What an amazing...im so very bless. Thank you LORD in the life of Jonathan Cahn for using him that many more poeples come to know JESUS and accept for personal savior. Watching from London. GOD bless us all
@@JCSPARX thank u friend. Am from Sri Lanka. Before not think of house but now have a nice girl in my life so I need a own house to be with her . I love her a lot may God bless us Deepthi niroshani and me 🙏
@@Katarina4567 thank you my friend. Because I found my girlfriend Deepthi niroshani so I love to be together with her so I think of a house so we can be together I love her so much 🙏
Jesus I seek you everyday. Even when I feel like giving up. I will keep faith. As a single mother. I’m struggling to make ends meet. My husband passed years ago. I have no one to turn to but you Lord JESUS. Both of my sons are special needs and require so much from me. Lord I’m afraid. Every month I struggle trying to provide for my children struggling to pay rent and to buy groceries. Lord help me and hear my prayers. Amen. 💕💕
Praying for you. Encouraging you to say this all day long…I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I do this. And I’ll put emphasis on a different word each time. Day by Day. Moment by moment. Keep talking to Jesus. God bless you 😘🙏
Father I know you hear this precious sister's prayers and will give her courage and strength to endure. Fill her with your assurance and peace in the name of Jesus. Amen
Praise King Jesus! God's plans are so amazing! Beautiful symatry of prophecy & historical dates. All woven together like a perfect divine tapestry!! Abba you are amazing!!❤
It's not a prayer that saves you. It's the commitment to Jesus. Giving your life to Him , in belief that Jesus died to pay the price you owe for your sin. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
I was sleeping, and Jesus picked me up by my waist like a baby and stood me up in Heaven/Home. I knew exactly where I was. The Love is beyond human understanding. There was a waist high white brick wall, and on the other side there were light grey sillouettes of people walking, coming and going. Home is a very busy place! The perfect blue sky, the perfect green trees, long story {very} short, then I was in space with stars. I turned and saw the world. The land is black and the oceans are grey. Then I woke up. This all took maybe 6to 7 seconds, but I will never forget the all powerful Love. It soaked up everything, a strong powerful Love. I cried because I wanted to go back Home. This is a dark, heavy place with lots of shadows. There are no shadows at Home. I'm a simple old lady, and I believe Jesus gave me a simple vision I could understand. He's coming soon. Johnathan Cahn is helping us prepare. Rabbi Cahn weaves the Bible together like the most beautiful tapestry ever. I will be grateful forever for finding him, and finding your channel. Thank you so much for being a bright Light in this dark world. God Bless Rabbi Cahn, and God Bless your channel!
God has restored His people!!! Sent His Son Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, our Deliverer, Redeemer, Restorer, Healer Provider, our Shepherd, our Rightiousness!!! Our Lord our God is the same, Yesterday, Today and Morrow!!! He never changes!!! He has restored His people, He will do the same for you and me!!! Believe it, receive it, thank Him for it!!! Honor, Worship, Exalted and Praise the Name of our lord our God Jesus Christ Amen 👏 🙌 ❤️ 🌹 🇮🇱 💕 🙏 🙌
God loves ALL of his creation and knows all of us by name. Bow your knee to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and confess you are a sinner in desperate need of a Savior and you will be saved. I pray you will have a revelation of just how much you are loved. ❤
He goes love us, but we need to love Him back by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord in our hearts, and keep praying to His Father Yahway though His Son Yeshua/Jesus our Lord. Doing it every day when we wake up each and thank God Yahway for another of life, and freedom without abuse by us. Keep praying for Holy Spirit who when you open your mind to Him each day. You will be closer to Him each day and even begin to hear His voice in your heart as you ask to hear it.
God is neither a lamb nor a lion. He assumes human form to enable the righteous to carry their own crosses against evil and to face purposed challenges of nature through their conscientious mind, faith and divine hope.
