@@lessoninthelariat im just going to skip past your ignorance for a moment; even if theres evidence to back up your claim as you say there is. speech impediments and disabilities should NOT be used as insults, or be crafted to make fun of a group of people, how you worded it and how it was used as an insult is not okay and you genuinely need to educate yourself on how you speak to people. if this is, how you indeed. talk to people. please, dont.
Because when you watch a youtuber alot it feels like you're there and Friends with the person you're watching. And seeing that person do such an vile act is shocking
Yeah, I just clicked on his channel because I saw someone say they were disappointed. I watched the first video of this, and now I’m watching this one. He seems like a good person (in the videos), so it’s really sad to see that he isn’t actually the good person you thought he was. This isn’t related to what I said previously at all, but his voice is very soothing to hear.
Seeing these comments for Cry makes me sad. His fans clearly loved him. Even if he goes for a break, his fans didn't hate him for it. You would even rarely see a negative comment on his videos. But he just ruined everything for everyone.
Maria Genesis Hiso-an It makes me sad also, in middle school I would always go to his videos comfort and laughs...I don’t think I can trust any TH-camrs any more.
I Feel Really Sad For Cry Yes It Was Wrong But Cry Made Me Laugh Back In Elementary-Middle School Beginning Of 6th Grade I Couldn’t Watch Him Cause My Mom Now Hearing This Makes Me Upset
My crops are thriving, my skin is clear, my serotonin levels are the highest they've been in a long while, the sun is shining, and it's all thanks to you, man. Love you, glad you're back ❤️ edit: ...Well then.
I still go back to the videos and rewatch them because i miss the feeling of not knowing about who he really is. And still thats benefitting him cause its giving him watch time... i feel guilty
I've recently been getting back into your streams with Hades, and it is also so nice to have this up on YT. Especially since work is slow for obvious reasons and I have more free time; I'm glad that you're here
"If it wants more than that, then it needs to calm down, and realize I'm just an Ori. I'm not even in a Blind Forest: I'm out of my element! I'm at the will of ALL of the Wisps." XD Cry, 2020
this just fucking hurts and i cant stop myself from missing the shiii out of him even tho i know what he’s done. BUT HOW COME HIS VIDEOS STILL BRING ME *SO MUCH FUCKIN* HAPPINESS AND COMFORT. i dont know how to feel or even what to say. am i supposed to feel shame cause this man have given and still.. brings me joy? i want him to come back, but at the same time.. its not my place to say, at all. i just hope he’s still here, alive and able to care for himself and his family.
Everyone who is rightfully angry: try to show more patience to the fans who are clearly struggling to grasp the severity of the situation. They will get it but this is a lot to take in, to Everyone who is supporting Cry: please try to listen to those who are clearly angry. I know it comes off harsh but try to look into this yourselves if you can. It might help you understand more for yourself than what Cry wants you to see. This was hard for me too. to CRY :I hope you've contacted your psychiatrist about this man and get help.
I usually have watched Cry if any of hos content looks remotely interesting. And though its very unlikely Ill find any of his new content appeasing enough to check out, you cant criticize people for watching what they want. Or rather its pointless. People can enjpy what they want and it won't hurt you. As much as it hurts fpr you and many others individually, let the ones who want to continje viewong his content be.
@@ska--1311 did i? i ain't obsessed, funny you say that coz looks like you're defending his actions and it shows that you're obsessed with him lmao foh bruh
@@mew2o635 I don't think it looks like he's defending Cry's actions, he's basically telling you to stop beating a dead horse and to move on. I honestly couldn't give a damn if ppl are still giving Cry shit, but just wanted to intrude since he's not obsessed or defending his grooming
@@LegallyGreen in my defense this fella told me that i reply on every comment to shit on cry, the thing is i don't lmao, and bruh i ain't obsessed, if anyone it's this guy. what cry did is unforgivable, and against my principle and everyone's, this is the least that i could do to cope with wtf he did, he lucky he's not getting as much hate as deserves.
17:23 NANI?! I loved all of the cute little edits this video! They each gave me a good little giggle. It’s so nice to see your editing style again! Your editing style has always been my favorite and one of the many reasons why I’ve always loved watching your videos. Man, I’ve really missed it! Im glad to see them again and hope you’re doing better overall now.
I'm gonna be honest you've been such a big of me growing up in my awkward teen years and being the goofy person I am today and when the week I've had nothing made me happier that watching both your new videos. Thank you for everything you do for us and for making us smile.
It’s funny really, if cry wasn’t as popular on TH-cam and didn’t have the recognition, nobody would’ve even batted an eye if he made a move on underaged girls. All these people still posting shade behind his back, when in reality, this shit happens every single day, and everybody looks away. But when it’s someone famously respected on social media and TH-cam, everyone looses their shit and turns there back on them instantly like as if there already dead. EDIT: *y’all a bunch of hypocrites*
@@romanhorizon stop, you're literally so embarassing i can't rn. If people don't care about predators and pedophiles if they're not popular then why are people going to jail for that? Not because they're popular but because they're dangerous. Being a youtuber gives people an audience that they sometimes abuse. That's something cry clearly did.
