When Assad fell in Syria the CIA became aware of Isis terrorists embedded in NJ, NY, and SoCal. They plan to contaminate the water supply in those areas. The government is looking for the terrorists cell phones with Sting-Ray cellular interception technology onboard the drones flying search patterns
@@reneestuart-w2y i dont think people want to because they can probably get silenced, i saw people reporting this and trying not to say something it looked like also thjis could have something to do with insurance guy getting shot but its crazy call all im going to say is this is just being covered up and they definetly know what it is just wont say.
Yep ! It’s straight out of hell is where it’s from. It’s demonic and these demons in government know what they are but they aren’t going to admit it. When a million Christians disappear, I’ll let you know right now IT WAS NOT ALIENS. It was Jesus. So
I thought it was disinformation from this guy. So far I have seen reports/comments and videos regarding sightings in CA, WA, OR, ID, MT, UT, NV, NM, TX, KS, MO, AR, OK, IA, MN, WI, IL, MI, IN, NC, VA, PA, NY, NJ, CT, Maine, FL, Puerto Rico, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Russia, China, Thailand, India, Norway, UK, Ireland, Germany, Sudan, and the country of Georgia. Signs of the times, people. Jesus said: "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven." (Luk 21:10-11). Read Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 in the Bible. Repent and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is coming very soon. UAP/UFOs are demonic. "For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." (2Th 2:7-12) "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." (2Co 11:14) Look up "Drone Incursions around the World" on the Black Bronco Productions channel. You'll see many of them there.
OMG! Where have you seen this is happening in other countries? Send me a news article from othe countries. I mean legit news. Not some UfO crank that lives there.
@@DaveDDDI'm more a fan of the "they know we're going to keep running towards our own near-extinction event, and are here to salvage a handful or three for re-seeding, since we're finally reaching that particular event horizon" 🙃
They don't seem alien enough to be UAP's. They seem more advanced than the average civilian drone, sure, but they don't seem otherworldly. Until I see one of the drones teleport or manipulate time space, I don't see these things as aliens.
This IS a threat. 1) The US has historically experimented on its own citizens, exposed them to chemicals to gauge effects. 2) The US has historically kept mum on matters of intelligence, citing national security. 3) The US is notorious for orchestrating distraction events: "look here while we do something elsewhere." 4) If this were a benign event, managed by benign actors or corporations, SOMEONE would step up, claim it, and ease fears. This is not a benign event and citizens should march to the capitol to demand immediate answers if the IRS wishes to collect taxes next year; otherwise, why continue to pay the government for services they DON'T provide? Citizen safety and security is what Americans expect, what they pay for, and what they should receive. 😠
@@MissRed92837 If Russia has this ability then they're the king of the world. Come on man. We can't bring these machines down and other nations can't either. Some people claim these machines are over Russia, I haven't seen those vids, but I've seen them over China.
After all the cover-ups surrounding the Roswell incident by our beloved government, that was the day I stopped believing what came out of their mouths.
If you're referring to the crash, that was a nuclear testing observation balloon they were using to monitor the Russians. It didn't look like anything else on earth because there literally wasn't anything else on earth like it.
Wrong for many reasons. 1)the military themselves originally (day one) claimed it was a ufo. THEY would know. 2) A.I. enhanced the famous picture of the cop with a document in his hands, and found it to talk about this being a cover up and what to say 3) whistles blowers have came out and admitted they were forced to lie. And that they all knew it was alien craft as bodies were recovered 4) while the goverment came out and admitted there was a cover up (your story you mentioned) they failed to cover up the aspect of bodies. They later came back and said it was "crash dummies" but the public pointed out they didn't use crash dummies until years later. Ready for this? The goverments response was basically the Mandela effect: that everyone remembered it happening two years before it really did, and hence they WERE using the crash dummies then. It's so stupid. It wasn't government material. Do more research
roswell was alien propaganda , social engineering from the cia to begin the process of making humans think there are aliens. There are no Aliens.. all lies, all propaganda used to implement the control grid....welcome to the clown show outerspace is a tell a vision show.. Here in the real world, we are facing another psyop from the self appointed parasitical elite and folks need to wake up
it's SO exhausting to see legacy media ALWAY include the obligatory snicker when mentioning anything nearing ET. It is as if, it is in their contracts to mock anything dealing with the ET phenomenon while on air . Time to grow up and act like adults.
All of them will be exposed when Trump takes office! I’m not a U.S. citizen, but I am so tired of everything that has been happening in America. All the drone stories and other distractions were manipulated to divert attention from what has been going on in the United States over the past few months, starting from Election Day. This shows us, as foreigners, that America has struggled significantly under the Biden administration.
