It is so heartening to see so many country leaders talk this way about China. And thanks to CGTN for bringing these interviews to our attention. I would never get news like this from any Western media sources.
@@michalmuransky8857 After living in numerous countries, why do you think I chose to live in China for the last 16 years. The Chinese govt, unlike many so called liberal democracies, actually takes care of the people and is a peace loving nation. Many leaders around the world recognise this.
I am from slovakia and i'v been to china,in town called Yingkou ,it was a work trip,i love chinese people they are beautiful,and also their culture,i felt like in completely different world,like in fairytale,sending hugs to all chinese ❤
I believe the chinese people are good as well, but the government on the other hand....just gonna leave this one example here. Xinjiang internment camps.
Finaly somebody can pronounce his name properly, which is respect rather than being derogatory and ignorant. Fico is the best politician in Slovakia by far. although surrounded with lots of controversies throughout his political life. Good on you Mr Fico, opening right doors for our small nation.
It is nice to see a rational man working in the interests of his country and its people, wishing him all the best from the UK, I wish we could say the same thing about our politicians.
Brother answer is simple because you dont have british parlament for british people,second generations muslims,indians,africans in parlament dont fight for country but for they own interest,multicultural country will never hold together,thats why england is done,life here is each year more terrible!!!!as a slovakian living in england last 20years can tel how this country go down so fast,20 more years and this country will be ghetto of the world!!!mark my words
He is not working in the interests of his country and people at all. He is just a populist and opportunist. In fact, he is prime minister in Slovakia for 12th year in the short, 31 year history of our country. During those years, our living standard in Slovakia is falling or stagnating. Healthcare, finances and education system is in crisis. We have the lowerst living standard and wages in EU. Recent statistics show, that Slovakia is last or at the tail in almost everything compared to the rest of EU. Instead of solving these problems Fico's government (his political party of which he is a head of, has majority in parliament for more than 12 years) raised wages for ministers, while raising taxes and giving amnesties to some prisoners which are somehow related (family members, friends, acquaintances) to the government. Everything seems to be corrupted and collapsing in Slovakia. At least we have free visa to china 👍 well done Fico.
@@Ardgast97 pack your bags and go where the grass is greener, world is big enough to find a place for you. Let Slovakia to those who appreciate their country and want to see it grow and flourish. Agents paid by foreign parties whose only assignment is to break everything apart and portrait everything in black are not welcome anymore. Follow the hands that feed your mind with all that negativity to their lalalands. At least there you may find peace. But let the other people who believe in good future of our country work on our better tomorrows here. If you do not want to help, at least do not stand in the way of those who wish to build and create our better future.
UK has had a terrible government, which was not conservative at all. Now Labour Party is in the game. I used to live and study in the UK, I am wishing you that what makes Britain great again. 👌
@@Anticheat2011 presne Slovensko ma ine problemy ako sa pchat Cine do ryti, Slovensko nie je svetovy lider v nicom okrem mozno vyvozu aut a pracovnej sily a navsteva je uplne zbytocna a akekolvek Cinske zaujmy na Slovensku zadlzia krajinu na desatrocia ...
S jakou noblesou vedla tato moderátorka rozhovor, tak by měly všechny namyslene novinářky - moderátorky u nás absolvovat kurs, jak se dělat profesionální rozhovor. Přeji všem vše dobré a gratulace R. Ficovi za vše co dělá.
- pani moderatorka z videa nie je Slovenka/Ceskw a cielom rozhovoru je vypocut si pana Fica, - porovnavate teda neporovnatelne, - ulohou slovenskych/ceskych medii je adresovat veci v zaujme volicov, - minimalne 44% volicov nevolilo sucasnu vladnu koaliciu na Slovensku, - zvoleni zastupcovia obcanov maju povinnost komunikovat s mediami, Moderatori a politici by spolu urcite mali komunikovat eticky a vecne.
thanks to China for having our delegacy and treat us with respect, this wouldn t happen in countries like great britain, whos diplomats have had needs to telling us what is right and what is not.
This is just wonderful. First class prime minister R.Fico! 👍 Can you imagine someone from party Progresivne Slovensko talking, representing Slovakia 😔🤦♀️
@@lemon2595Ani vo sne si to nevieš predstaviť. Šimečka Chazarský potomok by tam len koktal a robil Slovensku hanbu, tak ako nedávno Igor Matovič. 24:11
This whole interview was about glorifying Chinese economy . China needs politicians like Fico not because they need products from Slovakia but because they need maximize export of their products to East Europe. Ficos main reason of this visit was bring car battery maker to build the plant in Slovakia. As you can see in very short video from Gotion battery plant whole group of visitors including Fico were wearing white suits for reason. The reason was high toxic factory environment. By the way same battery plants Gotion wanted to build in USA states Illinois and Michigan. For same reason an for devastating best farmer fields and stemming the effect of climate change in Michigan state Michigan blocked already building the car battery plant even for the price of loose over 2000 jobs as Gotion promised. Illinois is in same process. So Robert Fico is lying again.He doesn't care about devastating environment, he doesn't care about putting people to potentially high risk of losing their health,he cares about putting himself on high pedestal because he brought business with plenty of jobs for people of Slovakia so people gonna glorify him and whole SMER, what he gonna need for very possible early elections or another 4-year term reelection.This must NOT happen. Fico is a cancer of the Slovakia.
2 หลายเดือนก่อน +5
Takto sa to robí do psej matere pán premiér Róbert Fico, tlieskam!👍🙌
What a breath of fresh air watching Chinese news portal/interviews. They don't talk down to guest speakers or any foreign leaders unlike the pompous pr!cks at BBC, CNN, FOX, MSNBC.
Premier of Slovakia Dr. Robert Fico is Leader of his Nation who clearly see , that China will be in near future undisputed # 1 Superpower of the whole world. And strategic partnership between China and Slovakia is very imported for small country like Slovakia .
That why Slovakia is the only country in world with official position - that covid is "bio-weapon from Chinese lab", a research made by orthopedic and strongly supported by Fico before meeting with Xi.
@@Teekla vyzieras nasu krajinu a zradzas ju, aby si sa podhadzoval Americanom ako taka lacna caputka...pozbieraj sa clovece a ak nie,chod zit niekde do LA,najlepsie pod most :D no ty budes radsej vyzierat Slovensko ako Simeckovci,ze?
