This video was a blast to animate. So much effort goes into the art. The mission of After Skool is to enhance profound ideas with art. If you want to support this mission, please consider joining After Skool's Patreon. You get to see the animations a week before they go public and participate in choosing future topics. Thank you!
@AfterSkool not after this bs video. Outrage? Only an idiot wouldn't be outraged at the BS happening in America. You are not to be trusted. No mention of False Flags? You are either a useful idiot, or a Communist, or both. Probably both.
if i'm too busy fighting for eternal human rights on the other side of the world and against a shadowy organization trying to destroy my ideals of what freedom and the good life should be... i don't have to pay attention to the decade-long car payments i owe on a brand new truck that i'll never need to its full capabilities lol my cozy house and safe neighborhood is deafening! my soul needs meaning and purpose!
Selective outrage, hypocrisy, seeing only what they want to see...etc...There is an unspoken agreement between the happily ruled and the rulers : you BS us and we'll pretend that we believe you, just please do not take away our soul-sucking jobs, our made-in-china TV and our industrial junk food. Nobody can be hypnotized unless they consent to the alleged power of the hypnotist. So when people say "oh we have been lied to", I reply "yeah right !!. Who the fook are you kidding". The hypocrits are also always in a hurry to burn somebody at the stakes, to absolve themselves and give themselves an aura of respectability. Deep down, they know they are full of sheet and everybody around them is. That's why their inter-personal relationships are plagued with mind-games and mistrust. They are always wondering "am I going to be the first to betray him/her, or him/her betraying me first ?.
And the elites that run the media companies, politicians, bankers, literally everyone at the top are aware of this and thus in our wonderful capitalist society, all these things have become commodities... Outrage is a marketing strategy, activism is a product, every cause has become a brand and so on, there are no real causes anymore, no real activism, it's all fake and manufactured, all a simulation.... After all as is the famous line goes in that movie The Network... "The world is a business Mr Beal" , there are no peoples and there are no nations... There's only a system within a system of dollars and other currencies and there are only the corporations that make up the new empires and nations of the world
Absolutely nailed it. This has actually been the case since before social media as well. Once news stations began taking partisan positions this exact cycle appeared.
@@ScottHammettoo much of anything often ends up to be bad for us. I totally agree, once networks started the 24/7 news cycle, it was like a drug for many of us. It’s an actual dopamine hit cycle 😢 But we need to have grace for ourselves, we didn’t know or visualize where it was all going. I hope that now, in 2024, that we are really seeing how the disinformation overload has hurt us, that some of us start being more selective about what we consume and give our time to ❤
@@DorchesterMomhopefully, I fear that the dopamine hit of info-tainment is too strong though, and I am not sure how to have conversations about this, with my geriatric parents for instance, who are fully bought in plan-demic people, they get offended at any insinuation that their beleifs are wrong
@DorchesterMom additionally, the conversations, or not having them, both lead to toxic effects: actual harm against me, or simmering resentment from them and frustration for me.
Wow… sometimes this thought even occurs to me too! I’m usually optimistic to a fault 😳😣🤔 but this is the first time I’ve seen a comment like this sir 😢
What a perfect concept delivery! As a footnote, people can resist the mind cancer by getting themselves a good old-fashioned hobby and engaging with it the good old-fashioned way, with hands and minds. It doesn't matter what it is. It is the thinking and doing of it that gives immunity against the mind cancer. Satisfaction guaranteed!
100% agree - a few years ago i got sick of it all and started teaching myself guitar - fast forward to 4 years later and now i couldn’t give a shit lol every time i see the next big thing people are offended by i just play some sweet blues
Interestingly, when I read Afterskools prior comment about it being 'a blast to make', I immediately thought of that image in my mind, it definitely stood out!
I remember when I was a kid, way back in the 1960's we had 3 networks on t.v. NBC, ABC and CBS. They had a 30 minute newscast every weekday, nothing on the weekend, and some man would come on and read the news. No opinions, no gossip, no talking heads, just facts. Sometimes the network would have a "special" , usually something educational and that was about it. The news really changed after 9/11. That's when they started putting the news crawl on the bottom of the picture. Man those were the good ol days. Sometimes it would be weeks before you knew about an event across the country. Newspapers were big back then.
God you have no idea how much happier and more content with life I am now that I barely use social media. Life is a beautiful and precious thing man, and we aren’t here for that long. I hate that there’s a whole market in literally making people miserable because they are constantly comparing themselves to others. I’m about to turn 22 and every single one of my peers who are the most mature, well adjusted and down the earth either don’t have social media at all or just barely use it. There’s no right or wrong way to do it (unless it doesn’t involve harming someone else) just live life man.
That's great. Those of us that were teenagers or adults before social media remember the world without it, and we can see how it has damaged society and changed ppl for the worse. The world was better off pre SM.
A very wise thing to do, especially at your age. Good for you! You’ll be so much happier for it. The people who matter most are the ones right in front of you (says the internet stranger 😅) Corny, but it’s the honest truth. Once we take stock of where we feed our energy and efforts, once we prioritize healthy interactions with the people we care about it’s easier to walk away from toxicity and those who do NOT feed our souls. With us older people (I’m 44, not ancient, but I remember analog life without the internet) our reliance and irresponsibility around media consumption at first set in very insidiously by slow degrees. When 9/11 happened we all found ourselves suddenly glued to a never ending news cycle. It became a dopamine hit for a media addiction and the networks really ran with that style of journalism from there on out. Smartphones came along soon after and suddenly everyone had 24/7 access. It really set us up to be more negative and neurotic - and isolated. I remember being so much happier, just catching the news in a daily paper or one daily broadcast; no slant, just facts. People for the most part were more civil to each other, social norms and rules were followed more closely. Anonymity and access have made us so nasty to each other. I could honestly go back to that time and be much happier ❤ You take care and keep on being a smart young adult 😊
I stopped reading the "newspaper" in 1988 because I recognized that they were intentionally upsetting me. I do believe in having an informed opinion but I'm not required to have an opinion on every topic.
