NOTE: Don't overdo the increase in BPM. If you consistently get above 95% in your runs, try to find a new amount of time to shoot that puts you at around 85% average.
Apparently, scientifically for the flow state. Challenge needs to be 4% more difficult than the time before. So if you calculated a 4% higher BPM per day, you may reach higher scores even faster. Havent tried it yet.
@@admiralgamers7181 hell no, bad math you did there; you would need to play the scenario 10 times just to calculate your current level at the present, and only then do the thing with 4%. You assumed that you are going to stay at the same score each day, like a robot, but we are humans, we play today good, tomorrow bad; and that is because physical changes appear both in the brain and body and it takes time to actually use the results you worked for.
@@4Lin-25 ok how about do it for 3 days - 5 days a week then go up 4%. What’s robotic about it? It’s just a means to measure your progress and ensure you are continually improving.
damn dude awesome vid. my highscore is currently 1100 on 1wall 6targets small. it's amazing how like 90% of the tips you recommended are the same things i've learned in isolation just grinding by myself (straight, smooth lines between targets, using a metronome, aiming faster than your comfort zone, etc...). i hadn't thought to try those other scenarios though for wide flicks, short flicks, and precision, though. good tips man.
hey man I've been training for a week and find that your content really breaks down how to improve aim and how to do it step by step! thank you and keep up this stuff is gold!
Another good tip is to mostly look at your crosshair for precision scenarios (Except when aquiring the next target). I got so used to trying to only focus on my target from mostly playing tracking scenarios that I started doing it in precision scenarios aswell which screwed me over.
Someone mentioned your channel in a reddit thread and here I am. I already thought my solution was to push the tempo but you just confirmed it for me. Also I'm gonna try the metronome hopefully it helps. You should upload again man you made great stuff!
Turn your sens up and play precise tracking modes like bounce tracking and voxtargetswitch. Focus of being gentle and relaxed. Good smoothness exercise.
could you do a video on the specifics of mouse grip? do I use my pointer and middle finger for mouse control or just for clicking? do I rest my wrist on the mousepad, or hover? how do I keep the skin of my arm from catching on the mousepad and interfering with vertical mobility? things like that... I know that everyone has a different style but I believe there's gotta be at least some fundamental ideas that all good aimers share...
Could you do one on how to click moving targets accurately like on Bounce 180 or 1wall5targets_pasu? It feels like I always either have super low accuracy from trying to go a decent speed or I take my time aiming and then my scores are extremely low, and I'm not sure which I should be doing.
As far as I could tell from reading Aimer7's work you need to work on reading skills. Do more tracking scenarios, so you can actually comprehend how and at what speed targets move so you can hit it more accurately. FuglaaXYshortstrafes, refshortstrafes...etc
I really enjoy that other people are making these videos. I really hope evwryonw strts playing kovaaks.i want the community as a whole to get better. Good video bud. Lets collab?
honestly if i did that it would just be a summary of aimer7's strafe guide, he covers everything there
Bro a moving targets guide man plsssss I'm not sure how I'm supposed to play 1wall5targets_pasu Like tracking scenarios u have to be smooth and for click timing u focus on straight lines and speed But for those moving targets I really have no clue how to do those so would be really gud man if u make one on those tnx in advance
I try to play pasu like a tracking scenario. Track for half a second and make sure you're centered then shoot. It's easiest to hit targets that just switched directions as well.
Здравствуйте ! Подскажите пожалуйста как быть ! Относительно недавно играю в Коваак , играю на 1wall 6target Small и мой рекорд составляет всего 910( 95/93 ((2промаха)). И бывают такие случаи , что прям залетает игра , я быстро навожусь и делаю для себя много попаданий(например те же 95), но садясь на следующий день я опять начинаю минимально попадать , делаю промахи и с каждым днём как то не привычно кажется это упражнение. Какие могут быть дополнительные упражнения к этому(1wall 6targets Small)? Может быть стоит поиграть сначала их , менее сложные , а уже потом придти к более сложному ? --------------------------------------------------------------- Hello ! Please tell me how to be ! Relatively recently I play Kovaak, I play on 1wall 6target Small and my record is only 910( 95/93 ((2promaha)). And there are such cases that the game just flies in, I quickly get excited and do a lot of hits for myself(for example, the same 95), but sitting down the next day I again start to hit minimally, I make mistakes and every day it does not seem familiar to this exercise. What can be additional exercises to this (1wall 6targets Small)? Maybe you should play them first , less complex, and then come to a more complex one ? I watch videos where people score 1000 or about 1000 points and it feels like my speed is the same as theirs , but when I try to do it myself and hit it fast, I don't get anything and only get one miss . It just leads to a tilt.((
Something i use from piano practice. It helps to control tempo of key presses in piano (10 max). It will work even better when you only focus on the one of your mouse. The general idea of a metronome(besides for practice) is to capture expression while playing(slower sad - faster happy).
