Absolutely, been stating this since the game's release. There is no way they can find enough players with the same level of skill on a 32 vs 32 match on every lobby for their MMR crapp. The only solution is to fill up the server with BOTS to act as an MMR balancer.
I'm in Australia and have played the game for 70+ hrs. Forget about bots, that's not an issue here. Because 99% of my games are matchmaking into Asian servers with 180ms ping. I saw people discussing whether OCE servers exist or not in chat literally every day. The crazy lag has made the game unplayable - terrible hit reg that makes the bullets feel fake, visible delay on hit markers, sometimes teleporting while sprinting, etc. I'm totally fine to fight against sweaty tryhards in SBMM, but forcing players to 150+ping servers are just ret4rded. So who cares about bots any more LMAO.
Agreed. Server browser please! We can't find any king of the hill games in Australia. Only Asian ones. I can find attack and defend Ozzie servers at least
i'm playing on Asia, and i'm 100% sure there are still bots in warfare, i mean a real player would never just stand there in the middle of an open field, and i encountered it in almost every match. I'm not sure about operations, but i think there are also bots squad with real player names on that mode as well. I refuse to believe i am that good because i can wipe the while squad alone so many times.
I can't tell if it's sbmm or bots sometimes.... But i still get aim botted through smoke and behind cover constantly, and it's usually by the same 2-3 "players" every round
NPCs aren't negatively impacting the game experience - the main culprit is slow server response times. Most of the servers we get dropped onto are in Asia with ping times >200ms - so the game experience for many isn't great, to put it mildly. NPCs can easily outplay the best human player if their skill array is dialed up. NPCs add a huge amount to the game, especially where there is a low player count. Remember the good old days of BF1942. We worked together and had a lot of fun. Zero competitive toxicity and cheaters. The journey was more important than the destination. The lack of NPCs is one of the main reasons BF has lost a lot of its followers - that and a significantly reduced feature set post-BF4 - including the inability to run private LAN or dedicated servers. Fewer and fewer features for an ever-increasing price tag. EA/Dice continues to milk the market. They don't want a game to have a lifespan of more than a couple of years. From our gamers group's point of view, we stopped playing BF over 5 years ago. Sadly it doesn't look like DF is going to fill the gap left by BF.
If there's no SBMM then why is it that when I search for a match, I almost always get a message along of the lines of "Que times are too long, Matchmaking pool"? Why am I in a pool that always needs to be expanded?
Correct, the delta force discord is filled with cope and saying there is no mmr, but I can literally prove it by playing on a new account and then on my current account and watching the wait times go through the roof and having to sweat my balls off lol
I'm from SEA region, and yes there is bots here noticeably using Medic and Engineer. From time to time i recognize that the score at the end of the game is all reasonable until 23-24th player and then there's significant gap to 25th all the way to 32th. But same thing can't be said in East Asia server (JP, KR, TW) as i notice this pattern is not there
Most players aren’t great players they are casual and kids. They pay the bills not the top 5%. If they don’t make money, no one gets paid and you get no content or good servers. How much is Delta Force? Free-to-play
With what bullshit scientific evidence do you have that supports your little theory? You, alongside this youtuber and every other sweat, has no factual evidence.
One study with flawed methods shows it's good, done by a very dodgy publisher. You can't conclusively say it's good for the Devs/ money making.@@griffin1366
another thing that would massively help the game, is have the game be able to start without a full lobby. currently Delta Force needs a full 32v32 to start a lobby. why not have the "match starting" countdown happen with 32/60 players found? that would help a lot i feel like I've had a lot of cases where it was searching for players, it got to 60/64 and it went "expanding matchmaking search" like why? we are just missing 4 players game, start the damn match
Bro same. A point Ascension on defense, I was using the coastal artillery and I swear at least 6 dudes crouched in place, looked at me, and fired in bursts after I damage em
There is A LOT of bots. EVERY MATCH. South American player here. EVERY match, half of the team does nothing. I tested. Played some matches just walking, without shooting once, or dying consistently and still managed to not be the last. Observed the actions of some "players" and yes, they are bots. I mean, almost half of the team. Again. In EVERY match.
Europe (Nordic countries) also have bots, I'm 200% sure about that. Sometimes it feels like playing against aimbots. They can do a 180 turnaround and drop you in a millisecond. So frustrating!