Thank you so much for sharing that!🙏 I've been wondering if your generation will wake up to the social media nonsense and form meaningful relationships in their local communities. So happy to hear from a mature well adjusted young adult. I grew up reading the newspaper, back in the 80's you really had to work for your news!😅 Choose your sources and content carefully, is my advice. And remain skeptical, question everything, and trust yourself always.
100%. Realised this and got sick of it. It's draining, nobody involved is informed on the basic facts (e.g. for conflicts, the basic geography or the actual demands of both countries). Also, the vast majority of it is stuff we shouldn't be caring about. I'm all for staying informed, but no facts and all emotions is NOT information.
I've been saying since I was a teenager, "Life is a river of s**t; don't get obsessed with any given turd." And when I do say it, I know immediately who, in the room just isn't worth my time 'cause they start yelling, "No, no, NO!" No specific argument, they just start shouting over everyone who disagrees.
This video covers why I've checked out of the culture war, debate sphere, and the information ecosystem almost entirely outside of my heavily curated TH-cam algo and a few discord chats.
This is exactly what i was thinking yesterday...give any news story 3 days and its lost its luster and gets perpetually worse...this has increased my anxiety but like your wonderful background ready to get off this merry go ground...they want my peace and peace of mind and i cant do it anymore. So I will see a story... go touch grass...sit and make a list of what i can control and what I can't. And then go work on what I can. Its sad that is what has to happen. Its sad. But we as a social community, connect over drama...and our brains are constantly looking for patterns of danger. Its enough to make you dizzy! Whoever is reading this. You are loved. You are valued and needed here. You are amazing and THIS will pass. Everything is a cycle or season...up and down...just give yourself permission and love to step away from certain media if need be.
@@shaneclark5022construction workers are required to wear high visibility clothing. Try again with that reach! 😂😂😂😂😂😂 not even remotely close the the looney librards and their weird clothes
This explains every problem in life that people think are problems to include family, marriage, careers, everything and we go in circles and for some reason cannot figure our "problems" out. Go down to the store and get a bottle of clean water and sit down and breath you do not have any problems. Be nice to people and if you care ask question lots of questions. Then have the other person ask you questions do not give your "opinion" because likely that opinion is not even yours. Then say whats wrong how can we make it better.
It wasn't until Will Smith slapped Chris that I started to take a step back and look at whats going on. I remember looking online and feeling the energy from that incident. People were going nuts. All the bloggers were live. Chats are going crazy. Clips had already amassed tens of millions of views. I realized these moments are energy vampires. I didnt like the feeling of seeing everybody so invested in one thing. Not something like this. Now I stay away from certsin stories until some time has passed. Or just outright avoid them. Diddy house raids. The fallout from that. Trump assassination attempt. Who's next to get taken down? For those of us who aren't profiting. What do we get out of being so invested in these moments? This type of news is addicting. Sometimes, I miss the days when we didn't have constant access. And when the internet seemed fun and exciting.
the slap was staged, the slapping of will's chest to create a slapping sound is a very basic stage performance technique, watch it, it was poorly done. People aren't watching the Hollywood circle jerk anymore, so they manufactured the situation to create controversy and attention.
I think there is a certain amount of liberation in not being so emersed in it all. People think I am somehow putting myself at risk, in not knowing everything being spouted. I think I am just a little past feeling the need to drown in it all. I'm much happier and balanced, just living my own life, and will do so for as long as possible. Nothing can do can really change world affairs, or what we think we see out there.
@@KLSYFY You know what helped me realize this. I didn't know the slap happened. I was out on a nice evening walk. When I got home, my sister told me what happened. I opened up my phone and saw the hoopla. I felt my energy change. I felt overwhelmed and drained.
I find the Chinese Farmer story the best way to reset after anything goes "negative" Generally speaking from experience, it is correct... "Once upon a time, there was a Chinese farmer who lost a horse. All the neighbors came around that evening and said, 'That's too bad.' And, the farmer said, 'Maybe! The next day the horse came back and brought seven wild horses with it. All the neighbors came around and said, 'Why, that's great, isn't it? And, he sald, 'Mavbe' The next day his son, who was attempting to tame one of these horses and was riding it, was thrown and broke his leg. All the neighbors came around in the evening and said, 'Well, that's too bad, isn't it?' And, he said, 'Maybe!' The next day the conscription officers came around looking for people for the army, and they rejected his son because he had a broken leg. All the neighbors came around that evening and said, 'Isn't that wonderful?' And, he said, 'Maybe!' - Alan Watts
Alan Watts died 51 years ago, and would be 108 years old today. Yet, his voice is still floating around the internet, soothing and calming like no other. I would really have liked for him to see the madness that we live in nowadays, especially the woke stuff, and listen to what he'd have to say about it. AfterSkool + Alan Watts videos are a treat to watch!
Bloody brilliant! You have articulated, informed and encapsulated this important message in a very entertaining way. This is exactly why I refuse to watch the news (daily gossip) and have anything to do with social media (brain decay). Absolutely love your work! 😊 I hope your message goes viral so the outrage ensues 😅 😂
I'd love to see a part 2 of this, depicting how the outrage cycle is addictive because of what it does to your brain... like how the dopamine hit creates a personal addiction to outrage culture.
“They realize it wasn’t that significant to them at all.” Seems that might be the root problem; they don’t have sufficiently significant things in their life to begin with.
