Hmmm - funny how we're supposed to believe this is a hardcore spot - yet, they are playing a censored, edited-for-language-version of ODB. They're hardcore - but just aren't big fans of cussing.
This could be an edited episode for a foreign network or something. The show is downright profane. I doubt they had a clean version there when it aired.
Lol he prob had a collection of sample sets that had already been made and not released. Just dolled em up a bit and worked on a case before serving em to Turtle. The shoebox was heavily custom and I’d say psob took the most time.
Taking into acount that there are more than 30 locations rocking the "Glendale" toponym in the Continental United States, that the show is based in LA, and that Fukijama doesn't add any qualifier , you can safely assume that he's talking about Glendale, LA County,
@@Boredoutofmywits word. I like your reasoning. I boiled it down to those two locations because they are in Cali and they are from NY. Glendale in both… tough to tell but you’re probably right.
In the morning Turtle and Vince try to get the Sneakers (driving from place to place) and then went home. I dont know how late it has when they came back and before they left... but the same day that Fukijama guy gives him 1of1 shoes (Turtles size) in a wooden box that has "Turtle" in golden metal letters on top. In what world can Vince find that guy, make a deal, get the money (ok, maybe had it in the house) and the guy making the shoes in the right size with that special, personal box?
Later, Fukijama's sneaker business would fail but he would find a new career managing up-and-coming street fighters on a vendetta to avenge their friend's death.
Yeah he designs sneakers, snowboards, etc... Idk about anymore but when this aired in like 2006 he was an underground sensation as an artist and designer.
This dude so hard he puts the radio edit for Brooklyn Zoo on full blast while he works.
That transition to Staring At The Sun is amazing. This show always ended the episodes with a great song.
the joy that Turtle is feeling is worth every penny - Vince
Kids these days don't even know about Rufio.
That's zuko from avatar the last air bender
Look at DK guarding the front door
LOL I just watched this and came down to see if anyone else saw that.
well captain hook is after rufio
Love they had Odb playin in the background
Born and raised in Glendale my man 🤣
It's weird hearing Zuko talk so hood lol
RickynotRicardo makes me feel at home lolLl
I mean he tried to talk hood as Jake Long. It just didn’t work as well there.
Lol watch blood n bone, his language is FILTHY
This show turned me into a sneakerhead
Big baller shoes, congrat Turtle
i think that's DK from Tokyo Fast Furious (the one who talk to Turtle earlier)
Donkey Kong?
5 months later
Drift king
Making sure he doesn’t let another Gaijin fuck up his life again 😂
Now he’s workin for bones manager since his uncle kicked him out of Japan.
That ain’t Jimmy, that’s Rufio
5250.. 1:50 Little bit more 5500.. Drama is hilarious 🤣
Vince sure did piss his money away on crap on this show
Psyclonus Vince said that he could go broke and go back to the neighborhood. His deal was to just have fun.
thats common for celebrities
The actual pair was sold more than 5 years ago for way more than 20k
@@albertoascari9390 really??? Who actually owned them??
@@bradsully6620 some fucking idiot sold them to a bigger idiot for an idiotic sum……do the details really matter?
Rufio…Rufio…Rufi ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
In this episode Vince had to regain his honor in turtle's eyes. and I hope you guys got that joke.
It has been years (almost decades) since I last saw this episode. Can you explain the joke?
@@MOTM1234 sneaker maker voices zuko in avatar
It’s Fire Lord Zuko
Hmmm - funny how we're supposed to believe this is a hardcore spot - yet, they are playing a censored, edited-for-language-version of ODB. They're hardcore - but just aren't big fans of cussing.
This could be an edited episode for a foreign network or something. The show is downright profane. I doubt they had a clean version there when it aired.
its rufio lol
+MoJojOj0 rufio and DK! haha
woooooooowwww i did not know that mind freakin blown
Vince is awesome
He calls himself Fukushima now
Old actors always hang up cellphones weird.
This actually how I learned about shoes lol my son tried to explain how Jordons are and how once they are gone they are gone for like 20 yrs.
They re-release the same sneakers every 6-7 years and add 10-20 dollar price increase.