hey man i read a comment on one of your vids where someone asks if they should have lower sens on csgo/val than in kovaaks and you replied yes - why is that?
a lot of scenarios in kovaaks (strafes, 360 target switch, etc.) just can't really be practiced on a sens thats 40+ cm/360. It's a myth that you lose your "muscle memory" when you switch sens, so kovaaks should be practiced at least on 35cm/360 imo
It really doesn't matter, playing kovaaks at any sens will help your mouse control, which will help your valorant aim. If you have a kovaaks sens, just stick with it :D
This man says the exact opposite of bardOZ and since bardOZ has the WR on 1w6t small I trust him more. almost every top 100 run has arround 98% accuracy. Yeah I dont think going for low accuracy is good, neither do I think metronomes are beneficial for your aim.
NOTE: Don't overdo the increase in BPM. If you consistently get above 95% in your runs, try to find a new amount of time to shoot that puts you at around 85% average.
Apparently, scientifically for the flow state. Challenge needs to be 4% more difficult than the time before. So if you calculated a 4% higher BPM per day, you may reach higher scores even faster. Havent tried it yet.
@Myles Gordon Pro tip, stop scamming
@@admiralgamers7181 hell no, bad math you did there; you would need to play the scenario 10 times just to calculate your current level at the present, and only then do the thing with 4%.
You assumed that you are going to stay at the same score each day, like a robot, but we are humans, we play today good, tomorrow bad; and that is because physical changes appear both in the brain and body and it takes time to actually use the results you worked for.
@@4Lin-25 ok how about do it for 3 days - 5 days a week then go up 4%. What’s robotic about it? It’s just a means to measure your progress and ensure you are continually improving.
damn dude awesome vid. my highscore is currently 1100 on 1wall 6targets small. it's amazing how like 90% of the tips you recommended are the same things i've learned in isolation just grinding by myself (straight, smooth lines between targets, using a metronome, aiming faster than your comfort zone, etc...). i hadn't thought to try those other scenarios though for wide flicks, short flicks, and precision, though. good tips man.
hey man I've been training for a week and find that your content really breaks down how to improve aim and how to do it step by step! thank you and keep up this stuff is gold!
Further on from your point, vF Zeeq says he achieved speed from actively pursuing it, not playing on autopilot over and over again
This vid is super outdated. Watch BardOZ’s static aiming guide.
@@nibroc8425 yeah I've seen that now
Another good tip is to mostly look at your crosshair for precision scenarios (Except when aquiring the next target). I got so used to trying to only focus on my target from mostly playing tracking scenarios that I started doing it in precision scenarios aswell which screwed me over.
I was in the discord when you were talking about making the video and I’m really glad you did
Someone mentioned your channel in a reddit thread and here I am. I already thought my solution was to push the tempo but you just confirmed it for me. Also I'm gonna try the metronome hopefully it helps. You should upload again man you made great stuff!
lul just increasing the speed of your flicks is so simple but damn good I feel stupid that it didnt come to my mind by myself ^^
I struggle HEAVILY with smoothness, now matter how much smoothness routines i do im still shaking and indecisive with my aim. pls halp
improvement is about getting 1% better everyday, there's no such thing as a quick fix, just keep going!
Turn your sens up and play precise tracking modes like bounce tracking and voxtargetswitch. Focus of being gentle and relaxed. Good smoothness exercise.
If you have a very high sensitivity smooth aiming is really difficult.
Relax your hand homie
@@christmasiscancelledIf it was 1%, then 100 days would be 100%.
This video is a gem. Your knowledge is priceless and I’m really happy I found this video 💯
Thanks man, been looking forward to this video, I've been using the metronome with 6targetste, I'll try it out on small!
could you do a video on the specifics of mouse grip? do I use my pointer and middle finger for mouse control or just for clicking? do I rest my wrist on the mousepad, or hover? how do I keep the skin of my arm from catching on the mousepad and interfering with vertical mobility? things like that... I know that everyone has a different style but I believe there's gotta be at least some fundamental ideas that all good aimers share...
Struth Gaming channel has those answers.
This series is great. Popcorn sparky next :)
Could you do one on how to click moving targets accurately like on Bounce 180 or 1wall5targets_pasu? It feels like I always either have super low accuracy from trying to go a decent speed or I take my time aiming and then my scores are extremely low, and I'm not sure which I should be doing.
As far as I could tell from reading Aimer7's work you need to work on reading skills. Do more tracking scenarios, so you can actually comprehend how and at what speed targets move so you can hit it more accurately. FuglaaXYshortstrafes, refshortstrafes...etc
for Tile Frenzy the same technique, straight lines, smoothness, etc.?
