It’s submissive in the fact that the husband is the head of the household and a wife should respect the husband and follow him if he is doing Gods work. Not that a wife can get abused by a husband
That's the simple answer to the woman who wants to be equal, perhaps. For the man, the answer is submit yourself to the other, love your wife, give yourself up for her, love her as your own body and as love her as you love yourself. This is what Ephesians 5 say: The woman should aim to submit to her husband after the role model of the Church which submits to Christ, but the man, he should love his wife and give himself up for her as Christ loves the Church and gives himself up for her. So if you're in a mood to pile burdens on another, know that you are in the wrong. For you it should be as if piling burdens onto yourself. And if you do that to rid yourself of the burden, then you are not doing your own part.
This is poorly answered. Paul meant what he said. "Women shall not teach over men" and "wives submit to your husbands". Paul also told the husband's to "love your wife even as Chirst loved the Church, and gave himself for it." There shouldn't be any murkiness with your rebuttal to this woman's question because that is not what the Church nor Scriptures teach.
@@basharalassad6854 if a husband tells his wife to lie, cheat, or steal, or beat their kids to death, she is perfectly justified to say no, and rebuke him for it.
“Let women be subject to their husbands, as to the Lord: Because the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the church. He is the saviour of his body. Therefore as the church is subject to Christ, so also let the wives be to their husbands in all things.” (Eph 5:22-24). St Paul couldn’t be any clearer.
I notice that you ignored the passage immediately before that where it states: "Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ." If its so clear, if we add this passage in, what does he mean?
It seemed like she was giving her own opinion. I wanted to hear what the Church has taught on this. Remember, its harder to lay down your life than to submit. Men have the harder commandment.
The answers given in this video are really a cop-out and did not answer the question effectively. The scriptures are clear in the answer to the question so it is not alright for us to be giving unclear answers here.
Unlear answers... yep - that's "Catholic Answers" for you. Truth is our modern society doesn't want God's law in our lives and our women want to take the roles of men. Well, honey, you got that... now go tell your effeminate husbands to wipe the cheetoh dust off their fingers, put down the video game controllers and make you a ham sammich!
Not sure what Monica exactly meant.But in family life, hierarchical structure exist just like how st.paul compare Jesus and his church and how our holy saints who lead family life have showed us .Seems like she tried to divert from answering 'why catholic tradition is right' to saying 'people misinterpret it' without giving a sufficient answer Eventhough mutual commitment exist among couples, scriptures and traditions is quite clear on role of man and woman in family life.Homilies of St.John Chrisostom for an example
Actually in the ancient world when it came to authority men were above women despite the modernist point of view which conflicts with the historic. You see this several times in the Bible and even are warned that women shouldn't have authority over men. Than it comes to be debated that this only pertains to the Church but it doesn't it was in regards to everything in everyday life in the ancient world. This of course is difficult for people too accept today.
They are now so (sensitive) but we all know that woman should be submissive otherwise Paul wouldn't write such a thing but it's something which God himself wants us to do, he wants men to lead and he wants females to submit to their husbands, that's why he said the head of the female is the male, the head of the male is christ and the head of christ is God, He was saying basically to females stop leading men it's not what God wants he wants you to be submissive because he created them he knows what is good to them, but men should never be submissive because it kills your soul do you know what I'm saying he made us to be like that, God is great, and also Jesus Christ, God bless you.
In E5 the original Greek word is for a physical head. It doesn't imply authority. There are other words Paul could have used to imply authority and we know this because he used them elsewhere in scripture. But he didn't do that here. He's describing the unity of the two with a head body analogy.
In a world and time where gender is meaningless, we need to speak even more boldly that men and women are different, and thus husbands and wives have different roles. “Mutual submission” only validates the idea that men and women are interchangeable.
There you go, she totally dismisses how clearly the husband is the head. Typical. She will not humble herself. This was an absolutely shameful modernist response, something Eve would be proud of however.
What she's saying is completely consistent with Catholic teaching. 1: The father IS dutied with being the head of the household and 2: Obedience is only virtuous when it's for the common good. Catholics are not bound by blind obedience to anyone's beck and call, even when they're legitimate authority figures - father, the law, priests. For a man to lord authority over his wife and claim that she's religiously obliged to every word out of his mouth, is not "loving your wife as Christ loves the Church". It's abuse. It's hard to answer on the spot like that because it's nuanced, and you have emotionally charged people taking extreme positions at either side. In reality, like many things, it's a both/and, not an either/or, but she gave a good attempt at answering.
@@annemoulding7215 That’s because the true answer goes against what she feels the answer should be. She knows it and you can sense the conflict in her answer.
Seperate rolls but equal, how is this hard to understand. It is a mans duty to lead, that does not undermine what the womans job is. Equality, difference of position.
