ความคิดเห็น •

  • @zacksmacks
    @zacksmacks 8 ปีที่แล้ว +610

    if Islam is so peaceful then why do people who speak out about it have to be in hiding?

    • @tragiclondon6488
      @tragiclondon6488 8 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      are you hiding?

    • @Chiszle
      @Chiszle 8 ปีที่แล้ว +37

      He's venting this on the Internet, where else can he speak such an opinion and not lose out on it?

    • @zacksmacks
      @zacksmacks 8 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Chiszle agreed

    • @bassamalfieed976
      @bassamalfieed976 8 ปีที่แล้ว +39

      Islam does not mean "peace" it actually means "to submit" once you know that, you can understand this religion or can I say "cult.

    • @Memo420UK
      @Memo420UK 8 ปีที่แล้ว +54

      Im a white guy who grew up in hackney. my group of friends are white, black, chinese etc but no pakistani or arab muslims, they have there own groups and dont intergrate like all other races do. No one living in london cant say its not an issue

  • @smajumdar9591
    @smajumdar9591 8 ปีที่แล้ว +328

    You nailed it man - more Islam, less freedom .

    • @douglasmclean7239
      @douglasmclean7239 8 ปีที่แล้ว +34

      Islam is a volume of hate

    • @basharen1444
      @basharen1444 7 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      Geert Wilders is a very intelligent man!

    • @Backup218
      @Backup218 7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Actually multiculturism = less freedom for every race involved. Negates free speech and unity

    • @ms9771
      @ms9771 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Islam was in middle east, or part of Africa, they do not wish run to Europe, but those oil tanker by greatest army of the world standing there in middle east and Africa , building greats army base by NATO, and US , by lie also phony excuse bomb those country, Now you see, European and american move there also bomb there first and fool like you if did not beg for oil and resource ride a donkey, not the car those Muslim nation did not had to move to your country,

    • @RedbadvanRijn-ft3vv
      @RedbadvanRijn-ft3vv 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Do you follow the news idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Ever heard of north Korea???????????
      The have the minarals,and the solution for our co2 problem.
      We are gone make North Korea filthy rich.
      Those sheiks can drink there oil,we do not care for that anymore.

  • @ericrodrigues3749
    @ericrodrigues3749 8 ปีที่แล้ว +103

    they can't come to another country and try to enforce your laws on it !

    • @ericrodrigues3749
      @ericrodrigues3749 8 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      they ruin their own name

    • @RedbadvanRijn-ft3vv
      @RedbadvanRijn-ft3vv 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ron dado
      No the cant.
      Cal us a racist,and we wil laugh at you.
      Islam is not a race,and it wil never be.
      What it realy is,its an therminal brain dammage,because the fucking there niece.
      The must hate there kids already wen the fuck.
      I woul kill my parrents for a crime like that.

    • @amitlec
      @amitlec 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      They do the same in every country. www.indiatoday.in/programme/india-first/video/give-muslims-another-country-or-set-up-sharia-courts-across-india-says-j-k-deputy-grand-mufti-1282176-2018-07-10

    • @KHAN-wd8of
      @KHAN-wd8of 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      hi sir how are you, you hated people than saying this is like humanitarian, you have to love to mankind, you really love to peace, one day everybody has to leave world, please first read ..Quraan .and hadeeth,,.inshallah you will get means that is peace and humanitarian,,,please read hadeeth ,sir

    • @debate8079
      @debate8079 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@KHAN-wd8of why do you hate democracy and western countries and try to defend your shit religion. Your lovely Quoran should be burned

  • @LittleLulubee
    @LittleLulubee 8 ปีที่แล้ว +68

    🇳🇱 God bless the Netherlands and Geert Wilders ❤️ LOVE from the USA 🇺🇸

    • @dev5604
      @dev5604 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      God bless all over the world. Save us from muslims.

    • @huzaifanaeem835
      @huzaifanaeem835 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@dev5604 so then finish muslim inventions from ur countries. First finish engineering, computers, mobiles, laptops, and then ur building and other things. Why do u think u want to be save from muslims.???

    • @BartdeGraaff2007
      @BartdeGraaff2007 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Ty love back to the usa

