Thanks man, yours , others and ToolArchive ( plugging in) channel was something for us fans for decades before they decided to go on streaming. August the month for finally the next album and streaming.
I am now a Tool fan, way to late but it started with the download of Fear Inoculus and am now going back to Previous releases. Jambi rocks, just played this video (great job) on my home stereo component system, loud and awesome. I am going to have to download this cd as well. What a band.
Sorry (for being unpopular), but I do prefer the other version (luckily I downloaded that vid), It had more meat to it, This new version is very clean/thinner sounding. p.s the original version intro'd me to Tool.
it's called a talkbox and you can hear it used by many artists. Roger Troutman used it in the Zapp Band. Also Joe Walsh, Jon Bon Jovi, Peter Frampton, and Pink Floyd just to name a few. Wiki talkbox to learn how it works.
Great effort however, seems like Maynard is standing out way more than the band which he wouldn’t be live, and noticed that some of the compression doesn’t quite line up and seems like it’s out of the time signature. When the solo beings Justin is shown playing but the bass completely disappears in the audio. I’ll stick with the original thanks
Whomever gave this a thumbs down should immediately punch themselves in the face.
I punched my fist with my face.
Good enough?
Thanks man, yours , others and ToolArchive ( plugging in) channel was something for us fans for decades before they decided to go on streaming. August the month for finally the next album and streaming.
The Real MVPs
ОГРОМНАЯ благодарность за звук!!! 🙏🙏🙏
I am now a Tool fan, way to late but it started with the download of Fear Inoculus and am now going back to
Previous releases. Jambi rocks, just played this video (great job) on my home stereo component system, loud and awesome. I am going to have to download this cd as well. What a band.
t0r0nt0t0r0, thanks for keeping this exceptional video going after all the crap you’ve had to put up with..
Might be the best tool live performances
Love the video description. awesome work and dedication! Dig that "decent illusion".
The precision going on in this video highlights Tool at their prime. Many thanks for the upload. Danny Carey is an athlete!
Favorite Tool song
Really cool quality release, appreciate it.
5:37 I can never get enough of this godly bass solo
a me piace cazzeggiare con le pale.
I just have a couple things to say holy shit !!!! This footage is fucking amazing.... thanks
Excellent! Thanks for sharing
Sorry (for being unpopular), but I do prefer the other version (luckily I downloaded that vid), It had more meat to it, This new version is very clean/thinner sounding. p.s the original version intro'd me to Tool.
I couldn't agree more the other version was my fave, any chance you could email me the other version please
Great editing, m’d00d
Thanks bro, looks n sounds great!!!
Tool est toujours Number One pour moi. Cette chanson je m'amuse bizarrement. J'avoue ............... .
By far the best live tool mix I've heard. This kicks the shit out of the old version.Can you do the same with the rest of the set list?
Great job but not the same audio track for sure. the fills are different @ 2:35 from the OG vid @ 2:34. Still Great!
Wow...good job finding something that lines up with this.....considering the video is about 8 years older than the audio.
During the solo, is Adam singing into a distorted mic?
it's called a talkbox and you can hear it used by many artists. Roger Troutman used it in the Zapp Band. Also Joe Walsh, Jon Bon Jovi, Peter Frampton, and Pink Floyd just to name a few. Wiki talkbox to learn how it works.
Vocoda dude! Hard to master.
Note the man bun and switch back. The only editing mistake. Doesn't matter though, this is a great fan made edit. Greatly appreciated.
bring back the old version
Great job! Is there a way we can get the old one? It was my go to Jambi video.
Sure thing, here you go:
@@t0r0nt0t0r0 thank you so much!
KJ Melendez same here.
@@t0r0nt0t0r0 Hi friend, thanks for sharing, but it seems to have problem there, can you fix it? Much obliged.
Me too!
Great effort however, seems like Maynard is standing out way more than the band which he wouldn’t be live, and noticed that some of the compression doesn’t quite line up and seems like it’s out of the time signature. When the solo beings Justin is shown playing but the bass completely disappears in the audio. I’ll stick with the original thanks
The vocals on this upload don't sound the same as the last time I listened a week ago. wth happened?
The solo part the guitarist is using a talk box
Come to Brazil Tool, pleaaaasee
May I ask which live did this video come from? Really curious.
this new version sound terrible.