You need to pay for yourself for the day. Pay the assistance, Going to spend more than 12 hrs to edit video $300 is to little. I believe his work is with more. Camera equipment cost thousands and most important the knowledge and having good eyes to spots scenarios and poses.
Genial , love it 😍 next 2 weeks I’m gonna film a short video for a quinceañera (15th)
I’m so excited, last week a I did one but just pictures 😊😊
Any updates?
Perfect my friend, Beautiful video and photos.
Thanks Maykel
Thanks so much
Those dress's are soo pretty
Even though Im a boy i'd wear them everyday
Great Job Brother !! Loved it !!
Thanks Blayde.
Omg... epic shoot. Was it all in one day? If so, how did y'all stay energetic all day? Especially the young lady?
Thanks. Yes it was 8 hour photo shoot. You can see the images
@@RedStudiostv Wow! Awesome work on your website. Beautiful images. Thank you!
Do you do the photo shot the same day of the party? or beforehand?
Name of the song please cover
its a remix from The Weeknd - Starboy ft. Daft Punk
How much did you charged $ for this video, $300 is what I say for that short film
Hello Roberto, me puedes escribir a mi correo electrónico
You need to pay for yourself for the day.
Pay the assistance,
Going to spend more than 12 hrs to edit video
$300 is to little. I believe his work is with more.
Camera equipment cost thousands and most important the knowledge and having good eyes to spots scenarios and poses.