Just picked one up and hooked up with Mixer and USB Interface both. Definitely do an all analog signal chain to Mixer and Monitor. The Thing is spanky and sweet sounding with guts. 3 Channel sounds great. Perfect for my use case. Very well priced.
Jay, this is the best Revolt demo on YT. I preordered the thing and has not arrived yet to Argentina, so it makes me a little nervous. You nailed every aspect that surrounds the Revolt, the built IR, 4CM, CabX/Captor and a real amp. You did what all the other guys included Two Notes couldnt understand. Have an awesome 2023!
I have been tracking this product for about six months, and this is by far the best review, both in quality of tone and in the level of musicianship. Thank you JAY For helping me to make my decision! :-)
Absolutely one of my favorite channels. This pedal sounds nice looks good and the the way you play it appears to feel good under the fingers. I hope TwoNotes is not disappointed in the initial thumbnail. It comes across like your not liking the unit or your a bit disappointed. I have seen this backwards psychology used to get views but basically the thumbnail does not represent the DEMO. BLESSINGS to you in 2023 and as always l enjoyed the demo and your playing.
*IT IS ABSOLUTELY PERFECT!!!!!!!! I have an original Two Notes Cab with Midi function and WOW!!!! I use the same two cabs but change the POWER AMP settings and EQ per preset, matching it with the Amp and OMG!!!!*
I use mine live. My board is now a noise-free stage setup. I used to use the cab sim on this unit, until i got the Torpedo CabM+. Well now i have endless possibilities. Also did mention REVOLT, also takes other drive pedals (stacking), really, really well.!!! I use a H&K Tubefactor tube driven gain pedal which is a staple on every board i have, plus a Strymon Riverside (run in midi), so heaps of drive channels. I love my new simple pedalboard that goes straight to FOH = less to carry
Best demo I came across so far. Thank you very much! Hopefully my long expected Revolt arrives tomorrow. My user cases: hybrid fly rig with the cab M+, handbag emergency unit in case tube amp fails at gig, home recording.
Thanks for showing how it sounds with the built in cab sim, cause i've seen a lot of review where it is paired with the Cab M, but i just want to use it with headphones at night 🙂
My gear guy tried it out and says the built in cab sim is kinda thin and recommends to definitely pair with the Cab M plus. I just ordered both. I'm currently using a clone of the Humboldt Simplifier and a NUX Amp Academy.
New in this world of cab sim shizzle. But How does it work with an amp that does not have send and return? Is it also possible to use it as an normal drive pedal in your chain and just go to the input of your amp
Ross from Two notes here! You can use it to front load your amp but the optimum use cases require an FX return! Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with!
It Indeed sound great trough the xlr out on my interface, but not that great with the output to the in the input of my amp. ( Have nog send return on amp)
@@jensvda4653 that can be the case as you are essentially running a preamp into a preamp. You would need to carefully balance both preamps for optimal performance if using ReVolt to front load your amp.
@@RossDaviesTwoNotes got it in and did first band practice with it. Sounded awesome through the CabM+. My next wish would be a midi controllable CabM where I could trigger different cabs when switching channels on the ReVolt. But as is it will work out great even without that 🤘
@@ronpopeil7 Thanks for letting me know! I am so happy to hear this is working out well for you! In terms of the C.A.B. M+, thanks for the feedback! We have relayed this to our development team now!
Using the 4 cable method, I'm having issues getting my pedals to sound the same as I do when the Revolt is engaged compared to when bypassed and using my amp (Marshall JMC 2000 through a Captor X). Any advice on how the signal chain would look using both time based pedals (chorus, reverb, delay, etc.) and more front end types of pedals (wah, boost)? The wah and boost pedals do not sound good when the revolt is engaged on any of the 3 channels using 4 cable method so I can have access to both the Marshall or the Revolt without losing pedal tone quality?
Hi Jay. Any chance you have tried the Friedman Ir-x yet, and if so do you have a preference between that and the Revolt? Trying to figure out a good Analog pedal to combine with a Cab M+
Great review! Are there Multichannel preamp Alternatives that you can run in 4CM that could compete with this unit soundwise!? Im looking to enhance my amp, any suggestions that would help me much, thx
Whaou, killer sound ! I listened several demos of the revolt but your sound is different, much more punchy and naturalisé.. . For yamaha record, Do you record directly on the console? You use cabM or other? What s your console setting ? Thanks for your demo, Thierry
Ross from Two notes here! Great to hear you are enjoying our ReVolt! There is a volume boost but this is a OD-Boost circuit so there is the natural compression the OD component adds to the tone. Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
You have a nice collection of guitars man, nice gears to, but your fingers is out of tune. You're pressing the strings too hard and hits the string very hard. And in fact, you're not even a metal guy. But, if you don't mind with your playing, don't take it too seriously, I'm just giving a little criticism. Nice Review
Instead of criticism… why dont you make a yt Channel.. review Guitar gear and show everybody how a great player you are .. No you préfer post this kind of comment on jay Channel ..its easier and Take you less work sure Pooooor little Tiny human personne … probably a frustrated kid
@@williamzapre6987 Naah, I see, Jay fans. Btw, I'm pretty sure, jay know what I'm talk about. If you have a nice tone, you will increase your subscribe man. You know what, he can play, but just a "little criticism" from viewers like me.