@@Teekla bohata EU? :D spolu s USA najzadlzenejsie spolocenstvo na zemeguli....v Eu najviac funguje akurat tak propaganda, sa preber a cestuj po svete :D sloboda? prosim dovtedy slobodny,kym na teba velky brat nespacha atentat, kym ti nedosadi nejaku babku za prezidenta, kym ti nenakaze, ze mozes mat 72 pohlavi :D sa preber, propaganda skoncila
@@DaliBorovec ,,KURATORIUM" CZ nacistická žumpa pod firherom Fialom. Denacifikácia ukrajiny pokračuje napriek podpore kolektívneho fašistického západu známeho z Mníchova 1938.
@@Evka1009 Podle vaší logiky, bude mít ČR s SK spor, ČR napadne SK a může za to TAKÉ USA? Spory států se řeší válkou. Russko před napadením garantovalo, že UA nenapadne,. Slovenská propaganda, něco jako russká, co madam!
ak po návšteve Brazílie bude na rade India a JAR, tak sme na budúci rok členovia BRICK spoločnosti, a potom sa budú mať zlodejskí podnikatelia veľmi zle.
Nobody is safe from C!A, not even Trump, "they" even tried it twice. Abe of Japan wasn't so lucky, "they" got rid of Abe for refusing to hold more US treasuries (debts).
Not true, he was shot due to allegations of corruption and recent law changes - lowering punishment for corruption and tax Freud (lot of his donors will benefit from these changes). He is populist who regained power thanks to lies, but.. yes he is a skilled politician :)
Which is not true at all.. He was shot by mad man and the reason behind was mainly the oppresion he started. There was no reason like he was shot because he is peacemaker. Slovak export of ammunition to Ukrajine is on the record heights, in a fact - just Fico is not presenting it.
K tejto pani redaktorke by mali chodiť naši slovenski maenstreamovi redaktori na pravidelné školenia, tomuto sa hovorí profesionalita, neskáče do reči a kladie relevantné otazky, náš pán premiér ide dobrou cestou 👍
Áno, zvýšil všetkým dramaticky dane, bude zdražovanie všetkého vrátane potravín, ktoré mali byť lacnejšie. Rodinám z deťmi prídu ročne o stovky eur, ale tento hajzlík si schválil doživotnú rentu a podvíhal platy ministrov a poslancov. A vás zaujíma, či mu skáču do reči... Teta zlatá, skúste si predstaviť ako sa bude žiť mojej rodine s troma deťmi budúci rok
toto bol rozhovor so scenárom, otázky aj odpovede boli vopred napísané....chváliš moderátorku za poslušnosť?? Potom musíš byt aj spokojný keď Čaputová mala rozhovory v N-ku či aktuálitách to bola totiž rovnaká maškaráda...
@@kristinavirova7056 i dont see that in the stores, when i see shopping cart full to the top (with many non-essential items). There is still big enough middle class too, but lets see in the future.
@ check Chinese airlines (few of them) and plan ahead. I think China is one of the best value for visiting. Lots of nature, culture, good food, affordable shopping and also high tech modern cities. The prices are like Eastern Europe before joining EU 😅 I loved visiting Eastern Europe and did at least 3-4 visit to Czech. Only once to Slovakia but truly enjoyed it. However, 2 years ago when I went back to Romania I was shocked by how much prices had gone up. So different with Serbia who is just next door. Serbian prices are stable 😄 Since then, I have not visited eastern Europe, as the prices are just like western europe now. I hope the few Chinese Airlines arrange some promotion fare to fly to Slovakia so more residents can visit each other.
Fico je návrat do komunizmu z čínskou tvárou. ZA názor budú vešať. Ale dôchodcom je to jedno hlavne ze sú dôchodky na triko ich vnuceniec. Potom aj vás Fico nech vezme pracovať do čínskej baterkarne, keď vaše vnučence nebudú sa vzdelávať iba driet a chodiť hole a bosé. Toto je vyškolený, skosolidovaný Fico.
Potom uvidíte ten "VEĽKÝ POKROK", keď Číňania na Slovensku nastavajú svoje fabriky. Môžete sa v jednej z nich zamestnať, aby Vás v nej zodrali až na smrť. Pretože v Číne ročne, kvôli katastrofálnym pracovným podmienkam, na totálne vyčerpanie z práce zomiera vyše 6 000 000 ľudí. Takže, dúfam, že si ten "pokrok", potom budete plne užívať.
@@petedea625 V tom s vámi musím souhlasit. Ano, Čínské investice jsou pro Evropu katastrofa. Vaši lidé, jak čtu, s tímto převážně souhlasí. A může za to zase USA, jak jste zvyklí vše na USA házet?
@@kristinavirova7056 ale ale to by predsa nas pan permier neurobil. Ved hovorili "ani naboj na ukrajinu". A Cina by tiez isto nepredavala svoje drony obom stranam, ved je to mierumilvna krajina!!!
Jedine, co rozkvita je akurat diktatorsky rezim. Vsetko poskupuju a potom nas budu vydierat a urcovat si ceny. V zapadnych krajinach je trhova konkurencia, Cina si robi co chce. A tu baterkaren chcu postavit na zapadnom Slovensku, kde uz teraz nema kto pracovat. Vlada to chce navyse zastimulovat. Rozumny dovod na to nie je, lebo Cina sa tlaci do Europy sama a nikto ich tu nechce. Jediny dovod je ten, ze vlastnikom firmy, ktora spolurealizuje tento projekt je kamarat Smeru a zhrabne akoze zelenu dotaciu. A Cinania budu spokojni, ze mozu vyrabat priamo v Europe a vyhnu sa tak clam.
Dobre robí, s Čínou treba obchodovať, robí to cely svet. Čo sa mi na premiérovi nepáči, tie jeho zopnuté ruky. Ruky majú byt otvorené, môže aj gestikulovať, ale nie spínať ruky.
