Jumbo is totally in the right on the orb of dragon kind. I don’t really understand the worn power stone comparison. It enters tapped and doesn’t care about dragons. Jumbo framed the card in reference to a dragon deck and in his examples given I think he is sound in saying it speeds you up two turns via the mana ramp as well as haste in a combat focused dragon deck. The other point about lightning greaves/dragon tempest are not applicable as you should already be playing them in a deck with large mana creatures that want to deal combat damage, and they are not also mana rocks so I don’t even consider them in the same category
I love Murph and the rest of the Command Zone crew, but it's absolutely refreshing to see someone on the show like DJ that isn't obsessed with optimization at all costs. Sometimes it's ok to be SLIGHTLY less optimized in terms of Mana value if it means adding some flexibility, and I feel in general the Command Zone crew are more against this idea. Also, sometimes cards just do different things and are fun to try, and DJ embodies that spirit. Rather than "well it's not one of these 100 staples so why would I play it?"
@@Fractalmortality To be fair, I feel like Jimmy often embodies that side of things a bit more when it's Josh and Jimmy doing a podcast together. But yeah, I agree that DJ's perspective is often refreshing.
@@Fractalmortality I wanted to reach through my monitor and slap Murph....brushing this card off like its really not going to help anyone very much in a game. This thing is going to be the next all-star in my Ur-Dragon deck and that deck has close to 1000$ worth of cards in it.
Man I forgot how much I miss DJ’s spice of life when it comes to loving bigger, maybe clunkier cards. I feel like if it was Jimmy and Josh hosting this episode, Legion Loyalty would have just been covered as “8 mana, not playing it, moving on”
I appreciate someone who will talk about how fun a card is and be happy about it instead of just talking about the cards that are the most powerful. Embrace the fun!!! EDH is all about using the many fun cards throughout Magic's history.
Carnelian orb is a good redundant haste piece, that happens to tap for mana. So, ofc, boots and dragon tempes would be better, but the orb definetely can have a place in dragon decks. Might not pass the final cut, but worth a thought
The thing is it’s competing with space accompanied by Temur Ascendancy and Rhythm of the Wild. Both also provide haste but come with the utility of card draw and counters respectively. But even in that space, three mana mana rocks don’t work out optimally when considering a dragon deck as a whole. Unless the deck runs mana dorks, it is pulled far from consideration compared to better rocks be it the ones that break the bank or two mana fixing rocks. True it stands in redundancy but at the end of they day when layered over others, it becomes less than optimal let alone welcome.
you would run all 3 of them. I think haste should be a high priority for a dragon deck so you can catch people by surprise and get the effects attached to the dragons. what is good is all these haste enablers have a dual purpose. Dragon Tempest - haste and damage, Temur Ascendancy - haste and card draw, Rhythm of the Wilds - protection and haste. Carnelian Orb - haste and ramp. You don't have to sacrifice much to get these all in your deck because you need the other effects anyway.
Wish they did these 99 analysis prior to their upgrade videos this info would have been great when the set released. Arguably the most relevant information is what goes in the 99 would like this to be the first not the last in order of analysis videos.
I agree. I would like to know more about the nonlegendary cards that slot into our decks than about the legends, the majority of which I won't build. The cards in the 99 are more relevant to me as a player with already-built decks.
they have so many videos they've committed to doing for every new set: each set gets a game knights, each precon gets and upgrade guide, a video (or two) for just the legends. with the rate of releases, there isn't time to do their usual content up to the standard of quality they've established. it sucks.
i think the upgrade videos are kinda subtle advertisements for the commander decks. so they need to be out early before the hype shifts to the next set?
I love having DJ back! I'm a fan of jumbo commander and I love that DJ recognizes some of the more budget friendly thematic decks can be fun too. I 100% agree with his love of the 3 drop dragon mana rock. There's more to life than streamlining your curve. Thanks DJ!
I run Miirym and have all the dragon orbs and they are competitive, trust me. Run them. The red and green orb have become hot targets for how good they are, and the new 2 drop dragons work really well around them. The reality is you will be dropping these on turn 3 ANYWAYS so the 1 extra mana actually doesnt matter with the D&D dragons kit. Run them in addition to the tempest and greaves of course. They are great redundancy, not replacements.
@@DudeMan1620 You're welcome! Time is precious after all! Put those minutes into brainstorming a creative deck name rather than "Name of commander, name of strategy" haha 😉
The way to analyze these new three mana rocks is to think of it as getting utility/synergy from your ramp slots like we do for utility land slots. Would I run Carnelian Orb of Dragonkind in a dragon deck? Yes, and also all the other cards murph brought up. Its not an either/or, its a both/and. I just would only dedicate 1-2 ramp slots as "synergy ramp".
