Glory to God. My young sister has been missing for 4 years, we assumed the worst. Through Sister Wilhelmina's intercession my sister called...I thank God for this miracle
The significance, I believe, is the debunking of the "racism" theory running rampant in the States/world. It could have been anyone but, by God's hand, it is purposefully, a beautiful, humble, black nun. Just the fact that she's been found intact as she was buried years ago IS a miracle and to bad for anyone who does not see it as such. Praise be Jesus Christ!
@@laakins I was joking but kind of not. Anytime an African American goes against the narrative of perceived racism, the race hustlers will call him or her an Uncle Tom. They need people to be poor and oppressed. Without that, there is no money to be made. Racism is a big business.
@@tjcav5558 Who are you saying will call her this? Are you referring to African Americans? If so, that says a lot about your own opinions about African Americans and how we think.
I was educated in a Catholic grade school for 8 years by nuns who belonged to the Benedictine Nuns from Atchison Kansas. They were such wonderful teachers. I learned so much from them. They were a great inspiration, I attended daily Mass, all of us students did, we were at school an hour longer than the public school children but we didn’t mind. We got ridiculed by the Protestant children especially the Baptist disliked us but I just ignored the remarks and jabs. I was happy in my school.
My daughter and grandson and two friends went to see her and touch her. It was amazing. I wished I could have gone but had to work. But their faith has become even stronger because of being witnesses to this possible miracle. And I’ve been around the sisters from this group and I have to say they are so reverent and of course cloistered.. so you can’t speak to them, but when they sing…. The angels are there with them
@@erikkeys5202 And yet, you are alive. Do you not think that is a miracle? You have all the miracle you need to believe in God. But who the devil has blinded and made deaf, he has, and take only the special grace of God to be set free. That you could comment here, alive and healthy are enough miracles. You are not alive because you earned it, but because God choose to keep you alive.
Miracles are always happening, glory to God. This is not a miracle. This is man- made psuedo-Christianity. Serve Jesus not man, not idols, not religion!
I have prayed for intercession from Sr. Wilhelmina and have a job offer. I think she will be the patron Saint of the older population who continues to change the world even in their 70's. She was around 70 when she started this community,
You will be waiting forever! You can pray for yourself. The Bible says, you have not because you ask not! Jesus Christ is the only One to make intercession to the Father. Good God is not mocked! If you want a blessing, it is only The Lord can do that not a dead woman.
"My God, I Believe, I Adore, I Hope and I Love You! I ask Your Pardon for those who do not Believe,do not Adore,do not Hope and do not Love You!" God bless 🙏🌹
Please, all, pray to Sr. Wilhelmina for a miracle for Josephine Rose. Eleven year old girl battling leukemia for the second time. Sr. Wilhelmina, please intercede for her!!
Sr. Wilhelmina, please intercede for Josephine Rose, her doctor, nurses, technicians and her family. Dear GOD, have mercy on Josephine Rose, her physician, nurses, technicians and her family. May Thy Holy Will be done. ✝️☮️🌹🕊⛪️🌅💟
Kathy, I will pray to Sister Wilhelmina to intercede before the throne of God and Mother Mary for your little Josephine Rose. May her healing be complete and lasting till, at a venerable mature age, she, too, is called to Praise Our Prescious God in heaven with her holy intercessor! Please, let Father Goring's "family" know when she has been healed. We can then rejoice with you in Praises to our Father in heaven, for the honor of this holy Sister. And the naysayers will have to admit that God listens to His Faithful who LIVE with Him!
Fr Mark, I’m lucky enough to live about an hour from Gower. It was an amazing opportunity to visit the site and to touch Sr’s remains and be so blessed. There was no foul odor and she just looked as if she died that week. This is from God. We are blessed. Sr. was an amazing woman. A true Saint!
This is no doubt a miracle and more is to come!! Pray for us Sister Whilameana. I know she will get some miracles going...AND this is to show SIC that WE Catholics were given a gift from God to show us HE is in charge....Ave Maria 🙏✝️ Thank you Father Mark ...This is WONDERFUL.....Like a breath of fresh air!!!!
She is not the first body and Catholic have nothing to do with it. Many ppl especially indigenous who knew nothing about embalming or chruches. Black ppl let their dead lay at home for days before burial . They do not decay as fast ,they will be digging up more Eve strains watch.
When you have a strong Faith Miracles happen everyday in our own Lives .. people do not notice.. Say the Rosary daily if you want a Beautiful Life . Live it with Gratitude ❤. Viva Cristore
My wife and I are only two hours away and were able to visit and see this wonderful miracle for ourselves. I hope the world focuses on the holiness of Sister Wilhelmina and understands salvation is available to everyone who accepts the invitation.
@@mec325 God is free to do what He wants. Why do you question this miracle? Don’t box Him in. Of course salvation is for everyone. Me thinks you are hung up on your Protestant religion vs Him.