I'm in Europe, Nordics. No matter what game mode I play, ranked, every single time it takes forever to join and always states that doesn't find games in my region and that it's widening the search. What the actual fudge Delta Force??? Can't find enough full lobbies in Europe? Maybe there's more servers elsewhere in Europe and that's where it's pushing me. It's not always super laggy but it's ALWAYS TAKING FOREVER to find a match. Why? I'm seeing many familiar names in matches and it's very sweaty every time. There are only a handful of players in my matches that could be new, everyone else is mega tryhard. There's absolutely SBMM in the game.
The lobbies are so unrewarding. And it's something many people will never understand. The flow is zapped when you have turbo nerds pulling every gimmick to win. There's no chill, no class, no fun. Then the fools will say"skill issue" without getting where skill comes from. Hint it's not developed in sweaty lobbies
What Silk said in his video about MMR in BF style games really resonated with me. When you're in a sweat lobby you're not going to get the 12yo jihad jeeps or 2/45 gamer dads trying to stinger helis all day or the c4 drones or the casper who lies in a bush spotting everyone all game. All you get are other fraggers. It really ruins the game because those annoying af playstyles are one of the pillars of battlefield. Without that it's a different game altogether.
Such a bummer that Delta Force was so responsive to us and acted like they were open/transparent with us but then are caught lying over sbmm and now bots, and it's the only thing they are sorta quiet about and not going into detail about...
Absolutely yes, I had seen some "plays and movements" that is not possible someone do, unless the player is playing with steering wheel... Medics looking to the horizon while you are on the ground waiting for revive and there's no enemies around, "players" entering halls backwards while gunfight is happening...
I keep saying it, there are bots out there. Getting beamed from a player with a stock CAR15 when there are better options out there triggers my ptsd from the closed beta. Yesterday at some point during Enders stream he got prefired by a prone player that somehow and accurately knew where he was and when he was going to approach and peek during the corner.
I've seen people standing still while shooting, others run into walls and some medics look at you don't revive and then go to get instantly killed so I refuse to believe any one can be that stupid so I think there are bots
What is so utterly frustrating is why the simply won’t remove SBMM just for one month. Just to test it even. Everyone’s experience will instantly get better in terms of matchmaking times and lobbies. Just do it already!
tbh based on my experience this whole video was just you farming bots. it's literally impossible for me to run into so many people without being beamed down by someone I didn't see because he was hiding somewhere completely illogical to my brain.
Drove around inside of AA to get a few kills. As soon as I stepped out, 8+ players (AI Chinese BOTS) instantly started shooting at me from all directions. So lame.
I'll be honest as a somewhat new player to delta force, I'm quite happy I'm not matched with to many sweaters, I simply don't have the time to invest to get so good. And matching with very good players would just make it frustrating to play as you'll just get farmed.
Sorry to hear all of this comments. Asian player here. For some reference maybe no bot at all in Asian servers. SBMM is quite new feeling comparing to BFs. I would say they made it balanced.
The game definetly needs a server browser or I am done with it pretty quickly. I am so tired of getting both beta maps 70% of the time while I trench lines which is by far the most enjoyable map yet only TWICE. Also it gets more and more clear that the game needa spread since basically everyone uses now a laser beam with nonrecoil. Those engagement ranges on the maps are insane and it is pretty hard to move around them.
Highly doubt there’s a distinction with new players. Had the game for two days, was no slouch in my first few games and matched with Enders and Focus during their tournament 😂
They are definitely there. I am level 22 and played a match recently in which they would just stand still looking at me while I was shooting them. I also revived a guy multiple times at once and each time he would stand up but stay still. Edit: I'm from south america, the amount of players is good so its weird
I'm in Europe and Delta Force put bots into lobbies when there is a low player count. Which we would all see if they stopped calling the bots by human player names! Didn't they say they had stopped this also? Man, the game is so frustrating and stressful for the average player, which I am. I can't use cover, I can't use tactics, because bots and/or cheaters are beaming me or spawning on me.
Shadow stated bots would only be used in low population areas when addressing bots. I've got to be honest and agree with the oceania players. I think the matchmaking is creating a lot of the issues. Whilst I am always loaded into a European lobby with approx 42ms ping I am pretty sure half the lobby are being brought in from further afield. It would account for a lot I see in game such as one frame deaths etc etc
Could you make a vid about "SNIPERS" BUILDS? (I watched your AR vid and it is one of the BEST!!!) So could you make the same for Snipers as well!, That would be GREAT!, Thanks! ❤
If there is newbies and everyone else where is skill disparity. It is hard to notice one and I'm 110% sure there is multiple skill brackets . I quit playing it I'm not interested .