Just picked one up and hooked up with Mixer and USB Interface both. Definitely do an all analog signal chain to Mixer and Monitor.
The Thing is spanky and sweet sounding with guts. 3 Channel sounds great. Perfect for my use case. Very well priced.
Jay, this is the best Revolt demo on YT.
I preordered the thing and has not arrived yet to Argentina, so it makes me a little nervous.
You nailed every aspect that surrounds the Revolt, the built IR, 4CM, CabX/Captor and a real amp.
You did what all the other guys included Two Notes couldnt understand.
Have an awesome 2023!
I really appreciate it! Glad you enjoyed the video :)
I have been tracking this product for about six months, and this is by far the best review, both in quality of tone and in the level of musicianship. Thank you JAY For helping me to make my decision!
I really appreciate it! Hope you enjoy the box :)
Absolutely one of my favorite channels. This pedal sounds nice looks good and the the way you play it appears to feel good under the fingers. I hope TwoNotes is not disappointed in the initial thumbnail. It comes across like your not liking the unit or your a bit disappointed. I have seen this backwards psychology used to get views but basically the thumbnail does not represent the DEMO. BLESSINGS to you in 2023 and as always l enjoyed the demo and your playing.
Ross from Two notes here! Just to confirm - we love it! Thanks Jay! :)
*IT IS ABSOLUTELY PERFECT!!!!!!!! I have an original Two Notes Cab with Midi function and WOW!!!! I use the same two cabs but change the POWER AMP settings and EQ per preset, matching it with the Amp and OMG!!!!*
I use mine live. My board is now a noise-free stage setup. I used to use the cab sim on this unit, until i got the Torpedo CabM+. Well now i have endless possibilities. Also did mention REVOLT, also takes other drive pedals (stacking), really, really well.!!! I use a H&K Tubefactor tube driven gain pedal which is a staple on every board i have, plus a Strymon Riverside (run in midi), so heaps of drive channels. I love my new simple pedalboard that goes straight to FOH = less to carry
I've barely gotten used to my Helix. Bought a Marshall SV20H and now.....this stuff comes out !
Analog cab sim sounds direct are very nice even with higher gain. Congrats TwoNotes. Quiet surprised, I must say. Great video.
Best demo I came across so far. Thank you very much! Hopefully my long expected Revolt arrives tomorrow. My user cases: hybrid fly rig with the cab M+, handbag emergency unit in case tube amp fails at gig, home recording.
Ross from Two notes here. Great! We are certain it will live up to your expectations and if you have any questions, dont hesitate to reach out!
Always enjoy your playing Jay. You play with heart and feel, I enjoy the energy!
I appreciate that :)
That guitar playing is something spectacular.
Always great to hear from you! Happy Holidays!!!
Interesting name choice for sure, revolting. Thanks for the video, its an interesting product.
...Jay knows Baseball 👍
First two minutes! Incredibly different from the usual funky Broadway tunes .....
At least a video which makes me to consider the Revolt
Thanks for showing how it sounds with the built in cab sim, cause i've seen a lot of review where it is paired with the Cab M, but i just want to use it with headphones at night 🙂
Glad I could help :)
My gear guy tried it
out and says the built in cab sim is kinda thin and recommends to definitely pair with the Cab M plus. I just ordered both. I'm currently using a clone of the Humboldt Simplifier and a NUX Amp Academy.
@@6strung21how does Revolt compares with those units?
My gear guy. .....right ... ..@@6strung21
Nice demo and preamp. Down here in Seattle we say “Go Mariners!”
"Go Mariners" sounds good just about anywhere.
Hey Jay. I'd love to see this combined with the Cerberus via MIDI. I think it would be a perfecto combo.
The Friedman guitar is nice.
New in this world of cab sim shizzle.
But How does it work with an amp that does not have send and return? Is it also possible to use it as an normal drive pedal in your chain and just go to the input of your amp
Ross from Two notes here! You can use it to front load your amp but the optimum use cases require an FX return! Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with!