@@patriotpioneer pretty spot on of the things many people are doing as a catholic family it should be focused and center around Christianity and his catholic church observance of God's holy law and love as well good communication and exploitation of every little detail
Because the answer is seeming to try to capitulate to a modernist culture more than proclaim the truth of what Scripture says and the Church has always taught.
When i was in the pre-marital consulting with the priest. He said "you two are the head of the house" and i asked "how come there are two head? Every organization always have one head" and the priest keep insisting. I mean.. even the church only have one Pope and not a couple of Pope.
this group is quite liberal compared to many catholics. Look for a more conservative alternative within the Catholic Church to respond to your questions.
The holy family is a perfect example of a family. Saint Joseph was the head of the house hold and had in his care the BVM and Jesus Christ. The BVM did not question the actions of Saint Joseph when they fled to Egypt.
Ruben Martinez Very true! Mary never questioned St Joseph. She trusted him implicitly and loved him so much. Going along their journey together shows us a lot about unity.
Absolutely! And in reading the visions of Blessed Mary of Agreda, you read so many more examples of this. For example, Our Lady KNEW already that they would be turned away from every inn on the eve of Christ's birth. But she did not try to stop St Joseph from seeking an inn for his family, even though they spent hours in the cold going from inn to inn only to be humiliated and rejected. Not once did Our Lady try to take the reigns and be the one to direct her husband.
Head of household means when there is danger or trouble he is the first to face it and deal with it, and to protect the family with his own life if necessary... in other words, the first to sacrifice for the salvation and safety of the family.
@@williamk70 Truth. I didn’t say otherwise. Service to others is one of many things God instructed us to do. But independent of that, woman were specifically instructed not to have authority over man. “A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. But I do not allow a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a wrongdoer.” 1 Peter 3 echos this. I was going to say there is great wisdom in this verse, but it is more than that. Much more. It’s species survival instructions. Truth. For you information. My wife is mostly not submissive to me. She’s been conditioned for decades by contemporary feminist ideology. What can I do? Only 3 things really. Pray. Be like Jesus. And never be submissive to her. I’d rather deal with her wrath every day for the rest of my life than face God for having disobeyed once I saw the truth.
@@campion04 I don't think that the apologist was advocating that men should be submissive to their wives or abdicate their duty to lead the household. She was just trying to avoid promoting the traditional idea that "I'm the leader of the household, I can do whatever I want and my wife has to shut up and take it". The Church has always taught us the true meaning of the title of "head". It's not an authority derived from your identity as a man but rather an authority derived from a greater duty to serve. That is what Jesus himself modeled throughout the gospel.
@@williamk70 I disagree with your assessment of the apologist. She could have stated that clearly if that’s what she meant. “Men are the head of the house. But that doesn’t mean a believer can drink a 12 pack every night and beat their wife.” She’s completely danced around the idea that men were the head. Never once truly Acknowledging it. If you look at 1 peter 3. It states a woman should be submissive even if the man wasn’t a believer. While this doesn’t go out right and say said man is ungodly, one can surely assume that implies that even if the husband is less godly than a believer, The role for woman in the spousal relationship is very clear. Be submissive. You’re not the leader. Everyone is so quick to point out how the man show lead/be. Nobody ever goes right to the expectation of the woman even when it’s clearly written because it’s completely offensive to contemporary culture/ideology. “Unfortunately” this is what Jesus taught women to do and contemporary women simply don’t follow and worse, don’t believe.
Be in submission to one another is in reference to believers not husbands and wives for those who don't know. And then Paul talks about husbands and wives ☝️
The father maybe the head of the household but the mother is the "neck" of the household. She is the pivot point that controls the "head". Like Fr. Ripperger said in regards to men & women, "Equal dignity but different functions".
The verse that says submit one to another is seperate from the following verse about wives submitting to their husbands and seems to be talking about the church community in general not trying to gain power over one another. It is only the commentators who make that text grouped with the next verse and not seperate from it with how they do the headings. It could be meant that way, but that is conjecture on the part of the publishers who group the text that way. If Paul is talking about mutual submission then it still needs to be understood in light of the proceeding verses and the preceeding verse of mutual submission cannot be used as a way to write off what is said after. Paul makes it clear in Ephesians 5 that man is indeed the head of the house, this should not be controversial for Christians and anyone who hesitates to tell you otherwise seems to be capitulating to the culture to some degree or another. Very true that the headship of man over woman is the same as Christ over the Church, a servant headship that lays their life and personal desires down for the good of the beloved, but that is still an authoritative headship. Very true that the husband should not be a dictator, he should listen to the wants, needs, and concerns of his wife, but he is the head and authority. To say otherwise is ignoring the clear teaching of both Scripture and the early Church. This is only controversial in an age where modernism has taken over society and even crept into the Church to some degree. Before the 20th century, no one would have heard this kind of talk and immediately jumped to thoughts of abuse and suppression of women because people of both genders had the common sense to know this setup was beneficial to women.