I’m impressed. A comprehensive piece of work that gives a lot to think about-together, we can achieve more!!! Greetings from the Republic of Sovereigns❣
When the internet became easily accessible in the early 2000s via desktop PCs and cybercafes and laptops, it was a pristine ocean of information and knowledge.. We - each and every internet user - need to question as to what transpired in the next 2 decades which led to the utter pollution of this vast ocean!!
Things are like this because it’s how we are, not how we are lead to be. We look back at history and view the ppl as savages, but we still are savages. We are domesticated animals. However, we still are animals. At our core we are irrational. The internet is a perfect example. We have supercomputers in our hands but watch memes and tv all day
As long as people allow their energy to be sucked by parasites, then that's what they will continue to feed. Then they wonder why they feel so wiped out and angry most of the time. I don't have social media and never have had it for these reasons. I don't like to waste my energy on all the B.S. This video is a beautiful way to say it like iit is, Well Done.
Excellent video by the way. Everyone should watch this...especially in the events of the past 24 hours and where the potential lies for it to go. There's already a hell of a lot of creepy parallels being mirrored out there in the news today.
I like the expression of the kids at the table at 1:45. Since they grew up in this they kinda see through the whole facade of it. I kinda feel that way myself and actually enjoy listening to 2-3hr podcasts and going on walks without music. There's hope.
This remains me of Theory of Stupid by Derek Bonhoffer. It's exhausting to listen to people "emotions" over facts and logic. People minds are controlled by media with Propaganda. It's actually scary when you think about it.
"reflects views back to them" - This is the single most important thing to remember about anything sigfificant on social media, a giant hall of mirrors.
The dream world being promoted tells us to care deeply about everything but do nothing about it We're told the two far ends of the bell curve are reality
Half of TH-cam channels are just outrage channels these days where they sit and talk to the camera whilst all reading the same articles. For some reason they ask for Patreon support as well. They need constant outrage for views.
@@OneNiftyBoi That's why the news does got to keep everyone in a low negative energy state. Helps keep your immune system low, keep people depressed and scared and stressed
So just live our best lives, focus on ourselves, family, friends and loved ones and ignore the bullsh*t? How common sense and boring 😂❤ Why are we such little drama addicts? Thank you for this video- great reminder of the constant charade ❤
I am so glad i am not part of any of these viral waves. I just shrug my shoulders and continue with my life, i have stuff to do, go to the gym, walk the dog, books to read, also i like drawing, sewing plushies and doing origami as OT. I am also learning to play the ukelele and slowly improving my career with courses, conferences and researches. I also plan weekly or monthly trips to national parks, outdoor activities or hanging with the few friends and family that are left in my life, just quality time with people i care. I actively avoid participating and even manipulate the algo away from channels or "influencers" that fight for our free time with their garbage content. It was hard to get free from this addictive platforms that are designed to trap us but it is possible.
I think the artist is incredibly talented! It's so visually explanatory that I don't think I even need commentary. Awesome job! Thank you for all the videos. ❤
Guilty as charged. I notice myself falling into this trap. But my awareness of myself makes it a lot easier to just not give a fuck anymore and not worry about the things that I cannot control. I still have an opinion although I am also aware of my ego and know that my opinion could very well be wrong. Opinions are mainly subjective.
I make my livin' off the evenin' news Just give me somethin', somethin' I can use People love it when you lose They love dirty laundry Kick 'em when they're up Kick 'em when they're down Don Henley - Dirty Laundey
It’s very interesting that the comment section itself has become a presentation of what the video is discussing, so many people going “yeah they sure pointed out how that group is the problem” and people talking about how “I’ve managed to get my newsfeed so that it’s only the truth now, I got rid of all those things that went against my viewpoint and ideology“ and it’s being paraded around like everyone thinks that they’ve become perfect because they applied some lessons into their lives. That very ideology about how “the left just dying their hair is like poisonous animals in the wild “or “these right way nut jobs. Don’t even realize they’re marching their way right back into the old fascism days and “is exactly what this video is talking about, Your high ground is a mountain of sand
TH-cam has the same outrage cycle. 1) TH-camr does something bad or a crime. 2) People start noticing and call it out. 3) Commentary TH-camrs make a series or videos that absolutely have nothing new to say with headlines like "IT'S OVER". 4) It's all forgotten and the TH-camr gets away.
Actually the ideal is not moderateness - that is apathy - nor "outrage", which is just an undirected explosion of emotion that often does good in breaking but little in making, but rather effectively channeled emotional energy toward planning an executing a coherent action for producing and implementing the most effective and ethically just solution to the problem. That is, emotional control and direction but _channeling vigor,_ as opposed to madly mashing buttons OR just tuning things out and defending a profoundly sick society's systems.
Important to know the: Problem - reaction - solution (by government, red.) cycle. Someone would like you to get outrage enough to let a new government solution, reducing your right/freedoms, be the right solution to carm you down.
Dang, I really did think I was doing the right thing by being well informed and keeping up with the news, but this gives a more “eagle eyed” perspective to the whole cycle. Remembering this will keep me grounded (I hope!), thank you.
@@donbernes5156 I do know not to get my news from commercial tv, thankfully- I try to rely on primary sources and independent media as much as possible.
Save yourself the outrage and disconnect from social media. You will be happier and more fulfilled if you do. I disconnected (through a weaning process) back in early 2022. I’m no longer burdened by what has been 😂 Best of luck and/or blessings to all of you.
So here we stand, distracted, polarized, conditioned and intensively misinformed. Meanwhile, there's some quite mundane global governance stuff happening at the UN tomorrow which could lead to some big changes in the near future. Anyway, those alien cat abductions. Crazy, huh?