They're not called the useful idiots for nothing 🙄... We're in 2024 and two Congress hearings later on UAPs subject but these so called journalists and self proclaimed specialist are still : "Aliens ?? Hu hu hi, ha ha ha, ho ho ho.." Ignorance is bliss 🙄
This is not from a hobbyist. These are huge, very advanced, and are breaching restricted airspace without impunity. A hobbyist would not be allowed to operate like this
I hate when they treat us like we are idiots people know the difference of a air plane ok y’all just lying and hiding and acting like we over reacting that’s why our government sucks so bad
Average people clearly don't know how to distinguish between drones and commercial airliners - the evidence is that 95% of these videos submitted by citizens are only showing regular planes. This can be proven in cases where the videos include date/time/location info. Plug that into the FlightAware FAA tracking database and surprise! They are planes seen from a distance.
It’s not hard to believe the government is dumb after all they are direct descendants of the people who elected them , and look at the new incoming crop of evolutionary curiosities. 😂
We will know that we have reached clown world proportions when suddenly an announcement is made from a drone stating….”greetings earthlings, we come in peace, now I wish to speak to your supreme leader.”
Great way to show the USA that enemy countries can easily invade with countless drones all over the country and attach massive payloads to them. Ridiculous that this is a hard problem for them to solve.
I took videos tonight in Wayne NJ where you can see dozens around us in the same shot. It seems like they’re getting ready for something and are just getting a feel for the landscape. And anecdotally, something just feels malevolent about them
I know what you are saying. They all look very worried. Like they wish they could tell the public, but just can’t, yet… Like they think it’s better if we don’t know what they really know.. Might cause pandemonium or widespread panic.
It is obviously our military looking for something possibly smuggled here (dirty bomb, etc.)…Who else is going to be allowed to fly over this airspace without be arrested??
Most likely immatating our planes that way we wouldn't be scared if big saucers showed up everywhere. There is videos of them turning into drones from a circle
@@patryksz6749 Exactly what I'm thinking. Lots of people have nothing interesting going on in their lives so they all start recording videos of planes and pretend that they're aliens.
No. If you've been paying attention... at this point in the story, they're using humor to try to calm the public down. Because this really is it, contact.
If unauthorized drones can't be shot down for safety reasons, then we seriously need drone-capture (and better drone-detection radar) technology. 🤔 We should already have actionable plans, drones are not a new weaponizable phenomenon.
EDM4S SkyWipers should be issued from state government to all state national guard and law enforcement. Then tell the feds to either come clean, or state government will clean its own airspace..
Joy is my natural state of being, but what brings me a special joy is watching the level of cherishment that parents have for children. This is my favorite part. In most places children are cherished like treasures. Even on your own planet this is often the case, though not always, because of your particular challenges. But I’d say that what gives me the greatest joy is that cherishment.
How can we confirm this is not a case of mass hysteria? Or a collective stress response to the election results? What criteria do we need to meet for it to reach such classification and would the CDC or HHS be responsible for identifying and "rectifying" the situation? Of course, this is assuming we are not actually experiencing drones over our skies. I'm only saying this because I'm a resident of Chatham, NJ and saw one of these drones myself. It was about 400-500feet above floor. It almost looked like a next-generation Reaper drone, not some alien BS.
These have been seen in dozens and dozens of states, there’s video of them “spraying or leaving” something in the sky... We could have a bio-weapon being deployed on us, and it’s just all laughs and smiles......
The drones are as far west as west Virginia, there has been a over load of sightings in the eastern side of Pennsylvania. A few videos show the drones spraying???
No, they are coast to coast and worldwide. So far I have seen reports/comments and videos regarding sightings in CA, WA, OR, ID, MT, UT, NV, NM, TX, KS, MO, AR, OK, IA, MN, WI, IL, MI, IN, NC, VA, PA, NY, NJ, MA, CT, Maine, FL, Puerto Rico, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Russia, China, Thailand, India, Norway, UK, Ireland, Germany, Sudan, and the country of Georgia. Signs of the times, people. Jesus said: "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven." (Luk 21:10-11). Read Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 in the Bible. Repent and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is coming very soon. UAP/UFOs are demonic. "For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." (2Th 2:7-12) "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." (2Co 11:14) Look up "Drone Incursions around the World" on the Black Bronco Productions channel. You'll see many of them there.
They were doing that in pa where I'm from. And I saw a TikTok video that they were spraying something in New Jersey. Looks like a liquid white in color. It's probably the next pandemic were going to be in. Trump is saying something now like Biden is trying to sabotage the country before he takes office.
As I read through the comments I feel very, very optimistic. They show people are far more aware, tired of being lied to and not afraid to call out these so called experts. Love it!
I just took videos of drones and ORBS floating over Atlantic county NJ near FAA tech center and Air Force base. Please someone run it to prove its real.