@@chomperthefirst533 All the miracles'' if they really are! ''are not dogmatically of God. Don't you know that Satan can also perform wonders and omens of all kinds (Matthew 24:24)? Don't be so easily deceived by what your eyes can see. Satan is a cunning fox and is also the father of lies as the Bible describes him (John 8:44). Do not judge your neighbor without knowledge of the facts, I am not part of any religion whatsoever. Those who are the true Protestants are those who prefer to believe in the false doctrines of men against the holy doctrine of Christ. Find me in the Bible where the dead were dug up to be exposed to the general public to be touched, the scriptures even forbid such an abominable practice: (Numbers 19:13) Whosoever toucheth the dead body of any man that is dead, and purifieth not himself, defileth the tabernacle of the LORD.
@@chomperthefirst533 we should question every single "miracle" becouse Bible teaches us to do so. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. And I am not a part of any denomination becouse I see you call people protestants. Read your Bible daily and no one will deceive you.
I agree with you, Fr Mark. I think this miracle of the incorruptible body of Sister Wilhemenia is God saying to us he's with us in these very difficult times and giving us strength! Think of leaving an un-embalmed body in the open air for days on end without any signs of (sorry) decomposition...that's a miracle!
I would like to thank God for giving us Catholics and non Catholics for such a beautiful present in this humble sister. God chooses the lowly,He has once again proof that. I come from the Southern part of Africa my country is Eswatini. Our diouces is called MANZINI My community is Our Lady of Assumption. Mat God give us peace through this wonderful Sister
I know am not worthy but sister wilminnah I request you to intervene for my son who has not been employed and looking for a job.Pray for us too that our faith remains strong in Christ
God is great. Intercede for us dear Sr Wilhelmina in these difficulty times that we are in. Through your intercession may all Christians be strengthened and never waver
This sister remained intact and has been presented for all the world to see that she is doing God's work in life and the here after. She will restore God's people to it's rightful place through Christ Jesus!! Blk folk are the children of the Most High God !! All truth is being revealed...Praise God!! Thank you Lord!!
This is not an accident that her body was moved and to be placed within the Church. I do believe she was meant to be discovered and found to be incorrupt. Look at her face, she died peacefully know she was going to be with the Lord. What a blessing to witness this miracle. I hope one day she will be referred to as St. Wilhelmina and given a Holy Day on the calendar.
Yeah, but if she was blessed and holy and in the divine presence, then all this commotion adds nothing to her. How can we possibly "top" the rewards that God has bestowed on her? If she is a saint, she was a saint during her lifetime. Canonization does not push people into heaven.
My daughter who has Down syndrome and I were lucky enough to see Sister Wilhelmina’s body and touch her . The sisters were so kind to us as were all who were helping that day . I have RA and fibromyalgia and other health issues as well as my daughter having heart issues. Hearing the sisters sing and getting to attend a Latin mass that I remember from my youth and getting holy communion at the communion rail with my daughter was so special I will never forget it. I left with such a strong connection with Jesus that I have never felt before and I still feel it! Sister Wilahmenia please pray for us.
To me, this is hope; that here, in these times of unrest and distrust, where Western countries are falling into disgraceful actions and behaviors, that here God is saying, "I am here. I am with you."
What a message from God. We are witnessing the miracle of a body uncorrupted by age or death. Neither age or death rule us who love and trust thy Lord Jesus Christ
This is such beautiful, hopeful, and amazing news. Oh, how blessed do I feel to live in a time such as this. I pray she is looking at the face of God at this moment. Sister Wilhelmina, how I would love to ask you to pray for me. Saint Katharine Drexel pray for Sister Wilhelmina, a fellow founding sister, pray for me, an Associate of the Sisters with the same charism. I do so hope to have another sister in heaven. Of course, I want every test to be above board, and everything okay, also, but I also feel such an excitement, a quickening in my heart, a sisterhood, if I may. God is so good. God bless you, Father Mark, 🙏🏼 thank you for this. As always, you are in my prayers and I love you. ❤ Viva Cristo Rey 🙏🏼🦁🐑🕊❤🌹 Amen.
My husband and I are on our way home after visiting the Monastery where Sister Wilhelmina 's incorrupt body lies. We attended Latin Mass there yesterday, where the Sisters were very reverently singing and were very pious and joyful in their love of God. Their singing was beautiful! There was truly something special about being there in person and kneeling beside Sister Wilhelmina! I believe this is God's goodness in letting people know that He is among us and He is REAL. Praise be to God! In His Mercy He gives us these miracles to affirm and renew our Faith in HIM. All Glory and honor and praise be to God on High. God is good, all the time!
I went to see her. I knelt down on my knees and my face was inches from hers. I touched her. I saw her. I smelled her. She was beautiful to see in her face she was so well preserved. I saw my brother weeks after he died and I was only able to see part of his face and part of it already became corrupt and the top half of his head was gone. Parts of his body gone after only weeks. Parts of his eyes were slipped skin. When I saw Sister Wilhelmina up close and her face was so perfect after four years I KNEW I was witnessing a MIRACLE! She had no foul Odor whatsoever!!! She looked amazingly youthful after being dead for four years and being 95 when she passed away. She looked younger and healthier than some elderly who are still alive! I know people alive their 70’s who look more “dead” than the Sister who layed dead 4 years in a simple grave without embalming and alive for 95 years. Just the fact that she looked so young at 95 when she was alive is a MIRACLE! God preserved her youthful appearance. Her grey eyebrows were the only facial indication of her age in my opinion hardly a wrinkle on her beautiful face. Praise be Jesus Christ!