    • @ak3studio684
      @ak3studio684 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@huzaifanaeem835 ya i think mohammad had invented computer and laptops 1400 years ago and mohammad loved to play GTA 5 and San Andreas on it🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @حسنعبدالله-و2ض
      @حسنعبدالله-و2ض 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ik heb nooit beter gezien dan de apostel van God, God zegene hem en geef hem vrede, alsof de zon op zijn gezicht scheen. Allah's boodschappers (vrede en zegeningen van Allah) zijn de beste qua uiterlijk en karakter. Het gezicht van de profeet, God zegene hem, en er is vrede als een zwaard? Hij zegt nee, het is net als zon en maan. Alsof hij op een zwaard probeerde te lijken, zei de vraagsteller: "Het kan eruit zien als de maan, dat wil zeggen, het ziet eruit als een draaiend, glanzend en sprankelend zwaard." Ik antwoord. En als het betekent dat zijn gelijkenis met de zon als geheel schijnt, en als zijn gelijkenis met de maan alleen bekend is door navigatie, verwijst het naar de stroom van de zon in deze baan als de stroom van Hasan in deze baan. ... ik vergelijk gezichten, God zegene u en geef u vrede. Het is subtiele schoonheid, rustgevende huidskleur, stralend en rustgevend voor het gezicht. “Als het schoon en mooi is en een goede huid heeft, Al-Rabbi Binto Mwad: Rasulullah, God zegene hem en zijn familie en geef hen de vrede die aan ons wordt gepredikt. Beschrijf de schoonheid van het gezicht van de profeet (vrede en zegeningen in hem, vrede in zichzelf en in zijn gezin). Sommige tonen de pracht van licht. Allah feliciteert hem en zijn familie, vrede met de zon, en sommigen van hen vergelijken de zuiverheid van zijn gezicht. De Profeet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) zag de schoonheid van de mens in zijn portret en gezicht, hij was als de zon en de maan, namelijk kracht, licht en overvloed aan licht beter dan de helderheid van een zwaard. . en er blij mee. Het gezicht wordt zo helder als de maan, en mevrouw. Aisha, als Allah haar behaagde, legde ze het hem uit en zei: Allah's voorhoofd, vrede en zegeningen., Terwijl haar voorhoofd door haar haar ging, 's ochtends b kinderen jongens en jongens toen ra verscheen en haar gezicht open was, keken ze naar zijn voorhoofd alsof het een brandende kaars was. Stoelen. Dus ging ik naar de profeet en hij zat rond de moskee en het islamitische maanlicht als hij wilde dat zijn gezicht eruitzag alsof hij verlicht was alsof hij deel uitmaakte van de maan. Toen draaide hij zich om en cirkelde rond de maan, die over zijn gezicht was gespleten. En mevrouw Aisha, moge ze tevreden zijn met God, beschreef haar en zei: voorhoofd, vrede en zegeningen van Allah zij met hem, word wakker als zijn voorhoofd in het haar opkomt of 's morgens in een plekje verschijnt of tegen een kind van de nacht waar zijn gezicht verschijnt aan mensen en toen keken ze naar zijn voorhoofd alsof het een zadellamp was die brandde. Het stralende voorhoofd domineert dit prachtige en majestueuze gezicht, versierd met een tere huid, met een glanzend gezicht en delicate gelaatstrekken die doen denken aan een stralende maan. Wanneer de maan de nacht naar de volle maan flitst En ook afkomstig is van Aisha's hadith, moge God tevreden zijn met hem die zei: De Profeet (sallAllahu 'alayhi wa salaam) was een gelukkige dag en zijn gezicht was stralend. -Rabi Bint Muvadh zei: Gods boodschapper, God zegene hem en geef hem vrede, leg het mij uit. Hij zei: als ik hem zag, zou ik zeggen dat de zon opkomt. Toen het beste gezicht van de mens scheen, scheen het licht, en toen de waarzegger het zag, werd berekend dat een stuk van de maan aarde was. Uit al deze hadiths wordt het ons duidelijk dat de profeet (sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam) hem, zijn Heer, de schoonheid van het uiterlijk, de stilte van stilte, de helderheid en schoonheid van het gezicht schonk. van de foto. Hij, God zegende hem en schonk hem vrede, stond op een mooie klomp en een plat ochtendgezicht, alsof hij in zilveren munten was geslagen en geen glans van zijn gezicht of licht had. Geen andere beschrijving heeft het ooit beschreven dan het te vergelijken met de zon of de maan met de volle maan. Hij vergeleek de stroom van de zon in zijn baan met de stroom van Hassan in zijn gezicht, God zegene hem en schenk hem vrede En de profeet, de De profeet, moge God hem zegenen en vrede schenken, het is bewezen dat hij de be beste Gods boodschapper, moge God hem zegenen en vrede schenken, was de beste van een gezicht met en licht van kleur En Ka'b ibn Malik, moge de Almachtige God tevreden met hem zijn, zei: De Boodschapper van God, moge God hem zegenen en vrede schenken, was toen zijn gezicht verlicht was alsof het een stuk maan was. Ik zag de Boodschapper van Allah beste geconfronteerd Mannen Dit zijn allemaal beschrijvingen van de profeet van de islam De Het Het beste gezicht Mensen En de beste van hen in de schepping Mijn moeder en tante Ik ging en bekeerde mij tot de islam en beloofde trouw aan de Boodschapper van God, moge Gods gebeden en vrede met hem zijn, en ze schudden elkaar de hand. Toen de Boodschapper van God, moge Gods gebeden en vrede met hem zijn, trouw zwoer aan mij, mijn moeder en mijn tante, en we keerden terug van hem. Mijn moeder en tante zeiden tegen mij: O zoon! Zo'n man hebben we niet gezien, en niet beter dan hij Een gezicht Noch de puurste Op gezag van Abu Ishaq zei hij: Ik hoorde Al-Bara zeggen: De Boodschapper van God, moge Gods gebeden en vrede zij met hem, was de beste van de mensen gezicht En de beste van hen Op gezag van een vrouw uit Hamadan, die hij riep, die zei: Ik verrichtte de hadj met de profeet, moge God hem zegenen en vrede schenken, verschillende keren, en ik zag hem Als hij een steen passeert. Ze zei: het was als de maan in de nacht van een volle maan, en ik heb zoiets niet eerder of erna gezien, moge God hem zegenen en vrede schenken Het wordt ons duidelijk uit al deze hadiths dat de Profeet, moge God hem zegenen en vrede schenken, hem de schoonheid van het uiterlijk, de goedheid van de stilte, de helderheid van het gezicht en de schoonheid van het beeld schonk. Op de hoogte van Hassans bult en de top van het gezicht van de ochtend, alsof het in een vorm van zilver was geleegd, zag hij niet het helderste of het helderste ervan, als de verlichting van zijn gezicht tevreden was en zijn licht overstroomde, en als de zoeker het zag, wordt aangenomen dat een stuk van de maan zich op de aarde nestelde. Moge God op gezag van Al-Baraa Ibn Azeb tevreden zijn met hem, die zei: (De Boodschapper van God, moge Gods gebeden en vrede zij met hem, was de beste Een gezicht mensen qua en karakter.