This series calms every part of my body. I'm so glad I found your channel. This quarantine sucks but listening to your voice makes it less sucks. Thanks for playing this amazing game.
Cry you probably wont see this but, Seeing notifcations from you makes my heart burst. I'm glad you're back, even if it's for a short period. I watch so many of you play throughs, from the RPG pixel horror games, to Fragile Dreams (my favorite still) and more. Your comments during the game always make me chuckle or laugh. You've helped me out so much in middle school through all the bad, and now as a Junior in highschool I want to say truly *thank you, thank you for being here and uploading videos.*
me knowing what happened, growing up watching all his videos and collabs with pewds.. him being my favourite gamer and how much i would hype my friends into watching his videos or listening to his cry creepypastas stories.. dude, i'm sad what happened.. i listened to limelight by him and boy today.. pain.. i miss the old days.. life has taken a different turn not having this man's "and so it continues" in my life. it sucks dude.
I love how consistent and genuine Cry has stayed through the years. My heart still fills with joy when I watch him be his goofy self and ligitimately enjoy himself in his videos.
Half an hour FLIES past whenever I watch your videos! This game is so adorable and your humor compliments it perfectly! So happy you've returned for this!!!
I opened up youtube to see cry posted two videos, honestly made my week!! He's my all time favorite youtuber though CinemaWins is a close second. Thanks for brining back a little cheer, Cry!!
I have this conflict in me. It comes up every so often. This half of me that so desperately wants cry to come back, while the other knows it wouldn't be right. And these parts clash and the victor unfortunately changes. I come back to this video in particular because it seems to be a refuge for those who aren't so absolute on their condemnation of Cry. His last video's comments have a different vibe entirely. I personally understand that what he did was unacceptable and is entirely deserving of the consequences. And I want for nothing more than for justice and closure for the potential victims, and help for Cry and all involved. On the other hand I think once the atoning is done, I risk saying that it's not too late for redemption. I want him back but I'm making peace with the fact it will never happen. I like to believe all parties involved are living better lives now.
Again, nostalgia drags me back to one of the cornerstones of my adolescent life. I really hope everyone is happy and healthy and that inner battle rages on in me. I think mostly I want him to come back. Maybe as and singular entity, just creating content and having fun with it solo. Perhaps a brief run down and apology, then just playthroughs on his own being the same ol' goofball. Making all of us who definitely need an injection of "the old days" right about now a little bit happier. If anything it would be a public service more than anything. Selfless and kind. Unfortunately no one but him and those he may have hurt have the right to give him permission to return.
Everybody says to not complain because he is on twitch. C'mon it's really not the same thing. On yt you have a well cut and edited video meanwhile on twitch there are streams that last hours, i don't have the time, i mean who has it? Also not everybody lives in the US and here in Europe he streams at like 4 am. The point of a live stream is watching it live but i'd rather sleep at night. The two platforms are not the same thing and i miss him here on youtube
Just pure, wholesome content. Love it. Cry, glad you're back on youtube and I, personally, am looking forward to riding another emotional rollercoaster with you. :D
Well here's his 2 options: 1.Pull a Mini Ladd and come back to youtube and ve a Piece of Shit Or 2.Stay away and yet still live with the fact he is still a Piece of Shit
I absolutely love the edits you put in this video!! Each one made me smile and I could really feel your personality and love for this game❤️ It’s glad to see you back, but more importantly it’s amazing to see your passion and love for this game! If you still need more time I think I speak for a lot of us in saying take all that you need, but it warms my heart to see you doing well again ❤️❤️
@@jesseallen3109 I mean, on the more serious side I think it has more to do with his motivation which is why he's procrastinating with Animal Crossing on twitch.
I don't check his streams much since I don't have the time, but did he finish it on stream? If so, that really sucks since there's no stream VODs of his that people upload other than Draxr.
im guessing cry has been occupied by animal crossing and doom so he hasnt had time to finish this yet. if i can wait for one piece to finish i can wiat for cry to come back in any form
Nice, hot brownies straight out of the oven, a pretty game, and Cry's calming voice--a perfect night in the middle of the quarantine. I'm really glad you're back, Cry, at least for now. I know this doesn't necessarily mean you're back for the long run, but for however long you're wanting to make videos for, I'm super here for it.
I'm one of the many that has missed you too cry. Watching this was so nostalgic in a way and your playful voice brings so much joy. thank you for playing this and making it videos instead of streaming it.
I thought I'd dread my day off not being able to really go out anywhere but having this to watch, just makes my entire week, I've truly missed you cry, I'm so glad you took your time to get yourself back to where you want to be ❤❤❤ we've all been here for you this whole time, and support you!!