What God loves and wants more than anything: God wants us to love him with all our hearts, soul, and mind, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Jesus said do this and you will live (Matthew 22:36-40, Luke 10:28). Unfortunately, this has been the farthest thing from the minds of man. Most have become self-centered, bitter as gall, hard-hearted, and mean-spirited in their daily lives. For instance, God told David the sword shall never depart from his house. God said to David “Now therefore the sword shall _never depart_ from thine house; because thou *_hast despised me,_* and hast taken the wife of [another man] to be your wife” (2 Samuel 12:10). David paid the price for the rest of his life, even though David repented and God forgave him. When we hurt another, we hurt God because we all came out from HIM. We are all HIS creation through Jesus Christ. Amen.
Great! Yes GOD loves us....but who is talking about our love for GOD ? Not many are talking about the grievous sins that are committed against GOD.! We have hurt GOD'S HEART terribly.We need to Repent ! ...and ask for Mercy .
But Jesus has paid the price for all our sins if you are saved by faith in Jesus..Rest in Him. That's why He came and died on the Cross at Calvary, to pay the price we couldn't pay.The Holy Spirit will comfort and guide you.Ask Him and Believe..🙏📖
In 2003 a young manIn 2003 a young man had a vision before he died at the age of 20 on 11th July 03 of cancer. While laying on his sick bed, his mother sitting next to him on the bed, he said to his mother, I wasn't sleeping. He saw two women angels, dressed in white, climbing stairs in a mountain, the one his mother and the other woman, unknown to him. He saw a disciple, dressed in a white garment, walking in the mountain and followed him. When the disciple stood still and turned around, he saw that it was Jesus. Jesus asked him "do you believe that I can heal you?" he said: "yes, I believe". Jesus said: "fall from the mountain!". he looked down and decided not to fall, but realized he said he believed. He fell off the mountain, a shark came up, out of the sea with an open jaw. Before he ended up in its jaws, a big hand took him away in front of the jaws. Then he stood again next to Jesus. Heaven opened up. He looked up and saw an angel flying in Heaven. Jesus asked him thrice "Do you know who that angel is, flying there?" He said : "I don't know". Jesus said: "That is William. William lived, but I sent William back to earth to finish his work. The work William will do, you will also do, but the people won't believe William." That's the vision he had 2003 open link…. as jy terugkeer.mpg Why he had to die on the 11th of July Jesus messaged my son Lee to inform the young man's mother that her son Lucien is going to die, so my sister Gertruida wasn't so happy with the message from Jesus, she answered him,“then you must also die”. It so happens that my son Lee`s birthdate is on the 11th of July, so Lucien died on Lee`s birthday to reveal the wrath of Jesus because of the seriousness of the message.
Jer 15 19 Therefore thus saith the LORD, If thou return, then will I bring thee again, that thou mayest stand before me ; and if thou take forth the precious from the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth : they shall return unto thee, but thou shalt not return unto them. 1 Let love of the brethren continue. 2 Forget not to shew love unto strangers : for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Heb 13. And he measured the wall thereof, a hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man,that is, of an angel. Rev 21 17. Who is William and who is the unknown woman? William and the unknown woman are...YHWH ! YHVH = V-shape,others follow William V-shape = Immanuel.Our family of four Y = Israel, our son H = Heather, daughter W = WILLIAMal 4, 5, 6. H = Heather, the unknown woman, my wife. Mal 4 5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the LORD comes. 6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers ; lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. Isa 45 13, 14 The spirit is already revealed in me and continues revealing itself. Mat 16 For who-soever would save his life shall lose it: and whosoever shall lose his life for my sake shall find it. The youngman lost his life to be saved, he was promised to return. Joh 14 12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works I do shall he do also ; and greater works than these shall he do ; because I go unto the Father. The Voice said : "Jesus call Lazarus" Which means that I will raise the dead from graves. It was also confirmed at the Meintjies residence in August 2004 in Hertzogville Free state South Africa. That Saturday morning at 5:00am the corps were removed by the state. The message/prophecy from God/YHWH/YHVH that saturday morning unto them was "he is out of your hands, he is now in My hands, he's got the power, walk a mile with him, assist him" that's the message they shared with me that day. Yakhun! 