  • @SpinningSpinor
    @SpinningSpinor 8 ปีที่แล้ว +84

    In Nederland, Asian students are sometimes attacked by Moroccans. I have personal experiences for many times. It is not safe to live there. Absolutely No!

    • @user-yy8um2vc8e
      @user-yy8um2vc8e 8 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Bullshit. I am an Asian (Indonesian) boy living here in The Netherlands and have so much Moroccan friends. Stop making a false reality with your statements.

    • @SpinningSpinor
      @SpinningSpinor 8 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      J. I mean north east Asians specifically.

    • @user-yy8um2vc8e
      @user-yy8um2vc8e 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Like Moroccans can detect if an Asian person comes from the Northern part. 😂

    • @SpinningSpinor
      @SpinningSpinor 8 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      J. Don't pretend that you don't know the difference. Do you think you look like a Chinese, or Mongolian or Korean or Japanese? You belong to those from Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, or pacific indian ocean islands.

    • @SpinningSpinor
      @SpinningSpinor 8 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      J. Do you see the difference between Swedish and Greeks? Don't tell me you think they look exactly the same.

  • @ArnellaMaturin
    @ArnellaMaturin 7 ปีที่แล้ว +77

    "Alarmingly blonde". Would you go to China and say that the population is "alarmingly black haired"? This one phrase tells me all I need to know about this presenter.

    • @EdenRadio123
      @EdenRadio123 6 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      True the presenter is inherently racist by his anti white comments. It is the liberal, leftist agenda. Good point made though!

    • @Fairfax40DaysforLife
      @Fairfax40DaysforLife 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      In Australia, as in the USA and UK, blonde hair is common but not ubiquitous. It probably struck the reporter as strange to see so many blonde people in one place at once. It wasn't meant to be a PC comment.

    • @gtpcruiser02
      @gtpcruiser02 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Never too many blue-eyed blondes.
      They are in short supply and unfortunately the minority on the planet.
      What is it with these sociopaths who want everybody to look like mud.

    • @RedbadvanRijn-ft3vv
      @RedbadvanRijn-ft3vv 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Again you know nothing of youre filthy evil hypocrite islamic history.
      The first whole stole native Americe land was,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, an evil Allah prayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Again and again and again youre stupid taqiyya.
      Allah bitch!

  • @billbrowne5655
    @billbrowne5655 7 ปีที่แล้ว +59

    "...almost alarmingly blonde...". Sorry the Netherlands should apologize for that, right? Isn't china almost alarmingly black-haired? Who do they think they are???

    • @Fioneenacockeen
      @Fioneenacockeen 7 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Yes I was shocked by that. Blonde hair? Ooh, how offensive. I suppose blue eyes are an abomination too. Ffs. . :/

  • @terminator2.55
    @terminator2.55 7 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    no men left in Europe they all died in WW2

    • @basharen1444
      @basharen1444 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Bullshit we Europe men are way more men then Americans! The reason is our government we will vote extreme RIGHT!

    • @terminator2.55
      @terminator2.55 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Bas Haren last time I check Europeans didn't travel all the way to america to save Yankees from the nazis ??? nothing personal just expression

  • @jamesbarclay7361
    @jamesbarclay7361 7 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I have a Dutch friend who has been here in the U.S. for many years and though a political conservative, he defends LGBT values, he is alarmed with what he sees as the Islamic "invasion" of the Netherlands. We were unsuccessful in convincing him to stay with us. He told us that he read about Geert Wilders and wholly agrees with him the nationalist cause. He said he would keep us apprised of events, progress, his safety and his health. We await.

    • @rachel-po5rm
      @rachel-po5rm 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      are you two still in contact?

