Einstein on Buddhism: “Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: It transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural and spiritual; and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity. “If there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism.
“My teaching is not a philosophy; it is the result of my own direct experience. My teaching is a means of practice, not something to hold onto or to be worshiped. My teaching is like a raft used to cross a river, only a fool would continue to carry the raft around after already reaching the other shore of liberation.” ~ The Buddha
I'm an atheist but if there's one religion I respect it's Buddhism. I don't see Buddhists killing in the name of their God. I also don't see them asking people to donate while they practice religion in a place with gold ceilings and marble floors. They're modest, honest, logical and most importantly, peaceful. Much respect.
Yes, Buddhism is a peaceful religion. It did evolve from Sanatana Dharma which encourages everyone to question everything, even the existence of God or whatever they call it..
Jacob Hallam True, Digambar Jains are very strict in their practices, Shwetambars are a little mellowed down. Idk about the second comment though.. I've never heard of Buddhist killings..
One of the groups: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bodu_Bala_Sena Report on the violence: edition.cnn.com/2014/06/19/world/asia/sri-lanka-muslim-aluthgama/ The Dalai Lama condemning it: edition.cnn.com/2014/07/07/world/asia/dalai-lama-muslim-violence/
He is saying people should keep their own religion, because they are not supposed to sell Buddhism; people must desire to seek it out on their own. This is the true path to Buddhism.
But he says that a Christian monk just asked him about Emptiness and he said it was not his business. There's a difference between not wanting to proselytise and being exclusive. The trouble is he mistakes his religion and all its absurd paraphernalia for true Buddhist philosophy and practice. Yeah, keep your prayer wheels and lamas to yourself but you have a duty to explain to people the nature of reality when they sincerely ask you.
Al Jack Well the question is more complicated what you think. To give an explanation about Emptiness is to go against christian's belief. The explanation will resolve nothing but only bring debate and opposition. His answer is an invitation to the christian to reflect about his own question and about their implications ( it's not your business means it does not correspond to your faith). I think it's the good answer from the Dalai Lama.
Andy Almeida that's the most beautifully religious thing I ever did hear, now if other religions were like this we would have world peace, Muslims seem to catch and chain you to them even if you don't wish to believe their teachings. you said the most beautiful thing. same life on repeat though I remember you posting this comment last life, we just live the same life over and over again. promise
@Siyovaxsh En-sipad-zid-ana Exactly. Jesus is a man, and he shat, ate, and drank like a real man. Jesus is a Buddha technically, but he is not a Buddhist follower, that's the point. Jesus taught us to love God with all our heart, with all our mind, and with all our soul, and to love one another as he loved us. Heaven is in the sky as well as on earth. Do you love God ? Do you understand what love is ? May the love and the peace of Jesus be with us.
"If you are not clear about any fact of my teaching, O friends, you have the full right to doubt it until you reach a justifiable open clarification" - Gautama the Buddha (Vimansaka sutra, Majjhima Nikaya)
+Mugunumulle Chandima +Aoi Blackbird Exactly. Jesus did that 500 years after Buddha and Jesus taught us to love God with all our heart, with all our mind, and with all our soul, and to love one another as he loved us. He also said that ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, and knock and the doors will be opened to you. Jesus is an all action dude, don't just sit around and meditate selfishly. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. May the love and the peace of Jesus be with us.
I had never given much thought to Buddhism or the Dalai Lama, but now I have great respect for this man, and I believe Buddhism is my favorite religion. Einstein was right on that one. :)
Endless big bangs commits the fallacy of infinite regress. Tenzin may be enlightened in many respects and areas, but his logic needs a little more work.
Prince Istalri that's great, I'm all for tolerance. But when it comes to truth, as in how existence came to be, while we can argue over what is possible and what might have been, we can know for sure what definitely is not true. That the universe came from endless big bangs is absolutely not true. And of you listen to Tenzin, he is saying Buddhism requires endless big bangs. So Buddhism requires something that cannot be true, to be true. I'm just not into that kind of reasoning. There's an ignorance about it that just rubs me the wrong way. Hey how did your debate go?
TheServantofiam You have a point. I never claimed that Buddhism is factually accurate, however, only that its' tenants are far more progressive than those of the other major religions, a relative rarity I admire. Pretty well. I wouldn't say either of us "won"'; while he was more well versed in bio-chemistry than I, my knowledge regarding the history of the Bible and the development of evolutionary theory was, ironically, a bit more solid.
John Doe "We will never know how lighting works, so let's just live." "We will never know how the sun works, so let's just live." "We will never know how gravity works, so let's just live." "We will never know how the seasons work, so let's just live."
i'm an atheist, but if i had to choose a religion it would be Buddhism, it is so peaceful, treat others as you want to be treated even if they believe in other things then you. accept what science tells us (as long as it is proven) , and above all, question everything. it's like they are the exact opposite of the Islam and Christianity which i love :)
Hi I recently watched some videos about a Vietnamese monk giving Buddhist lectures to a group of grown ups . It is a course for people who want to know more about Buddhism and the different branches. If u want ,I can give u the link.
The teaching about Buddhism by Dalailama is very simple and perfact and finally fruitful in the life hence just follow Buddhism and see within one months time
The Dalai Lama is a wonderful man and role model for humanity in general. The fact that Buddhism does not hold back scientific advancement but actually embraces it is wonderful. Now if only the whole world would understand it's message of non-violence and interconnectivity with one another, maybe we could start to make it a better place.
+M rayache Burmese conflict is an ethnic struggle which has no any connection with Buddhism. Slavery is completely rejected in Buddhism. Read Sigalowada sutra of Deegha Nikaya.
I am interested in Buddism, Buddhist are so peaceful. I never seen a Buddhist angry! Just looking at the comments from Christians is sickening! I think I will explore this more.
Thank you for uploading the video however the one who uploaded the video shouldn't be putting other religions down by typing "Christians listening?". We are not competing with any religion, His holiness believe in religious harmony and so do we. People are in different religion according to their mental disposition and all religion teaches love.
+Tse Angel Holiness ??? WTF is that ? Jesus, Einstein, and I believed in God. We do not believe in or follow any religion. God is not a religion, and neither is Jesus, Einstein, or I. The Dalai Lama, like the Catholic Pope, is a fake. Buddha, like Jesus, is a man, the enlightened one, not a religion. May the love and the peace of Jesus be with us.
I agree with you. The explanatory text added is helpful but the comments are sometimes on the edge of the cliff. They are understandable and quite mild. His holiness has spoken of other religions as being like medicine for individuals. The teachings given to the King of Shambhalla might be like this. Why is the Kalachakra tantra given for World Peace?
Buddhism is the truth of all truth and the science of all science. Nothing exist supreme to what Buddha has discovered. Buddhism is not based on believes rather truth. It paves the path to find the truth by person itself by the means of attaining levels of knowledge from perfected mind not just an arguments based on the beliefs of an individual with unperfected mind.
In my opinion , Buddhism is clever logical religion came out of from a human life researcher called Siddhartha Gautam. They have their own school of thoughts which enable them to create their own World View successfully which sometime collides with the science cosmology, neuro, quantum, psychology - and cause and effect etc. They have answers to every questions a human mind can think and ask because its already done by Buddha. Even the question of existence of UFO or alien are already answered by their text/script. Question such as why human suffers, pain, birth and death these fundamental questions to which is also a reality is already asked by Buddha and found answer to it and gave solution (buddha teaching) to it as well. Although some people view that Buddhism arrived from the core concept of Sanathan dharma- Buddhism has no so called "God" concept creator or something. However, in near future any thing happens which breaks the "God" belief system only surviving religion will be Buddhism, cause it might know in near future it will happen. If any other religion which has one "God" or creationist view it might crumbles down one day when when an alien knocks their door. Buddhist are fascinated about what human mind can do!
I'm not a Buddhist but I respect it because it's more of a philosophy than religion. It requires you to find your own way instead of following blindly a God that does nothing but sit on his ass all day while the world falls apart. It's better to at least try and change the world then to just wait and do nothing worshiping somebody that is supposedly gonna save you from hell even though there is no proof of such a place. The bible isn't proof it's been changed over time I'm pretty sure their were things they took out of scriptures and all in all to many contradictions for it to be accurate
Do not be angry my son.. God already lives within us he believes in us already that we can make it on are own, without him coming to rule over us and save us from evil and judgment. Instead let me say that my enlightens should enlighten you.
+Harsha Perera I would but I can't tell u that on TH-cam.. Nor on any forum. Some things can be told online. Buddhism is the way of your inner spirit and all religions complement something within.. Some may contradict in ways but there are many thing in each religion that complement in some ways.. But again I can't give details of something like that online..what I can say is until all humanity stops being proud of everything they will see what the true meaning of each religion combine into one within will unleash in you.. Now I don't mean say combine all in a book want im saying is combined them all within.. Kid you understand what I'm saying you'll figure it out..
+Indigo Aura well said you took the words right out of my mouth, I recently started researching Buddhism because the other world religions don't really focus on self improvement and self harmony, all other religions just say follow this and believe in this or your going to hell ummm...? so I'm thinking of converting to Buddhism but there is so much more research for me to do before doing so, BTW for anyone who cares and who is reading this I am currently a catholic, but I went through hard times in life and turning to my religion never helped me but I feel with Buddhism maybe there can be some sort of self harmony and spiritual revision that may occur, I need the wisdom of the Buddha.
+Harsha Perera i know is practical I have never gone to church or any other things related to religion.. I'm an observer in life.. The philosophical idea grows within naturally of the things you see.. I have the same feelings of Buddha and yet I'm not one
Anna Nguyễn Thanks for your feedback and response to my comment I will take into account everything you have said, but I have already talked to my family about the matter a few days after typing that comment and also my best friend is researching Buddhism as well and wants to convert to Buddhism, so I feel that me and him can make the journey to enlightenment together.