Hey Cry, We've missed you man, hope you're doing okay. it worries me that you haven't uploaded a next part yet. I've been following you for years now. I played monster prom again after a 2 year break and I forgot you voiced Liam. I was really happy when I heard your voice! It took me back. Hope you're doing okay! I'm looking forward to your next vid. love you, bye
@@mew2o635 frankly I'm disappointed, I can't support someone that has done the things Cry has done, therefore I won't support him any longer. However I am thankful for the times I was comforted by his let's plays that I watched when I was younger. Those times, of course, are over now.
im so excited for this series. I'm really glad that they seem to have expanded the ability for you to be able to get places that aren't related to the main quest - and combining that with cry's determination to get anywhere and everywhere he can before he runs into a skill wall means this is going to be a fantastic playthrough!
Bad high school days used to bring me here for smiles and laughs..now adulthood does the same . Although this channel has gone silent it’s nice to reminisce in the memories I will continue to hold dear. A little safe space in the forgotten corners of the internet. Forever waiting for “…and so it continues.” 🌸
While you can't justify what he did on any level, you can't bring people down for liking his content. The fact is he has an incredible voice and made entertaining let's plays. You can appreciate someones art or creation without necessarily approving something they've done as a person. Boss and VW were nazi , Wagner was anti-Semitic, the list goes on. He must atone , that is a fact too, but don't shit on his content.
And let's not forget he helped alot of his fans with his content . When I used to have crippling depression , the only thing that kept me going was his content and his therapeutic voice. He may have hurt people and he should be faulted and should repent , change , acknowledge , but know that the people he helped out of depression, anxiety will always love him for it.
The joy of a Metroidvania is to ignore the main story and explore everywhere else you possibly can first. Also, all the little edits have been wonderful.
Thanks for making gameplays of games you really like, I got the first Ori because of your playthrough and I love it, now you've sold this one to me. keep up the good work friend.
Hey Cry, decade long fan here, where you at buddy boi? We missed you. Hope we could be able to see your playtrough of this game in your new prison cell
So glad you're back CRY! This makes me remember the very first video I watched in your channel...I really appreciate the special editing. It feels refreshing. Keep up the good work! May your videos be popular again!
The only way I would accept you coming back is if you got professional help with continued (and successful) therapy, gave all your victims the apologies they deserve (or whatever else bc sorry doesn’t fix everything) and an apology To your fans for deceiving us. I miss you so much and you were the only friend I had growing up as I was heavily bullied at school and abused at home. I hope that you get the help you desperately need and come to grips with everything you’ve done and taken from your victims, friends and fans. I really do hope to see you back and healthy some day. I started watching you when i was 14 and I’m now 24. The only thing I’ve learned is that life gets better but you have to make it that way if you wanna be a better person. Get better soon bud. Im forever rooting for you.
@@sarahsanchez4552 Actually, he made a video admitting to what he did at the time this comment was written. He’s been gone because of what he’s done. You need to word your comment more carefully, and get your dates right.
I hope to catch one of your streams in the future! im glad to know you're well. idk recently just really enjoy your energy and have been rewatching your older videos during quarantine. I really appreciate your down to earth attitude, it's really genuine and calming. wishing you the best
It's amazing to me, as someone who has proactively watched/rewatched your content more times than I can count, to see others tell you how much we miss ya. I am one who usually doesn't do a good job keeping up on your twitch as much as I'd like, but I do wish to say that, while I don't know what you've struggled with a lot, and It's none of my business, I believe the impact you've made to many people, including myself. What drew me to you Cry was not just your voice but the emotions you feel when you play a game for the first time. You feel as you play and that is how I am when I play games when im into them. Not only that but I believe genuinely that you are a good person and we all love you because you are. I think my favorite time I've heard you be passionate about something in a video game was when you played the cat lady and told susan's ex husband to go fuck himself for thinking that he had the right to treat her poorly. That in my mind at least was a good genuine moment and I forever will support you in what ways i can. If anything i hope if you read this comment at some point, that it helps put a little goodness in your day or night.
IVE MISSED SMILING LIKE AN IDIOT WHENEVER YOU UPLOADED A NEW PART GGOOOODDDDDD ive been recently affected by tornadoes and quarantine so thank you so much for uploading and being a coping mechanism for me
You know it’s been a while since I’ve watched your videos. I may be wrong but you sound happier in your videos! I don’t know if that’s right but I hope it is.
It’s like watching the last episode of a show before a major character death.
Top 10 moments taken before disaster:
@@DarkShadow-jw8km deadass homie there something wrong with being disabled? no there’s not, so don’t use it as an insult you uncultured swine.
@@solpetals because most of the disabled people cant talk properly and that's a fact
@@lessoninthelariat im just going to skip past your ignorance for a moment; even if theres evidence to back up your claim as you say there is. speech impediments and disabilities should NOT be used as insults, or be crafted to make fun of a group of people, how you worded it and how it was used as an insult is not okay and you genuinely need to educate yourself on how you speak to people.
if this is, how you indeed. talk to people.
please, dont.
@@solpetals ok disabled
@@notculzbutnormalkid3219 okay default settings
"And so it continues..."