The theory that these drones are coming from a ship off the coast is growing on me. The sightings have primarily been in NJ and the Coast Guard has observed large numbers of drones coming off the ocean at night.
I guess they just ain't brave enough to fly over my place, I see a bunch of cry babies wanting someone else to do something about it instead of standing up for themselves. Funny as hell this is top story on the news
The bigger question nobody seems to be asking is: why aren’t these drones regulated like other airspace users? Private planes, ultralights, and hot-air balloons all require registration, identifiable markings, and sometimes transponders-with hefty penalties for non-compliance. Why not these high-speed, heavy, and potentially hazardous drones? Surely, we could draw a sensible line, exempting lightweight, low-speed children’s toys or hobbyist cameras, provided the purchasing adult signs a liability waiver. But these aren’t just toys-they’re serious machines that can cause real harm if they collide, fall, or simply annoy the neighbors with their noise. Drones have been buzzing around for roughly two decades now, so why hasn’t anyone done something? Where are the FAA, Homeland Security, FBI, state legislators, or sheriff’s departments? Shouldn’t they have been sounding the alarm and demanding reasonable regulations by now? If they had, and incidents like this occurred, authorities would at least have a legal basis to intervene and remove them from the skies. So, why aren’t news desks digging into these questions? Are they too busy stoking fear, hyping up the drama, and spinning wild, speculative tales? How about some sharper, more thoughtful, and incisive reporting instead? Let’s focus on solutions rather than sensationalism-surely, that would be a welcome change.
You know, I see this time and time again the intelligence level of these reporters that are on television are just shockingly inept. The lack of knowledge even basic knowledge just by the questions they ask questions. What is the requirement levels for having somebody on television as a reporter?
Ok so what happened in the UK? Did they shoot one down? Did they all disappear? Is it still happening now and then but kept quiet? There's a whole lot of silence about this.
So far I have seen reports/comments and videos regarding sightings in CA, WA, OR, ID, MT, UT, NV, NM, TX, KS, MO, AR, OK, IA, MN, WI, IL, MI, IN, NC, VA, PA, NY, NJ, CT, Maine, FL, Puerto Rico, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Russia, China, Thailand, India, Norway, UK, Ireland, Germany, Sudan, and the country of Georgia. Signs of the times, people. Jesus said: "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven." (Luk 21:10-11). Read Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 in the Bible. Repent and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is coming very soon. UAP/UFOs are demonic. "For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." (2Th 2:7-12) "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." (2Co 11:14) Look up "Drone Incursions around the World" on the Black Bronco Productions channel. You'll see many of them there.
The Ocean county sheriff sent their drone up to look at these craft. They couldn’t get close and were easily outmanoeuvred by these “Drones” they switched to a thermal camera and there was no trace of a heat signature on them. Unheard of on conventional drones and something the officer piloting the drone had never seen. They also said they were “disappearing into thin air” Many members of the public have sent their drones up to try and interact with these things and say they can’t get near as either they lose control of their drones completely or the battery (which is almost completely full) drains instantly. Some wouldn’t even take off the ground as their batteries were instantly draining before take-off when one of these things were above them. There’s also multiple pilots constantly reporting these things. Saying they’re at their altitude of 30 thousand feet. Some even higher at 50 thousand feet and zipping in and out from the ocean at incredible speeds whilst doing incredible manoeuvres. One mentioned they were doing a corkscrew looking manoeuvre at 50 thousand feet!
@@MissRed92837European media does not tell those things. They even barely reporting about these topic what is insane. And having a look to ukraine, russia is outplayed by standard 400€ drones.. So they dont have these kind of technology..
@@MissRed92837 Stop with that, bunch of nonsense. The gov already told you these aren't ours and not a foreign nations. That leaves "non human origin."
@ I don’t believe the US media, as they are allowed to spread lies. In Switzerland it’s illegal for the media to spread lies. That’s why I do believe the Swiss media regarding these drones.
This is all so surreal ... and the gaslighting has reached a whole new level
Russian drones. That’s what European media says.
The government has simply become a gaslighting machine. Happy people are finally realizing the truth. Crazy times.
Gaslighting????? This is plain n simply proof of the Biden Harris incompetence.
You don't really know what gaslighting means do ya???? Ehhh. Youre probably a liberal.
When Assad fell in Syria the CIA became aware of Isis terrorists embedded in NJ, NY, and SoCal. They plan to contaminate the water supply in those areas. The government is looking for the terrorists cell phones with Sting-Ray cellular interception technology onboard the drones flying search patterns
I don't think we need a retired Air Force pilot to tell us the obvious.
Right blah blah blah
But.he knows whats up.
It smells like updog
@Steven-lb4bl something is rotten in denmarke
@@Steven-lb4bl What's updog?