Buddhism is a philosophy , that's what I love about it ,no bullshit, it requires you to find your own answer rather than follow blindly, ( I m both Buddhist And Atheist)
Kalana Herath Buddhism and science are two different fields all together science is materialistic Buddhism is just the opposite. Science a tool use to study nature Buddhism to study your mind!! Buddhism has never bend to the facts just quite the opposite talk about things you understand not some thing you don't and this is no exception to Dalai lama..
+Kalana Herath facts is what you can prove scientifically, Buddhism is a greater framework and understanding of the universe, why things happen, why does bad things happen to you, how does good things happen to you, what consequences of your actions can cause to others and yourself and so forth. for example if you steal some money and nobody found out, eventually you'll lose that money in one shape or form to compensate for the victims suffering because of it, as it does not belong to you.
+Kalana Herath Looks like you're bending facts to fit your narrative. Did you base this comment on a massive wealth of knowledge on buddhism and other religions, or did you just base it on this 26 min video?
just because there is 84,000 variations of buddhism doesn't mean they bend the faith? faith isn't a scientific term we use in Buddhism, we use the word confidence, you can't bend faith, it's a untouchable notion, its like saying "lets bend gravity" we don't fit the facts, the facts fit buddhism, that's how it is.
Regarding Buddhist cosmology: This system of viewing the universe is quite different from the one presented by current scientific theory, and contains much that would be difficult to accept if interpreted too literally or concretely. However, if we bear in mind a purpose of this cosmology, namely that it allows us to see the entire universe as an offering to the enlightened ones the initial strangeness of this system soon disappears. Buddha taught that there are countless world systems in our universe. At the center of our world system is Mount Meru. Buddhism is the practice of Buddha's teachings. Would it be possible to be Buddhist and not believe in Mount Meru? The point of Buddhism is to leave samsara. It's not to grasp at this world being truly existent.
I am Hindu and I am also a Buddhist in my own belief system and I don't need any recognition or a tag which will identity me and limit me and my existence. I am proud that Buddha came to my land to understand human's and their perception and emotion, The result of such a influence is such that people in my Land are known for knowledge.
Catholic here, we don't all hate the Buddha ): Some Christians here have obviously taken their bigotry from their families and surrounding communities, and not from Jesus. He Himself had to rebuke His followers for being closed minded. "Teacher, we saw a man casting out demons in your name, and we forbade him, because he does not follow us. But Jesus said to him, do not forbid him, for he that is not against us is with us." - Luke 9:49 "You know that God is righteous - therefore you must recognise that everyone who leads a righteous life has been born of God." - 1 John 2:29 My guess is that centuries of cultural seclusion has not done Christianity any favors
i love how In the begining hes saying science and spiritually as it evolved differently but has in doing so equally strengthend each understanding. In the west as the splitting of the atom and amassing energy developing this hyperspace communication we are chatting on that sort of thing. In the east is was less worried with controlling power to gain from it. They would study the way water moves over rocks in a stream locate energy centers from within as in chakra's and let the energy flow you as easy as the stream of water and then you have all the power you want. So you see the more complex the pattern gets there is a sudden epiphany of altruism that each has helped point out even more complex and a deeper truths in the two.
piles joursh Yes but not a third one. Why? If Buddhism doesn't stand on the first, and the second, why does it stand on the third. I understand your meaning, but with budhism, there is no otherness. You and me are not others and at the same time not one.
When Siddhartha realized that he cannot stay alive without food and the acceptance of reality of truth and of ageing gave him true enlightenment and made him a strong believer in the natural process where he incorporated teaching's which would help his followers to develop a skill set which will Evolve us to become more humanly and keep constantly changing. These word's which i have written is my understanding toward's the feeling's Buddha experienced.
Your Excellency Dalai Lama: Please accept my wholehearted grateful thanks for your sharing wisdom experience and knowledge which enrich my life: Live, Learn, Love to be self-care and Care for the Others Worldwide in the duration of globalization for peace through mutual understanding, caring, and sharing. Duc Viet Nguyen, Ph.D. Independent Research for Health.
TorahRealm Very true. Worshiping is far away from the ideas of Buddha. Actually Dalai said it in the speech but he is not concern about people worshiping.
religion comes from the word religio which means to reconnect. so buddhist dont aim to reconnect with god, they seek to reconnect with their buddha nature. from this point of view buddhism is a religion.
I am a Hindhu, But I always loved Buddhism, because it is so intense & real & straightforward & uncomplicated. I have read 4 noble truths & 8 noble paths many times so far & conceptually i have understood it, but wanted a tool to practice. I mostly play games in my iPhone & I searched for Buddha related apps & I saw one interesting app called "BuDhamma" by Lokesh Hanumappa. This app helps you practice 8 noble path in a cool way with reminders, reports, tests & graphic rich practice summary.
2/3 1)In the universe, there are matter, antimatter. In the universe there are the one and its opposite. Empty/no-empty space/no space néant/non-néant etc.... 2)Every matter has its own property and its own physical law and inter-react. Their interaction engenders energy and/or transformation Nothing is created, nothing disappears everything is transformed said LAVOISIER.
It is easy for Buddhism to be adjustable as it doesn't have a deity or superior source which gives the precepts and tells us what, where, and when. Buddhism originates from man and therefore man will amend it's teachings. All we receive from Judeo-Christian teaching comes from God in the Bible. There is no correcting the Bible. When Science corrects itself, it then matches the Bible. Case in point: Scientists at Cornell University recently concluded in a study of origin of life that clay has the environment where life could have started. So, science is coming around after 200 years of Victorian Theory of Evolution.
Always keeping in mind that the bible was written by man and that god is a figment of his imagination... It's exactly because buddhism have no superior source that it is so easy to accept into your life and heart. It demands no faith. It's more like a peaceful way of life than a religion. A peaceful way of life that holds compassion and logic.
olmen375 Atheists, Christians, Hindus, etc., have no compassion?? Logic?? God realm: the gods lead long and enjoyable lives full of pleasure and abundance, but they spend their lives pursuing meaningless distractions and never think to practice the dharma. When death comes to them, they are completely unprepared; without realizing it, they have completely exhausted their good karma (which was the cause for being reborn in the god realm) and they suffer through being reborn in the lower realms. Demi-god realm: the demi-gods have pleasure and abundance almost as much as the gods, but they spend their time fighting among themselves or making war on the gods. When they make war on the gods, they always lose, since the gods are much more powerful. The demi-gods suffer from constant fighting and jealousy, and from being killed and wounded in their wars with each other and with the gods. Human realm: humans suffer from hunger, thirst, heat, cold, separation from friends, being attacked by enemies, not getting what they want, and getting what they don't want. They also suffer from the general sufferings of birth, old age, sickness and death. Yet the human realm is considered to be the most suitable realm for practicing the dharma, because humans are not completely distracted by pleasure (like the gods or demi-gods) or by pain and suffering (like the beings in the lower realms). Animal realm: wild animals suffer from being attacked and eaten by other animals; they generally lead lives of constant fear. Domestic animals suffer from being exploited by humans; for example, they are slaughtered for food, overworked, abused, and so on. Hungry ghost realm: hungry ghosts suffer from extreme hunger and thirst. They wander constantly in search of food and drink, only to be miserably frustrated any time they come close to actually getting what they want. For example, they see a stream of pure, clear water in the distance, but by the time they get there the stream has dried up. Hungry ghosts have huge bellies and long thin necks. On the rare occasions that they do manage to find something to eat or drink, the food or water burns their neck as it goes down to their belly, causing them intense agony. Hell realm: hell beings endure unimaginable suffering for eons of time. There are actually eighteen different types of hells, each inflicting a different kind of torment. In the hot hells, beings suffer from unbearable heat and continual torments of various kinds. In the cold hells, beings suffer from unbearable cold and other torments.
olmen375 Buddhism is officially non-theistic religion, like Scientology, New Age, etc.. Scientology, New Age, atheism, Buddhism etc. do not believe in God
olmen375 According to the Bible itself it was inspired by God... Himself. The Bible offers fulfilled prophesy as evidence of its truthfulness. God tells the "ends from the beginning." 80% of the Bible is about the Jews and they are the only nation/people that have been reconstituted as a country after 2,000 years of dispersion (Diaspora) and occasional annihilation attempts, just as written in the Bible 2,500 years before it happened. You may achieve peace in your life on your own, but can you achieve "rest" in the next life? Given the evidence I chose the Bible, hands down, many times over.
your bible(s) has been written by many different authors, i would suggest you challenge yourself by practice MEDITATION when your mind is STILL and peaceful the wisdom and freedom is there. You definitely get THE REAL ANSWER. Your mind is a MAP and a real bible more than the bible you've got in your hand.
What you fail to realize is that Jesus may have been in Tibet studying Buddhism and he brought it back to try to teach us. The Buddha had a long life to properly teach everyone, while in the case of Jesus, he only had a short time to try convey many of the same messages. We rebeled & tried to kill him. Thirty years later we tried to reassemble his teaching without the teacher to guide us, like putting togeter a jigsaw puzzle without the picture on the box. Only blindly following religion is bad
8:37 "One sanskrit Buddhist sort of teaching mentioned, Buddha stated: 'All my followers should not accept my teaching out of devotion [or] out of faith; but rather [through] thorough investigation and experiment[ation]'." That makes Buddhism the most honest religion, that the Buddha himself said not to take his word for it; he was admitting that he might be wrong. What other riligion can say that about it's creator?
I've been a devout buddhist for 9 months now, and I got other fellow buddhists that goes to the same temple as me who's been there for 10 years+ that says otherwise
most westerners view buddhism as a philosophy and way of life, hardly any of them view it as a religion even if that's what it is and how most asian people view it as.
