Love this helmet but on mine, the goggle straps are way looser than they used to be so now every time I ride they’re moving around. It’s kind of a safety concern for me because it’s so much harder trying to check blind spots without the goggles moving
With all due respect to all good-intentioned helmet retailers - size charts, which don’t seem to vary between the different brands, are almost worthless. Until each individual manufacturer fine-tunes sizing charts to reflect THEIR specific helmets - nothing will surpass physically fitting a helmet.
guys do you know how can remove the logo in the front part without remove the base color ? any product or something ? thanks ( nothing personal to the brand , just i don't like too big )
Love this helmet but on mine, the goggle straps are way looser than they used to be so now every time I ride they’re moving around. It’s kind of a safety concern for me because it’s so much harder trying to check blind spots without the goggles moving
That's a bummer.
With all due respect to all good-intentioned helmet retailers - size charts, which don’t seem to vary between the different brands, are almost worthless. Until each individual manufacturer fine-tunes sizing charts to reflect THEIR specific helmets - nothing will surpass physically fitting a helmet.
It's a huge bummer that manufacturers don't do that. That's why we offer no cost returns. Just like trying on a helmet at a store.
Could it be used for snowboarding? 🤔
Not too sure if it can be used for snowboarding as they were designed specifically for motorcycles
Any helm could be used for snowboarding but it’s probably too heavy to be comfy.
@@theanarchist2746shark street drak is pretty light
guys do you know how can remove the logo in the front part without remove the base color ? any product or something ? thanks ( nothing personal to the brand , just i don't like too big )
It's out understanding this logo is not easily removed.
I have this lid, it’s rubbish, heavy and the mask attachment is just pants, don’t waste your money.
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