We all have
This sentence makes me so happy!
Me too!!
Why does it hurt so bad man I didn’t even know him personally
Because when you watch a youtuber alot it feels like you're there and Friends with the person you're watching. And seeing that person do such an vile act is shocking
same. i find myself thinking about him often
Yeah, I just clicked on his channel because I saw someone say they were disappointed. I watched the first video of this, and now I’m watching this one.
He seems like a good person (in the videos), so it’s really sad to see that he isn’t actually the good person you thought he was.
This isn’t related to what I said previously at all, but his voice is very soothing to hear.
@Fendinniii: my thoughts entirely.
I missed it what happened
Seeing these comments for Cry makes me sad. His fans clearly loved him. Even if he goes for a break, his fans didn't hate him for it. You would even rarely see a negative comment on his videos. But he just ruined everything for everyone.
Maria Genesis Hiso-an It makes me sad also, in middle school I would always go to his videos comfort and laughs...I don’t think I can trust any TH-camrs any more.
I literally just came to his latest video and have no clue what’s going on can someone explain?
@@jonty4332 Turns out that Cry is a bit creepier and a bit more assholeish than we thought.
Dude, we fucking loved him
I feel like somebody actually died...
I'm heartbroken
I Feel Really Sad For Cry Yes It Was Wrong But Cry Made Me Laugh Back In Elementary-Middle School Beginning Of 6th Grade I Couldn’t Watch Him Cause My Mom Now Hearing This Makes Me Upset
"It's Nier"
why did I giggle to that of all puns xd
You know why
@@guildwarrior3232 is it because I'm an idiot?
@@dariogutierrez6716 yes you are
The good kind
@@inoob26 Best thing I've been told in a while c:
Darío Gutierrez 6 months later here I am to give you another compliment; you’re loved :D 💙
My crops are thriving, my skin is clear, my serotonin levels are the highest they've been in a long while, the sun is shining, and it's all thanks to you, man. Love you, glad you're back ❤️
edit: ...Well then.
lmao not anymkre
@@FPSgamer1337 yeah, this did not age well lmao, Cry can go fuck himself
lmfao this did not age well...
@@nocturnecz3965 ummm anywaaaay how are your crops
Are the crops still good
it hurts so bad
I still go back to the videos and rewatch them because i miss the feeling of not knowing about who he really is. And still thats benefitting him cause its giving him watch time... i feel guilty
It hurts hearing what happened his voice was calming miss the Ori series’s still. I know I can watch another let’s play of it it’s not the same though
His voice is still calming
@@Megawaps it’s just so disappointing though, my perception of him is cracked
I was actually playing through the game at the time. I planned on completing it along with Cry.
Needless to say, that never happened.
this entire comment section did not age well
Big yikes
Oh no.
all of the comment sections on cry's videos did not age well
Felipe Gabriel. unfortunately
Well, it's not like any of us really saw this coming. Cry is one of the last people I'd ever expect to be involved in shit like this.
I've recently been getting back into your streams with Hades, and it is also so nice to have this up on YT. Especially since work is slow for obvious reasons and I have more free time; I'm glad that you're here
Are you still glad?
"I'M S T I C K Y"
"If it wants more than that, then it needs to calm down, and realize I'm just an Ori. I'm not even in a Blind Forest: I'm out of my element! I'm at the will of ALL of the Wisps." XD Cry, 2020
What de heck cry. R.i.p. will miss you voice. I just can't hear it again....
And when the world needed him the most ..... he vanished
Man you not lying😞😞
We need to find him back..
@@wrathfullys welp it didn't aged well
@Filip Gasic Aged like those girls
"More to come"
Hits almost as hard as, "Let's go exploring!" From Calvin and Hobbes
this just fucking hurts and i cant stop myself from missing the shiii out of him even tho i know what he’s done. BUT HOW COME HIS VIDEOS STILL BRING ME *SO MUCH FUCKIN* HAPPINESS AND COMFORT. i dont know how to feel or even what to say. am i supposed to feel shame cause this man have given and still.. brings me joy? i want him to come back, but at the same time.. its not my place to say, at all.
i just hope he’s still here, alive and able to care for himself and his family.
Everyone who is rightfully angry: try to show more patience to the fans who are clearly struggling to grasp the severity of the situation. They will get it but this is a lot to take in, to Everyone who is supporting Cry: please try to listen to those who are clearly angry. I know it comes off harsh but try to look into this yourselves if you can. It might help you understand more for yourself than what Cry wants you to see. This was hard for me too. to CRY :I hope you've contacted your psychiatrist about this man and get help.
Still love the shit out of him, always will.
I usually have watched Cry if any of hos content looks remotely interesting. And though its very unlikely Ill find any of his new content appeasing enough to check out, you cant criticize people for watching what they want. Or rather its pointless. People can enjpy what they want and it won't hurt you. As much as it hurts fpr you and many others individually, let the ones who want to continje viewong his content be.
@@romanhorizon Now I see why you left those 30+ comments all over the place
@Gabriel Heard: and?
