of the chapter add anything extra?
we pray for them to discover the truth
John 14:6
@@LukeBowman08 “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” AMEN 🙏✝️
Either that or let them be under God’s curse!
Whichever coms first.
Galatians 1:8
yes, the truth. you have a lot of humility
5:12 The reason I'm pro-gun is because historically, civilizations that outlawed weapons for civilians were very top-down oppressive, and that's very bad for Christianity 9/10 times.
Also, the amount of kids who die from gun violence isn't even comparable to the amount of abortions.
(also, stop laying into Ghost. I think she gets it...)
also being anti gun just means that you want only the government to own guns. And after the last 5 years i dont think any reasonable person would want that
Yep. Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot were all very much in favor of gun control and they were able to slaughter millions because of it.
Tru dat
@@Ghost-qk1ktAll death is tragic. Not all killing is sinful.
One of the worst "Progressive Christian" talking points not often talked about is: "Christianity is not a religion, its a relationship!" Just like that you throw out all the sacraments and all you have left is a buddy who doesn't fault you for anything and no responsibility to change yourself.
To be fair, the sacraments that matter are his, not man's traditions.
He does want a relationship, you are welcomed into his family, may call upon him as Abba father and he will treat you as his children.
That includes discipline to help us grow, as a loving father disciplines his children to help them.
God isn't a distant figure checking we've observed the proper rituals and provides the correct sacrifices. He detested these things done without true intent to serve him.
The holy spirit resides within us.
Actually I here that from Theologically Conservative Christians as opposed to Theologically Progressive and Liberal churches.
Most Evangelicals (even the Fundamentals) here in Germany would agree with „it‘s all about your personal relationship with Jesus“…
(I would say that this is their „Christianity in a nutshell“)
It is a relationship. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep his commandments though.
it is a relationship vary different from other religion' religions not in a friendship way but in a fatherly relationship way
15:20 I giggled, but they want you to pronounce it "Latin Ex"
It's basically them attempting to de-genderize language, but end up trampling...y'know, language, and the people who use the language. The word Latino refers to people of either gender when used in a certain context, in the same way "man" can refer to people of either gender.
"Latinx" is just an accidental slur at this point. As a Brazilian I'd rather be called a monkey or some other slur than a "Latinx", and most other Latinos agree.
@@borkistanon4194What about Monkex? or maybe Monkix, he’ll why not Monkx?
Be careful what you wise for as people can make things significantly worse.
To be fair, the Spanish language has gender words for literally EVERYTHING 😂
At this point Latinx is just a slur same as the n word, I just go shouting my friends "SEU LATINX"
I always thought it was luh - teen - ex
Common Religious Symbols
Judaism: A star that represents a based and wise line of kings. Their reigning descendant rules over the entire world.
Christianity: A symbol of the ultimate act of sacrifice and humility. The only way to come to the Father.
Atheism: An oversimplified model of the atom that scientists don't even use anymore. Represents science, a field of knowledge that was pioneered and perfected by Christians.
Also, did you read Woke Jesus by Lucas Miles? He does a really good job of breaking down the bogus TheoLib "Historical" Jesus, whom they've robbed of all of his divinity.
The cross is a symbol of persecution of Jesus, and modern christianity seems to have not really moved on from that persecution and many conservative christians act like things they disagree with are acts of persecution
I agree that-and it is actually standard practice in the clinical world-one should never treat mental illness as an excuse for immorality or sin, but I do think it’s important to clarify that you cannot assume that the suffering that genuine mental illness inflicts is a punishment of sin. I don’t think the meme was aiming at that so I don’t really agree with it. But to separate mental illness from sin is very important, both for the prevention of using it as an excuse and of falling into hopelessness, since to call something unavoidable like suffering sin would be to call sin unavoidable-which though true when in bondage to sin nature is not true of those free from it. Most relevant example of a mental illness where this distinction is important is OCD, and particularly religious scrupulosity which falls under the umbrella of OCD, since the most important and first part of addressing the disorder is understanding that the unwanted thoughts are not reflections of one’s own beliefs, desires, or attitudes, but rather most often the opposite. Believing that the unwanted thoughts are sins is a fast way to despair to a dangerous extent. Like all ailments, mental illness might be used as an excuse for sin, which is bad, but in itself mental illness is not sin.
Your straightforward bluntness made me laugh out loud several times. Love that you said Jesus’s mission and teaching was not about inclusion, but rather redemption. Very well said!
16:37 When your mental gymnastics loops back around and you end up calling gay people disabled
A blind squirrel finds two nuts a day.
I say: "Humans and English people are like rectangles and squares; all English people are humans but not all humans are English people"
By your logic I just said that English people *are* squares and they should take offense to that
i get this comment isnt meant to be taken seriously but still you cant just ignore the idea of metaphors
“Bruh you guys support abortion” that made me laugh lol. But it’s also true sadly
9:57 as someone who is starting to look into Islam, whoever wrote that has never seen a Quran or Hadith collection in their life.