Signs and miracles have never ceased. I believe this is a sign reminding all the faithful that God's plan is right on His schedule. Be patient, obedient and stay the course. God doesn't have to prove anything and neither do we, He is a Father to the believers and faithful not the doubters and unrepentant sinner.
I think it was a day or two before the story of Sister Wilhelma broke that the scripture passage that kept running through my mind was "He will not let his Beloved know decay."
God bless you and your family Kim!💛🙏 I'm so excited about this! I've only prayed for the intercession of Our Lord and Our Most Blessed Mother, and 77 official Saints...I can't wait to ask Sr. Wilhelmina to pray for us! 😊🦋💛🙏💛🦋😊
@@321voices-kimberlysunderma7 Thank you so much for your blessings Kim!💙🙏 Our only granddaughter, Kasey, is graduating from High School this week.💛🙏 Praise be Jesus Christ!♥️🙏
Seeing is believing, were are the scientists? Atheists? I Love GOD, He is the Best! This is a miracle, straight up, and were is the media? A bunch of "woke" crickets, silence, their game is deceit and lies.
My aunt in the Netherlands was placed on her bed for people to come in and see her. I saw her 4 days after death, and it was quite a scare! Even though she was embalmed, her face had begun to decay. 2 days later it was even more pronounced. So, YES! this is a major miracle!
Father Mark thank you for the information . I have no doubt Sister Wilhelmina is a saint : my heart is filled with pure , heavenly joy ! God is giving a sign of hope and support for the catholic church and for the world . Peace in the catholic church , unity among christians and joy to the world for Catholicism is the one and true religion ! 🙏🙏
I DO believe!!! What a GREAT SIGN FROM GOD in my home state of Missouri!! I have been following the sisters for seven years or so and even bought some of their music in the past! It is AMAZING. I’ll have to see if Sr. Wilhelmina was singing with them on it!!! I do remember when she passed…❤️
We need hope in these dark days and God is giving us all signs that we are not just here for nothing going through experiences which are very often not pleasant and at worst suffering
The white looks pristine but on the sleeve you can see something that looks like mud stain and a little haze that could have been from mold. Her face is so peacefully beautiful!
"I don't like it when Fr. Mark talks about obedience. Too bad!" LOVE IT. Just one of the reasons why we have been followers here for so long - we get the TRUTH! May God continue to bless you Father - now and always! 🙏🙏🙏
Oh how I wish I could of touched her . I want so much to go to Fatima or something like this sometime in my life. If it be your will Lord ..I believe it's a sign. .😊🙏✝️
My daughter’s mother-in-law went the other day and she was able to touch her .😮Maybe by now they have moved the body into her glass casket. Thousands of people touching her would probably damage the body.
Father, thank you so much for this video! I went to see her before she was placed in the glass case, and it was beautiful! I say the rosary every day and since I went to see her I've received the gift of tears. I don't feel sad or depressed at all but I cry when I say the rosary. It's a miracle! Not just for me but for everyone. It has touched my soul.
I’ve had the gift of tears every time I am filled with the Holy Spirit. So wonderful that you receive the gift of tears while praying the rosary. Truly a gift.
I prayed for a miracle for Sr. Wilhelmina's intercession a couple of days ago, and my prayer has been answered. Praise be to God! I prayed an Our Father, a Hail Mary, and a Glory Be also.
I live here. These Sisters are very devout to the TLM. They never attend the NO, and this approved by our good Bishop who has not canceled any TLM community that is thriving and producing such good fruit. We are very lucky!
♥️ “And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs.” (Mark 16:20) Incredible!! ♥️ This is truly a sign from the Lord given through Sister Wilhelmina and her religious order, the Benedictine Sisters of Mary, Queen of the Apostles. Thank you Father Mark. God bless you always!! Sister Wilhelmina, pray for us! 🙏🏼 ♥️ Viva Cristo Rey! ♥️
Although I live in Canada, I happened to be in Missouri visiting relatives last week. We found out about her from some other visiting friends of the family, and two days later we bundled into the car to go on pilgrimage. I knew very little about her at the time, but I knew that something remarkable was happening. As the subsequent week has worn on, I am learning more and more about her and I am realizing just how remarkably blessed and fortunate I was to be so close and and to go there. Her hidden life and its apparent sanctity (pending the Church's judgement) provides real hope for us today, in this very unsettled world in which most of us actually have very little power and influence on the events that are shaping our world and our lives. We too are hidden people; our ordinary lives, too, can be sanctified and holy. Sr. Wilhemina provides the model for that.