To be honest, I'm getting really tired of all the content creators hating on 3 mana rocks and some of the mid tier lands. My mana bases are a little slower, but to to totally honest 0% of the playgroups I've been in have accelerated the way the command zone's has. So it's a non issue for me. Not everyone has infinite budget to put into magic. It's getting really old hearing "it costs three mana, it's trash." The orbs are ramp that synergize with dragon decks both in terms of gameplay and flavor. I like them.
@@joshholmes1372 I play Intet (maybe switching to Miirym? Idk yet, I like getting the big mana freebies from Intet) and I'm putting in all 3 of these and the original one is already in the deck.
Carnelian Orb of Dragonkind can be so good even if you already run Dragon Tempest, Swiftfoot boots or lightning greaves in your deck, it just gives you another way to accelerate your attacks and also the extra red mana can be very helpful to cast one more big dragon in the turn. I'm running it in my dragon deck and I have zero regrets
Murph embodies the mindset that makes commander unfun to play. Like really, you're gonna get that pressed over the possibility of a situational 3 cost mana rock seeing casual play?
A cool scenario with fraying line: if you play a Commander like the new Renari that gives artifact flash you can cast fraying line at istant Speed during the end step of the opponente before you and put a counter on your best creature, then the next upkeep is yours and you just don't pay the 2 mana and everything gets exiled except your creature. This way you don't give any option to your opponents and it just becomes a colorless wrath of God that also exiles
I personally think that the Elder Dragons (at least Silver, Copper and Gold) are a good addition to an Ur-Dragon Deck. I build my deck so that I could cast my Commander regularly around turn 6 or 7 so I can cast these Elder Dragons at the same time Period. This is especially true since I try to fill out my Deck with broderless Dragons, that also give me a good amount of Value. That's why I included Tiamat, Old Gnabone, Beledros Witherbloom, Shadrix Silverquill and of course hte new Dragonlord Dromoka in it. Of course my Manacurve is very high but with Cards like Bloomtender, Dryad of the Iylsian Grove, Dragonlords Servant, Dragonspeaker Shaman, Farseek, Nature's Lore and Three Visits you can ramp pretty good. I have 54 Manasources/Ramp (including Lands) in my Deck so that I can make sure to play my big 6,7 and 8-Drops before curve with certainty.
I actually think Altar of Bhaal is pretty crazy, cause it doesn't say nontoken. I exile my 1/1 token, get anything I like out of my graveyard? Sounds pretty good. If I have a way to untap it, I can do it again? I like that idea. Particularly if you're in a deck with creatures that ETB and make tokens, this feels like it will fit well.
Not mentioning the cycle of adventure dragons with CMC 6+ they are great for high cmc decks. You can unsummon for 2 mana, but it counts as 8 for anything cmc related.
I’m kinda surprised they didn’t mention the green dragon orb that gives +1/+1 counter and hexproof until next turn or the gate from this set that allows gates to enter the battlefield untapped???
The Marut was my fav card in the set in the commons slot, Flaming Fist is my fav Uncommon (cause of flavor alone), and rare is Lae'zel's Acrobatics cause more blink sounds like fun, mythics is either Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainer for flavor or Legion Loyalty for fun (copper dragon would be another pick but I think alot of ppl like that one so outside that these are the ones on my mind atm).
BAY-lor. The A is at the end of the first syllable, so you say the name of the vowel. BAY-lor. Wayfarer's bauble is a great reprint. Displacer Kitten is stupid. You can, for example, use the kitten in combination with Tasha to essentially get value equal to the number of instants and sorceries Tasha has exiled with Page counters.
No mention of Gond Gate which makes your gates enter untapped, fetchable with Expedition Map, Circuitous Route, Maze's End, etc. Super budget mana base and has some synergys available above something like a Khans triome
I already slid Displacer Kitten into my Noncreature Spellslinger deck and you guys listed off even more stuff that makes me happy about that fact. More uses of my Planeswalkers, bouncing Filter Lands (after they were activated so they become even more mama positive), bouncing mana rocks, etc all will help that deck a lot AND the added bonus of it being a protection ability in that deck really helps. I am also looking for a way to slide Deep Gnome Terramancer in there for improved ramp.
I haven’t seen anyone talking about it but I really like Astarion’s Thirst. Yes, the mana cost for single target removal is a little bit high, but the upside seems really good. Plus you can play it as a combat trick instead.
I thought that they were a bit harsh on the gates with what they said and not to mention the one card that that came in said set which can counter some of their argument against the gates.
And you can run a ramp suite of gate fetch effects, and there’s enough that you’re probably going to be able to ramp pretty early in the game. It definitely lowers the power level a little, but I have a naya dinosaurs deck that runs gates without any specific gate synergy other than running explore the under dark and circuitous route, and it doesn’t seem to do significantly worse than my decks with highly optimized mana bases
Is DJ a teacher, and what does he teach? He's always given off teacher vibes, and him only appearing in videos during the summer seems to track with that.
Also I got to play Green Slime...so underrated. You'd be amazed at how many scenarios it comes up. The foretell makes it especially useful, because then you aren't holding up mana or a card in your hand.