Precisely. And no good and sane woman would want to marry a wimpy indecisive man who always give in to his wife at every whim. No siree. That is a total turn off for good women and will still go with someone responsible and masculine.
I resonate with your second paragraph. It seems to me that much of the push to ordain women to priesthood/diaconate and cringe at passages like “wives submit to your husbands” is from a modern 20th century secular feminist ideology that seeks to give women the kind of power that men had for most of history (because equality is the prevailing virtue nowadays) and not from Church tradition and service to God.
@@killianmiller6107 It’s not so much about power as the rightful order of things as ordained by the creator. Every time people try to change the natural order, the whole society tends to regress and suffer.
Thought the Green Catechism (I like to call it) doesn’t specifically treat this question, Please look in the catechism of the Council of Trent under the Sacrament of Matrimony subsection “The Duties of Married People”. I won’t quote it....just read it. You get your more concise answer.
Remember when Jim and Michael both tried to be bosses in Season 6 of the Office? It’s clear as day that two people can’t both be heads when making a decision if there’s conflict. One ultimately has to submit to the other.
Haha I was kind of thinking the same thing only different scenario. Two women at work both can’t be in charge at the same time. In a convent even an older sister will submit to a younger superior. Submission is a part of life with submission to God as most important. This was a missed opportunity to talk about Christian submission, which taught and developed in the home.
So your answer is no. You will not "submit to your husband l, as to the Lord." If the husband loves his wife as Christ loves his Church, and the wife does not fully submit to his authority as it pertains to what, where, when, and how the family will operate, I'm afraid that wife will have a high price to pay in purgatory for her insubordination and pride.
That moment when you know what the bible says is ridiculous but someone put you on a call in show where you have to support the fundamentalist interpretations of the bible.....
The answer given here is ambiguous. The man is the head of the household. A man is to love his wife as Christ loves the Church . Christ does not submit Himself to the church. Christ is always the one who leads, protects and conmands the Church .
Who is she ? She gave the wrong answer. It’s not to be under a mission and it’s not mutual interchangeable role. This is wrong. Stop this nonsense. Bible is clear Submission means to obey the husband and follow his leadership. Similarly Husband has duty to lay his life protecting his wife like Christ did for the church. Why are these so called feminists twisting the scripture.
I think I'll take st. Paul's word on it rather than this woman who really didnt even answer the question. Feminism has no place in Catholicism, its already creeped in enough and now look at us we dont even produce enough children to keep our churches alive with new priests.
Poorly answered. The passage from the Bible is clear for the husband and wife and how it should run. She should have read the scripture in context and interpreted it same.
Ephesians 6:5 "..Slaves, obey your human masters with fear and though you were serving Christ... Do your work as slaves cheerfully..." Paul was as clear and as authoritarian on the subject of slavery as he was on the subject of marriage. It's difficult to imagine him being an advocate for the abolitionist movement, were he to have been alive at its time. Yes, he exhorted masters to be kind to slaves, but nowhere, anywhere, does he condemn or even question slavery as an institution. Now I wonder what would happen if anyone tried to quote Paul in order to justify slavery today. My hunch is that within less than a nanosecond, BLM activists would pay them a visit, and if by some chance they were to survive that experience, we can be sure that they would be cancelled, deplatformed and probably never allowed to work or speak publicly again. I see no reason why we need to be in thrall to Paul's antiquated views on marriage any more than, today, we would listen to or consult him on the subject of slavery.
I second this 💯. This is precisely why I take Paul with a huge grain of salt, and question the character of men who have this verse (marriage) etched in their brain. Scriptural or not, the fact that these people hate that women have autonomy, and don't depend on them anymore, what the hell does that say about them?
Catholic Answers has lost its way. I clicked this video because I knew the answer wasn't going to be a good one. One that goes against piety and tradition. This is the straw that broke the camel's back. Im unsubscribing. This channel is for the lukewarm.
I clicked to see what they would say too hoping for someone to take the stance for truth. There’s a reason Jesus said the path is wide but the door is narrow.
The relationship between husband and wife is like Jesus to the church. It is that simple. Jesus clearly placed on top of the church and not as equal as for authority. And as Christ sacrifice everything for the church, a husband must also be foundation for his household and sacrifice himself for his family. And as also the church to Jesus, wife should adore her husband.
Everyone here, please, please read the Theology of the Body. Ephesians 5 is not as straight-forward as people would like to believe. There are serious layers in it that it is good to understand. Husbands are to be the servants of their wives, laying down their lives for their wives, even. When it says for wives to submit to their husbands, it means to let your husband serve you. It's less about what the wife does for the husband and more to do with what the wife should allow the husband to do for her.