Terrible title for this talk... It's unnecessarily controversial. buddhism is not for everyone and this is said by HH Dalai Lama all the time. The moment any of us buddhists is slightly regarding ourselves as "better" we have lost all our view and the whole purpose of buddhism gets corrupted, transforming it into a selfcentered idiotic philosophy... Which is exactly why many religions have failed to make us a better society
I agree the title is unnecessary and the 'still listening Christians' If those two were not there I would like to share the video on my facebook page but I don't feel I can at the moment. Apart from that I am very glad this video is posted.
YourBrainOnReligion: @ 13:35, you put up the text: "______ is for Buddhists (No idea what that word is!)". What he says there is "third thing", which refers back to 12:45 and the 3 areas: science, psychology and religion, the 3rd thing being "Buddhist religion".
Buddhist understanding of devas (deities) is not the same as the western one. Buddhist devas feel, suffer and eventuelly die as well as humans; they only live longer and are more powerful than humans. Humans can become devas in the next life, when they accumulate enough merit, and devas can become demons when they get evil in mind. The goal of buddhist is not to warship devas or buddhas, but to free yourself from suffering and to awake i.e to achieve buddhahood through the 8-fold path.
Dear YourBrainOnReligion :), I would like to say, thank you, to you, for taking the time, effort and energy to both upload and share this video with the youtube family. Thank you!
He said that he doesn't believe in Mount Meru but that is not correct. Mount Meru doesn't represent the physical universe where all of us live it is represent the spiritual universe where beings like gods demi-gods and asuras etc live. Mount Meru is an universe within the mind realms. WHY DO I HAVE TO EXPLAIN THIS, I DON"T KNOW!
Respected Dalai Lama ji says from time to time that "India is the Guru of Tibet, So Much was brought to Tibet, including religion, it's traditions, language, culture, medicine and health-care. All these and so much more were brought to Tibet through the Kindness of Indian teachers. India is the land of Aryans or Arya Bhumi, anything comes from India is very sacred very respectful for us. Eastern-Asian Buddism and Indian Hinduism are very closely related also Traditional Indian Physiology is much advance. So,therefore I describe, or When I meet an Indian, I always say, Your are traditionally our Guru, We are Chela (disciples), You Indian Our Guru. Then also I mention that we Tibetan's are not only Indian Guru's Chela, but also quit reliable chela, That means in Guru's own land of Dharma, lots of ups and downs, during this period, We your chela through centuries, we kept your knowledge intact, so we are quit a reliable chela (disciples), So our relationship (Indian & Tibet) is something very unique Guru & Chela."
Shocking truth you are not from Tibet and don't misquote dalai lama here what he thinks about India because Buddha was from India in that perspective he said India as guru not as you trying to misguide people by the name of Hinduism and Buddhism.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a BEAUTIFUL being! I loved watching this! Namaste, and thank you for posting! :D Btw, I agree with on the whole "better to stick to your own religion" thing. I think it's better to find the path that works best for you rather than force yourself to remain in one you were born into or simply choose a faith based on what others around you believe.
This is beautiful. Buddhism is one of the finest things I have seen emerge philosophically and religiously from primitive eras. It's sophisticated, it's clean, it's vibrant, it's sleek, and it's simple. It's like the Linux of philosophy, and the Holy Grail of religion (though I'd hesitate to call it a religion). Really makes me wonder why it's looked down on by good people..
13:45 I believe he says "third thing" is for buddhists meaning the three divisions are buddhist philosophy and buddhist science which are universal and are for everyone and the third thing is buddhist religion which is for buddhists.
Good morning My name is Gracia I am Christian Catholic but I love listening to Delaye Lama he is tolerant man open minded peaceful I appreciate his loving heart towards religions his visit to Holiness Jhon Paul Second before his death he sent a supreme person from his side to Pope Francis & he visited Mother Theresa’s house in India is it so hard to make peace reunion between Religions respecting differences appreciating similarities thank you very much
Around the 13th minute mark the caption is asking "___ is for Buddhism". "religion" goes in that blank. He is making three categories: religion, philosophy and science.
Third thing mentioned by HH here is Buddhist rituals and culture like Tibetan Buddhist, Chinese tradition, zen tradition, Nicherian traditions which vary in their culture and way of practice.
I think he says 'the third thing is just for buddhist' where you left a blank underlined space (in reference to buddhist religion as part of the three subjects (buddhist science, philosophy and religion)).
I am an atheist but lots of my philosophy and spirituality is based on buddihsm, i also believe everything Buddha said, but just like Dalai Lama i belive in science and dont interpretate the myths literally. Im pretty sure atheism is defined by lack of belief in deities, but my life and visions are based on this specific theology. There seem to be no real requirement to call yourself a buddhist except for realizeing buddhas wisdom, unlike christianity, where you have to belive in jesus resurection to even considering yourself a christian. So basiclly i can refer myself as a buddhist whenever it feels appropriate....?
There is no truth or false unless you yourself find out... Buddha said, don't just believe him but experience or experiment yourself.. If you find out the answer and agree whatever Buddha has taught, then you can follow the particular things,, if not then ignore it.. His holiness only wants to teach about compassion to make it better world... Look at your self everywhere there is war for power and economy..... where is humanity, love, compassion... every religion plays an important role (no matter what you guys think about Buddhism as religion or not) and everyone should learn from it and spread the words of all the merits things and bring harmony. Long live H.H the 14th Dalai Lama.
The fact that the Buddha during&shortly after his transition into nirvana was able, in his 45 years of teaching, to free thousands of souls from incarnating into this dimension of reality, speaks volumes about the level of spirituality in the beings around him in those days.But also the level of spiritual energy present during that cycle,YUGA that permeated the earth,s energy FIELD at that time in its history. We will be at that same energy dynamic in about 1,000 YEARS.There will be no doubt ANOTHER bodhisattva incarnating to continue the process of liberating souls from this dimension. So start meditating NOW.
At 15:15 Sunyata -- I get where he is coming from with that because we as westerns don't have a great idea of the no-thing. When I studied it in my teens and early 20s, I confused it with nihilism which was a mistake. It wasn't until I got older that I "grasped" the "concept" of "it." A lot of Japanese Zen writers didn't help me with their commentaries at the time. If I were a Buddhist teacher, I would teach it but with the caveat without finding fault that my western students would probably misunderstand it. Besides Sunyata isn't for everyone. In the west, we generally like noise.
Million ways of meditation eg. sound, knock, walking, corpse (asupa), crystal ball at base 7-centre of body, visualise, sunyata etc. To teach student i recommend you use all methods. To make kids have fun and happy and they are good meditator. For Crystal ball i reckon they imagine "egg or the cross or apple or nothing" because it is just technique to control the mind. In fact you really need the good master monk to explain to you about "Sunyata or Sunya" which means emtiness. This is another way of meditations which used by Buddhas. "think nothing" "still/stop" "no self" so when i do meditate i have to think like am alone on earth and close my eyes and smile a bit with good posture when the mind STILL is like the bird feather i feel the huge energy go through my nose and body. I feel light. Mind is the light/power with no limited/light-year therefore the death is referred to "raw body or form" which is disposed back to the nature but the mind stay as it. Human mainly look after the BODY rather than the MIND therefore when we are talking about the mind they get confuse because it is abstract part.
W Wan Peaceful Have a co-work who does 100 mile extreme running contests. He doesn't expect to win because he is not young enough, however, he tells me gets to the place where there is very little in his mind. It is mostly about the running and very little thinking. It gives him great awareness. He just is. I was in a convention and among the thousands of people I found myself standing there without thought seeing everything without interpretation or thought. I just watched "blankly" at all that "is". There was no noise in my head. There was no sense of body. There is no-thing. I don't know how to teach it. It is peaceful.
eottoe2001 "Blankly" when your mind is "STILL or KNOWING the mind is light bright intelligent wisdom and freedom from FORM or atta (Pali/monk language) and No "I/you/no thought". That is the nature of mind when it get purify, the power of mind is UNLIMITED. The more we practise the more we know the noble truth or the law of nature. The PERMANENT HAPPINESS IS ALWAYS THERE AND THE REAL ANSWER WITHIN YOU NO ONE CAN DRAW OR CONFESS FROM IT. You're with your own pure mind at that moment and you are a HERO. You can keep practising your INNER peace every breath and you will be safe life before or after death
When Maharaja says that, "It is good for one to keep his/her own religion", myself being a Canadian-born South Asian of 35 years of age, I understand his Eastern philosophical sentiment in that statement. You see, in religions like Jainism, Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, etc., there is an ingrained fundamental cross-cultural understanding that everything & anything is all a unifying Oneness. And so the theorem is that we (Jains, Buddhists, Hindus, etc.) do not believe in conversionism for others to join our faith(s) as a necessity for their ultimate "salvation" (however one would choose to define that term). The underlying belief of all of our faiths (Confucianism, Sikhism, Shinto, etc.) is that so long as one practises compassion, understanding, tolerance, forbearance, kindness, and maintains harmony with others through mutual respect, then it does not matter what Deity, or spiritual axioms, one chooses to adhere to as that State of Being, or Ultimate Reality, is Indivisible. That said, I think Maharaja might've missed the notion that a lot of non-Eastern aspirants may have undergone spiritual experiences, or unexplainable phenomenon, that can only be shed light on within a readily available Eastern philosophical context; since so much of the indigenous European, African, or pan-American traditions, which inhere this wisdom, has been usurped due to the onslaught of one form of Abrahamism or another. However, from the Eastern religious standpoint, even Christianity, Islam, and Judaism will bring one to the same Enlightened state (eventually) so long as compassion, kindness, forbearance, tolerance, etc., is being practised. And so that is why I believe Maharaja had stated, "It is good for one to keep their own religion". Namaste. _/|\_
THE WINDOWS OF THE MIND "The mind must be compelled to submit to the dictates of the will. Now, you are easily led astray by the vagaries of the mind. That is why, I say, WATCH! W is for watch your Words; A is for watch your Actions; T is for watch your Thoughts; C is for watch your Character; H is for watch your Heart. If the watch reminds you every second of the need to watch these five, you can be quite happy." ~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
Holy fuck… This is frankly amazing. I would never have imagined that I'd live to see a religious leader saying "We must not rely blindly on scripture, we must accept reality". Buddhism is clearly not just another ego cult trying to avoid facing fear of death, like all other religions.
