actually, a protagonist isn't a good guy nor bad guy, just someone that you follow throughout the story an antagonist is someone that's against the protagonist's goals and victim isn't exactly a character in a story
@@jockeyfield1954 1: Yeah...And we are following the Red Spy's story here, correct? There's zombie outbreak, his beloved died, got nothing to live for so he wish to commit suicide in the zombie apocalypse, but decided to team up and fight back with the other mercs after they saved his life so they could survive. Pretty sure his our main character here. 2: Yeah...Our protagonist tries to survive the zombie apocalypse. But the undead Spy is trying to kill/infect them. That's our main villain/threat here. Plus I'd say becoming a zombie was against the Red Spy's goal. Since he'd rather die than becoming one. 3: Well, the victim may not be a mandatory character role like a protag or the antag. But it is a role regardless, like a motivation character. Where the villain needs to pose a threat to a victim that could motivate the heroes. For example, in a medieval story: The Knight is the hero. The Dragon is the villain. The villagers are the victims.
I like how the animator added the detail where the door closes in 3:15. And when the doors close completely the music begins which conveys the message that there was no other escape and the only option was to fight.
I love at 1:46 medic is shaking from debating if he should pull the trigger, if he does he knows zombies will come and if not medic and Pryo will be left there waiting for someone or thing to help them
Alright we gotta talk. I came back to this video after remembering it a long time ago and I completely forgot how powerful it was. I know it's just an animation, yet the reaction of Sniper after seeing Heavy getting infected warmed my heart since they were opposite colors. Don't even get me started on the ending. Medic's face of sheer determination while this phenominally chosen music plays is a scene I will never forget. Perfection, absolute perfection.
MckaystudiosYT Wow, you are truly stupid. Or you just have no humour. I said 'Sarcasm' because the dude talking about Gaben was being sarcastic. Is that too much for your little brain to handle my friend?
would never have seen this beautiful work of art if it wasn't for "All my fellas!" by Colonel Fanzipantzen and reading the comments about all the references. This is classical TF2 fine art. Glad it's still around to enjoy.
Yeah man it kinda make me think of my life and inspired me to go and get things done and work at my job and made me want to get a PC to play a game that beat a game that was good but turned into a fire of trash but however valve abandoned the game and now is full of bots and hackers but thanks to community servers I was able to play a legend of a game
@@mentallyillfinger not to drop into a very old thread but thought id mention, the song in the video hasn't been edited, there's no additional instruments or anything added to give it a more dramatic feel. that's just how the song is, the only thing "changed" is the bridge was removed that builds up to where the third act of the animation starts because this video is 5 mins while the song is 6 mins. but Les Frictions - Who Will Save You Now is just as dramatic, no magical audio editing has been done to the song. Its just les friction just aren't that popular to the point where they have less monthly Spotify listeners than tf2 has player base even today in its declined state in 2023, so a tf2 audience is going to much wider than the original songs creators (Les Friction) audience.
8 years later I still watch this and remember that it still captures what it truly means to be a Medic main. As one myself, I know what happens. You're there to make sure everyone is alive. You're there to make sure that everyone makes it and stays healthy. But even if its not their fault.... They can't always be there for you, to make sure you're alive. To make sure you're healthy. See, the parts of being a Medic main can be hard sometimes. Sometimes you just have to accept that you're gonna die.
True, but the moments where u save your teammates from death, when u crossbow shoot your friend before he dies, or making that Uber push that turned the tide, making the Uber that stopped the last point push, being there and making the last stand be long enough to win the game, that feeling, that satisfaction, sometimes the healing truly is as rewarding as the hurting, maybe even more.
1:33 thats a scary ass moment right there. Not cuz of the way spy looks but the way he is watching his friends fighting over each other with his lifeless eyes. He is just watching. God knows what is going on inside his head
Seven years. It’s Seven years later, and this animation is still one of the best ever made! Everything about it from the facial expressions, the slow motions, the pan aways, the zooms, and most importantly song choice is still phenomenal.
No classes dont matter in this world no more you saw how Scout was using Sniper Crossbow they can use the medigun but its on repairable not thay it cant be fix probably they dont know the serum recipe
Medic From TF2 he wrote in the comments that part 3 wouldn’t get a saxxy because it’s to long but it’s been years so I don’t think there is going to be a part 3
@@miscreantwithinternetacces7370 Either way, I'm sure he can make a deal for 1/9 of his soul, he gave 2 to the Devil, I'm sure he could give 1/9 or 2/9 to whoever he goes to for another go. Also, he said another 50 years, so he's not going anywhere until 2024 (I believe he made the deal in 74, but I might be wrong. Either way, he'll be back. One way or another)
@@miscreantwithinternetacces7370 It's better off in hell than in the wretched zombie infested above, I can come back but it keeps telling me that lost connection after 4 retries
Before anyone gets their hopes up, I just want to say that unlike the first two parts, Till Death Do Us Part 3 won't be appearing in the Saxxy Awards this year. There's a couple of reasons for this, but it's mainly because I want Part 3 to be longer than 5 minutes this time. The time limit for Saxxy submissions is very restricting, and I also have a lot planned for Part 3 that will add more time to it's development- motion capture for example, and it would be near impossible to finish it given the surprise reveal of early Saxxies this year. However, I do have something else in the works that might just be ready in time...