Love the idea of Wrathful Red Dragon turning all your dragons into Boros Reckoners. Makes opponents uneasy about attacking you and sets up a potential Blasphemous Act lethal. Very fun :)
Murph, I still run Coalition Relic & Chromatic Lantern in a lot of my 4-5 color decks… and I’m running Carnelian Orb because DJ is right. Having an extra haste enabler (in addition to Tempest, Greaves, and Boots) almost guarantees my Utvara Hellkite or Balefire Dragon will be wreaking havoc as soon as they hit the board
Balor in an Isshin Deck to trigger its attack trigger twice. F.e. with Isshin and Fling you first deal f.e. 6 Damage due to 6 Hand cards, then deal another 6 because of the Isshin trigger, then 5 battle damamge, then Fling for 5 damage another 6 from the death trigger, so it is a total of 28 damage. So get 1 opponent to 10 hand cards and if he can't block he dies. 3 x 10 + 2 x 5 = 40.
As someone who does build in budget, I’d like to offer a quick counter to their thoughts on gates as a budget mana base. If you commit to gates, you get access to cards that ramp gates or basics(circuitous route, explore the under dark etc) you can use these cards to get Gond’s gate, which makes all your gates enter untapped. With the number of cards that can tutor gates, in my newest 5c budget deck I am consistently getting gond’s gate out turn 3-4, and at that point, all my gates are effectively og dual lands with upside. Their points about slowness are valid, but if you are smart with ramp/fixing, this mana base of gates is more legitimate then they are making it out
The Elder Dragons in Henzie "Toolbox" Torre are actually insane. The main problems with the dragons is that they are expensive and they do not have haste, Henzie takes care of both of those problems. It is very easy to cast Henzie 2-4 times in a single game, so I believe a two red flying, haste, dragon that will most likely create more treasures than it was to cast it is pretty good. The black and green ones are also good, but not as good as the red one.
Feels like they could've spent less time on dragons and gates because there's a lot of good rares and mythics that could've been discussed about. We didn't even get Pact Weapon, Vexing Puzzlebox or Elminster's Simulacrum for instance
Definitely on the same page as DJ with Battle Angels. The card is really strong, sure it’s not Thoracle/Consult, but it’s a strong card that does a lot, even in competitive games. 😁
Black Market connections is like a planeswalker on an enchantment. But better. If you can have a slot for it, slam it in there. Or make room for it. Its easily a card that will go up alot in price.
In a gate deck you play card to search gates and the first one is gond gate that make your other gates enter untap. So the games I played recently I was very few turn before all my gates entered untap. I had players destroy my gond gate over other more important lands because of that
I have to say with ultra pro playmats. I have 1 I think it's link between worlds art (one of the ds era LoZ) and I've used it daily since like 2016 for a mousepad and beside 1 corner that had a chunk of foam pop out it still looks great and works great.
One card I think you should have mentioned is gond gate. Making gates enter untapped makes them more viable. Especially since tutoring for gates is quite easy.
They talk about the disadvantage of tap lands but that's why I don't run worn power stone. I don't really consider it much of ramp if it comes into play tapped and I can't use it the turn it comes down. I feel like dj had a really good point with the orb. Yes it's 3 mana to get one but the trade off is you give a dragon haste. Seems much better in that type of deck compared to something like worn power stone.
Green dragon (bronze) is definitely better than Black (brass), having played them both now. The reason I say that is that it is KILLER for voltron style decks. I put one in a "Wilson the Sailor" deck (Wilson, Refined Grizzly + Sword Coast Sailor) and it PERFORMED.
I agree the gates are definitely slower, but I think they have more use in 4-5 color decks. I don’t know about the rest of y’all, but I don’t feel like spending 100+$ on just all the shocks for my five color deck. Duals are definitely out, and without shocks or duals fetches certainly aren’t worth it, so most of the mana base is already coming in tapped. If most of the base is coming In tapped already then those taplands may as well give me some incidental synergy such as mazes end or other gate synergy.
I run temur with miryuim as a commander and have bronze, copper, silver elder dragons it kills and sweeps of you even have anger/ swift boots to equip and lands instant wins basically
I think Chain Devil is a very underrated uncommon for black, 4 mana 4/2 isn't bad as a creature and opponent only edict etb that skips tokens is very on rate for something that can be easily recurred or looped into your enemies oblivion very easily even in mono black.
I've actually been going back to 3 mana mana rocks. Also, he's underestimating the value of it being the mana rock instead of boots that everyone blows up almost on sight.
Also Murph is severely overestimating the tapped lands. They are fine for most games. Gates are amazing for budget builds, but you'll probably get hated because of Maze's End even if you don't run it. EDIT: And then they don't even talk about the uncommon gate which completely undoes the downside to gates.