It Indeed sound great trough the xlr out on my interface, but not that great with the output to the in the input of my amp. ( Have nog send return on amp)
@@jensvda4653 that can be the case as you are essentially running a preamp into a preamp. You would need to carefully balance both preamps for optimal performance if using ReVolt to front load your amp.
Have one arriving this week. Hoping to eliminate some drive pedals from my board and run this through the Cab M direct.
Amazing! Let us know how you get on! :)
Super fun through Cab M! Enjoy :)
@@RossDaviesTwoNotes got it in and did first band practice with it. Sounded awesome through the CabM+. My next wish would be a midi controllable CabM where I could trigger different cabs when switching channels on the ReVolt. But as is it will work out great even without that 🤘
@@ronpopeil7 Thanks for letting me know! I am so happy to hear this is working out well for you! In terms of the C.A.B. M+, thanks for the feedback! We have relayed this to our development team now!
@@RossDaviesTwoNotes For many years that many people ask this, they must have known for a long time!
such nice sounds! is this straight into the DAW?????!!
Using the 4 cable method, I'm having issues getting my pedals to sound the same as I do when the Revolt is engaged compared to when bypassed and using my amp (Marshall JMC 2000 through a Captor X). Any advice on how the signal chain would look using both time based pedals (chorus, reverb, delay, etc.) and more front end types of pedals (wah, boost)? The wah and boost pedals do not sound good when the revolt is engaged on any of the 3 channels using 4 cable method so I can have access to both the Marshall or the Revolt without losing pedal tone quality?
The neck tone on the Plexi channel at 8:38 is delicious. Just sayin’
Yeah! Super juicy :)
I was wondering if a zoom 50g in the loop could work for like multi effects🧐.
It's playing like this that makes me wonder what mahogany smells like when it burns. 😁
Hi. Can you confirm if the cab sim on the OUT jack can turned on or off? Thanks for the demo.
Hi Jay. Any chance you have tried the Friedman Ir-x yet, and if so do you have a preference between that and the Revolt? Trying to figure out a good Analog pedal to combine with a Cab M+
What about feeling? Do you get from it nautaral organic tube amp feeling while playing connected directly???
This one or the Friedman version?
Great review! Are there Multichannel preamp Alternatives that you can run in 4CM that could compete with this unit soundwise!? Im looking to enhance my amp, any suggestions that would help me much, thx
"you can really use to get cooking with this thing" thats how I can keep affording these cool jackets and hats.
if i dont get a cool jacket or hat from this im ok
Wow!!!!! Super !!!!!!!
Whaou, killer sound ! I listened several demos of the revolt but your sound is different, much more punchy and naturalisé.. . For yamaha record, Do you record directly on the console? You use cabM or other? What s your console setting ? Thanks for your demo, Thierry
Glad you dug it. That is the sound of the ReVolt going direct into an Antelope Audio Orion Interface.
Run this with an HX Stomp, or a Helix, instead of using Helix amp
In this video I wasn't using a Helix amp. I used it direct, with a Peavey Classic 20, and a Bad Cat Hot Cat.
Great review! When you hit the boost does it give a volume bump or mostly just compress ? Hard to tell from video. Either way sounds killer
Ross from Two notes here! Great to hear you are enjoying our ReVolt! There is a volume boost but this is a OD-Boost circuit so there is the natural compression the OD component adds to the tone. Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
@@RossDaviesTwoNotes thanks Ross
First. Looking to get the Revolt
I can't tell if clean Fender tone is fat & has enough headroom. Prefer Wong clean vs stray cat breakup clean
There is Tons of Headroom on this one. It barely breaks up even at the most extreme spots on the gain :)
@@JayLeonardJ Thank you!
min 10.00 oh my god!
Everything demoed on this channel has a very unpleasant sizzle. Not sure if it's the gear being setup or it's all in post.
You have a nice collection of guitars man, nice gears to, but your fingers is out of tune. You're pressing the strings too hard and hits the string very hard. And in fact, you're not even a metal guy. But, if you don't mind with your playing, don't take it too seriously, I'm just giving a little criticism. Nice Review
Instead of criticism… why dont you make a yt Channel.. review Guitar gear and show everybody how a great player you are ..
No you préfer post this kind of comment on jay Channel ..its easier and Take you less work sure
Pooooor little Tiny human personne … probably a frustrated kid
Go back playing World of tanks😂
@@williamzapre6987 Naah, I see, Jay fans. Btw, I'm pretty sure, jay know what I'm talk about. If you have a nice tone, you will increase your subscribe man. You know what, he can play, but just a "little criticism" from viewers like me.
A lot of us dont expect the tuber to be a virtuoso, he reviews gear this is not a guitar lessons channel.
As long he makes great reviews I dont care.
What brand is that first guitar?