I have noticed too bot behaviour on EU, especially on late hours like 3-4am. They literally move and behave just like a bot, they walk and react like one, it is kinda weird and thats not in a singular match, in ALL of them. EDIT: i have 163hrs so far in the game since the open beta released.
I mean the bots revive you as soon as you go down even in the middle of an enemy shooting you both. It's been like that since day 1. And i'm living in EU, a high population region. Whoever said there are no bots is lying out of their ass and more importantly thinks the gamers who have dealt with this shit for decades are idiots.
Yesterday was my first day where I didn’t play a single game due to sbmm. Generally found myself questioning if I was even enjoying the game, and turns out I wasn’t. Truly a shame because there’s so many fun aspects of the game but slimy communicational habits is something I’ve witnessed in countless games and leads me to stray away. Damn shame. “Everyone has to be a winner” mentality is ruining the world.
There are bots in there for sure. I have recorded footage time and again where players are behaving like bots and going in stupid directions and doing nothing but dying and all. They have just dumbed down the bots but not removed them. On top of that SBMM is stupid for a game like this.
For a player count of 90K every day the matchmaking sure has a rough time finding me a match, it always expends range. I’m in NA east at evening time which is prime…
I would like for you to ask them if there is a limit to the ping a player can have in your match, for instance can somebody from a different region be thrown onto servers that are not ideal for the sake of "balacing" There is no ability to tell what your enemy ping is but when you die in a single frame or enemy sponges, its kinda obvious its high ping related... They could also add an indicator that shows how many players shot you at the same time
Bro what it the reason to remove sbm can you explain becuase i dont see any problem with playing with players of your skill maybe you can explain a good point
for a casual (no offense) it would be a good idea to play against people of your skill level but for someone ill use my self for example i cant pick up the game to try because i play cod, battlefield, and halo with the skills i collected that when i go into delta force and get a good flank on people and get a 6 player killstreak on my 1st game the sbmm immediately be like ok you belong in diamond rank lobbies and now everytime i want to play the game to learn at lvl 6 im being put up against lvl no life timmy going 100-0 but all 32 players are like that so thats why i only put 3 hours into the game cause its legit unplayable for me to learn the game
It makes all games boring and more predictable since you will be either destroying ppl with no effort or get destroyed till you reach Mandatory 50% WR.
@@toastybread419gaming So you want to be placed with people that are bad ? Yes im a casual because i know every shooter game is just whoever has the better ping ,frames will have a better chance than me, the only strategy that i should learn is the map. I don't play offline game against bots because i killing real humans is better than killing a programmed bot . If they remove sbm then those nolifers & cheaters will spill in my skill which will make me leave the game , i would rather improve my skills then face the nolifers later.
@sixtyfivewatts65 honestly yes i wouldn't mind going against bad enemy atleast im in the same boats as them I've never played shafted before so why is it my first time playing i dont even know how to get to objective A but all 32 lvl 150 sure does. id rather be in no sbmm and deal with that one sweat lord than playing a game where everytime i boot up after work and I'm thrown into matches against enders like enemies
Makes sense with that mmr crap. I played hill of iron all weekend in the tanks I did good top squad almost every match now I tried to play infantry yesterday and I got my ass kicked bad. So I think the man took my vehicle score and applied it to my overall mmr crap.
most games studio believe that they need SBMM to get player play more and so get more money from u (battle pass and microtransactions). they rust their data collection statistics and not our feedbacks
i only knew about them removing bots from the game for this open beta because you made a video on it and then from my past games i felt like the players that i encounter or that play in my squad some of them being healers just run past me and die without shooting a single bullet and there's a horde of them dieng to enemies and its not fun when bots are in your team they don't help a single bit and the whole game feels weird unlike when playing with or against real players push or defense feels real there's competition smart plays and whatnot whereas with bots you take one look and there they are rushing to enemies and dieng from a touch!