Thank you Fr. Mark! This is so wonderful especially for our times with a society who by and large turns its back on God. This is more evidence of the presence of God at work! The Lord has overcome the world and so can we. This nun has proved it! I hope and pray she will be canonised soon. What saddens me is that we never hear about these things on the news, but it doesn’t surprise me either. We are so blessed to be Catholics! God bless 🙏🏻🕊
Hopefully many people will come to believe in the Catholic Church say the Holy Rosary to defeat the evils in the world and reject sin this is the weapon against the devil
Sister Wilhelmina is a SAINT, no doubt about it. God has allowed this miracle for our benefit, and the unbelievers. I am overjoyed in my lifetime to witness this wonder in ' plain sight'. I pray to Saint Wilhelmina for humility as I have been told by a priest that she was very humble.
Thank-you for your perseverance. I have been following these sisters for some time and I believe them. Like you, they have a place in our daily prayers. Thank-you for this follow-up that builds up the Faith. God bless you.✝️🙏🏽✝️
St Father Mark, your voice gives life to my broken heart. Sanity and santity around d true and refreshing to my soul. Thank you for existing and being so Radical. ❤Mary Praise and honor to the most holy TRINITY within us.
Simple, holy life is something very much approved of by good Lord in contrast to other way of life , more worldly , materialistic and indulgent . Anything , which is good is possible for God and if it is His WORK , He has some great reasons for that. May Holy Spirit enlighten those who are dealing with the case. Praised be Jesus and Mary.
Glory to God. My young sister has been missing for 4 years, we assumed the worst. Through Sister Wilhelmina's intercession my sister called...I thank God for this miracle
Glory, Praise and Gratitude to GOD. Thank you Sr. Wilhelmina. ✝️🌹🕊⛪️💟🌅😃
Thanks for sharing
What a miracle for you.
The significance, I believe, is the debunking of the "racism" theory running rampant in the States/world. It could have been anyone but, by God's hand, it is purposefully, a beautiful, humble, black nun. Just the fact that she's been found intact as she was buried years ago IS a miracle and to bad for anyone who does not see it as such. Praise be Jesus Christ!
They will call her an Uncle Tom unfortunately
@@laakins I was joking but kind of not. Anytime an African American goes against the narrative of perceived racism, the race hustlers will call him or her an Uncle Tom. They need people to be poor and oppressed. Without that, there is no money to be made. Racism is a big business.
@@TJS483 That makes no sense.
If you follow politics at all, you would understand. It's so sad 😢
@@tjcav5558 Who are you saying will call her this? Are you referring to African Americans? If so, that says a lot about your own opinions about African Americans and how we think.
I was educated in a Catholic grade school for 8 years by nuns who belonged to the Benedictine Nuns from Atchison Kansas. They were such wonderful teachers. I learned so much from them. They were a great inspiration, I attended daily Mass, all of us students did, we were at school an hour longer than the public school children but we didn’t mind. We got ridiculed by the Protestant children especially the Baptist disliked us but I just ignored the remarks and jabs. I was happy in my school.
Bless your heart ♥️ for ignoring nasty remarks against your faith 😊
@@monicad4061so many people in education and healthcare should not be anywhere near children
Amen sweet sister🙏🌹✝️🕊️🛐
Why was her body exhumed in the first place may I ask?
I'm sorry to hear this M D.
There will always be a few bad apples I guess...😊
My daughter and grandson and two friends went to see her and touch her. It was amazing. I wished I could have gone but had to work. But their faith has become even stronger because of being witnesses to this possible miracle. And I’ve been around the sisters from this group and I have to say they are so reverent and of course cloistered.. so you can’t speak to them, but when they sing…. The angels are there with them
What a gift! Praise God, Viva Cristo Rey
"Possible miracle?" There is no "Possible." This is a miracle.
Is she in Gower Missouri??
Beautiful!❣️God bless!🙏❤️
God bless you Mary!💛🙏
Thank you for sharing! :)
Praise be to God! We need miracles to combat the evil all around us!!! Sister Wilhelmina!!!❤
There are also times when evil must be fought using guns. Guns in the hands of righteous people.
How in the hell is this fighting evil? If this is all God can do you need another God
@@erikkeys5202 And yet, you are alive. Do you not think that is a miracle? You have all the miracle you need to believe in God. But who the devil has blinded and made deaf, he has, and take only the special grace of God to be set free.
That you could comment here, alive and healthy are enough miracles. You are not alive because you earned it, but because God choose to keep you alive.
Miracles are always happening, glory to God.
This is not a miracle. This is man- made psuedo-Christianity.
Serve Jesus not man, not idols, not religion!
I have prayed for intercession from Sr. Wilhelmina and have a job offer. I think she will be the patron Saint of the older population who continues to change the world even in their 70's. She was around 70 when she started this community,
You will be waiting forever!
You can pray for yourself.
The Bible says, you have not because you ask not!
Jesus Christ is the only One to make intercession to the Father.
God is not mocked!