It doesn't matter how long it takes till part 3 comes out, no matter what it's most likely gonna be even better! I love the first to and i can't wait for part 3 :D
Sad to hear, i was hoping for your win in this year's Saxxy with third "Till death will do us part". Anyway, its your decision and i respect it. Good luck with all upcoming work, i'll be waiting for new videos :)
3:28 A little detail when it switch to the tunnel a zombie corpse drop from above because solider hold the zombie off from above so they wont jump on pyro or engineer and the dead zombie that dropped can be found right beside engineer tool box
*Medic comes back to the office of the Devil* The Devil: so you died? Medic: Uhm, hehe, well.. The Devil: well, I'll lead you to he- Medic: WAIT, We have an agreement, right? The Devil: ... Medic: And I did give you a soul? The Devil: Ugh, fine. *Medic going to his own funeral* Medic: I AM NOT DEAD, I AM GOING TO LIVE FOREVER.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but he used the TFC’s souls, not his team’s souls. This would explain how Scout and Sniper went to heaven. He also only attached 8 souls because there were only 8 TFC members, TFC Medic not being present.
@@FFKing-et2zj im on the among us bang wagen dummy im trying to make among us memes because everyone is doing it like when the COVID-19 starts everyone was getting toilet paper for no reason and jacksepticeye hop on the toilet paper gang or bang wagen because he said "everyone is doing it so ill do it because its funny" and it became a meme because a youtuber said it and now youtubers are playing among us, everyone is now making among us memes so stop freaking telling me that to stop it, and at this point of typing this, im beginning to think that you hate the among us bang or gang wagen and not even once watch 1 among us vid, AMONG US IS LITERALLY EVERY WHERE DUMMY, EVERY TH-camR YOU LIKE EVEN DANTDM IS PLAYING IT, EVEN DANTDM SAID THAT HE IS ADDICTED TO AMONG US FOR GOD SAKE, if somebody is gonna proove me wrong or tell that im right, reply to this comment
Whenever this guy might be, I hope he's having a good time amidst the world's problems. And hopefully that one day, if he's ready and healthy, he'll be back
I sang this song in my Choir Performance. I made a little slideshow with associated images of loss, grief, glory, honor, the willingness to stand, and final stands against overwhelming odds. Unfortunately because I couldn't figure out a way to make it a TH-cam video and sync it up correctly, we had to have 2 individuals, one to play the recorded slideshow and the other for music. As expected, one was delayed. However everyone loved it, it was different than the rest of the concert, and funnily enough, a guy walked up to me and asked for an autograph after the concert. It was the most bizarre experience I ever had, and I owe it all to this man, who made this beautiful animation those many years ago. Hope your doing well man.
This should be a tf2 game mod called ‘the ravenholm war’ were medics have the ability to save and de-zombifie players in a limited amount of time and the opposite team the zombies will be led by a zombie mercenary and the goal of the medic is to turn the zombie mercenary into a human and then kill the last hoard of zombies
Can't quite believe it- thanks so much to everyone that voted, commented or shared the video! Congratulations to the other finalists and winners too- everyone's done a fantastic job this year :)
Dude great job at winning best drama! You definitely deserved it, though there are so many other one as good as yours. It was a very tough, all of them were good, but yours was my personal favorite. Looking forward to your future projects!
And both Part 1 and Part 2 was the best SFM Movies/Films I have EVER seen . Don't mind putting the links of the music? Thx if you can , Lozeng3r . P.S. I subbed to you
Make part 3 . I have an idea . Make the Medic the "Lord of the zombies" and everyone gets infected . Saxton Hale is hiding . Then he got back to his office , used all the weapons and save the world . I'll let you think about it .
What about them escaping? Unless you consider this an ending where they all just choose to die there has to be another continuation. I heard someone is making a fan based part 3 and am looking forward to it.
@@Doubl_Troubl the zombies around the hospital died. The group still has to find a way out the zombie infested country, perhaps the world and they have to reach a safe haven and even find a cure, maybe roaming around Medic's files and stuff. The story needs to have some true closure, official or not- considering the fan base is popular.
On the off chance you’re still reading comments, know that you are the first animator for SFM I’ve ever watched, and it was through “Till Death do us part” And it wasn’t until two years ago I got into TF2. I’ve heard that you’re busy in real life now, and I’m happy that you’re doing okay. Alot of us are still waiting on Part 3 even if it’s unlikely. I myself want to see you return one last time to finish the story you’ve brought us. But I am able to accept your choice not to. In the meantime, I thank you for introducing me to Source Filmmaker and hope that I could one day create animations on par with yours, if I myself get enough time and motivation to work with SFM. Godspeed, mate.
- implosion - Don't have a comic store in my hometown therefore I don't read any comics whatsoever. Im Irish you see and I need to go to big cities in order to see one.