With the powerlevel of cards these days, I honestly truly believe it is fine to unban things like Braids, or Recurring Nightmare. Even boogeyman Primetime is not as good in the format as it used to be.
@@caseywellington4761 dockside has a way more impactful etb when compared to primetime, and it costs a third of the mana el primo does. I do not think prime would even make it into most of my decks at this point. As opposed to a few years back, when it would be an autoinclude in green decks no matter the contents of the rest of the deck.
I like Fraying Rope, I think most people would prefer not to spend two mana unless they have a really important creatures out, so often it will just be a board wipe that saves your best creature. I think it will rarely make it a full rotation with everyone paying the 2.
Agreed with DJ, in a Dragon deck, the Orb is probably better. Enters untapped and adds colored mana plus the haste. Worn power stone enters tapped at the same cost. Entering tapped mana rocks is the equivalent of adding lands that enter tapped. It’s a turn down a card for 3 mana that does literally nothing the turn it enters.
Murph: "If most of your mana base comes into play tapped, you're basically a turn behind everybody else" Also Murph: "*Worn Powerstone* is a better card than this card(Carnelian Orb of Dragonkind)"
Murph is crazy. A mana rocks that gives haste to whatever it casts is super powerfull. Only doenside is it's just for dragons. So very limited what decks want it
I run the blue elder dragon and the black elder dragon in exactly one deck. Sefris reanimator. I agree most of them are just too expensive to jam into any deck.
I’m running the orb in my dragon tribal as well as all the other haste enablers mentioned, sad they didn’t mention the jade one too as hexproof until you’re next turn seems legit to me.
31:17 Carnelian Orb of the Dragonlord and others of the wheel would have been nice if they had the subtype - Dragon tribal. Would have been nice to see these as tribal spells that could be searched...
Jumbo is totally in the right on the orb of dragon kind. I don’t really understand the worn power stone comparison. It enters tapped and doesn’t care about dragons. Jumbo framed the card in reference to a dragon deck and in his examples given I think he is sound in saying it speeds you up two turns via the mana ramp as well as haste in a combat focused dragon deck. The other point about lightning greaves/dragon tempest are not applicable as you should already be playing them in a deck with large mana creatures that want to deal combat damage, and they are not also mana rocks so I don’t even consider them in the same category
Yes absolutely! This card is a beast in a dragon deck I would never be mad seeing this come up in my ur dragon deck
I'm with DJ, Carnelian Orb of Dragonkind is really good (in the right deck). Giving a big dragon haste is very strong.
I love Murph and the rest of the Command Zone crew, but it's absolutely refreshing to see someone on the show like DJ that isn't obsessed with optimization at all costs.
Sometimes it's ok to be SLIGHTLY less optimized in terms of Mana value if it means adding some flexibility, and I feel in general the Command Zone crew are more against this idea.
Also, sometimes cards just do different things and are fun to try, and DJ embodies that spirit. Rather than "well it's not one of these 100 staples so why would I play it?"
@@Fractalmortality To be fair, I feel like Jimmy often embodies that side of things a bit more when it's Josh and Jimmy doing a podcast together. But yeah, I agree that DJ's perspective is often refreshing.
Honestly, this card has done work for me. As someone who plays the Ur-Dragon, I look for every source of haste for the deck.
@@Fractalmortality I wanted to reach through my monitor and slap Murph....brushing this card off like its really not going to help anyone very much in a game. This thing is going to be the next all-star in my Ur-Dragon deck and that deck has close to 1000$ worth of cards in it.
Baulders gate? Doesn't quadruple master or whatever its called come out in 10 minutes?
We're already onto Warhammer decks. Get with it!
New secret layer alert!
NeW SeCrEt LaYeR AlErT!!
We’re actually going to innistrad again
@@jibb8545 Weren't they delayed?
I am just chiming in to say that DJ is so much fun to listen to talk about Magic.
Man I forgot how much I miss DJ’s spice of life when it comes to loving bigger, maybe clunkier cards. I feel like if it was Jimmy and Josh hosting this episode, Legion Loyalty would have just been covered as “8 mana, not playing it, moving on”
I appreciate someone who will talk about how fun a card is and be happy about it instead of just talking about the cards that are the most powerful. Embrace the fun!!! EDH is all about using the many fun cards throughout Magic's history.
Favorite flavor of the entire set, that Captain N'gathrod perfectly crews the Nautiloid Ship.
Carnelian orb is a good redundant haste piece, that happens to tap for mana. So, ofc, boots and dragon tempes would be better, but the orb definetely can have a place in dragon decks. Might not pass the final cut, but worth a thought
I'd rather run redundancies than regret redundancies.
The thing is it’s competing with space accompanied by Temur Ascendancy and Rhythm of the Wild. Both also provide haste but come with the utility of card draw and counters respectively. But even in that space, three mana mana rocks don’t work out optimally when considering a dragon deck as a whole. Unless the deck runs mana dorks, it is pulled far from consideration compared to better rocks be it the ones that break the bank or two mana fixing rocks. True it stands in redundancy but at the end of they day when layered over others, it becomes less than optimal let alone welcome.
you would run all 3 of them. I think haste should be a high priority for a dragon deck so you can catch people by surprise and get the effects attached to the dragons. what is good is all these haste enablers have a dual purpose.