Yes, and slowly speed up over time, idk why you are playing tile frenzy though
What’s the background song, it’s reminding me of something but can’t remember it for some reason
I have problems with strafing and vertical flicks, so I'm interested in coaching. Can I write to you on DS for the further process?
thanks man i went from averaging 80 dots hit with a high score of 87 now to averaging 90 dots hit with a high score of 100 dots.
Thanks for the advice king 🥰
Honestly my weakness is the microadjustment to reach the ball after a flick, but that's something i will just need practise to fix
I needed this video,thank you!
I really enjoy that other people are making these videos. I really hope evwryonw strts playing kovaaks.i want the community as a whole to get better. Good video bud. Lets collab?
lmao chrismas is canceled, just realised
This Video is actually so good
What FOV are you using? OW 103 as recommanded?
If you could cover pistol strafe gallery or another movement scored scenario I'd greatly appreciate it. Great video !
honestly if i did that it would just be a summary of aimer7's strafe guide, he covers everything there
Jim take New Years away from stanley
i have a bad habit of micro adjusting, how to remove this habit? do i go slow, but when i go slow my hands just tense up, i dont know what to do
Bro a moving targets guide man plsssss
I'm not sure how I'm supposed to play 1wall5targets_pasu
Like tracking scenarios u have to be smooth and for click timing u focus on straight lines and speed
But for those moving targets I really have no clue how to do those so would be really gud man if u make one on those tnx in advance
I try to play pasu like a tracking scenario. Track for half a second and make sure you're centered then shoot. It's easiest to hit targets that just switched directions as well.
Здравствуйте ! Подскажите пожалуйста как быть ! Относительно недавно играю в Коваак , играю на 1wall 6target Small и мой рекорд составляет всего 910( 95/93 ((2промаха)). И бывают такие случаи , что прям залетает игра , я быстро навожусь и делаю для себя много попаданий(например те же 95), но садясь на следующий день я опять начинаю минимально попадать , делаю промахи и с каждым днём как то не привычно кажется это упражнение. Какие могут быть дополнительные упражнения к этому(1wall 6targets Small)? Может быть стоит поиграть сначала их , менее сложные , а уже потом придти к более сложному ? --------------------------------------------------------------- Hello ! Please tell me how to be ! Relatively recently I play Kovaak, I play on 1wall 6target Small and my record is only 910( 95/93 ((2promaha)). And there are such cases that the game just flies in, I quickly get excited and do a lot of hits for myself(for example, the same 95), but sitting down the next day I again start to hit minimally, I make mistakes and every day it does not seem familiar to this exercise. What can be additional exercises to this (1wall 6targets Small)? Maybe you should play them first , less complex, and then come to a more complex one ? I watch videos where people score 1000 or about 1000 points and it feels like my speed is the same as theirs , but when I try to do it myself and hit it fast, I don't get anything and only get one miss . It just leads to a tilt.((
How do u kiw which scenarios to use to improve another scenario ?
I legit use a metronome to help me who knew someone else does this.
Something i use from piano practice. It helps to control tempo of key presses in piano (10 max). It will work even better when you only focus on the one of your mouse. The general idea of a metronome(besides for practice) is to capture expression while playing(slower sad - faster happy).
Whats your cm/360
hey man i read a comment on one of your vids where someone asks if they should have lower sens on csgo/val than in kovaaks and you replied yes - why is that?
a lot of scenarios in kovaaks (strafes, 360 target switch, etc.) just can't really be practiced on a sens thats 40+ cm/360. It's a myth that you lose your "muscle memory" when you switch sens, so kovaaks should be practiced at least on 35cm/360 imo
This made me hit more targets instantly :)
very good video :) ty for showing me how to improve
its hard with low sense..... your sense high?
I only can score 690 on this game. But my previous score was 500. I improved in 1week with 83.79% accuracy.
should I use my kovaaks sens (33cm/360) or my valorant sens (47cm/360) for 1w6ts?(I wanna improve my valorant aim)
It really doesn't matter, playing kovaaks at any sens will help your mouse control, which will help your valorant aim. If you have a kovaaks sens, just stick with it :D
Great video keep up the good work -tru_eyez subd
Popcorn Sparky pr Popcorn in general would be nice guide!
im speeding up but im getting only 75-80%. am i speeding up too much? i went from 95bpm to 110bpm
try to find something around 85%, maybe 105bpm would work :D
@@christmasiscancelled oh ok ty
n0ted sent me here
This man says the exact opposite of bardOZ and since bardOZ has the WR on 1w6t small I trust him more. almost every top 100 run has arround 98% accuracy. Yeah I dont think going for low accuracy is good, neither do I think metronomes are beneficial for your aim.
Man, I suggested a metronone a while back and got downvoted to oblivion :/