Спустя 9 лет Valve добавили в TF2 зомби режим от сообщества, и играя в него, я сразу же вспомнил про этот шедевр, который до сих пор считаю своим любимым.)
sanlys // It was just a misspelled word, not a grammar error c: Btw. lmao, I've seen this comment a few times and never realised that. Thanks for pointing that out.
R.I.P Medic "He cured us because he cared about us, he was a caring hero that sacrificed himself just to save the others. We all loved him as family, we are thankful for him." -Scout 2012-2013
The Hero The medic R. I. P 'he saved them all fromm dead, he heals me, he heal all The team for good but, The medic is now dead ;-; rest în peace' -Heavy 😭 Rip Medic/hero 1980-2013
hey been a while :) hope lifes been well not sure what else to say, but, i guess ill just resay what i said on the first part i know ive found this video only a few months ago, which even then was still over 3 years since this was made but.... this will always hold a special place in my heart.. so i just wanna say... Lozeng3r... thank you for this beautiful masterpiece :)
Lozeng3r I really like this short and then BGM. The song being one I listen to often. The feels are really strong and the little things you add increase the effect.
Honestly I grew up watching SFM animations like this. This is my favorite by far because of the beautiful lighting and music. I loved the game because my autistic brother and I could bond over it and now as a "adult" I'm playing it. I would love a part 3 after 7 years but its fine at this point. (Not fine lol I still want one.)
dude part 3 wont ever be released. dont you get it? it is a trilogy. all 3parts have been released. some memorial stuff was p.1, then Till death do us was p.2 and this is p.3
How did the pyro die first anyway? He wears a rubber suit thick enough to render him immune to anything but direct flame, meaning that there is no way a zombie’s claw can touch him, the power jack gives him vampirism, meaning that even if he is slowly whittled down over time, he should be able to endlessly sustain himself with the power jack, his secondaries can deal massive amounts of damage in succession, and his flamethrower is objectively the best possible weapon to use against zombies, as it penetrates hordes, meaning that it can’t be overrun like a sentry or mini gun, and it has the ability to push back approaching zombies to make more space to further stack his AoE DoT’s. He is literally the best person to be in this situation.
That feeling when I was younger and I probably even cried once when I saw it, even without knowing English. And now I'm here.... now also with the awareness of the lyrics.
Hey everyone, just thought i'd give you guys an update on the status of 'Till Death Do Us Part 3'. For now, the video is on hold i'm afraid, and it has been for a while. The project just got too big and ambitious and I had to take a break from it. It's still a way from complete and right now i'm not sure when i'll be picking it back up again. I know it's not the news that people want to hear, but that's just the way it is right now as i'm spending a lot of my time outside of Source Filmmaker looking for a stable full-time VFX job. I will return to it eventually, but i'm sorry I can't say when yet :(
+Lozeng3r Take your time! Dont rush it man, and take brakes if you want! Were not going to stop you! Keep your good work up! Also, I'd like to see a plot twist. Maybe a way they can bring back the medic or maybe the demoman. Anyways Part 3 is hopefully gonna be as good if not maybe better than zombie u corssover, till death do us part 1 and 2...
+Lozeng3r You don't owe us anything man, we appreciate your work, and we give you nothing in return, if it's draining on you, that's okay, you're only human, we can't expect you to have the work ethic of a machine :)
+Lozeng3r No worries! Take a season and rest and take care of other things. When you come back to it, you'll have a fresh perspective. Thanks for keeping us informed! :D
One of the most epic, well made sfm short films I've ever seen. probably the best ever made. I remember this when it first was uploaded and it's aged extremely well, this is still one of the best sfm films ever made.
This is the most well-placed song I’ve ever heard. I don’t know if anyone else has noticed but the song in Till Death Do Us Part(one)’s song is called “Save me” and Till Death Do Us Part Two’s song is called “Who will save you now”. Symbolizing that their only hope (the medic's knowledge on how to make the cure) is now gone. I'm probably totally off but just a small little thing I noticed.
Zombie Archimedes told Medic to kill his friends, but Medic didn't listen. Medic probably locked Archimedes in his cage till he could find a cure. Sadly, Archimedes won't have his dad back....
Some attention to detail I've seen on this video: 1:06 Undead Spy's silhouettes in the bright white glowing room. Also, some of them noticed the silhouette of spy. 1:25 Undead Spy in the window, moving from left to right. 1:30 Undead Spy's perspective from the previous detail. 1:41 Dead Pyro might not actually be dead and might still be alive. 1:46 Medic slightly hesitates to fire the Flare Gun and is visibly shaking. Also Medic starts to walk away upon firing the flare gun. (Credit to WhyDidIPickTheName?) 3:39 Medic has 1 more bottle of cure, which could be a foreshadowing the revival of Medic. (Credit again to WhyDidIPickTheName?) Medic uses the Vaccinator to cure/vaccinate the zombies, how ironic. (Thanks to WhyDidIPickTheName?) That's all, let me know if there's more detail in this masterpiece of a video that my dead brain missed..