Nice to see Fico going for cooperation. Hope for something like Economic and Humanitarian Eurasia as Lavrov was proposing already in 2016. Wish also for balanced trade, tough. China has massive trade surpluses with every country it is trading. Similar to Germany, but Germany is part of EU, which has balanced trade. Also, if country wants to do subsidy in forms of giving particular companies free electricity, loans, places than it should be imo fair - specially in case of trade deficit - apply tariff. Hope that there will be some mechanism for this. EU has balanced trade and regular 15 % tariff on cars made without such a subsidy. Tariff could be bit lower like 25 /not 35/, but it is imo out of question, that there should be no tariff.
Мне нравиться, что китайские журналисты никогда не перебивают, всегда дают человеку договорить. Журналисты из западной Европы могли бы поучиться у них.
@@Maria_Nizhny_Novgorod check freedom of press index . West at least has independent media that can criticise goverement. where are those in CN or RU? And this video is not even journalism , this is just "Pls tell us why China is Great" .
X záberov kde má byť Slovensko je Srbsko-Belehrad :D ach bože, ale inak rozhovor aj všetko ostatne super ale toto si mohli ustriehnuť ak sa jedná o takýto formát !:)
@@tomassamel8880 oh they do. I love this interview too. Especially the servility of the interviewer and the fact that she just simply accepting all what he said and not confronting him with the reality. For example that thing about that Slovakia is not sending arms to Ukraine. Now some people may really think that we are not sending them there😂
12:33 Couldn't find any source that would confirm that Slovakia-China trade volume is 10bilion for last 3 years 12:40 Not "Slovakia is China's 4th largest trading partner" but the other way around, China is Slovakia's 4th largest trading partner. I would appreciate if CGTN would provide also sources for these claims, ill be happy to be corrected. Milý Slovák, pozeraj sa na veci kriticky a preveruj si informácie (aj keď sa jedná o tvojho obľúbeného politika)!
Did you notice how the reporter forced Mr Fico the idea of the most important visit of 2024, which she repeated at the end, as it was meant to be scripted... Slovaci nechapu, ze krajine trvalo desatrocia byt sucastou Zapadu a teraz to niekto hadze len tak do kosa. Nech si maju baterkaren ale pchat sa Cine do ryti je uplne zbytocne a poburujuce uz len preto, ze stojime ako clenovia Nato na uplne opacnej strane dejin ...
Hovor za seba ty truba sprosta, nas okupovali 20 rokov , to si mohla vidiet tu ich dusu , dobre mas ten mozog vymytý. Seriozny obchodny partner ? Si sprosta alebo naivna
SLOVENCINA ❤will be The heartbeat in the future our greatest prayers is balanced power is the true worth knowing one own people here is an brief looking at a greater Center of European future .
- pani moderatorka z videa nie je Slovenka a cielom rozhovoru je vypocut si pana Fica, - porovnavate teda neporovnatelne, - ulohou slovenskych medii je adresovat veci v zaujme volicov, - minimalne 44% volicov nevolilo sucasnu vladnu koaliciu, - zvoleni zastupcovia obcanov maju povinnost komunikovat s mediami, Moderatori a politici by spolu urcite mali komunikovat eticky a vecne.
Predstava, že by tam na jeho mieste mala sedieť osoba z Trnavy je pre mňa deprimujúca. Minimálne jedna hanba napr. s Macronom atď. mi s ním stačila medzinárodnom politickom živote Slovenska. Premier Fico je iná úroveň štátnika. Škoda, že s ním rozhovor nerobila hviezdna moderátorka CGTN Li Jingjing, ktorú poznám z internetových sieti, ale aj ta, ktorú som videl prvý raz bola vynikajúca.
@@DaliBoroveca vašim vrcholovým politikom všade trčí z riti americká zástava. Som pyšná na Roberta Fica ❤ A netroluj tu toľko. Ak sa ti nepáči, čo hovorí, vypni a choď písať oslavné ódy na Fialu a Pavla, to je fakt top dvojka 😉
Super rozhovor pri príležitosti Slovensko Činskej spolupráce a spoločného ekonomicko strategického partnerstva super práca pán premier. 🇸🇰🇸🇰🇸🇰🇸🇰🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳👍👍👍👍👍
просто нужно быть очень осторожным и не перепутать доброизло. . Фицо, поставляющий Украине оружие, убивающее россиян, не должен иметь возможности попасть в число тех, кто заботится о мире и будущем. Надеюсь, все уже поняли, что он хамелеон.
@@РафаэльСаркисянц-ъ2т эта старая лисица прекрасно знает, что делает. Он должен прекратить поставки оружия из Словакии в Украину, от которых убивают наших российских братьев, и тогда он сможет говорить о мире и сотрудничестве. К сожалению, сегодня в Европе нет политиков, которые должны защищать национальные интересы, а есть приспешники Сороса. Береги себя и не верте этим брехням. Победа будет за вами, брат!
USA, DE, FR, UK, etc., can do business with everyone, autocrats and non-autocrats ....... but little Slovakia has to wait for approval from Brussels, Washington, Berlin ...... which are full of buzzwords , such as freedom, democracy, Western values
Slovakia and Fico will have a very difficult time, because the EU and the Western world do not see our country as a rightful partner, but as a problem! The country is too small and of little commercial interest to the EU and the East!
Slovensko je štvrtým najväčším obchodným partnerom Číny. Je najväčším zdrojom dovozu zo strednej a východnej Európy. Čo ale ako obchodny partner vyváža do Číny Slovensko?
Just a quick geography check! 😄 The stunning church in this shot 6:11 ? That's Saint Nedelya Church in Sofia, Bulgaria-not Slovakia! Looks like we took a little scenic detour through the Balkans! But who cares right!
All the world should act like friends, help each other , respect each other and than there wont be war and world become better.
Sure, but small countries need to know their place!
@@rbrb804 Aj Izrael ?
I agree. Russia should never attack Ukraine.
Vsecha Vam cest pane Fico❤
@@michalmuransky8857Ukrajina za pomoci zapadu vrazdila Ruske lidi,to ti nikdo nerek ze?
It is so heartening to see so many country leaders talk this way about China. And thanks to CGTN for bringing these interviews to our attention. I would never get news like this from any Western media sources.
Exactly. Let China news expand for more to see.
You are so naive.
@@murko1630Naivný murko🤣
Technical question. Do you think, that what you heard in this interview is true?
