Hey everybody! I must say, Nasi Jamblang and the owner here were really something special! Hope you enjoyed. If you want to see the shorter versions, make sure to head over to my Facebook. Facebook: facebook.com/maxmcfarlin24
Glad you bring your local friend with you. His name is Ari, isn't it? Such a knowledgeable guy. I didn't know that the leaves could act as preservatives in the old days. Have a great time, Max
my best bro max & chris you both are looking handsome thank you for your huge respect against cpec friendship countries of love from your cousin viki 💙
Hey Max, saw your message about someone who is using your content under another channel under Chris and max you need to post a video on your channel and let your subscribers know ❤
Menurut saya, kuliner jawa barat bagian pantura cirebon kuningan indaramayu kuliner nya perpaduan Jawa Sunda, rasa lebih berasa campur,manis,pedas,asin gurih, lebih kuat, pastinya enak bgt 😍
Your simplicity is winning hearts... Like how you just cut your old tshirt to make a gymwear... obviously now you wouldn't do it but it shows your survival skills, u can adjust in adverse conditions & out of your comfort too...❤❤❤ Very inspiring..
Cirebon has its own culture. Its hard to say Sundanese or Javanese. Javanese but kinda not like Javanese we used to see today. The language, the people, and the landscape is unique. It is represented in the food also. So simple like Tahu Gejrot, Ketoprak, Nasi Jamblang or Empal Gentong but it taste nowhere else.
Bro those nasi Jamblang and empal gentong are from batafia or Malaka/Melayu..Jamblang we don't need shrimp just rice and fegies ..for empal gentong for the real we bake in side of potch on dry or use brouth/kuah kecap manis dan lada no cabe..why we more pro on saller n trademark ing
@@enkaenka2469 kecap manis atau indonesian style ketchup (eng) aja asalnya dari jawa kok 🤣 Central Java style identik manis. Jamblang adalah nasi dibungkus daun jati yang diselundupkan rakyat untuk pejuang, dibungkus gitu untuk mengelabui Belanda. Gentong itu gentong dari tanah liat, emang ada gentong di sana? Asal klaim aja luu 🤣 Makanan melayu itu identik kari. Ini bukan kari ya. Lagipula Betawi juga bukan melayu asli, dia udah campuran baik dari budayanya dan bahasanya (jawa,sunda,melayu,arab,cina). Melayu asli itu di Riau, Babel, Jambi. Dan jangan asal klaim kalau masakan Riau ya masakan semua melayu, ini salah. Karena masakan khas itu identik dengan kotanya atau propinsinya, bukan etniknya. Misalnya rujak cingur itu masakan Jawa, tepatnya Jawa Timur. Rendang itu identik Sumatera Barat. Tongseng makanan Solo. Empal gentong makanan Cirebon. Nasi goreng babat makanan Semarang. Kerak telor makanan Betawi/Jakarta, di luar Betawi/Jakarta gak ada yang ngeklaim kerak telor 🤣
Cirebon adalah kota kelahiran aku dan juga merupakan kota pelabuhan. Disana terdapat banyak makanan yang enak seperti Jamblang, Mie Koclok, sego rawon, Sirup Tjampolay, terasi udang, kerupuk kulit kebo, Rengginang, Serabi, ikan asin dan masih banyak lagi.🤗
I'm not a fan of celebrities, singers or any one else but i love Max to bits, his energy, his vibrant personality blows my mind and i am addicted to his vids so if I ever see him face to face will make my miserable life a dream come true ❤ Max is my foodie hero 💫 and i love his personality so much!!!!! And, i love the fact "he wants to support people with their business" and he wants to give to others just melts my ❤️💜 much love to you Max 💋💝
i like how ur homie just lets you get embarrassed with not knowing what people are saying, not in a mean way i knwo its all love. just a part of traveling haha
Trust me, if you keep doing this, in 2 or 3 months your channel will have 100k subscribers with probably some viral videos. The lost boys channel just hit 100k subs just in 10 months. Indonesian people respect people who respect their culture and very supportive, but some vloggers also are fake and just want viewers and usual the viewers can detect that.
