Thank you Shaun for bringing this man on. I am a Christian and it makes me realize, what I already knew. That this is not a game it is a fight between good and evil. Love your programs and guests. Your search for truth is noble.
Great podcast... I have heard similar stories when I was living in Scotland. I walked a similar road like Brian. Anyone reading this who is trying to heal or recover, remember it twists and turns earlier on but it eventually smooths out. Have faith and keep with it, the fact you reading this is a sign that you are moving in the right direction, be patient and the weight of the world doesn't need to rest on your shoulders.
@Carolyn Van Hosen since becoming a firm believer, reading the Bible and telling others about the gospel i have lost everything. My family including my oldest daughters have turned their backs on me. My wife has thrown me out of the family home and filed for divorce. Lost my home, the love of my life, family and friends have turned their backs on me stating that I'm crazy for believing in a fairy in the sky. I was not living a normal life to begin with. I was born into a family of criminals and my life, i spent a lot of my teens in youth prisons and then onto adult prison. I know for a fact that God protected me in some of the worst hell hole prisons Britain has to offer. I saw horrors nobody should see. I was in a gang and there was 23 of us in that street gang and there is only 2 of us left alive. I saw my best friends die to violence, drugs and corruption by prison staff and the satanic social services who were in charge of centres for taking care of kids but, instead abused us in so many sick ways. They were evil to the core. Some of my friends commited suicide because they could not take the nightmares anymore. Amongst us i was the only one who showed any interest in God and the Bible. I've always believed in God but, never took it serious until now. When i look back on my life i know God was always with me and there for me. I should not be alive, i have been stabbed 27 times on 3 different occasions I've been shot at, I've been beaten so severely many times im lucky to have survived it. I'm now 50 years old and disabled as i was thrown from the roof of a building 80 feet onto solid concrete. Doctors were baffled as to how i survived such a fall. I broke nearly every bone in my body including my spine in 3 places and my pelvis was smashed to bits. I died 3 times that night but, somehow i fought through and lived. I was flat on my back for one year, in a wheelchair for 2 years then one day i got up on my feet and started walking using a zimmer frame at first and now i use crutches. Doctors are amazed at my progress, well, more like astounded. I put it all down to Jesus Christ saving me that night. Something very strange happened to me that night and i know it was a miracle from God. I live alone now on benefits in a small property so as you can see it is quite a struggle for me. I get days where i just wanna give up so i pick up my Bible to read and i pray. Life is hard but, i know that if i stay strong and true to God i will get through. Thankyou though for your words and taking the time to text me. May God bless you and keep you safe and all who you love.
Well done Shaun for interviewing people without prejudice and letting them speak. It’s the sheer variety of people you give time to and the space you give them that’s making your channel so successful.
Brian is spot on with everything he's said about Lord Jesus Christ and how this system is being run by Satan !! just look now how they are fast tracking the digital financial system in using the hoax virus to bring in the cashless society and most people have no clue when its staring us all in faces !! We all need to be saved for whats to come !! Brilliant Shaun for taking this path ! finally with your interviewing now your truly starting get the picture of whats truly going on , This is a Spiritual war right here right now !
Ian atherton i could"nt of said it better myself, the spirit realm is more real then the realm where in now, whatever happens in the spirit manifests in the natural!, you have two choices, theres the kingdom of Heaven which is light and there is the kingdom of darkness. If you"re not being Holy and reading the word of God and repenting then you are living in darkness and in satans playground. Satan has legal rights over darkness and unless you know how to break strongholds off you and knowing how to pray in the spirit you need to really work on yourself and i mean that in a loving way. Churches should stop worrying how much it gets in tithes and focus on the main man Jesus and tell the people the truth, not something philosophical to tickle their ears. It frustrates me thats all because i am passionate when it comes to Christ.
You serious? Faith is fear! Satanism, Christianity are totally flawed. Why? Because it's fiction. Claiming to be a Jedi is as credible. Absolutely no proof other than the human trait to follow as it's easier than thinking for yourself
This was an extraordinary interview. Brian was so open about his life I didn't quite understand it till the end where his faith is centre-point. Excellent work.
Forgiveness does NOT mean to excuse, but rather, to understand the enemy, heal from the damage, and release it. And demons are real, and we are at war-in a spiritual war. Thanks Shaun for yet another brilliant interview, and thank you Brian Knox for Being Who You Are.
@@tempus.narrabo That's why the bible is the most translated book in the world! Its written in 3,384 languages, can you believe that?! Missionaries have gone out to the four corners of the globe to reach people with the Gospel. And even in countries where its illegal to be a Christian (China etc) its still one of the fastest growing Christian countries in the world. God has a plan my friend, he speaks to everyone, but not everyone wants to listen.
Brian is an incredibly well measured and reflective Man. He speaks every word with great thought and purpose and it's a pleasure to listen to him. I'm glad, after everything he has been through, that he is such a wise and great person. I wish him all the best for his future.
Awesome to hear Our Creator and Our Savior can forgive us and let us in with open arms. Bless you man. I can only hope for you to continue your new blessed path.
Another powerful testimony Shaun, you really do have an amazing insight into the lives of the both sides of the track. You have done an astounding job of making me personally looking at the person, not the crime. I see your heart and it's pure gold. My heart is now been opened by you to former criminals, you have changed my parodime, I no longer judge a book by their cover, or record. People are people, except ANYONE who harms a child #protectourchildren Love to everyone here Janice from England x x x
Respect Brian! I have a similar story albeit on a much smaller scale. Sean can you hear that knock at the door? I was studying satanism and institutional paedophilia too, it lead to me becoming Christian. All satanism is, is the reverse of scripture, not an original thought in it. So why would the ruling class practice the exact opposite of scripture? Because it's true! Praying for you bro. Much love xxx
@James Diamond if you need help a great starting point is Dr neil t Anderson on yt channel "freedom in christ". Hes a christian councillor and a boss! Or contact me and il see what I can do brother 🙏
when I was in rehab in Scotland I'm pretty sure this was the guy that came and did a talk there, that guy told me he could see demons and there was one on my back. That was 17 years ago. I thought he was talking metaphorically at first but he told me he could actually see a real demon. I was doing cold turkey of heroin at the time, he sat with me and prayed and did a kind of exisism to cast it if me(it was a Christian rehab in paisley)I wasn't religious but it was a free rehab. The mad thing is that 2 years after that I went to see a clairvoyant and she told me the exact same thing and even described the look of it exactly the same as he did. I don't believe in God or demons I just put it down to a coincidence. But the metaphorical demon (heroin) stayed with me for over a decade after that. I'm clean now thank f@ck.
just finished watching and yep it was him. that was back in 2003. I don't believe in God still. believe me back then that rehab tried to convert me. Each to their owen, I'm sure he's helped many a person since then, it just wasn't for me.
Fantastic work getting clean and staying there bro! Think people get very confused with their metaphorical demons when raised with religious people at a young age. The mind is a powerful thing and we sadly believe what we are told. Demons are just real people or parts of us we really dont like, but we can change, and become better. Respect
That was kind of him when your doing a cold turkey fur fuck sake the last thing I would want to be hearing.. fair play to you mate for getting clean you can be proud of yourself 🏴👌
Heroin in my opinion changes people you could call it demonic possession or whatever u want but I know what I see in those kinds of people, they aren’t bad people just led astray
I felt God led to come across Brian Knox testimony on A&O productions today which then led me to see this interview. It was a shock as my self and my sister went to school with Brian an we both fancied him at same time brought tears to my eyes watching it for first time seeing his life as it was but praise God he literally was pulled from Satan's clutches and he let the light in and it changed his life. I grew up near Brian but I was dying to leave after I left school so moved to London and joined I the army. Not long after my brother led me to Jesus even though I thought at time he was brainwashed by the church but I thank the lord he did. Brian what a story you have to tell and its wonderful you are were you are now from one true believer to another and a forester High School pupil 🙏
Jimmy Boyle is a reformed man. He done amazing work in the 80s with AIDS and HIV victims. Was a good family friend . Not a baddie anymore Love the Edinburgh accent we always sound pretty well spoken.
Hey, Jesus is not a religion, it's a relationship. I'm an ex new ager, I was not a Christian at all. I tried to commit suicide. I had an experience of Jesus showing up. He's a living God. Hope you'll find Him, or more so, that He'll find you like He found me. All the best.