@@romanhorizon same...
why, cry? just why?
corpse gonna do the same thing
@@smexyman9294 NO
@@smexyman9294 ._.
@@smexyman9294 fuck that. Oh god please
They sound like the same person tbh
Just ones deeper
"Hey guys, and welcome..."
"In the last video... and so it continues."
Oh how I've missed this.
Not anymore I assume. Sad. I've been following him since i was 11.
No. Not quite anymore.
Yeah, me neither
Your editing skills are top notch, friend of friends
Cry's edits are life-giving.
and cry's grooming is life ending
@@mew2o635 so this is what you do? going to every comment saying this? bro just forget about cry and stop being obsessed
@@ska--1311 did i? i ain't obsessed, funny you say that coz looks like you're defending his actions and it shows that you're obsessed with him lmao foh bruh
@@mew2o635 I don't think it looks like he's defending Cry's actions, he's basically telling you to stop beating a dead horse and to move on.
I honestly couldn't give a damn if ppl are still giving Cry shit, but just wanted to intrude since he's not obsessed or defending his grooming
@@LegallyGreen in my defense this fella told me that i reply on every comment to shit on cry, the thing is i don't lmao, and bruh i ain't obsessed, if anyone it's this guy. what cry did is unforgivable, and against my principle and everyone's, this is the least that i could do to cope with wtf he did, he lucky he's not getting as much hate as deserves.
17:23 NANI?!
I loved all of the cute little edits this video! They each gave me a good little giggle. It’s so nice to see your editing style again! Your editing style has always been my favorite and one of the many reasons why I’ve always loved watching your videos.
Man, I’ve really missed it! Im glad to see them again and hope you’re doing better overall now.
I'm gonna be honest you've been such a big of me growing up in my awkward teen years and being the goofy person I am today and when the week I've had nothing made me happier that watching both your new videos. Thank you for everything you do for us and for making us smile.
.....i feel soo fucking bad for you if u know what happened
oof. that must hurt
This comment section aged like milk
Like spoiling milk?
@@e_jiuu it’s mozzarella cheese now...
This comment section is filled with rotten milk at this point.
It’s funny really, if cry wasn’t as popular on TH-cam and didn’t have the recognition, nobody would’ve even batted an eye if he made a move on underaged girls.
All these people still posting shade behind his back, when in reality, this shit happens every single day, and everybody looks away.
But when it’s someone famously respected on social media and TH-cam, everyone looses their shit and turns there back on them instantly like as if there already dead.
EDIT: *y’all a bunch of hypocrites*
@@romanhorizon stop, you're literally so embarassing i can't rn. If people don't care about predators and pedophiles if they're not popular then why are people going to jail for that? Not because they're popular but because they're dangerous. Being a youtuber gives people an audience that they sometimes abuse. That's something cry clearly did.
"More to come"
Yeah I don't think so
It's been 3 years guys i don't think we will get part 3.
I think this game was deleted from his pc 😅
"Ori? What is your gender"
Big Mood.
This series calms every part of my body. I'm so glad I found your channel. This quarantine sucks but listening to your voice makes it less sucks. Thanks for playing this amazing game.
Cry you probably wont see this but,
Seeing notifcations from you makes my heart burst. I'm glad you're back, even if it's for a short period. I watch so many of you play throughs, from the RPG pixel horror games, to Fragile Dreams (my favorite still) and more. Your comments during the game always make me chuckle or laugh. You've helped me out so much in middle school through all the bad, and now as a Junior in highschool I want to say truly *thank you, thank you for being here and uploading videos.*
yeah, he won't see this because he's going to jail for predation :(
me knowing what happened, growing up watching all his videos and collabs with pewds.. him being my favourite gamer and how much i would hype my friends into watching his videos or listening to his cry creepypastas stories.. dude, i'm sad what happened.. i listened to limelight by him and boy today.. pain.. i miss the old days.. life has taken a different turn not having this man's "and so it continues" in my life. it sucks dude.
I never really got into the series I’m glad I’m watching it through your channel
I guess not all good things will last.
my fav game you've played was the cat lady. that game was truly an experience
Endmysuffer1ng holy shit YES
I go back and watch it again every few years
@@ablefoofe1709 lmao me too its insane that a game series can be that good
David cortez-leon, probably not anymore
If there’s one thing better then “hey guys” it’s the “on the last episode” followed by a random clip out of context
Fuck dude, this hurts. Rewatching this channel, knowing what happened, it's far too bittersweet.
What's happened???
@@Flash_5790 he was a groomer
What is he in jail.
@@johnnycazares8357 That might actually explain why he hasn’t made an additional video.
It’s just bitter
I love how consistent and genuine Cry has stayed through the years. My heart still fills with joy when I watch him be his goofy self and ligitimately enjoy himself in his videos.
Hutomo Farras Dimastrian “Top 10 comments that didn’t age well” 😅
I fully agree😌
We miss you so much, Cry.
welp, this did not age well
Yeah, we are...