I thought 9/11 taught us that this guys totally dismissive and uninterested attitude is dangerous
see something, say something
@@reneestuart-w2y i dont think people want to because they can probably get silenced, i saw people reporting this and trying not to say something it looked like also thjis could have something to do with insurance guy getting shot but its crazy call all im going to say is this is just being covered up and they definetly know what it is just wont say.
Russian drones. That’s what European media says.
That's why they opened the border wide open. For national security!
This is straight out of the X-Files.
Yep ! It’s straight out of hell is where it’s from. It’s demonic and these demons in government know what they are but they aren’t going to admit it. When a million Christians disappear, I’ll let you know right now IT WAS NOT ALIENS. It was Jesus. So
Watchers, Aliens
Or it could be said that this is close encounters of the FED kind. Lol
This is straight out of War of the Worlds
Lol: "hobbyists" - 1000s of car size drones. What a hobby.
I know right! The gaslighting is next level 😅
Don't believe the hype. There simply aren't 1000's of car sized drones
@ exactly!!
I made a car size drone last night.
I got a guy in my neighborhood that sends out a miniature f16 with a doll in the cockpit. Hobbyists are all over . Aliens are too
I love watching people in high positions get nervous about things.
@@reisele1980 no one’s nervous because there’s no drone
He may be retired Airforce, but he's active duty bullshitter.
What i was thinking😅
I thought it was disinformation from this guy.
So far I have seen reports/comments and videos regarding sightings in CA, WA, OR, ID, MT, UT, NV, NM, TX, KS, MO, AR, OK, IA, MN, WI, IL, MI, IN, NC, VA, PA, NY, NJ, CT, Maine, FL, Puerto Rico, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Russia, China, Thailand, India, Norway, UK, Ireland, Germany, Sudan, and the country of Georgia.
Signs of the times, people. Jesus said: "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven." (Luk 21:10-11). Read Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 in the Bible. Repent and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is coming very soon.
UAP/UFOs are demonic. "For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." (2Th 2:7-12)
"And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." (2Co 11:14)
Look up "Drone Incursions around the World" on the Black Bronco Productions channel. You'll see many of them there.
Disinformation agent. They're supposed to be very good at it but this dude has no poker face, he's not very good at his job 🤣🤣
You're an idiot.
The fact this is happening all over the world right now, yet they joke about it being aliens is truly gross.
Lmao take your meds. Aliens aren’t going to travel undetected across galaxies just so Brenda can snap a video of them on her cellphone. 😂
OMG! Where have you seen this is happening in other countries? Send me a news article from othe countries. I mean legit news. Not some UfO crank that lives there.
They never quit! People have been in darkness too long. Their lies are not working anymore.
@@DaveDDDI'm more a fan of the "they know we're going to keep running towards our own near-extinction event, and are here to salvage a handful or three for re-seeding, since we're finally reaching that particular event horizon" 🙃
They don't seem alien enough to be UAP's. They seem more advanced than the average civilian drone, sure, but they don't seem otherworldly. Until I see one of the drones teleport or manipulate time space, I don't see these things as aliens.
This IS a threat. 1) The US has historically experimented on its own citizens, exposed them to chemicals to gauge effects. 2) The US has historically kept mum on matters of intelligence, citing national security. 3) The US is notorious for orchestrating distraction events: "look here while we do something elsewhere." 4) If this were a benign event, managed by benign actors or corporations, SOMEONE would step up, claim it, and ease fears. This is not a benign event and citizens should march to the capitol to demand immediate answers if the IRS wishes to collect taxes next year; otherwise, why continue to pay the government for services they DON'T provide? Citizen safety and security is what Americans expect, what they pay for, and what they should receive. 😠
stay vigilant
I second that!
Russian drones. That’s what European media says. These Russian drones have been seen in several countries.
relax , its the goverment or state if it wasnt they would of just jammed the receiver and send is crashing.
@@MissRed92837 If Russia has this ability then they're the king of the world. Come on man. We can't bring these machines down and other nations can't either. Some people claim these machines are over Russia, I haven't seen those vids, but I've seen them over China.
There is no way the government does not know. So sick of being lied to by people we pay to protect us and whom claim honor they have never known.
What are u gonna do ,if indeed it's something they can't control think they did not try?
If the republicans aren’t blaming the democrats then you know they all know what it is
@@homespuncovers89 th-cam.com/video/xvsESVN-T9Y/w-d-xo.html
@@homespuncovers89 th-cam.com/video/n11kam-klQc/w-d-xo.html
Our typical government.
I don't know if this guy is an idiot or lying to himself, these are not hobiest or state actors.
No. That would be you believing ridiculous b s
A little of both most likely.