It has nothing to do with religion per se but with truly following Jesus directly, His word and instruction. The bible is totally opposite to what I thought it was. I was a staunch atheist growing up and then 19 years committed to new age spirituality - the latter is a type of witchcraft. When Jesus Christ delivered me it was like a horror movie, not dissimilar in manifestations to the vile film the exorcist. But no catholic priests (catholicism doesnt follow the bible) delivered me from the demons which I saw as clear as day and are more real than anything. It was simple, bible believers who were born again who delivered me. Demons are real - satan too. I never would have believed until I saw with my own eyes. Every word of the KJV bible is utterly true and most of science, which is hidden from the masses, backs up the biblical account. There's a war on for our souls but I can testify to something - God, Jesus Christ, is infinitely more powerful than all these s_tanists combined and the spiritual forces which empower them. And new age and witchcraft is a false power which does not eminate from Jesus Christ and is like going to a quack when you're sick rather than the genuine source of help. Repent, we all need to desperately, before it's too late. We do not know if we have tomorrow. Even tonight may be too late. If you died tonight where would you go - heaven or hell?
Fair play to this guy for coming on and sharing his life story to everyone. My life mirrors mine to some extent. I've been plagued by demonic entities all my life and am still battling them now. I'm trying my hardest to stay on the straight and narrow and away from drugs but i do relapse now and again. Life is so hard but, I'm trying to live the way God wants me to live.
Brian is spot on with his assessment of the days and times we are in now. The Mark of the Beast is imminent. Read the dire warning in Revelation 13. ANY MARK OR MICROCHIP THAT GIVES YOU PERMISSION TO BUY OR SELL is a guarantee of Hell for those who take it. You must refuse it even if it costs you your life.
Revelation 13:15-18 15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. Congress Bill 6666 passed 1st of May 2020. Corona Act in British Parliament passed 27th of April 2020 To be forcibly removed from your home , placed in isolation and given a forced injection all household effects taken and disposed off. COVID 19 = certificate of vaccination ID 19 A=1 I=9. AI = Artificial Intelligence . New National ID which can track you... Research ID2020 Bill Gates wants to vaccinate everybody on the planet Research Immunity passports Bill Gates who is the biggest contributor to WHO is now telling everyone that we need a world wide vaccination Bill Gates quantum dot tattoo implant to track compliance of COVID 19 compliance . Why would a person need a digital tattoo= to track you or to be more accurate to control you they have these already made up for babies and children that when looked at looks like a bite from a small snake . Patent number 060606. Crypto Currency using body activity data wWO02020060606 .... BIT COIN In these injections are aborted babes foetus cells . The Corona virus is real and has shut down the world but there we have to ask is there a greater agenda behind it. We currently have a global pestilence were you have a .0026% chance of dying from Corona virus . Every Hollywood celebrity is now saying that we need this injection One world Government, one world currency , one world religion Life as we know it before the Corona Virus is over people are going to do anything to get back to football , rugby Event 201 which was a Global Pandemic Exercise the John Hopkins centre for health security in Partnership with the world economic forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation October 18th in New York 2019 which was a high level pandemic exercise. The exercise illustrated areas were public and private partnerships will be necessary will be the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large scale economic and societal consequences . During this simulation the name of the virus that they used was CARONA VIRUS .
@@rollacoastaride1937 read adam Clarkes commentary he tells you what the mark the beast is,it is worship nothing to do with a micro chip,that's just to scare the Christians who dont no the scriptures
This is so close to my experience . I have had demons all my life that apparently comes from my ancestors. I was given a powerful healing from god that allowed Jesus to clear my heart 💓 it has been 5 years since this healing and I am just clearing the last remains of satins grasp. I wasn’t religious in anyway before god blessed me...... I couldn’t believe that demons existed but now I have found the truth. This is serious spiritual warfare! Think of god and fall into your hearts! Satin cannot live in a healed heart. Much love to you all 😊
Amazing testimony of spiritual healing. Thank you so much for sharing your miraculous and dramatic journey from darkness to Light. Thanks to you too, Shaun for your empathy and sensitivity.
What he's trying to say is we are going through the final days,the days of Sodem and Gomorrah,for we do not fight against flesh and blood but against the wicked and princapalities of the heavenly realms
Authentic testimony that spans a full range of spiritual life. God Bless Brian. Great to see him baptising Jon Wedger. What heroes! The ex-gangster baptising the ex-Scotland Yard detective. Who says God doesn't have a sense of humour!
I am not religious but I know that forgiveness and redemption is possible in this life. This is one of the realist person you have ever had on Shaun. Thank you. 🌹💓
Revelation 13:15-18 15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. Congress Bill 6666 passed 1st of May 2020. Corona Act in British Parliament passed 27th of April 2020 To be forcibly removed from your home , placed in isolation and given a forced injection all household effects taken and disposed off. COVID 19 = certificate of vaccination ID 19 A=1 I=9. AI = Artificial Intelligence . New National ID which can track you... Research ID2020 Bill Gates wants to vaccinate everybody on the planet Research Immunity passports Bill Gates who is the biggest contributor to WHO is now telling everyone that we need a world wide vaccination Bill Gates quantum dot tattoo implant to track compliance of COVID 19 compliance . Why would a person need a digital tattoo= to track you or to be more accurate to control you they have these already made up for babies and children that when looked at looks like a bite from a small snake . Patent number 060606. Crypto Currency using body activity data wWO02020060606 .... BIT COIN In these injections are aborted babes foetus cells . The Corona virus is real and has shut down the world but there we have to ask is there a greater agenda behind it. We currently have a global pestilence were you have a .0026% chance of dying from Corona virus . Every Hollywood celebrity is now saying that we need this injection One world Government, one world currency , one world religion Life as we know it before the Corona Virus is over people are going to do anything to get back to football , rugby Event 201 which was a Global Pandemic Exercise the John Hopkins centre for health security in Partnership with the world economic forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation October 18th in New York 2019 which was a high level pandemic exercise. The exercise illustrated areas were public and private partnerships will be necessary will be the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large scale economic and societal consequences . During this simulation the name of the virus that they used was CARONA VIRUS .
I love this testimony, i have been falling away from God because I moved away from church to an area where people don't believe that God exits. So glad I listened to this. I love your show Shaun, you really know how to let your guests express themselves.
Q has never claimed to save anyone.. Only interpretation of the reality is those that support the Qanon are also follower's of God and Jesus who pray and meditate constantly so to raise their vibration level . there is truly a constant battle between good and evil.Many psychics give good advice and a feeling of positivity, Collective Consciousness is one good example of this.Charlie D Ward is a good guide of truth and a joyous very likeable guy who's on TH-cam and Facebook.
@@louisebrenchley897 Many psychics are also demonically possessed and channel demonic spirits. Jesus Christ is the only true healer "Raising your vibration" is a false New Age term, its nonsense. It started from Occult teachings whos teachers also worship Satan (Look at Madam Blavastky, or Alice Bailey, they even admit it) Its all about getting healing from the one true God.
I wish more would get delivered like Brian Knox and step forward with their life saving messages to the world. Millions out there starving and craving to hear things like this that would make all the difference in their lives. And isn't that what is supposed to be about?
Great show Shaun, thank you! There truly is a spiritual battle taking place and it’s becoming more and more obvious. One need only to open their eyes and see what is going on in the world to realize things aren’t as they seem. I too have experienced the redemptive power of Jesus Christ. He’s spot on when he says that Jesus has authority in the spiritual realm. That’s what the Satanic elites don’t want you to know. You have access to that power through Jesus Christ and through prayer to deconstruct the mayhem these Luciferians are trying to create.
Thank you Sean. I am so, so blessed to have listened to this podcast. Such a powerful story Brian tells in words that forge a pathway to the way, the truth and the life. Our Redeemer liveth and works in awesome and mysterious ways...we know that through Brian's convoluted and troublesome walk through the valley to find the light. Having had my own difficult journey and finding peace in Our Lord, I am filled with gratitude to know Brian's story and experience his joy in Christ. C 🙏
Hi Shaun,I knew Brian for many years ,I remember, we were going to pick up some clothes from the guy in Bournemouth and I let had to top up the oil in his Volvo.Unfortunately something grabbed my attention and I left the cap off.A few miles down the road we noticed that there was smoke coming up from the engine, when we pulled the bonnet the whole engine was engulfed in flames,I thought Brian was gonna kill me but to my relief he was actually pretty sound about the whole mishap. Brian ,I'm so glad your now doing some real good work in the world now ,and I believe in a lot of what your saying about the satanists of the world we live in today.All the best old friend.
Thanks Shaun and Brian for making this and trying to help the youth of the future see the life Brian lived is not healthy and I'm sure he's trying to get his message out to help them go try the other way.