11 July 2003 n jongman kry n visioen voordat hy sterf aan kanker. Hy sien twee engele wit gekleed n berg uitstap met trappe, die een is sy ma die ander onbekend. Hy sien n dissipel in die berg stap en volg hom. Die dissipel gaan staan stil en draai om, hy sien dit is Jesus. Jesus vra hom : "glo jy ek kan jou gesond maak?" hy sê: "ja" Jesus sê: "val van die berg af" hy kyk af van die berg af en sien nie kans om te val nie. Hy besef hy het gesê, "ek glo" hy val, n haai kom op uit die water met n oop bek. Voordat hy in die haai se bek beland skep n groot hand hom voor die haai se bek weg. Weer staan hy by Jesus, die hemel gaan oop, hy kyk op en sien n engel vlieg in die hemel. Jesus vra hom drie maal, "weet jy wie daai engel is wat daar vlieg?" hy sê : "ek weet nie" Jesus sê : "dit is william, william het gelewe maar ek het william terug gestuur om sy werk klaar te maak. Maar die werk wat william gaan doen gaan jy ook doen, maar die mense sal nie vir william glo nie" Einde van die visioen. Die jongman het sy lewe prys gegee sodat sy siel gered moet word. Mat 16 25 Want elkeen wat sy lewe wil red, sal dit verloor; maar elkeen wat sy lewe om My ontwil verloor, sal dit vind. Joh 14 12 Voorwaar Ek sê vir julle, wie in My glo- die werke wat Ek doen, sal hy ook doen; en hy sal groter werke doen as dit, omdat Ek na my Vader gaan. Jer 15 19 Daarom, so sê die HERE: As jy terugkeer, sal Ek jou laat terugkeer, sal jy voor my aangesig staan; en as jy voortbring wat edel is, en niks onedels nie, sal jy soos my mond wees. Laat húlle na jou terugkeer, maar jy moet nie na hulle terugkeer nie. Wie is William? Wie is die onbekende vrou...? YHWH Our family Y = Israel seun H = Heather dogter W = WilliaMal 4 5, 6. H = Heather my vrou die onbekende vrou. Die Gees is terug aarde toe om die harte terug te bring van die seuns na die vaders en die harte van die vaders na die seuns. Mal 4.
An ET who knows our history, would be interested in this. God gave us free will and allows us to live all equally without interference by playing favorites. His info was put there by an ET imo think whatever you want. Lionsgate is the alignment with earth, sun, Planet Sirius. So, a Sirian ET might be what he calls God.
So what do you think that Isreal is doing to Gaza. I know Hamaz is not good. But booming extra is not the answer. If Isreal is the chosen people. Why are the people doing this. My opinion I believe these ate the last days.
❤IOG- two mountains of brass⬅️/ what nations will rise and fall according to bible prophecy(brics&WEU and the pope) ❤IOG- THE last three battles⬅️/ the last three battles that will take place on earth ❤ IOG- the abomination of desolation⬅️/ what happens when the 3rd temple is built and the pope sits in the temple and claim to be god⬅️ ❤IOG- the wilderness the place of safety ⬅️/ where and how to get to the place of safety during the great tribulation ❤️house of Jacob- the vision of obadiah⬅️/ what will happen in Israel according to Obadiah Google October 7 , 3rd temple red heifers put all three in your search bar and read the news then open your Bible to Matthew 24 read the chapter as well as numbers 19 and see how close we are !!!! We are in the middle of prophecy and no one is paying attention,all facts can be proven I left proof don’t believe just do your due diligence
@MaryellenS.13 If so, then why are they not protecting their people?? Yes i know Hamas is there but there have been other bad things done before this war.
Pretty sure you need to continually feed sacrifice gods with sacrifices or they cut off services, which apparently happened in 70 AD. That's why it's good to choose deities that are above the level of having sacrifices made to them on stone alters and the blood sprinkled all over and around said stone alter. Can you imagine the gore buildup? I'm extremely doubtful that a deity which craves burnt sacrifices can really help mankind significantly. I think the creature was bluffing to get sacrifices, then if the people weren't protected at all and got trounced by every major power in the region he would just say it was all them, they didn't follow the instructions diligently enough so the creature let other nations destroy its own temple and its alter, like that's credible. The creature obviously was just incapable of providing any actual protection whatsoever, he was exposed so many times it's ridiculous. What a complete waste of livestock and praying that con game turned out to be.