@@stefano94103yeah hobbiest with care sized drones that don't have a heat signature or pop-up on radar.
He seems to be a puppet
Maybe both😂
After all the cover-ups surrounding the Roswell incident by our beloved government, that was the day I stopped believing what came out of their mouths.
If you're referring to the crash, that was a nuclear testing observation balloon they were using to monitor the Russians. It didn't look like anything else on earth because there literally wasn't anything else on earth like it.
@@JohnDoe-pk2hsYou're misinformed.
Wrong for many reasons.
1)the military themselves originally (day one) claimed it was a ufo. THEY would know.
2) A.I. enhanced the famous picture of the cop with a document in his hands, and found it to talk about this being a cover up and what to say
3) whistles blowers have came out and admitted they were forced to lie. And that they all knew it was alien craft as bodies were recovered
4) while the goverment came out and admitted there was a cover up (your story you mentioned) they failed to cover up the aspect of bodies. They later came back and said it was "crash dummies" but the public pointed out they didn't use crash dummies until years later. Ready for this? The goverments response was basically the Mandela effect: that everyone remembered it happening two years before it really did, and hence they WERE using the crash dummies then. It's so stupid. It wasn't government material. Do more research
roswell was alien propaganda , social engineering from the cia to begin the process of making humans think there are aliens. There are no Aliens.. all lies, all propaganda used to implement the control grid....welcome to the clown show
outerspace is a tell a vision show.. Here in the real world, we are facing another psyop from the self appointed parasitical elite and folks need to wake up
It’s not only in NJ, it’s spreading to many other states but media isn’t covering it.
Russian drones. That’s what European media says. These Russian drones have been seen in several countries.
And Countries!
Send them down south, then you will know.
I live in Massachusetts and they been spotted here. It's on our local news
IKR? Was just outside flying my Drone with 3 other guys at night in Rhode Island. I'm pretty sure people saw us.
Warming us up before full Disclosure.
I wish but never.
I believe
This disclosure thing is like the second coming of Jesus for Bible bangers, lol!
That's what I've been saying. Could be wrong but just seems so obvious.
it's SO exhausting to see legacy media ALWAY include the obligatory snicker when mentioning anything nearing ET. It is as if, it is in their contracts to mock anything dealing with the ET phenomenon while on air . Time to grow up and act like adults.
All of them will be exposed when Trump takes office! I’m not a U.S. citizen, but I am so tired of everything that has been happening in America. All the drone stories and other distractions were manipulated to divert attention from what has been going on in the United States over the past few months, starting from Election Day. This shows us, as foreigners, that America has struggled significantly under the Biden administration.
They're not called the useful idiots for nothing 🙄...
We're in 2024 and two Congress hearings later on UAPs subject but these so called journalists and self proclaimed specialist are still :
"Aliens ?? Hu hu hi, ha ha ha, ho ho ho.."
Ignorance is bliss 🙄
They 🛸 👽 👾 🛸 have been SPOTTED over 20 states and a dozen countries!
Well, they think they're God's when they are merely puppets.
This is not from a hobbyist. These are huge, very advanced, and are breaching restricted airspace without impunity. A hobbyist would not be allowed to operate like this
It's our own military or actual alien craft..no in-between
You mean with impunity , low IQ
So we ca see the surface of the moon in 4k quality with a telescope but no one can catch a clear picture of a drone flying 200f from the ground?
Government already has all that.
You don't understand appeture sizes or photography, in general, for that matter. Nevermind.
Can you imagine how RELAXED we are....🫣
I hate when they treat us like we are idiots people know the difference of a air plane ok y’all just lying and hiding and acting like we over reacting that’s why our government sucks so bad
Just pay your taxes and shut up is all we get.
yep so disconnected from ‘we the people’
Average people clearly don't know how to distinguish between drones and commercial airliners - the evidence is that 95% of these videos submitted by citizens are only showing regular planes. This can be proven in cases where the videos include date/time/location info. Plug that into the FlightAware FAA tracking database and surprise! They are planes seen from a distance.
Most fat Americans believe in christianity, so yes you are idiots...
Exactly. People have lost the capability to discern planes. We live in a dumbed down world.
Theyre not defying laws of physics as most UAPs do but the fact that the government is playing dumb takes it to another level
Russian drones. That’s what European media says. These Russian drones have been seen in several countries.
missted... 😆😆🤣🤣
@@MissRed92837 Not drones, no.
It’s not hard to believe the government is dumb after all they are direct descendants of the people who elected them , and look at the new incoming crop of evolutionary curiosities. 😂
Some do
So Mr. Air Force Man these are Actors whom got ALL together from All Over the World to put on a light show
He wanted to say aliens but held his tongue
@jessiemolhoek9050 halfway thru. Watch it again
@@realzubidoo I think he as saying "alaska"
I don’t think aliens CARES TO HAVE NAVIGATION LIGHTS to follow US airspace rules
@Fatherdeath-1996 so then why EXPLAIN WHY the FAA can't track them
Check the EZ Pass records, and don’t tell me anything is crossing NJ without paying a toll.