KimiGaming, I found 1 more, at 1:46 medic contemplates pulling the trigger and is visibly shaking Edit: at 3:39 in the background medic has 1 more bottle of the cure Edit 2: at 1:47 you can see the medic start to walk away Edit 3: at the end around the start of the credits, you can see spy pound the ground
In the first part, you can see spy drop his dead ringer that has no charges left Edit: also in the first pat spy drops his knife so that explains hey he only used his gun and scratching
Merry Christmas all! I guess now is as good a time as any to confirm that, yes, there will eventually be a Part 3 to end the series. It's a long way off, but there'll be many new videos released throughout the year, starting with a Christmassy/Winter video coming in a few weeks! Thanks guys :)
Losenger it's been so long. I watched both parts of these as a child and they were amazing. Good work bro. I hope you come back soon. You made amazing animations. Anyways bye bro
Watched this when it came out, but im back again, and i never left a comment back then. Ill keep it short and sweet seeing as how long has past: This is the most amazing emotional thing ever. And the choice of using Les Friction is a perfect perfect choice
I'd love to personally thank you for creating this masterpiece, and for introducing me to Les Friction, they have been my favorite band sence this. Thank you
Sorry but its not happening due to 1 respwan failure medic can't respwan due to a zombie apocalypse 2 he can't sell his soul cuz ether he's in heaven due to saving everyone most of them or his out of souls
People have asked how the TF2 Zombie Apocalypse started,well, I have a theory. My theory states that the blue medic, the one not in the video, tried to make a serum to bring his comrades back from the dead. He loaded it up in to the vaccinater and tested it on a fallen mercenary. When he did this the zombie arose and bit him starting the apocalypse.
It would be even cooler if part 3 was them heading to the laboratory of the blu medic to get this serum to infect and then revive red medic. The pyro could lead the way, he was a skeleton, which means he had time to decay. Then part 4 could be the demoman showing up crazy with an eyelander he found being a god by killing zombles when he tries to fight the other mercs to collect heads. The mercs could then fight him.
I love how the Red Spy was not only the protagonist,
*but also the victim and the antagonist.*
Full episode only about him
actually, a protagonist isn't a good guy nor bad guy, just someone that you follow throughout the story
an antagonist is someone that's against the protagonist's goals
and victim isn't exactly a character in a story
@@jockeyfield1954 1: Yeah...And we are following the Red Spy's story here, correct?
There's zombie outbreak, his beloved died, got nothing to live for so he wish to commit suicide in the zombie apocalypse, but decided to team up and fight back with the other mercs after they saved his life so they could survive. Pretty sure his our main character here.
2: Yeah...Our protagonist tries to survive the zombie apocalypse. But the undead Spy is trying to kill/infect them. That's our main villain/threat here. Plus I'd say becoming a zombie was against the Red Spy's goal. Since he'd rather die than becoming one.
3: Well, the victim may not be a mandatory character role like a protag or the antag. But it is a role regardless, like a motivation character. Where the villain needs to pose a threat to a victim that could motivate the heroes. For example, in a medieval story: The Knight is the hero. The Dragon is the villain. The villagers are the victims.
@@danm2068 wow you just r/whoosh him without a r/whoosh
@@Zinnia4310 he’s not a redditer lol
Engineer: Medic's a goner.
Soldier: You were good son, real good; maybe even the best.
Heavy: Ooh, it is sad day.
Nah heavy will be like: WAAAAAAAA
Yeah true, your not wrong about that since both Heavy & Medic have a strong friendship
Heavy:Is nice
Where did the soldier, engineering and piero go when the spy was killing media?
Watched this when I was younger. Still one of the most iconic SFMs ever.
Swear dude
Super agree bro
I like how the animator added the detail where the door closes in 3:15. And when the doors close completely the music begins which conveys the message that there was no other escape and the only option was to fight.
@mark nah the other escape is sv_cheats 1 and noclip
@NinjaTDM both runs on source ofcourse it exists
@@beenthere.donethatif you no clip you just no clip to the backrooms
Согласен, я тоже заметил этот момент
*Still no information when the medic is gonna rejoin the server.*
Meh He will respawn after he gets connected in the game again he just lost his internetconnection lol
and demoman too
Those dam respawn times
Dont'cha just hate those laggy LAN servers? don't worry, he'll be next in que after Gaben makes a new upda- oh...i see the problem ._.
make that 6 years.
I love at 1:46 medic is shaking from debating if he should pull the trigger, if he does he knows zombies will come and if not medic and Pryo will be left there waiting for someone or thing to help them
he just was like *fuck it*
man you look like the co-helper of the lozeng3r answering everything and not missing a detail
Ngl it is snowing alot he could just be colf
Another detail:
When the lyrics "stick to the plan" kicked in, is when he finally pulled the trigger.