Thank you for visiting our city, Cirebon, a city full of culture and delicious culinary delights such as: empal gentong, lengko rice, chicken soup porridge, jamblang rice, gejrot tofu, es tape, cincau ice, mixed ice and Batik of course
wow cirebon.. you have to try *empal gentong* and *nasi lengkoh* recomended places to visit in cirebon : 1. Kasepuhan Palace 2. Kanoman Palace 3. Sunyaragi Water Castle 4. Tiao Kak Sie Chinese Temple 5. Jamblang Old Town
I was watching old videos and started looking at your views counts… it literally looks like your channel blew up out of nowhere. You went from around 70k views, then to 600k views and it never stopped growing after that. Idk if ive ever seen a channel suddenly blow up like yours. Im super happy for your success!
Check American family who loves eating Indonesian foods too, The bags packed family. They are American too and their channel is growing here in Indonesia.
translator nya kayak aji mumpung wkwkkwk...klo liat bule2 yg travelling ke indo trs pake translator, biasanya si bule yg pesen dulu trs si translatornya cuma nerjemahin ke pedagang nya aja..tp klo iniah translatornya yg langsung pesen 2 porsi dan lngsung ikutan makan wkwkkwk tp cocok lah sama badannya yg gembrot pasti bnyk makan....contih nya pas pesen tahu gejrot,si gendut lngsung pesen 2 porsi tahu gejrot yg pedes dan pas makan di warung makan terakhir, pas pesenan si max udah siap, eh si gendut lngsung tiba2 ngomong "samain pak(porsinya) manfaatin moment bgt anjir, kek bner2 nyari makan bgt, trs dia baea temen juga tuh kayaknya yg pake baju kemeja putih yg sama2 gendutnya, pas makan di wsrung terakhir pling semangat makan dan yakin bgt dia pasti nambah ...bbrp gue tonton konten max pas di indo,dan si gendut jd translator nya,kadang gue liat nya kek eneg bgt si gendut badan sama bagian ketek nya basah semua😂
Makanan di daerah utara cendrung lebih bland atau banyak persilangan sunda jawa sehingga rasa akan mudah diterima semua lidah krn sudah persilangan ya akhirnya makanannya ada yg dilebihin bumbunya ada pula yg dikurangi misal buat yg pedas bgt wajar sih soalnya jalur emas ekonomi pantura jadi rasa nya pun akan cendrung gak auntentik krn yg makan semua suku dan banyak jenis lidah dibuat gak trlalu pedas atau dicampur kecap atau gula Namu klo mau cari auntentik lewat jalur selatan paling top. Autentik selalu lebih enak namun balik lagi ke lidah original mungkin oke buat sesekali. Bicara rasa emg kompleks sih kadang enak di kita blm tentu org lain.
Jambal roti is Ariidae catfish. Cirebon is my best friend’s hometown, so it has a special place in my heart. It’s interesting that every time you try and speak the local lingo, you sound nasally like someone from mainland Southeast Asia who speaks a tonal language. You’ve becoming more and more Vietnamese, I see! Just that the local languages are not supposed to be nasal, and not everything has to be eaten with your bare hands 😆
Mas Adittttttt, kok malah jumpa di sini, salam buat Mba Laily, Irsyad n Fatma (atau ada lagi adiknya hehe) skr tinggal di mana? Salam drku dan Erna - Arie
@@kelanarasashop Waalaikumsalam Om Arie dan Tante Erna.. Alhamdulillah kita semua sehat.. sudah 10 tahun terakhir ini kita tinggal di Kuala Lumpur.. ditunggu kunjungannya ke KL om Arie..