Revelation 13:15-18 15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. Congress Bill 6666 passed 1st of May 2020. Corona Act in British Parliament passed 27th of April 2020 To be forcibly removed from your home , placed in isolation and given a forced injection all household effects taken and disposed off. COVID 19 = certificate of vaccination ID 19 A=1 I=9. AI = Artificial Intelligence . New National ID which can track you... Research ID2020 Bill Gates wants to vaccinate everybody on the planet Research Immunity passports Bill Gates who is the biggest contributor to WHO is now telling everyone that we need a world wide vaccination Bill Gates quantum dot tattoo implant to track compliance of COVID 19 compliance . Why would a person need a digital tattoo= to track you or to be more accurate to control you they have these already made up for babies and children that when looked at looks like a bite from a small snake . Patent number 060606. Crypto Currency using body activity data wWO02020060606 .... BIT COIN In these injections are aborted babes foetus cells . The Corona virus is real and has shut down the world but there we have to ask is there a greater agenda behind it. We currently have a global pestilence were you have a .0026% chance of dying from Corona virus . Every Hollywood celebrity is now saying that we need this injection One world Government, one world currency , one world religion Life as we know it before the Corona Virus is over people are going to do anything to get back to football , rugby Event 201 which was a Global Pandemic Exercise the John Hopkins centre for health security in Partnership with the world economic forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation October 18th in New York 2019 which was a high level pandemic exercise. The exercise illustrated areas were public and private partnerships will be necessary will be the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large scale economic and societal consequences . During this simulation the name of the virus that they used was CARONA VIRUS .
He's telling the truth. I've delivered hundreds of people over the last 30 years. Eveeyone walking this earth has demons until they get born again and Jesus gets rid of em. People think only people like serial killers ,pedophiles , or Satanists have demons. But regular people have demonic bondages that range from depression to anxiety, to pride, anger, drug addiction, self loathing.......demonic bondage is common place.
@@jennytaylor3324 I used to go to a church back in 1985 called "Easy Coast for Jesus", the pastor was Brother Lew Halcomb. The Lord delivered him way back sometime in the 60's and he saw his own deliverance. He actually saw the demons come out one by one. He struggled for years to minister to various churches because many didn't believe Christians could have demons. Anyway, I was trained by him and that was in the heels of me just having spent 3 days at Fred & Ida Mae Hammond's lecture. That's the couple that wrote "The Pigs In the Parlor", the popular deliverance book. But yeah, deliverance is not something weird or rare. It should be something that every Christian does. When we get saved, we struggle against the flesh to repent of sin. Sometimes there's a particular sin that has us so bound we end up battling it , seemingly never getting victory. That's when we know it's probably demonic. Deliverance is simply a tool to help a person recover their freedom, so they can get moving forward in God. Sometimes the Lord delivers a person right away, sometimes people battle the demon with prayer and fasting..and they get free. And sometimes there's just so much demonic oppression that people aren't even in their right minds. *Mark **16:17* *"And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues;"*
Glad to see Shaun is open to inviting Born Again Christians onto the show. Especially since Shaun himself is into influences from the East, the two don't mix. Fair play Shaun.
Excellent interview. I am not a religious man at all but I was spellbound. I am so happy that things have turned around for you, and you have made me rethink my beliefs. Also thanks Shawn,love your podcast
Revelation 13:15-18 15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. Congress Bill 6666 passed 1st of May 2020. Corona Act in British Parliament passed 27th of April 2020 To be forcibly removed from your home , placed in isolation and given a forced injection all household effects taken and disposed off. COVID 19 = certificate of vaccination ID 19 A=1 I=9. AI = Artificial Intelligence . New National ID which can track you... Research ID2020 Bill Gates wants to vaccinate everybody on the planet Research Immunity passports Bill Gates who is the biggest contributor to WHO is now telling everyone that we need a world wide vaccination Bill Gates quantum dot tattoo implant to track compliance of COVID 19 compliance . Why would a person need a digital tattoo= to track you or to be more accurate to control you they have these already made up for babies and children that when looked at looks like a bite from a small snake . Patent number 060606. Crypto Currency using body activity data wWO02020060606 .... BIT COIN In these injections are aborted babes foetus cells . The Corona virus is real and has shut down the world but there we have to ask is there a greater agenda behind it. We currently have a global pestilence were you have a .0026% chance of dying from Corona virus . Every Hollywood celebrity is now saying that we need this injection One world Government, one world currency , one world religion Life as we know it before the Corona Virus is over people are going to do anything to get back to football , rugby Event 201 which was a Global Pandemic Exercise the John Hopkins centre for health security in Partnership with the world economic forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation October 18th in New York 2019 which was a high level pandemic exercise. The exercise illustrated areas were public and private partnerships will be necessary will be the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large scale economic and societal consequences . During this simulation the name of the virus that they used was CARONA VIRUS .
Revelation 13:15-18 15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. Congress Bill 6666 passed 1st of May 2020. Corona Act in British Parliament passed 27th of April 2020 To be forcibly removed from your home , placed in isolation and given a forced injection all household effects taken and disposed off. COVID 19 = certificate of vaccination ID 19 A=1 I=9. AI = Artificial Intelligence . New National ID which can track you... Research ID2020 Bill Gates wants to vaccinate everybody on the planet Research Immunity passports Bill Gates who is the biggest contributor to WHO is now telling everyone that we need a world wide vaccination Bill Gates quantum dot tattoo implant to track compliance of COVID 19 compliance . Why would a person need a digital tattoo= to track you or to be more accurate to control you they have these already made up for babies and children that when looked at looks like a bite from a small snake . Patent number 060606. Crypto Currency using body activity data wWO02020060606 .... BIT COIN In these injections are aborted babes foetus cells . The Corona virus is real and has shut down the world but there we have to ask is there a greater agenda behind it. We currently have a global pestilence were you have a .0026% chance of dying from Corona virus . Every Hollywood celebrity is now saying that we need this injection One world Government, one world currency , one world religion Life as we know it before the Corona Virus is over people are going to do anything to get back to football , rugby Event 201 which was a Global Pandemic Exercise the John Hopkins centre for health security in Partnership with the world economic forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation October 18th in New York 2019 which was a high level pandemic exercise. The exercise illustrated areas were public and private partnerships will be necessary will be the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large scale economic and societal consequences . During this simulation the name of the virus that they used was CARONA VIRUS .
Hey Knoxy For some reason i was sitting in my lounge room reminiscing about my past as i do sometimes and i thought of you . I do that sometimes and decided to google you and Shauns podcast came up. I get these signals sometimes and it obviously directed me to this podcast. So now after 20 odd years i can get this off my chest. I used to manage a designer clothes shop in Edinburgh in the 90’s. It should have been a dream job travelling Europe as a fashion buyer, selling great clothes and at the centre of a new beginning to put Edinburgh on the map in Scotland. The music, the fashion and meeting new like minded souls from all over Scotland. Unfortunately on a regular basis, Brian and various other scumbags would come in and try to extort, intimidate and violate our staff and the vibe we we’re trying to create in our beautiful city. If anyone from Edinburgh doubts Brian Knox’s reputation or ruthlessness. They know nothing about that time. He was into everything. Clubs, drugs and intimidation. The hibs casuals couldn’t handle him or control him. Terry Rielly who Brian stabbed in the backside was a complete psychopath. No one would go near Terry as he was everyones worst nightmare. He terrorised people and would stab, kidnap or torture you without blinking an eye.. He was pure evil. Brain stabbed him, they then made a deal and next minute. They are both running around town terrorising people together.. I heard that Terry passed away years ago so i hope he is in peace now. I had to move away from Edinburgh to get away from people like Brian. Left my family and my dream job. I moved to England as my uncle lived on the south coast and i thought i would be safe. I eventually built a new life and found another job in fashion when one day. I walked out to go to lunch and bumped into Brain. I knew then that my life would be in danger again. He as usual was all nice to start with but he waited for me and followed me home. He turned up at my door with a box of fake clothes and left them with me to sell. I did’t want to sell them but i agreed to get rid of him. He then started to turn up demanding money as a lot more money than the clothes were worth. He had me over a barrel. He knew where i lived and worked. After all i had been through leaving my home town, my family and my career behind and starting all over again in a different country. It was happening again. I prayed that night. Brian was coming around in the morning to collect money that i didn’t have or he was going to stab me. He was pretty well known for stabbing people if he didn’t get what he wanted. He didn’t think twice about ruining someones life.. I moved out that night and had to start all over again. It was a nightmare for me and my family.. I just had to disappear. I came from the same background as Brian and knew lots of the same people. I was told by those people that the only way to get Brain out of my life was to kill him.. I am not a killer and hate violence. So Brain, you know who i am. I live on the other side of the world now and even after 20 years, i still sometimes on dark days think that i may bump into you. I thought it this morning and thats why i googled you and found Shuans podcast. It was a message i followed. I’ve always had Jesus in my life. Thats what kept me safe. I also know all about demons and truly believe they possess people.