I mean most government happens all the time out of view of the cameras and that's where the bad stuff really happens. That's where they decide to say you don't deserve medicine, you don't deserve food, etc. That's where they impose and grow the power of cops, military, etc. and send your money to war. The regular "defense" budget SHOULD be the _real_ outrage. The fact that EVERY DAY people ration insulin, food, etc. SHOULD be the _real_ outrage. But it's not. It's always and ONLY the showy stuff, OMG they bombed the landmark! What about all the 351+ days before that of constant, steady b0mbing? What about the decades of propaganda and settlement leading up to it? So much of what we NEED to be thinking about, we aren't, indeed. Ideally, "outrage" events would lead us to more sustained involvement when the cameras stop rolling and the furious Xing goes away ... but they don't.
@@sophiasometimes9818 It's the UN summit on global governance. They are voting to place themselves above national governments, with votes on new powers for the WHO and the UNSC to declare global emergencies such as pandemics, and enforce UN security council resolutions, such as those it has made about Israel.
Don’t react Choose not to be offended. Choose not to be affected. You’re opinion doesn’t matter. Don’t seek comfort in groups and mobs. Don’t chase the golden carrot dangling in front of your nose.
I love all the effort you put in bringing wise people to your channel but what amazes me the most is your creativity on transforming this wise words in compelling images. I like to view several times your videos, as the first time I listen to the message and then I return to discover all your magic transforming those words into amazing drawings. Thanks a lot for all the effort and please keep up the good fight! 🙏
So you learned nothing. Inform yourself from different sources, reflect the informations and your opinions about it, consider the motivations and stay curious. Be better.
The only REAL truth is that they lie all the time, about every single thing and they ONLY CAN care about this point, I don't think that they even have it in them to care about their own children...much less the rest of ours.
Why you should form real friendships with the most suffering people you can find. Homeless, poor, etc. That's far more informative than any big flashy name can EVER be as to what's fucked up with this society.
So, how do we manage to stay informed, but NOT get caught up in slant and hype? Is it even possible to do that anymore? I am so sick of just reacting to the never ending news cycle - the “feed” is truly an apt name. How do we break away from the unhealthy saturation, but manage to know what’s going on out there? I want an accurate description on the story with zero slant or perspective. We’ve just begun to be more selective with social media consumption in our family, which includes three teenagers. I wish we had been more on the ball, but here we are, ready to be more mindful going forward. Any tips/resources/input is very welcome.
This video was a blast to animate. So much effort goes into the art. The mission of After Skool is to enhance profound ideas with art. If you want to support this mission, please consider joining After Skool's Patreon. You get to see the animations a week before they go public and participate in choosing future topics. Thank you!
Why did you remove the video about no evidence of humans in the past.
Hello, I have some ideas which may suit you, some essays that will make people think. How do I get them to you ?
@@RichardEnglander I don't think he responds he has never responded to me.
@AfterSkool not after this bs video. Outrage? Only an idiot wouldn't be outraged at the BS happening in America. You are not to be trusted. No mention of False Flags? You are either a useful idiot, or a Communist, or both. Probably both.
Hawk Tua!
This helps explain why people are often blind to the important problems in their life... People are addicted to the drama.
if i'm too busy fighting for eternal human rights on the other side of the world and against a shadowy organization trying to destroy my ideals of what freedom and the good life should be... i don't have to pay attention to the decade-long car payments i owe on a brand new truck that i'll never need to its full capabilities lol my cozy house and safe neighborhood is deafening! my soul needs meaning and purpose!
Selective outrage, hypocrisy, seeing only what they want to see...etc...There is an unspoken agreement between the happily ruled and the rulers : you BS us and we'll pretend that we believe you, just please do not take away our soul-sucking jobs, our made-in-china TV and our industrial junk food.
Nobody can be hypnotized unless they consent to the alleged power of the hypnotist. So when people say "oh we have been lied to", I reply "yeah right !!. Who the fook are you kidding".
The hypocrits are also always in a hurry to burn somebody at the stakes, to absolve themselves and give themselves an aura of respectability. Deep down, they know they are full of sheet and everybody around them is. That's why their inter-personal relationships are plagued with mind-games and mistrust. They are always wondering "am I going to be the first to betray him/her, or him/her betraying me first ?.
oRaNgE mAn bAd11!
And the elites that run the media companies, politicians, bankers, literally everyone at the top are aware of this and thus in our wonderful capitalist society, all these things have become commodities... Outrage is a marketing strategy, activism is a product, every cause has become a brand and so on, there are no real causes anymore, no real activism, it's all fake and manufactured, all a simulation.... After all as is the famous line goes in that movie The Network... "The world is a business Mr Beal" , there are no peoples and there are no nations... There's only a system within a system of dollars and other currencies and there are only the corporations that make up the new empires and nations of the world
Absolutely nailed it. This has actually been the case since before social media as well. Once news stations began taking partisan positions this exact cycle appeared.
Somewhere around the time that CNN changed the game, and the news cycle went 24x7, is when it began. They HAD to fill the time with SOMETHING.
This is the issue with world religion as well.
@@ScottHammettoo much of anything often ends up to be bad for us. I totally agree, once networks started the 24/7 news cycle, it was like a drug for many of us. It’s an actual dopamine hit cycle 😢
But we need to have grace for ourselves, we didn’t know or visualize where it was all going. I hope that now, in 2024, that we are really seeing how the disinformation overload has hurt us, that some of us start being more selective about what we consume and give our time to ❤
@@DorchesterMomhopefully, I fear that the dopamine hit of info-tainment is too strong though, and I am not sure how to have conversations about this, with my geriatric parents for instance, who are fully bought in plan-demic people, they get offended at any insinuation that their beleifs are wrong
@DorchesterMom additionally, the conversations, or not having them, both lead to toxic effects: actual harm against me, or simmering resentment from them and frustration for me.