11:30 when their tofu sits out all day and goes bad, they sell it the next day as fermented lol. Over half the food you eat there is "fermented" they just reuse old food items because they dont want to waste it. Tommorow menu will be "fermented bread" our special bread blend with green spots on it, the green spots are our extra flaovring"
Can u please explain what troubles it causes when liquid/beverages are thrown in trash? I mean i don't remember of being guilty of that but still wanna know out of curiosity..😮
Thank you sir.. Me miss my home towns place 🙏🙏 so you shere video me in the you Tobe me very Happy,💃💃 Because me very long time not go indonesia, Me bey next year me go to home 🏠
@Daily Max hi, what is Arie's contact information, I'm thinking of going to Indonesia and I would like to have him as a food tour guide 😊. how much does Arie charge for his time, is it per day, does he pay for his own accommodations, very interested to know, thank you for the wonderful videos
Everithing so cheap....no inflation in my country,,,in bali accomodation range $5-$50....if you want fuve star hotel you must pay $350-$1000 this is in bali.....the food is so chsap...one time eat $2-10......car rent you must pay $20--30 for 24 hours.....if you wan moyorcycle you must pay $5-8 for 24 hours....so cheap.....the food most delicious in the world.....you must try rendang number 1 food delicious by CNN on 2018 year
alangkah bagusnya kl ngambil itu si penjual pakai alat, at sarung tangan... jgn lgsng pakai tangan.. pegang ini itu... tanpa garam udah sedap... wk wk...
To be honest, that batiqa is quite expensive.. in your next video , the mangoes are also expensive.. it is just the same as jakarta (or even more expensive though); it turns out cirebon is not cheaper than jakarta, LoL. Nasi jamblang is actually cirebon's version of nasi campur (rice mix with everything) but they served using jati leaves...
Hey everybody! I must say, Nasi Jamblang and the owner here were really something special! Hope you enjoyed. If you want to see the shorter versions, make sure to head over to my Facebook.
Facebook: facebook.com/maxmcfarlin24
Oke sir ,I know Nasi jamblang ,sego jamblang, very nice 👍
Glad you bring your local friend with you. His name is Ari, isn't it? Such a knowledgeable guy. I didn't know that the leaves could act as preservatives in the old days. Have a great time, Max
my best bro max & chris you both are looking handsome thank you for your huge respect against cpec friendship countries of love from your cousin viki 💙
Next jogja (Yogyakarta)
Hey Max, saw your message about someone who is using your content under another channel under Chris and max you need to post a video on your channel and let your subscribers know ❤
Menurut saya, kuliner jawa barat bagian pantura cirebon kuningan indaramayu kuliner nya perpaduan Jawa Sunda, rasa lebih berasa campur,manis,pedas,asin gurih, lebih kuat, pastinya enak bgt 😍
Indonesia's peopls are so inosent and cute 🥰 Love all Indonesian peopels from Pakistan 💕.
So ture 🌹
Not like black and Arab 😱😱
Your simplicity is winning hearts... Like how you just cut your old tshirt to make a gymwear... obviously now you wouldn't do it but it shows your survival skills, u can adjust in adverse conditions & out of your comfort too...❤❤❤ Very inspiring..
Cirebon has its own culture. Its hard to say Sundanese or Javanese. Javanese but kinda not like Javanese we used to see today. The language, the people, and the landscape is unique. It is represented in the food also. So simple like Tahu Gejrot, Ketoprak, Nasi Jamblang or Empal Gentong but it taste nowhere else.
Bro those nasi Jamblang and empal gentong are from batafia or Malaka/Melayu..Jamblang we don't need shrimp just rice and fegies ..for empal gentong for the real we bake in side of potch on dry or use brouth/kuah kecap manis dan lada no cabe..why we more pro on saller n trademark ing
just say it's the border of different tribe culture
@@enkaenka2469 empal is from Java, coz " empal " is bahasa Jawa.
@@enkaenka2469 kecap manis atau indonesian style ketchup (eng) aja asalnya dari jawa kok 🤣 Central Java style identik manis. Jamblang adalah nasi dibungkus daun jati yang diselundupkan rakyat untuk pejuang, dibungkus gitu untuk mengelabui Belanda. Gentong itu gentong dari tanah liat, emang ada gentong di sana? Asal klaim aja luu 🤣 Makanan melayu itu identik kari. Ini bukan kari ya. Lagipula Betawi juga bukan melayu asli, dia udah campuran baik dari budayanya dan bahasanya (jawa,sunda,melayu,arab,cina). Melayu asli itu di Riau, Babel, Jambi. Dan jangan asal klaim kalau masakan Riau ya masakan semua melayu, ini salah. Karena masakan khas itu identik dengan kotanya atau propinsinya, bukan etniknya. Misalnya rujak cingur itu masakan Jawa, tepatnya Jawa Timur. Rendang itu identik Sumatera Barat. Tongseng makanan Solo. Empal gentong makanan Cirebon. Nasi goreng babat makanan Semarang. Kerak telor makanan Betawi/Jakarta, di luar Betawi/Jakarta gak ada yang ngeklaim kerak telor 🤣
Tapi semua orang Cirebon kalau ditanya mereka menjawab keturunan JASUN (JAWA-SUNDA). Budaya dan bahasanya juga lebih ke Jawa.