I do hope that you have exorcised your demons and wanted you to know that i am still working on my forgiveness for you. I’m glad you have found jesus and that you follow the light that he shines. I just wanted to point out to you. That there are good honest people out there doing great selfless things everyday. They may have something else guiding them. It may not be jesus. It may be just the light. As you say, religion is not always a good thing. Christianity can and is often full of hate for non Christians. Thats why i can’t call myself a Christian even though i believe jesus was here and he was heaven sent. Why don’t we try and love everyone of all faiths, colours, creeds and genders. Holding up the christian bible and proclaiming peace to all is hypocritical to all of us who don’t need to carry a bible around, to be a good caring human being. There are forces around us that we can’t see. Both good and bad. If we are strong enough and only feed our souls with light. We can fight the demons without the bible in our hands. Its a guide book. I’m also sure you’ve got the term new age confused with dark magic. Most people who follow new age beliefs don’t follow dark magic. They know it exists but the spirit of god is everywhere and in everything and so is satan.. Its up to us which one we follow and what path we take. I’m glad you are on a path of righteousness now and truly hope you stay on it forever. I also hope you are a good husband, and dad who your kids can look up to and be proud of. We need people to lead others towards the light and away from the darkness. I know and feel you are still battling yourself to stay on the right path. Just don’t limit your guidance to those who hold the bible.. !! I want you to listen to amazing grace every time you feel you are falling towards the dark side. Good luck on your journey and i can only hope and pray that you won’t ruin any more lives for a long as you walk this earth.. Its taken a lot out of me to write this today and hopefully you read it at some point.
Hello John … Thank you for your message . I want to apologise to you for what you went through in Edinburgh and you being intimidated by me . There is no excuses i was a product of my environment and i hurt many people with violence . Your message really touched my heart which used to be stone and now is flesh . Its good that you believe in Christ he had the spirit of God in a mans body and went to that cross for the sins of me and the world and rose on the third day . Over the past few years i have been Ministering to people from disturbed back grounds ( childhood trauma ) . Those housing estates were tough as you know it was like a jungle and it was implode or explode . The Martial arts surrounded by older gangsters at a very young age filling my head with nonsense . What repeatedly goes into the head eventually goes into the heart and it becomes poisoned and dark . When i got those horrible demons exorcised from me it was truly a supernatural experience . The KJV bible has supernatural power to exorcise them out as long as someone is a committed believer and walking in Faith , there is so much more to it than just believing its about proclaiming the Kingdom , Healing the sick and casting out demons . I have experienced this with many people and seen them set free from many things depression , anxiety , suicide , hatred and violence . believe God is calling you John . Why else would you have got up and thought about me this morning . Its a fight for the soul . There is nothing good about me Brian Knox you know that first hand and i know that also but also is there anything good about anyone , we have all lied , stolen , cheated and we have all done things that we regret . We all have pain , rejection issues and so much more . I carried so much hatred in me for many years but that is now gone and i have the love of God in my heart and i am still well in the process of being regenerated . It was the reading of that book ( KJV Bible ) that changed my heart John , it truly did . Repetition into the mind then the heart but with good things . Its tough yes very . I really want to say sorry again for what you went through Jon . I am going to pray for you Jon everyday . 1 Corinthians 1 26 For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: 27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; 28 And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: 29 That no flesh should glory in his presence. 30 But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: 31 That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.
@@brianknox7306 Thanks Brian I’m glad you read my post. It was obviously meant to happen. Lets heal together and spread the power that healing brings to all those around us. Thanks for the reply. I wish only good things for you and your family and i will pray for you too.. Keep up the good work and stay on the path your on.. You have always had the ability to be that person and praise be to jesus that you have torn off the shackles of the darkness and have found a way to help yourself & others navigate a way through life to find something worth living for. Too many suicides, too many waisted lives and lost souls who have given up, or are slowly fading away. If we all do our bit however small to reach out to others who may be lost. Who knows how many more souls can be saved.. Take care and god bless
Thank you Shaun for bringing this man on. I am a Christian and it makes me realize, what I already knew. That this is not a game it is a fight between good and evil. Love your programs and guests. Your search for truth is noble.
Wonderful testimony. Yes demons are real but Jesus is so much stronger xx
Great podcast... I have heard similar stories when I was living in Scotland. I walked a similar road like Brian. Anyone reading this who is trying to heal or recover, remember it twists and turns earlier on but it eventually smooths out. Have faith and keep with it, the fact you reading this is a sign that you are moving in the right direction, be patient and the weight of the world doesn't need to rest on your shoulders.
Well said💕🙏🏼
Thankyou Robert. I'm battling demons right now. I'm trying so hard.
@Carolyn Van Hosen since becoming a firm believer, reading the Bible and telling others about the gospel i have lost everything. My family including my oldest daughters have turned their backs on me. My wife has thrown me out of the family home and filed for divorce. Lost my home, the love of my life, family and friends have turned their backs on me stating that I'm crazy for believing in a fairy in the sky. I was not living a normal life to begin with. I was born into a family of criminals and my life, i spent a lot of my teens in youth prisons and then onto adult prison. I know for a fact that God protected me in some of the worst hell hole prisons Britain has to offer. I saw horrors nobody should see. I was in a gang and there was 23 of us in that street gang and there is only 2 of us left alive. I saw my best friends die to violence, drugs and corruption by prison staff and the satanic social services who were in charge of centres for taking care of kids but, instead abused us in so many sick ways. They were evil to the core. Some of my friends commited suicide because they could not take the nightmares anymore. Amongst us i was the only one who showed any interest in God and the Bible. I've always believed in God but, never took it serious until now. When i look back on my life i know God was always with me and there for me. I should not be alive, i have been stabbed 27 times on 3 different occasions I've been shot at, I've been beaten so severely many times im lucky to have survived it. I'm now 50 years old and disabled as i was thrown from the roof of a building 80 feet onto solid concrete. Doctors were baffled as to how i survived such a fall. I broke nearly every bone in my body including my spine in 3 places and my pelvis was smashed to bits. I died 3 times that night but, somehow i fought through and lived. I was flat on my back for one year, in a wheelchair for 2 years then one day i got up on my feet and started walking using a zimmer frame at first and now i use crutches. Doctors are amazed at my progress, well, more like astounded. I put it all down to Jesus Christ saving me that night. Something very strange happened to me that night and i know it was a miracle from God.
I live alone now on benefits in a small property so as you can see it is quite a struggle for me. I get days where i just wanna give up so i pick up my Bible to read and i pray. Life is hard but, i know that if i stay strong and true to God i will get through. Thankyou though for your words and taking the time to text me. May God bless you and keep you safe and all who you love.
@@fwingkingunclejohn166 ❤🙏
@@fwingkingunclejohn166 Wow 😔 I have no words except you're an inspiration. I'm praying for you... 🌹🙏🙏🙏
Well done Shaun for interviewing people without prejudice and letting them speak. It’s the sheer variety of people you give time to and the space you give them that’s making your channel so successful.
Brian is spot on with everything he's said about Lord Jesus Christ and how this system is being run by Satan !! just look now how they are fast tracking the digital financial system in using the hoax virus to bring in the cashless society and most people have no clue when its staring us all in faces !! We all need to be saved for whats to come !! Brilliant Shaun for taking this path ! finally with your interviewing now your truly starting get the picture of whats truly going on , This is a Spiritual war right here right now !
Ian atherton i could"nt of said it better myself, the spirit realm is more real then the realm where in now, whatever happens in the spirit manifests in the natural!, you have two choices, theres the kingdom of Heaven which is light and there is the kingdom of darkness. If you"re not being Holy and reading the word of God and repenting then you are living in darkness and in satans playground. Satan has legal rights over darkness and unless you know how to break strongholds off you and knowing how to pray in the spirit you need to really work on yourself and i mean that in a loving way. Churches should stop worrying how much it gets in tithes and focus on the main man Jesus and tell the people the truth, not something philosophical to tickle their ears. It frustrates me thats all because i am passionate when it comes to Christ.
You serious? Faith is fear! Satanism, Christianity are totally flawed. Why? Because it's fiction. Claiming to be a Jedi is as credible. Absolutely no proof other than the human trait to follow as it's easier than thinking for yourself
Then why did Jesus die on the cross?