  • @iroquoisplissken3583
    @iroquoisplissken3583 6 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    If you wanna wear a head scarf that’s on you, but don’t pick on the gay people, that’s so 1990

  • @alexpapadopoulos2209
    @alexpapadopoulos2209 8 ปีที่แล้ว +43

    i have a hamster he was born and raised in aquarium, is my hamster a fish? so why they should consider themselvs dutch?

    • @alexpapadopoulos2209
      @alexpapadopoulos2209 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      ok, i will put water, see how he swims...

    • @modato97
      @modato97 6 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @RedbadvanRijn-ft3vv
      @RedbadvanRijn-ft3vv 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      khadiija Aamir
      Wel did you ever seen the ugly inbreeding face of your pedophile Allah????????
      His head is crookes,his brains are less then 30% .
      The people thought he was riding a donkey,but that was his handicapted ass.

    • @sleeexs
      @sleeexs 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@modato97 There is only one race

    • @jozefvantalfah3676
      @jozefvantalfah3676 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Same situation is with geert he's Indonesian and dutch lmao

  • @afyrkwgjjd3911
    @afyrkwgjjd3911 8 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    why would you even want to be multicultural

  • @markhassan6203
    @markhassan6203 8 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Bert is a Dutch patriot and hero.

  • @12345678910111213106
    @12345678910111213106 8 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Just leave please ... 6% is way too much

  • @joeking1019
    @joeking1019 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Geert is bang on the nail, why don't the Dutch listen? I was in Holland a few weeks back and was shocked to see police chasing muslim kids up and down the street, WHY, the kids were causing big trouble smashing things breaking windows, THIS IS A PROBLEM

    • @joeking1019
      @joeking1019 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      halal girls. Ha lal Ha lal Ha lal the halal revolution Ha Ha asswipe jihab

  • @13RafiusK
    @13RafiusK 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Yes, there is Dutch typical things. It's a culture, who has their own language and must be protected!
    It's not a myth.

    • @__Man__
      @__Man__ ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes and the Dutch or other Germans like Danish or ethnic German will be Turkified. It is inevitable. Anatolia (remaining for Greek, Armenian and Kurds) after that Doyçı (Dutch, German, Danish, Southern Sweden). Oghuz will expand

  • @Eddie303
    @Eddie303 7 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Let me be very clear ... We are not stirring up any emotions. We are telling the truth about , not the people, but the ideology of #islam. We are saying that all cultures are not equal. It might be politically incorrect but I believe that nearly every culture on earth is superior to the #islamicCulture of inequality, of intolerance and of violence. This is not stirring up of emotions. It is telling the truth about Islam and about who we are. ~ #GeertWilders

    • @basharen1444
      @basharen1444 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes!! I agree.

    • @dev5604
      @dev5604 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      When muslims are minority they adjust with us but they are in majority they always want fuck shariya law in country.
      In india they denied justice system they want their own shariya law and court.

    • @dev5604
      @dev5604 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Fucking indian congress and seculer parties support them always. They use loud speaker on their masjid and always loudly shout "Aallaah hu akbar" bla bla bla. Allah is only god for muslims not for all. 😠😠
      But no one take action to close all loud speaker on masjid.
      At 4 am they loudly shouted "allah hu akbar" what the fuck men. We want to sleep. allah is your god, its your problem. Why we hear this annoying noise all time in our golden sleep time.

  • @melg1765
    @melg1765 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    last time I went to Amsterdam a group of arab guys insulted me and I believe could have done worse if I was all alone, insecurity is everywhere in Europe now thanks to our stupid politics, I have now a tiser to defend myself

  • @desifemale3589
    @desifemale3589 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @tropicalstrings
    @tropicalstrings 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    If islam means peace ,why they must defend it so violently.

  • @sarahbucket8037
    @sarahbucket8037 8 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Gerrt Wilders what a champ o/

  • @trixietru
    @trixietru 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Those so-called comediennes say how when two morroccan parents born here havie a baby born here, the officials will still register that baby as morroccan-Dutch, and they talk about this as if it is a bad thing. And they say this while firstly, describing the parents a morroccan, not Dutch, and secondly while describing themselves as morroccan-Dutch or Dutch “with a spicy flavour.” How hypocritical can you get? Anyhow, Wilders is not complaining about people like them who have accepted their Dutch heritage. He is complaining about the ones in islamic ghettos, who have no interest in integrating and who plot to kill Westerners.

  • @extolzebulon9831
    @extolzebulon9831 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Remember TAO VANGOUGH...When in Rome do as the romans do...When we moved to Canada WE became Canadian in everyway if We were to go back to Friesland We will become Fries with pride...You moved into these Peoples Land of 2500yrs adapt or leave.

  • @muhammadadel191
    @muhammadadel191 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If it is okay to generalize in judging Muslims, then don't blame Egypt for kicking Jews out .
    The same mistake !

  • @robertparkes4982
    @robertparkes4982 7 ปีที่แล้ว +13


  • @om3g4z3r0
    @om3g4z3r0 8 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    What you mean they also don't want muslims around?
    I wonder why.

  • @fionagregory6647
    @fionagregory6647 7 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I love Geert and freedom. Long may they both live.

