Seven tears are flowing to the river, seven tears are running to the sea. If one day, they reach some distant waters, then you'll know it's sent with love from me. Sapņiem līdz uz spārniem laime aiznes, sapņiem līdz, kur ilgas mani sauc. Tikai sapņi iededz visas zvaigznes. Kad to nav, tad mīla projām trauc. ...
Seven tears are flowing to the river,
seven tears are running to the sea.
If one day, they reach some distant waters,
then you'll know it's sent with love from me.
Sapņiem līdz uz spārniem laime aiznes,
sapņiem līdz, kur ilgas mani sauc.
Tikai sapņi iededz visas zvaigznes.
Kad to nav, tad mīla projām trauc.
Goombay Dance Band- Seven Tears :)