How are you pastor? I do hope everything is doing well with you and your family? I hope you are not leaving the church and do what is right in the eyes of God as a family and keep serving the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul!! Help me to say hi to your wife ….. please keep and protect your family strong in Him!!
真的感動 感謝主
感谢主。守实弟兄既真、又实的生命见证,他从回归神家,一直忠心、顺服主的带领。他不是先考虑困难,而是思考这件事该不该做。愿神祝福守实弟兄和他的家人平安、喜乐和健康! 奉主耶稣之名求。阿们
Amen! Amen! I hope I can come to visit them!! ( I mean the farm house)
這位弟兄對神說過我不回教會 我也跟神說過一樣的話..... 結果我後來居然還是回去了== 神的意念高過我們的意念沒錯啊 我以為身體是我的我不回去就是不回去 但神就是有他的辦法讓你回去!
父親對兒子的影響深遠。尊重是關鍵 雖然離開教會 神仍然不斷興起環境塑造寶貴器皿 感謝讚美主 !祂比我們想像的更偉大奇妙…成就祂的旨意 榮神益人。阿們!
I have a question? How and where you find these brothers and sisters willing to give testimonies for your TV ‘s shows?
How are you pastor? I do hope everything is doing well with you and your family? I hope you are not leaving the church and do what is right in the eyes of God as a family and keep serving the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul!! Help me to say hi to your wife ….. please keep and protect your family strong in Him!!