Cirebon adalah kota kelahiran aku dan juga merupakan kota pelabuhan. Disana terdapat banyak makanan yang enak seperti Jamblang, Mie Koclok, sego rawon, Sirup Tjampolay, terasi udang, kerupuk kulit kebo, Rengginang, Serabi, ikan asin dan masih banyak lagi.🤗
I respect this foreigner,because he is the only foreigner who really likes Sambal and Spicy food.❤❤❤
apreciate for your vlog in cirebon, this is my home town, Cirebon food and cirebon itself is one the most underated in indosesia.
I'm not a fan of celebrities, singers or any one else but i love Max to bits, his energy, his vibrant personality blows my mind and i am addicted to his vids so if I ever see him face to face will make my miserable life a dream come true ❤ Max is my foodie hero 💫 and i love his personality so much!!!!! And, i love the fact "he wants to support people with their business" and he wants to give to others just melts my ❤️💜 much love to you Max 💋💝
Ma sha Allah 🌹 this his room is luxury indonesia Malaysia are good cantury
Nasi Jamblang is a little expensive, but I never miss it when visiting Cirebon, ilove it
It's good and safe you travel & experience with local guide also have a good English and food knowledge 👍
I miss Cirebon... my hometown & the foods are AWESOME! ❤️👌
Cerebon - indonesia 💃💃💃👍👍👍👍 Me pemalang
great, gaess, you are surrounded by various kinds of Indonesia .greetings from a food news youtuber .
i like how ur homie just lets you get embarrassed with not knowing what people are saying, not in a mean way i knwo its all love. just a part of traveling haha
Trust me, if you keep doing this, in 2 or 3 months your channel will have 100k subscribers with probably some viral videos. The lost boys channel just hit 100k subs just in 10 months. Indonesian people respect people who respect their culture and very supportive, but some vloggers also are fake and just want viewers and usual the viewers can detect that.
Finally selamat datang kembali mr di indonesia
Love from Pakistan
wow amazing love Indonesia
hope you can go to Central Java Jogjakarta East Java Bali Lombok
Miss the Chris and Max adventures. 👍
Coming back soon
Thank you for visiting our city, Cirebon, a city full of culture and delicious culinary delights such as: empal gentong, lengko rice, chicken soup porridge, jamblang rice, gejrot tofu, es tape, cincau ice, mixed ice and Batik of course
Nothing can beat brayani lol 😂😂😂 eat everything around the world still miss that single food
wow cirebon.. you have to try *empal gentong* and *nasi lengkoh*
recomended places to visit in cirebon :
1. Kasepuhan Palace
2. Kanoman Palace
3. Sunyaragi Water Castle
4. Tiao Kak Sie Chinese Temple
5. Jamblang Old Town
Yes I have that in the vidoe before this one!
I was watching old videos and started looking at your views counts… it literally looks like your channel blew up out of nowhere. You went from around 70k views, then to 600k views and it never stopped growing after that. Idk if ive ever seen a channel suddenly blow up like yours. Im super happy for your success!
Proper bum gun and toilet paper. I do like my Toto Bidet with auto raise/lower and heated seat. Oh, nice food tour too Max👍
"khas" = "specialty"
Check American family who loves eating Indonesian foods too, The bags packed family. They are American too and their channel is growing here in Indonesia.
Cireboooon ❤️
We’ll be there soon!
I hope you have a good trip!