If you want a blessing, it is only The Lord can do that not a dead woman.
"My God, I Believe, I Adore, I Hope and I Love You!
I ask Your Pardon for those who do not Believe,do not Adore,do not Hope and do not Love You!"
God bless 🙏🌹
🙏❤🔥 AMEN!
Please, all, pray to Sr. Wilhelmina for a miracle for Josephine Rose. Eleven year old girl battling leukemia for the second time. Sr. Wilhelmina, please intercede for her!!
Amen 🙏
Sr. Wilhelmina, please intercede for Josephine Rose, her doctor, nurses, technicians and her family. Dear GOD, have mercy on Josephine Rose, her physician, nurses, technicians and her family. May Thy Holy Will be done. ✝️☮️🌹🕊⛪️🌅💟
Kathy, I will pray to Sister Wilhelmina to intercede before the throne of God and Mother Mary for your little Josephine Rose. May her healing be complete and lasting till, at a venerable mature age, she, too, is called to Praise Our Prescious God in heaven with her holy intercessor!
Please, let Father Goring's "family" know when she has been healed. We can then rejoice with you in Praises to our Father in heaven, for the honor of this holy Sister. And the naysayers will have to admit that God listens to His Faithful who LIVE with Him!
I prayed to Sr. Wilhemina and asked her intercession, she helped my husband with his current medical condition! Thank you Sr!🙏🙏🙏
hope it works ..i would seek good medical help might find this more beneficial...amen
@@johnpro2847 like how the 'medical industry' was honest and helped us during the plandemic? you mean like that??
You don't need a mediator. You can ask God yourself to heal your husband. Pray to God for yourself and he will hear you.🤷🏾
Did you know that you can ask Jesus directly? You don't need a mediator between you and Jesus.
I’m glad it helped.
Intercessions are such wonderfully special things.
Fr Mark, I’m lucky enough to live about an hour from Gower. It was an amazing opportunity to visit the site and to touch Sr’s remains and be so blessed. There was no foul odor and she just looked as if she died that week. This is from God. We are blessed. Sr. was an amazing woman. A true Saint!
I as well live just about a hour south of Gower and I second all that you have stated ! What a special opportunity we were given !
Sister Wilhelmina pray for me and my family and those I love and this world,. Amen
This is no doubt a miracle and more is to come!! Pray for us Sister Whilameana. I know she will get some miracles going...AND this is to show SIC that WE Catholics were given a gift from God to show us HE is in charge....Ave Maria 🙏✝️ Thank you Father Mark ...This is WONDERFUL.....Like a breath of fresh air!!!!
Amen ❤
She is not the first body and Catholic have nothing to do with it. Many ppl especially indigenous who knew nothing about embalming or chruches. Black ppl let their dead lay at home for days before burial . They do not decay as fast ,they will be digging up more Eve strains watch.
When you have a strong Faith Miracles happen everyday in our own Lives .. people do not notice.. Say the Rosary daily if you want a Beautiful Life . Live it with Gratitude ❤. Viva Cristore
Amen dear Sandra!💛🙏
Viva Cristo Rey!💙💛♥️
My wife and I are only two hours away and were able to visit and see this wonderful miracle for ourselves. I hope the world focuses on the holiness of Sister Wilhelmina and understands salvation is available to everyone who accepts the invitation.
It is not on dead bodies that we must focus on, but on the risen Christ which is the sole subject of our salvation.
@@mec325 God is free to do what He wants. Why do you question this miracle? Don’t box Him in. Of course salvation is for everyone. Me thinks you are hung up on your Protestant religion vs Him.
All the miracles'' if they really are! ''are not dogmatically of God. Don't you know that Satan can also perform wonders and omens of all kinds (Matthew 24:24)? Don't be so easily deceived by what your eyes can see. Satan is a cunning fox and is also the father of lies as the Bible describes him (John 8:44).
Do not judge your neighbor without knowledge of the facts, I am not part of any religion whatsoever. Those who are the true Protestants are those who prefer to believe in the false doctrines of men against the holy doctrine of Christ. Find me in the Bible where the dead were dug up to be exposed to the general public to be touched, the scriptures even forbid such an abominable practice: (Numbers 19:13) Whosoever toucheth the dead body of any man that is dead, and purifieth not himself, defileth the tabernacle of the LORD.
@@chomperthefirst533 we should question every single "miracle" becouse Bible teaches us to do so. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. And I am not a part of any denomination becouse I see you call people protestants. Read your Bible daily and no one will deceive you.
She is definitely a miracle. We need this in the times we are living in. Draw closer to God! He is giving us signs to draw us closer to Him! 🙏
Good morning Father, this a miracle needed in our time.
I agree with you, Fr Mark. I think this miracle of the incorruptible body of Sister Wilhemenia is God saying to us he's with us in these very difficult times and giving us strength! Think of leaving an un-embalmed body in the open air for days on end without any signs of (sorry) decomposition...that's a miracle!
I would like to thank God for giving us Catholics and non Catholics for such a beautiful present in this humble sister. God chooses the lowly,He has once again proof that. I come from the Southern part of Africa my country is Eswatini.