Yes, there are many hadith and Quranic verse on war; but there also many about love and kindness towards your fellow man. What exactly is your point? I could make the same claim of the Bible with equal, if not perhaps superior, justice.
@@meanderingmangomanthe1stof611 mainly my point is that there are Quran verses and Hadiths that aren't exactly loving, or at least not the "progressive Christian" type of love. Maybe I'm wrong Abt the severity of some of the verses or Hadiths, but I can say at least that capital punishment contradicts the progressives idea of love. Again, I've just started looking into Islam so I'm not too familiar with it yet.
@@Young_Christian7 Well, in that case you're right on the money. I mean, I don't think there is a single pre-modern religion (a pre-modern anything for that matter) which would meet a progressive's warped definition of love.
A genuine point of advice if you choose to look into hadith collections, though. Often, the harsh or "unflattering" hadith are cherry-picked; not always, mind you, but often. If you really want a taste of what any given collection has to offer, start by picking a book in a single collection, and then read through all the hadith in that one book. Then, take them in totality. Often, a single hadith can have multiple versions which clarify or qualify each other. A great example of this is adult breast-feeding in Sahih Muslim's Book of Suckling. Many Christian polemicists online love to mention that Islam allows adult breast-feeding based on one hadith, but then ignore the others that clarify it was a one-off instance and that the milk was delivered in a cup, not through direct suckling as many of them falsely allege.
@@meanderingmangomanthe1stof611 yep. In fact, I believe that their definition fits with hate. Think about it. They consider hateful to correct people, but the real hate is letting someone fall.
@@meanderingmangomanthe1stof611Why do Muslims act so differently than what their religion commands them dto do then?
3:28 the Rev Lines’s own logic would mean that murders and rapists were also born that way.
(Believe it or not but homophobia is more likely to be genetic than being gay.)
@@St.Raptor 🤨
They were though
@@St.Raptor Probably.... because gay people dont... ya know.... do the whole passing of genes... cuz..... they cant reproduce.... so I would wager a guess that almost anything is more likely to be genetic than homosexuality lmfao
@@St.Raptor Yes, ancient thing about humans and our pattern seeking brains. When we see a group doing bad things, we adapt to that, and change our view on it. You could make the same argument about racism. "Why are people racist towards black people in America?" To be answered by "Well they commit almost half the violent crimes!" Or, in the case of homosexuals, are 12x more likely to be child predators. You could make the argument that this is all genetic, due to the way humans adapt to perceived threats, but do you really think that the case?
Honestly, I’m not Christian nor Atheist and I don’t identify with any religion (although most of my family is Christian) but I honestly just love hearing you speak.
I don’t think I could ever return to any Christian belief but I love hearing religious perspectives and I think that’s why your now my favorite youtuber to listen to. Its fascinating to watch your videos and I love them. Thanks for making these videos
Thank you! I respect you for being willing to listen to other perspectives and enjoy doing so. If you have any questions about Christianity, I'd love to try to answer or at least point you to some resources.
@@redeemedzoomer6053 That sounds great. I’ve been trying to find more in depth resources and I guess I just don’t know where to look
@@-Aerogator Id recommend any books or online sermons by Tim Keller!
@@-AerogatorI hope you turn back to Christianity, becuase it’s really more than a religion. It’s a relationship with Christ.
But you do believe in God(s)?
Honestly the comments were way worse than the posts.
"I was listening to the radio and they said only born-again Christians go to heaven what a horrible thing to tell kids!"
@@SmileyHappy1000 true. The whole point of Christianity is to bring God glory. We experience that through salvation, but it's not the end goal
@@SmileyHappy1000 Heaven as our culture knows it (an actual place in the clouds) isn't real, and this world is a bad matrix.
@@OppressedPotato But that's the whole reason we give God glory
@@SmileyHappy1000the only value to being in heaven is in being with Christ. And being with Christ certainly is the point of Christianity.
So while I think it gives the wrong impression to say that "getting to heaven is the point" I think it can also be wrong to say it isn't.
@@crystalvulpine2314I don't like half of this comment
11:28 "Krishna is the original Christ hence Krishna literally meaning Christ". Atheist and pagans always try to argue that there is a pagan origin on Jesus Christ, but always are surface level similarities like the like sounded names.
Thor-Viking-king-divibe right of kings-divine-holy-Jesus Christ
Sorry Christians, Jesus was a Norse deity
The stories of Khrisna was copied from Jesus. Not the other way around.
@@Britishdarnlibso everything you know about Norse mythology comes from Snorri Sturluson, who was born in 1179 AD and who was also a Christian.
So Christianity was already an established religion, when the Proes Era was written down.
@@dewaldt8104 nyuh uh
@@dewaldt8104oh you're crazy
Progressive Christian: complains about Conservatives missing the point and believing Jesus was God
Also Progressive Christians: quotes someone who beileved Jesus was God....