in regards to the sbmm, for the past 2 days that i have played, i have seen some of the top 20 players in the global leaderboard ranked mode in about 5 to 6 games and my ping has spiked at all those times... this shit needs to go
Hey man ! Please make a survey for the removal of sbmm. Its super bad for the game ( for the operations mode too). No one ever complained in tarkov when matching with 1% players. We should not have sbmm here as well. I understand the new player expedience needs to be different but they already are protected they get a different lobby then we do ( around lvl 15-18 is the stronger lobby anything below that is not sweaty) You are a cc and have a much bigger voice then us we have to get rid of the sbmm for both mods. Cheers Ajvi
I mean poor/obscure communication on how they delivered this might as well be lying. And the bots arent labeled in those regions... They reply to the community on socials and to creators very often and yet they put this bot thing in a steam faq... They're trying to hide it 🤦♂️
Ugh just because I am a decent player doesnt mean I should only play against sweats and 'high-skilled' players. Like its like either I have to play like 100% all the time non-stop or not at all. Tired of getting beamed across the map with a basic AR and nothing but a red dot within 0.7 seconds of peeking a corner. I can hop into a non-sbmm game like battlefield and have a good experience if I win or lose because im being chill and playing my own speed vs this game... I accidently played too good early in and now I am stuck playing in high skilled lobbies that take 3-5 mins to match into. Even when I was doing the Operaions mode... I was Bronze IV just getting my feet wet and I am here fighting Freakin' Golds IIs and up... Like WHY?!
Mate I've played enough (30 hours in SEA region) to know that there are players just standing in the open, shooting at random people and then proceed to reload in the open and just weird behaviour in general. There is no way that's an actual human being playing like that. I've suspected it since launch but just being gaslit, it's so obvious when someone is an AI or an actual player.
I don’t believe them at all. I can’t count how many times I’ve been instakilled across the map while that enemy is surrounded by my teammates. He can shoot any of them easier but shooting me on other side of the map.
OCE servers are filled with questionable players due to our geo location, add on top BOT's still in the game... at least they could name tag the bots AI so we know when we are getting killed by a BOT and not by a cheat.
I live in North America and shouldn't have an issue with ping. Yet i my match search gets expanded every time and i play with the same few people every time
I am in OCE - never seen a bot yet - seen games not full though, so thats confusing ....We cant play anything but attack and defend or the queue gets stuck at 63/64 and times out after 20 mis which has happened last 2 alphas as well.
Daily streams here :) www.twitch.tv/enders
Bots and SBMM. The devs caught lying.
What A surprise its like we couldn"t expect that from a shitty chinese Dev team
Absolutely, been stating this since the game's release.
There is no way they can find enough players with the same level of skill on a 32 vs 32 match on every lobby for their MMR crapp.
The only solution is to fill up the server with BOTS to act as an MMR balancer.
The worst case scenario really.
sbmm lowkey getting on my nerves it shouldnt take me 5-20mins to get into a match at 4pm with 150k players online
Same here brother
@@Tipsyfr Im not that top player, but sbmm can't find a match for me even. It should take more than 2-3 minutes always.
I was wondering why I was killing it in some games, while getting less than 3k points in others.
Wtf is it with SBMM in modern games?
there are no 150k players
@gordonfreimann not exactly. But they are enough to find match quick
The MMR is real. We had the same lobbies more in one day on delta force than we ever did through the life of battlefield.
I'm in Australia and have played the game for 70+ hrs. Forget about bots, that's not an issue here. Because 99% of my games are matchmaking into Asian servers with 180ms ping. I saw people discussing whether OCE servers exist or not in chat literally every day. The crazy lag has made the game unplayable - terrible hit reg that makes the bullets feel fake, visible delay on hit markers, sometimes teleporting while sprinting, etc. I'm totally fine to fight against sweaty tryhards in SBMM, but forcing players to 150+ping servers are just ret4rded. So who cares about bots any more LMAO.
i 2nd this
Agreed. Server browser please! We can't find any king of the hill games in Australia. Only Asian ones. I can find attack and defend Ozzie servers at least
Yep, it's terrible
And if you enter an Asian server. It doesn't matter if there's SBMM or not bcoz the whole lobby is gonna be a sweat fest regardless 😂
Enders should try playing on Asian severs and then comment.
i'm playing on Asia, and i'm 100% sure there are still bots in warfare, i mean a real player would never just stand there in the middle of an open field, and i encountered it in almost every match. I'm not sure about operations, but i think there are also bots squad with real player names on that mode as well. I refuse to believe i am that good because i can wipe the while squad alone so many times.
you can’t fix lies and deceit with single update
I can't tell if it's sbmm or bots sometimes.... But i still get aim botted through smoke and behind cover constantly, and it's usually by the same 2-3 "players" every round
NPCs aren't negatively impacting the game experience - the main culprit is slow server response times.