I respect all religions . They will take good people to heaven or nirvana . I am a Buddhist & I practice Theravada Meditation . I am in touch with it & I love peace .
To clarify, Buddhism is not Religion. People who are truly Buddhist undertand these teachings are found within youself. Emotions and belief are what cause bias, and If you refine yourself through practices of buddhist teachings/ meditation. Life makes more sense and the sources of suffereing, based on things we have universally. If you have emotions of insecurity due to a material. Then your persecption is considered altered. With meditation you learn to recognize such mental and emotional bias or illusion vs reality. Simply illusion. So meditation is used to let go of the emotions that cause us to be blind, yet since we still have our natural drive(not desire) to live, we will work for it, yet fairly. Removing the emotions that come from the ego, which cause blinding attachment and illness of the mind(Suffering) is what Buddhis is about. We do this with the understanding that once a pure state is reached our own peace helps another in the everyday mindfulness of life around us.
Buddhism is the Science of all Religions. H H Dalai Lama is a Teacher and Guide not God. He is a human being. Buddhism is Honest and truly Scientific Religion
Rahul Barua I think dalam lama is lacking knowledge about origin of buddha because he was keep connecting buddha and India but actually buddha was born in nepal and origionally he was mongoloid origin (sakya sub branch of mongoloid Kirata race of nepal who used to rule whole trans-himalayan region since beginning of earth that time there was no such india but divided into 1000s of principality that is why portrait of buddha look like chinese.
He says @ 13:37 "Third thing," it's actually pretty clear but caption says that it was not understood, he's say Buddhism, Buddhist Science, Buddhist philosophy, he's separating them. Say the last two are general and for everybody to study, understand and question, but not the third thing-Buddhism (as a religion) is for Buddhists.
I respect Buddism as well I feel as though it isn't focussed around being a religion trying to force others to believe a very narrow minded point of view about the world... it seems to cover a vast amount of areas of knowledge and is very open to other understanding... I also feel like buddism seems as simple as just a way of life that is good to follow cause alot of it's teachings make sense on a practical level and are relatable. I personally am not a buddist but alot of the teaching i try to advocate cause their very deep in their understanding ....
The Dalai Lama speech was beautifully stunned me. This is obviously not a mainstream understanding about life, death, and world. This teaching is against the mainstream ideas. And I think I love it and i'll learn much more about Buddhism. Thanks Dalai Lama.
The Dalai Lama is wise in saying that there should be different areas of Buddhism teachings and understandings so there is less confusion and more practicality in their teachings... they are opening up areas that they believe in.. .how many religions do you know do that. Where they open their minds to new things instead of sticking to "rules" from an old world view.... But he believes having the separate areas helps to give teachings some sanity.
Huh? It is my understanding that the "unity" HH was working on in the exiled Tibetan community would be accomplished by forming one religion, by integrating all of the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism. How is this respecting "different areas of teachings"?
Yeah that's correct and such a great thing, But he mentioned how important it is to recognise that there needs to be separate teachings within buddhism.
You say u disagree on that particular thing . But what his holiness meant was none of the religion should try to convert others into your own faith . You should respect all others faith
You do realize that buddhism isn't necessarily a religion but is closer to a philosophy, right? There are many powerful and practical perspectives that buddhism offers. And I can see, based on your attitude, you could benefit from learning some of them. Try to curtail your anger and start trying to practice compassion. Not for the benefit of others, but for the benefit of yourself. Happiness begins within.
As far as keeping one's own religion is concerned. I think what HHDL is trying to express is that, for a Buddhist, and Buddhism being a science of the mind and attaining inner peace, we realize that realizations, like all things, build on themselves. To throw away a lifetime of a certain way of thinking will almost certainly court chaos in the mind. Obviously there are exceptions to every rule, but I think he was approaching it as "do not needlessly cultivate chaos in the mind."
I identify myself as an atheist. One without religion, one without faith. I'm a man of science and reason, yet I take in and cherish the teachings of Buddha an Jesus. They make me want to strive to be a better person and find peace and happiness. I see that as the ultimate goal for myself in my life, to be happy and a good person, for myself and to others. I don't hold a single religious belief, and I strongly believe religion, no matter what dogma is bad and impedes progress of humanity.
The fun thing about religious people is that they nearly never change their religion and they are still eager to have a talk with other religions. Anyway Buddihsm is better for a religious ceremony, and keeping talks about peace and hope alive.
I was praying after a friend died, most miserable imploring prayer of my life and found a cross in my hand immedietely at the end of the prayer, I don't care if anyone here believes me, it was the most beautiful uplifting experience I have ever had and noone can tell me I believe in Jesus because I "don't know any better"...nice try tough and take care. I love the Dalai Lama, and wishes and blessings to all those spiritually hungry and seeking. Blessed be.
I don't mean to be pretentious but just to clarify it, if I may, Sunyata is not what is written up there. Buddhists say that if we examine and analyze the world we'll see that: All phenomena are composed of other phenomena(causes and conditions) and thus all phenomena are conditioned/interdependent. All conditioned phenomena are impermanent thus all phenomena are in flux/ceaseless change. So nothing has a solid, independent, durable, unchanging essence or identity; they're empty(sunya).
I'm a Jewish Buddhist with a great Tibetan meditation master and have lived for extended periods among Tibetans and in a number of monasteries. The Dalai Lama states that western psychology is like a child beside Buddhist psychology but apparently he is unfamiliar with Spinoza's psychology, Kabbalist psychology, Christian and Muslim mysticism and with the psychology of the Jewish Bible and its many commentaries. The Dalai Lama means that Buddhism has the psychology of Liberation whereas the West has not. Hence he infers that there have been far fewer mystics and sages among Western religions than among Hindus and Buddhists. However, it is not clear that this is the case. Has he studied the Jewish, Christian and Islamic mystical traditions sufficiently to draw such a conclusion? Has he counted the number of Christian Saints, Jewish Prophets and Zaddikim and Muslim mystics throughout time and compared the number of enlightened Tibetan Buddhists? Definitely not. I heard him speak at length at the Kagyu Monlam in Bodh Gaya on just this subject some years ago at the Kalacakra Empowerment, and it was clear that he has only a second or third hand superficial knowledge of Western religious traditions, history and literatures. Philosophically he seems to believe that dependent origination is a Hindu-Buddhist concept lacking in Western civilization, but such a view is patently false. Dependent origination is much better expounded in Spinoza's philosophy than in Hindu-Buddhist philosophy and the concept is implicit in the Jewish Bible and since Greek philosophy. I would however agree that Tibetan Buddhism has a superior meditation tradition. India is the mother of Tibetan Buddhist meditation teachings but the fact that Hinduism-Buddhism falls short in human rights casts a dark shadow over its meditation psychology .
Einstein on Buddhism:
“Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: It transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural and spiritual; and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity.
“If there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism.
This is a very good quote from a great scientific mind.
My profet name is Pytagoras ⭐
“My teaching is not a philosophy; it is the result of my own direct experience.
My teaching is a means of practice, not something to hold onto or to be worshiped.
My teaching is like a raft used to cross a river, only a fool would continue to
carry the raft around after already reaching the other shore of liberation.” ~ The Buddha
I'm an atheist but if there's one religion I respect it's Buddhism. I don't see Buddhists killing in the name of their God. I also don't see them asking people to donate while they practice religion in a place with gold ceilings and marble floors. They're modest, honest, logical and most importantly, peaceful. Much respect.
Yes, Buddhism is a peaceful religion. It did evolve from Sanatana Dharma which encourages everyone to question everything, even the existence of God or whatever they call it..
Jainism is also peaceful. It doesn't even support the killing of insects, the eating of meat, or self-defence.
there have been a few quite un-Buddhist cases of Buddhists killing Muslims
Jacob Hallam True, Digambar Jains are very strict in their practices, Shwetambars are a little mellowed down.
Idk about the second comment though.. I've never heard of Buddhist killings..
One of the groups: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bodu_Bala_Sena
Report on the violence: edition.cnn.com/2014/06/19/world/asia/sri-lanka-muslim-aluthgama/
The Dalai Lama condemning it: edition.cnn.com/2014/07/07/world/asia/dalai-lama-muslim-violence/
He is saying people should keep their own religion, because they are not supposed to sell Buddhism; people must desire to seek it out on their own. This is the true path to Buddhism.
But he says that a Christian monk just asked him about Emptiness and he said it was not his business. There's a difference between not wanting to proselytise and being exclusive. The trouble is he mistakes his religion and all its absurd paraphernalia for true Buddhist philosophy and practice. Yeah, keep your prayer wheels and lamas to yourself but you have a duty to explain to people the nature of reality when they sincerely ask you.
Al Jack
Well the question is more complicated what you think. To give an explanation about Emptiness is to go against christian's belief. The explanation will resolve nothing but only bring debate and opposition. His answer is an invitation to the christian to reflect about his own question and about their implications ( it's not your business means it does not correspond to your faith). I think it's the good answer from the Dalai Lama.
zoot soot I feel that the way he was asked solicited his response, but that might not have been conveyed clearly.
Andy Almeida that's the most beautifully religious thing I ever did hear, now if other religions were like this we would have world peace, Muslims seem to catch and chain you to them even if you don't wish to believe their teachings. you said the most beautiful thing. same life on repeat though I remember you posting this comment last life, we just live the same life over and over again. promise
zoot soot his mental conformity would not have allowed him to gain the wisdom of emptiness or voidness but just create contradiction with his faith.