The differences between Progressive Christians and Aetheists are few, but there similarities are many.
Progressive Christian can mean a variety of things so that is the consequence of that fact
The same is true for Conservative Christians.
@@crystalvulpine2314no it's not
@@marvalice3455 Yes it is. They have become staunch naturalists and Darwinists (at least in principle, even if they don't fully believe in evolution, but more and more do). And anything not completely worldly is now being instantly condemned as "gnosticism".
@@crystalvulpine2314 woman moment.
10:00 what makes it even more wildly offensive is the usage of papyrus font
~10:25 telling Muslims that Prophet Muhammad (Salah Allah 'Alayhi Wa Salam) was not a Muslim is indirectly telling Muslims That Prophet Muhammad will rot in hell forever 💀
5:34 funny, because Ulrich Zwingli was a chaplain for a Swiss military force and died in battle. It’s likely that he would’ve been pro-gun.
The swiss are strapped to this day, they are ready for war.
He also ordained the murder of anabaptists, so not really a good example
I really appreciate that the 4 top comments on this post were calling out this heresy rather than being super positive like the comments on the other posts we saw on this account beforehand
Also, while I, as a Baptist, disagree with you on some issues (like the sacraments, rapture, and evolution) I just want to say:
I'm grateful for this channel. With God's blessing, you seem to have reached many people our age, built a great community, and continue to make good content.
Keep up the good work, brother
Agreed! It's rare for Gen Zers to be Christian these days, I wish there were more Gen Z Christians like us!
Agreed. Some things he said I disagree with, mainly the communion and rapture bits given what Paul writes about both, but overall I love watching his videos!
Plus even if he is wrong about those details, or I’m wrong and he’s right, what matters about Christianity is still the same regardless, and that is that Jesus is Lord and he is the one who saves us. All the other things are details that aren’t important to salvation, but may have a place for understanding the times and the seasons or what communion is technically.
I think evolution is cringe, but Baptists are undoubtedly wrong about the rapture and sacraments.
Fellow Christian Zoomer! It's so encouraging to see that I'm not the only one in my generation still pursuing God and the truth of His Word
What reason do you have to believe in the rapture? It's indisputably heretical.
10:19 "love was not mohammed's religion" hahaha very true
edit: y'all please don't argue about Islam in the replies
As a Muslim, I agree completely. In fact, none of the three religions on that poster can be just summarized by the word "love." There all much too complex for that. Unfortunately, in his attempt to be inclusive, the person who made that sign completely missed even the simplest details of Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity.
Didn't the guy in the video ask for Muslims to comment about it?@@matalostodos
Actually it was love.
Love for a 6 year old.
@@meanderingmangomanthe1stof611True. That religions are different. The Catholic Church is true.
@@everyonesfavoritesejong oof
Wait people are actually progressive Christians? I thought they were doing it ironically.
they either doing it ironically or maliciously
I mean… they are at least temporarily. I was a part of a whole friend group of progressive Christians in college. Now years later all of them are either no longer Christian or they became more conservative in their beliefs. I think it’s more of a phase than it is a real religion.
The guy who runs that page has posted that he thinks the resurrection is a parable, obviously not actually a Christian.
I wish! If they were just doing some RP thing then ah but no I think those atheists who claim to be Christian but actually aren't are actually serious in what they say. 💀
Have you never heard of Unitarians or Quakers bud?
Best as I can tell, the quote at 24:23 was not from C. S. Lewis. His views on love were far more complex and it doesn't even sound like something he would've said. There are so many fake Lewis quotes floating around I can almost always tell which ones are real or not.
12:31 The pastors of the Southern Baptist Church I grew up in never talked about political issues from the pulpit. This is in semi-rural Kentucky btw
God loves you 💕
Same here, I go to a coC in the middle of NOWHERE, (the hillbilly southwest part of Missouri) and we talk about Gods love 10x more than progressive Christian’s do.
Ahh yes, reacting to heresy.
As an atheist,I am asking for some insight. What is heresy?
@melokuhlebhengu6800 belief or doctrines that contradict established church doctrine to the point where they are irreconcilable, i.e. people who deny the resurection or the trinity. Typically, nowadays, at least, it is only used to refer to important issues rather than minor differences.
@@melokuhlebhengu6800heresy is when a man who claims to be Christian rejects necessary teachings of the faith.
If you are an atheist, than you cannot truly be a heretic. Though you could still spread heretical ideas
Lol ok, "drop the stones" is actually a pretty clever title
What does it reference/mean?
dont stone someone@@crazydrummer5043
@crazydrummer5043 "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"
My first thought was "abandon the 10 commandments"
@@crazydrummer5043 the 10 commandments were shown to moses through stone tablets. "Dropping the stones" would be to reject and abandon the 10 commandments.
I'm so happy to finally hear someone who wants the patriotic hymns out of church. I go to a Baptist church, and yes I want God to work in America and bring us back to Him, but I HATE singing those songs IN CHURCH. Outside of church, whatever. You do you. (I don't care to get in political discussions anyway, but I feel that shouldn't touch our church service. It's already weird enough giving respect to those who fought for us when the service is supposed to put attention on God instead of man.)