I’m from Oklahoma USA. Thank you both for your honesty and integrity. God is love and love conquers all❤️🙏🏼
I'm glad you are taking the spiritual side of things under a serious light
Praise Jesus.
This was an extraordinary interview. Brian was so open about his life I didn't quite understand it till the end where his faith is centre-point. Excellent work.
Being able to forgive is very powerful. Best wishes to this man.
This gentleman deserves every bit of the healing and peace he enjoys today. I wish him all the things that bring him joy.
Quality podcast Shaun. Nice to see someone not boasting and glorifying the bad things they’ve done
hear hear
Incredible that this "Scottish Gangster" hit the nail on the head with ALL our social ills... " the balance is a mother and a father ..."
Hes no gangster
@@mattptn5279 Gangster definition: a member of a gang of violent criminals.
Yes he is a gangster.
@@mattptn5279 explain
@@mattptn5279 He was a gangster
Forgiveness does NOT mean to excuse, but rather, to understand the enemy, heal from the damage, and release it. And demons are real, and we are at war-in a spiritual war. Thanks Shaun for yet another brilliant interview, and thank you Brian Knox for Being Who You Are.
I like this
the culture wars are coming to a head, Britain needs to hear more of this, good call mate.
3 years later the spiritual war is still raging on.
@@OrdinaryJoe12 unfortunately most people don't see it.
So glad I continued to watch. He is speaking truth. Call out to Jesus he will change your life!
I want to but a can't get my head around the people that don't know of him around the world, why should they go to hell.
Grow up fool....
@@tempus.narrabo That's why the bible is the most translated book in the world! Its written in 3,384 languages, can you believe that?! Missionaries have gone out to the four corners of the globe to reach people with the Gospel. And even in countries where its illegal to be a Christian (China etc) its still one of the fastest growing Christian countries in the world. God has a plan my friend, he speaks to everyone, but not everyone wants to listen.
@@bratic80 Not true, If he is speaking the word of God (which is he is), then by your own definition he is speaking truth.
Thank you. Strong man to have forgiveness for those who hurt them. I know. Hurt people, hurt people. Blessings ever from Belfast, Northern Ireland.
I have no religion but u know what set this up 4 me was hearing the way he said I don't want to glamourise this... And didn't. Amazing man
Brian is an incredibly well measured and reflective Man. He speaks every word with great thought and purpose and it's a pleasure to listen to him. I'm glad, after everything he has been through, that he is such a wise and great person. I wish him all the best for his future.
Thank You Once Again Shaun . You Are The Bravest Host On TH-cam . Our Father's Peace Be With You Brother ( From A Sunny South London )
His testimony is so powerful. Thankyou for blessing me with it
Truer words were never spoken! Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Thanks for giving Brian this platform to speak about Him.
Awesome to hear Our Creator and Our Savior can forgive us and let us in with open arms. Bless you man. I can only hope for you to continue your new blessed path.
Shaun another mind blowing conversation thnk you for being one of the best interviewers ever & your guest was captivating. God blesd
I loved the show, thank you! Brian needs a TH-cam channel to convert more sinners! YAY! We want more from him!
Another powerful testimony Shaun, you really do have an amazing insight into the lives of the both sides of the track. You have done an astounding job of making me personally looking at the person, not the crime. I see your heart and it's pure gold. My heart is now been opened by you to former criminals, you have changed my parodime, I no longer judge a book by their cover, or record. People are people, except ANYONE who harms a child #protectourchildren Love to everyone here Janice from England x x x
Aah bless this man. Just tell hime. The bible says."He who has started a good thing in you, will complete it to the end.
June Kitchen Philippians 1:6 👍🏼♥️
Congrats on your 100th podcast Shaun. Keep crushing, you are brill. Loved this 🙏❤🏴
Respect Brian! I have a similar story albeit on a much smaller scale. Sean can you hear that knock at the door? I was studying satanism and institutional paedophilia too, it lead to me becoming Christian. All satanism is, is the reverse of scripture, not an original thought in it. So why would the ruling class practice the exact opposite of scripture? Because it's true! Praying for you bro. Much love xxx
Same mate. My interest in this the dark led me to the light. God bless
Sorry, Miz spelld! ...Shaun! And have done, will do James Diamond brother man 🙏
James Diamond whats the problem you have brother
@James Diamond if you need help a great starting point is Dr neil t Anderson on yt channel "freedom in christ". Hes a christian councillor and a boss! Or contact me and il see what I can do brother 🙏
@James Diamond its pointless unless you dont even pray for your self!, if you do i"ll take it up with the Lord..
Scottish are always the best crime podcasts and they have the best sense of humour 🏴👊
Cheers Troops👍🏼🏴
Come on the jocks 🏴
This is outstanding...thank you for having Brian Knox...only Jesus Christ.
Such a soft spoken man seems a proper good dude and cant associate what he’s saying with him as he seems so sound
All glory to god for his transformation
Cant wait to get stuck into this for 2 hours. was directed here from his one hour story,
God bless you Brian.
Powerful Story, thank you Shaun for sharing this.
when I was in rehab in Scotland I'm pretty sure this was the guy that came and did a talk there, that guy told me he could see demons and there was one on my back. That was 17 years ago. I thought he was talking metaphorically at first but he told me he could actually see a real demon. I was doing cold turkey of heroin at the time, he sat with me and prayed and did a kind of exisism to cast it if me(it was a Christian rehab in paisley)I wasn't religious but it was a free rehab. The mad thing is that 2 years after that I went to see a clairvoyant and she told me the exact same thing and even described the look of it exactly the same as he did. I don't believe in God or demons I just put it down to a coincidence. But the metaphorical demon (heroin) stayed with me for over a decade after that. I'm clean now thank f@ck.
just finished watching and yep it was him. that was back in 2003. I don't believe in God still. believe me back then that rehab tried to convert me. Each to their owen, I'm sure he's helped many a person since then, it just wasn't for me.
Fantastic work getting clean and staying there bro! Think people get very confused with their metaphorical demons when raised with religious people at a young age. The mind is a powerful thing and we sadly believe what we are told. Demons are just real people or parts of us we really dont like, but we can change, and become better. Respect
That was kind of him when your doing a cold turkey fur fuck sake the last thing I would want to be hearing.. fair play to you mate for getting clean you can be proud of yourself 🏴👌
Heroin in my opinion changes people you could call it demonic possession or whatever u want but I know what I see in those kinds of people, they aren’t bad people just led astray
Howd you end up getting clean?
I felt God led to come across Brian Knox testimony on A&O productions today which then led me to see this interview. It was a shock as my self and my sister went to school with Brian an we both fancied him at same time brought tears to my eyes watching it for first time seeing his life as it was but praise God he literally was pulled from Satan's clutches and he let the light in and it changed his life. I grew up near Brian but I was dying to leave after I left school so moved to London and joined I the army. Not long after my brother led me to Jesus even though I thought at time he was brainwashed by the church but I thank the lord he did. Brian what a story you have to tell and its wonderful you are were you are now from one true believer to another and a forester High School pupil 🙏
Jimmy Boyle is a reformed man. He done amazing work in the 80s with AIDS and HIV victims. Was a good family friend . Not a baddie anymore
Love the Edinburgh accent we always sound pretty well spoken.
I want someone to make a montage of Shaun "disgusted reaction"
I’m not religious however I’m really pleased the guy turned his life around with religion.
Hey, Jesus is not a religion, it's a relationship. I'm an ex new ager, I was not a Christian at all. I tried to commit suicide. I had an experience of Jesus showing up. He's a living God. Hope you'll find Him, or more so, that He'll find you like He found me. All the best.
It has nothing to do with religion per se but with truly following Jesus directly, His word and instruction. The bible is totally opposite to what I thought it was. I was a staunch atheist growing up and then 19 years committed to new age spirituality - the latter is a type of witchcraft. When Jesus Christ delivered me it was like a horror movie, not dissimilar in manifestations to the vile film the exorcist. But no catholic priests (catholicism doesnt follow the bible) delivered me from the demons which I saw as clear as day and are more real than anything. It was simple, bible believers who were born again who delivered me. Demons are real - satan too. I never would have believed until I saw with my own eyes. Every word of the KJV bible is utterly true and most of science, which is hidden from the masses, backs up the biblical account. There's a war on for our souls but I can testify to something - God, Jesus Christ, is infinitely more powerful than all these s_tanists combined and the spiritual forces which empower them. And new age and witchcraft is a false power which does not eminate from Jesus Christ and is like going to a quack when you're sick rather than the genuine source of help. Repent, we all need to desperately, before it's too late. We do not know if we have tomorrow. Even tonight may be too late. If you died tonight where would you go - heaven or hell?