  • @Ujuani68
    @Ujuani68 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    16:00: How dare they use the Beatles song...Islam only loves their prophet, not their women. IF they did, they would let them be free.

  • @travelingcam8239
    @travelingcam8239 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    i wuold be shocked to go back to holland now,i bet it has totally changed since i was there in the 90's.wouldn't want to see how it is.used to be such a great liberal place to smoke weed and party!

  • @larsdijk12
    @larsdijk12 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My oppinion:
    Multiculturalism in 1 country is shit.
    Multiethnicity in 1 country has potential.
    The Netherlands has had a long history of meeting different cultures and adopted the good parts(in their oppinion at the time) in our society. That is expanding your culture with views from all over the world. To do that you need to give everything a try, like food, taste it to see if you like it. Not all cultures are competible with the main culture here, and that is oke! The world is big enough for this many cultures. That makes going to Italy, Japan, Brazil, the US and the rest of the world interesting. I never go to a foreign country to see different skin colours, but for the culture(and weather!).
    Different small cultures are oke, but we are a small country. So a china town in New York(300k inhabitants) on the same scale here would have a population of just 30k. That is to small to have a real culture on its own, and if there would be more of the same culture it would rival with the main culture. But like 60k chinese people who feel dutch and participate in society are no problem.
    Again, my oppinion. And thanks for reading

  • @Annesrandomthings
    @Annesrandomthings 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Whenever islam comes to a new country they try to change the local forcefully! That's not done at all. They dont let other religions to flourish

  • @engelj5773
    @engelj5773 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Geert wilders is my favorite politician in europe❤🇳🇱

  • @andenandenia
    @andenandenia 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Reporter: "yet, Amsterdam is alarmingly blond."

  • @Don-qb1vi
    @Don-qb1vi 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Great video! I wish there was one around like this that was a little more updated.

  • @zwazas
    @zwazas 8 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    ik ben trots om een man als geert wilders in mijn land te hebben

    • @basharen1444
      @basharen1444 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @modato97
      @modato97 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sei racistisch nicht

  • @dutchmenneer3289
    @dutchmenneer3289 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's not "Anti-Muslim", it's "Anti-Islam".
    We don't hate a group of people, we disagree with their ideology.

  • @violinstful
    @violinstful 7 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Geert Wilders is so hot.

  • @SleazyRoseWalker
    @SleazyRoseWalker 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I was trying to find a video of a Dutch comedian having an interesting discussion with three female Muslims, but i clicked this video out of curiosity, and hearing it start with a song going "dare to be different, dare to be wonderful", followed by "it's the gayest day on Amsterdam's busy calendar" surely made my month 😂

  • @Mauri-jb9up
    @Mauri-jb9up 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    The Netherlands have been a prime destination for the migrants since the late 15th century - not since the 1960s. Sephardi and other Jews, Protestant Huguenots and also Catholic Flemish from the Southern Netherlands (modern Belgium) relocated to the Netherlands. And frankly said that is practically what made modern Dutch society together with colonial past and general multiculturalism.

  • @misbahkhan2039
    @misbahkhan2039 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Alhamdulillah proud to be muslim those people who are saying that islam not peceful religion who has think that not every religion good or bad people are making good or bad and thanx to Allah i am muslim and our last prophet is the best men all over the universe .....

  • @khwalimadlala5720
    @khwalimadlala5720 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Is there any religion that has gay rights?
    Are gay rights human rights?

    • @shaunwallrich496
      @shaunwallrich496 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Every religion besides the Abrahamic ones

  • @jennymisteqq5399
    @jennymisteqq5399 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I wish there was an update to any of these documentaries. The comprehensive documentaries are all around 5 years old. I want to see what challenges these places still have.

  • @adityaraysamar1
    @adityaraysamar1 8 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    very well said ,wilders

  • @zavtradnem
    @zavtradnem 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I love this guy. Deport all of them!

  • @DjFotech
    @DjFotech 7 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    God bless The Netherlands 😊

    • @basharen1444
      @basharen1444 7 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @ericlouclair2585
      @ericlouclair2585 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sorry! It is atheist country!

    • @nooooo49
      @nooooo49 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      god bless 😂😂😂 who ? gays and sex workers where did you read that in the bible

  • @This_tub
    @This_tub 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    we told you. do u still welcome Islam now?

  • @slc679
    @slc679 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    It’s hard to have any good opinion on muslims when I just saw some drunkenly vomit on a train station platform, then fight each other all the while blasting muslim pop music from their speakers at 10 o’clock in the evening

    • @sleeexs
      @sleeexs 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Drinking and music are forbidden to them

  • @bettinahansen1072
    @bettinahansen1072 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    out now

  • @ivarolsen3841
    @ivarolsen3841 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    UK journalist Katie Hopkins´ big question without answer sofar: "If Islam is so fantastic why do Muslims always seem to want to come to Christian countries?"