Imagine if the whole world was Buddhist.. we wouldn't need heaven in the skies because heaven would be on earth
Michele Fio what an amazing imagination dude.
Timothy law were u in receiving end of world war2
@Siyovaxsh En-sipad-zid-ana Exactly. Jesus is a man, and he shat, ate, and drank like a real man. Jesus is a Buddha technically, but he is not a Buddhist follower, that's the point. Jesus taught us to love God with all our heart, with all our mind, and with all our soul, and to love one another as he loved us. Heaven is in the sky as well as on earth. Do you love God ? Do you understand what love is ? May the love and the peace of Jesus be with us.
"Jesus is a Buddhist monk" Search on u tube there's a BBC documentary
"If you are not clear about any fact of my teaching, O friends, you have the full right to doubt it until you reach a justifiable open clarification"
- Gautama the Buddha (Vimansaka sutra, Majjhima Nikaya)
+Mugunumulle Chandima +Aoi Blackbird Exactly. Jesus did that 500 years after Buddha and Jesus taught us to love God with all our heart, with all our mind, and with all our soul, and to love one another as he loved us. He also said that ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, and knock and the doors will be opened to you. Jesus is an all action dude, don't just sit around and meditate selfishly. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. May the love and the peace of Jesus be with us.
I had never given much thought to Buddhism or the Dalai Lama, but now I have great respect for this man, and I believe Buddhism is my favorite religion. Einstein was right on that one. :)
Endless big bangs commits the fallacy of infinite regress. Tenzin may be enlightened in many respects and areas, but his logic needs a little more work.
He's not a scientist, but his views are surprisingly tolerant and far reaching for a religious leader.
Prince Istalri that's great, I'm all for tolerance. But when it comes to truth, as in how existence came to be, while we can argue over what is possible and what might have been, we can know for sure what definitely is not true. That the universe came from endless big bangs is absolutely not true. And of you listen to Tenzin, he is saying Buddhism requires endless big bangs. So Buddhism requires something that cannot be true, to be true. I'm just not into that kind of reasoning. There's an ignorance about it that just rubs me the wrong way.
Hey how did your debate go?
You have a point. I never claimed that Buddhism is factually accurate, however, only that its' tenants are far more progressive than those of the other major religions, a relative rarity I admire.
Pretty well. I wouldn't say either of us "won"'; while he was more well versed in bio-chemistry than I, my knowledge regarding the history of the Bible and the development of evolutionary theory was, ironically, a bit more solid.
John Doe
"We will never know how lighting works, so let's just live."
"We will never know how the sun works, so let's just live."
"We will never know how gravity works, so let's just live."
"We will never know how the seasons work, so let's just live."
"this truth isn't about, hear and believe, but come and see" Gautama buddha
i'm an atheist, but if i had to choose a religion it would be Buddhism, it is so peaceful, treat others as you want to be treated even if they believe in other things then you. accept what science tells us (as long as it is proven) , and above all, question everything. it's like they are the exact opposite of the Islam and Christianity which i love :)
lordeppiothe1 But Buddhism isn't a religion.
what is it then?
Hi I recently watched some videos about a Vietnamese monk giving Buddhist lectures to a group of grown ups . It is a course for people who want to know more about Buddhism and the different branches. If u want ,I can give u the link.
+mustang18530 it can be, if too much money is involved for the wrong reasons, depends how you see it
+Noah Edelson there are 84000 types of buddhism, zen and tibetan are just some of the ones westerners have heard of
The teaching about Buddhism by Dalailama is very simple and perfact and finally fruitful in the life hence just follow Buddhism and see within one months time
The Dalai Lama is a wonderful man and role model for humanity in general. The fact that Buddhism does not hold back scientific advancement but actually embraces it is wonderful. Now if only the whole world would understand it's message of non-violence and interconnectivity with one another, maybe we could start to make it a better place.
+M rayache Burmese conflict is an ethnic struggle which has no any connection with Buddhism. Slavery is completely rejected in Buddhism. Read Sigalowada sutra of Deegha Nikaya.
+r.c. Vivek well hinduism predates it by about 4000 years doesnt it?or am i mistaken.
+andrew You might right. But Vivek was talking about 'Honest Religions' :)
Bernard Solomon
fair point i suppose.
I don't think so.
I am interested in Buddism, Buddhist are so peaceful. I never seen a Buddhist angry! Just looking at the comments from Christians is sickening! I think I will explore this more.
All Buddhists are not necessary peaceful. _ists are human. Buddhism is peaceful, but mundane buddhists, it depends on individual.
you havent meet those who are naughty yet, hahaha.
Thank you for uploading the video however the one who uploaded the video shouldn't be putting other religions down by typing "Christians listening?". We are not competing with any religion, His holiness believe in religious harmony and so do we. People are in different religion according to their mental disposition and all religion teaches love.
Tsering Lhamo in just harmony not religious harmony that's the thing...
Tse Angel you should see how many innocent civilians being killed by fucking America since world war 2.
+Tse Angel Holiness ??? WTF is that ? Jesus, Einstein, and I believed in God. We do not believe in or follow any religion. God is not a religion, and neither is Jesus, Einstein, or I. The Dalai Lama, like the Catholic Pope, is a fake. Buddha, like Jesus, is a man, the enlightened one, not a religion. May the love and the peace of Jesus be with us.
I agree with you. The explanatory text added is helpful but the comments are sometimes on the edge of the cliff. They are understandable and quite mild. His holiness has spoken of other religions as being like medicine for individuals. The teachings given to the King of Shambhalla might be like this. Why is the Kalachakra tantra given for World Peace?
Buddhism is not just a religion, its a reality of our life and life after death,
Buddhism is the truth of all truth and the science of all science. Nothing exist supreme to what Buddha has discovered. Buddhism is not based on believes rather truth. It paves the path to find the truth by person itself by the means of attaining levels of knowledge from perfected mind not just an arguments based on the beliefs of an individual with unperfected mind.
In my opinion , Buddhism is clever logical religion came out of from a human life researcher called Siddhartha Gautam. They have their own school of thoughts which enable them to create their own World View successfully which sometime collides with the science cosmology, neuro, quantum, psychology - and cause and effect etc. They have answers to every questions a human mind can think and ask because its already done by Buddha. Even the question of existence of UFO or alien are already answered by their text/script. Question such as why human suffers, pain, birth and death these fundamental questions to which is also a reality is already asked by Buddha and found answer to it and gave solution (buddha teaching) to it as well. Although some people view that Buddhism arrived from the core concept of Sanathan dharma- Buddhism has no so called "God" concept creator or something. However, in near future any thing happens which breaks the "God" belief system only surviving religion will be Buddhism, cause it might know in near future it will happen. If any other religion which has one "God" or creationist view it might crumbles down one day when when an alien knocks their door. Buddhist are fascinated about what human mind can do!
+Keta keti I'm a Tibetan Buddhist, and you sir are very correct
I'm not a Buddhist but I respect it because it's more of a philosophy than religion. It requires you to find your own way instead of following blindly a God that does nothing but sit on his ass all day while the world falls apart. It's better to at least try and change the world then to just wait and do nothing worshiping somebody that is supposedly gonna save you from hell even though there is no proof of such a place. The bible isn't proof it's been changed over time I'm pretty sure their were things they took out of scriptures and all in all to many contradictions for it to be accurate
Do not be angry my son.. God already lives within us he believes in us already that we can make it on are own, without him coming to rule over us and save us from evil and judgment. Instead let me say that my enlightens should enlighten you.
+Harsha Perera I would but I can't tell u that on TH-cam.. Nor on any forum. Some things can be told online. Buddhism is the way of your inner spirit and all religions complement something within.. Some may contradict in ways but there are many thing in each religion that complement in some ways.. But again I can't give details of something like that online..what I can say is until all humanity stops being proud of everything they will see what the true meaning of each religion combine into one within will unleash in you.. Now I don't mean say combine all in a book want im saying is combined them all within.. Kid you understand what I'm saying you'll figure it out..
+Indigo Aura well said you took the words right out of my mouth, I recently started researching Buddhism because the other world religions don't really focus on self improvement and self harmony, all other religions just say follow this and believe in this or your going to hell ummm...? so I'm thinking of converting to Buddhism but there is so much more research for me to do before doing so, BTW for anyone who cares and who is reading this I am currently a catholic, but I went through hard times in life and turning to my religion never helped me but I feel with Buddhism maybe there can be some sort of self harmony and spiritual revision that may occur, I need the wisdom of the Buddha.
+Harsha Perera i know is practical I have never gone to church or any other things related to religion.. I'm an observer in life.. The philosophical idea grows within naturally of the things you see.. I have the same feelings of Buddha and yet I'm not one
Anna Nguyễn Thanks for your feedback and response to my comment I will take into account everything you have said, but I have already talked to my family about the matter a few days after typing that comment and also my best friend is researching Buddhism as well and wants to convert to Buddhism, so I feel that me and him can make the journey to enlightenment together.
Buddhism is a philosophy , that's what I love about it ,no bullshit, it requires you to find your own answer rather than follow blindly, ( I m both Buddhist And Atheist)
All religions of the world can learn a lot from this guy because he sets a great example.
Theistic religions= Bending the facts to fit the faith
Buddhism= Bending the faith to fit the facts!
Kalana Herath Buddhism and science are two different fields all together science is materialistic Buddhism is just the opposite. Science a tool use to study nature Buddhism to study your mind!! Buddhism has never bend to the facts just quite the opposite talk about things you understand not some thing you don't and this is no exception to Dalai lama..
+Kalana Herath facts is what you can prove scientifically, Buddhism is a greater framework and understanding of the universe, why things happen, why does bad things happen to you, how does good things happen to you, what consequences of your actions can cause to others and yourself and so forth.
for example if you steal some money and nobody found out, eventually you'll lose that money in one shape or form to compensate for the victims suffering because of it, as it does not belong to you.
