Boy van Die Recces · SADF

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024
  • Ex Unitate Vires
    Lyrics in Afrikaans:
    Red Heart Rum in sy fles, hy's smoordronk, maar probeer sy bes
    Boy van die Recces, gaan terroriste jag
    Twee maande lank soek hy spore
    SWAPO slaan op die vlug
    Die juigkreet van VK brul deur die lug
    Hy luister na orders, en doen dan tog net wat hy wil
    Saans drink hul saam, en hou lekker basaar
    Selfs vlerkies op sy hempsak, 'n Gunston trek sy mond bak
    Skietding in sy hand, wat die vyand laat spat
    Boy van die Recces
    Boy van die Recces
    Boy van die Recces, kan die lang geweer laat praat
    Oo-wha-wha-oo ...
    Drie strepe op parade, die Sersant aan sy sy
    Wat is die eenheid sonder sy drank, wonder hy
    Die eenheid's gees is tops, elke man is hier virrie dop
    Is my mense die, wat 'n vyand kan hul klop
    Hy lees ook niks anders, as Savera Holander
    Sy kas op die rak, is 'n half-jack weggepak
    In sy wallet is 'n wip, in 'n rok met 'n drie voet slip
    En 'Lovey' noem hy haar, en sy's skaar 16 jaar
    Boy van die Recces
    Boy van die Recces
    Boy van die Recces, kan die lang geweer laat praat
    Oo-wha-wha-oo ...
    Elke naweek al vroeg, lê hy uitgepass innie kroeg
    Later speel hy Rugby, vir die dorp se eerste span
    Sy Red Heart klop sterk, dis syne, en hy's lief vir hom
    As hy voel soos nou, kan die sivvies maar vou
    Bar fights is sy kos, so altyd so blou en blink
    'n Roggel op die bors, van te vell rook en drink
    En boy van die Recces, is harregat, ou maat
    Boy van die Recces, wat vir niks terug sal staan
    Boy van die Recces
    Boy van die Recces
    Boy van die Recces, kan die lang geweer laat praat
    En die Generaal's daar bo, draai net wille oë
    Want hy ken en waardeer 'n 'Laney'
    Hemel weet, hy's die ruggraat van die Army
    Lyrics in English: Soon (Maybe)
    Boy Van Die Recces · SADF
    Boys On The Border
    Composer: SADF
    Lyricist: SADF
    Music Publisher: WMA

ความคิดเห็น • 25

  • @florisbrand1429
    @florisbrand1429 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    We gave our youth to buy time for this country

  • @gerhaldlaubscher8321
    @gerhaldlaubscher8321 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    In die rug gesteek deur n ou wat net sy eie belange op die hart gehad het! Van die beste tot onder die mat gevee😢

    • @Derik-dm8hg
      @Derik-dm8hg 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      saamgestem, heeltemal

    • @Derik-dm8hg
      @Derik-dm8hg 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      I speak as a recce boy myself

    • @saltydog1944
      @saltydog1944 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Hetzelfde gebeurd in Holland!

  • @jjvanzyl1303
    @jjvanzyl1303 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    Duidelik het die klong nie n idee wat dit gevat het vir n seun van 18 jaar oud om te Gaan veg op die greens nie.!!!!!! Boetman as jy Daar was of in kontak was sou jy n Ander song gesing het.

    • @thewanderer6637
      @thewanderer6637 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Sim, isto é propaganda contra nós. Assim como David Kramer fez. Gostaria de saber se esse já conheceu um RECCE.. Ele não saberia.

  • @madmike786
    @madmike786 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    We need men like this in the army today that are ready to go into action asap . The ones we have today are a utter disgrace NO proper training .SIES.😢😮😮 the defence force today is a total JOKE
    Ha Ha Ha.😅

    • @tabletsam5624
      @tabletsam5624 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Would Love to come. I am an old man now. 51 years old. Old trained German Soldier. Would Love to Go to south africa. A Land i Love so much

  • @jackdaugaard-hansen4512
    @jackdaugaard-hansen4512 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Red Heart Rum in his flask, he's drunk, but he's trying his best
    Boy from the Recces, going to hunt terrorists
    For two months he searched for tracks
    SWAPO is on the run
    The cheers of UK roared through the air
    He listens to orders, and then just does what he wants
    In the evening they drink together and hold a nice bazaar
    Even wings on his shirt pocket, a Gunston draws his mouth
    Shooting thing in his hand, which makes the enemy explode
    Boy of the Recces
    Boy of the Recces
    Boy of the Recces, can make the long gun talk
    Three stripes on parade, the Sergeant at his side
    What is the unit without its drink, he wonders
    The unit's spirit is top notch, every man here is really good
    Are my people the ones, what an enemy can beat them
    He also doesn't read anything other than Savera Holander
    His case on the shelf, is a half-jack packed away
    In his wallet is a seesaw, in a dress with a three-foot slip
    And 'Lovey' he calls her, and she's been together for 16 years
    Boy of the Recces
    Boy of the Recces
    Boy of the Recces, can make the long gun talk
    Early every weekend, he lays down in a bar
    Later he plays Rugby, for the town's first team
    His Red Heart beats strong, it's his, and he loves it
    If he feels like now, the sivvies can just fold
    Bar fights are his food, so always so blue and shiny
    A rash on the chest, from too much smoking and drinking
    And boy from the Recces, is harregat, old mate
    Boy of the Recces, who will stop at nothing
    Boy of the Recces
    Boy of the Recces
    Boy of the Recces, can make the long gun talk
    And the General's up there just roll their eyes
    Because he knows and appreciates a 'Laney'
    Heaven knows, he's the backbone of the Army