In things pleasing to the Lord the wife may comply with a nicely asked petition. I don't agree that men have the right to lord it over their wives. Marriage is a two way street. If there is no love of God nor neighbour its useless.
Men have no right to abuse their wife, but they do have authority in marriage. Just like Joseph had authority over Mary and , both had authority over Jesus. This doesn’t mean that Joseph was better than Mary or Mary was better than Jesus.
@@Mr.mallaer but there is a fine line between abuse and forced obedience. Obedience should be not enforced but entered into. You think all men are like St Joseph? You got another think coming.
Read 2 or 3 verses after about wives submitting. Besides if you apply for a job don't you SUBMIT an application of if you get a bill in the mail don't you SUBMIT payment? I think too much emphasis has been placed on just one word.
In Jesus’ teaching, man and woman are not equal. Bigger burden is on man- to love his wife as Jesus love His own church. Who is able for such love? I think the real question is- should spouse remain with partner who is sinner? I understand this as two possibilities- 1. No one is called to be a “carpet” for someone, all humans should be treated with respect, therefore you are free to divorce from someone who treats you with disrespect. 2. Although you know someone is a sinner and is far from Jesus’ teaching, you decide to remain in marriage, you give all suffering to Christ and hope once your partner will be in Christ. I’m not aware if we have any female Saint from option 1, but I’m shure we have from option 2- St. Rita and St. Monica (at least..) Option 2 is almost to remain menthally sane and not to fall in victim trap? No playing victimhood in christianity, onley free choice to carry burden for Christ. Very hard!
@ Cy as host should know better and should have reined in this leftist Catholic feminist. Tim Gordon is right in his recent critique of Catholic Answers. I am no Novus Ordo, but clearly recognize that your guest has a "Catholic" feminist agenda, and you Cy should have stepped in....I think you were biting your lip....and just didn't have the guts to do so.
Yes, wives should be in subjection to their husbands just like Jesus subjects himself to his Father. As one Catholic Bible says at 1 Cor. 15:28: "And when all things shall be subdued unto [Christ], then the Son also himself shall be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all." This verse proves the Catholic trinity to be a lie, which says that "in this trinity, the whole three persons"
Why we have to follow one person’s opinion? Paul was just one person and he was man, why he has decide for women? If women were born without head, I can agree that a man is her head, as long as she is born with a head, she is her on head, it’s common sense
Troubling that she has a hard time with being subject to her husband... would she also likewise explain away the part about the Church being subject to Christ?
A feminist modern woman trying to square the circle, and in the end gives the incoherent and incorrect answer.
She made a lot of sense to me. Men don't have the right to abuse, mistreat or be jerks to their wives. Why are you threatened by that?
It’s submissive in the fact that the husband is the head of the household and a wife should respect the husband and follow him if he is doing Gods work. Not that a wife can get abused by a husband
@@brianmachuca5074 Husband and wife are to 'submit to one another out of reverence for Christ'.
Simple answer is the man is the head of the household.
That's the simple answer to the woman who wants to be equal, perhaps. For the man, the answer is submit yourself to the other, love your wife, give yourself up for her, love her as your own body and as love her as you love yourself. This is what Ephesians 5 say: The woman should aim to submit to her husband after the role model of the Church which submits to Christ, but the man, he should love his wife and give himself up for her as Christ loves the Church and gives himself up for her.
So if you're in a mood to pile burdens on another, know that you are in the wrong. For you it should be as if piling burdens onto yourself. And if you do that to rid yourself of the burden, then you are not doing your own part.
Head doesn't man boss. If you think that and want that in your marriage that's about you and your ego. It has nothing to do with God or our faith.
This is poorly answered. Paul meant what he said. "Women shall not teach over men" and "wives submit to your husbands". Paul also told the husband's to "love your wife even as Chirst loved the Church, and gave himself for it." There shouldn't be any murkiness with your rebuttal to this woman's question because that is not what the Church nor Scriptures teach.
When Paul writes this, is that essentially God that’s writing, “Women shall not teach over men” and “wives submit to your husbands”?
"Women shall not teach over men" has nothing to do with "wives submit to your husbands".
Don't pull passages out of context. It doesn't help.
@@billyg898 Yeah it does actually, women are to be subservient to men.
@@basharalassad6854 if a husband tells his wife to lie, cheat, or steal, or beat their kids to death, she is perfectly justified to say no, and rebuke him for it.
@@billyg898 Nope not how it works, you can't say no to your boss or your president.
“Let women be subject to their husbands, as to the Lord: Because the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the church. He is the saviour of his body. Therefore as the church is subject to Christ, so also let the wives be to their husbands in all things.” (Eph 5:22-24). St Paul couldn’t be any clearer.