Most of the servers we get dropped onto are in Asia with ping times >200ms - so the game experience for many isn't great, to put it mildly.
NPCs can easily outplay the best human player if their skill array is dialed up. NPCs add a huge amount to the game, especially where there is a low player count. Remember the good old days of BF1942. We worked together and had a lot of fun. Zero competitive toxicity and cheaters. The journey was more important than the destination.
The lack of NPCs is one of the main reasons BF has lost a lot of its followers - that and a significantly reduced feature set post-BF4 - including the inability to run private LAN or dedicated servers. Fewer and fewer features for an ever-increasing price tag. EA/Dice continues to milk the market. They don't want a game to have a lifespan of more than a couple of years.
From our gamers group's point of view, we stopped playing BF over 5 years ago. Sadly it doesn't look like DF is going to fill the gap left by BF.
No MMR but I've noticed myself matching with the same players multiple days in a row at this point. Crazy coincidence in such a huge population.
lol it's just a coincidence running into the same few players out of 100,000+ people in game at any moment. The Delta Force team is lying for sure.
“The communication on this has not been great”
bro they flat out lied.
Yes, there are bots in Europe, another big problem is, we can't choose the map we want play, so it makes me think they're lying.
If there's no SBMM then why is it that when I search for a match, I almost always get a message along of the lines of "Que times are too long, Matchmaking pool"? Why am I in a pool that always needs to be expanded?
Correct, the delta force discord is filled with cope and saying there is no mmr, but I can literally prove it by playing on a new account and then on my current account and watching the wait times go through the roof and having to sweat my balls off lol
I'm from SEA region, and yes there is bots here noticeably using Medic and Engineer. From time to time i recognize that the score at the end of the game is all reasonable until 23-24th player and then there's significant gap to 25th all the way to 32th.
But same thing can't be said in East Asia server (JP, KR, TW) as i notice this pattern is not there
Why is it so hard to remove sbmm? If it's not fun for players, it is not profitable for devs.
It is profitable for the devs, at the upper 25-50% of players expense.
Most players aren’t great players they are casual and kids. They pay the bills not the top 5%.
If they don’t make money, no one gets paid and you get no content or good servers.
How much is Delta Force? Free-to-play
With what bullshit scientific evidence do you have that supports your little theory?
You, alongside this youtuber and every other sweat, has no factual evidence.
One study with flawed methods shows it's good, done by a very dodgy publisher. You can't conclusively say it's good for the Devs/ money making.@@griffin1366
if it wasn't profitable they wouldn't have it lol. Matchmaking algorithms literally increase player retention and they have the data to back it up.
another thing that would massively help the game, is have the game be able to start without a full lobby. currently Delta Force needs a full 32v32 to start a lobby. why not have the "match starting" countdown happen with 32/60 players found? that would help a lot i feel like
I've had a lot of cases where it was searching for players, it got to 60/64 and it went "expanding matchmaking search" like why? we are just missing 4 players game, start the damn match
yes I have seen so many do the same things like crouch and just look at you
Bro same. A point Ascension on defense, I was using the coastal artillery and I swear at least 6 dudes crouched in place, looked at me, and fired in bursts after I damage em
There is A LOT of bots. EVERY MATCH. South American player here. EVERY match, half of the team does nothing. I tested. Played some matches just walking, without shooting once, or dying consistently and still managed to not be the last. Observed the actions of some "players" and yes, they are bots. I mean, almost half of the team. Again. In EVERY match.
Europe (Nordic countries) also have bots, I'm 200% sure about that. Sometimes it feels like playing against aimbots. They can do a 180 turnaround and drop you in a millisecond. So frustrating!
Same here.
Also I encounter the same players, match & match again lol
Yesterday was insanely sweaty. Capping B was a CDL match in itself lmao
I'm in Europe, Nordics. No matter what game mode I play, ranked, every single time it takes forever to join and always states that doesn't find games in my region and that it's widening the search. What the actual fudge Delta Force??? Can't find enough full lobbies in Europe? Maybe there's more servers elsewhere in Europe and that's where it's pushing me. It's not always super laggy but it's ALWAYS TAKING FOREVER to find a match. Why?
I'm seeing many familiar names in matches and it's very sweaty every time. There are only a handful of players in my matches that could be new, everyone else is mega tryhard. There's absolutely SBMM in the game.
AND bots!
The lobbies are so unrewarding. And it's something many people will never understand. The flow is zapped when you have turbo nerds pulling every gimmick to win. There's no chill, no class, no fun.