  • @agron_639
    @agron_639 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    That moment when they call their language
    „Dutch“ but it’s 80% from German and 20%
    from English. Oh dear Dutchies you’re so poor
    #YouAreAllGermabBlood 🤫

    • @agron_639
      @agron_639 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @K R
      As the name it says GERMANIC
      They all belong to German or do you want to tell me that Germanic is an inside name for Polish ? 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @sleeexs
      @sleeexs 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      You are stupid

  • @1wannabee1
    @1wannabee1 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You have to ask yourselves 1 simple question. 'WHY' has this man come to say the things he does? Does he say them because he hates muslims? Does he say them to become popular?NO! The man is living a life where everyday, his life is under threat because of what he 'says'. Does any1 really think he enjoys living that way? This situation in Holland has developed because of the 'Intolerance' of Islam. This man is saying, 'he is not against muslims but,.. ANY muslim who lives thier lives according to the Quran and what is advocates and says, then these people do NOT either belong or even have the right to enjoy the freedoms and the qay of life that Holland or any other country they migrate to has to offer. Intolerance! Domination! anti-democracy, are qualities that nearly every western country abides, practises and enjoys. Islam does NOT believe in any of these things so I ask you this! With that in mind, how can ANY person argue the case that Islam is able to 'intigrate with other societies? Like the old saying goes, 'when in Rome? behave like the Romans. This is not the case with Islam and its followers! THAT Nobody can deny!

  • @furqueue9590
    @furqueue9590 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    2:43 The other girls had pretty impressive hair, but Heert Vilders I didn't find convincing

  • @amirasmith5133
    @amirasmith5133 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Geert Wilders is a hero! Don't give up man, we appreciate you xxx

  • @buddyduddyful
    @buddyduddyful 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Islam is not a religion it’s a political system.

  • @chubdu4787
    @chubdu4787 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Dayum proud to be anti muslim

  • @nobuddy2012
    @nobuddy2012 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I really do not understand why the gay community and feminists are the most ardent apologists for Islam, yet they have the most to loose. Can someone explain this.

  • @monikajanku9738
    @monikajanku9738 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Stop Islam!!!

  • @bradfortner8254
    @bradfortner8254 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    this man risks all to tell the truth why the hell cant more people stand up... much respect

  • @winniehughes4982
    @winniehughes4982 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    My daughter lives in Switzerland and they had the Holiday in Holland it’s a beautiful country she said 😍👍 she sends me some souvenirs from Holland.. it’s a magnets I put them in my fridge here Australia.. very nice and I like it very much 💙💙💙 watching from Sydney Australia. More power to ur channel 😍

  • @pebblepod30
    @pebblepod30 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Great documentary 👍, but one case of Double Standards of Ethics, and a lie for a good cause in this documentary:
    Blaming those that publicly & non-violentlg disagree with Islam's political goals for Brevnick's violence.
    Can anyone explain how that is different from the error of blaming all Muslims for terrorism?
    Non-violent disagreement with a religion's goals does not make someone a supporter of terrorism.

  • @spraakkanon
    @spraakkanon 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    At 17:00 two muslim girls living in Holland claiming that the Dutch do not have a culture of their own completely ignoring/denying that they ('native' Dutch or whatever I should call it) are clearly an ethnical group with a distinct culture. Denying a people's existence is already an insult but when you do it as an immigrant group and say it about a native population than you are ....well,think of some fowl language for yourself.

  • @abhijitdasgupta2450
    @abhijitdasgupta2450 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can anyone non Muslims enjoy the same liberty in any middle East Islamic countries as the Muslims in Netherlands enjoying?!

  • @patshah6798
    @patshah6798 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I respect that guy

  • @shavoz9012
    @shavoz9012 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm not a Muslim, and don't believe they worship the true God, but surely don't believe in the homosexual either.

  • @realisticclearmind3531
    @realisticclearmind3531 8 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Wilders always thumbs up.
    He fight the roots.
    Hope many follow.
    Amsterdam is a beautiful City, keep it.

  • @beaucorr2561
    @beaucorr2561 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I doubt very much whether this Australian journalist would leave unscathed after visiting any Muslim neighborhood in the Netherlands or other European countries. For every one law abiding Muslim immigrant or even many black immigrants there are many more who consistently break the law. A look at the high percentage of prison inmates and their country of origin confirms high crime rates among their respective communities. The journalist remarked on the Dutch being blonde: I would much prefer Dutch society before the high influx of non whites because in those days the Netherlands was a very safe country. Not now unfortunately :(

  • @macysmith5400
    @macysmith5400 7 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @Smith34567
    @Smith34567 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Islamic comedian saying Dutch culture is a myth , a civilisation built by Dutch people over hundreds of years is dismissed as a myth , she’s the daughter of an immigrant who took advantage of the that myth, now she dismisses it and claims she is a real Dutch , unbelievable arrogance , disgusting , there is no respect shown at all.Great film , just proves multiculturalism doesn’t work .

  • @elp.3478
    @elp.3478 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Dear Muslims you also need to integrate into Europe.

