傑·文化-中國玉器在香港故宮文化博物館展出Kit.Culture-Exhibition of Jade Treasures of the Qing Palace at the HKPH Museum

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ต.ค. 2024
  • 玉器特别是白玉向來受中國人尤其是帝皇貴冑的鍾愛,清朝乾隆皇帝是其中的表表者。他除了搜集歷代玉器外,還特命清宮造辦處及楊州等地大量製造精美玉器作日用或賞玩。自2022年7月2日開館的香港故宮文化博物館展出了數十件清宮珍藏玉器,件件精工細作,造型優雅,值得駐足細看欣賞。筆者特别喜愛白玉雙螃蟹,玉質温潤,螃蟹生動細緻。片尾出現的蘭亭集序圖玉山子及乾隆皇帝御書蘭亭集序全文玉如意正配合着在8號展廳同時展出的蘭亭集序行書帖(唐虞世南摹本),因此特具意義。
    和闐玉是一種軟玉,除了白玉外,還有多種顏色,其主要成分是角閃石中單斜角閃石晶系之透閃石。和闐玉中,透閃石含量越高,品質越好。和闐玉是一種珍稀玉種,莫氏硬度在6.5 - 6.9之間,質地細膩,韌性極高,不易碎,耐磨損。 和闐玉獨具溫潤柔和的油脂光澤,加上半透-微透的透明度,更突出其油脂光澤的柔潤細膩,觀賞價值極高。
    來源: 百度百科及其他網頁
    Jade, especially white jade, has always been loved by Chinese people, especially emperors and nobles. Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty was one of the watchers. In addition to collecting jade articles of all dynasties, he also specially ordered the Qing Palace Building Office and Yangzhou to manufacture a large number of exquisite jade articles for daily use or entertainment. Since the opening of the Hong Kong Palace Museum on July 2, 2022, dozens of jade wares collected by the Qing Palace have been exhibited. Each piece is exquisitely crafted and elegant in shape, which is worth stopping to see and appreciate. The author especially likes the white jade double crabs, the jade is warm and moist, and the crabs are vivid and delicate. The jade mountain with the scene of the Orchid Pavilion Gathering, and the full text of the preface to the poem publication hand written by Emperor Qian Long of Qing Dynasty, engraved on a jade Yuruyi, appearing at the end of the film are displayed together with the manuscript of the preface to Orchid Pavilion Gathering (a copy by Tang Yu Shinan) exhibited at Exhibition Hall No. 9 simultaneously, so they are of special significance.
    China is a country that loves and admires jade. There are more than 100 sources of jade. In Chinese history, the system of using jade has long reflected the definition of real jade and non-real jade. The emperor was the highest class in ancient China. When Hetian jade became real jade, it also became emperor jade. Since then, after countless years, Hotan jade entered the folk. Hetian jade is the treasure of the Chinese nation and the "national stone" of China. Like a pearl, it radiates splendid brilliance in Chinese history and culture, and is one of the important symbols of the moral spirit of the Chinese nation.
    Hetian jade has a close relationship with the occurrence and development of Chinese civilization, which can be said to have a profound origin. The latest research by Chinese archaeologists has verified and proposed that there is a jade age between the stone, bronze and iron ages in China, which is the origin of Chinese civilization. As early as the Neolithic Age, the ancestors at the foot of the Kunlun Mountains discovered Hetian jade, and transported and communicated to the east and the west as a treasure and a medium of friendship, forming the oldest Hetian jade transportation channel in my country, the "Jade Road", which was later. The predecessor of the "Silk Road". Hetian jade plays an important role in cultural and economic exchanges between East and West.
    Hetian jade is a kind of nephrite jade, besides white jade, there are some other colored jade and its main component is tremolite of the monoclinic amphibole crystal system in amphibole. In Hetian jade, the higher the tremolite content, the better the quality. Hotan jade is a rare type of jade with a Mohs hardness of 6.5 - 6.9, fine texture, high toughness, not brittle, and wear-resistant. Hetian jade has a unique luster of luster and soft grease, coupled with semi-transparent-slightly transparent transparency, it highlights the softness and delicacy of its grease luster, and has a high ornamental value.
    Since the Yin and Shang Dynasties, the new era of jade arts and crafts with Hetian jade as the main body has entered the jade altar of the Chinese nation, and only then did the world-renowned "Oriental Art" appear, and a magnificent history of Chinese jade was formed, becoming the Chinese nation. An important part of the splendid culture, it is also a glorious achievement in the history of human art and a precious heritage of the treasure house of world culture and art.
    The shape of the jade wares in the Qing Dynasty was very regular. No matter the bowl mouth or the bowl foot, the round one was round, the square one was square, and the thickness was very uniform.
    Source: Baidu Encyclopedia and other webpages

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