I'm a senior and every day I look around me and really observe what's going on and I tell myself I'm glad I don't have very long to go.
Thats very depressing to read as a young person
@@mr.wigman You'll get there 🙏
Wow… sometimes this thought even occurs to me too! I’m usually optimistic to a fault 😳😣🤔 but this is the first time I’ve seen a comment like this sir 😢
@@mr.wigmanthat’s true too and I’m sorry dear young person - this is why I don’t share those feelings with my grown children 🙏🏻
What a perfect concept delivery!
As a footnote, people can resist the mind cancer by getting themselves a good old-fashioned hobby and engaging with it the good old-fashioned way, with hands and minds. It doesn't matter what it is. It is the thinking and doing of it that gives immunity against the mind cancer. Satisfaction guaranteed!
This is why they are so committed to ruining all hobbies.
100% agree - a few years ago i got sick of it all and started teaching myself guitar - fast forward to 4 years later and now i couldn’t give a shit lol every time i see the next big thing people are offended by i just play some sweet blues
The picture of the phone face-hugger is fucking haunting. Well done yall
I found it to be the most accurate image After Skool has created. Poignant.
Hey should make that a shirt, maybe put a pear on it so not to get sued.
Took a screenshot and cropped it. Will come in handy I feel. Many times.
Interestingly, when I read Afterskools prior comment about it being 'a blast to make', I immediately thought of that image in my mind, it definitely stood out!
Likewise, best graphic I've seen in a long while.
I remember when I was a kid, way back in the 1960's we had 3 networks on t.v. NBC, ABC and CBS. They had a 30 minute newscast every weekday, nothing on the weekend, and some man would come on and read the news. No opinions, no gossip, no talking heads, just facts. Sometimes the network would have a "special" , usually something educational and that was about it.
The news really changed after 9/11. That's when they started putting the news crawl on the bottom of the picture.
Man those were the good ol days. Sometimes it would be weeks before you knew about an event across the country. Newspapers were big back then.
God you have no idea how much happier and more content with life I am now that I barely use social media. Life is a beautiful and precious thing man, and we aren’t here for that long.
I hate that there’s a whole market in literally making people miserable because they are constantly comparing themselves to others. I’m about to turn 22 and every single one of my peers who are the most mature, well adjusted and down the earth either don’t have social media at all or just barely use it. There’s no right or wrong way to do it (unless it doesn’t involve harming someone else) just live life man.
That's great. Those of us that were teenagers or adults before social media remember the world without it, and we can see how it has damaged society and changed ppl for the worse. The world was better off pre SM.
A very wise thing to do, especially at your age. Good for you! You’ll be so much happier for it. The people who matter most are the ones right in front of you (says the internet stranger 😅) Corny, but it’s the honest truth. Once we take stock of where we feed our energy and efforts, once we prioritize healthy interactions with the people we care about it’s easier to walk away from toxicity and those who do NOT feed our souls.
With us older people (I’m 44, not ancient, but I remember analog life without the internet) our reliance and irresponsibility around media consumption at first set in very insidiously by slow degrees. When 9/11 happened we all found ourselves suddenly glued to a never ending news cycle. It became a dopamine hit for a media addiction and the networks really ran with that style of journalism from there on out. Smartphones came along soon after and suddenly everyone had 24/7 access. It really set us up to be more negative and neurotic - and isolated.
I remember being so much happier, just catching the news in a daily paper or one daily broadcast; no slant, just facts. People for the most part were more civil to each other, social norms and rules were followed more closely. Anonymity and access have made us so nasty to each other.
I could honestly go back to that time and be much happier ❤
You take care and keep on being a smart young adult 😊
I stopped reading the "newspaper" in 1988 because I recognized that they were intentionally upsetting me. I do believe in having an informed opinion but I'm not required to have an opinion on every topic.
Thank you so much for sharing that!🙏 I've been wondering if your generation will wake up to the social media nonsense and form meaningful relationships in their local communities. So happy to hear from a mature well adjusted young adult. I grew up reading the newspaper, back in the 80's you really had to work for your news!😅 Choose your sources and content carefully, is my advice. And remain skeptical, question everything, and trust yourself always.
I started reading again. My interest leans towards Zen Buddhism & being present. So much better.
The problem with this video is that I cannot like it twice... Just PERFECT!
100%. Realised this and got sick of it. It's draining, nobody involved is informed on the basic facts (e.g. for conflicts, the basic geography or the actual demands of both countries). Also, the vast majority of it is stuff we shouldn't be caring about. I'm all for staying informed, but no facts and all emotions is NOT information.
"Facts don't care about your feelings"
Ben Shapiro, probably!
@@frenzalrhomb6919 Don't be mistaken. Both sides are driven by emotion.
I've been saying since I was a teenager, "Life is a river of s**t; don't get obsessed with any given turd." And when I do say it, I know immediately who, in the room just isn't worth my time 'cause they start yelling, "No, no, NO!" No specific argument, they just start shouting over everyone who disagrees.
Thats what jesus said too
This video covers why I've checked out of the culture war, debate sphere, and the information ecosystem almost entirely outside of my heavily curated TH-cam algo and a few discord chats.
This is exactly what i was thinking yesterday...give any news story 3 days and its lost its luster and gets perpetually worse...this has increased my anxiety but like your wonderful background ready to get off this merry go ground...they want my peace and peace of mind and i cant do it anymore. So I will see a story... go touch grass...sit and make a list of what i can control and what I can't. And then go work on what I can. Its sad that is what has to happen. Its sad. But we as a social community, connect over drama...and our brains are constantly looking for patterns of danger. Its enough to make you dizzy!