Dragon Tempest - haste and damage, Temur Ascendancy - haste and card draw, Rhythm of the Wilds - protection and haste. Carnelian Orb - haste and ramp.
You don't have to sacrifice much to get these all in your deck because you need the other effects anyway.
It’s in mine. And it’s already won me a few games
Wish they did these 99 analysis prior to their upgrade videos this info would have been great when the set released. Arguably the most relevant information is what goes in the 99 would like this to be the first not the last in order of analysis videos.
I agree. I would like to know more about the nonlegendary cards that slot into our decks than about the legends, the majority of which I won't build. The cards in the 99 are more relevant to me as a player with already-built decks.
they have so many videos they've committed to doing for every new set: each set gets a game knights, each precon gets and upgrade guide, a video (or two) for just the legends. with the rate of releases, there isn't time to do their usual content up to the standard of quality they've established. it sucks.
I'm just confused about the order of video release. We got 3 upgrade videos and I'm still waiting for the last one, then this video comes into the mix
i think the upgrade videos are kinda subtle advertisements for the commander decks. so they need to be out early before the hype shifts to the next set?
I love having DJ back! I'm a fan of jumbo commander and I love that DJ recognizes some of the more budget friendly thematic decks can be fun too. I 100% agree with his love of the 3 drop dragon mana rock. There's more to life than streamlining your curve. Thanks DJ!
I run Miirym and have all the dragon orbs and they are competitive, trust me. Run them. The red and green orb have become hot targets for how good they are, and the new 2 drop dragons work really well around them. The reality is you will be dropping these on turn 3 ANYWAYS so the 1 extra mana actually doesnt matter with the D&D dragons kit.
Run them in addition to the tempest and greaves of course. They are great redundancy, not replacements.
4:05 video actually starts
Edit: 7:15 if you want to skip them explaining how myriad works
Thank you for being the time-code hero thats saves me valuable minutes of my life
@@DudeMan1620 You're welcome! Time is precious after all! Put those minutes into brainstorming a creative deck name rather than "Name of commander, name of strategy" haha 😉
I love seeing DJ on The Command Zone, he's such a nice guy :)
The way to analyze these new three mana rocks is to think of it as getting utility/synergy from your ramp slots like we do for utility land slots. Would I run Carnelian Orb of Dragonkind in a dragon deck? Yes, and also all the other cards murph brought up. Its not an either/or, its a both/and. I just would only dedicate 1-2 ramp slots as "synergy ramp".
To be honest, I'm getting really tired of all the content creators hating on 3 mana rocks and some of the mid tier lands. My mana bases are a little slower, but to to totally honest 0% of the playgroups I've been in have accelerated the way the command zone's has. So it's a non issue for me. Not everyone has infinite budget to put into magic. It's getting really old hearing "it costs three mana, it's trash."
The orbs are ramp that synergize with dragon decks both in terms of gameplay and flavor. I like them.
@@ryansprenkle6356 in dragon decks they make total sense, particularly the red one
@@joshholmes1372 I play Intet (maybe switching to Miirym? Idk yet, I like getting the big mana freebies from Intet) and I'm putting in all 3 of these and the original one is already in the deck.
@@ryansprenkle6356 dude I feel you. +1 that comment.
Carnelian Orb of Dragonkind can be so good even if you already run Dragon Tempest, Swiftfoot boots or lightning greaves in your deck, it just gives you another way to accelerate your attacks and also the extra red mana can be very helpful to cast one more big dragon in the turn. I'm running it in my dragon deck and I have zero regrets
Dj bringing the flavor, Murph bringing the shotgun to shoot down the idea 💡 like duck hunt on this episode. DJ nice takes
It seems like Murph hates every card in this set minus the two white ones.
Murph embodies the mindset that makes commander unfun to play. Like really, you're gonna get that pressed over the possibility of a situational 3 cost mana rock seeing casual play?
@@walterclements2 not un fun just different
@@walterclements2 agreed.
Thanks for the shoutout! All of you folks are the best! :)
A cool scenario with fraying line: if you play a Commander like the new Renari that gives artifact flash you can cast fraying line at istant Speed during the end step of the opponente before you and put a counter on your best creature, then the next upkeep is yours and you just don't pay the 2 mana and everything gets exiled except your creature. This way you don't give any option to your opponents and it just becomes a colorless wrath of God that also exiles
I'm with DJ here, the orb of dragonkind is so cool, maybe not the best in optimization, but it's so flavorful I'd run it in any dragon deck.
Battle Angels of Tyr would be so mediocre... but it has myriad and evasion! You will hit someone with more cards and/or more lands than you!