😅 facts
Can non payment effect an aliens 👽 credit score?
This is like those alien movies. The buildup before the invasion...
unfortunately we live in one of the most boring TV shows of all time, so we might never get to see anything that dramatic and exciting
That’s why you should beware of a false flag attack by our own government claiming (falsely) an alien 👽 invasion.
We will know that we have reached clown world proportions when suddenly an announcement is made from a drone stating….”greetings earthlings, we come in peace, now I wish to speak to your supreme leader.”
@@ARod-br2uito which we will all respond: he’s sleeping
Great way to keep the masses distracted from the important happenings in the world.
Great way to show the USA that enemy countries can easily invade with countless drones all over the country and attach massive payloads to them. Ridiculous that this is a hard problem for them to solve.
@Cammy8118 You underestimate the stupidity of the average person, especially Americans
Some people, not all people.
They are all over the world and have been seen flying at hypersonic speeds. This is not human technology.
I heard they can reverse time.
They 🛸 👽 👾 🛸 have been SPOTTED in 20 states and a dozen countries and counting!
He clearly did not answer
The misdirection will get more and more, until there’s absolutely no denying it
What happens if people in New Jersey bring some of these drones down? Can they keep'em and say,"No idea? No evidence?"
Bravo! What nuance... 👍
How could they possibly know theyre no threat to us without knowing what they are and where they're from
There's no way.
Sounds like someone told him what to say.
I read somewhere last year that when they start with sightings in the sky ,it’s the beginning of an attack
Please elaborate
This guy is blowing smoke, they've been spotted in other countries as well.
This guy has nothing to say.
I took videos tonight in Wayne NJ where you can see dozens around us in the same shot. It seems like they’re getting ready for something and are just getting a feel for the landscape. And anecdotally, something just feels malevolent about them
I wonder how long they are gonna keep this up?
They are so afraid to say UFO
So basically you don't have a clue
One good question is that if they were so innocent why do they only fly around at night and not in the day?
This guy is part of the problem.
He is orded to smooth things over. We are being lied too
And in the back seat of a black limo outside the studio, a man lights another cigarette.
I don’t buy it, all of them have the same look in their eyes. Something is happening
I know what you are saying. They all look very worried. Like they wish they could tell the public, but just can’t, yet… Like they think it’s better if we don’t know what they really know.. Might cause pandemonium or widespread panic.
@@humblelionEXACTLY 💯
@@humblelionit’s ready starting some panic:(
It is obviously our military looking for something possibly smuggled here (dirty bomb, etc.)…Who else is going to be allowed to fly over this airspace without be arrested??
We have been seeing this in Maine north of Bangor flying over Penobscot since summer
“Good stuff”. Yeah having heavily restricted airspace so easily and audaciously breached with no consequences is just fucking great
NO THREAT to the public? Are you freakin kidding me???
What is the threat? they are just flashing lights in the sky?
What are they going to shoot car size drones in a populated area?
Has anyone been hurt?
Because clandestine drone missions are better with bright lights?
The lights turn off when approached by police drones or when heading back to recharge
To make People think they are planes
@@ShaunBono Hear me out, what if these ARE just planes?
@@brianorozco1074 Blackfly VTOLs or similar.
@@issahumps I hear they shape shift to a flock of birds too.
Well OF COURSE the gooberment knows!!!!
I can't believe people still joke around about non-human intelligent creatures. The cat is already out of the bag. They are real.
I am living with a couple.
Interesting that are alien visitors have the same red and green lights that airplane do -- I'm sure that's just a coincidence.
Most likely immatating our planes that way we wouldn't be scared if big saucers showed up everywhere. There is videos of them turning into drones from a circle
TH-cam orb turn to drone
mass hysteria i guess. people forgot how planes look like, want to see uaps everywhere.
@@patryksz6749 Exactly what I'm thinking. Lots of people have nothing interesting going on in their lives so they all start recording videos of planes and pretend that they're aliens.
@@patryksz6749 That is the most unintelligent thing I've heard this week. Bravo.
Hes saying nothing
Oh wow this population is in for a surprise.
First Contact 🛸 👽
I agree 👍 💯
U wish. In 100,000 years no alien contact
@@MirageKSA then it's about time!
We can track every piece of space junk in our planet's orbit, but our gov't just can't seem to figure this one out
They're literally making fun of us om air.
No. If you've been paying attention... at this point in the story, they're using humor to try to calm the public down. Because this really is it, contact.