Half an hour FLIES past whenever I watch your videos! This game is so adorable and your humor compliments it perfectly! So happy you've returned for this!!!
I opened up youtube to see cry posted two videos, honestly made my week!! He's my all time favorite youtuber though CinemaWins is a close second. Thanks for brining back a little cheer, Cry!!
no Cry, YOU have an amazing day. we gon have all the good day.
edit: he's a goof and we love him
...this didn’t go down well...
We did didn't we.......
How times change huh.
haha what a goof
no, it's all sour and hateful now :(
I have this conflict in me. It comes up every so often. This half of me that so desperately wants cry to come back, while the other knows it wouldn't be right. And these parts clash and the victor unfortunately changes.
I come back to this video in particular because it seems to be a refuge for those who aren't so absolute on their condemnation of Cry. His last video's comments have a different vibe entirely. I personally understand that what he did was unacceptable and is entirely deserving of the consequences. And I want for nothing more than for justice and closure for the potential victims, and help for Cry and all involved. On the other hand I think once the atoning is done, I risk saying that it's not too late for redemption. I want him back but I'm making peace with the fact it will never happen.
I like to believe all parties involved are living better lives now.
Again, nostalgia drags me back to one of the cornerstones of my adolescent life. I really hope everyone is happy and healthy and that inner battle rages on in me.
I think mostly I want him to come back. Maybe as and singular entity, just creating content and having fun with it solo. Perhaps a brief run down and apology, then just playthroughs on his own being the same ol' goofball. Making all of us who definitely need an injection of "the old days" right about now a little bit happier. If anything it would be a public service more than anything. Selfless and kind.
Unfortunately no one but him and those he may have hurt have the right to give him permission to return.
Let's be honest, Cry is the Bob Ross of gaming
Bet you he’s just the reincarnation of Bob Ross
@@kimberlynguyen124 guess he's not.
Now that my childhood is ruined, I take back my comments
More like the Bill Cosby
And he’s gone again
Yeah does anybody know what happened?
Isn't he active on twitch?
Everybody says to not complain because he is on twitch. C'mon it's really not the same thing. On yt you have a well cut and edited video meanwhile on twitch there are streams that last hours, i don't have the time, i mean who has it? Also not everybody lives in the US and here in Europe he streams at like 4 am. The point of a live stream is watching it live but i'd rather sleep at night. The two platforms are not the same thing and i miss him here on youtube
Well we know why he's gone this time :[
Just pure, wholesome content. Love it.
Cry, glad you're back on youtube and I, personally, am looking forward to riding another emotional rollercoaster with you. :D
I didn't expect that lmaooo, calm down cry, ori just become a spidey
Always a joy to hear your voice Cry! Keep it up!
Cry, you've had a legitimate impact on my life in a positive way and as just another humble viewer, I thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Honestly I feel really bad for you people that said this. knowing what he’s done now it’s so sad.
Miss Magpie Well the positive impact is still there and that can’t be tainted no matter what at least.0
I hope you're doing okay, dude :(
And so it ends.
He still can come back one day, he just need some time.
Well here's his 2 options:
1.Pull a Mini Ladd and come back to youtube and ve a Piece of Shit
2.Stay away and yet still live with the fact he is still a Piece of Shit
@@smokeybanjoboy sadly, this is facts. How cancel culture be like
I feel sad seeing all the happy and supportive comments here, the fans must’ve been so hurt and betrayed after the news :/
I literally just come here to torture myself at this point..
Yes! Give me that sweet sweet serotonin! Thank you you are being one of the good bright spots in this never-ending hellscape.
Autumn Ramey amen to that
looks like that bright spot wasn't so bright after all.
it's really heartbreaking tbh
and now it's just darkness and death. No more light... I hope you are doing alright.
If you're searching for Cry, lookup for his twitch. He's probably having fun streaming rather than posting recorded stuff
*having fun grooming
@@zekion. ya like we dont know what hes posting in twitch
RIP to this comment that aged like milk
And he's been banned from twitch lol
Thank you for making our quarantine much comfier ;v; and less scary
Edit: big sad after all that news um damn
.......i fucking hate you 2020
@@rayaraj769 same..
and 2020 even ruined this for us. There is no more comfort anymore
I absolutely love the edits you put in this video!! Each one made me smile and I could really feel your personality and love for this game❤️ It’s glad to see you back, but more importantly it’s amazing to see your passion and love for this game! If you still need more time I think I speak for a lot of us in saying take all that you need, but it warms my heart to see you doing well again ❤️❤️
Our boy really came back then got addicted to animal crossing XD. Oh noes. I can't stop laughing. He tried. Headpats for Cry.
huh.. was wondering why he didn't continue with this.. for now. (of course, if that is the case, i understand it's a joke post)
@@jesseallen3109 I mean, on the more serious side I think it has more to do with his motivation which is why he's procrastinating with Animal Crossing on twitch.
Amura Hiboshi what is cry’s twitch?