Then the fools will say"skill issue" without getting where skill comes from. Hint it's not developed in sweaty lobbies
What Silk said in his video about MMR in BF style games really resonated with me. When you're in a sweat lobby you're not going to get the 12yo jihad jeeps or 2/45 gamer dads trying to stinger helis all day or the c4 drones or the casper who lies in a bush spotting everyone all game. All you get are other fraggers. It really ruins the game because those annoying af playstyles are one of the pillars of battlefield. Without that it's a different game altogether.
Even in Europe there is still bots... and no Im not new to the game Im top 100
Enders, the voice of the Delta Force community, I love your videos addressing the problems within Delta Force. Yep their still bots in Delta Force.
I thought bots are at the beginning at the matches and are eventually replaced by real players as they connect
Fav streamer dropping bangers back to back🦾🦾💪
Such a bummer that Delta Force was so responsive to us and acted like they were open/transparent with us but then are caught lying over sbmm and now bots, and it's the only thing they are sorta quiet about and not going into detail about...
Absolutely yes, I had seen some "plays and movements" that is not possible someone do, unless the player is playing with steering wheel...
Medics looking to the horizon while you are on the ground waiting for revive and there's no enemies around, "players" entering halls backwards while gunfight is happening...
Poorly communicate simple stuff > blame the localization team.
Hopefully this doesn't become a vicious cycle.
Good luck in the tournament.
The only bots I notice are my teammates whenever an enemy tank spawns in.
Appreciate your honesty on everything
I keep saying it, there are bots out there. Getting beamed from a player with a stock CAR15 when there are better options out there triggers my ptsd from the closed beta. Yesterday at some point during Enders stream he got prefired by a prone player that somehow and accurately knew where he was and when he was going to approach and peek during the corner.
Where you would notice it the most is if you make a new account, they put bots to rush you and keep watching
Shadow did come to answer some questions in a Q&A video recently released addressing SBMM/MMR and the bots
I've seen people standing still while shooting, others run into walls and some medics look at you don't revive and then go to get instantly killed so I refuse to believe any one can be that stupid so I think there are bots
What is so utterly frustrating is why the simply won’t remove SBMM just for one month. Just to test it even. Everyone’s experience will instantly get better in terms of matchmaking times and lobbies. Just do it already!
tbh based on my experience this whole video was just you farming bots. it's literally impossible for me to run into so many people without being beamed down by someone I didn't see because he was hiding somewhere completely illogical to my brain.
Drove around inside of AA to get a few kills. As soon as I stepped out, 8+ players (AI Chinese BOTS) instantly started shooting at me from all directions. So lame.
I'll be honest as a somewhat new player to delta force, I'm quite happy I'm not matched with to many sweaters, I simply don't have the time to invest to get so good. And matching with very good players would just make it frustrating to play as you'll just get farmed.
Sorry to hear all of this comments. Asian player here. For some reference maybe no bot at all in Asian servers. SBMM is quite new feeling comparing to BFs. I would say they made it balanced.
The game definetly needs a server browser or I am done with it pretty quickly. I am so tired of getting both beta maps 70% of the time while I trench lines which is by far the most enjoyable map yet only TWICE.
Also it gets more and more clear that the game needa spread since basically everyone uses now a laser beam with nonrecoil. Those engagement ranges on the maps are insane and it is pretty hard to move around them.
They need to remove the MMR. It’ll improve the matchmaking and pings for all players because as it stands it DOES NOT prioritize connection.
i experienced bots in operations mode. I even have proof of it.
the bots were my teammates, yes both of my teammates are bots.
Congratulations on you subs😊
My squad mates going 1-35 makes me think yes there are bots and I am in NA
Highly doubt there’s a distinction with new players. Had the game for two days, was no slouch in my first few games and matched with Enders and Focus during their tournament 😂
They are definitely there. I am level 22 and played a match recently in which they would just stand still looking at me while I was shooting them. I also revived a guy multiple times at once and each time he would stand up but stay still.
Edit: I'm from south america, the amount of players is good so its weird
squad management is a must
I'm in Europe and Delta Force put bots into lobbies when there is a low player count. Which we would all see if they stopped calling the bots by human player names! Didn't they say they had stopped this also? Man, the game is so frustrating and stressful for the average player, which I am. I can't use cover, I can't use tactics, because bots and/or cheaters are beaming me or spawning on me.