Greetings Jonathan and Renata and the qusntillion human forms on vidcodity holy spirit galaxies of the and in the holy spirit God in the ionic ytignoketric cyclic quadrilateral asked connect contact in real human ionized form on any quantum vidmo galscticsl PLSNRTSTISN qusntillion plain I yoganandhan And my family are following the obedience of and in the ionic holy spirit This day and night is most ironically blessed for all ion in human form ionic form And you I and the 8 , billion and more species specied on earth This is the wisdom of God The caption of this coursge with the supreme word I'm letter g8 o15 D4 1234 am pm 1244 pm am Holy spirit map RG add 10;10 And follow 35 Genesis revelation Revelation genesis Be ionucdlly holy spirit blessed you one quantum on all qusntillion galaxies Amen
May our good Lord continue to bless the State of Israel.
Every time I see Jonathan I can't help but get excited because he's always on the edge of his seat
Yeah he is . I get like that. I'm like a mere cat whenever anyone mentions the Lord.
Talking about God excites
LORD, help me to fulfil your destiny for me.
Mr Kahn, you are a brilliant light for us all. Such a great teacher of the gospels
The Oracle.
Glory to God.
Thank you, I am so blessed for being woken up!!! He is my reason why I am still here. May everyone find him so we may live in peace and harmony 🦋 AMEN
Glory to God for His fulfilling Promises.
Praise the lord Jesus Christ
How amazing GOD has a best plan for His people.
Blessed is God always and forever
God is in every detail of our lives
4:53 God has given Rabbi Jonathan such insight!!! God bless you Rabbi
filling his destiny what a testimony this man has with a train to get him to knowledge
Amen…Praise God…Thank You Jesus 🙏🙏🙏
God is Great !!!!!!!
May we be fully prepared for the coming Messiah Jesus Christ 🙏🙏
God is exceedingly meticulous!! This is so true. Bless Jonathan.
Thank YOU. For your Time and Wisdom. We need the Truth Nothing But the Truth❤🙏 God Bless 🙏 the 🌎
"YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!!" JK😂😂 couldn't resist😊 Praise King Jesus, who is The Truth The Way & The Light. God Bless sister❤
What an amazing...im so very bless. Thank you LORD in the life of Jonathan Cahn for using him that many more poeples come to know JESUS and accept for personal savior. Watching from London. GOD bless us all
God has empowered humans to help each other. The problem here is people preach but do not help each other but expect God to do their work for them.
Always amazing insight...
God's grace upon lsrael God will guide lsrael leaders and idf and give victory and peace
Thank you for your words, they are so needed.
So do I, glory to God.
Amem!! This is the message that we all need to hear. Thank you Jonathan and God bless you 🙏
Amen Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ 🙏😇❤️
It's a privilege knowing Yashua Hamashiac bless you pastor cahn shalom
Amazing! Thank You Jesus! 😃🙏
Thankyou so much.God bless you for the powerful revelation.Shalom from the grafted in gentile from Papua new Guinea.
Excellent. Thank you Rabbi Jonathan.
Amen n thankyou❤🙏
God is definitely REAL. HE IS AMAZING.
Shalom Shalom HalleluYAH!!! Thank you Yeshua Ha Mashiach Sar Shalom!! Baruch Haba BShem Adonai Yeshua xoxo ❤
Restore anheal my mind and soul Lord,from all this traumatic experiece and abuse from seniors apartments in Deland Florida 🙄🙏🏼✝️
May God bless Israel and may God bless me to have a house as am homeless 8 years now .
King Jesus please help Winston find a home ❤. Let the cloud of witnesses come into agreement. God Bless Brother ❤
Winston, I will pray for you.❤🎉
@@JCSPARX thank u friend. Am from Sri Lanka. Before not think of house but now have a nice girl in my life so I need a own house to be with her . I love her a lot may God bless us Deepthi niroshani and me 🙏
@@Katarina4567 thank you my friend. Because I found my girlfriend Deepthi niroshani so I love to be together with her so I think of a house so we can be together I love her so much 🙏
May she lead you closer to God and that you lead her too.