@@michalmuransky8857 After living in numerous countries, why do you think I chose to live in China for the last 16 years. The Chinese govt, unlike many so called liberal democracies, actually takes care of the people and is a peace loving nation. Many leaders around the world recognise this.
Extremely professional interview.. 👌👌👌
Communist nonsense. Propaganda as it should be.
I am from slovakia and i'v been to china,in town called Yingkou ,it was a work trip,i love chinese people they are beautiful,and also their culture,i felt like in completely different world,like in fairytale,sending hugs to all chinese ❤
ma by, but in China is also a lot of tota-lity
@@ivanan7427 Democracy doesnt exist buddy , there is communism or totality in this world . America or England is living example
I believe the chinese people are good as well, but the government on the other hand....just gonna leave this one example here. Xinjiang internment camps.
@@Braashi Of course are the chinese ordinary people good and I did not wright about them...
Ďakujem za interwiev. Krásna kompozícia štúdia. ❤
Finaly somebody can pronounce his name properly, which is respect rather than being derogatory and ignorant. Fico is the best politician in Slovakia by far. although surrounded with lots of controversies throughout his political life. Good on you Mr Fico, opening right doors for our small nation.
He is best thief, everything else you saying is a lie
@@peterhutlas3572vieme komu hutláš orezané páratká, troll osra!ý
Sure thing, Mečiar is the runner up!
ORBÁN FICO VUCIC❤❤❤❤❤💯💯💯💯💯👍👍👍👍👍👍
@@eszekiistvan7953 who do you think is better in corruption and stealing? I would say our beloved leader of Slovakia is the best in this.
Ti co chtějí rozložit EU a být součástí russka!
Who was it that was convicted of war crimes and ethnic cleansing?@@michalmuransky8857
Excellent interview of the premier of the world format! We support friendly relations between Slovakia and China.
No, len sa neposer...@@zuzanasopuchova7400
I am afraid of China
so you have a problem... @@ivanan7427
They are very principled
It is nice to see a rational man working in the interests of his country and its people, wishing him all the best from the UK, I wish we could say the same thing about our politicians.
Thank goodness, he got away from C!A's attempt to end his term.
Brother answer is simple because you dont have british parlament for british people,second generations muslims,indians,africans in parlament dont fight for country but for they own interest,multicultural country will never hold together,thats why england is done,life here is each year more terrible!!!!as a slovakian living in england last 20years can tel how this country go down so fast,20 more years and this country will be ghetto of the world!!!mark my words
He is not working in the interests of his country and people at all. He is just a populist and opportunist. In fact, he is prime minister in Slovakia for 12th year in the short, 31 year history of our country. During those years, our living standard in Slovakia is falling or stagnating. Healthcare, finances and education system is in crisis. We have the lowerst living standard and wages in EU. Recent statistics show, that Slovakia is last or at the tail in almost everything compared to the rest of EU. Instead of solving these problems Fico's government (his political party of which he is a head of, has majority in parliament for more than 12 years) raised wages for ministers, while raising taxes and giving amnesties to some prisoners which are somehow related (family members, friends, acquaintances) to the government.
Everything seems to be corrupted and collapsing in Slovakia. At least we have free visa to china 👍 well done Fico.
@@Ardgast97 pack your bags and go where the grass is greener, world is big enough to find a place for you. Let Slovakia to those who appreciate their country and want to see it grow and flourish. Agents paid by foreign parties whose only assignment is to break everything apart and portrait everything in black are not welcome anymore. Follow the hands that feed your mind with all that negativity to their lalalands. At least there you may find peace. But let the other people who believe in good future of our country work on our better tomorrows here. If you do not want to help, at least do not stand in the way of those who wish to build and create our better future.
UK has had a terrible government, which was not conservative at all. Now Labour Party is in the game. I used to live and study in the UK, I am wishing you that what makes Britain great again. 👌
Vynikajuci rozhovor. Maximalne podporujem tuto cestu budúcnosti Slovenska. ✌🏻☮️
Hanba na 3 generácie
@@Anticheat2011 presne Slovensko ma ine problemy ako sa pchat Cine do ryti, Slovensko nie je svetovy lider v nicom okrem mozno vyvozu aut a pracovnej sily a navsteva je uplne zbytocna a akekolvek Cinske zaujmy na Slovensku zadlzia krajinu na desatrocia ...
Dobre robíš
Tento Ficov pokus sa dá v súčasnej geopolitickej situácii zhodnotiť ako mokrý prd do vetra. ✌️☮️
S jakou noblesou vedla tato moderátorka rozhovor, tak by měly všechny namyslene novinářky - moderátorky u nás absolvovat kurs, jak se dělat profesionální rozhovor. Přeji všem vše dobré a gratulace R. Ficovi za vše co dělá.
- pani moderatorka z videa nie je Slovenka/Ceskw a cielom rozhovoru je vypocut si pana Fica,
- porovnavate teda neporovnatelne,
- ulohou slovenskych/ceskych medii je adresovat veci v zaujme volicov,
- minimalne 44% volicov nevolilo sucasnu vladnu koaliciu na Slovensku,
- zvoleni zastupcovia obcanov maju povinnost komunikovat s mediami,
Moderatori a politici by spolu urcite mali komunikovat eticky a vecne.
Slovakia ❤❤❤❤.
thanks to China for having our delegacy and treat us with respect, this wouldn t happen in countries like great britain, whos diplomats have had needs to telling us what is right and what is not.
Anglicko nám nemusí určovať smer hospodárenia. To sa angličania vnucujú do našich zahraničných jednaní .
@@nadejdaleka610 Nič v zlom, ale toto je dosť odveci odpoveď, alebo bolo niečo vymazané?
This is just wonderful. First class prime minister R.Fico! 👍
Can you imagine someone from party Progresivne Slovensko talking, representing Slovakia 😔🤦♀️
Yes I can
@@lemon2595Ani vo sne si to nevieš predstaviť. Šimečka Chazarský potomok by tam len koktal a robil Slovensku hanbu, tak ako nedávno Igor Matovič. 24:11
@@lemon2595 😂😂😂 no daj 😂😂
Yes,I can imagine politicians from Progresivne Slovensko or any other party from Slovakia to talk and represent Slovakia .
