Donť worry, it is. See how the cuff is folded over, that's the key. With an ungloved hand, you touch only the inner side of the glove. When putting on the second glove, you hold it with your gloved hand under the cuff, thus touching the outer side, which is and remains serile.
Med students nightmare
I don't think it is a sterile way to put your gloves on
Donť worry, it is. See how the cuff is folded over, that's the key. With an ungloved hand, you touch only the inner side of the glove. When putting on the second glove, you hold it with your gloved hand under the cuff, thus touching the outer side, which is and remains serile.
leurs gants sont terribles ils doivent etre agréable a porter bien fin et moulant et de bonne longueur