Alright we gotta talk. I came back to this video after remembering it a long time ago and I completely forgot how powerful it was. I know it's just an animation, yet the reaction of Sniper after seeing Heavy getting infected warmed my heart since they were opposite colors. Don't even get me started on the ending. Medic's face of sheer determination while this phenominally chosen music plays is a scene I will never forget. Perfection, absolute perfection.
shit dude, i soooo understand you
Someone made a comment showing all of the detail in this video, go to newest comments and it’s like a month old still easy to find
Heavy wasn’t infected he was just stabbed
@@listytoon4672 You can see at the end his body was becoming infected.
Realistically speaking, A Cloak-Backstabbing Zombie would honestly be terrifying.
Not just that, the fact the spy still have the functions to even used a knife and cloak and even sneak at the right moment
It wouldn't make sense though, in the game it take more than 1.9 seconds to fully uncloak in-game
@@ThatOneMfer thats why they said specified it, cuz some ppl try to actually or get confussed
@@sloth7637 no knife he dropped it he's using he's super sharp claws to do the back stab and this is why I use the close combat as scout.
It actually seems to make him intangible in zombie form somehow
Conspiracy theory here: Lozeng3r works for Valve, that's why there's no part 3.
Or he's gaben's son
+sugarfreejelly he is gaben
MckaystudiosYT What the hell are you trying to say?
MckaystudiosYT Wow, you are truly stupid. Or you just have no humour. I said 'Sarcasm' because the dude talking about Gaben was being sarcastic. Is that too much for your little brain to handle my friend?
Till Death Do Us Part Two:Episode Two
would never have seen this beautiful work of art if it wasn't for "All my fellas!" by Colonel Fanzipantzen and reading the comments about all the references. This is classical TF2 fine art. Glad it's still around to enjoy.
Im glad you got to see this man. Sfm really was epic.
I've seen it before, but came back here for the exact same reason
Yeah man it kinda make me think of my life and inspired me to go and get things done and work at my job and made me want to get a PC to play a game that beat a game that was good but turned into a fire of trash but however valve abandoned the game and now is full of bots and hackers but thanks to community servers I was able to play a legend of a game
I have wonderful news for you.
At least for now - they’re all gone. The wave has been defeated.
Thats where im from brother!
Fun Fact: This sfm has more views than the song used “Who Will Save You Now?”
Correct, it has I think only 500k views.
probably because the way they edited the song here is much better and more dramatic
@@mentallyillfinger not to drop into a very old thread but thought id mention, the song in the video hasn't been edited, there's no additional instruments or anything added to give it a more dramatic feel. that's just how the song is, the only thing "changed" is the bridge was removed that builds up to where the third act of the animation starts because this video is 5 mins while the song is 6 mins.
but Les Frictions - Who Will Save You Now is just as dramatic, no magical audio editing has been done to the song.
Its just les friction just aren't that popular to the point where they have less monthly Spotify listeners than tf2 has player base even today in its declined state in 2023, so a tf2 audience is going to much wider than the original songs creators (Les Friction) audience.
@@NoobMicestersafaik Les Friction won the Grammy for their "Make Believe" so at least they are well-awarded
8 years later I still watch this and remember that it still captures what it truly means to be a Medic main.
As one myself, I know what happens.
You're there to make sure everyone is alive.
You're there to make sure that everyone makes it and stays healthy.
But even if its not their fault....
They can't always be there for you, to make sure you're alive.
To make sure you're healthy.
See, the parts of being a Medic main can be hard sometimes.
Sometimes you just have to accept that you're gonna die.
When you select medic, you know you are the sacrifice of the team..
Self sacrifice is what it's all about man
True, but the moments where u save your teammates from death, when u crossbow shoot your friend before he dies, or making that Uber push that turned the tide, making the Uber that stopped the last point push, being there and making the last stand be long enough to win the game, that feeling, that satisfaction, sometimes the healing truly is as rewarding as the hurting, maybe even more.
1:33 thats a scary ass moment right there. Not cuz of the way spy looks but the way he is watching his friends fighting over each other with his lifeless eyes. He is just watching. God knows what is going on inside his head
*spy stands there menacingly*
@@AssassinIronMan *WHEEZE*
Like in his head.:who.. are they..
One shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind those eyes...
That's why having only one medic on your team is a bad idea.
They would just ignore it... Medic or not... They don't care about him
Well ima medic main
So that they can make more cures and more heroes
Specially on defense
There was this one time I was playing most of the team was medics
as a person who is trying to learn medic, Medic's death is just so sad, this man is a legend, I tip my hat to you, Lozeng3r
All my fellas sfm bring me here and reminded me how crazy this was, a part of my childhood ;-;
Seven years. It’s Seven years later, and this animation is still one of the best ever made! Everything about it from the facial expressions, the slow motions, the pan aways, the zooms, and most importantly song choice is still phenomenal.
@@itsglitchy5423 8 now!
Ten years. Its ten years now. And i gotta agree with you
Then engineer fixed the medigun and brought medic back to life.