Our diouces is called MANZINI My community is Our Lady of Assumption. Mat God give us peace through this wonderful Sister
Sr Wilhelmina, pray for us!
I know am not worthy but sister wilminnah I request you to intervene for my son who has not been employed and looking for a job.Pray for us too that our faith remains strong in Christ
Sr. Wilhelmina pray for us🙏.
Praise God! A miracle. We needed this. Pray for us Wiliminal
I'll just pray, wanted to go see her, but am not driving.
Sr. Wilhelmina Pray for my sick mother to be healed in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Praise be God! What a miracle to bring back the faith to those who have doubted.
A miracle would be if she got up and started moonwalking
@@erikkeys5202 yeah I wouldn't mock....These are the mysteries of life...
God is great. Intercede for us dear Sr Wilhelmina in these difficulty times that we are in. Through your intercession may all Christians be strengthened and never waver
Sister Wilhelmina, pray for us!
Ummm... She's dead
@@erikkeys5202 why can't dead people pray?
@Sig McArthy do you realize how delusional you are? Seriously
@Jackie O The same reason she can't think, talk, shit, sleep or eat. She's DEAD!!
This sister remained intact and has been presented for all the world to see that she is doing God's work in life and the here after. She will restore God's people to it's rightful place through Christ Jesus!! Blk folk are the children of the Most High God !! All truth is being revealed...Praise God!! Thank you Lord!!
In a time when few believe, let this be a witness to our faith.
This is not an accident that her body was moved and to be placed within the Church. I do believe she was meant to be discovered and found to be incorrupt. Look at her face, she died peacefully know she was going to be with the Lord. What a blessing to witness this miracle. I hope one day she will be referred to as St. Wilhelmina and given a Holy Day on the calendar.
Yeah, but if she was blessed and holy and in the divine presence, then all this commotion adds nothing to her. How can we possibly "top" the rewards that God has bestowed on her? If she is a saint, she was a saint during her lifetime. Canonization does not push people into heaven.
My daughter who has Down syndrome and I were lucky enough to see Sister Wilhelmina’s body and touch her . The sisters were so kind to us as were all who were helping that day . I have RA and fibromyalgia and other health issues as well as my daughter having heart issues. Hearing the sisters sing and getting to attend a Latin mass that I remember from my youth and getting holy communion at the communion rail with my daughter was so special I will never forget it. I left with such a strong connection with Jesus that I have never felt before and I still feel it! Sister Wilahmenia please pray for us.
I don’t have a clue what God has to tell us but we as Catholics need to follow Jesus more and to know God is not some invisible friend.
My wife and I where able to go see and touch her with all the thousands of pilgrims before they put her behind glass. What an amazing experience!
To me, this is hope; that here, in these times of unrest and distrust, where Western countries are falling into disgraceful actions and behaviors, that here God is saying, "I am here. I am with you."
Miracles do happen!
What a message from God. We are witnessing the miracle of a body uncorrupted by age or death. Neither age or death rule us who love and trust thy Lord Jesus Christ
Much needed video. Thank you father! God bless you.
This is such beautiful, hopeful, and amazing news. Oh, how blessed do I feel to live in a time such as this. I pray she is looking at the face of God at this moment. Sister Wilhelmina, how I would love to ask you to pray for me. Saint Katharine Drexel pray for Sister Wilhelmina, a fellow founding sister, pray for me, an Associate of the Sisters with the same charism. I do so hope to have another sister in heaven. Of course, I want every test to be above board, and everything okay, also, but I also feel such an excitement, a quickening in my heart, a sisterhood, if I may. God is so good. God bless you, Father Mark, 🙏🏼 thank you for this. As always, you are in my prayers and I love you. ❤ Viva Cristo Rey 🙏🏼🦁🐑🕊❤🌹 Amen.
My husband and I are on our way home after visiting the Monastery where Sister Wilhelmina 's incorrupt body lies. We attended Latin Mass there yesterday, where the Sisters were very reverently singing and
were very pious and joyful in their love of God. Their singing was beautiful! There was truly something special about being there in person and kneeling beside Sister Wilhelmina! I believe this is God's goodness in letting people know that He is among us and He is REAL. Praise be to God! In His Mercy He gives us these miracles to affirm and renew our Faith in HIM. All Glory and honor and praise be to God on High. God is good, all the time!
I went to see her. I knelt down on my knees and my face was inches from hers. I touched her. I saw her. I smelled her. She was beautiful to see in her face she was so well preserved. I saw my brother weeks after he died and I was only able to see part of his face and part of it already became corrupt and the top half of his head was gone. Parts of his body gone after only weeks. Parts of his eyes were slipped skin. When I saw Sister Wilhelmina up close and her face was so perfect after four years I KNEW I was witnessing a MIRACLE! She had no foul Odor whatsoever!!! She looked amazingly youthful after being dead for four years and being 95 when she passed away. She looked younger and healthier than some elderly who are still alive! I know people alive their 70’s who look more “dead” than the Sister who layed dead 4 years in a simple grave without embalming and alive for 95 years. Just the fact that she looked so young at 95 when she was alive is a MIRACLE! God preserved her youthful appearance. Her grey eyebrows were the only facial indication of her age in my opinion hardly a wrinkle on her beautiful face. Praise be Jesus Christ!