@@JesusChristIsComeInTheFlesh please, what is a KJV Bible?
@@janmacvicar4981 King James Version. Its not corrupted like all the other modern versions
Jesus and God are real and they are everywhere.
My goodness you've lived a life and you are truly blessed. Thanks for sharing your life story
Fair play to this guy for coming on and sharing his life story to everyone. My life mirrors mine to some extent. I've been plagued by demonic entities all my life and am still battling them now.
I'm trying my hardest to stay on the straight and narrow and away from drugs but i do relapse now and again. Life is so hard but, I'm trying to live the way God wants me to live.
@Russian bot 1013 thank you brother. He loves you as well.
Keep the faith Stand with God and pray in the spirit.
Keep at it brother 1 love ❤️
Water fasting is very effective at purging demons
Brian is spot on with his assessment of the days and times we are in now. The Mark of the Beast is imminent. Read the dire warning in Revelation 13. ANY MARK OR MICROCHIP THAT GIVES YOU PERMISSION TO BUY OR SELL is a guarantee of Hell for those who take it. You must refuse it even if it costs you your life.
Revelation 13:15-18
15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.
16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,
17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.
Congress Bill 6666 passed 1st of May 2020.
Corona Act in British Parliament passed 27th of April 2020
To be forcibly removed from your home , placed in isolation and given a forced injection all household effects taken and disposed off.
COVID 19 = certificate of vaccination ID 19 A=1 I=9. AI = Artificial Intelligence .
New National ID which can track you...
Research ID2020 Bill Gates wants to vaccinate everybody on the planet
Research Immunity passports
Bill Gates who is the biggest contributor to WHO is now telling everyone that we need a world wide vaccination
Bill Gates quantum dot tattoo implant to track compliance of COVID 19 compliance . Why would a person need a digital tattoo= to track you or to be more accurate to control you they have these already made up for babies and children that when looked at looks like a bite from a small snake . Patent number 060606.
Crypto Currency using body activity data wWO02020060606 .... BIT COIN In these injections are aborted babes foetus cells .
The Corona virus is real and has shut down the world but there we have to ask is there a greater agenda behind it.
We currently have a global pestilence were you have a .0026% chance of dying from Corona virus .
Every Hollywood celebrity is now saying that we need this injection
One world Government, one world currency , one world religion
Life as we know it before the Corona Virus is over people are going to do anything to get back to football , rugby
Event 201 which was a Global Pandemic Exercise the John Hopkins centre for health security in Partnership with the world economic forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation October 18th in New York 2019 which was a high level pandemic exercise. The exercise illustrated areas were public and private partnerships will be necessary will be the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large scale economic and societal consequences . During this simulation the name of the virus that they used was CARONA VIRUS .
@@rollacoastaride1937 read adam Clarkes commentary he tells you what the mark the beast is,it is worship nothing to do with a micro chip,that's just to scare the Christians who dont no the scriptures
Loved the interview. Good to hear someone that doesn't glorify all the madness he's been through
Glad you enjoyed it!
This interview is fantastic information thanks Brian and Shaun.
This is so close to my experience . I have had demons all my life that apparently comes from my ancestors. I was given a powerful healing from god that allowed Jesus to clear my heart 💓 it has been 5 years since this healing and I am just clearing the last remains of satins grasp. I wasn’t religious in anyway before god blessed me...... I couldn’t believe that demons existed but now I have found the truth. This is serious spiritual warfare! Think of god and fall into your hearts! Satin cannot live in a healed heart. Much love to you all 😊
Can you please elaborate on how this blessing came about?
@@lorddoobsworth144 have you ever heard of ecstasy?
Saint D I received an attunement (white light transmission) I wouldn’t advise it as it’s very painful 😖 especially if your dealing with demons.
Demons are very real. God bless you and good on ya for finding Jesus Christ.
Do you mean you inherited it or they told you about them?
Takes enormous courage. Good on him for speaking up.
Also interesting case of nurture over nature being an influence.
Amazing testimony of spiritual healing. Thank you so much for sharing your miraculous and dramatic journey from darkness to Light. Thanks to you too, Shaun for your empathy and sensitivity.
Good luck to you Brian you're clearly in a better place.
What he's trying to say is we are going through the final days,the days of Sodem and Gomorrah,for we do not fight against flesh and blood but against the wicked and princapalities of the heavenly realms
Authentic testimony that spans a full range of spiritual life. God Bless Brian. Great to see him baptising Jon Wedger. What heroes! The ex-gangster baptising the ex-Scotland Yard detective. Who says God doesn't have a sense of humour!
You nan will always be around looking over you in times of need 💚🕊💚
Your a right nice guy
I am not religious but I know that forgiveness and redemption is possible in this life. This is one of the realist person you have ever had on Shaun. Thank you. 🌹💓
Best thing I've watched in a long time... it's life changing..thank you
Revelation 13:15-18
15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.
16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,
17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.
Congress Bill 6666 passed 1st of May 2020.
Corona Act in British Parliament passed 27th of April 2020
To be forcibly removed from your home , placed in isolation and given a forced injection all household effects taken and disposed off.
COVID 19 = certificate of vaccination ID 19 A=1 I=9. AI = Artificial Intelligence .
New National ID which can track you...
Research ID2020 Bill Gates wants to vaccinate everybody on the planet
Research Immunity passports
Bill Gates who is the biggest contributor to WHO is now telling everyone that we need a world wide vaccination
Bill Gates quantum dot tattoo implant to track compliance of COVID 19 compliance . Why would a person need a digital tattoo= to track you or to be more accurate to control you they have these already made up for babies and children that when looked at looks like a bite from a small snake . Patent number 060606.
Crypto Currency using body activity data wWO02020060606 .... BIT COIN In these injections are aborted babes foetus cells .
The Corona virus is real and has shut down the world but there we have to ask is there a greater agenda behind it.
We currently have a global pestilence were you have a .0026% chance of dying from Corona virus .
Every Hollywood celebrity is now saying that we need this injection
One world Government, one world currency , one world religion
Life as we know it before the Corona Virus is over people are going to do anything to get back to football , rugby
Event 201 which was a Global Pandemic Exercise the John Hopkins centre for health security in Partnership with the world economic forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation October 18th in New York 2019 which was a high level pandemic exercise. The exercise illustrated areas were public and private partnerships will be necessary will be the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large scale economic and societal consequences . During this simulation the name of the virus that they used was CARONA VIRUS .
I really like the vulnerability in his voice, like is probably the wrong word but straight away I get a genuine sense from him.
I love this testimony, i have been falling away from God because I moved away from church to an area where people don't believe that God exits. So glad I listened to this. I love your show Shaun, you really know how to let your guests express themselves.
Amazing. Powerful Testimony. Q is not going to save you. Only Yeshua/Jesus Christ. Seek Him while you still can.
Q has never claimed to save anyone.. Only interpretation of the reality is those that support the Qanon are also follower's of God and Jesus who pray and meditate constantly so to raise their vibration level . there is truly a constant battle between good and evil.Many psychics give good advice and a feeling of positivity, Collective Consciousness is one good example of this.Charlie D Ward is a good guide of truth and a joyous very likeable guy who's on TH-cam and Facebook.
Amen. That's the true resistance to the darkness in high and low places. Jesus is the only way. Praise the living God.
You dont get Q without Christ.
@@louisebrenchley897 Many psychics are also demonically possessed and channel demonic spirits. Jesus Christ is the only true healer
"Raising your vibration" is a false New Age term, its nonsense. It started from Occult teachings whos teachers also worship Satan (Look at Madam Blavastky, or Alice Bailey, they even admit it)
Its all about getting healing from the one true God.
This guy could write a Netflix film. So glad he's found peace. Thanks Shaun 💗
Felt like an honest conversation truly inspiring well done guys
I don't think I've cried so much in a podcast before. Wow. What a story.
I wish more would get delivered like Brian Knox and step forward with their life saving messages to the world. Millions out there starving and craving to hear things like this that would make all the difference in their lives. And isn't that what is supposed to be about?
Wow Shaun another awesome chat. Totally gripped
Yay! Congrats to you Shaun+Crue! Thanks for all the insanity, learning+laughs! Stay safe! Xo!💋
Thank you Shaun for having this awesome man of God on your show. This was truly needed for me and aolt of others i am sure.
Great show Shaun, thank you! There truly is a spiritual battle taking place and it’s becoming more and more obvious. One need only to open their eyes and see what is going on in the world to realize things aren’t as they seem. I too have experienced the redemptive power of Jesus Christ. He’s spot on when he says that Jesus has authority in the spiritual realm. That’s what the Satanic elites don’t want you to know. You have access to that power through Jesus Christ and through prayer to deconstruct the mayhem these Luciferians are trying to create.