DJ: the most huggable person in Magic!
29:55 "Just run these expensive things"
Great advice Murph **eye roll**
Bro this video came out and the spoilers for the NEXT SET are already done. Nuts!!
I recently built a Wyll deck with dice matter dragons. Bag of tricks = free dragons. Throw in a warstorm surge and the game is on.
Love seeing Jumbo Commander back on the channel!
I personally think that the Elder Dragons (at least Silver, Copper and Gold) are a good addition to an Ur-Dragon Deck. I build my deck so that I could cast my Commander regularly around turn 6 or 7 so I can cast these Elder Dragons at the same time Period. This is especially true since I try to fill out my Deck with broderless Dragons, that also give me a good amount of Value. That's why I included Tiamat, Old Gnabone, Beledros Witherbloom, Shadrix Silverquill and of course hte new Dragonlord Dromoka in it. Of course my Manacurve is very high but with Cards like Bloomtender, Dryad of the Iylsian Grove, Dragonlords Servant, Dragonspeaker Shaman, Farseek, Nature's Lore and Three Visits you can ramp pretty good. I have 54 Manasources/Ramp (including Lands) in my Deck so that I can make sure to play my big 6,7 and 8-Drops before curve with certainty.
It's always great to see DJ on The Command Zone.
To note with Altar of Bhaal you can exile tokens with it and exile your opponents stuff too if you steal them.
Love me seeing DJ again! Happy he's back. These two gents have some lovely banter
I actually think Altar of Bhaal is pretty crazy, cause it doesn't say nontoken. I exile my 1/1 token, get anything I like out of my graveyard? Sounds pretty good. If I have a way to untap it, I can do it again? I like that idea. Particularly if you're in a deck with creatures that ETB and make tokens, this feels like it will fit well.
7:15 first card
Not mentioning the cycle of adventure dragons with CMC 6+ they are great for high cmc decks. You can unsummon for 2 mana, but it counts as 8 for anything cmc related.
As someone with a myriad deck, yes i did in fact add Hammers of Moradin to my deck
I feel Gond Gate is such an underrated card... It lets all of your gates enter the battlefield tapped. Who needs a dual land when that does the trick?
I’m kinda surprised they didn’t mention the green dragon orb that gives +1/+1 counter and hexproof until next turn or the gate from this set that allows gates to enter the battlefield untapped???
Yeah bro, I got a mate that plays Ur and I'll be worried if that green orb drops. Ur Dragon with hexproof is not cool
I love Gond Gate. I already bought 4 copies. I plan to use gates to mana fix my 4 and 5 color decks.
Because Gates are mostly very bad outside dedicated gate decks so unless you're playing Nine-Fingers Keane specifically the card isn't worth playing
The Marut was my fav card in the set in the commons slot, Flaming Fist is my fav Uncommon (cause of flavor alone), and rare is Lae'zel's Acrobatics
cause more blink sounds like fun, mythics is either Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainer for flavor or Legion Loyalty for fun (copper dragon would be another pick but I think alot of ppl like that one so outside that these are the ones on my mind atm).
Thanks for the video team!
I usually don’t have time to go through whole sets and these videos help a lot. Thank you ☺️
BAY-lor. The A is at the end of the first syllable, so you say the name of the vowel. BAY-lor.
Wayfarer's bauble is a great reprint. Displacer Kitten is stupid. You can, for example, use the kitten in combination with Tasha to essentially get value equal to the number of instants and sorceries Tasha has exiled with Page counters.
I love how cEDH hates Baldurs Gate, but Casual hates it too. I'm with DJ, love lots of these cards.
the command zone has been a little to much: "This isnt ragavan or dockside, unplayable!" of late imo. great to hear a different perspective from jumbo
O M G, this is soooooo second quarter of 2022, time to catch up 💁🏻♂️
No mention of Gond Gate which makes your gates enter untapped, fetchable with Expedition Map, Circuitous Route, Maze's End, etc. Super budget mana base and has some synergys available above something like a Khans triome
I already slid Displacer Kitten into my Noncreature Spellslinger deck and you guys listed off even more stuff that makes me happy about that fact. More uses of my Planeswalkers, bouncing Filter Lands (after they were activated so they become even more mama positive), bouncing mana rocks, etc all will help that deck a lot AND the added bonus of it being a protection ability in that deck really helps. I am also looking for a way to slide Deep Gnome Terramancer in there for improved ramp.
Blade of Selves is definitely going in my Vrondiss deck 🥰 🥰
Unpopular opinion, but I rather enjoyed this set!
I haven’t seen anyone talking about it but I really like Astarion’s Thirst. Yes, the mana cost for single target removal is a little bit high, but the upside seems really good. Plus you can play it as a combat trick instead.
"Gates enter tapped though." Completely forgot about the new gate that let's all your gates enter untapped
I thought that they were a bit harsh on the gates with what they said and not to mention the one card that that came in said set which can counter some of their argument against the gates.