The fact they support abortion and still have the audacity to say a child’s life is more valuable than all the guns on the Earth is hilarious.
Catholic here and fellow zoomer! Love what you're doing man! Keep up the good work.
Me too!
Me three!
Same here
Me four! (why are we shouting)
@@jacobinator4981 because😂
The 'folx' is especially baffling since 'folks' is already a gender-neutral word.
Your commentary on that last post had me rolling dude! "Your sin is so bad it nailed God to the Cross" its like i knew that and yet never heard it that bluntly and it hit me different. "God still loves you even though your doing such a crappy job" once again I knew this and yet just hearing it like that makes me laugh and really ponder
Muslim here, yea, it's pretty offensive to imply that Mohamad was not a Muslim. In Islam, being a Muslim is not defined by following the Quran and what Mohamad preached, its defined by an absolute submission to God. It's why our biggest holiday celebrates Abraham placing his trust in God when God orders him to kill his son. To us, Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, and all the other Prophets were Muslims because they submitted and placed their absolute trust in God. I have absolutely no idea why they would think any knowledgeable Muslim would accept that Mohamad wasn't a Muslim.
Hey man, I hope you keep making these videos cause you don't know how many people you're reaching. It's different hearing someone around my age talking about God/Christianity and I wish you nothing but success with your channel and journey as a Christian.
Agreed! Redeemed Zoomer is a gemstone in modern day! The sea of atheists is growing, but there is still hope! I'm Gen Z and Christian, I wish more Gen Zers were Christian.
"You're doing really well given your circumstances."
"No you're not! You're dead in your trespasses and sins."
My reaction to this was kind of comical. Thinking about my circumstances and how terribly I'm doing, the meme had me cringing. I know I can be doing better; I should be doing better, but somehow I cannot find any strength, willpower, or motivation. How long will I continue to dig cisterns that can't hold water in place of the well of Living Water? "Christ have mercy" is really all I can say.
Hi! Do you wanna talk about it? Came across this comment and wanted to check up on you since you might need some help. Hope I can be a lending ear!
Hi, don't fear it, if you work for it, even if a small thing like doing your bed or letting sunshine into your bedroom is already a huge step.
Jesus will always be there for you, it doesn't matter whether you're Evangelical, Catholic or any denomination, Jesus is Lord and is always there for you, He is always there to hug you at the end of the day!
God bless you, please stay safe!
Christ have mercy, Amen!
That is everyone, even the best Christians. If anyone claims otherwise they are lying.
As a (newly converted) Baha'i, meaning I believe in Buddha, Jesus, *and* Muhammad, this post is WILD.
Of course Buddha was a Buddhist, Jesus a Christian, and Muhammad a Muslim, because presumably They believed the things They were teaching. The love thing is kind of true, I don't know much about Buddhism unfortunately but their point still stands. I get what whoever posted this was going for, but this is a terrible way to articulate it.
Satan is the author of all confusion.
and lies, and these people lie a lot.
@@Arpitan_Carpenter well we all do, but man they want God to accept, but not accept God. They're changing God as opposed to asking "in their words" the rainbow 🌈 spirit to change them. They don't wanna be changed. Like I love women. Love everything about em, except they can easily be mislead. But I know I can't go around banging chicks just cause I want to. My lord commands me to be faithful to my wife. So therefore I have to change. In their view God is a granter of wishes, and is changeable to their own values.
I don't think that's biblical. The Corinthians verse that says "God is not a God of confusion, but of peace" is in context about worship services. But that certainly doesn't mean you can blame Satan for all confusion, especially given that God authored Satan. Remember the tower of babel? Or being forced to wander in the desert for 40 years? Or the fact that confusion exists in the first place? Seems like He authored plenty of confusion.
@@rorke6092 Well confusion is probably another cause from sin while directly not being sinful in its own right like boredom. And while yes he caused confusion for the people in The Tower of Babel by mixing up their languages yet they were trying to reach God and he saw that as sinful. Basically in any story that God cause "confusion" it is against sinners that are doing wrong and know what they are doing is evil.
@@kingoffire105 sure, I was simply pointing out that he DID author confusion, not that it was unjustified
There's no such thing as someone equally progressive and christian, or even conservative and christian. If you're progressive or conservative, you're not christian. If you're christian, you're not progressive or conservative. You can believe in topics in similar fashion as either conservatives or progressives, but if you contradict Christ in the name of a political ideology, then check your beliefs cuz Jesus isn't really to you what He's supposed to be in your life.
