Well done, may allah bless your voice. Your words are truthful. and let the arabs and the ajam that do not believe in this, stay controlled by their tyrants in their countries thinking that those are their walee alamar. However, for us our walee alamar is Ali. Our king is Ali and only Ali and none else, appointed by Allah(s) and the prophet(sawa)
هالايام طلعت نتيجة الظلم
وسيعلم الذين ظلمو اي منقلب ينقلبون
Well done, may allah bless your voice. Your words are truthful. and let the arabs and the ajam that do not believe in this, stay controlled by their tyrants in their countries thinking that those are their walee alamar. However, for us our walee alamar is Ali. Our king is Ali and only Ali and none else, appointed by Allah(s) and the prophet(sawa)
@MyPortsmouth هذا عربي أبا عن جد يالى ماتدري
ولا شاف العروبة
@@mrhussain751 انت تعرف منه ابوك،ومتاكد انه ابوك؟
@@mg6261 ابويي بحراني عربي اصل وفصل لكن انت ابوك ايراني عجمي جه ايران في السبعينات وجنسوك سنة ٢٠٠٢ بفضل الوفاق
انت عندك كل الحكام ظلام بس الخميني حاكم عادل صح؟ مالت على هالعقليات بس
قل خيرًا او اصمت
@@w79d50 بعد هذا الصدق
عندك شي مفيد قوله ما عندك اكرمنا بسكوتك
@@w79d50 مابسكت بشوف ويش بتسوي
ابي اكبر عقلي واشوفك تسولف