No they are not? relax kid
@user-xd9su6rt4g I'm married and own a house stfu, and no they did
They 🛸 👽 👾 🛸 have been SPOTTED in over a dozen countries and 20 states and counting!
What planet is the male presenter on? He should watch the news: he stated "...this has been going on for 3, 4, 5 days..."
Very uninformed.
they are not giving off heat. A sheriff in New Jersey flew a drone (with a thermal camera) up towards one... nothing.
This has military written all over it or they would be doing something.
UAV surveying before the fight starts
If unauthorized drones can't be shot down for safety reasons, then we seriously need drone-capture (and better drone-detection radar) technology. 🤔
We should already have actionable plans, drones are not a new weaponizable phenomenon.
EDM4S SkyWipers should be issued from state government to all state national guard and law enforcement. Then tell the feds to either come clean, or state government will clean its own airspace..
Joy is my natural state of being, but what brings me a special joy is watching the level of cherishment that parents have for children. This is my favorite part. In most places children are cherished like treasures. Even on your own planet this is often the case, though not always, because of your particular challenges. But I’d say that what gives me the greatest joy is that cherishment.
They arent drones
Been recording these things for 5 years now. Got a channel full of them. Everybody just thinks I'm crazy. Tennessee
Keep going! Don't stop! 😉😊
They 🛸 👽 👾 🛸 are extraterrestrials!
How can we confirm this is not a case of mass hysteria? Or a collective stress response to the election results? What criteria do we need to meet for it to reach such classification and would the CDC or HHS be responsible for identifying and "rectifying" the situation? Of course, this is assuming we are not actually experiencing drones over our skies. I'm only saying this because I'm a resident of Chatham, NJ and saw one of these drones myself. It was about 400-500feet above floor. It almost looked like a next-generation Reaper drone, not some alien BS.
It is a case of mass hysteria BUT at the same time unexplained things are happening.
I think that would be fair to say.
Yeah, the signal to noise ratio in this situation is about 1 to 100. Vast majority of these vids are just commercial airplanes.
The radar on my fishing boat picked up low flying ducks. Radar works just fine.
The land of smoke and mirrors.
I think it’s our own. It’s how they deflect before this health care incident escalates.
These have been seen in dozens and dozens of states, there’s video of them “spraying or leaving” something in the sky... We could have a bio-weapon being deployed on us, and it’s just all laughs and smiles......
The drones are as far west as west Virginia, there has been a over load of sightings in the eastern side of Pennsylvania. A few videos show the drones spraying???
No, they are coast to coast and worldwide. So far I have seen reports/comments and videos regarding sightings in CA, WA, OR, ID, MT, UT, NV, NM, TX, KS, MO, AR, OK, IA, MN, WI, IL, MI, IN, NC, VA, PA, NY, NJ, MA, CT, Maine, FL, Puerto Rico, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Russia, China, Thailand, India, Norway, UK, Ireland, Germany, Sudan, and the country of Georgia.
Signs of the times, people. Jesus said: "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven." (Luk 21:10-11). Read Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 in the Bible. Repent and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is coming very soon.
UAP/UFOs are demonic. "For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." (2Th 2:7-12)
"And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." (2Co 11:14)
Look up "Drone Incursions around the World" on the Black Bronco Productions channel. You'll see many of them there.
Pose no threats. Whats the stuff there spraying out of them?
What!?!? I haven't seen or heard anything about that! If you don't mind, please elaborate, thank you in advance.
They were doing that in pa where I'm from. And I saw a TikTok video that they were spraying something in New Jersey. Looks like a liquid white in color. It's probably the next pandemic were going to be in. Trump is saying something now like Biden is trying to sabotage the country before he takes office.
As I read through the comments I feel very, very optimistic. They show people are far more aware, tired of being lied to and not afraid to call out these so called experts. Love it!
I just took videos of drones and ORBS floating over Atlantic county NJ near FAA tech center and Air Force base. Please someone run it to prove its real.
They are idiots to be calling everyone who witnessed these things that they ain’t dangerous
A pair of glowing red lights orbits comes close to a white UFO before drifting away.
And what about Oregon this past weekend!!??
How can they joke and laugh while telling lies
Excellent observation!
The theory that these drones are coming from a ship off the coast is growing on me. The sightings have primarily been in NJ and the Coast Guard has observed large numbers of drones coming off the ocean at night.
UFOs 🛸
RQ-170? Designed to track down traces of nuclear devices? Wtf
The drones are now over NAS Oceana Virginia Beach airspace.
I don't doubt the existence of the drones.....but most of the clips shown are clearly just airplanes
Here they come
Notice they say want they want you to hear
I just saw an expert say that drones have signals but these don’t give off a signal so is it really just drones?