Thank you Sean. I am so, so blessed to have listened to this podcast. Such a powerful story Brian tells in words that forge a pathway to the way, the truth and the life. Our Redeemer liveth and works in awesome and mysterious ways...we know that through Brian's convoluted and troublesome walk through the valley to find the light. Having had my own difficult journey and finding peace in Our Lord, I am filled with gratitude to know Brian's story and experience his joy in Christ. C 🙏
Excellent interview. Great contribution Shaun!
Thanks for this great conversation. So good to hear this powerful testimoni. Real talk!
Thank you Shaun and thank you Brain for sharing your stories and bringing hope in faith Jesus Christ. Amen 🙏
Respect to you Brian for sharing.
Great channel Shaun , it's great work you're doing , great guests with solid research 👍
Hi Shaun,I knew Brian for many years ,I remember, we were going to pick up some clothes from the guy in Bournemouth and I let had to top up the oil in his Volvo.Unfortunately something grabbed my attention and I left the cap off.A few miles down the road we noticed that there was smoke coming up from the engine, when we pulled the bonnet the whole engine was engulfed in flames,I thought Brian was gonna kill me but to my relief he was actually pretty sound about the whole mishap. Brian ,I'm so glad your now doing some real good work in the world now ,and I believe in a lot of what your saying about the satanists of the world we live in today.All the best old friend.
Is your dad still with us?
@@brianknox7306 hey stranger sending hugs to you all
The story about the car crash with the cross in the car was crazy as hell... Almost literally
Love the Scotts.
Thank you. Great video
watching again 2 years later, still riveting! hope Brian is doing well :)
Back to listen to Brian's story two years later after recently finding God myself.
Go for it Lee let nothing or no one hold you back... Bless you
We’re are you based Lee
Great interview Shaun! I'd like to learn more from this guy.
Jesus Christ also saved me from the lies of the new age!
And me 🙏🏻
What's that ? When your dad went nuts deep ?!!!
Very interesting. Very inspiring. Thank you both, Liam.
Excellent interview and a very brilliant guest
powerful testament to Truth... Thanks muchly for sharing..
God Bless All n God Speed To His Return
The patent ID for the hand tattoo owned by Bill Gates is 2020/06.06.06. It’s just a sick joke on us at this point.
Is this true? I thought it was urban legend?
@@jayman8464 Nah bro do your research, its true my friend.
Oh Wow. @14:50 Wee Mac was my Uncle. Surprised to hear him mentioned on this. 1988 he was murdered, RIP.
Sorry to hear that ; small world that he was mentioned on a TH-cam video you stumbled on.
Thanks Shaun and Brian for making this and trying to help the youth of the future see the life Brian lived is not healthy and I'm sure he's trying to get his message out to help them go try the other way.
Soon as Shaun heard Raves and Ecstasy Distribution his face lit up hahaha
Revelation 13:15-18
15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.
16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,
17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.
Congress Bill 6666 passed 1st of May 2020.
Corona Act in British Parliament passed 27th of April 2020
To be forcibly removed from your home , placed in isolation and given a forced injection all household effects taken and disposed off.
COVID 19 = certificate of vaccination ID 19 A=1 I=9. AI = Artificial Intelligence .
New National ID which can track you...
Research ID2020 Bill Gates wants to vaccinate everybody on the planet
Research Immunity passports
Bill Gates who is the biggest contributor to WHO is now telling everyone that we need a world wide vaccination
Bill Gates quantum dot tattoo implant to track compliance of COVID 19 compliance . Why would a person need a digital tattoo= to track you or to be more accurate to control you they have these already made up for babies and children that when looked at looks like a bite from a small snake . Patent number 060606.
Crypto Currency using body activity data wWO02020060606 .... BIT COIN In these injections are aborted babes foetus cells .
The Corona virus is real and has shut down the world but there we have to ask is there a greater agenda behind it.
We currently have a global pestilence were you have a .0026% chance of dying from Corona virus .
Every Hollywood celebrity is now saying that we need this injection
One world Government, one world currency , one world religion
Life as we know it before the Corona Virus is over people are going to do anything to get back to football , rugby
Event 201 which was a Global Pandemic Exercise the John Hopkins centre for health security in Partnership with the world economic forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation October 18th in New York 2019 which was a high level pandemic exercise. The exercise illustrated areas were public and private partnerships will be necessary will be the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large scale economic and societal consequences . During this simulation the name of the virus that they used was CARONA VIRUS .
Hi Shaun thank you so much what a lesson this man had given us God is great. Thank you. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
He's telling the truth. I've delivered hundreds of people over the last 30 years. Eveeyone walking this earth has demons until they get born again and Jesus gets rid of em. People think only people like serial killers ,pedophiles , or Satanists have demons. But regular people have demonic bondages that range from depression to anxiety, to pride, anger, drug addiction, self loathing.......demonic bondage is common place.
HI Tess, where are you based at?
Atlantic City NJ.
I used to go to a church back in 1985 called "Easy Coast for Jesus", the pastor was Brother Lew Halcomb. The Lord delivered him way back sometime in the 60's and he saw his own deliverance. He actually saw the demons come out one by one. He struggled for years to minister to various churches because many didn't believe Christians could have demons.
Anyway, I was trained by him and that was in the heels of me just having spent 3 days at Fred & Ida Mae Hammond's lecture. That's the couple that wrote "The Pigs In the Parlor", the popular deliverance book.
But yeah, deliverance is not something weird or rare. It should be something that every Christian does. When we get saved, we struggle against the flesh to repent of sin. Sometimes there's a particular sin that has us so bound we end up battling it , seemingly never getting victory. That's when we know it's probably demonic. Deliverance is simply a tool to help a person recover their freedom, so they can get moving forward in God. Sometimes the Lord delivers a person right away, sometimes people battle the demon with prayer and fasting..and they get free. And sometimes there's just so much demonic oppression that people aren't even in their right minds.
*Mark **16:17*
*"And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues;"*
100% Correct.
Hello Tessy, can you please connect with me Thank you
Great guests as usual 👍
This guy is so humble considering he forgived the step dad that battered him for years.
I bet you Brian is the "When the switch flicks" kind of guy. But a very nice solid chap forged by hardship and mistakes, the best kind of man.
Glad to see Shaun is open to inviting Born Again Christians onto the show. Especially since Shaun himself is into influences from the East, the two don't mix. Fair play Shaun.
always great to share your podcasts shaun , great mate,
Much appreciated
Excellent interview.
I am not a religious man at all but I was spellbound.
I am so happy that things have turned around for you, and you have made me rethink my beliefs.
Also thanks Shawn,love your podcast
Jesus will transform your life my friend, put your faith in him, start reading your bible and ask God to show you the truth.
Revelation 13:15-18
15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.
16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,
17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.
Congress Bill 6666 passed 1st of May 2020.
Corona Act in British Parliament passed 27th of April 2020
To be forcibly removed from your home , placed in isolation and given a forced injection all household effects taken and disposed off.
COVID 19 = certificate of vaccination ID 19 A=1 I=9. AI = Artificial Intelligence .
New National ID which can track you...
Research ID2020 Bill Gates wants to vaccinate everybody on the planet
Research Immunity passports
Bill Gates who is the biggest contributor to WHO is now telling everyone that we need a world wide vaccination
Bill Gates quantum dot tattoo implant to track compliance of COVID 19 compliance . Why would a person need a digital tattoo= to track you or to be more accurate to control you they have these already made up for babies and children that when looked at looks like a bite from a small snake . Patent number 060606.
Crypto Currency using body activity data wWO02020060606 .... BIT COIN In these injections are aborted babes foetus cells .
The Corona virus is real and has shut down the world but there we have to ask is there a greater agenda behind it.
We currently have a global pestilence were you have a .0026% chance of dying from Corona virus .
Every Hollywood celebrity is now saying that we need this injection
One world Government, one world currency , one world religion
Life as we know it before the Corona Virus is over people are going to do anything to get back to football , rugby
Event 201 which was a Global Pandemic Exercise the John Hopkins centre for health security in Partnership with the world economic forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation October 18th in New York 2019 which was a high level pandemic exercise. The exercise illustrated areas were public and private partnerships will be necessary will be the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large scale economic and societal consequences . During this simulation the name of the virus that they used was CARONA VIRUS .
Revelation 13:15-18
15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.
16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,
17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.
Congress Bill 6666 passed 1st of May 2020.