Conservative Christianity, also known as conservative theology, theological conservatism, traditional Christianity, or biblical orthodoxy is a grouping of overlapping and denominationally diverse theological movements within Christianity that seeks to retain the orthodox and long-standing traditions and beliefs of Christianity, it is contrasted with Liberal Christianity and Progressive Christianity which are seen as heretical heterodoxies by theological conservatives. Conservative Christianity should not be mistaken as being synonymous with the political philosophy of conservatism nor the Christian right which is a political movement of Christians who support conservative political ideologies and policies within the realm of secular or non-sectarian politics. The two major subdivisions of Conservative Christianity within Protestantism are Evangelical Christianity and Christian Fundamentalism while the Confessing Movement, Confessionalism, and to an extent Neo-orthodoxy make up the remaining within Protestantism. Theological conservatism is also found in Roman Catholicism (excluding Catholic Modernism) and is also found within Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy, the Church of the East;[26] and throughout all of Mainstream-Nicene Christianity in both Western Christian and Eastern Christian traditions, although not every community has had a direct connection with the Fundamentalist-Modernist controversy.
Evangelical leaders like Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council have called attention to the problem of equating the term Christian right with theological conservatism and Evangelicalism. Although evangelicals constitute the core constituency of the Christian right within the United States, not all evangelicals fit that political description. The problem of describing the Christian right which in most cases is conflated with theological conservatism in secular media, is further complicated by the fact that the label religious conservative or conservative Christian applies to other Christian denominational religious groups who are theologically, socially, and culturally conservative but do not have overtly political organizations associated with them, which are usually uninvolved, uninterested, apathetic, or indifferent towards politics. Tim Keller, an Evangelical theologian and Presbyterian Church in America pastor, shows that Conservative Christianity (theology) predates the Christian right (politics), and that being a theological conservative didn't necessitate being a political conservative, that some political progressive views around economics, helping the poor, the redistribution of wealth, and racial diversity are compatible with theologically conservative Christianity. Rod Dreher, a senior editor for The American Conservative, a secular conservative magazine, also argues the same differences, even claiming that a "traditional Christian" a theological conservative, can simultaneously be left on economics (economic progressive) and even a socialist at that while maintaining traditional Christian beliefs.
Not all of these people who claim they’re Christian or who are Conservatives in the Political Sense are actually Evangelical Christian or even Christian in general, a good chunk of these people only say they’re Christian because their parents, grandparents, great grandparents, and ancestors were Christian. There are many people who are only Culturally Christian, Nominally Christian, or Diest who claim to be Christin for social or cultural reasons but in actuality are Atheist, Agnostic, Deist, Unitarian Universalist, Theologically Liberal (Liberal Christianity) and New Age Mystics, etc. Also, remember that the United States was NOT founded as a Christian nation, a good chunk of the Founding Fathers were Culturally Christian, Deist, theologically liberal, or sacrilegious heretics that syncretized Western Classical thought, American exceptionalism, extremist forms of nationalism and even in some cases White supremacy with Christianity creating a false religion called “American Civil Religion” that on the surface looks like Christianity but in reality is very shallow and just co-opts Judaeo-Christian (Christian and Jewish) terminology for state propaganda. Most of these people described have turned America or their respective countries into a deity instead of focusing on Jesus, some people are turning America and Patriotism into an idol syncretizing it with Christianity. The evils and idolatry of American Civil Religion and Western Classics Civil Religion is seeping into many vocal American churches, this ideology needs to be cast out and rebuked.
Well a certain faction of Americans who call themselves Christian or even Evangelical Christian believe in heresy. Plus when they surveyed a certain bunch of Political Conservative so-called “Evangelicals”, a majority of them knew next to nothing about the faith they claim to believe in, but actually are either atheists or theologically liberal Mainline Protestants LARPing as Evangelicals or politically conservative Mainline Protestants because the Republican Party told them they’re Evangelical or Christian in general because they hold mostly Politically Conservative (even specifically social conservative) views while in reality their Theology is mostly Liberal (unorthodox and heretical) / theologically liberal. Most of them usually just check the “Evangelical” and “Christian” boxes or call themselves that only for cultural reason, because their great-grandparents/several family members were Evangelical Christians or Christian in general at some point, or they’re practitioners of Civil Religion (Western Classics Civil Religion/American Civil Religion) who are co-opting Christianity, Evangelical Christianity at that, to push a political agenda or social movement (especially among Political Conservatives).
bro liberal and conservative christianity does not have to do with political liberalism & conservatism
Conservatism follows closer to Christ than progressivism, which is why I like that ideology.
I like how you avoid swearing, it's respectable
Also agreed!
Never been this early. Wanted to suggest you make a book by book breakdown of each Bible book like what The Bible Project did
He made a video called “what every book of the Bible is about”
@@nickyocom1699 Yeah I’m hoping for more of a detailed breakdown. 1-2 videos per book like TBP
@@thisisEHAM ah
I've lived in the south my whole life. And every evangelical church I've attended has been very involved in helping the poor (both locally and abroad). I don't know where this idea that evangelical churches do not help the poor comes from.