    • @K33ev2
      @K33ev2 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Is this google translate? I found another translation that is way different

    • @jackdaugaard-hansen4512
      @jackdaugaard-hansen4512 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@K33ev2 yes it is, it’s the only one I know about but if there is another one then post it

    • @K33ev2
      @K33ev2 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Boy Van Die Recces is an old Reconnaissance Commando song written and sung by Faan Gerber. Recorded and arranged by Soldiers Friend (Barend du Plessis en Pieter Kruger), visualization and subtitles done by Johan Schoeman
      Faan Gerber says this song is a tongue-in-cheek charade of the sports and fun they experienced during their leisure hours, which did not only apply to that elite group of men, the Recces, but also to other operational units of any armed force. The few phrases about specific things, like Red Heart Rum, wings, months of searching for tracks of SWAPO and the battle cry were and still are things quite unique to the Recces. The reference to alcohol-use are done lightly, because, even though the men often drank hard, they remained professional and exceptionally successful soldiers! The results speak for itself - so nothing negative should be deducted from this recital.
      The main issue here is that the type of individual that qualified for these elite units, had experienced extremes and overcame the obstacles while actually also enjoying the process - a case of working hard and playing ever harder

    • @K33ev2
      @K33ev2 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Red Heart Rum in his flask
      He's very drunk but tries his best
      Boy of the Recces on a terrorist hunt
      Two months looking for tracks
      and SWAPO evading
      the battle cry of RC (Recon Commando) echo in the air
      He listens to orders but then do just as he wants
      At dusk drinking and partying together
      A set of wings on his shirt, a Gunston in his mouth
      rifle in his hand lets the enemy take flight
      Boy of the Recces, Boy of the Recces
      Boy of the Recces, yes the long gun can talk
      Owawawoo Yodelaidy hoo
      Owawawoo Yodelaidy hoo
      Three stripes in a row, a sergeant at his side
      What is the unit without liquor he wonders
      The unit service is top, every man is here for his tot
      These are my people who can beat the enemy
      He reads nothing other than Xeveira Hollander
      In his cupboard rack a halfjack is hidden
      in his wallet is a girl
      in a dress with a three foot slip
      and lovie he calls her and she's barely sixteen
      Boy of the Recces, Boy of the Recces
      Boy of the Recces, yes the long gun can talk
      Owawawoo Yodelaidy hoo
      Owawawoo Yodelaidy hoo
      Every weekend,early, passed out in the bar
      and Later he plays rugby for the town's first team
      His Red Heart beats strong its his and he loves it
      What he feels like now, the civilians can come...
      Barfights is his diet, his eyes twinkle with blue
      Gurgle in the chest from too much smoke and drink
      And boy of the Recces is stubborn, my mate
      Boy of the Recces will for nothing stand aside
      Boy of the Recces, Boy of the Recces
      Boy of the Recces, yes the long gun can talk
      Owawawoo Yodelaidy hoo
      Owawawoo Yodelaidy hoo
      And the generals up high
      rather averting their eyes
      They know and appreciate a man
      hmmm. they know
      he is the backbone of the army

  • @robertschweppenhauser9891
    @robertschweppenhauser9891 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Recces never fell under Sadf😅

    • @struiswaai
      @struiswaai 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


    • @frustratedgeek2693
      @frustratedgeek2693 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Really? Where the fak did you serve?

  • @HennieHuman
    @HennieHuman 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Als vir fokol.

    • @monikalupp1137
      @monikalupp1137 9 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @monikalupp1137
      @monikalupp1137 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hier vir die dop😊🇿🇦

  • @faniebotha8582
    @faniebotha8582 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Ek het FW en Pik opgepas. FW kon jou NOOIT in die oe kyk nie. Oom Pik was nice en was altye laaste uit by die 2 restaurante in die parlement waar hy n ietsie gevat het. Het baie met onw gepraat. FW moes ek geweet het was n sleg doos HOND! As ek geweet het wat ek vandag weet...

    • @struiswaai
      @struiswaai 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Jy praat onverdunde kak. Gaan dink weer.