I notice that you ignored the passage immediately before that where it states: "Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ."
If its so clear, if we add this passage in, what does he mean?
@@billyg898 it means that men are to love their wives and make sacrifices for their wives as head of the household
@@billyg898 you are right, subject to each other
@@johnhuynh9498 which is exactly what the apologist said: "Authority in service to others"
@@williamk70 ok...Doesn’t change the fact that the husband is the head of the household and the wife and she is obliged to respect and submit to him
It seemed like she was giving her own opinion. I wanted to hear what the Church has taught on this. Remember, its harder to lay down your life than to submit. Men have the harder commandment.
This woman is wrong.
This is Church teaching.
The answers given in this video are really a cop-out and did not answer the question effectively. The scriptures are clear in the answer to the question so it is not alright for us to be giving unclear answers here.
I agree, we’ll said
Unlear answers... yep - that's "Catholic Answers" for you. Truth is our modern society doesn't want God's law in our lives and our women want to take the roles of men. Well, honey, you got that... now go tell your effeminate husbands to wipe the cheetoh dust off their fingers, put down the video game controllers and make you a ham sammich!
Says you. I think she was great.
Not sure what Monica exactly meant.But in family life, hierarchical structure exist just like how st.paul compare Jesus and his church and how our holy saints who lead family life have showed us .Seems like she tried to divert from answering 'why catholic tradition is right' to saying 'people misinterpret it' without giving a sufficient answer
Eventhough mutual commitment exist among couples, scriptures and traditions is quite clear on role of man and woman in family life.Homilies of St.John Chrisostom for an example
Actually in the ancient world when it came to authority men were above women despite the modernist point of view which conflicts with the historic. You see this several times in the Bible and even are warned that women shouldn't have authority over men. Than it comes to be debated that this only pertains to the Church but it doesn't it was in regards to everything in everyday life in the ancient world. This of course is difficult for people too accept today.
They are now so (sensitive) but we all know that woman should be submissive otherwise Paul wouldn't write such a thing but it's something which God himself wants us to do, he wants men to lead and he wants females to submit to their husbands, that's why he said the head of the female is the male, the head of the male is christ and the head of christ is God,
He was saying basically to females stop leading men it's not what God wants he wants you to be submissive because he created them he knows what is good to them, but men should never be submissive because it kills your soul do you know what I'm saying he made us to be like that, God is great, and also Jesus Christ,
God bless you.
YOUR theory is very interesting but wrong...
@@davidsmith5946 how did you come to the conclusion that it's wrong?
@@الربيسوعهوالحق HOW did you come up with that theory..
@@davidsmith5946 In what way is he wrong?
The woman is never called the HEAD, the man IS.
In E5 the original Greek word is for a physical head. It doesn't imply authority. There are other words Paul could have used to imply authority and we know this because he used them elsewhere in scripture. But he didn't do that here. He's describing the unity of the two with a head body analogy.
It means what it says.
In a world and time where gender is meaningless, we need to speak even more boldly that men and women are different, and thus husbands and wives have different roles. “Mutual submission” only validates the idea that men and women are interchangeable.
Not really… people can have different roles oriented in service to one another
No, men and women are different but equals.
There you go, she totally dismisses how clearly the husband is the head. Typical. She will not humble herself. This was an absolutely shameful modernist response, something Eve would be proud of however.
What she's saying is completely consistent with Catholic teaching. 1: The father IS dutied with being the head of the household and 2: Obedience is only virtuous when it's for the common good. Catholics are not bound by blind obedience to anyone's beck and call, even when they're legitimate authority figures - father, the law, priests.
For a man to lord authority over his wife and claim that she's religiously obliged to every word out of his mouth, is not "loving your wife as Christ loves the Church". It's abuse.
It's hard to answer on the spot like that because it's nuanced, and you have emotionally charged people taking extreme positions at either side. In reality, like many things, it's a both/and, not an either/or, but she gave a good attempt at answering.
I was confused by her laboured, uncomfortable answer...
“Abuse”. 1 peter 3 also makes it clear about “abused” women.
@@annemoulding7215 That’s because the true answer goes against what she feels the answer should be. She knows it and you can sense the conflict in her answer.
Seperate rolls but equal, how is this hard to understand. It is a mans duty to lead, that does not undermine what the womans job is. Equality, difference of position.
@@patriotpioneer pretty spot on of the things many people are doing as a catholic family it should be focused and center around Christianity and his catholic church observance of God's holy law and love as well good communication and exploitation of every little detail
Mutual submission? So Christ should also be submissive to the church?
I am a Catholic, and i am here to look for answer from Catholic Church point of view, but instead it leaves me with more questions.
Because the answer is seeming to try to capitulate to a modernist culture more than proclaim the truth of what Scripture says and the Church has always taught.