This whole interview was about glorifying Chinese economy . China needs politicians like Fico not because they need products from Slovakia but because they need maximize export of their products to East Europe. Ficos main reason of this visit was bring car battery maker to build the plant in Slovakia. As you can see in very short video from Gotion battery plant whole group of visitors including Fico were wearing white suits for reason. The reason was high toxic factory
environment. By the way same battery plants Gotion wanted to build in USA states Illinois and Michigan. For same reason an for devastating best farmer fields and stemming the effect of climate change in Michigan state Michigan blocked already building the car battery plant even for the price of loose over 2000 jobs as Gotion promised. Illinois is in same process. So Robert Fico is lying again.He doesn't care about devastating environment, he doesn't care about putting people to potentially high risk of losing their health,he cares about putting himself on high pedestal because he brought business with plenty of jobs for people of Slovakia so people gonna glorify him and whole SMER, what he gonna need for very possible early elections or another 4-year term reelection.This must NOT happen. Fico is a cancer of the Slovakia.
Takto sa to robí do psej matere pán premiér Róbert Fico, tlieskam!👍🙌
Very nice interview, Mr Fico is a very smart man. Cheers to a very good partnership !
What a breath of fresh air watching Chinese news portal/interviews.
They don't talk down to guest speakers or any foreign leaders unlike the pompous pr!cks at BBC, CNN, FOX, MSNBC.
he decieved his voters.
Few years back, when he was in opposition, he was against Ukraine be accepted into European Union.
@@Teeklachoď a daj sa liečiť !
@@TeeklaTeekla. CHOĎ DO PEKLA !!!
Premier of Slovakia Dr. Robert Fico is Leader of his Nation who clearly see , that China will be in near future undisputed # 1 Superpower of the whole world. And strategic partnership between China and Slovakia is very imported for small country like Slovakia .
So all this is just sucking up to a superpower?
That why Slovakia is the only country in world with official position - that covid is "bio-weapon from Chinese lab", a research made by orthopedic and strongly supported by Fico before meeting with Xi.
In China wird geklotzt und nicht gejammert und darum sind die eine Weltmacht
firstly, Dr. Robert Fico should be in jail
@@obrik666 Why ?
One of the Best PMs in the world! 🎉
Good to see our Prime Minister sees the importance of China in world affairs and how important is to have good relations.
China is reliant on the free world and their economy sucks right now so they are looking for exports.
Ty si dobre naivny.
Calm down!
Vidí důležitost, jak sebrat Evropě práci?
Čína dáva prácu 4. Ríši EÚ.
best prime minister of slovakia
Dakujeme,pan premier! Partnerom z Ciny dakujeme za spolupracu a trpezlivost s hlupou Europou.
Vyzieras nasu dobru bohatu slobodnu EU. Nikde inde zit nemozes a nechces. Bez EU by si zdochlo
@@Teekla vyzieras nasu krajinu a zradzas ju, aby si sa podhadzoval Americanom ako taka lacna caputka...pozbieraj sa clovece a ak nie,chod zit niekde do LA,najlepsie pod most :D no ty budes radsej vyzierat Slovensko ako Simeckovci,ze?
@@Teekla bohata EU? :D spolu s USA najzadlzenejsie spolocenstvo na zemeguli....v Eu najviac funguje akurat tak propaganda, sa preber a cestuj po svete :D sloboda? prosim dovtedy slobodny,kym na teba velky brat nespacha atentat, kym ti nedosadi nejaku babku za prezidenta, kym ti nenakaze, ze mozes mat 72 pohlavi :D sa preber, propaganda skoncila
Daj pokoj !!!@@Teekla
@@JozefRyska ty ani na dovolenku nikde okrem EU nejdes. Si spokojne a stastne v EU
Slovensko chce mať dobré vzťahy s každým, kto chce mať dobré vztahy so Slovenskom a chce žiť v mieri.
Svetový mier. 😂
Potom rozhodně ne s Russkem, pro které je slovo mír sprosté slovo!
@@DaliBorovec netrep hlúposti. Vojna na Ukrajine je vďaka USA!
,,KURATORIUM" CZ nacistická žumpa pod firherom Fialom.
Denacifikácia ukrajiny pokračuje napriek podpore kolektívneho fašistického západu známeho z Mníchova 1938.
Podle vaší logiky, bude mít ČR s SK spor, ČR napadne SK a může za to TAKÉ USA?
Spory států se řeší válkou. Russko před napadením garantovalo, že UA nenapadne,.
Slovenská propaganda, něco jako russká, co madam!
Buy from friendly country.
Čínské šmejdy??
Našoj slovačkoj braći ljubav iz Srbije. ❤️❤️❤️
@ ❤️❤️
@@silviavogl 😉😘❣️🇷🇸 Pozdrav‼️
Communist nonsense. Propaganda as it should be.
ak po návšteve Brazílie bude na rade India a JAR, tak sme na budúci rok členovia BRICK spoločnosti, a potom sa budú mať zlodejskí podnikatelia veľmi zle.
Dufam,ze sa tak stane co najskor👍👍
Vypaskovane nemocnice uz nikto nevrati🤣🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑
BRICSj e pouze utopie jednoduchých lidiček!!
potom sa budeme mať zle všetci...karta sa obráti a ty budeš akurát tak skladať hračky čínskym deťom ty socka...
Fair enough
Greetings from Slovakia 🙂
Communist nonsense. Propaganda as it should be.
I wish all EU politicians will act like Mr. Fico. Best of luck to Slovakia under the leadership of Mr. Fico!
@@Teekla never what?
@@martinsabo3285 dont worry. U are uneducated. You dont need to know.
Thank god they dont. This guy is a looser
Best wishes from Hungary!!
thank you brothers
We are glad slovakian-hungarian relationship is the best it ever was, greetings from slovakia
Maďarsko, Slovensko. Vy chyťte za ruce a hurá do russké náruče.
Jste ostudou EU!!
Thank you neighbor
aj tebe pozdrav do Madarska...vsetkym
Sending Love to China with my Comment from Slovakia ❤❤❤ Our Prime Minister Fico was in China ❤❤❤ I will be in China in future ❤❤❤
Let us not forget this man was shot for his stance on Ukraine, for wanting to find some form of peace.