And then run Amulet of Vigor for a little redundancy.
And you can run a ramp suite of gate fetch effects, and there’s enough that you’re probably going to be able to ramp pretty early in the game. It definitely lowers the power level a little, but I have a naya dinosaurs deck that runs gates without any specific gate synergy other than running explore the under dark and circuitous route, and it doesn’t seem to do significantly worse than my decks with highly optimized mana bases
One thing I wish you had mentioned with the gates is that there is now a gate that makes other gates enter untapped
Is DJ a teacher, and what does he teach? He's always given off teacher vibes, and him only appearing in videos during the summer seems to track with that.
I think he is a guidance counselor iirc
Also I got to play Green Slime...so underrated. You'd be amazed at how many scenarios it comes up. The foretell makes it especially useful, because then you aren't holding up mana or a card in your hand.
Altar of Baal is good in decks that make tokens and wants to reanimate like wilhelt zombies
Played archivist of oghma, drew 15 cards off of it just like Murph guaranteed that it would! Thanks Murph
"YOU"RE LOWER THAN MY CEILING?!" idk why but that got me :)
Love the idea of Wrathful Red Dragon turning all your dragons into Boros Reckoners. Makes opponents uneasy about attacking you and sets up a potential Blasphemous Act lethal. Very fun :)
Love those episodes with DJ. Always funny and entertaining. 👍👍
Murph, I still run Coalition Relic & Chromatic Lantern in a lot of my 4-5 color decks… and I’m running Carnelian Orb because DJ is right. Having an extra haste enabler (in addition to Tempest, Greaves, and Boots) almost guarantees my Utvara Hellkite or Balefire Dragon will be wreaking havoc as soon as they hit the board
Balor in an Isshin Deck to trigger its attack trigger twice. F.e. with Isshin and Fling you first deal f.e. 6 Damage due to 6 Hand cards, then deal another 6 because of the Isshin trigger, then 5 battle damamge, then Fling for 5 damage another 6 from the death trigger, so it is a total of 28 damage. So get 1 opponent to 10 hand cards and if he can't block he dies. 3 x 10 + 2 x 5 = 40.
Can confirm Balor is excellent. Probably the best mythic under 2 dollars In the set.
Deck Feldon :-)
As someone who does build in budget, I’d like to offer a quick counter to their thoughts on gates as a budget mana base. If you commit to gates, you get access to cards that ramp gates or basics(circuitous route, explore the under dark etc) you can use these cards to get Gond’s gate, which makes all your gates enter untapped. With the number of cards that can tutor gates, in my newest 5c budget deck I am consistently getting gond’s gate out turn 3-4, and at that point, all my gates are effectively og dual lands with upside. Their points about slowness are valid, but if you are smart with ramp/fixing, this mana base of gates is more legitimate then they are making it out
The Elder Dragons in Henzie "Toolbox" Torre are actually insane. The main problems with the dragons is that they are expensive and they do not have haste, Henzie takes care of both of those problems. It is very easy to cast Henzie 2-4 times in a single game, so I believe a two red flying, haste, dragon that will most likely create more treasures than it was to cast it is pretty good. The black and green ones are also good, but not as good as the red one.
I literally just made a henzie deck with them in! Well not the green dragon, but old gnawbone for sure. The black dragon works so well with henzie
Carnelian Orb is great redundancy that takes the ramp slot as well. It's awesome. Worn Powerstone is also really goof.
Keep in mind that Equip is an activated ability. Green slime says your boots look better inside it.
I'm definitely getting the mythic dragon cycle for my scion of ur dragon deck. It can surprise my opponents and get that hit in for the d20 roll.
I like that other team members appear more often on padcast lately
Great show guys. I always appreciate your opinions. guys.
Jimmy and the Peruvian Shrimp Bowl - name a more iconic duo
Nice job Murph! You look super comfortable in front of the camera!
Feels like they could've spent less time on dragons and gates because there's a lot of good rares and mythics that could've been discussed about. We didn't even get Pact Weapon, Vexing Puzzlebox or Elminster's Simulacrum for instance
I do love Legion Loyalty as well. Had to drop it into my Kyler human tribal deck so it could really go off.
Definitely on the same page as DJ with Battle Angels. The card is really strong, sure it’s not Thoracle/Consult, but it’s a strong card that does a lot, even in competitive games. 😁
I like DJs take on the Dragon Orb! Im a fan since Commandfest Frankfurt where i put it into my Bladewing the Risen Deck and it was a lot of fun 😊!
Black Market connections is like a planeswalker on an enchantment. But better. If you can have a slot for it, slam it in there. Or make room for it. Its easily a card that will go up alot in price.
In a gate deck you play card to search gates and the first one is gond gate that make your other gates enter untap. So the games I played recently I was very few turn before all my gates entered untap. I had players destroy my gond gate over other more important lands because of that
I have to say with ultra pro playmats. I have 1 I think it's link between worlds art (one of the ds era LoZ) and I've used it daily since like 2016 for a mousepad and beside 1 corner that had a chunk of foam pop out it still looks great and works great.
