It doesn't give a true reading of the battery voltage and temperatures.This sets me back months into detecting issues with my battery pack and was able to identify the culprit after using OEM software. The EV kits are a waste of money because they don't add anything to what the ultra will give you.
اول فيديو اشوفه يشرح كيف فحص بطارية الهايبرد استمر ياصديقي انت في المقدمه
Supiri ❤
so it doesnt decode the vin for the EV model?
Im wondering if this diagnostic can balance the cells and perform a cell load test 🤔.?
This is can use only for cells data analyze. for the cells balancing you have to use separate balancer
Sir I have maxisys ultra if I want diagnose Ev car then i purchase only ev diagnose box or not
Yes. Then you can activate EV & battery Diagnosis features. Better Contact Autel Supplier
It doesn't give a true reading of the battery voltage and temperatures.This sets me back months into detecting issues with my battery pack and was able to identify the culprit after using OEM software. The EV kits are a waste of money because they don't add anything to what the ultra will give you.