Nobody is safe from C!A, not even Trump, "they" even tried it twice.
Abe of Japan wasn't so lucky, "they" got rid of Abe for refusing to hold more US treasuries (debts).
Not true, he was shot due to allegations of corruption and recent law changes - lowering punishment for corruption and tax Freud (lot of his donors will benefit from these changes). He is populist who regained power thanks to lies, but.. yes he is a skilled politician :)
Which is not true at all.. He was shot by mad man and the reason behind was mainly the oppresion he started. There was no reason like he was shot because he is peacemaker. Slovak export of ammunition to Ukrajine is on the record heights, in a fact - just Fico is not presenting it.
@slobodapeter. Progresívny klamár , preskočilo ti ? Strieľal progresívny fanatik !
he wasnt ...dont lie ...
K tejto pani redaktorke by mali chodiť naši slovenski maenstreamovi redaktori na pravidelné školenia, tomuto sa hovorí profesionalita, neskáče do reči a kladie relevantné otazky, náš pán premiér ide dobrou cestou 👍
Áno, zvýšil všetkým dramaticky dane, bude zdražovanie všetkého vrátane potravín, ktoré mali byť lacnejšie. Rodinám z deťmi prídu ročne o stovky eur, ale tento hajzlík si schválil doživotnú rentu a podvíhal platy ministrov a poslancov.
A vás zaujíma, či mu skáču do reči... Teta zlatá, skúste si predstaviť ako sa bude žiť mojej rodine s troma deťmi budúci rok
Tiahne 13rokov Slovensko uplne do riti.
Čeští redaktoři jistě ještě víc, nevychovanci
toto bol rozhovor so scenárom, otázky aj odpovede boli vopred napísané....chváliš moderátorku za poslušnosť?? Potom musíš byt aj spokojný keď Čaputová mala rozhovory v N-ku či aktuálitách to bola totiž rovnaká maškaráda...
A este je slušne striedmo oblecena. U nás si hovoria novinarky ale sú to ,,selebrity,,
So lucky Slovakia getting visa free from China. I hope my country will too, soon 🙏🏼
@fsctoclara8934 Unfortunately, not too many Slovaks can offer to travel to China if they're living from paycheck to paycheck .
@@kristinavirova7056 i dont see that in the stores, when i see shopping cart full to the top (with many non-essential items). There is still big enough middle class too, but lets see in the future.
@ check Chinese airlines (few of them) and plan ahead. I think China is one of the best value for visiting. Lots of nature, culture, good food, affordable shopping and also high tech modern cities. The prices are like Eastern Europe before joining EU 😅
I loved visiting Eastern Europe and did at least 3-4 visit to Czech. Only once to Slovakia but truly enjoyed it. However, 2 years ago when I went back to Romania I was shocked by how much prices had gone up. So different with Serbia who is just next door. Serbian prices are stable 😄
Since then, I have not visited eastern Europe, as the prices are just like western europe now.
I hope the few Chinese Airlines arrange some promotion fare to fly to Slovakia so more residents can visit each other.
@@kristinavirova7056 if so whose problem is it?
Bro what?
Skôr veľký úpadok!
Nebo velký pokrok do russké náruče, to spíš!
Fico je návrat do komunizmu z čínskou tvárou. ZA názor budú vešať. Ale dôchodcom je to jedno hlavne ze sú dôchodky na triko ich vnuceniec. Potom aj vás Fico nech vezme pracovať do čínskej baterkarne, keď vaše vnučence nebudú sa vzdelávať iba driet a chodiť hole a bosé. Toto je vyškolený, skosolidovaný Fico.
Potom uvidíte ten "VEĽKÝ POKROK", keď Číňania na Slovensku nastavajú svoje fabriky. Môžete sa v jednej z nich zamestnať, aby Vás v nej zodrali až na smrť. Pretože v Číne ročne, kvôli katastrofálnym pracovným podmienkam, na totálne vyčerpanie z práce zomiera vyše 6 000 000 ľudí. Takže, dúfam, že si ten "pokrok", potom budete plne užívať.
V tom s vámi musím souhlasit. Ano, Čínské investice jsou pro Evropu katastrofa.
Vaši lidé, jak čtu, s tímto převážně souhlasí.
A může za to zase USA, jak jste zvyklí vše na USA házet?
Nech rozkvita spolupráca medzi Slovenskom a Čínou. Chceme mier a dobrú spoluprácu medzi národmi.👍
A plno cinanov. Nech sa uz tych sprostych slovakov zbavime
@@Laco-e1i ak Slovensko naozaj chce mier, má prestať posielať zbrane na Ukrajinu. Ináč vojna nám zaklope na dvere.
@@kristinavirova7056 ale ale to by predsa nas pan permier neurobil. Ved hovorili "ani naboj na ukrajinu". A Cina by tiez isto nepredavala svoje drony obom stranam, ved je to mierumilvna krajina!!!
Jedine, co rozkvita je akurat diktatorsky rezim. Vsetko poskupuju a potom nas budu vydierat a urcovat si ceny.
V zapadnych krajinach je trhova konkurencia, Cina si robi co chce. A tu baterkaren chcu postavit na zapadnom Slovensku, kde uz teraz nema kto pracovat. Vlada to chce navyse zastimulovat. Rozumny dovod na to nie je, lebo Cina sa tlaci do Europy sama a nikto ich tu nechce. Jediny dovod je ten, ze vlastnikom firmy, ktora spolurealizuje tento projekt je kamarat Smeru a zhrabne akoze zelenu dotaciu. A Cinania budu spokojni, ze mozu vyrabat priamo v Europe a vyhnu sa tak clam.
Ukraine is definitely not EU and EU will be no more as most countries want independence and keep own traditions,safe borders etc
Sending warm greetings from Slovakia to Chinese friends :))
Víťazstvom Trumpa sme začali vyhrávať kultúrnu vojnu proti liberálom
ty riadne padnes na hubu, dockaj casu...
Až bude díky Trumpovi u vás nezaměstnanost na 20%, budete také tak psát,
PÁN Fico ide na víťaznej vlne zdravého rozumu. Dúfam, že dôjde až do cieľa.