+Kalana Herath Looks like you're bending facts to fit your narrative. Did you base this comment on a massive wealth of knowledge on buddhism and other religions, or did you just base it on this 26 min video?
just because there is 84,000 variations of buddhism doesn't mean they bend the faith? faith isn't a scientific term we use in Buddhism, we use the word confidence, you can't bend faith, it's a untouchable notion, its like saying "lets bend gravity"
we don't fit the facts, the facts fit buddhism, that's how it is.
nicely put!!! very true!!! idiots can't grasp it so they blame the obvious..
Regarding Buddhist cosmology: This system of viewing the universe is quite different from the one presented by current scientific theory, and contains much that would be difficult to accept if interpreted too literally or concretely. However, if we bear in mind a purpose of this cosmology, namely that it allows us to see the entire universe as an offering to the enlightened ones the initial strangeness of this system soon disappears. Buddha taught that there are countless world systems in our universe. At the center of our world system is Mount Meru. Buddhism is the practice of Buddha's teachings. Would it be possible to be Buddhist and not believe in Mount Meru? The point of Buddhism is to leave samsara. It's not to grasp at this world being truly existent.
Scientists don't even know how big the universe/space truely is, how can they find the centre of it? Let alone finding the centre of world systems.
I am Hindu and I am also a Buddhist in my own belief system and I don't need any recognition or a tag which will identity me and limit me and my existence. I am proud that Buddha came to my land to understand human's and their perception and emotion, The result of such a influence is such that people in my Land are known for knowledge.
Catholic here, we don't all hate the Buddha ):
Some Christians here have obviously taken their bigotry from their families and surrounding communities, and not from Jesus. He Himself had to rebuke His followers for being closed minded.
"Teacher, we saw a man casting out demons in your name, and we forbade him, because he does not follow us. But Jesus said to him, do not forbid him, for he that is not against us is with us." - Luke 9:49
"You know that God is righteous - therefore you must recognise that everyone who leads a righteous life has been born of God." - 1 John 2:29
My guess is that centuries of cultural seclusion has not done Christianity any favors
i love how In the begining hes saying science and spiritually as it evolved differently but has in doing so equally strengthend each understanding. In the west as the splitting of the atom and amassing energy developing this hyperspace communication we are chatting on that sort of thing. In the east is was less worried with controlling power to gain from it. They would study the way water moves over rocks in a stream locate energy centers from within as in chakra's and let the energy flow you as easy as the stream of water and then you have all the power you want. So you see the more complex the pattern gets there is a sudden epiphany of altruism that each has helped point out even more complex and a deeper truths in the two.
That's a true classic Buddhists attitude look at it from neither of the two sides but a third and all completely indifferent one.
piles joursh
Yes but not a third one. Why? If Buddhism doesn't stand on the first, and the second, why does it stand on the third. I understand your meaning, but with budhism, there is no otherness. You and me are not others and at the same time not one.
all completely indifferent one
Background music is totally unnecessary and distracting!
When Siddhartha realized that he cannot stay alive without food and the acceptance of reality of truth and of ageing gave him true enlightenment and made him a strong believer in the natural process where he incorporated teaching's which would help his followers to develop a skill set which will Evolve us to become more humanly and keep constantly changing. These word's which i have written is my understanding toward's the feeling's Buddha experienced.
i like how the Dalai Lama cares about people and has good political sense enough to be able to spread peace
Your Excellency Dalai Lama:
Please accept my wholehearted grateful thanks for your sharing wisdom experience and knowledge which enrich my life: Live, Learn, Love to be self-care and Care for the Others Worldwide in the duration of globalization for peace through mutual understanding, caring, and sharing.
Duc Viet Nguyen, Ph.D.
Independent Research for Health.
+lebotonton What a fake !!! May the love and the peace of Jesus be with us.
sorry I met to say is Buddhism is a philosophy and a way of life not a religion
Buddhism seems to be a religion without god but the Dalai Lama is god to Tibetans. Tibetan Buddhism has countless deities worshipped as god.
TorahRealm Very true. Worshiping is far away from the ideas of Buddha. Actually Dalai said it in the speech but he is not concern about people worshiping.
religion comes from the word religio which means to reconnect. so buddhist dont aim to reconnect with god, they seek to reconnect with their buddha nature. from this point of view buddhism is a religion.
I am a Hindhu, But I always loved Buddhism, because it is so intense & real & straightforward & uncomplicated.
I have read 4 noble truths & 8 noble paths many times so far & conceptually i have understood it, but wanted a tool to practice.
I mostly play games in my iPhone & I searched for Buddha related apps & I saw one interesting app called "BuDhamma" by Lokesh Hanumappa. This app helps you practice 8 noble path in a cool way with reminders, reports, tests & graphic rich practice summary.
1)In the universe, there are matter, antimatter. In the universe there are the one and its opposite. Empty/no-empty space/no space néant/non-néant etc....
2)Every matter has its own property and its own physical law and inter-react.
Their interaction engenders energy and/or transformation
Nothing is created, nothing disappears everything is transformed said LAVOISIER.
It is easy for Buddhism to be adjustable as it doesn't have a deity or superior source which gives the precepts and tells us what, where, and when. Buddhism originates from man and therefore man will amend it's teachings.
All we receive from Judeo-Christian teaching comes from God in the Bible.
There is no correcting the Bible. When Science corrects itself, it then matches the Bible. Case in point: Scientists at Cornell University recently concluded in a study of origin of life that clay has the environment where life could have started. So, science is coming around after 200 years of Victorian Theory of Evolution.
Always keeping in mind that the bible was written by man and that god is a figment of his imagination...
It's exactly because buddhism have no superior source that it is so easy to accept into your life and heart. It demands no faith. It's more like a peaceful way of life than a religion. A peaceful way of life that holds compassion and logic.
olmen375 Atheists, Christians, Hindus, etc., have no compassion??
God realm: the gods lead long and enjoyable lives full of pleasure and abundance, but they spend their lives pursuing meaningless distractions and never think to practice the dharma. When death comes to them, they are completely unprepared; without realizing it, they have completely exhausted their good karma (which was the cause for being reborn in the god realm) and they suffer through being reborn in the lower realms.
Demi-god realm: the demi-gods have pleasure and abundance almost as much as the gods, but they spend their time fighting among themselves or making war on the gods. When they make war on the gods, they always lose, since the gods are much more powerful. The demi-gods suffer from constant fighting and jealousy, and from being killed and wounded in their wars with each other and with the gods.
Human realm: humans suffer from hunger, thirst, heat, cold, separation from friends, being attacked by enemies, not getting what they want, and getting what they don't want. They also suffer from the general sufferings of birth, old age, sickness and death. Yet the human realm is considered to be the most suitable realm for practicing the dharma, because humans are not completely distracted by pleasure (like the gods or demi-gods) or by pain and suffering (like the beings in the lower realms).
Animal realm: wild animals suffer from being attacked and eaten by other animals; they generally lead lives of constant fear. Domestic animals suffer from being exploited by humans; for example, they are slaughtered for food, overworked, abused, and so on.
Hungry ghost realm: hungry ghosts suffer from extreme hunger and thirst. They wander constantly in search of food and drink, only to be miserably frustrated any time they come close to actually getting what they want. For example, they see a stream of pure, clear water in the distance, but by the time they get there the stream has dried up. Hungry ghosts have huge bellies and long thin necks. On the rare occasions that they do manage to find something to eat or drink, the food or water burns their neck as it goes down to their belly, causing them intense agony.
Hell realm: hell beings endure unimaginable suffering for eons of time. There are actually eighteen different types of hells, each inflicting a different kind of torment. In the hot hells, beings suffer from unbearable heat and continual torments of various kinds. In the cold hells, beings suffer from unbearable cold and other torments.
olmen375 Buddhism is officially non-theistic religion, like Scientology, New Age, etc..
Scientology, New Age, atheism, Buddhism etc. do not believe in God
olmen375 According to the Bible itself it was inspired by God... Himself. The Bible offers fulfilled prophesy as evidence of its truthfulness. God tells the "ends from the beginning." 80% of the Bible is about the Jews and they are the only nation/people that have been reconstituted as a country after 2,000 years of dispersion (Diaspora) and occasional annihilation attempts, just as written in the Bible 2,500 years before it happened.
You may achieve peace in your life on your own, but can you achieve "rest" in the next life?
Given the evidence I chose the Bible, hands down, many times over.
your bible(s) has been written by many different authors, i would suggest you challenge yourself by practice MEDITATION when your mind is STILL and peaceful the wisdom and freedom is there. You definitely get THE REAL ANSWER. Your mind is a MAP and a real bible more than the bible you've got in your hand.
Einstein was a Pantheist.
A Theist of Pants!
Your Jeans are the false god! Pants is the one true god! *goes to war!*
Silkfox Pan- as in everything Theos- as God, Pan-theist, not pants-the-is , BTW, I like jeans too!
John Doe the thing is jeans are pants, like humans are mammals.
Pantheist Alexander Shut your mouth! HEATHEN! Witch, Pant worshiper! *starts a fire* Burn the pant worshiper!
What you fail to realize is that Jesus may have been in Tibet studying Buddhism and he brought it back to try to teach us. The Buddha had a long life to properly teach everyone, while in the case of Jesus, he only had a short time to try convey many of the same messages. We rebeled & tried to kill him. Thirty years later we tried to reassemble his teaching without the teacher to guide us, like putting togeter a jigsaw puzzle without the picture on the box. Only blindly following religion is bad
"One sanskrit Buddhist sort of teaching mentioned, Buddha stated: 'All my followers should not accept my teaching out of devotion [or] out of faith; but rather [through] thorough investigation and experiment[ation]'."