That polka dot painting is Gary Busey’s, lol
I hope they make a new show with a new cast.
It’s Zuko!
But what is DK doing in the US? Who is running his yakuza crew?
Vince is back living with his mom now
Prince zuko
Bangarang !
Hard to believe this guy played Prince Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender...
I wonder how Fukijama could make the sneakers that fast, it was like after lunch the same day.
Lol he prob had a collection of sample sets that had already been made and not released. Just dolled em up a bit and worked on a case before serving em to Turtle. The shoebox was heavily custom and I’d say psob took the most time.
It’s rufio what do you expect
@@smokeemifyagotem8851 Rufio Rufio Ru-Fi-Ohhhhhhhh
TV magic
Is that something you might be interested in?
Zuko gives Turtle sneakers
Looks like ruuuuuuufeeeeeeeooooooooooo.
Rufio Rufio Rufiooooo
5.250 - haha that is so funny
DK and Rufio, all grown
Dude I thought that was rufio. All I can think of is him screaming ruuuuuuuufffffeeeeeeooooooooo.
@@bradsully6620 that was like my favorite part of the
I am NOT a sneaker head. Are you supposed to collect and display or wear them?
You buy 2 wear one and keep the other on ice meaning dead Stock meaning not wear it and keep it in box then later on they become rare and resell them
Lookie lookie I’ve got Hookie…
Glendale, California or Glendale, Queens (NYC)?
Taking into acount that there are more than 30 locations rocking the "Glendale" toponym in the Continental United States, that the show is based in LA, and that Fukijama doesn't add any qualifier , you can safely assume that he's talking about Glendale, LA County,
@@Boredoutofmywits word. I like your reasoning. I boiled it down to those two locations because they are in Cali and they are from NY. Glendale in both… tough to tell but you’re probably right.
I love this show because Vince is just like me, we are laid back, generous, put a high value on friendship, and we both hate to drive.
walmartpimp2 sure, u are just like Vince bro
Wow, do you have the millions of dollars and unlimited amount of women too?
Must be nice.
This show is fantasy.
How do you make your millions?
pimpin aint easy...
권지용 왜없어용??? 지코
I wonder what happened to DK after he lost the race
Hey it’s rufio, lookyy lookyy,,, I got a hookyy
In the morning Turtle and Vince try to get the Sneakers (driving from place to place) and then went home. I dont know how late it has when they came back and before they left... but the same day that Fukijama guy gives him 1of1 shoes (Turtles size) in a wooden box that has "Turtle" in golden metal letters on top. In what world can Vince find that guy, make a deal, get the money (ok, maybe had it in the house) and the guy making the shoes in the right size with that special, personal box?
Thats why its a TV show. Don't be one of those people.
Vince had already commissioned the shoes in advance
Later, Fukijama's sneaker business would fail but he would find a new career managing up-and-coming street fighters on a vendetta to avenge their friend's death.
Blood and bone 😎
It’s rufio
20G?! my fucking god. vince is the illest homie alive.
Jacob Kim it was 1/1 that's considered cheap compared to PE's.
Rufio and DK
Brooklyn Zoo 💪🏼
What is a Fukijama? Is it real?
Yeah he designs sneakers, snowboards, etc... Idk about anymore but when this aired in like 2006 he was an underground sensation as an artist and designer.
Fukijama is not real guy lmaoo
Very real now
ODB Brooklyn zoo!
Killer bees
If I was turtle I would really try to return the sneakers and get my money back - and then give it to Vince.
#JulioJones 11 Dumb comment.
@@spirojus How you figure? Vince just got laid off, spent 20k on sneakers. I would try to return it to be considerate.
Wu tang
This is so obscene is disgusting. You can feed 50 families for a month for a pair of sneakers. How low on brains must someone be to do that?!!!
Those sneakers r ugly i wouldnt pay 100 dollars for them
Adam Khid who gives a fuck what you would and would not do
$5250 :)
man turtle was fat
1.09 lol....asians haha
lol sure they are
@@tristanauspride you dont know what you're talking about. The Asian gangs here in la are as hard as they get