The thing is Catholic and Mainl The thing is Catholic and Mainline Denominations/Churches are much more centralized and have much more old money-style multi-generational wealth while Evangelical denominations/churches are much more decentralized, grass-roots, and have amassed a lot less tangible wealth/real property barring a few mega-churches that gained larger audiences and membership due to emerging technologies like the television, internet, and mobile banking in recent decades. You can even see it in the term “Mainline Protestant,” where the etymology for “mainline” is linked to the affluent, historically “White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP)” old money-style areas of most towns/cities where the main trolly/train lines passed through in the same way that “Main Street” is always the affluent part of most small rural to mid sized suburban towns; while the Evangelical churches were in the houses, at revival camps, rural dirt roads, urban sides streets, in the inner-cities, and only recently in new money-style suburbs until Evangelicalism in the United States started to diversify socio-economically.
"This year I want to be more like Jesus"
Missed point. Surprisingly, the wine party. Drunkenness is a sin.
12:13 I really like this quote: “Social justice can be the fruit of the gospel; it cannot be the root of the gospel.”
You make an interesting comment at the 9:30 mark about how, in your experience, mainline churches do more to serve the poor than evangelical ones. In my experience, in the north of England, the evangelical non-denom church I'm part of, and the many others in our area, do a vast amount of work in this area. Our church has a weekly food pantry, hosts a weekly group for the elderly, and actively goes out to people in the area who are struggling. Does anyone else see this where you live?
It really depends on the place. Sometimes mainline churches do better in serving the poor, at others, non-denominational churches do better at serving the poor.
Regardless, the Holy Spirit works through Christians, regardless of denomination.
Most of the posts on those profiles are so much bullshit, that they don't even deserve any reaction. Still props to you for pulling through all that garbage.
"Religion is one of the safest places to hide from God."
I'm starting to doubt that this is even a Christian page. Traditional Christian doctrine does not contradict with a plethora of progressive values, and most progressive Christians aren’t like this. This is someone with fundamentally different spiritual beliefs.
It's definitely a parody by an atheist.
@michaelchance6125 well thankfully I am now an atheist
@@michaelchance6125 was going through shit 8 months ago and got religious for a sec
@@KingKlorra don't know if I'd say thankfully but good on you for finding your truth :)
I'm personally a Christian, obviously XD, that's my truth.
@@michaelchance6125 no hate
First time commenter, long time watcher here. I semi-disagree with you disregarding “it’s possible to get an A in Bible and still flunk Christianity.” If someone dedicates their time to memorizing the words but not acting on them in real life then it is a waste of time. Read the Bible to understand its value and then implement those values in your life
Yeah, but that is an extremely unrealistic situation. Anyone who spends time in the word will be worked on by the holy spirit
"How to fundamentally..."
Hey props to them for honesty. I mean they're openly admitting to what you're accusing them of.
Alot of people also dont understand that if you lived a thousand plus years ago you did not know what people looked like who lived on other continents. So some people from Europe trying to depict Jesus would draw or paint a person that somewhat looks like them. They didn't have the diverse communities like today. EX Lots of Europeans didnt know what asian people looked like. Or the other way around just look up asian depictions of Jesus. But modern people assume malice from this.
Most depictions of Christ are based on traditions that go all the way back to the first century.
Tbh, I have much more of a problem with femboy Jesus than I have with Korean Jesus.
It’s really funny to me how after each one he reads you can hear the cortisol lol, and then he reads a moderately agreeable one and it takes him off the ledge of revolution. I’m right there with ya
You speak on most of these matters in a much more candid way I could EVER articulate to someone, and for that I appreciate your vid's zoomer.
5:16 I'm glad they value children so highly, but sadly, illegalizing guns won't save many children at all. In fact, it may get more killed.
A robber will be less willing to attack a family if the parent has a gun.
Plus, i atleast hope all the people who've shared this picture also do not support abortion. Because as they've shown by sharing this, "rights" are never as important as children!
Are you actually dumb?? Less guns mean less people die. Its a proven statistic. Pro gunners dont even argue this.
???? There are countries like Japan and Korea where guns are illegal and lower homicide rates????
Never once in years of therapy dealing with PTSD has anyone tried to tell me my sinful actions are not my fault. they explained to my broken childish psyche in a time of need that the evil I suffered as a child was not my fault, but now I have to take 100% accountability for my actions and work towards healing and transformation with my biblically based faith as moral compass and the primary source of strength. I am disappointed in the church and mental health services equally because they ultimately do not, or cannot show up in times of need. Most of what you are saying makes it easy to be the pharisee or levite that passes the dying man that the samaritan will help. He didn't have right doctrine or know the messiah or have an apostle's creed. We should try to see the truth in what the "progressive" churches are saying. I wanted to laugh, but I'm just disheartened in the lack of unity on the essential truth that Christ has done it all and we are saved by grace . Not right doctrine.
I can't tell if you're agreeing or disagreeing with him...
I noticed at 2:40 you refused to read an explicit word in the meme.
