the sensors are more sensitive/stronger and less prone to stick drift. It's all standard stuff either way. After contacting steam they confirmed you only get up to date controllers they don't make the older model anymore so just assume any aftermarket index controller is older model
@@SplurgeVR also, I’m trying to get into pc vr. I’ve been looking at the reverb g2 and some other ones. From the looks of it, you’re apparently running on a vive? If you’ve looked into other headsets, what could you potentially recommend?
@@awolnation2446 me personally waiting for what steam will come out with not quest psvr2 or pico also og vive on aftermarket should hold u over till then for 200$ but if you have the money to spend buy valve index but I recommend waiting..... and if your on quest I'm looking forward to pico replacing my quests
@@SplurgeVR the index for me likely won’t be an option because I have a somewhat small apartment room and don’t really want to put holes in the wall for base stations.
@@SplurgeVR yea i still have a shitty rift and quest 1 and right controllers both of the triggers broke zo iam getting a htc vive with mabey index controllers
What's new compared to the previous controllers?
the sensors are more sensitive/stronger and less prone to stick drift. It's all standard stuff either way. After contacting steam they confirmed you only get up to date controllers they don't make the older model anymore so just assume any aftermarket index controller is older model
@@SplurgeVR cool! Thanks for the info!
@@SplurgeVR also, I’m trying to get into pc vr. I’ve been looking at the reverb g2 and some other ones. From the looks of it, you’re apparently running on a vive? If you’ve looked into other headsets, what could you potentially recommend?
@@awolnation2446 me personally waiting for what steam will come out with not quest psvr2 or pico also og vive on aftermarket should hold u over till then for 200$ but if you have the money to spend buy valve index but I recommend waiting..... and if your on quest I'm looking forward to pico replacing my quests
@@SplurgeVR the index for me likely won’t be an option because I have a somewhat small apartment room and don’t really want to put holes in the wall for base stations.
u still recement the index contrller
@MrCocoaVR yes mine still work after tons of hours playing left 4 dead series only thing that gave out and broke was the headset itself
@@SplurgeVR yea i still have a shitty rift and quest 1 and right controllers both of the triggers broke zo iam getting a htc vive with mabey index controllers
@MrCocoaVR nice happy for u. That was my first steamvr setup I just needed the upgrade for competitive reasons
@@SplurgeVR i get thgat i have broken my right controller like 20 times at least but it still works perfecly fine for somereason