Been sysadmin for some many years, trying to explain how to issue SSL to RHEL to a friend. Your tutorial is crystal clear and outstanding. Thank you and keep up.
Best training ever. Doesn't assume the user knows everything and explains step by step what is happening and the rationale behind! Best I have seen. Thank you very much.
Youre tutorials are outstanding. I did a lot of Linux courses and trainings in the last couple of years, but nothing was as helpful as your tutorials for my specific needs. Thanks a lot! :)
Great, great, great tutorial, all your explanation was really clear. This is my first time I installed certs in a RHEL server for educational purposes and school project. Thanks a lot dude
Unable to find a virtual host listening on port 80 which is currently needed for Certbot to prove to the CA that you control your dom ain. Please add a virtual host for port 80.
Do you have a video on how to add it to the apache conf manually, here you used LetsEncrypt, but what if you already have the signed cert you just want to know how to set it up in Apache?
Dear Sir, I am getting this reply: Unable to find a virtual host listening on port 80 which is currently needed for Certbot to prove to the CA that you control your domain. Please add a virtual host for port 80.
Copy the private key, certificate, and chain file that was provided by the SSL Certificate provider to the server. Then use the SSLCertificateKeyFile, SSLCertificateFile, and SSLCertificateChainFile Apache directives. Most SSL providers have detailed installation instructions you can follow when you purchase an SSL cert from them.
sir nice video and love the way you teach awesome. sir i have a question i want to configure squid proxy server for https support and kindly guid me can i use these instructions you showed in this video bacause i try to configure squid to support ssl but i could not configure properly in cengos 6.x kindly guid me i need help thanks so much
Is your website SSL enabled? If so, what SSL certificate provider do you use? If not, why haven't you installed an SSL certificate yet?
because if you can do free you have a COMODO SSL service on your website?
Been sysadmin for some many years, trying to explain how to issue SSL to RHEL to a friend. Your tutorial is crystal clear and outstanding. Thank you and keep up.
Best training ever. Doesn't assume the user knows everything and explains step by step what is happening and the rationale behind! Best I have seen. Thank you very much.
I'm glad you found the video useful!
Thank you for share us your experience, I managed to setup my proyect successfully following your guide!
Awesome... congrats!
Youre tutorials are outstanding. I did a lot of Linux courses and trainings in the last couple of years, but nothing was as helpful as your tutorials for my specific needs. Thanks a lot! :)
This is - by far - the BEST and clearest tutorial I could find about this topic. Huge thanks!!
Great, great, great tutorial, all your explanation was really clear. This is my first time I installed certs in a RHEL server for educational purposes and school project. Thanks a lot dude
Thanks man! you saved my day :) let me know in anyway i can help you..This the best tutorial on linux seen so far!
Wow this was a REALLY nice tutorial, thank you so MUCH sir!!!!
Where did you get the text you pasted on minute 17:17, Is it an standard text for any config? can you please clarify it for me? Thanks a lot
Great Tutorial Jason!!! Bravo my friend!!! :0-)
Unable to find a virtual host listening on port 80 which is currently needed for Certbot to prove to the CA that you control your dom ain. Please add a virtual host for port 80.
Wonderful tutorial!
Where did you get the ssl cipher string from?
Do you have a video on how to add it to the apache conf manually, here you used LetsEncrypt, but what if you already have the signed cert you just want to know how to set it up in Apache?
Can you please tell me steps for Zscaler root certificate installation in Red hat Linux
Dear Sir, I am getting this reply:
Unable to find a virtual host listening on port 80 which is currently needed for Certbot to prove to the CA that you control your domain. Please add a virtual host for port 80.
Great video. Very detailed tutorial. Thanks for the help!
This was very good sir! Thank you so much!
Thank you so much for this great tutorial!
are you able to install the SSL certificate on an internal IP ADDRESS? e.g.
instead of a web domain e.g
Nice tut, all it's working well, thanks
Hey does this still work for the centOS 7 running Apache? I want to do this on my a2 VPS account.
This is so helpful sir.. Thank you!
Do we Able to export the CA root of this cert? Because I need for ssl decrypt
is there any alternative that I can use for local development
thank you for the tutorial! you help me a lot
Excelent video. Thank you so very much.
what about manually installing SSL ?
Copy the private key, certificate, and chain file that was provided by the SSL Certificate provider to the server. Then use the SSLCertificateKeyFile, SSLCertificateFile, and SSLCertificateChainFile Apache directives. Most SSL providers have detailed installation instructions you can follow when you purchase an SSL cert from them.
how can I use Linux on windows computer
Look into WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux
sir nice video and love the way you teach awesome.
sir i have a question i want to configure squid proxy server for https support
and kindly guid me can i use these instructions you showed in this video bacause i try to configure squid to support ssl
but i could not configure properly in cengos 6.x kindly guid me i need help thanks so much
thank's, excellent tutorial
Very nice
Good Job