Good Teaching!!! THANKYOU!!! God Bless ❤
Greetings from Brazil. I want this book - The Oracle, and also the Dragon´s prophecy. God bless rabbi Cahn
Jesus I seek you everyday. Even when I feel like giving up. I will keep faith. As a single mother. I’m struggling to make ends meet. My husband passed years ago. I have no one to turn to but you Lord JESUS. Both of my sons are special needs and require so much from me. Lord I’m afraid. Every month I struggle trying to provide for my children struggling to pay rent and to buy groceries. Lord help me and hear my prayers. Amen. 💕💕
Praying for you
Prayers ❤️
Lord Jesus, we your children will never lack anything for our daily living. You are our Provider. 🙏 Amen
Praying for you. Encouraging you to say this all day long…I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I do this. And I’ll put emphasis on a different word each time. Day by Day. Moment by moment. Keep talking to Jesus. God bless you 😘🙏
Father I know you hear this precious sister's prayers and will give her courage and strength to endure. Fill her with your assurance and peace in the name of Jesus. Amen
Praise King Jesus! God's plans are so amazing! Beautiful symatry of prophecy & historical dates. All woven together like a perfect divine tapestry!! Abba you are amazing!!❤
God bless you!
This is the same video "Jonathan Cahn: God's Timeline & Our Part in the Story | Praise on TBN" from 2 years ago
Amen to that 🙏🙏🙏
It's not a prayer that saves you. It's the commitment to Jesus. Giving your life to Him , in belief that Jesus died to pay the price you owe for your sin. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Praise God! 💓
Rabbit Jonathan Cahn
Numbers 6:24-26.
Psalm 25:22. Psalms 122:6. Deuteromy 32:10. Genesis 12:3. Psalms 28:8-9. Psalms 37:12-13.
Psalms 91:13-16. Psalms 103:6-8. Psalms 105:1-10. 2 Corinthians 3:17. Romans 10:9-12. Romans 1:16. Acts:10:34. Colossians 3:11. 2 Peter 3:9. Zechariah 2:8. Psalms 17:8. Hebrews 4:12. Matthew 22:36-45. 1 John 5:14. John 3:16. 2 Timothy 1:7.
Shalon by Jehovah El shaddai in Jesus's name.Amen!!
Thank you again & again!!
I'll listen tomorrow if I have time.
I was sleeping, and Jesus picked me up by my waist like a baby and stood me up in Heaven/Home. I knew exactly where I was. The Love is beyond human understanding. There was a waist high white brick wall, and on the other side there were light grey sillouettes of people walking, coming and going. Home is a very busy place! The perfect blue sky, the perfect green trees, long story {very} short, then I was in space with stars. I turned and saw the world. The land is black and the oceans are grey. Then I woke up. This all took maybe 6to 7 seconds, but I will never forget the all powerful Love. It soaked up everything, a strong powerful Love. I cried because I wanted to go back Home. This is a dark, heavy place with lots of shadows. There are no shadows at Home. I'm a simple old lady, and I believe Jesus gave me a simple vision I could understand. He's coming soon. Johnathan Cahn is helping us prepare. Rabbi Cahn weaves the Bible together like the most beautiful tapestry ever. I will be grateful forever for finding him, and finding your channel. Thank you so much for being a bright Light in this dark world. God Bless Rabbi Cahn, and God Bless your channel!
God in Control , powerful...
Please prayers that GOD restores Nathaniel to me and both of us back to Yisrael❤❤
God has restored His people!!! Sent His Son Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, our Deliverer, Redeemer, Restorer, Healer Provider, our Shepherd, our Rightiousness!!! Our Lord our God is the same, Yesterday, Today and Morrow!!! He never changes!!! He has restored His people, He will do the same for you and me!!! Believe it, receive it, thank Him for it!!! Honor, Worship, Exalted and Praise the Name of our lord our God Jesus Christ Amen 👏 🙌 ❤️ 🌹 🇮🇱 💕 🙏 🙌
Laurie Crouch's late father Cliff was the pastor that married my wife and I back in 1986
Why didn't God chose everyone? Why not me? Why just Israel? Why can't I be loved by God? We need HIM too
God loves ALL of his creation and knows all of us by name. Bow your knee to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and confess you are a sinner in desperate need of a Savior and you will be saved. I pray you will have a revelation of just how much you are loved. ❤
You are loved! You are grafted in to Israel. God loves you and wants a relationship with you through His Son Jesus. Seek Jesus.