That makes Buddhism the most honest religion, that the Buddha himself said not to take his word for it; he was admitting that he might be wrong. What other riligion can say that about it's creator?
it is not a religion
+gonzalo huelmo depends how you see it, you can practise it as a philosophy if you choose to
Dude you have no prove to say that
I've been a devout buddhist for 9 months now, and I got other fellow buddhists that goes to the same temple as me who's been there for 10 years+ that says otherwise
most westerners view buddhism as a philosophy and way of life, hardly any of them view it as a religion even if that's what it is and how most asian people view it as.
yes it is.
this music is really annoying
IKR! I keep wanting to find the volume button and turn it off,. lol. So distracting :(
Terrible title for this talk... It's unnecessarily controversial. buddhism is not for everyone and this is said by HH Dalai Lama all the time. The moment any of us buddhists is slightly regarding ourselves as "better" we have lost all our view and the whole purpose of buddhism gets corrupted, transforming it into a selfcentered idiotic philosophy... Which is exactly why many religions have failed to make us a better society
Gracias Kyokito, lo voy a ver con calmita este fin y te consulto mis dudas...jjj, eres mi asesora espiritual preferida!!! :3 ]
I agree the title is unnecessary and the 'still listening Christians' If those two were not there I would like to share the video on my facebook page but I don't feel I can at the moment. Apart from that I am very glad this video is posted.
YourBrainOnReligion: @ 13:35, you put up the text: "______ is for Buddhists (No idea what that word is!)". What he says there is "third thing", which refers back to 12:45 and the 3 areas: science, psychology and religion, the 3rd thing being "Buddhist religion".
Buddhist understanding of devas (deities) is not the same as the western one. Buddhist devas feel, suffer and eventuelly die as well as humans; they only live longer and are more powerful than humans. Humans can become devas in the next life, when they accumulate enough merit, and devas can become demons when they get evil in mind. The goal of buddhist is not to warship devas or buddhas, but to free yourself from suffering and to awake i.e to achieve buddhahood through the 8-fold path.
thank you so much, wonderful discourse I love the Dalai Lama and am so grateful for having access to his teachings
Many Blessings to you
Dear YourBrainOnReligion :), I would like to say, thank you, to you, for taking the time, effort and energy to both upload and share this video with the youtube family. Thank you!
He said that he doesn't believe in Mount Meru but that is not correct. Mount Meru doesn't represent the physical universe where all of us live it is represent the spiritual universe where beings like gods demi-gods and asuras etc live. Mount Meru is an universe within the mind realms. WHY DO I HAVE TO EXPLAIN THIS, I DON"T KNOW!
Святая Русь what is the use of mind meru to bring happiness and peace to the world and sentient beings.
Thanks for posting. I really respected your additional comments!
Respected Dalai Lama ji says from time to time that "India is the Guru of Tibet, So Much was brought to Tibet, including religion, it's traditions, language, culture, medicine and health-care. All these and so much more were brought to Tibet through the Kindness of Indian teachers. India is the land of Aryans or Arya Bhumi, anything comes from India is very sacred very respectful for us. Eastern-Asian Buddism and Indian Hinduism are very closely related also Traditional Indian Physiology is much advance. So,therefore I describe, or When I meet an Indian, I always say, Your are traditionally our Guru, We are Chela (disciples), You Indian Our Guru. Then also I mention that we Tibetan's are not only Indian Guru's Chela, but also quit reliable chela, That means in Guru's own land of Dharma, lots of ups and downs, during this period, We your chela through centuries, we kept your knowledge intact, so we are quit a reliable chela (disciples), So our relationship (Indian & Tibet) is something very unique Guru & Chela."
Shocking truth you are not from Tibet and don't misquote dalai lama here what he thinks about India because Buddha was from India in that perspective he said India as guru not as you trying to misguide people by the name of Hinduism and Buddhism.
Could anyone else listen to this man all day?
After a couple of minutes of watching this video I already like this man. He is a truly open minded person, not a blind believer.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a BEAUTIFUL being! I loved watching this! Namaste, and thank you for posting! :D
Btw, I agree with on the whole "better to stick to your own religion" thing. I think it's better to find the path that works best for you rather than force yourself to remain in one you were born into or simply choose a faith based on what others around you believe.
This is beautiful.
Buddhism is one of the finest things I have seen emerge philosophically and religiously from primitive eras. It's sophisticated, it's clean, it's vibrant, it's sleek, and it's simple. It's like the Linux of philosophy, and the Holy Grail of religion (though I'd hesitate to call it a religion).
Really makes me wonder why it's looked down on by good people..
13:45 I believe he says "third thing" is for buddhists meaning the three divisions are buddhist philosophy and buddhist science which are universal and are for everyone and the third thing is buddhist religion which is for buddhists.
Good morning My name is Gracia I am Christian Catholic but I love listening to Delaye Lama he is tolerant man open minded peaceful I appreciate his loving heart towards religions his visit to Holiness Jhon Paul Second before his death he sent a supreme person from his side to Pope Francis & he visited Mother Theresa’s house in India is it so hard to make peace reunion between Religions respecting differences appreciating similarities thank you very much
Around the 13th minute mark the caption is asking "___ is for Buddhism". "religion" goes in that blank. He is making three categories: religion, philosophy and science.
A Great Man ,thankyou for the vid
Third thing mentioned by HH here is Buddhist rituals and culture like Tibetan Buddhist, Chinese tradition, zen tradition, Nicherian traditions which vary in their culture and way of practice.
What a lovely man.
I think he says 'the third thing is just for buddhist' where you left a blank underlined space (in reference to buddhist religion as part of the three subjects (buddhist science, philosophy and religion)).
I am an atheist but lots of my philosophy and spirituality is based on buddihsm, i also believe everything Buddha said, but just like Dalai Lama i belive in science and dont interpretate the myths literally.
Im pretty sure atheism is defined by lack of belief in deities, but my life and visions are based on this specific theology. There seem to be no real requirement to call yourself a buddhist except for realizeing buddhas wisdom, unlike christianity, where you have to belive in jesus resurection to even considering yourself a christian. So basiclly i can refer myself as a buddhist whenever it feels appropriate....?
There is no truth or false unless you yourself find out... Buddha said, don't just believe him but experience or experiment yourself.. If you find out the answer and agree whatever Buddha has taught, then you can follow the particular things,, if not then ignore it.. His holiness only wants to teach about compassion to make it better world... Look at your self everywhere there is war for power and economy..... where is humanity, love, compassion... every religion plays an important role (no matter what you guys think about Buddhism as religion or not) and everyone should learn from it and spread the words of all the merits things and bring harmony. Long live H.H the 14th Dalai Lama.
The fact that the Buddha during&shortly after his transition into nirvana was able, in his 45 years of teaching, to free thousands of souls from incarnating into this dimension of reality, speaks volumes about the level of spirituality in the beings around him in those days.But also the level of spiritual energy present during that cycle,YUGA that permeated the earth,s energy FIELD at that time in its history.
We will be at that same energy dynamic in about 1,000 YEARS.There will be no doubt ANOTHER bodhisattva incarnating to continue the process of liberating souls from this dimension.
So start meditating NOW.
At 15:15 Sunyata -- I get where he is coming from with that because we as westerns don't have a great idea of the no-thing. When I studied it in my teens and early 20s, I confused it with nihilism which was a mistake. It wasn't until I got older that I "grasped" the "concept" of "it." A lot of Japanese Zen writers didn't help me with their commentaries at the time. If I were a Buddhist teacher, I would teach it but with the caveat without finding fault that my western students would probably misunderstand it. Besides Sunyata isn't for everyone. In the west, we generally like noise.
Million ways of meditation eg. sound, knock, walking, corpse (asupa), crystal ball at base 7-centre of body, visualise, sunyata etc. To teach student i recommend you use all methods. To make kids have fun and happy and they are good meditator. For Crystal ball i reckon they imagine "egg or the cross or apple or nothing" because it is just technique to control the mind. In fact you really need the good master monk to explain to you about "Sunyata or Sunya" which means emtiness. This is another way of meditations which used by Buddhas. "think nothing" "still/stop" "no self" so when i do meditate i have to think like am alone on earth and close my eyes and smile a bit with good posture when the mind STILL is like the bird feather i feel the huge energy go through my nose and body. I feel light. Mind is the light/power with no limited/light-year therefore the death is referred to "raw body or form" which is disposed back to the nature but the mind stay as it. Human mainly look after the BODY rather than the MIND therefore when we are talking about the mind they get confuse because it is abstract part.
W Wan Peaceful Have a co-work who does 100 mile extreme running contests. He doesn't expect to win because he is not young enough, however, he tells me gets to the place where there is very little in his mind. It is mostly about the running and very little thinking. It gives him great awareness. He just is. I was in a convention and among the thousands of people I found myself standing there without thought seeing everything without interpretation or thought. I just watched "blankly" at all that "is". There was no noise in my head. There was no sense of body. There is no-thing. I don't know how to teach it. It is peaceful.
eottoe2001 "Blankly" when your mind is "STILL or KNOWING the mind is light bright intelligent wisdom and freedom from FORM or atta (Pali/monk language) and No "I/you/no thought". That is the nature of mind when it get purify, the power of mind is UNLIMITED. The more we practise the more we know the noble truth or the law of nature. The PERMANENT HAPPINESS IS ALWAYS THERE AND THE REAL ANSWER WITHIN YOU NO ONE CAN DRAW OR CONFESS FROM IT. You're with your own pure mind at that moment and you are a HERO. You can keep practising your INNER peace every breath and you will be safe life before or after death
W Wan Peaceful Thank you, kalyana-mitta.