Ste naivny
Že zdravého rozumu 😂😂😂
@@zuzanasopuchova7400 no daj co by si urobila ty.... lebo len sa posmievat spoza klavesnice dokaze kazdy....
Dobre robí, s Čínou treba obchodovať, robí to cely svet. Čo sa mi na premiérovi nepáči, tie jeho zopnuté ruky. Ruky majú byt otvorené, môže aj gestikulovať, ale nie spínať ruky.
Zdravý rozum je v russké televizi prosit o pozvání na květnový, ubohý vojenský kabaret?
More leaders like Mr Fico, Mr Putin and Mr Orban!!!! Love from Australia ❤❤❤
Why? What did they create? They can only destroy.
"love from australia", but IP address is from Russia :D
@@eXisTko ukra craap is so pathetic today…))) it’s hilarious…)))
Ukra craap 👆🏻 is so pathetic today…))) it’s hilarious…)))
Nice to see Fico going for cooperation.
Hope for something like Economic and Humanitarian Eurasia as Lavrov was proposing already in 2016.
Wish also for balanced trade, tough. China has massive trade surpluses with every country it is trading. Similar to Germany, but Germany is part of EU, which has balanced trade.
Also, if country wants to do subsidy in forms of giving particular companies free electricity, loans, places than it should be imo fair - specially in case of trade deficit - apply tariff.
Hope that there will be some mechanism for this.
EU has balanced trade and regular 15 % tariff on cars made without such a subsidy.
Tariff could be bit lower like 25 /not 35/, but it is imo out of question, that there should be no tariff.
Pán štátnik, premiér Fico 👍💯👋👋👋
Russký vlez do řitě, co.
Мне нравиться, что китайские журналисты никогда не перебивают, всегда дают человеку договорить. Журналисты из западной Европы могли бы поучиться у них.
Because its all acording to Chinese script . We will recieve you , you will praise us , simple .
@nikobelic6368 If you think western journalists don't use script you are naive.
@@Maria_Nizhny_Novgorod check freedom of press index . West at least has independent media that can criticise goverement. where are those in CN or RU? And this video is not even journalism , this is just "Pls tell us why China is Great" .
@@nikobelic6368 Who makes "freedom of press index"? Who funds them?
West doesn't have independent media.
I agree, just very simple question ,answer, and respect. This how it should be done.
Slovak 🇸🇰 Prime Minister Róbert Fico 👏👏👌👌👍👍💪💪
Communist nonsense. Propaganda as it should be.
I like how welcoming is china to us, might visit next year
Thank you from Slovakia!
Excelent video 💯👍❤❤
Communist nonsense. Propaganda as it should be.
Fico pochopil kam svět směřuje a jak obrovsky roste význam Číny. Na rozdíl od našich dementů ze strakovky a hradu.
Jo, pořád se čeká na ty miliardové investice, co nasliboval Lihoš před 10ti rokama 😂
X záberov kde má byť Slovensko je Srbsko-Belehrad :D ach bože, ale inak rozhovor aj všetko ostatne super ale toto si mohli ustriehnuť ak sa jedná o takýto formát !:)
Sa mi paci ze stretnutie s prezidentom reprezentuje Fico a nie prezident SR
Pozícia prezidenta china je úplne iná ako sk!
Sad is that Slovak legacy pro Ukraine, EU, LGBT media doesn't show this to wider public.
@@tomassamel8880 oh they do. I love this interview too. Especially the servility of the interviewer and the fact that she just simply accepting all what he said and not confronting him with the reality. For example that thing about that Slovakia is not sending arms to Ukraine. Now some people may really think that we are not sending them there😂
Spickovy politik Pan Fico. Velmi dobry smer pre Slovensko. A vyborne spracovane video CGTN! Dakujeme. J
Great interview .. great leader
Je to rodený politik😊
Najväčší frajer Robert Fico 👍♥️
Communist nonsense. Propaganda as it should be.
12:33 Couldn't find any source that would confirm that Slovakia-China trade volume is 10bilion for last 3 years
12:40 Not "Slovakia is China's 4th largest trading partner" but the other way around, China is Slovakia's 4th largest trading partner.
I would appreciate if CGTN would provide also sources for these claims, ill be happy to be corrected.
Milý Slovák, pozeraj sa na veci kriticky a preveruj si informácie (aj keď sa jedná o tvojho obľúbeného politika)!
Did you notice how the reporter forced Mr Fico the idea of the most important visit of 2024, which she repeated at the end, as it was meant to be scripted...
Slovaci nechapu, ze krajine trvalo desatrocia byt sucastou Zapadu a teraz to niekto hadze len tak do kosa.
Nech si maju baterkaren ale pchat sa Cine do ryti je uplne zbytocne a poburujuce uz len preto, ze stojime ako clenovia Nato na uplne opacnej strane dejin ...
Želáme si priateľstvo s Ruskou federáciou.
Seriózny obchodný partner, slovanská duša, slovanský svet.
Zabudla si napisat, ze v Rusku vladne spravodlivost a mier a nie korupcia a otroctvo ako na slovensku!!!
@@rbrb804Коррупция есть везде, к сожалению.
Rusko je nepřítel a nedemokratická země.
Hovor za seba ty truba sprosta, nas okupovali 20 rokov , to si mohla vidiet tu ich dusu , dobre mas ten mozog vymytý. Seriozny obchodny partner ? Si sprosta alebo naivna
Vy jste nějak mentálně zaostalá?? Jinak nemůžete psát tak nehorázné bláboly!!
Long Live One China!
SLOVENCINA ❤will be The heartbeat in the future our greatest prayers is balanced power is the true worth knowing one own people here is an brief looking at a greater Center of European future .
Novinárky z Markíze, Aktualít, JOJ, TA3, Lacova, Kajtárova..Dibáková... POZRITE ako sa robí rozhovor s politikmi!!!!!!@
Haló novinarikovia, kde ste???? Pozerajte, takto sa to robí do psej matere,
@@ivettkutalekova4033 Ale doma máme presstitútov a to je rozdiel.
Nepýtať sa nepríjemné otázky?
Aj neprijemna otazka sa da polozit tvrdo ale slusne.
