Yes It is a Competition between 5 countries Germany, Serbia, United Kingdom, Hong Kong and Philippines. 2 nights long, 10 minutes each country displays there fireworks each day. So total of about 100 minutes of fireworks. Pattaya has received awards for it. One of the biggest in world.
Thank you! Cheers!
Hi Nick- Love your new channel. Great videos
Thank you for commenting. Very interesting task but great hobby. Editing the biggest challenge
Wow exciting
Very fun. Alot of fireworks!
What was the festival about Nick?
Yes It is a Competition between 5 countries Germany, Serbia, United Kingdom, Hong Kong and Philippines. 2 nights long, 10 minutes each country displays there fireworks each day. So total of about 100 minutes of fireworks. Pattaya has received awards for it. One of the biggest in world.