Whoever is reading this. You are loved. You are valued and needed here. You are amazing and THIS will pass. Everything is a cycle or season...up and down...just give yourself permission and love to step away from certain media if need be.
Very good job highlighting why it's actually harder than ever to get sound information despite supposedly living in the information age.
My two cents, It would be better off called the “too MUCH Information Age” 😭😭😭
You have to be a talented researcher
Very selective and question your sources.
This video needs 8 billion views. Thanks for changing my life again Afterschool💪🏾💯🔥
Remember poisonous and toxic insects, amphibians, and reptiles usually wear bright colors.
Dominion (2018)
Get out of the circle ⭕️
So do construction workers…..
@@shaneclark5022construction workers are required to wear high visibility clothing. Try again with that reach! 😂😂😂😂😂😂 not even remotely close the the looney librards and their weird clothes
@@joshuaburgess4730 And the loony rightard outrage ! of fox / sky australia ! LOL : )
This explains every problem in life that people think are problems to include family, marriage, careers, everything and we go in circles and for some reason cannot figure our "problems" out. Go down to the store and get a bottle of clean water and sit down and breath you do not have any problems. Be nice to people and if you care ask question lots of questions. Then have the other person ask you questions do not give your "opinion" because likely that opinion is not even yours. Then say whats wrong how can we make it better.
This needs to go viral!!!
It wasn't until Will Smith slapped Chris that I started to take a step back and look at whats going on. I remember looking online and feeling the energy from that incident. People were going nuts. All the bloggers were live. Chats are going crazy. Clips had already amassed tens of millions of views.
I realized these moments are energy vampires. I didnt like the feeling of seeing everybody so invested in one thing. Not something like this. Now I stay away from certsin stories until some time has passed. Or just outright avoid them.
Diddy house raids. The fallout from that. Trump assassination attempt. Who's next to get taken down? For those of us who aren't profiting. What do we get out of being so invested in these moments? This type of news is addicting. Sometimes, I miss the days when we didn't have constant access. And when the internet seemed fun and exciting.
the slap was staged, the slapping of will's chest to create a slapping sound is a very basic stage performance technique, watch it, it was poorly done. People aren't watching the Hollywood circle jerk anymore, so they manufactured the situation to create controversy and attention.
I think there is a certain amount of liberation in not being so emersed in it all.
People think I am somehow putting myself at risk, in not knowing everything being spouted.
I think I am just a little past feeling the need to drown in it all.
I'm much happier and balanced, just living my own life, and will do so for as long as possible. Nothing can do can really change world affairs, or what we think we see out there.
So, Will Smith slapping Chris Rock was your "come to Jesus" moment 😂
@@KLSYFY Never thought about it that way. But… Yes. Yes, it was! 😆
@@KLSYFY You know what helped me realize this. I didn't know the slap happened. I was out on a nice evening walk. When I got home, my sister told me what happened. I opened up my phone and saw the hoopla. I felt my energy change. I felt overwhelmed and drained.
I like the mobile phone being depicted as a Facehugger.
I find the Chinese Farmer story the best way to reset after anything goes "negative" Generally speaking from experience, it is correct...
"Once upon a time, there was a Chinese farmer who lost a horse.
All the neighbors came around that evening and said, 'That's too bad.' And, the farmer said,
The next day the horse came back and brought seven wild horses with it. All the neighbors came around and said, 'Why, that's great, isn't it? And, he sald,
The next day his son, who was attempting to tame one of these horses and was riding it, was thrown and broke his leg.
All the neighbors came around in the evening and said, 'Well, that's too bad, isn't it?' And, he said, 'Maybe!'
The next day the conscription officers came around looking for people for the army, and they rejected his son because he had a broken leg.
All the neighbors came around that evening and said, 'Isn't that wonderful?' And, he said, 'Maybe!'
- Alan Watts
what a great reminder to listen to some Alan Watts talks
i remember a version of that story replying with: we'll see...
Old chinese dude didn't give a fuck.
Alan Watts died 51 years ago, and would be 108 years old today. Yet, his voice is still floating around the internet, soothing and calming like no other. I would really have liked for him to see the madness that we live in nowadays, especially the woke stuff, and listen to what he'd have to say about it.
AfterSkool + Alan Watts videos are a treat to watch!
We have this story in a children’s book titled “Tibetan Tales for Little Buddhas”
Om Mani Padme Hung(or hum) is the mantra
Seems most everyone watching this particular content are the ones in the boat. Thanks professor Mark from skool.
Bloody brilliant! You have articulated, informed and encapsulated this important message in a very entertaining way. This is exactly why I refuse to watch the news (daily gossip) and have anything to do with social media (brain decay). Absolutely love your work! 😊 I hope your message goes viral so the outrage ensues 😅 😂
I'd love to see a part 2 of this, depicting how the outrage cycle is addictive because of what it does to your brain... like how the dopamine hit creates a personal addiction to outrage culture.
4:20 That drawing of the iphone being a facehugger hits hard!
Excellent timing. Maybe it always would have been.
Brilliantly done.
“They realize it wasn’t that significant to them at all.” Seems that might be the root problem; they don’t have sufficiently significant things in their life to begin with.
I’m impressed. A comprehensive piece of work that gives a lot to think about-together, we can achieve more!!!
Greetings from the Republic of Sovereigns❣
What an excellent video. Great job describing it so well.
Love Mark Manson!
This video: _Outrageous_
And the cycle continues.....
You need to know this before deciding on anything 👉 The Connections (2021) [short documentary] ❤
Reminds me of Ben from Viva La Dirt League. OUTRAAAAAGEOUS!