Shadow stated bots would only be used in low population areas when addressing bots. I've got to be honest and agree with the oceania players. I think the matchmaking is creating a lot of the issues. Whilst I am always loaded into a European lobby with approx 42ms ping I am pretty sure half the lobby are being brought in from further afield. It would account for a lot I see in game such as one frame deaths etc etc
Idk if there’s an update but I queue up fast as hell and it’s the same guys all day
You must win the glory for the Ender mites
Off topic, but can you ask the developers about squad management feature. I think this is a big feature missing for battlefield-style game.
Could you make a vid about "SNIPERS" BUILDS? (I watched your AR vid and it is one of the BEST!!!) So could you make the same for Snipers as well!, That would be GREAT!, Thanks! ❤
If there is newbies and everyone else where is skill disparity. It is hard to notice one and I'm 110% sure there is multiple skill brackets . I quit playing it I'm not interested .
I have noticed too bot behaviour on EU, especially on late hours like 3-4am. They literally move and behave just like a bot, they walk and react like one, it is kinda weird and thats not in a singular match, in ALL of them.
EDIT: i have 163hrs so far in the game since the open beta released.
Its time for Enders to make his own game
I mean the bots revive you as soon as you go down even in the middle of an enemy shooting you both. It's been like that since day 1. And i'm living in EU, a high population region. Whoever said there are no bots is lying out of their ass and more importantly thinks the gamers who have dealt with this shit for decades are idiots.
I've been playing in North America servers. And it looks like I'm playing against two to four sweat squats and the rest are bots.
Yesterday was my first day where I didn’t play a single game due to sbmm. Generally found myself questioning if I was even enjoying the game, and turns out I wasn’t. Truly a shame because there’s so many fun aspects of the game but slimy communicational habits is something I’ve witnessed in countless games and leads me to stray away. Damn shame. “Everyone has to be a winner” mentality is ruining the world.
There are bots in there for sure. I have recorded footage time and again where players are behaving like bots and going in stupid directions and doing nothing but dying and all. They have just dumbed down the bots but not removed them. On top of that SBMM is stupid for a game like this.
For a player count of 90K every day the matchmaking sure has a rough time finding me a match, it always expends range. I’m in NA east at evening time which is prime…
I would like for you to ask them if there is a limit to the ping a player can have in your match, for instance can somebody from a different region be thrown onto servers that are not ideal for the sake of "balacing"
There is no ability to tell what your enemy ping is but when you die in a single frame or enemy sponges, its kinda obvious its high ping related... They could also add an indicator that shows how many players shot you at the same time
Im in SEA region and yes, there are bots as well as hackers (people shooting through walls, esp etc).
Bro what it the reason to remove sbm can you explain becuase i dont see any problem with playing with players of your skill maybe you can explain a good point
for a casual (no offense) it would be a good idea to play against people of your skill level but for someone ill use my self for example i cant pick up the game to try because i play cod, battlefield, and halo with the skills i collected that when i go into delta force and get a good flank on people and get a 6 player killstreak on my 1st game the sbmm immediately be like ok you belong in diamond rank lobbies and now everytime i want to play the game to learn at lvl 6 im being put up against lvl no life timmy going 100-0 but all 32 players are like that so thats why i only put 3 hours into the game cause its legit unplayable for me to learn the game
It makes all games boring and more predictable since you will be either destroying ppl with no effort or get destroyed till you reach Mandatory 50% WR.
@@toastybread419gaming So you want to be placed with people that are bad ? Yes im a casual because i know every shooter game is just whoever has the better ping ,frames will have a better chance than me, the only strategy that i should learn is the map. I don't play offline game against bots because i killing real humans is better than killing a programmed bot . If they remove sbm then those nolifers & cheaters will spill in my skill which will make me leave the game , i would rather improve my skills then face the nolifers later.
@@Dregomz02 That sound like SBM can solve that by making it not predictable for you though , am i wrong ?
@sixtyfivewatts65 honestly yes i wouldn't mind going against bad enemy atleast im in the same boats as them I've never played shafted before so why is it my first time playing i dont even know how to get to objective A but all 32 lvl 150 sure does. id rather be in no sbmm and deal with that one sweat lord than playing a game where everytime i boot up after work and I'm thrown into matches against enders like enemies
Makes sense with that mmr crap. I played hill of iron all weekend in the tanks I did good top squad almost every match now I tried to play infantry yesterday and I got my ass kicked bad.