One card I think you should have mentioned is gond gate. Making gates enter untapped makes them more viable. Especially since tutoring for gates is quite easy.
They talk about the disadvantage of tap lands but that's why I don't run worn power stone. I don't really consider it much of ramp if it comes into play tapped and I can't use it the turn it comes down. I feel like dj had a really good point with the orb. Yes it's 3 mana to get one but the trade off is you give a dragon haste. Seems much better in that type of deck compared to something like worn power stone.
DJ knows what's up; there is no need to fear the 8 person pod, Murph
So exciting to see! What great content
Legion loyalty in my Ally tribal deck is so hype!!
Balor and the Copper Dragon are gonna be so fun to make copies of
I like how the set is so bad Josh and Jimmy were like nah you guys got this.
I play the white dragon in my alela deck since its flying tribal and all my tokens have flying, it's pretty rad!
Love this set for collecting and playing
Green dragon (bronze) is definitely better than Black (brass), having played them both now.
The reason I say that is that it is KILLER for voltron style decks. I put one in a "Wilson the Sailor" deck (Wilson, Refined Grizzly + Sword Coast Sailor) and it PERFORMED.
Shouldnt we be talking about double masters 2022 already? Wizards wants us to forget about the set we bought and focus on the set we are going to buy!
I agree the gates are definitely slower, but I think they have more use in 4-5 color decks. I don’t know about the rest of y’all, but I don’t feel like spending 100+$ on just all the shocks for my five color deck. Duals are definitely out, and without shocks or duals fetches certainly aren’t worth it, so most of the mana base is already coming in tapped. If most of the base is coming In tapped already then those taplands may as well give me some incidental synergy such as mazes end or other gate synergy.
I run temur with miryuim as a commander and have bronze, copper, silver elder dragons it kills and sweeps of you even have anger/ swift boots to equip and lands instant wins basically
The Pokémon interlude was awesome
I think Chain Devil is a very underrated uncommon for black, 4 mana 4/2 isn't bad as a creature and opponent only edict etb that skips tokens is very on rate for something that can be easily recurred or looped into your enemies oblivion very easily even in mono black.
I have both the red and green orb in my Klauth dragon deck. Haste, hexproof and a +1/+1 counter?! Oh they are definitely a must in dragon decks!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe mirror of life trapping could be used to double ETB's similar to Panharmonicon or Yarok
I've actually been going back to 3 mana mana rocks. Also, he's underestimating the value of it being the mana rock instead of boots that everyone blows up almost on sight.
Also Murph is severely overestimating the tapped lands. They are fine for most games. Gates are amazing for budget builds, but you'll probably get hated because of Maze's End even if you don't run it.
EDIT: And then they don't even talk about the uncommon gate which completely undoes the downside to gates.
With the powerlevel of cards these days, I honestly truly believe it is fine to unban things like Braids, or Recurring Nightmare. Even boogeyman Primetime is not as good in the format as it used to be.
Yes, but also Primetime is still WAY TOO GOOD
@@caseywellington4761 dockside has a way more impactful etb when compared to primetime, and it costs a third of the mana el primo does. I do not think prime would even make it into most of my decks at this point. As opposed to a few years back, when it would be an autoinclude in green decks no matter the contents of the rest of the deck.
I like Fraying Rope, I think most people would prefer not to spend two mana unless they have a really important creatures out, so often it will just be a board wipe that saves your best creature. I think it will rarely make it a full rotation with everyone paying the 2.
Artifact of Bhaal is sorcery speed not once per turn. Untappers work.
Agreed with DJ, in a Dragon deck, the Orb is probably better. Enters untapped and adds colored mana plus the haste. Worn power stone enters tapped at the same cost. Entering tapped mana rocks is the equivalent of adding lands that enter tapped. It’s a turn down a card for 3 mana that does literally nothing the turn it enters.
Murph: "If most of your mana base comes into play tapped, you're basically a turn behind everybody else"
Also Murph: "*Worn Powerstone* is a better card than this card(Carnelian Orb of Dragonkind)"
Murph is crazy. A mana rocks that gives haste to whatever it casts is super powerfull. Only doenside is it's just for dragons. So very limited what decks want it
I run the blue elder dragon and the black elder dragon in exactly one deck. Sefris reanimator. I agree most of them are just too expensive to jam into any deck.
I’m running the orb in my dragon tribal as well as all the other haste enablers mentioned, sad they didn’t mention the jade one too as hexproof until you’re next turn seems legit to me.
31:17 Carnelian Orb of the Dragonlord and others of the wheel would have been nice if they had the subtype - Dragon tribal. Would have been nice to see these as tribal spells that could be searched...
I actually still like them, but that would have been a really neat inclusion.