When the internet became easily accessible in the early 2000s via desktop PCs and cybercafes and laptops, it was a pristine ocean of information and knowledge.. We - each and every internet user - need to question as to what transpired in the next 2 decades which led to the utter pollution of this vast ocean!!
Things are like this because it’s how we are, not how we are lead to be. We look back at history and view the ppl as savages, but we still are savages. We are domesticated animals. However, we still are animals. At our core we are irrational. The internet is a perfect example. We have supercomputers in our hands but watch memes and tv all day
As long as people allow their energy to be sucked by parasites, then that's what they will continue to feed. Then they wonder why they feel so wiped out and angry most of the time. I don't have social media and never have had it for these reasons. I don't like to waste my energy on all the B.S. This video is a beautiful way to say it like iit is, Well Done.
Great work. Wonderfully broken down
Excellent video by the way. Everyone should watch this...especially in the events of the past 24 hours and where the potential lies for it to go. There's already a hell of a lot of creepy parallels being mirrored out there in the news today.
Supreme! Story and animation!
you nailed this one right on its head
Wow so on point
I like the expression of the kids at the table at 1:45. Since they grew up in this they kinda see through the whole facade of it.
I kinda feel that way myself and actually enjoy listening to 2-3hr podcasts and going on walks without music.
There's hope.
how old are you?
Not really. They also engage in other social media though it may not be the same as adults.
Fantastic video. Thank you for your content, information distribution, teachings and everything in between! Happy October! Hope you are well and good!
Great analysis about media hypes.
Dominion (2018)
Love it! Thanks for this video. Great work.
This remains me of Theory of Stupid by Derek Bonhoffer. It's exhausting to listen to people "emotions" over facts and logic. People minds are controlled by media with Propaganda. It's actually scary when you think about it.
Thank you again for a Beautiful Piece of "InfoInArt" 🙏 So many synchronisity's with our last Portal's 🔮♥
This is the last video I am saving for a while. THANK YOU. Came at the right time. Damn. Ganesha came through big.
"reflects views back to them" - This is the single most important thing to remember about anything sigfificant on social media, a giant hall of mirrors.
The dream world being promoted tells us to care deeply about everything but do nothing about it
We're told the two far ends of the bell curve are reality
Mark Manson and After Skool is the best!
God damn, that face hugging iphone was incredible. What a statement.
Half of TH-cam channels are just outrage channels these days where they sit and talk to the camera whilst all reading the same articles. For some reason they ask for Patreon support as well. They need constant outrage for views.
And a lot are AI bot channels with circle jerk script for likes with no content.
While begging for money as they complain about censorship
It's also important to mention that people tend to click on articles & videos with negative headlines/ titles....It's a cycle that feeds itself.
@@OneNiftyBoi That's why the news does got to keep everyone in a low negative energy state. Helps keep your immune system low, keep people depressed and scared and stressed
Sounds like a projection on your side, youtube doesn't recommend any of these channels to me.
Just perfect! Thank you
Abraham Lincoln said it best when he said, "don't believe everything you read on the internet".
That was Shakespeare
Outrage has become a very valuable currency in the world of social media.
The timing of this. 👌
Great video as always! Your art is brilliant, I wish you received more compliments for it. Very creative stuff, sir. 😁
This video is a significant event.
So just live our best lives, focus on ourselves, family, friends and loved ones and ignore the bullsh*t? How common sense and boring 😂❤ Why are we such little drama addicts? Thank you for this video- great reminder of the constant charade ❤
Excellent video! I'm outraged!
I am so glad i am not part of any of these viral waves. I just shrug my shoulders and continue with my life, i have stuff to do, go to the gym, walk the dog, books to read, also i like drawing, sewing plushies and doing origami as OT. I am also learning to play the ukelele and slowly improving my career with courses, conferences and researches.
I also plan weekly or monthly trips to national parks, outdoor activities or hanging with the few friends and family that are left in my life, just quality time with people i care. I actively avoid participating and even manipulate the algo away from channels or "influencers" that fight for our free time with their garbage content. It was hard to get free from this addictive platforms that are designed to trap us but it is possible.
Loved it! You are right on the mark.
Should be required viewing for accessing the internet.
I think the artist is incredibly talented! It's so visually explanatory that I don't think I even need commentary. Awesome job! Thank you for all the videos. ❤
Guilty as charged. I notice myself falling into this trap. But my awareness of myself makes it a lot easier to just not give a fuck anymore and not worry about the things that I cannot control. I still have an opinion although I am also aware of my ego and know that my opinion could very well be wrong. Opinions are mainly subjective.
this is too good... and mark's delivery haha gold
I am absolutely outraged at this senseless cycle of outrage.
The dull, boring part is actually my favorite!
i get my news through memes, and sadly it tends to be more accurate
This channel is the best corner of social media there is
It started decades ago with “I’m not comfortable with that.” And it’s gone downhill from there as we look for something to be uncomfortable about.
I make my livin' off the evenin' news
Just give me somethin', somethin' I can use
People love it when you lose
They love dirty laundry
Kick 'em when they're up
Kick 'em when they're down
Don Henley - Dirty Laundey
Another one knocked out of the park! Thank you!
It’s definitely what’s happening today, but that’s not how internet started.
It’s very interesting that the comment section itself has become a presentation of what the video is discussing, so many people going “yeah they sure pointed out how that group is the problem” and people talking about how “I’ve managed to get my newsfeed so that it’s only the truth now, I got rid of all those things that went against my viewpoint and ideology“ and it’s being paraded around like everyone thinks that they’ve become perfect because they applied some lessons into their lives. That very ideology about how “the left just dying their hair is like poisonous animals in the wild “or “these right way nut jobs. Don’t even realize they’re marching their way right back into the old fascism days and “is exactly what this video is talking about, Your high ground is a mountain of sand
Fantastic explanation! Thanks 👍🏻
Thank you so much
I glad this ended up in my shit-stream. Thanks.