*The end*
*claps* there’s your part 3
Wait wtf how does any of them know how to use the medigun
Because they can’t use weapons that they’re class can’t use
No classes dont matter in this world no more you saw how Scout was using Sniper Crossbow they can use the medigun but its on repairable not thay it cant be fix probably they dont know the serum recipe
And how you know he didn't left any research papers behind him
"Nobody was born cool"
"Except of course..."
People who still watch this
Thank you that means alot you're cool too.
Robert Clark yessir we the cool kids
Still anticipating Hoovydundy part 3 and (IF) any Saxxys this year
Medic From TF2 he wrote in the comments that part 3 wouldn’t get a saxxy because it’s to long but it’s been years so I don’t think there is going to be a part 3
when you consider the bit of lore that points to scout being spy's son... it makes the entire sequence from 3:58 to 4:10 that much more.. gripping.
Be honest you come back to this every now and then.
Yeah, I do. Its sad, but with the amount of detail I really want a part 3.
Oh absolutely. It’s still an amazing video
You got me
Yeah. It’s great
for sure
Again:medic can make another deal with the devil with his remaining 8 souls.
Well your kinda wrong mate will all that he's done he's probably still going to hell
After all there's a reason why he lost his medical license
@@miscreantwithinternetacces7370 Either way, I'm sure he can make a deal for 1/9 of his soul, he gave 2 to the Devil, I'm sure he could give 1/9 or 2/9 to whoever he goes to for another go.
Also, he said another 50 years, so he's not going anywhere until 2024 (I believe he made the deal in 74, but I might be wrong. Either way, he'll be back. One way or another)
@@Dragonspirit223 he always comes back
@@miscreantwithinternetacces7370 It's better off in hell than in the wretched zombie infested above, I can come back but it keeps telling me that lost connection after 4 retries
Before anyone gets their hopes up, I just want to say that unlike the first two parts, Till Death Do Us Part 3 won't be appearing in the Saxxy Awards this year. There's a couple of reasons for this, but it's mainly because I want Part 3 to be longer than 5 minutes this time. The time limit for Saxxy submissions is very restricting, and I also have a lot planned for Part 3 that will add more time to it's development- motion capture for example, and it would be near impossible to finish it given the surprise reveal of early Saxxies this year.
However, I do have something else in the works that might just be ready in time...
No first replies for anyone.
but there still is second..
I havent been to this video in months, and I come back the day you post a comment ;)
I can't wait to see what you have in store for us nonetheless!
It doesn't matter how long it takes till part 3 comes out, no matter what it's most likely gonna be even better! I love the first to and i can't wait for part 3 :D
Sad to hear, i was hoping for your win in this year's Saxxy with third "Till death will do us part".
Anyway, its your decision and i respect it. Good luck with all upcoming work, i'll be waiting for new videos :)
A little detail when it switch to the tunnel a zombie corpse drop from above because solider hold the zombie off from above so they wont jump on pyro or engineer and the dead zombie that dropped can be found right beside engineer tool box
*Medic comes back to the office of the Devil*
The Devil: so you died?
Medic: Uhm, hehe, well..
The Devil: well, I'll lead you to he-
Medic: WAIT, We have an agreement, right?
The Devil: ...
Medic: And I did give you a soul?
The Devil: Ugh, fine.
*Medic going to his own funeral*
Is this a comic reference to the way medic has 9 souls and sold two of them to the devil (are those souls the souls of the other mercs?)
@@Lightning-le5sz yup, he literally surgically injected himself his teammate's souls
@@rondeelauralnaman5397 y'know, he could probably do the same to others
Correct me if I’m wrong, but he used the TFC’s souls, not his team’s souls.
This would explain how Scout and Sniper went to heaven. He also only attached 8 souls because there were only 8 TFC members, TFC Medic not being present.
I've been waiting for part 3 for nearly 3 years now. It's like the curse of Valve's no 3s.
so true
why is it taking so long for ep 3
+Luka Vedel pretty sure he's not going to make part 3.
Why would there be a party 3? This is a perfect ending.
+Lasse Søjbjerg how is this a perfect ending
Kids cry : everywhere
Legends cry : nowhere
Real men cry : *here*
super legends cry : charles death
real gamers cry : among us pets seeing there owner getting killed
I haven't cried to any unfortunate or sad event, what does that make me...
@@icygaming6422 me to :c
@@Clipz_Artz u fcking kidding me only real men cried when they saw this video not kids crying cus of their pet reaction
@@FFKing-et2zj im on the among us bang wagen dummy im trying to make among us memes because everyone is doing it like when the COVID-19 starts everyone was getting toilet paper for no reason and jacksepticeye hop on the toilet paper gang or bang wagen because he said "everyone is doing it so ill do it because its funny" and it became a meme because a youtuber said it and now youtubers are playing among us, everyone is now making among us memes
so stop freaking telling me that to stop it, and at this point of typing this, im beginning to think that you hate the among us bang or gang wagen and not even once watch 1 among us vid, AMONG US IS LITERALLY EVERY WHERE DUMMY, EVERY TH-camR YOU LIKE EVEN DANTDM IS PLAYING IT, EVEN DANTDM SAID THAT HE IS ADDICTED TO AMONG US FOR GOD SAKE, if somebody is gonna proove me wrong or tell that im right, reply to this comment
it doesnt matter how long it's been we all welcome you back
Whenever this guy might be, I hope he's having a good time amidst the world's problems. And hopefully that one day, if he's ready and healthy, he'll be back
Well it's 4 years and I'm still waiting for the medic to respawn
it's 32 tick servers have fun
Mr. Cookies He never gonna respawn, this is a event... That just mean one thing...