  • @ivarolsen3841
    @ivarolsen3841 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Dr. Bill Warner, in his videos, explains about political Islam:
    He says: “We´re involved in a civilizational war: cirtical thought and all people should treated as equal versus authoritative thought and dualistic ethics (you are treated depending on who you are)”
    2) “We will win this war by critical thought.” and “ we need fact-based reasoning not opinion-based reasoning.” and
    3) “We need to stand up for the victims of Islam. We opose the opressors”
    4) "Once you know the facts of about Islam, you will discover something, not that Islam is so strong, but we are ignorant, afraid, disorganized and consequently weak. We can overcome this. This is very doable. Join me, Geert (Wilders) and Sam (Harris)"
    5) " You can be a hero too: speak the truth"

  • @Ujuani68
    @Ujuani68 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    20:29: breivik was a crazy psycho! Working against Islam should NEVER be done this way!

  • @Kstxrd
    @Kstxrd 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    If people only remember one thing about Islamic immigration into Western countries, it should be this. In every country where Muslims are in the minority, they are obsessed with minority rights, in every country in the world where Muslims are in the majority, there are NO minority right

  • @akuesufali2130
    @akuesufali2130 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Well done... they have to live by your rules... Very well done.... More Countries must do this too...

  • @tesseract8033
    @tesseract8033 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Similar to the narration of Abu Mu'aqiyah (no. 1604) but he did not mention in it: "from Jarir" in it, and that is more correct.
    There is something on this topic from Samurah.
    [Abu 'Eisa said:] Most of the companions of Isma'il said: "From Isma'il, from Qais bin Abu Hazim, that the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) sent a military expedition." and they did not mention: "from Jarir" in it.
    Hammad bin Salamah reported similar to the narration of Abu Mu'awiyah, from Al-Hajjaj bin Artah, from Isma'il bin Abi Khalid, from Qais from Jarir
    [He said:] I heard Muhammad saying: "What is correct is the narration of Qais from the Prophet (Peace be upon him) in Mursal form."
    Samurah bin Jundab repoted that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: "Do not live among the idolaters, and do not assemble with them, for whoever lives among them or assembles with them then he is similar to them."

  • @JayDillon-mm6yv
    @JayDillon-mm6yv 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why would an English-language video froman established video company, not provide translation of Dutch language spoken by immigrants? Seems odd.

  • @spraakkanon
    @spraakkanon 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    At 17:00 two muslim girls living in Holland claiming that the Dutch do not have a culture of their own completely ignoring/denying that they ('native' Dutch or whatever I should call it) are clearly an ethnical group with a distinct culture. Denying a people's existence is already an insult but when you do it as a member of an immigrant group and say it about a native population than you are ....well, think of some fowl language for yourself. Than to think that they do have that entitlement reserved for themselves because they will still hold on to their Maroccan/Berber identity so they are immigrants saying: "we are a people and you are not" to the natives. double standards and no sense of self-reflection, there is one factor that helps boiling the hate.

  • @Ujuani68
    @Ujuani68 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    13:29: here in Denmark, muslims are 10 percent of our population. And they say, that ethnic Danes are having to few kids... What will Denmark look like in 80 years...

  • @lorrainewhitlock5377
    @lorrainewhitlock5377 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Get rid of them before its too late

  • @diegestive4167
    @diegestive4167 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Im english i lived in Utrecht from 2000 - 2004 i got on well with a majority of Moroccans who i worked with and smoked with .I also had a few issues at times ... but I've had that with whites to . I noticed the change after 9/11 . (I typed this before it was mentioned in the clip ) but it's true CNN got banned from the Turkish Moroccan coffee shops because it caused an atmosphere that wasn't there before. I went back to see Utrecht last year to see what's changed ? Less coffee shops and huge mosque lol . Peace and harmony I say.
    Edit: I only got told once by a Moroccan that he didn't like the English that was after 9/11 ... my first day at a new job in a majority white Dutch company,two Dutch guys told me straight they didn't like the English because they had Scottish and Irish friends which I thought was dumb ! I heard loads of anti English all the time , so when you think the Dutch are so liberal . They're not ..they're no different to any other nationality we have all got racists and bigots .

  • @LuluBowenTarot
    @LuluBowenTarot 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Tolerance works both ways. My experience living Europe and travelling extensively on my own as a woman, Muslims, even moderate have very little tolerance for European culture.

  • @yellowpetelol6417
    @yellowpetelol6417 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I like how when asked why they wear their headscarves, they just deflect with a joke and don't actually answer the question.

  • @Khalikhalzit
    @Khalikhalzit 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    If benali is correct - that the Dutch used to celebrate multiculturalism, and saw the headscarf as something exotic and interesting - then the novelty quickly wore off. A lot of people enjoy "curated diversity" - living in an overwhelming homogenous population of their people but having a few immigrants sprinkled in for food choices, menial labour, and cultural festivals. Again, assuming he's correct (which I doubt), the multiculturalism went way too far.