Nice vlog, new subscriber here 👋
☝☝ cirebon hadir
Much info about food in cirebon from this vidio, stay healty, ok thx (jimmy s)
translator nya kayak aji mumpung wkwkkwk...klo liat bule2 yg travelling ke indo trs pake translator, biasanya si bule yg pesen dulu trs si translatornya cuma nerjemahin ke pedagang nya aja..tp klo iniah translatornya yg langsung pesen 2 porsi dan lngsung ikutan makan wkwkkwk tp cocok lah sama badannya yg gembrot pasti bnyk makan....contih nya pas pesen tahu gejrot,si gendut lngsung pesen 2 porsi tahu gejrot yg pedes dan pas makan di warung makan terakhir, pas pesenan si max udah siap, eh si gendut lngsung tiba2 ngomong "samain pak(porsinya) manfaatin moment bgt anjir, kek bner2 nyari makan bgt, trs dia baea temen juga tuh kayaknya yg pake baju kemeja putih yg sama2 gendutnya, pas makan di wsrung terakhir pling semangat makan dan yakin bgt dia pasti nambah ...bbrp gue tonton konten max pas di indo,dan si gendut jd translator nya,kadang gue liat nya kek eneg bgt si gendut badan sama bagian ketek nya basah semua😂
Tahu gejrot 10k and bubur 25k mahal banget cirebon. Di jkt masih ada bubur 10k
Sega Jamblang dan empal gentong👍👍👍
enjoy in indonesia brother
Thanks I sure did!
Baju pink cantik 🥰🥰🥰
Sehat selalu Mr . 😊
Hey Max food food love from Nepal😍👍💕
Hi max...keep spirit...i love your videos...
you have to go to malang or surabaya
toto brand is originally from Indonesia not Japan. :)
Welcome to my hometown!
There is ciremai mountain on south cirebon. Go to linggarjati museum. Much cooler. Cirebon is small business city.
Mantul Mantap betul bro 🥰😅🙏
U have a good choice and taste bro....
hii!! i am from cirebon!!!😅 nice to meet you mr🎉🎉🎉🎉
Yo Yo Yo!!!! You visiting in my city Yo🤣 Sega Jamblang Cirebon 💪
Makanan di daerah utara cendrung lebih bland atau banyak persilangan sunda jawa sehingga rasa akan mudah diterima semua lidah krn sudah persilangan ya akhirnya makanannya ada yg dilebihin bumbunya ada pula yg dikurangi misal buat yg pedas bgt wajar sih soalnya jalur emas ekonomi pantura jadi rasa nya pun akan cendrung gak auntentik krn yg makan semua suku dan banyak jenis lidah dibuat gak trlalu pedas atau dicampur kecap atau gula
Namu klo mau cari auntentik lewat jalur selatan paling top.
Autentik selalu lebih enak namun balik lagi ke lidah original mungkin oke buat sesekali. Bicara rasa emg kompleks sih kadang enak di kita blm tentu org lain.
love from pune , pari khan
"Tahu Gejrot" = "The smackdawn of tofu", brother 😁
Mr mampir ke ayam goreng santa maria cirebon gass pool
Wwaaoooooo 👍👍👍🙏🙏🇲🇨🇲🇨🥰
Jambal roti is Ariidae catfish. Cirebon is my best friend’s hometown, so it has a special place in my heart. It’s interesting that every time you try and speak the local lingo, you sound nasally like someone from mainland Southeast Asia who speaks a tonal language. You’ve becoming more and more Vietnamese, I see! Just that the local languages are not supposed to be nasal, and not everything has to be eaten with your bare hands 😆
Hello Max,
Enjoying your vlogs. Btw, a translation for the word khas would be specific.
Who cares! We love whatever Max says 😂😂😂😂 I love his accent !!!!! Anything, sounds sexy 😂😂😂😂
tahu gejoot yummy..!
Waaa with Ari Parikesit.. my lovely neighbour.. send my regards to him 🙏
will do
@@dailymax24 Many thanks and appreciate for that Max.. all the best for your youtube channel.. good luck 👌
Mas Adittttttt, kok malah jumpa di sini, salam buat Mba Laily, Irsyad n Fatma (atau ada lagi adiknya hehe) skr tinggal di mana? Salam drku dan Erna - Arie
@@dailymax24 haha Adhitya's son used to play in my house, now they moved yo another town
@@kelanarasashop Waalaikumsalam Om Arie dan Tante Erna.. Alhamdulillah kita semua sehat.. sudah 10 tahun terakhir ini kita tinggal di Kuala Lumpur.. ditunggu kunjungannya ke KL om Arie..