Signs and miracles have never ceased. I believe this is a sign reminding all the faithful that God's plan is right on His schedule. Be patient, obedient and stay the course. God doesn't have to prove anything and neither do we, He is a Father to the believers and faithful not the doubters and unrepentant sinner.
Sr. Wilhelmina, pray for us
I think it was a day or two before the story of Sister Wilhelma broke that the scripture passage that kept running through my mind was "He will not let his Beloved know decay."
Traditional Catholic Order with an Incorruptible Foundress. Sounds like a message to Francis & Co.
Vivo Cristo Rey! Vivo!!
This is so awesome, thanks be to God.
A miracle for sure, God is giving us hope, the best is yet to come !! ✝️🙏🥰
"'I don't like it when Father Mark talks about obedience.' Too bad."
Right on, Father!😂
Praise God, to him be the glory 🙏🙏
I went there late last night.
The gates were locked.
We shall try again on our way back to home to Minnesota.
The Shrine is It out in the boonies. 😮
I love this miracle. So needed in our time!! Praise be God!!
All Glory be to God.
This is a sign of hope for us in these crazy times IMHO.
It's really not though. You're just delusional. Sorry
Great things are happening to increase my faith and beliefs in catholicism
Praise the Lord,
Dear Fr. Mark!
Love, “Obedience is Key!”
Sr. Wilhelmina,
Pray For Us!
Only if it is obedience to the Truth
God bless you and your family Kim!💛🙏
I'm so excited about this!
I've only prayed for the intercession of Our Lord and Our Most Blessed Mother, and 77 official Saints...I can't wait to ask Sr. Wilhelmina to pray for us! 😊🦋💛🙏💛🦋😊
Praise the Lord!
Prayers for you Lara and your family too! 😊🙏🕊💒🌷💙
Thank you so much for your blessings Kim!💙🙏
Our only granddaughter, Kasey, is graduating from High School this week.💛🙏
Praise be Jesus Christ!♥️🙏
This is a miracle
It's beautiful.
❤Glory to God, Saint Wilhelmina, help this broken world pray 🙏 for peace, healing, restoration of love, humanity, and life, and Eternal Life. 🎉🎉🎉🎉
How are you doing ☺
Where are you from?
I do believe this. ❤️🕊
Seeing is believing, were are the scientists? Atheists? I Love GOD, He is the Best! This is a miracle, straight up, and were is the media? A bunch of "woke" crickets, silence, their game is deceit and lies.
I pray for the miraculous healing of Natasha Gomes who is on the ventilator in the ICU.
Ave Father Thy will be done ❤
My aunt in the Netherlands was placed on her bed for people to come in and see her. I saw her 4 days after death, and it was quite a scare! Even though she was embalmed, her face had begun to decay. 2 days later it was even more pronounced. So, YES! this is a major miracle!
The whole account surrounding Sis. Wilhelmina is beautiful and I don’t have to see to believe. Amen!❤❤❤❤❤
Father Mark thank you for the information . I have no doubt Sister Wilhelmina is a saint : my heart is filled with pure , heavenly joy ! God is giving a sign of hope and support for the catholic church and for the world . Peace in the catholic church , unity among christians and joy to the world for Catholicism is the one and true religion ! 🙏🙏
You bring a smile to my soul. I am thankful to God that there are shepherds like you in my world. God Bless
This is an amazing miracle. Thanks for the great coverage Father.
I believe this!! 🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤
I DO believe!!!
What a GREAT SIGN FROM GOD in my home state of Missouri!! I have been following the sisters for seven years or so and even bought some of their music in the past! It is AMAZING. I’ll have to see if Sr. Wilhelmina was singing with them on it!!! I do remember when she passed…❤️
Can you post a link to their music?
Glorious Lord Jesus
We need hope in these dark days and God is giving us all signs that we are not just here for nothing going through experiences which are very often not pleasant and at worst suffering
Her Habit is pristine
Not really. The habit was buried for years. They probably changed it for a pristine one by now.
The white looks pristine but on the sleeve you can see something that looks like mud stain and a little haze that could have been from mold.
Her face is so peacefully beautiful!
"I don't like it when Fr. Mark talks about obedience. Too bad!" LOVE IT. Just one of the reasons why we have been followers here for so long - we get the TRUTH!
May God continue to bless you Father - now and always! 🙏🙏🙏
Oh how I wish I could of touched her . I want so much to go to Fatima or something like this sometime in my life. If it be your will Lord ..I believe it's a sign. .😊🙏✝️
My daughter’s mother-in-law went the other day and she was able to touch her .😮Maybe by now they have moved the body into her glass casket. Thousands of people touching her would probably damage the body.