He goes love us, but we need to love Him back by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord in our hearts, and keep praying to His Father Yahway though His Son Yeshua/Jesus our Lord. Doing it every day when we wake up each and thank God Yahway for another of life, and freedom without abuse by us. Keep praying for Holy Spirit who when you open your mind to Him each day. You will be closer to Him each day and even begin to hear His voice in your heart as you ask to hear it.
God loves you too brother and He holds you
God is neither a lamb nor a lion. He assumes human form to enable the righteous to carry their own crosses against evil and to face purposed challenges of nature through their conscientious mind, faith and divine hope.
wow wow wow............
Amen in Jesus mighty name ♥️ 🙏 🙌 ❤️
May God bless and protect Israel 🇮🇱 🙏 ❤️ ❤❤❤😢🎉
What God loves and wants more than anything:
God wants us to love him with all our hearts, soul, and mind, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Jesus said do this and you will live (Matthew 22:36-40, Luke 10:28). Unfortunately, this has been the farthest thing from the minds of man. Most have become self-centered, bitter as gall, hard-hearted, and mean-spirited in their daily lives.
For instance, God told David the sword shall never depart from his house. God said to David “Now therefore the sword shall _never depart_ from thine house; because thou *_hast despised me,_* and hast taken the wife of [another man] to be your wife” (2 Samuel 12:10). David paid the price for the rest of his life, even though David repented and God forgave him. When we hurt another, we hurt God because we all came out from HIM. We are all HIS creation through Jesus Christ. Amen.
😂❤❤❤❤ terry amen can
Oh yes !
Good on you Rabbi Cahn. God bless you.😂
Great! Yes GOD loves us....but who is talking about our love for GOD ? Not many are talking about the grievous sins that are committed against GOD.! We have hurt GOD'S HEART terribly.We need to Repent ! ...and ask for Mercy .
But Jesus has paid the price for all our sins if you are saved by faith in Jesus..Rest in Him.
That's why He came and died on the Cross at Calvary, to pay the price we couldn't pay.The Holy Spirit will comfort and guide you.Ask Him and Believe..🙏📖
❤the trumpet has sounded😂😂😂😂😂
I'm in my Jubilee year 12/28/1974
Amen thankyou Lord, my family tell me I'm following Jewish properganda
Can anyone tell me where in the bible it says a stranger will come to the land?
Mark Twain, Samuel Clemmens, I hope we get to meet one day
When something looks to good to be true, it just might be?
In 2003 a young manIn 2003 a young man had a vision before he died at the age of 20 on 11th July 03 of cancer.
While laying on his sick bed, his mother sitting next to him on the bed, he said to his mother, I wasn't sleeping. He saw two women angels, dressed in white, climbing stairs in a mountain, the one his mother and the other woman, unknown to him. He saw a disciple, dressed in a white garment, walking in the mountain and followed him. When the disciple stood still and turned around, he saw that it was Jesus.
Jesus asked him "do you believe that I can heal you?" he said: "yes, I believe". Jesus said: "fall from the mountain!". he looked down and decided not to fall, but realized he said he believed.
He fell off the mountain, a shark came up, out of the sea with an open jaw. Before he ended up in its jaws, a big hand took him away in front of the jaws. Then he stood again next to Jesus.
Heaven opened up. He looked up and saw an angel flying in Heaven. Jesus asked him thrice "Do you know who that angel is, flying there?" He said : "I don't know". Jesus said: "That is William. William lived, but I sent William back to earth to finish his work. The work William will do, you will also do, but the people won't believe William."
That's the vision he had 2003 open link…. as jy terugkeer.mpg
Why he had to die on the 11th of July
Jesus messaged my son Lee to inform the young man's mother that her son Lucien is going to die, so my sister Gertruida wasn't so happy with the message from Jesus, she answered him,“then you must also die”. It so happens that my son Lee`s birthdate is on the 11th of July, so Lucien died on Lee`s birthday to reveal the wrath of Jesus because of the seriousness of the message.