Its arena mode.
Dear god
Did muselk get his zombie gamemode from this
1: defend
2: turning into zombie after death
3: they don't stop coming
4: no respawns for people
Mr. Cookies LMAO XD
Mr. Cookies Muselk doesn't own the gamemode
Spy: *throws machete at medic*
Medic: *dies*
Medic: *waits until they change class to medic*
That machete is called Bushuwaka
@@paulandre2249 what's the difference
Medic: *I don't have all day.*
@@tophatgaming1873 That is true, unless he is sent to heaven for his selfless actions this time around.
@@commanderdoom9192 well, scout and sniper went to heaven but still came back.
I sang this song in my Choir Performance. I made a little slideshow with associated images of loss, grief, glory, honor, the willingness to stand, and final stands against overwhelming odds. Unfortunately because I couldn't figure out a way to make it a TH-cam video and sync it up correctly, we had to have 2 individuals, one to play the recorded slideshow and the other for music. As expected, one was delayed. However everyone loved it, it was different than the rest of the concert, and funnily enough, a guy walked up to me and asked for an autograph after the concert.
It was the most bizarre experience I ever had, and I owe it all to this man, who made this beautiful animation those many years ago.
Hope your doing well man.
Don't mind me. Just thought I'd come back and watch the sfm i was obsessed with 4 years ago
the spy wandering around in the background is a nice touch, makes him that much creepier.
Who’s waiting for part 3?????
me. its been 4 years since ive seen it :)
5 years
This no need a 3 part alright have the cure
Mi opinion
Duuudeee, where is Part 3?!!? Been waiting a decade for your return!
This should be a tf2 game mod called ‘the ravenholm war’ were medics have the ability to save and de-zombifie players in a limited amount of time and the opposite team the zombies will be led by a zombie mercenary and the goal of the medic is to turn the zombie mercenary into a human and then kill the last hoard of zombies
Much epic
@Raul Cervantes Tell Gaben Newell/Gabe Newell
Actually if this was a game the ravenholm war would be a cool name for it plus its creative
@@LegendaryReturns Valve would need to give the creators permissions for the name because Ravenholm is a part of the HL2 Campaign.
@@PrincessOfFriendship Gaben is actually Gabe Newwll not Gabe Newell Newell
the Medic will never be useless but will still be a hero in our hearts
3:18 The drop of my fucking childhood dude, it’s been 7 years and I haven’t forgot about these two master pieces and I hope I never do.
Still crie every year i come to does videos and it just hits as hard as the first time
Nobody cares about childhood.
Go work, homeless guy.
@@gahler8552 and so neither your life
@@gahler8552 mean
3:16 fun fact that medic's doors closed and means "only way is to fight"
Imagine saving all your teammates just to die by a spy who got a random crit
OBJECTION! The medic was impaled by the bushwacka, which doesn't have have random crits.
@@gumball1655 this comment was made almost a year ago
@@gunner1147 lmao
@@gunner1147 he is still right tho
@@cb_br_jp1623 no way bro I never knew that!!!
R.I.P demo man and medic
Blu medic heal Red medic and found zombie demo heal?
but no more blu medic ;-;
Enginner can fix it!!
or someone could wear the thing that medic has and heal others :D
Can't quite believe it- thanks so much to everyone that voted, commented or shared the video! Congratulations to the other finalists and winners too- everyone's done a fantastic job this year :)
Dude great job at winning best drama! You definitely deserved it, though there are so many other one as good as yours. It was a very tough, all of them were good, but yours was my personal favorite. Looking forward to your future projects!
congratulations mate
You did a great job . I saw your name . I was happy and I knew you could do it . Do more and reach to better heights!
And both Part 1 and Part 2 was the best SFM Movies/Films I have EVER seen . Don't mind putting the links of the music? Thx if you can , Lozeng3r . P.S. I subbed to you
Make part 3 . I have an idea . Make the Medic the "Lord of the zombies" and everyone gets infected . Saxton Hale is hiding . Then he got back to his office , used all the weapons and save the world . I'll let you think about it .
Everybody is asking for a Part 3, but I say this ending is already perfect. This doesn't need any more extension, the story ends here.
What about them escaping? Unless you consider this an ending where they all just choose to die there has to be another continuation. I heard someone is making a fan based part 3 and am looking forward to it.
@@4Syorha A fan-based part 3? Where from?
@@4Syorha I think it was shown that the zombies were all dead, just leaving the ending where medic dies and they’re all lost to what to do now
@@Doubl_Troubl the zombies around the hospital died. The group still has to find a way out the zombie infested country, perhaps the world and they have to reach a safe haven and even find a cure, maybe roaming around Medic's files and stuff. The story needs to have some true closure, official or not- considering the fan base is popular.