Father, thank you so much for this video! I went to see her before she was placed in the glass case, and it was beautiful! I say the rosary every day and since I went to see her I've received the gift of tears. I don't feel sad or depressed at all but I cry when I say the rosary. It's a miracle! Not just for me but for everyone. It has touched my soul.
I’ve had the gift of tears every time I am filled with the Holy Spirit. So wonderful that you receive the gift of tears while praying the rosary. Truly a gift.
Prayer's Would Be Greatly Apperciated
For My Brother.
Ramon Garza Salazar Who Died May 30, 2o23 @ A Nursing Home In Austin, Texas. 💀
Will pray for him before the tabernacle today. Prayers for your whole family
" Ty❗" Please blow some kisses to Jesus❤ for me too.😘😘😘
I prayed for a miracle for Sr. Wilhelmina's intercession a couple of days ago, and my prayer has been answered. Praise be to God! I prayed an Our Father, a Hail Mary, and a Glory Be also.
Love the Blessed Mother! Never, ever let go of her guiding hand that will lead us to Jesus. Pray the Rosary for her intentions. Love her!
The sisters are joyful, obedient, and sing like angels!! Such a great story!
Just judging them by the habits they wear, I’d say they’re living a holy life.
I live here. These Sisters are very devout to the TLM. They never attend the NO, and this approved by our good Bishop who has not canceled any TLM community that is thriving and producing such good fruit. We are very lucky!
Thank you Father for always sharing such Catholic gems!
How are you doing ☺
Where are you from?
♥️ “And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs.” (Mark 16:20)
Incredible!! ♥️ This is truly a sign from the Lord given through Sister Wilhelmina and her religious order, the Benedictine Sisters of Mary, Queen of the Apostles. Thank you Father Mark. God bless you always!!
Sister Wilhelmina, pray for us! 🙏🏼
♥️ Viva Cristo Rey! ♥️
Great scripture to quote…👍🏻
Although I live in Canada, I happened to be in Missouri visiting relatives last week. We found out about her from some other visiting friends of the family, and two days later we bundled into the car to go on pilgrimage. I knew very little about her at the time, but I knew that something remarkable was happening. As the subsequent week has worn on, I am learning more and more about her and I am realizing just how remarkably blessed and fortunate I was to be so close and and to go there. Her hidden life and its apparent sanctity (pending the Church's judgement) provides real hope for us today, in this very unsettled world in which most of us actually have very little power and influence on the events that are shaping our world and our lives. We too are hidden people; our ordinary lives, too, can be sanctified and holy. Sr. Wilhemina provides the model for that.
Good point and message. God bless.
Thank you Fr. Mark! This is so wonderful especially for our times with a society who by and large turns its back on God. This is more evidence of the presence of God at work!
The Lord has overcome the world and so can we. This nun has proved it! I hope and pray she will be canonised soon. What saddens me is that we never hear about these things on the news, but it doesn’t surprise me either. We are so blessed to be Catholics!
God bless 🙏🏻🕊
Praise the Lord!!!!!!🙏🏾🙌🏾🙏🏾🙌🏾
Hopefully many people will come to believe in the Catholic Church say the Holy Rosary to defeat the evils in the world and reject sin
this is the weapon against the devil
Sister Wilhelmina is a SAINT, no doubt about it. God has allowed this miracle for our benefit, and the unbelievers.
I am overjoyed in my lifetime to witness this wonder in ' plain sight'.
I pray to Saint Wilhelmina for humility as I have been told by a priest that she was very humble.
We have a great God. Whom we trust.
I had the grace to be there. Touch her and kiss her habit. Praised be Jesus!!!
Thank you for the update Fr Mark. I’ve been waiting.
Awesome as usual. Pretty exciting, signs like that don’t just show up randomly.
Thank-you for your perseverance. I have been following these sisters for some time and I believe them. Like you, they have a place in our daily prayers. Thank-you for this follow-up that builds up the Faith. God bless you.✝️🙏🏽✝️
Sister Wilhelmina, Pray for Us!!!
This is so exciting! God bless her.🙏
St Father Mark, your voice gives life to my broken heart. Sanity and santity around d true and refreshing to my soul.
Thank you for existing and being so Radical.
Praise and honor to the most holy TRINITY within us.
This is truly a miracle. Sis Wilhelmina help me pray for Rowena’s medical condition 🙏
Be Holy, for I am Holy (Jesus)
Dear Lord Jesus, You know that I'm not Holy, but nothing is Impossible with You 🙏
But it might take a while 😏👍🙏
Simple, holy life is something very much approved of by good Lord in contrast to other way of life , more worldly , materialistic and indulgent . Anything , which is good is possible for God and if it is His WORK , He has some great reasons for that. May Holy Spirit enlighten those who are dealing with the case. Praised be Jesus and Mary.
Thank you, God bless 🙏❤
Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to hearken than the fat of rams.
St. Wilhelmina pray for me and my mother to be healed from what we are suffering from. Pray for my business success. Amen