I think you should do a video about why you don’t feel comfortable swearing, and what the Bible says about swearing. Why a lot of Christians won’t say the f bomb or other dirty words and saying always confused me. I got to church every Sunday and have been Christian my whole life, but Irl swear basically every sentence.
The only thing I do not do is swear the lords name/say the lord’s in vain, which the Bible obviously says is wrong. But outside of the Lord’s name I haven’t heard of anything in the Bible that prohibits swearing. It’s something I’m really curious about.
That’s a good question that I’ve been thinking about for a while.
From how I was taught, swear words are self - degrading and worldly.
Ephesians 4:29 and James 3: 9-12. Heard a sermon on this topic, hit hard. And honestly, if the world is having sex out of marriage and not sayings it’s a problem and making u look like an idiot for not doing it, you’re doing something right. If non Christian people look at u weird for not cursing ur doing something right. Hope that helps
My fellow friend, helping the other brother who put some verses, here it is: Ef 5: 1- 5; Mt 5: 22 (and the context); Whole book of proverbs pretty much talk about the foolishness of pretty much any word we say, and others that talk about anger, and wise of saying the right words
@@piclecool7767so if people are looking at you weird for wearing a shoe on your head, are you also doing something right?
3:22 if someone is sinning (they said a curse word) to make a point about a sin then no one is going to take them seriously
Where in the Bible does it say you can't say shit?
@@kkurova9345 1peter 3:10-12
Talks about watching what u speak with ur tounge
@@kkurova9345it doesn’t but I think God calls us to love each other and cursing most of the time does not lift each other up 🤷♀️ idk though
i love these videos!! im a newly converted christian amd your videos are so informative 😁
Welcome to Christianity! ✝❤
"Fruit of the Gospel, not root of the Gospel." (referring to social justice). That's clever, and catchy. Thanks.
19:14 this guy had to absolute gall to quote Thomas Sowell and think that he’s on his side
>"Middle-Eastern Brown Skinned" this already shows whoever wrote this doens't know how ethnicities work, that just sounds more racist. Also why does Jesus's race even matter so much.
>Saying Jesus was jewish and not christian, is like saying Julius doens't count as a Caesar becasue the title only came after him. Like yea that totally makes sense.
>Who the heck is calling Jesus patriotic? also thinking living in a colonized place and being patriotic are mutually exclusive also shows whoever wrote this has no idea what they're talking about.
>Ok that one is not so bad. 'restoration' is a conservative viewpoint btw so i'm not sure the message they're tryiung to portray is correct.
>Jesus DYING FOR YOUR SINS IS LITERALLY THE BASIS FOR THE RELIGION, Like i don't like gatekeeping christianity but we still gotta draw the line: If you don't believe Jesus died for your sins, you are NOT a christian, it's that simple.
>Jesus, or Jehova for that matter, deos not send sinners to hell. Sinners themselves condem themselves to hell by not following God. I believe The parables make it pretty clear that "Hell" is not a divine punishment, it's just what's out there in waiting outside of God's grace, and thus by refusing his grace you're letting yourself vulnerable to it on your own accord.
>...Who in the hell is saying Jesus is ''silent in the face of oppression what.". Also the oppressed people Jesus talked to are NOT even slightly comparable to the modern progressive american idea of an 'opressed group' this post is def talking about, it's just disengenuous.
>All the times Jesus critized religious people it was becasue they were sinning. Those two lines are the same thing.
>Yea Jesus didn't endorse Church and State. He also didn't subvert the empire, wahtever that means, he just said it as is: The politics of men are not important in the face of God. Heck he LET himself be labelled a terrorist and executed, for crying out loud, how is that subverting the empire?
>"Tell me you don't knwo what figurative sense is without telling me you don't know what figurative sense is".
>...Since WHEN are half-siblings not part of traditional family? you do realiize not all half-silblings are borne out of cheating, right?
>The "Holy War" Jesus endorses is against sin and evil itself, not people, as such it is not really violent by nature like humanities wars; also he literally whipped people so they'd stop desacrating the temple and told his followers to sell their cape to buy a sword, Jesus does NOT condemn fighting if it's the correct reason to fight, Jesus condemns you for sinning, which includes violence on most occasions, but self-defense and defending what's important is not violence by any reasaonble standarts.
So yeah. Sorry to comment a wall on a month-old video but that image seirously infuriated me.
Very true, for the ethnicity it would depend on what people were there at around 5 B.C. Also I believe it was a mixed area due to traveling and had decent populations, and that place swapping hands between empires from time to time
4:00 The Orthdox actually agree with this. "Logos Spermatikos". We can say that the Spirit always guides the Church, but we can't say with knowledge that the Spirit /isn't/ also present in other places (ex ecclesia).
Yeah, anything that is true ultimately comes from God, who is Truth.
The trouble is all the false things that go along with the truths in other religions. Paul praised the Athenians for worshipping the unknown God, but he didn't stop there - he introduced them to him.