TH-cam has the same outrage cycle.
1) TH-camr does something bad or a crime.
2) People start noticing and call it out.
3) Commentary TH-camrs make a series or videos that absolutely have nothing new to say with headlines like "IT'S OVER".
4) It's all forgotten and the TH-camr gets away.
Illustrations of individuals having googly pinwheel eyes is perfect. Haha ! 😵💫👈
In 2024, having a moderate voice makes you an outsider that both sides will shun. This where we are now. One side or the other. No individuals.
Yes, but if "moderate" means "some oppression is justified", that is still wrong. Half a turd is still a turd. That's the problem.
It’s the centrifugal force of the center that holds everything together, but no one really appreciates that because it’s boring.
Actually the ideal is not moderateness - that is apathy - nor "outrage", which is just an undirected explosion of emotion that often does good in breaking but little in making, but rather effectively channeled emotional energy toward planning an executing a coherent action for producing and implementing the most effective and ethically just solution to the problem. That is, emotional control and direction but _channeling vigor,_ as opposed to madly mashing buttons OR just tuning things out and defending a profoundly sick society's systems.
I love watching these. It scares me sometimes about the days we live in. Good things to think over
"The obligatory Hitler and Stalin comparisons are made."
Important to know the: Problem - reaction - solution (by government, red.) cycle.
Someone would like you to get outrage enough to let a new government solution, reducing your right/freedoms, be the right solution to carm you down.
Fuck the government AND Fuck anyone who dares call the poor and marginalized "lazy" and "THEIR fault", too.
another Mark Manson masterpiece, and it's now with After Skool visuals! amazing
Dang, I really did think I was doing the right thing by being well informed and keeping up with the news, but this gives a more “eagle eyed” perspective to the whole cycle. Remembering this will keep me grounded (I hope!), thank you.
Dont watch TV
Read books, not media clickbait! Esp. those by the most marginalized and stigmatized in society.
@@donbernes5156 I do know not to get my news from commercial tv, thankfully- I try to rely on primary sources and independent media as much as possible.
Thank you so much for putting out this video!
Perfectly done!
Save yourself the outrage and disconnect from social media. You will be happier and more fulfilled if you do. I disconnected (through a weaning process) back in early 2022. I’m no longer burdened by what has been 😂 Best of luck and/or blessings to all of you.
So here we stand, distracted, polarized, conditioned and intensively misinformed. Meanwhile, there's some quite mundane global governance stuff happening at the UN tomorrow which could lead to some big changes in the near future. Anyway, those alien cat abductions. Crazy, huh?
I mean most government happens all the time out of view of the cameras and that's where the bad stuff really happens. That's where they decide to say you don't deserve medicine, you don't deserve food, etc. That's where they impose and grow the power of cops, military, etc. and send your money to war. The regular "defense" budget SHOULD be the _real_ outrage. The fact that EVERY DAY people ration insulin, food, etc. SHOULD be the _real_ outrage. But it's not. It's always and ONLY the showy stuff, OMG they bombed the landmark! What about all the 351+ days before that of constant, steady b0mbing? What about the decades of propaganda and settlement leading up to it?
So much of what we NEED to be thinking about, we aren't, indeed. Ideally, "outrage" events would lead us to more sustained involvement when the cameras stop rolling and the furious Xing goes away ... but they don't.
What is it a vote or something?
@@sophiasometimes9818 It's the UN summit on global governance. They are voting to place themselves above national governments, with votes on new powers for the WHO and the UNSC to declare global emergencies such as pandemics, and enforce UN security council resolutions, such as those it has made about Israel.
5:46 "And then they are thrown down the proverbial stairs all over again." 🤭
There's also the fear cycle, like they did with covid. So many bots said the same exact propaganda
You are incredible guys ❤
Don’t react
Choose not to be offended.
Choose not to be affected.
You’re opinion doesn’t matter.
Don’t seek comfort in groups and mobs.
Don’t chase the golden carrot dangling in front of your nose.
"just don't look, just don't look"
I love all the effort you put in bringing wise people to your channel but what amazes me the most is your creativity on transforming this wise words in compelling images. I like to view several times your videos, as the first time I listen to the message and then I return to discover all your magic transforming those words into amazing drawings. Thanks a lot for all the effort and please keep up the good fight! 🙏
Beautiful. Like hearing Attenborough explain the behaviour of insects. And I confess to having 'been' one of them. I learn and leave, I never return.
I’ve learned to disbelieve ALL politicians and ALL media.
So you learned nothing. Inform yourself from different sources, reflect the informations and your opinions about it, consider the motivations and stay curious. Be better.
@@hcl8836 different sources often have similar biases.
The only REAL truth is that they lie all the time, about every single thing and they ONLY CAN care about this point, I don't think that they even have it in them to care about their own children...much less the rest of ours.
Why you should form real friendships with the most suffering people you can find. Homeless, poor, etc. That's far more informative than any big flashy name can EVER be as to what's fucked up with this society.
Nailed it. 👍❤️
So, how do we manage to stay informed, but NOT get caught up in slant and hype? Is it even possible to do that anymore?
I am so sick of just reacting to the never ending news cycle - the “feed” is truly an apt name. How do we break away from the unhealthy saturation, but manage to know what’s going on out there? I want an accurate description on the story with zero slant or perspective.
We’ve just begun to be more selective with social media consumption in our family, which includes three teenagers. I wish we had been more on the ball, but here we are, ready to be more mindful going forward. Any tips/resources/input is very welcome.