That is due to this channel and many catholics today trying to be "progressive". They refuse to answer honestly, they gotta muddy the water
When i was in the pre-marital consulting with the priest. He said "you two are the head of the house" and i asked "how come there are two head? Every organization always have one head" and the priest keep insisting. I mean.. even the church only have one Pope and not a couple of Pope.
@@ZhongliAcross7NationsOfTeyvat good for you. Call him out.
this group is quite liberal compared to many catholics. Look for a more conservative alternative within the Catholic Church to respond to your questions.
I submit to traditional roles. I love and respect my husband. He loves and respects me, also. God is good.....
Modernist answer, unfortunately. Break the hierarchy set by God at your own peril.
The holy family is a perfect example of a family. Saint Joseph was the head of the house hold and had in his care the BVM and Jesus Christ. The BVM did not question the actions of Saint Joseph when they fled to Egypt.
Ruben Martinez Very true! Mary never questioned St Joseph. She trusted him implicitly and loved him so much. Going along their journey together shows us a lot about unity.
Absolutely! And in reading the visions of Blessed Mary of Agreda, you read so many more examples of this. For example, Our Lady KNEW already that they would be turned away from every inn on the eve of Christ's birth. But she did not try to stop St Joseph from seeking an inn for his family, even though they spent hours in the cold going from inn to inn only to be humiliated and rejected. Not once did Our Lady try to take the reigns and be the one to direct her husband.
We’re they? They only had one child 😅
@@chrisobrien6254 name a more perfect family. I’ll wait.
@@rubenmartinez4346 The Brady Bunch😏😄
Head of household means when there is danger or trouble he is the first to face it and deal with it, and to protect the family with his own life if necessary... in other words, the first to sacrifice for the salvation and safety of the family.
That’s one of the roles. The other role of the head is to lead it.
@@campion04 Yes. But lead the household in the way that Christ intended: as a service to others.
@@williamk70 Truth. I didn’t say otherwise. Service to others is one of many things God instructed us to do.
But independent of that, woman were specifically instructed not to have authority over man. “A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. But I do not allow a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a wrongdoer.”
1 Peter 3 echos this.
I was going to say there is great wisdom in this verse, but it is more than that. Much more. It’s species survival instructions. Truth.
For you information. My wife is mostly not submissive to me. She’s been conditioned for decades by contemporary feminist ideology. What can I do? Only 3 things really. Pray. Be like Jesus. And never be submissive to her. I’d rather deal with her wrath every day for the rest of my life than face God for having disobeyed once I saw the truth.
@@campion04 I don't think that the apologist was advocating that men should be submissive to their wives or abdicate their duty to lead the household. She was just trying to avoid promoting the traditional idea that "I'm the leader of the household, I can do whatever I want and my wife has to shut up and take it".
The Church has always taught us the true meaning of the title of "head". It's not an authority derived from your identity as a man but rather an authority derived from a greater duty to serve. That is what Jesus himself modeled throughout the gospel.
@@williamk70 I disagree with your assessment of the apologist. She could have stated that clearly if that’s what she meant. “Men are the head of the house. But that doesn’t mean a believer can drink a 12 pack every night and beat their wife.” She’s completely danced around the idea that men were the head. Never once truly Acknowledging it. If you look at 1 peter 3. It states a woman should be submissive even if the man wasn’t a believer. While this doesn’t go out right and say said man is ungodly, one can surely assume that implies that even if the husband is less godly than a believer, The role for woman in the spousal relationship is very clear. Be submissive. You’re not the leader. Everyone is so quick to point out how the man show lead/be. Nobody ever goes right to the expectation of the woman even when it’s clearly written because it’s completely offensive to contemporary culture/ideology. “Unfortunately” this is what Jesus taught women to do and contemporary women simply don’t follow and worse, don’t believe.
Be in submission to one another is in reference to believers not husbands and wives for those who don't know. And then Paul talks about husbands and wives ☝️
The father maybe the head of the household but the mother is the "neck" of the household. She is the pivot point that controls the "head". Like Fr. Ripperger said in regards to men & women, "Equal dignity but different functions".
The verse that says submit one to another is seperate from the following verse about wives submitting to their husbands and seems to be talking about the church community in general not trying to gain power over one another. It is only the commentators who make that text grouped with the next verse and not seperate from it with how they do the headings. It could be meant that way, but that is conjecture on the part of the publishers who group the text that way.
If Paul is talking about mutual submission then it still needs to be understood in light of the proceeding verses and the preceeding verse of mutual submission cannot be used as a way to write off what is said after. Paul makes it clear in Ephesians 5 that man is indeed the head of the house, this should not be controversial for Christians and anyone who hesitates to tell you otherwise seems to be capitulating to the culture to some degree or another.