Jer 15 19 Therefore thus saith the LORD, If thou return, then will I bring thee again, that thou mayest stand before me ; and if thou take forth the precious from the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth : they shall return unto thee, but thou shalt not return unto them.
1 Let love of the brethren continue.
2 Forget not to shew love unto strangers : for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Heb 13.
And he measured the wall thereof, a hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man,that is, of an angel. Rev 21 17.
Who is William and who is the unknown woman?
William and the unknown woman are...YHWH !
YHVH = V-shape,others follow William V-shape = Immanuel.Our family of four
Y = Israel, our son
H = Heather, daughter
W = WILLIAMal 4, 5, 6.
H = Heather, the unknown woman, my wife.
Mal 4 5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the LORD comes.
6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers ; lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.
Isa 45 13, 14 The spirit is already revealed in me and continues revealing itself.
Mat 16 For who-soever would save his life shall lose it: and whosoever shall lose his life for my sake shall find it.
The youngman lost his life to be saved, he was promised to return.
Joh 14 12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works I do shall he do also ; and greater works than these shall he do ; because I go unto the Father.
The Voice said : "Jesus call Lazarus"
Which means that I will raise the dead from graves.
It was also confirmed at the Meintjies residence in August 2004 in Hertzogville
Free state South Africa.
That Saturday morning at 5:00am the corps were removed by the state.
The message/prophecy from God/YHWH/YHVH that saturday morning unto them was "he is out of your hands, he is now in My hands, he's got the power, walk a mile with him, assist him"
that's the message they shared with me that day.
11 July 2003 n jongman kry n visioen voordat hy sterf aan kanker.
Hy sien twee engele wit gekleed n berg uitstap met trappe, die een is sy ma die ander onbekend.
Hy sien n dissipel in die berg stap en volg hom. Die dissipel gaan staan stil en draai om, hy sien dit is Jesus.
Jesus vra hom : "glo jy ek kan jou gesond maak?" hy sê: "ja" Jesus sê: "val van die berg af" hy kyk af van die berg af en sien nie kans om te val nie.
Hy besef hy het gesê, "ek glo" hy val, n haai kom op uit die water met n oop bek. Voordat hy in die haai se bek beland skep n groot hand hom voor die haai se bek weg.
Weer staan hy by Jesus, die hemel gaan oop, hy kyk op en sien n engel vlieg in die hemel.
Jesus vra hom drie maal, "weet jy wie daai engel is wat daar vlieg?" hy sê : "ek weet nie" Jesus sê : "dit is william, william het gelewe maar ek het william terug gestuur om sy werk klaar te maak. Maar die werk wat william gaan doen gaan jy ook doen, maar die mense sal nie vir william glo nie"
Einde van die visioen.
Die jongman het sy lewe prys gegee sodat sy siel gered moet word.
Mat 16 25 Want elkeen wat sy lewe wil red, sal dit verloor; maar elkeen wat sy lewe om My ontwil verloor, sal dit vind.
Joh 14 12 Voorwaar Ek sê vir julle, wie in My glo- die werke wat Ek doen, sal hy ook doen; en hy sal groter werke doen as dit, omdat Ek na my Vader gaan.
Jer 15 19 Daarom, so sê die HERE: As jy terugkeer, sal Ek jou laat terugkeer, sal jy voor my aangesig staan; en as jy voortbring wat edel is, en niks onedels nie, sal jy soos my mond wees. Laat húlle na jou terugkeer, maar jy moet nie na hulle terugkeer nie.
Wie is William?
Wie is die onbekende vrou...?
Our family
Y = Israel seun
H = Heather dogter
W = WilliaMal 4 5, 6.
H = Heather my vrou die onbekende vrou.
Die Gees is terug aarde toe om die harte terug te bring van die seuns na die vaders en die harte van die vaders na die seuns.
Mal 4.
An ET who knows our history, would be interested in this. God gave us free will and allows us to live all equally without interference by playing favorites. His info was put there by an ET imo think whatever you want. Lionsgate is the alignment with earth, sun, Planet Sirius. So, a Sirian ET might be what he calls God.