@@AmuraHiboshi he was actually procrastinating with grooming children on Pedobear Crossing. :(
hell yessss thank you cry the notifications help me get through the day
Those little editings are such a joy to watch, I love your subtle jokes so much
and now it all feels tainted and creepy...
@@trompeter68co For you maybe
@@Megawaps "Oh yes, daddy Cry, commit some awful crimes for me!"
thank you so much for this cry, I hope you’re staying healthy and safe 🤍
Well he’s a predator now....
been having kind of a meh birthday but watching this totally made it better! your commentary and edits are awesome. hope you upload again soon :)
I wanna be honest.I like cry but I don't like what he did.
It's cool my guy. You can hate the person, but like the persona. Just don't support whatever he did and it's fine, my love to all the victims❤
Will there be any more? I've checked Twitter but Cry hasn't said anything. Just want to know so I can stop waiting...
He's on TWITCH a lót, go for it man :^)
I don't check his streams much since I don't have the time, but did he finish it on stream? If so, that really sucks since there's no stream VODs of his that people upload other than Draxr.
@@flan2495 sorry
I seriously doubt that he's going to be posting much in the future. For reasons....
im guessing cry has been occupied by animal crossing and doom so he hasnt had time to finish this yet. if i can wait for one piece to finish i can wiat for cry to come back in any form
Occupied with children
@@bkackmagic555 💀💀
@@bkackmagic555 LMAO
*ANY* form?
@@skeletonentertainment4201 hahhaha
And when the world needed him the most...
That "hey" at 10:45 so a great Jund impression.
I missed your commentaries much more than I thought I did. I was having a bad day and this just cheered me up immensely.
"U can heal now Ori, your a wizard" - Cry 2020
Miss you so much!!! Thanks for coming back!! ‹3
We're going to need some of that healing given our way after all of this mess...
@@trompeter68co some scars never heal...
Nice, hot brownies straight out of the oven, a pretty game, and Cry's calming voice--a perfect night in the middle of the quarantine. I'm really glad you're back, Cry, at least for now. I know this doesn't necessarily mean you're back for the long run, but for however long you're wanting to make videos for, I'm super here for it.
Me too
Please continue cry! My friends and I love watching your Ori playthroughs!!
Such a relaxing series especially with your amazing voice. Love the edits, burst out laughing and has made my day so much brighter
I'm one of the many that has missed you too cry. Watching this was so nostalgic in a way and your playful voice brings so much joy. thank you for playing this and making it videos instead of streaming it.
You have such a nice voice. Also, that fight around 23:00 was frickin' intenseeee. Good job kicking some ass.
I thought I'd dread my day off not being able to really go out anywhere but having this to watch, just makes my entire week, I've truly missed you cry, I'm so glad you took your time to get yourself back to where you want to be ❤❤❤ we've all been here for you this whole time, and support you!!
I'm so sorry to let you know that the comfort is all gone now and he is going to jail now...
This feels like a dream that your back and I'm so happy I hope your feeling better and the break was treating you well 🙂
This aged like milk
I hope you haven’t come back
I'm so glad you've uploaded these, dude. I hope you keep going :) you bring a lot of people a little bit of happiness.
CRRYYYYY I cried when you uploaded thank gosh you're ok 😭😭
This is the first video of yours I’ve seen pop up in my sub box in what feels like years. Didn’t even see part 1. TH-cam is wack.
Hey Cry,
We've missed you man, hope you're doing okay. it worries me that you haven't uploaded a next part yet. I've been following you for years now. I played monster prom again after a 2 year break and I forgot you voiced Liam. I was really happy when I heard your voice! It took me back. Hope you're doing okay! I'm looking forward to your next vid.
love you, bye
Didn't age well
@@bkackmagic555 you could say that again
Jade Eversmann didn’t age well 😔
@@ChocoJadeTV so what's your opinion on him now?
@@mew2o635 frankly I'm disappointed, I can't support someone that has done the things Cry has done, therefore I won't support him any longer. However I am thankful for the times I was comforted by his let's plays that I watched when I was younger. Those times, of course, are over now.
im so excited for this series. I'm really glad that they seem to have expanded the ability for you to be able to get places that aren't related to the main quest - and combining that with cry's determination to get anywhere and everywhere he can before he runs into a skill wall means this is going to be a fantastic playthrough!
I'm just happy to hear Cry's voice again. Thanks for coming back ❤️
theres something so nostalgic about that endscreen with random music, ive really missed this
Bad high school days used to bring me here for smiles and laughs..now adulthood does the same . Although this channel has gone silent it’s nice to reminisce in the memories I will continue to hold dear. A little safe space in the forgotten corners of the internet. Forever waiting for “…and so it continues.” 🌸
Hope you’re doing well Cry~ Stay strong :)
Yeah, he need to
The positive comments didn’t age well 💀
RyeRegular hes literally in a scandal rn... check twitter
@@shypluto I didn't know that
While you can't justify what he did on any level, you can't bring people down for liking his content. The fact is he has an incredible voice and made entertaining let's plays. You can appreciate someones art or creation without necessarily approving something they've done as a person. Boss and VW were nazi , Wagner was anti-Semitic, the list goes on. He must atone , that is a fact too, but don't shit on his content.