New subscribe coming through, because you are cute 😀
i love Nasi Jamblang
need chris back!
i totally thought that liver was blood cubes until the guy explained it
You need to setup your camera frame rate to 24fps or lower..so the light will not look flickering on your video
Lagi diet nntn begini🤣
Please collabs with Luke martin food vlogger also......please....max
11:30 when their tofu sits out all day and goes bad, they sell it the next day as fermented lol. Over half the food you eat there is "fermented" they just reuse old food items because they dont want to waste it. Tommorow menu will be "fermented bread" our special bread blend with green spots on it, the green spots are our extra flaovring"
Surprise funk; My favourite!
Focus ke kakak² cantik...
Om ayiee. 🔥❤
Ka Fajarrrrrr makasii - Arie
Where are you now ? In Indonesia or Vietnam ?
yooo 19:36 she's a cutie! xD
yO try Hotel Apita really good
Cirebon is nice for Nasi Kucing also must try
Is he your guide or a fellow content creator?
My guide
Can u please explain what troubles it causes when liquid/beverages are thrown in trash? I mean i don't remember of being guilty of that but still wanna know out of curiosity..😮
Hey Max , where are you now ?
Next time go to indonesia again, come to another island, like Lombok island
Hallo sir.go to jawa tenggah,
Tegal , pemalang,pekalongan
Yes, I went already and have videos coming!
Thank you sir..
Me miss my home towns place 🙏🙏 so you shere video me in the you Tobe me very Happy,💃💃 Because me very long time not go indonesia,
Me bey next year me go to home 🏠
@@jenysuet1449 I am happy to be able to show you. Hope you get to visit soon!
Thank you very much sir 🙏🙏🥰
have you ever been in bandung..??
@@dailymax24 amazing place both nature and local food..you only need 3 hours drive from cirebon
You have two chanel youtube??
Hey mate if you come back to jakarta, you must try Lawless Burgerbar in Kemang, they will cure your homesick for sure. 😂✌🏻
Ahhh i wish I would have known that!
Loe hebat max lidahnya sudah biasa pedas
@Daily Max hi, what is Arie's contact information, I'm thinking of going to Indonesia and I would like to have him as a food tour guide 😊. how much does Arie charge for his time, is it per day, does he pay for his own accommodations, very interested to know, thank you for the wonderful videos
Everithing so cheap....no inflation in my country,,,in bali accomodation range $5-$50....if you want fuve star hotel you must pay $350-$1000 this is in bali.....the food is so chsap...one time eat $2-10......car rent you must pay $20--30 for 24 hours.....if you wan moyorcycle you must pay $5-8 for 24 hours....so cheap.....the food most delicious in the world.....you must try rendang number 1 food delicious by CNN on 2018 year
You can find him on Twitter or IG @kelanarasakuliner you’ll just have talk to him and ask.
@@dailymax24 thank you so much for your reply 😊
Amazing Max... you dare to eat Tahu Gojret
so good though!
Cirebon. It sounds like bone. Anyway, it’s been a wile and I like your video idea again
You won't believe this Indonesian food.
19:37 who's that girl?? 😍
Lol@13:20 “ bye bye nha” .you spoke Vietnamese to her
Max, you visit Hyderabad India to enjoy eating real & original Briyani plus other special world famous Hyderabadi dishes.
Cirebon losari rumah ku 😁
i bet that tofu coming from ciledug
alangkah bagusnya kl ngambil itu si penjual pakai alat, at sarung tangan... jgn lgsng pakai tangan.. pegang ini itu... tanpa garam udah sedap... wk wk...
Hi Mr.max
Who screamed at 0:49?
Just me? Ok.
Hi anh
To be honest, that batiqa is quite expensive.. in your next video , the mangoes are also expensive.. it is just the same as jakarta (or even more expensive though); it turns out cirebon is not cheaper than jakarta, LoL. Nasi jamblang is actually cirebon's version of nasi campur (rice mix with everything) but they served using jati leaves...
Those guy not say sorry for deeply after spilled ice coffe, he even said sorry without looking you, that bad. Im sorry for that
Not rupis is rupiah!
17:25 Kenapa juga dia yang mangap, aku yg baca basmallah?