Corona Act in British Parliament passed 27th of April 2020
To be forcibly removed from your home , placed in isolation and given a forced injection all household effects taken and disposed off.
COVID 19 = certificate of vaccination ID 19 A=1 I=9. AI = Artificial Intelligence .
New National ID which can track you...
Research ID2020 Bill Gates wants to vaccinate everybody on the planet
Research Immunity passports
Bill Gates who is the biggest contributor to WHO is now telling everyone that we need a world wide vaccination
Bill Gates quantum dot tattoo implant to track compliance of COVID 19 compliance . Why would a person need a digital tattoo= to track you or to be more accurate to control you they have these already made up for babies and children that when looked at looks like a bite from a small snake . Patent number 060606.
Crypto Currency using body activity data wWO02020060606 .... BIT COIN In these injections are aborted babes foetus cells .
The Corona virus is real and has shut down the world but there we have to ask is there a greater agenda behind it.
We currently have a global pestilence were you have a .0026% chance of dying from Corona virus .
Every Hollywood celebrity is now saying that we need this injection
One world Government, one world currency , one world religion
Life as we know it before the Corona Virus is over people are going to do anything to get back to football , rugby
Event 201 which was a Global Pandemic Exercise the John Hopkins centre for health security in Partnership with the world economic forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation October 18th in New York 2019 which was a high level pandemic exercise. The exercise illustrated areas were public and private partnerships will be necessary will be the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large scale economic and societal consequences . During this simulation the name of the virus that they used was CARONA VIRUS .
Very good podcast Shaun. Keep them coming. I love listening to your podcasts when I am working from home.
Happy 100 podcast Shaun bro ✌️💚💯☘️💥
X. I love his truth and honesty x
Hey Knoxy
For some reason i was sitting in my lounge room reminiscing about my past as i do sometimes and i thought of you . I do that sometimes and decided to google you and Shauns podcast came up. I get these signals sometimes and it obviously directed me to this podcast. So now after 20 odd years i can get this off my chest. I used to manage a designer clothes shop in Edinburgh in the 90’s. It should have been a dream job travelling Europe as a fashion buyer, selling great clothes and at the centre of a new beginning to put Edinburgh on the map in Scotland. The music, the fashion and meeting new like minded souls from all over Scotland. Unfortunately on a regular basis, Brian and various other scumbags would come in and try to extort, intimidate and violate our staff and the vibe we we’re trying to create in our beautiful city. If anyone from Edinburgh doubts Brian Knox’s reputation or ruthlessness. They know nothing about that time. He was into everything. Clubs, drugs and intimidation. The hibs casuals couldn’t handle him or control him. Terry Rielly who Brian stabbed in the backside was a complete psychopath. No one would go near Terry as he was everyones worst nightmare. He terrorised people and would stab, kidnap or torture you without blinking an eye.. He was pure evil. Brain stabbed him, they then made a deal and next minute. They are both running around town terrorising people together.. I heard that Terry passed away years ago so i hope he is in peace now. I had to move away from Edinburgh to get away from people like Brian. Left my family and my dream job. I moved to England as my uncle lived on the south coast and i thought i would be safe. I eventually built a new life and found another job in fashion when one day. I walked out to go to lunch and bumped into Brain. I knew then that my life would be in danger again. He as
usual was all nice to start with but he waited for me and followed me home. He turned up at my door with a box of fake clothes and left them with me to sell. I did’t want to sell them but i agreed to get rid of him. He then started to turn up demanding money as a lot more money than the clothes were worth. He had me over a barrel. He knew where i lived and worked. After all i had been through leaving my home town, my family and my career behind and starting all over again in a different country. It was happening again. I prayed that night. Brian was coming around in the morning to collect money that i didn’t have or he was going to stab me. He was pretty well known for stabbing people if he didn’t get what he wanted. He didn’t think twice about ruining someones life.. I moved out that night and had to start all over again. It was a nightmare for me and my family.. I just had to disappear. I came from the same background as Brian and knew lots of the same people. I was told by those people that the only way to get Brain out of my life was to kill him.. I am not a killer and hate violence. So Brain, you know who i am. I live on the other side of the world now and even after 20 years, i still sometimes on dark days think that i may bump into you.
I thought it this morning and thats why i googled you and found Shuans podcast. It was a message i followed. I’ve always had Jesus in my life. Thats what kept me safe. I also know all about demons and truly believe they possess people.
I do hope that you have exorcised your demons and wanted you to know that i am still working on my forgiveness for you. I’m glad you have found jesus and that you follow the light that he shines. I just wanted to point out to you. That there are good honest people out there doing great selfless things everyday. They may have something else guiding them. It may not be jesus. It may be just the light. As you say, religion is not always a good thing. Christianity can and is often full of hate for non Christians. Thats why i can’t call myself a Christian even though i believe jesus was here and he was heaven sent. Why don’t we try and love everyone of all faiths, colours, creeds and genders.
Holding up the christian bible and proclaiming peace to all is hypocritical to all of us who don’t need to carry a bible around, to be a good caring human being. There are forces around us that we can’t see. Both good and bad. If we are strong enough and only feed our souls with light. We can fight the demons without the bible in our hands. Its a guide book. I’m also sure you’ve got the term new age confused with dark magic. Most people who follow new age beliefs don’t follow dark magic. They know it exists but the spirit of god is everywhere and in everything and so is satan.. Its up to us which one we follow and what path we take. I’m glad you are on a path of righteousness now and truly hope you stay on it forever. I also hope you are a good husband, and dad who your kids can look up to and be proud of. We need people to lead others towards the light and away from the darkness. I know and feel you are still battling yourself to stay on the right path. Just don’t limit your guidance to those who hold the bible.. !!
I want you to listen to amazing grace every time you feel you are falling towards the dark side. Good luck on your journey and i can only hope and pray that you won’t ruin any more lives for a long as you walk this earth.. Its taken a lot out of me to write this today and hopefully
you read it at some point.
Hello John … Thank you for your message . I want to apologise to you for what you went through in Edinburgh and you being intimidated by me . There is no excuses i was a product of my environment and i hurt many people with violence . Your message really touched my heart which used to be stone and now is flesh . Its good that you believe in Christ he had the spirit of God in a mans body and went to that cross for the sins of me and the world and rose on the third day . Over the past few years i have been Ministering to people from disturbed back grounds ( childhood trauma ) . Those housing estates were tough as you know it was like a jungle and it was implode or explode . The Martial arts surrounded by older gangsters at a very young age filling my head with nonsense . What repeatedly goes into the head eventually goes into the heart and it becomes poisoned and dark . When i got those horrible demons exorcised from me it was truly a supernatural experience . The KJV bible has supernatural power to exorcise them out as long as someone is a committed believer and walking in Faith , there is so much more to it than just believing its about proclaiming the Kingdom , Healing the sick and casting out demons . I have experienced this with many people and seen them set free from many things depression , anxiety , suicide , hatred and violence . believe God is calling you John . Why else would you have got up and thought about me this morning . Its a fight for the soul . There is nothing good about me Brian Knox you know that first hand and i know that also but also is there anything good about anyone , we have all lied , stolen , cheated and we have all done things that we regret . We all have pain , rejection issues and so much more . I carried so much hatred in me for many years but that is now gone and i have the love of God in my heart and i am still well in the process of being regenerated . It was the reading of that book ( KJV Bible ) that changed my heart John , it truly did . Repetition into the mind then the heart but with good things . Its tough yes very . I really want to say sorry again for what you went through Jon . I am going to pray for you Jon everyday .
1 Corinthians 1
26 For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:
27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;
28 And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:
29 That no flesh should glory in his presence.
30 But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:
31 That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.
Thanks Brian
I’m glad you read my post.
It was obviously meant to happen. Lets heal together and spread the power that healing brings to all those around us. Thanks for the reply. I wish only good things for you and your family and i will pray for you too..
Keep up the good work and stay on the path your on.. You have always had the ability to be that person and praise be to jesus that you have torn off the shackles of the darkness and have found a way to help yourself & others navigate a way through life to find something worth living for.
Too many suicides, too many waisted lives and lost souls who have given up, or are slowly fading away.
If we all do our bit however small to reach out to others who may be lost.
Who knows how many
more souls can be saved..
Take care and god bless
Why did his Mum not know?, about the beatings?. So sad to hear this kind of abuse.
Last night when I was watching this & he mentioned about sleeping with the lights on , I had to open my door so I had a little light 😂🤣
My favourite wow so powerful God bless him and l always loved Jon Weger l am so happy l watched this thank you
What an amazing life this man has! Thank you for sharing and i hope all is well and good for you now 👍✌