  • @lminterests5590
    @lminterests5590 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    The video said nothing about what the Quran and Sunnah actually teaches. What the Islamic scholars say, and what 1400 years of history says. Talking to what looks like a MINO (Muslim In Name Only) doesn't change what a troubling number of Muslims around the world are willing to act on. When I see Islamic scholars and Islamic countries eliminate Blasphemy Apostasy, and Dimmi Culture and laws then I wil be comfortable.

  • @danielschaeffer1294
    @danielschaeffer1294 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Headscarves are a smokescreen issue. How about the death penalty for apostasy and blasphemy? The loathing of gays and Jews? The nature of jihad?

  • @jarock666
    @jarock666 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    wake up Europe

    • @Christinebanks11
      @Christinebanks11 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      jarock666 Sweden, Britain, Germany, France had fallen

  • @MyMaitetxu
    @MyMaitetxu 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    This girls with the headscarf , complaining that they will always be marrocan ducht, feel themselfs marrocan, the spicy she is talking about is superiority and they also have two passports, ducht culture is not a myth, I´m spanish and lieved 17 years in the Netherlands, they do have a culture and a history to be proud of, its fine that you come from other place but don´t undermine the culture that offer you so much oportunities and wealth...

  • @Ujuani68
    @Ujuani68 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    This could be JUST the same version of how DENMARK got ITS immigrants. Except that we had Turkish and Pakistani workers (men) living here in the 70s. Then they brought their families.. Still no problem. Then came the trouble with the so-called Palestinians in the 80s and 90s. That is when things started showing: Parallel societies, mosques and more Muslims coming across our borders. Now we have at least 7 criminal gangs, nationwide, who do a lot of drug-dealing and shooting, rivalling with the "traditional" biker gangs! Imams who tel young unemployed, brainwashed youths to go join the ISIS! We even had a terrorist attack on the Synagogue here in Copenhagen. We too, are about to say: This is enough. We give food, clothes, housing and social welfare to these people. I once saw the Hizb-ut-Tahrir hold a demonstration on one of our big streets in the city. I will never forget it, the row of fanatics passing by, was in the thousands! I was quite shocked. I thought that most muslims here in CPH were rather peaceful and easy-going...

  • @araznaser1570
    @araznaser1570 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    lol at 12:12 the editing makes the kids seem like thugs even though they're just walking and playing football

  • @mickambler3151
    @mickambler3151 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    god bless geert wilders

  • @WGerardPoolePhD
    @WGerardPoolePhD 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Another cunning defense of Islam, by not really talking about it. The secular Moroccans they interviewed are not who Geertz is talking about, and they do not represent either Islam or the Islamic community as a whole. They are the minority within their own communities- and there is no way the interviewer could not have know this after just a day in the Netherlands. He deliberately chose them because he knew they would serve for his narrative. Also, bringing up the Norway maniac and not bringing up the murder of Theo VanGoh, also was a sly move.

  • @paulgodden4974
    @paulgodden4974 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I thought Anders Brejvik did the massacre in Sweden, not Norway. is this another Mandela effect?

  • @jadwa6315
    @jadwa6315 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Islam Is an alternative way of life..It's a new vision to the world.. that's why it scares some
    people as it did when it came into being.

  • @islander790
    @islander790 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Geert for dutch PM!! What a star!

  • @merlingrim2843
    @merlingrim2843 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    The asserting that Islam isn't a religion seems false. The definition of religion seems to cover a broad spectrum and it does seem like Islam is a religion. Regardless, I don't think that's really the core issue here. I think the core issue is that orthodox Islamists are not capable of integrating with anything else (even non orthodox Islam). It's either convert or be enslaved or murdered based on whatever suits them at any given moment. Moreover, in this system, Imams have the ability to make up whatever Fatwa suits their agenda so you can forget rule of law because it's like playing a game with an infantile child who constantly changes the rules in their favor.

  • @cidereagles8837
    @cidereagles8837 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I find this documentary far to tolerant of Islam in the West. The presenter makes me cringe. People want an honest debate about Islam.

  • @usedx115x
    @usedx115x 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks for making a video about this without filling it with left wing buzzwords. Its important to have an even hand when considering these issues.

  • @americanwoman8967
    @americanwoman8967 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    what about the "unease" of victims and potential victims of islamic terror attacks? the more islamists the less freedom.

  • @kalikalad8954
    @kalikalad8954 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    OK, we have parallel societies in America. But none of them are seeking to supplant American law with sharia. That is the difference. There are places in America where the predominant language and culture is ethnic--Mexican, Cuban, Chinese, Vietnamese, Puerto Rican. No one cares. It's only when a particular culture tries to impose its beliefs on the wider culture that we become alarmed.
    Muslims cannot rule in America, however much they try. We have free speech enshrined in our Constitution, and that is not going to go away. The truth about Islam is bad enough to give anyone pause.
    Islamaphobia is a lie. Islamaphobia is telling the truth about Islam. I, for one, will continue to tell the truth, no matter what.

  • @skellingtonmeteoryballoon
    @skellingtonmeteoryballoon 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Pray for the hearts of all anti-christ Muslims! Prayer is our weapon!

  • @andygayle8417
    @andygayle8417 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    You can't ban headscarves.....that's ridiculous.