U nas to akosi funguje inak. Hned v prvej vete nalepky a utoky. Ci sa mylim? @@risosk17
- pani moderatorka z videa nie je Slovenka a cielom rozhovoru je vypocut si pana Fica,
- porovnavate teda neporovnatelne,
- ulohou slovenskych medii je adresovat veci v zaujme volicov,
- minimalne 44% volicov nevolilo sucasnu vladnu koaliciu,
- zvoleni zastupcovia obcanov maju povinnost komunikovat s mediami,
Moderatori a politici by spolu urcite mali komunikovat eticky a vecne.
vdaka bohu že máme takého premiéra ktorý dokáže dostojne reprezentovat našu vlast!
Predstava, že by tam na jeho mieste mala sedieť osoba z Trnavy je pre mňa deprimujúca. Minimálne jedna hanba napr. s Macronom atď. mi s ním stačila medzinárodnom politickom živote Slovenska. Premier Fico je iná úroveň štátnika. Škoda, že s ním rozhovor nerobila hviezdna moderátorka CGTN Li Jingjing, ktorú poznám z internetových sieti, ale aj ta, ktorú som videl prvý raz bola vynikajúca.
Chinese friends
Hm, až bude v Evropě 30% nezaměstnanost, tak také?
Premiér FICO je najlepší premiér EÚ 🎉❤🎉❤🎉
😂Communist nonsense. Propaganda as it should be.
Já ještě dodám a nejlepší Putlerův řitolezec!!
@@DaliBoroveca vašim vrcholovým politikom všade trčí z riti americká zástava. Som pyšná na Roberta Fica ❤ A netroluj tu toľko. Ak sa ti nepáči, čo hovorí, vypni a choď písať oslavné ódy na Fialu a Pavla, to je fakt top dvojka 😉
Dúfam, že sa natoľko inšpiroval pokrokom Číny,že D1 zmákne dokončiť do konca tohto roka.
super, pán premiér 👋👋👋
Super rozhovor pri príležitosti Slovensko Činskej spolupráce a spoločného ekonomicko strategického partnerstva super práca pán premier.
Takže Čína, USA sebere veškerou práci v Evropě, tomu tleskáte?
@ Ak to buďe mať za následok rozpad EÚ tak ano tlieskam.
Tak to si pomůžete, žebráci! 93 rok díky pane Klauzi!
To co předvedl váš Fico v russké televizi, je hodno opravdu velkého IDI ala!!
Od chvíle, kdy promluvil v russké televizi, je se Slovenskem konec. Něco jako demokracie, svoboda, konec!
6:11 it's Sofia, capitol of Bulgaria 😅 Nwm, good interview.
Chad-G 💪
Pekné zhrnutie návštevy Číny s rozhovorom slovenského premiéra R. Fica ❤😊😊
Wisdom of Slova …
Dakujeme bratom Srbom za Vase zelanie pre nasho premiera R.Fica.🤛 Bratia Srby drzme spolu nasu slovanskost a bratstvo!
Excellent ! ❤
Vivat premiér Fico❤❤❤👍👍👍😊(A.U.🤩)
to february government must fall
Всё закономерно, более слабый, ищет поддержку от более сильного. Сегодня видно, кто ослаб, ну а кто набирает силу.
america is #1 in the world, nobody likes russia, the world hates china.
просто нужно быть очень осторожным и не перепутать доброизло. . Фицо, поставляющий Украине оружие, убивающее россиян, не должен иметь возможности попасть в число тех, кто заботится о мире и будущем. Надеюсь, все уже поняли, что он хамелеон.
эта старая лисица прекрасно знает, что делает. Он должен прекратить поставки оружия из Словакии в Украину, от которых убивают наших российских братьев, и тогда он сможет говорить о мире и сотрудничестве. К сожалению, сегодня в Европе нет политиков, которые должны защищать национальные интересы, а есть приспешники Сороса.
Береги себя и не верте этим брехням. Победа будет за вами, брат!
Everyone is weak compared to China. Even your puny country.
Tak russko jen a jen oslabuje. Dobře vám tak!
slava BRICS!
No, myslim si na zaklade informacii ze i to nie je to prave orechove. Strata slobody ako jedna z prvych veci, okrem ineho🤯
Myslíte ty rozvojové zoufalce?? Mimo snad Číny??
@@DaliBorovec tak a ted se zase vrat k pruzkumu sve pohlavni identity.
Robo Fico Besttt 🇸🇰🇸🇰✅✅
Communist nonsense. Propaganda as it should be.
Listen, just listen. Take your own mind, but listen.
Videli ste aj spracovanie odpadu pri výrobe eletrobatérií?
p. Fico 💯
the transcription from slovak to english subtitles is false sometimes
USA, DE, FR, UK, etc., can do business with everyone, autocrats and non-autocrats ....... but little Slovakia has to wait for approval from Brussels, Washington, Berlin ...... which are full of buzzwords , such as freedom, democracy, Western values
Slovakia and Fico will have a very difficult time, because the EU and the Western world do not see our country as a rightful partner, but as a problem! The country is too small and of little commercial interest to the EU and the East!
Slovakia and Hungary both have very similar policies towards China, the only sensible way to go.
Well, the PS boss wouldn't give this... and no one would even invite him because to them he's just a worm that ruins the fruit.
Pán FICO ste svetoví politik.👍👍👍💪
@@palovasicek1766 na našu biedu.
Este sa tak naucit gramatiku...
@@Janhook610 Nie. Prvé písmeno na začiatku novej vety sa píše veľké. 🙂
@@Janhook610 Pravopis, do fiče!🙄
@@Janhook610 predklon sa :D
Slovensko je štvrtým najväčším obchodným partnerom Číny. Je najväčším zdrojom dovozu zo strednej a východnej Európy. Čo ale ako obchodny partner vyváža do Číny Slovensko?
Just a quick geography check! 😄 The stunning church in this shot 6:11 ? That's Saint Nedelya Church in Sofia, Bulgaria-not Slovakia! Looks like we took a little scenic detour through the Balkans! But who cares right!
Len Tak dalej, pan Robert Fico. Pan politik! ❤
Hajrá Róbert!
Game of thrones, trust me. I have yet to see any global power pursuing noble goals….
we dont want battery factory for sure in slovakia, fico goin against our people and environment :((