History and I'm too tired right now. You like the history like my brother, he loves it and can talk for.HOURS.
So what do you think that Isreal is doing to Gaza. I know Hamaz is not good. But booming extra is not the answer. If Isreal is the chosen people. Why are the people doing this. My opinion I believe these ate the last days.
❤IOG- two mountains of brass⬅️/ what nations will rise and fall according to bible prophecy(brics&WEU and the pope)
❤IOG- THE last three battles⬅️/ the last three battles that will take place on earth
❤ IOG- the abomination of desolation⬅️/ what happens when the 3rd temple is built and the pope sits in the temple and claim to be god⬅️
❤IOG- the wilderness the place of safety ⬅️/ where and how to get to the place of safety during the great tribulation
❤️house of Jacob- the vision of obadiah⬅️/ what will happen in Israel according to Obadiah
Google October 7 , 3rd temple red heifers put all three in your search bar and read the news then open your Bible to Matthew 24 read the chapter as well as numbers 19 and see how close we are !!!!
We are in the middle of prophecy and no one is paying attention,all facts can be proven I left proof don’t believe just do your due diligence
Mark Twain
Say it
What about Gaza? Is that God's hand killing innocents?
Gaza belongs to Israel 🇮🇱 and Israel, belongs to God.
I agree.
@MaryellenS.13 If so, then why are they not protecting their people?? Yes i know Hamas is there but there have been other bad things done before this war.
@@MaryellenS.13Everything belongs to GOD.
Jacinda 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
Jacinda ⚓️🌠💔💔💔🙏🙏🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🙏🙏🙏🙏
Are u an Israelite
God why choose me for A terrible cancer and rare encephalopathy? What is my purpose for you!
He was a lamb to gentiles. Not the children of Isreal. But Rome.
funny he doesnt talk about the four hidden dynasties after 1948 they set out
Say..we control the world..satan is upon me..say it😊
Pretty sure you need to continually feed sacrifice gods with sacrifices or they cut off services, which apparently happened in 70 AD. That's why it's good to choose deities that are above the level of having sacrifices made to them on stone alters and the blood sprinkled all over and around said stone alter. Can you imagine the gore buildup? I'm extremely doubtful that a deity which craves burnt sacrifices can really help mankind significantly. I think the creature was bluffing to get sacrifices, then if the people weren't protected at all and got trounced by every major power in the region he would just say it was all them, they didn't follow the instructions diligently enough so the creature let other nations destroy its own temple and its alter, like that's credible. The creature obviously was just incapable of providing any actual protection whatsoever, he was exposed so many times it's ridiculous. What a complete waste of livestock and praying that con game turned out to be.
What?????? He is preparing you for the anti messiah
The PT Barnum of Evangelism... The Elymas of today. What's that make you? Bewitched through sensationalism.
Electrical impulses
Greetings Jonathan and Renata and the qusntillion human forms on vidcodity holy spirit galaxies of the and in the holy spirit
God in the ionic ytignoketric cyclic quadrilateral asked connect contact in real human ionized form on any quantum vidmo galscticsl PLSNRTSTISN qusntillion plain
I yoganandhan
And my family are following the obedience of and in the ionic holy spirit
This day and night is most ironically blessed for all ion in human form ionic form
And you I and the 8 , billion and more species specied on earth
This is the wisdom of God
The caption of this coursge with the supreme word
I'm letter g8 o15 D4
1234 am pm
1244 pm am
Holy spirit map
RG add 10;10
And follow 35
Genesis revelation
Revelation genesis
Be ionucdlly holy spirit blessed you one quantum on all qusntillion galaxies
Jesus peace be upon him was a man....why do you associate him with the one God when he didn't ask you to???? Look deep, think deep....it's slanderous.
Wow, you and a bunch of others, have been singing the same BS, for 2000 years. Aren't you tired of all the BS, you speak about God?
God is racist,.. Why you play me like that.
People, ditch your belief in 5his nonexistent god. Use reason instead of faith.
Jew wish..ing people..haey change your your dictionary