1:55 Guys, quick tip from Our lord for anyone struggling with anxiety etc; Just "Look at the birds"
Matthew 6:25-27🗿🗿🗿
4:45 "Unlike conservative Christianity, progressive Christianity has no interest in upholding the First Commandment"
It should be so simple. "I am the Lord your God: you shall have no other gods before me."
You probably won't see this comment but the pic at 10:41 is offensive to me as a Muslim, as not only is it calling what we believe to be the seal of the prophets and the greatest man who ever lived to be a non-Muslim but it is also calling Jesus a non Muslim, of whom we deem to be a true follower of God, and therefore a Muslim aswell
The fact that they posted that Thomas Sowell quote at 19:13 is hilarious, because these are the exact kind of people he was talking about when he said that.
Hi, Newer Christian here. I LOVE YOUR CONTENT. This and my girlfriend made me convert and Jesus Christ has redeemed my life ever since I converted. You really changed my life with your content brother. Keep it up❤
The biggest difference between Progressive Christianity and Atheism is the name
2:36 (timestamp not verse)
Sexual orientation isnt a choice, however, embracing that you are that way and getting together with someone of your type is. You have a choice to do something against the bible. You can choose to lie with a man as a man or a woman as a woman. You can choose to do that.
The fact that they even use common left rhetoric, dare I even call it racism, like “coloniser,” does not exactly help to quell criticism that their beliefs are founded on political views first rather than on religion first.
It's depressive how they can't defend their ideas with love. It's all about attacks!
This lack of love is sinful enough to say that they aren't Church. They, likewise the pharisees, are based on the customs and not in the Bible.
17:11 BLEEEEEURGH Richard Rohr. If that quote is genuine it's yet another reason to make me ponder why he hasn't been excommunicated yet.
You missed a post at 5:02 where a REVEREND says Jesus did not die for our sins. And he's a DOCTOR, presumably of Theology. Like, I'm not even a Christian, and even I know that Jesus dying for our sins is a pretty important part of the whole thing!
What is it with protestant reverends on social media having the worst takes about everything? Can anyone with a thought about God (even a secular one) call themselves a reverend? This Caleb J. Lines guy seems like he's a preacher for the Democratic Party first and the Church not at all.
“Your sin is so evil it nailed God to the Cross” Straight spitting fire with this one
They live by the motto "Do what thou wilt, love is love.". Pretty much anti-Christian and based on Aleister Crowleys teachings.
“Multiple paths to God”
God: “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it”
It doesn’t say “ways” it says “way”.
"Your sin is so bad it nailed G-d to the cross" lol
How do I put this....
Was Jesus not God?
I'm pretty sure he was God....
Was it not Jesus who said to take care of their physical needs before you even try to take care of their spiritual needs? Some churches, sadly, have forgotten about that.
No, he didn't say that. But it's not completely alien from his teachings
Christ and the Apostles did administer to physical needs before they preached. He may not have said it, but that was the modus operandi. Someone who is mainly concerned with their day to day, isn't going to be concerned about their soul.
Redeemed Zoomer: *Blows up in New York accent* NO YOU’RE NOT, YOU’RE DEAD IN SIN
The comments at 4:54 at dumb. The first one can be easily countered by everyone deserves hell, NOBODY is actually good since we still sin and is only through Christ that we are redeem. This multicultural things is not a power either and in fact when the "multiculture" goes outside what actually want you to believe then all that accepting talk goes outside the window. The second comment just says that the real religion the guy has is american social justice where judging someone over appereance is the worst sin, I am sure that guy is hypocritical since for sure believes white people are evil and I don't believe he doesn't love material things
Bro what are you saying??? your saying the everyone deserves ETERNAL punishment and torture.
@@janusasorousrex2118 by default everyone deserves that, and just look at every civilization and the evilness we did. But we were saved by Christ and through him we enter to Heaven. And if you think Heaven and Hell not existing is better than the total nothingness then you actually just accepted eternal Hell since that infinite black void that many atheist believe is what happens after death is just eternal punishment and torture. This is why people without God want to search for immortality to avoid this punishment and in this search they create evils on earth just like Emperor Jiajing who kept girls around the age of 13 captured to harvest her menstrual blood since it was a ingredient for his "red lead" that could give him immortality.
@@janusasorousrex2118 yes that’s what we are saying
@@Hithereitsme32Why does everyone deserve eternal toture?
@@reviewspiteras I know peopel do evil things but eternal punishment for finite actions is just wrong
It is funny how Baptists will pride themselves on believing the Bible and taking it literally, but then say it was grape juice and not wine when it literally says wine
I say this as a Baptist myself
Been part of the Baptist church my whole life and I've never heard that argument before?
Maybe it's more prominent in the south.
We know it was wine, we’re just don’t want to take a risk on the alcohol factor.
19:14, gotta love the fact they are using a Thomas Sowell quote considering the fact that he’s talking about them.
In the words of Paul Washer:
“Why are you clapping? I’m talking about you.”