La Befana is a traditional Italian figure celebrated during the Epiphany. She is often depicted as an old woman who delivers gifts to children on the night between January 5 and 6, similar to Santa Claus. According to folklore, la Befana travels on a broomstick, visiting homes to fill stockings with sweets for well-behaved children and coal for those who have misbehaved. In ancient times, instead of candy, stockings were filled with tangerines and walnuts. After the Epiphany, the Christmas season is officially over.
La Befana is a traditional Italian figure celebrated during the Epiphany. She is often depicted as an old woman who delivers gifts to children on the night between January 5 and 6, similar to Santa Claus. According to folklore, la Befana travels on a broomstick, visiting homes to fill stockings with sweets for well-behaved children and coal for those who have misbehaved. In ancient times, instead of candy, stockings were filled with tangerines and walnuts. After the Epiphany, the Christmas season is officially over.