Very true that the headship of man over woman is the same as Christ over the Church, a servant headship that lays their life and personal desires down for the good of the beloved, but that is still an authoritative headship. Very true that the husband should not be a dictator, he should listen to the wants, needs, and concerns of his wife, but he is the head and authority. To say otherwise is ignoring the clear teaching of both Scripture and the early Church. This is only controversial in an age where modernism has taken over society and even crept into the Church to some degree. Before the 20th century, no one would have heard this kind of talk and immediately jumped to thoughts of abuse and suppression of women because people of both genders had the common sense to know this setup was beneficial to women.
Precisely. And no good and sane woman would want to marry a wimpy indecisive man who always give in to his wife at every whim. No siree. That is a total turn off for good women and will still go with someone responsible and masculine.
I resonate with your second paragraph. It seems to me that much of the push to ordain women to priesthood/diaconate and cringe at passages like “wives submit to your husbands” is from a modern 20th century secular feminist ideology that seeks to give women the kind of power that men had for most of history (because equality is the prevailing virtue nowadays) and not from Church tradition and service to God.
@@killianmiller6107 It’s not so much about power as the rightful order of things as ordained by the creator. Every time people try to change the natural order, the whole society tends to regress and suffer.
Thought the Green Catechism (I like to call it) doesn’t specifically treat this question, Please look in the catechism of the Council of Trent under the Sacrament of Matrimony subsection “The Duties of Married People”. I won’t quote it....just read it. You get your more concise answer.
Remember when Jim and Michael both tried to be bosses in Season 6 of the Office? It’s clear as day that two people can’t both be heads when making a decision if there’s conflict. One ultimately has to submit to the other.
Haha I was kind of thinking the same thing only different scenario. Two women at work both can’t be in charge at the same time. In a convent even an older sister will submit to a younger superior. Submission is a part of life with submission to God as most important. This was a missed opportunity to talk about Christian submission, which taught and developed in the home.
So your answer is no. You will not "submit to your husband l, as to the Lord." If the husband loves his wife as Christ loves his Church, and the wife does not fully submit to his authority as it pertains to what, where, when, and how the family will operate, I'm afraid that wife will have a high price to pay in purgatory for her insubordination and pride.
I'll let my pastor know that I'll be making some of the Parish decisions now so as to reduce conflict.
That moment when you know what the bible says is ridiculous but someone put you on a call in show where you have to support the fundamentalist interpretations of the bible.....
Why break a good tradition. These days men want to be women and women want to be man. God made as two different human beings with our own purpose
Husband's must protect their wives and lay down their lives for their wives
She’s wrong about being subject to one another in terms of marriage. Feminist
The answer given here is ambiguous. The man is the head of the household. A man is to love his wife as Christ loves the Church . Christ does not submit Himself to the church. Christ is always the one who leads, protects and conmands the Church .
Some man needs to get this woman under control
And she needs to tell the man to get lost!!!!!😅😊
Who is she ? She gave the wrong answer. It’s not to be under a mission and it’s not mutual interchangeable role. This is wrong. Stop this nonsense. Bible is clear Submission means to obey the husband and follow his leadership. Similarly Husband has duty to lay his life protecting his wife like Christ did for the church. Why are these so called feminists twisting the scripture.
Yes, if the husband strives to follow Christ as perfect as possible
Actually. No if’s. 1 peter 3.
I seemed to have clicked on a Whatever-popular-culture-believes-in-currently Answers video...
I think I'll take st. Paul's word on it rather than this woman who really didnt even answer the question. Feminism has no place in Catholicism, its already creeped in enough and now look at us we dont even produce enough children to keep our churches alive with new priests.
Ambiguous position what this woman is saying. It’s her opinion ; no clarity and authority.
Yes...I agree.
Poorly answered. The passage from the Bible is clear for the husband and wife and how it should run. She should have read the scripture in context and interpreted it same.
Ephesians 6:5 "..Slaves, obey your human masters with fear and though you were serving Christ... Do your work as slaves cheerfully..." Paul was as clear and as authoritarian on the subject of slavery as he was on the subject of marriage. It's difficult to imagine him being an advocate for the abolitionist movement, were he to have been alive at its time. Yes, he exhorted masters to be kind to slaves, but nowhere, anywhere, does he condemn or even question slavery as an institution. Now I wonder what would happen if anyone tried to quote Paul in order to justify slavery today. My hunch is that within less than a nanosecond, BLM activists would pay them a visit, and if by some chance they were to survive that experience, we can be sure that they would be cancelled, deplatformed and probably never allowed to work or speak publicly again. I see no reason why we need to be in thrall to Paul's antiquated views on marriage any more than, today, we would listen to or consult him on the subject of slavery.