So I think the man took my vehicle score and applied it to my overall mmr crap.
most games studio believe that they need SBMM to get player play more and so get more money from u (battle pass and microtransactions). they rust their data collection statistics and not our feedbacks
Sorry for some of you playing in less populous regions. I like this Enders opinion here. Do away with both Bots and SBMM.
i only knew about them removing bots from the game for this open beta because you made a video on it and then from my past games i felt like the players that i encounter or that play in my squad some of them being healers just run past me and die without shooting a single bullet and there's a horde of them dieng to enemies and its not fun when bots are in your team they don't help a single bit and the whole game feels weird unlike when playing with or against real players push or defense feels real there's competition smart plays and whatnot whereas with bots you take one look and there they are rushing to enemies and dieng from a touch!
My MMR is cranked high enough to get you and focus in my lobbies
I'm just a humble person who came over from call of duty
So happy that you got in Twitch rivals
in regards to the sbmm, for the past 2 days that i have played, i have seen some of the top 20 players in the global leaderboard ranked mode in about 5 to 6 games and my ping has spiked at all those times... this shit needs to go
i knew i wasnt crazy
They will be AI bots in Delta Force until Mobile release. There's always going to be bots in fps shooting games don't let them lie to you.
What weapon did you use in this video playing as a medic?
Hey man ! Please make a survey for the removal of sbmm. Its super bad for the game ( for the operations mode too). No one ever complained in tarkov when matching with 1% players. We should not have sbmm here as well. I understand the new player expedience needs to be different but they already are protected they get a different lobby then we do ( around lvl 15-18 is the stronger lobby anything below that is not sweaty)
You are a cc and have a much bigger voice then us we have to get rid of the sbmm for both mods. Cheers Ajvi
Im on SA servers and there is bots in most of my games. I wouldn’t care waiting a few more minutes to not have stupid AI beaming me while I flank
I mean poor/obscure communication on how they delivered this might as well be lying. And the bots arent labeled in those regions... They reply to the community on socials and to creators very often and yet they put this bot thing in a steam faq... They're trying to hide it 🤦♂️
Ugh just because I am a decent player doesnt mean I should only play against sweats and 'high-skilled' players. Like its like either I have to play like 100% all the time non-stop or not at all. Tired of getting beamed across the map with a basic AR and nothing but a red dot within 0.7 seconds of peeking a corner. I can hop into a non-sbmm game like battlefield and have a good experience if I win or lose because im being chill and playing my own speed vs this game... I accidently played too good early in and now I am stuck playing in high skilled lobbies that take 3-5 mins to match into. Even when I was doing the Operaions mode... I was Bronze IV just getting my feet wet and I am here fighting Freakin' Golds IIs and up... Like WHY?!
Mate I've played enough (30 hours in SEA region) to know that there are players just standing in the open, shooting at random people and then proceed to reload in the open and just weird behaviour in general. There is no way that's an actual human being playing like that. I've suspected it since launch but just being gaslit, it's so obvious when someone is an AI or an actual player.
But guys, changing the mm results in high pings all around the world, thats even worse!
Matchmaking should always be completely random and focus on the best ping for everybody in the Server.
I don’t believe them at all. I can’t count how many times I’ve been instakilled across the map while that enemy is surrounded by my teammates. He can shoot any of them easier but shooting me on other side of the map.
"Are Bots STILL in Delta Force?"
no guys it's just me sorry
That's the 2nd time they lied in a week
I play in Europe and I’m 99.999% sure there are still bots in the game
I would actually prefer if the game just replaced players 10-32 on my team with bots as they would probably be more useful.
These devs only care about Money and SBMM they ain't listening .
No more enjoyable for you is enjoyable for me right now
Yes there are, every match in SEA.
My teammates are bots half the time, but more of the insult type... Not so much the AI type.
OCE servers are filled with questionable players due to our geo location, add on top BOT's still in the game... at least they could name tag the bots AI so we know when we are getting killed by a BOT and not by a cheat.
Just look at the IGN interview, you'll see a bot equivalent
I live in North America and shouldn't have an issue with ping. Yet i my match search gets expanded every time and i play with the same few people every time
If me and my friends dont know, we dont care. As long as we are having fun, thats all that matters.
I am in OCE - never seen a bot yet - seen games not full though, so thats confusing ....We cant play anything but attack and defend or the queue gets stuck at 63/64 and times out after 20 mis which has happened last 2 alphas as well.