When Maharaja says that, "It is good for one to keep his/her own religion", myself being a Canadian-born South Asian of 35 years of age, I understand his Eastern philosophical sentiment in that statement. You see, in religions like Jainism, Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, etc., there is an ingrained fundamental cross-cultural understanding that everything & anything is all a unifying Oneness. And so the theorem is that we (Jains, Buddhists, Hindus, etc.) do not believe in conversionism for others to join our faith(s) as a necessity for their ultimate "salvation" (however one would choose to define that term). The underlying belief of all of our faiths (Confucianism, Sikhism, Shinto, etc.) is that so long as one practises compassion, understanding, tolerance, forbearance, kindness, and maintains harmony with others through mutual respect, then it does not matter what Deity, or spiritual axioms, one chooses to adhere to as that State of Being, or Ultimate Reality, is Indivisible. That said, I think Maharaja might've missed the notion that a lot of non-Eastern aspirants may have undergone spiritual experiences, or unexplainable phenomenon, that can only be shed light on within a readily available Eastern philosophical context; since so much of the indigenous European, African, or pan-American traditions, which inhere this wisdom, has been usurped due to the onslaught of one form of Abrahamism or another. However, from the Eastern religious standpoint, even Christianity, Islam, and Judaism will bring one to the same Enlightened state (eventually) so long as compassion, kindness, forbearance, tolerance, etc., is being practised. And so that is why I believe Maharaja had stated, "It is good for one to keep their own religion". Namaste. _/|\_
"The mind must be compelled to submit to the dictates of the will. Now, you are easily led astray by the vagaries of the mind. That is why, I say, WATCH! W is for watch your Words; A is for watch your Actions; T is for watch your Thoughts; C is for watch your Character; H is for watch your Heart. If the watch reminds you every second of the need to watch these five, you can be quite happy."
~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
THANKS FOR POSTING THIS FOR US.. you are a truly dharma follower..
from srilanka..
may triple jems bless you !!
Re: 13:36 caption. He said, "Third thing is for Buddhist," meaning the religious aspect, Buddhism as a religion.
Very impressed by the humility of this incredible man , thank you for sharing this video.
"Third thing" is for Buddhist, referring to the religion part (to answer the Q that pops up @13:37)
And what about buddhist' testimony ?
Will you tell me ?
There r different levels of testimony I can say!
Holy fuck… This is frankly amazing.
I would never have imagined that I'd live to see a religious leader saying "We must not rely blindly on scripture, we must accept reality".
Buddhism is clearly not just another ego cult trying to avoid facing fear of death, like all other religions.
I respect all religions . They will take good people to heaven or nirvana . I am a Buddhist & I practice Theravada Meditation . I am in touch with it & I love peace .
To clarify, Buddhism is not Religion. People who are truly Buddhist undertand these
teachings are found within youself. Emotions and belief are what cause bias, and If you refine yourself through
practices of buddhist teachings/ meditation. Life makes more sense and
the sources of suffereing, based on things we have universally.
If you have emotions of insecurity due to a
material. Then your persecption is considered altered. With meditation
you learn to recognize such mental and emotional bias or illusion vs
reality. Simply illusion. So meditation is used to let go of the
emotions that cause us to be blind, yet since we still have our natural
drive(not desire) to live, we will work for it, yet fairly. Removing the
emotions that come from the ego, which cause blinding attachment and
illness of the mind(Suffering) is what Buddhis is about. We do this with
the understanding that once a pure state is reached our own peace helps
another in the everyday mindfulness of life around us.
Buddhism is the Science of all Religions. H H Dalai Lama is a Teacher and Guide not God. He is a human being. Buddhism is Honest and truly Scientific Religion
I don't know about scientific. why does science always have to come into it.
Rahul Barua I think dalam lama is lacking knowledge about origin of buddha because he was keep connecting buddha and India but actually buddha was born in nepal and origionally he was mongoloid origin (sakya sub branch of mongoloid Kirata race of nepal who used to rule whole trans-himalayan region since beginning of earth that time there was no such india but divided into 1000s of principality that is why portrait of buddha look like chinese.
You disagree with HHDL but never explain why, if you could then please
He says @ 13:37 "Third thing," it's actually pretty clear but caption says that it was not understood, he's say Buddhism, Buddhist Science, Buddhist philosophy, he's separating them. Say the last two are general and for everybody to study, understand and question, but not the third thing-Buddhism (as a religion) is for Buddhists.
Open your heart ,we are a community cause We all want to be well 🙏❤️🙏
I respect Buddism as well I feel as though it isn't focussed around being a religion trying to force others to believe a very narrow minded point of view about the world... it seems to cover a vast amount of areas of knowledge and is very open to other understanding... I also feel like buddism seems as simple as just a way of life that is good to follow cause alot of it's teachings make sense on a practical level and are relatable. I personally am not a buddist but alot of the teaching i try to advocate cause their very deep in their understanding ....
The Dalai Lama speech was beautifully stunned me. This is obviously not a mainstream understanding about life, death, and world. This teaching is against the mainstream ideas. And I think I love it and i'll learn much more about Buddhism. Thanks Dalai Lama.
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. - proverbs 14:12
The Dalai Lama is wise in saying that there should be different areas of Buddhism teachings and understandings so there is less confusion and more practicality in their teachings... they are opening up areas that they believe in.. .how many religions do you know do that. Where they open their minds to new things instead of sticking to "rules" from an old world view.... But he believes having the separate areas helps to give teachings some sanity.
Huh? It is my understanding that the "unity" HH was working on in the exiled Tibetan community would be accomplished by forming one religion, by integrating all of the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism. How is this respecting "different areas of teachings"?
Yeah that's correct and such a great thing, But he mentioned how important it is to recognise that there needs to be separate teachings within buddhism.
Nyima Tsering ....wake up
DonnyBear yes you gave we kept but in your own country destroyed nothing left. That's very sad today's India Buddhism population very few
You say u disagree on that particular thing . But what his holiness meant was none of the religion should try to convert others into your own faith . You should respect all others faith
You do realize that buddhism isn't necessarily a religion but is closer to a philosophy, right? There are many powerful and practical perspectives that buddhism offers. And I can see, based on your attitude, you could benefit from learning some of them. Try to curtail your anger and start trying to practice compassion. Not for the benefit of others, but for the benefit of yourself. Happiness begins within.
As far as keeping one's own religion is concerned. I think what HHDL is trying to express is that, for a Buddhist, and Buddhism being a science of the mind and attaining inner peace, we realize that realizations, like all things, build on themselves.
To throw away a lifetime of a certain way of thinking will almost certainly court chaos in the mind. Obviously there are exceptions to every rule, but I think he was approaching it as "do not needlessly cultivate chaos in the mind."
Buddhism is not a religion but a philosophy ,way of life and it is a science and it is to study about yourself .
I identify myself as an atheist. One without religion, one without faith. I'm a man of science and reason, yet I take in and cherish the teachings of Buddha an Jesus. They make me want to strive to be a better person and find peace and happiness. I see that as the ultimate goal for myself in my life, to be happy and a good person, for myself and to others. I don't hold a single religious belief, and I strongly believe religion, no matter what dogma is bad and impedes progress of humanity.
I hope i'm buddhist hahaha,-The Dalai lama. You are a lovely human being. Namaste
Thank You for this video :) Love to All.
The problem of course is that the Dalai Lama doesn't seem to understand the religions he is implicitly criticizing.
The fun thing about religious people is that they nearly never change their religion and they are still eager to have a talk with other religions. Anyway Buddihsm is better for a religious ceremony, and keeping talks about peace and hope alive.
Not 'blind faith', absolutely! Thanks to our Buddha!
He said 'Third thing is for Buddhist(s)' @ 13:38 ... in case it hasn't been mentioned (no, I willl not read 1255 comments to see :> )
music is annoying, still good video though
I was praying after a friend died, most miserable imploring prayer of my life and found a cross in my hand immedietely at the end of the prayer, I don't care if anyone here believes me, it was the most beautiful uplifting experience I have ever had and noone can tell me I believe in Jesus because I "don't know any better"...nice try tough and take care. I love the Dalai Lama, and wishes and blessings to all those spiritually hungry and seeking. Blessed be.
I don't mean to be pretentious but just to clarify it, if I may,
Sunyata is not what is written up there.
Buddhists say that if we examine and analyze the world we'll see that:
All phenomena are composed of other phenomena(causes and conditions)
and thus all phenomena are conditioned/interdependent.
All conditioned phenomena are impermanent
thus all phenomena are in flux/ceaseless change.
So nothing has a solid, independent, durable, unchanging essence or identity;
they're empty(sunya).
I'm a Jewish Buddhist with a great Tibetan meditation master and have lived for extended periods among Tibetans and in a number of monasteries. The Dalai Lama states that western psychology is like a child beside Buddhist psychology but apparently he is unfamiliar with Spinoza's psychology, Kabbalist psychology, Christian and Muslim mysticism and with the psychology of the Jewish Bible and its many commentaries. The Dalai Lama means that Buddhism has the psychology of Liberation whereas the West has not. Hence he infers that there have been far fewer mystics and sages among Western religions than among Hindus and Buddhists. However, it is not clear that this is the case. Has he studied the Jewish, Christian and Islamic mystical traditions sufficiently to draw such a conclusion? Has he counted the number of Christian Saints, Jewish Prophets and Zaddikim and Muslim mystics throughout time and compared the number of enlightened Tibetan Buddhists? Definitely not. I heard him speak at length at the Kagyu Monlam in Bodh Gaya on just this subject some years ago at the Kalacakra Empowerment, and it was clear that he has only a second or third hand superficial knowledge of Western religious traditions, history and literatures. Philosophically he seems to believe that dependent origination is a Hindu-Buddhist concept lacking in Western civilization, but such a view is patently false. Dependent origination is much better expounded in Spinoza's philosophy than in Hindu-Buddhist philosophy and the concept is implicit in the Jewish Bible and since Greek philosophy. I would however agree that Tibetan Buddhism has a superior meditation tradition. India is the mother of Tibetan Buddhist meditation teachings but the fact that Hinduism-Buddhism falls short in human rights casts a dark shadow over its meditation psychology .
Mater of fact and compassionate presentation. Salute Sir Dalai Lama.
he wasn't admitting he was wrong. He was telling you to experience life for yourself.