I second this 💯. This is precisely why I take Paul with a huge grain of salt, and question the character of men who have this verse (marriage) etched in their brain. Scriptural or not, the fact that these people hate that women have autonomy, and don't depend on them anymore, what the hell does that say about them?
Catholic Answers has lost its way. I clicked this video because I knew the answer wasn't going to be a good one. One that goes against piety and tradition.
This is the straw that broke the camel's back. Im unsubscribing.
This channel is for the lukewarm.
I clicked to see what they would say too hoping for someone to take the stance for truth. There’s a reason Jesus said the path is wide but the door is narrow.
Thats why st Paul aslo said that women should not have authority over men.
Completely unbiblical answer
The relationship between husband and wife is like Jesus to the church.
It is that simple. Jesus clearly placed on top of the church and not as equal as for authority. And as Christ sacrifice everything for the church, a husband must also be foundation for his household and sacrifice himself for his family. And as also the church to Jesus, wife should adore her husband.
Yes and husband's should submit to their wives as well.
This is exactly why women should not preach in the church.
Lmao I cant say that I disagree
Everyone here, please, please read the Theology of the Body.
Ephesians 5 is not as straight-forward as people would like to believe. There are serious layers in it that it is good to understand.
Husbands are to be the servants of their wives, laying down their lives for their wives, even. When it says for wives to submit to their husbands, it means to let your husband serve you. It's less about what the wife does for the husband and more to do with what the wife should allow the husband to do for her.
In things pleasing to the Lord the wife may comply with a nicely asked petition. I don't agree that men have the right to lord it over their wives. Marriage is a two way street. If there is no love of God nor neighbour its useless.
Men have no right to abuse their wife, but they do have authority in marriage. Just like Joseph had authority over Mary and , both had authority over Jesus. This doesn’t mean that Joseph was better than Mary or Mary was better than Jesus.
@@Mr.mallaer but there is a fine line between abuse and forced obedience. Obedience should be not enforced but entered into. You think all men are like St Joseph? You got another think coming.
@@Mr.mallaer some men like my father abused their authority. And even break their marriage vows. I pray he repents and converts before he dies.
Me: "Is she going to explain the passage away."
Guest: Explains the passage away.
This is why all spirit most be tested. The question required a simple answered. Yes, the man is the head of the household.
Women should submit to their husband in everything
The fact remains that Paul taught that women were inferior to men!!!!😅😅
Read 2 or 3 verses after about wives submitting. Besides if you apply for a job don't you SUBMIT an application of if you get a bill in the mail don't you SUBMIT payment? I think too much emphasis has been placed on just one word.
1 peter 3
In Jesus’ teaching, man and woman are not equal. Bigger burden is on man- to love his wife as Jesus love His own church. Who is able for such love?
I think the real question is- should spouse remain with partner who is sinner?
I understand this as two possibilities-
1. No one is called to be a “carpet” for someone, all humans should be treated with respect, therefore you are free to divorce from someone who treats you with disrespect.
2. Although you know someone is a sinner and is far from Jesus’ teaching, you decide to remain in marriage, you give all suffering to Christ and hope once your partner will be in Christ.
I’m not aware if we have any female Saint from option 1, but I’m shure we have from option 2- St. Rita and St. Monica (at least..)
Option 2 is almost to remain menthally sane and not to fall in victim trap? No playing victimhood in christianity, onley free choice to carry burden for Christ. Very hard!
In one sense, all are equal in Christ, male or female, Jew or Gentile, etc., yet we clearly see a hierarchy of authority.
@@killianmiller6107 Of course. But someone can misunderstand it.
As soon as I saw a woman was answering this question I knew it would be bad
If there is any doubt. 1 peter 3
@ Cy as host should know better and should have reined in this leftist Catholic feminist. Tim Gordon is right in his recent critique of Catholic Answers. I am no Novus Ordo, but clearly recognize that your guest has a "Catholic" feminist agenda, and you Cy should have stepped in....I think you were biting your lip....and just didn't have the guts to do so.
Yea... the Bible says so, case closed
Yes, wives should be in subjection to their husbands just like Jesus subjects himself to his Father. As one Catholic Bible says at 1 Cor. 15:28: "And when all things shall be subdued unto [Christ], then the Son also himself shall be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all." This verse proves the Catholic trinity to be a lie, which says that "in this trinity, the whole three persons"
Why we have to follow one person’s opinion? Paul was just one person and he was man, why he has decide for women? If women were born without head, I can agree that a man is her head, as long as she is born with a head, she is her on head, it’s common sense
No they should get A TEAM
Troubling that she has a hard time with being subject to her husband... would she also likewise explain away the part about the Church being subject to Christ?
confusing answer...
Absolutely. Saying this ..there must be mutual respect. 🙂
Well said.