And let's not forget he helped alot of his fans with his content . When I used to have crippling depression , the only thing that kept me going was his content and his therapeutic voice. He may have hurt people and he should be faulted and should repent , change , acknowledge , but know that the people he helped out of depression, anxiety will always love him for it.
The joy of a Metroidvania is to ignore the main story and explore everywhere else you possibly can first. Also, all the little edits have been wonderful.
Thanks for making gameplays of games you really like, I got the first Ori because of your playthrough and I love it, now you've sold this one to me. keep up the good work friend.
Hey Cry, decade long fan here, where you at buddy boi? We missed you. Hope we could be able to see your playtrough of this game in your new prison cell
Yeah i agree he should be arrested but the way you said it its almost disturbing
@@niga3 guess sarcasm can't be seen through the internet
@@achu-7941 unless you roleplay, nah. But it was a nice attempt
Cry: Ori, what is your Gendurr?
Ori: 0 - 0
Cry: Thank you
Cry!! it really looks like you're having so much fun editing this :D really love this
man, I'm happy you're back here
My god this comment section makes me more sad the farther down i scroll
@@oDM0o been sad too.. let's be sad together 😔❤️
So glad you're back CRY! This makes me remember the very first video I watched in your channel...I really appreciate the special editing. It feels refreshing. Keep up the good work! May your videos be popular again!
I binged the first Ori game yesterday after you uploaded the first part, now I'm good to go, so happy to see you're back
The only way I would accept you coming back is if you got professional help with continued (and successful) therapy, gave all your victims the apologies they deserve (or whatever else bc sorry doesn’t fix everything) and an apology To your fans for deceiving us. I miss you so much and you were the only friend I had growing up as I was heavily bullied at school and abused at home. I hope that you get the help you desperately need and come to grips with everything you’ve done and taken from your victims, friends and fans. I really do hope to see you back and healthy some day. I started watching you when i was 14 and I’m now 24. The only thing I’ve learned is that life gets better but you have to make it that way if you wanna be a better person. Get better soon bud. Im forever rooting for you.
He ded.
His videos were my comfort when I was depressed ;-;
If your underraged he will gladly comfort you
@@Bongbongo hah... So funny man.
@@the_seer_0421 I know right
@@Bongbongo no
@@the_seer_0421 yes
I'm a little worried about Cry, Mans disappeared for 2 months and in the middle of a series
He’s doing fine. He’s pretty much quit TH-cam and moved over to Twitch full-time. He streams pretty much every day for up to 8 hours at the time :)
I’m sure you’ve heard, but i got some bad news...
@@lan1135 That was years back. We're talking about recent events.
@@lan1135 Not what I said at all. This person is asking about recent months and what you were talking about was years ago.
@@sarahsanchez4552 Actually, he made a video admitting to what he did at the time this comment was written. He’s been gone because of what he’s done. You need to word your comment more carefully, and get your dates right.
I hope to catch one of your streams in the future! im glad to know you're well. idk recently just really enjoy your energy and have been rewatching your older videos during quarantine. I really appreciate your down to earth attitude, it's really genuine and calming. wishing you the best
It's amazing to me, as someone who has proactively watched/rewatched your content more times than I can count, to see others tell you how much we miss ya.
I am one who usually doesn't do a good job keeping up on your twitch as much as I'd like, but I do wish to say that, while I don't know what you've struggled with a lot, and It's none of my business, I believe the impact you've made to many people, including myself.
What drew me to you Cry was not just your voice but the emotions you feel when you play a game for the first time. You feel as you play and that is how I am when I play games when im into them.
Not only that but I believe genuinely that you are a good person and we all love you because you are.
I think my favorite time I've heard you be passionate about something in a video game was when you played the cat lady and told susan's ex husband to go fuck himself for thinking that he had the right to treat her poorly.
That in my mind at least was a good genuine moment and I forever will support you in what ways i can. If anything i hope if you read this comment at some point, that it helps put a little goodness in your day or night.
Six I’m so sad because of this. It’s been a month.
@@YackiePansyCrew I know, I think I saw him on twitch last night, but I want the next episode of ori
Probably consulting legal/pr teams and stuff like that
and now he has disappeared forever... most likely going to prison
@@trompeter68co prison?
ive been recently affected by tornadoes and quarantine so thank you so much for uploading and being a coping mechanism for me
You know it’s been a while since I’ve watched your videos. I may be wrong but you sound happier in your videos! I don’t know if that’s right but I hope it is.
this aged like milk in the abandoned corner of a abandoned house full of the most gross insects on earth
I think i may know why he sounds happier...
I should be watching this when I go to sleep. Your voice is just as soothing as ever
Those edits were the literal sweetest. The best thing to watch. Now I want to get the game too!