Wild Arms 1 Opening (PSX) 720p AI Upscaled

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ต.ค. 2021
  • Upscaled using a combination of Realesrgan-Anime and Yandere Neo.
    You can do this if you have CupScale, but the program is kinda moody if you do direct video upscale, so what I do is:
    1. Extract the Original Video from my PSX disc with [jpsxdec]
    2. Learn the frame rate of the original video. This particular one was 14.985fps
    3. Extract the frame. I used [Cupscale]'s video upscaler (get it to extract frames, copy the data, and halt the upscale), but you can use anything to get the frames, as long as it's unsullied. This one has 2021 frames
    4. Batch upscale each frames using RealESRGAN (NCNN) with [realesrgan4x-anime] model.
    5. Batch upscale each frames using ESRGAN (Pytorch) with [Yandere Neo] model.
    6. (Premiere Requirement) Rename all 2021 upscaled files with RealESRGAN to realesrgan-0001.png until realesrgan-2021; Rename all 2021 upscaled files with Yandere Neo to yandereneo-0001.png until yandereneo-2021 I used [MP3Tag] for this, but [Bulk Rename Utility] should also work.
    7. Import images as image sequence in [Premiere]. Selecting the 0001 files will do, as lng as they all have same prefix.
    8. Interpret the footage as 14.985fps.
    8. Pick the best quality between realesrgan4x-anime result and yandereneo.
    9. Get the soundtrack of Wild Arms 1 to obtain high quality audio
    10. Put the FLAC quality sountrack, replacing the original audio, adjusting the timing to match the original
    11. Render with AVI output, using Lagarith codec and uncompressed sound.
    Voila! The end file is 1.27GB big.
  • เกม

ความคิดเห็น • 1

  • @JRZTT
    @JRZTT 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ah how nostalgia