I guess they just ain't brave enough to fly over my place, I see a bunch of cry babies wanting someone else to do something about it instead of standing up for themselves. Funny as hell this is top story on the news
He is taking all pride in his ignorance....
The bigger question nobody seems to be asking is: why aren’t these drones regulated like other airspace users? Private planes, ultralights, and hot-air balloons all require registration, identifiable markings, and sometimes transponders-with hefty penalties for non-compliance. Why not these high-speed, heavy, and potentially hazardous drones? Surely, we could draw a sensible line, exempting lightweight, low-speed children’s toys or hobbyist cameras, provided the purchasing adult signs a liability waiver. But these aren’t just toys-they’re serious machines that can cause real harm if they collide, fall, or simply annoy the neighbors with their noise.
Drones have been buzzing around for roughly two decades now, so why hasn’t anyone done something? Where are the FAA, Homeland Security, FBI, state legislators, or sheriff’s departments? Shouldn’t they have been sounding the alarm and demanding reasonable regulations by now? If they had, and incidents like this occurred, authorities would at least have a legal basis to intervene and remove them from the skies.
So, why aren’t news desks digging into these questions? Are they too busy stoking fear, hyping up the drama, and spinning wild, speculative tales? How about some sharper, more thoughtful, and incisive reporting instead? Let’s focus on solutions rather than sensationalism-surely, that would be a welcome change.
You know, I see this time and time again the intelligence level of these reporters that are on television are just shockingly inept. The lack of knowledge even basic knowledge just by the questions they ask questions. What is the requirement levels for having somebody on television as a reporter?
They cater for libtards, y'see.
I bet most of them are airlines or other civilian aircraft. A Cessna is about as big as an SUV 😂 Helicopter too
Ok so what happened in the UK? Did they shoot one down? Did they all disappear? Is it still happening now and then but kept quiet? There's a whole lot of silence about this.
So far I have seen reports/comments and videos regarding sightings in CA, WA, OR, ID, MT, UT, NV, NM, TX, KS, MO, AR, OK, IA, MN, WI, IL, MI, IN, NC, VA, PA, NY, NJ, CT, Maine, FL, Puerto Rico, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Russia, China, Thailand, India, Norway, UK, Ireland, Germany, Sudan, and the country of Georgia.
Signs of the times, people. Jesus said: "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven." (Luk 21:10-11). Read Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 in the Bible. Repent and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is coming very soon.
UAP/UFOs are demonic. "For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." (2Th 2:7-12)
"And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." (2Co 11:14)
Look up "Drone Incursions around the World" on the Black Bronco Productions channel. You'll see many of them there.
He has no idea.
🛸- Until you properly identify me, I insist that you stop referring to me as “drone”.
I am a UFO, and proud of it.
I would love to meet intelligent beings!😅
Love this comment!!!!
If it's all human why does it look so alien?
The Ocean county sheriff sent their drone up to look at these craft. They couldn’t get close and were easily outmanoeuvred by these “Drones” they switched to a thermal camera and there was no trace of a heat signature on them. Unheard of on conventional drones and something the officer piloting the drone had never seen. They also said they were
“disappearing into thin air”
Many members of the public have sent their drones up to try and interact with these things and say they can’t get near as either they lose control of their drones completely or the battery (which is almost completely full) drains instantly. Some wouldn’t even take off the ground as their batteries were instantly draining before take-off when one of these things were above them.
There’s also multiple pilots constantly reporting these things. Saying they’re at their altitude of 30 thousand feet. Some even higher at 50 thousand feet and zipping in and out from the ocean at incredible speeds whilst doing incredible manoeuvres. One mentioned they were doing a corkscrew looking manoeuvre at 50 thousand feet!
What the hell kind of drone is capable of doing that???? That's scary 😨
It's NOW kinda obvious what is going on! They 🛸 👽 👾 🛸 want to be noticed! Maybe America 🇺🇸 should say hello! 😉😃
If they were trying to hide the drones, why would they put lights on them?
Ufos not drones! Stop lying
Russian drones. That’s what European media says. These Russian drones have been seen in several countries.
@@MissRed92837European media does not tell those things. They even barely reporting about these topic what is insane. And having a look to ukraine, russia is outplayed by standard 400€ drones.. So they dont have these kind of technology..
@@MissRed92837 lol, no....
@@MissRed92837 Stop with that, bunch of nonsense. The gov already told you these aren't ours and not a foreign nations. That leaves "non human origin."
@ I don’t believe the US media, as they are allowed to spread lies. In Switzerland it’s illegal for the media to spread lies. That’s why I do believe the Swiss media regarding these drones.
watching these vapid journalists interact with real people is a bit jarring
if this is really harmless why are there no clear pictures/videos and why no one coming forward to say it's them flying it...