@@dapperfield595 theres a reddit post made by this guy named Bob, and he's currently working on more parts out there.
I came back to rewatch this series and I cried harder the second time
It's so touching and attaching
Kill me later
Jack Bubble i cried the first time that was three years ago now I can't cry damn it's actually sad too think about the past
Jack Bubble my bad 4 years
Jack Bubble man me too ahahahahaha😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
There is no last part, people have to move on sometimes
Umm 5 years you mean?
No, the story is done. Don't force greatness.
Man it’s 2018! It’s been 5 years, I’m still waiting for part 3
MattTheGamer _ well he wont make part 3 ):
Ey..2019 here.
make that six years its 2019
Just rewatched this and I can't help but feel so bad for the Medic. This SFM is too good to even be one! Great work on this!
Demoman’s absence still has me emotional.
At Least The Zombies Don't Scream "Medic!" All The Time...
Actually he got killed by a melee weapon so he doesn't transform into a zombie
What he means is reviving the zombies into humans and the zombies are not screaming medic
The first time a game legitimately made me cry
An animation, not a game.
Excuse me, a WORK OF ART.
Kicktugo55 tru tru
Undertale pleaserino
icy diamonds no
On the off chance you’re still reading comments, know that you are the first animator for SFM I’ve ever watched, and it was through “Till Death do us part” And it wasn’t until two years ago I got into TF2. I’ve heard that you’re busy in real life now, and I’m happy that you’re doing okay. Alot of us are still waiting on Part 3 even if it’s unlikely. I myself want to see you return one last time to finish the story you’ve brought us. But I am able to accept your choice not to. In the meantime, I thank you for introducing me to Source Filmmaker and hope that I could one day create animations on par with yours, if I myself get enough time and motivation to work with SFM.
Godspeed, mate.
RED Medic was a hero in this.
***** True :)
+. äXä. Except the comics.
- implosion - Don't have a comic store in my hometown therefore I don't read any comics whatsoever. Im Irish you see and I need to go to big cities in order to see one.
msmissjordan1 The comics aren't in stores, they're online...
- implosion - I don't read em anyways lol
When you still watch a video you seen from the good old days
Half life? No 3
Left 4 dead? No 3
Portal? No 3
Team fortress? No 3
Till death do us? No 3 :(
He must work for valve
Your Right SCP He is working for valve so no part 3
Valve hates Number Three that why or not
Macro proved this in one of his videos.
@@johnsugar3241 i swear i didn't saw your face
Спустя 9 лет Valve добавили в TF2 зомби режим от сообщества, и играя в него, я сразу же вспомнил про этот шедевр, который до сих пор считаю своим любимым.)
I feel bad for the medic RIP until part 3 and I hope he comes back
He said 4 years age that he probably won't make a part 3 unfortunately
"4 years age"
I'm sorry, but it made me laugh a bit c:
sanlys // It was just a misspelled word, not a grammar error c:
Btw. lmao, I've seen this comment a few times and never realised that. Thanks for pointing that out.
Mystic Lucario Logan dude theres a healing from medic take the gun and heal thats all
Mystic Lucario Logan enginner get the medic gun to heal him and they will be ok
"He cured us because he cared about us, he was a caring hero that sacrificed himself just to save the others. We all loved him as family, we are thankful for him."
Oh well, Medic is in hell now.
The Hero The medic
R. I. P
'he saved them all fromm dead, he heals me, he heal all The team for good but, The medic is now dead ;-; rest în peace'
The always constant irony:
"He has the power to save others, but he can't even save himself..."
@@LuckiSir but he sacrifice his life for his team
🎵🎵 Who will save you now 🎵🎵
Nice song
Watched this when I was a little kid, and even today I still watch it.. I just love this masterpiece.
And that's what happens when you're not being productive, heavy.
+Ella Smith I know, right!?!?
Ella Smith huh.... What happened to Sasha? Did the zombies touch it? Did Sasha turn into a zombie? XD No Fukin logic there
solo guy See the video Team fortress 2 zombiu crossover and you will know what happened to sasha..
Jack Black Oh I see... Then why won't heavy use his shotgun?
Ella Smith he didn't have a weapon so he couldn't do anything
"One Raven means sorrow" what is standing next to the spy's foot before he charges?
Well spotted! Nice when people spot the little things :)
+Lozeng3r Will part 3 be created soon?
hey been a while :)
hope lifes been well
not sure what else to say, but, i guess ill just resay what i said on the first part
i know ive found this video only a few months ago, which even then was still over 3 years since this was made but....
this will always hold a special place in my heart..
so i just wanna say...
thank you for this beautiful masterpiece :)
Lozeng3r I really like this short and then BGM. The song being one I listen to often. The feels are really strong and the little things you add increase the effect.
Lozeng3r lozengr why are u not recording any more u made some of the best sfms I have ever seen
Medic: the true unsung hero of the game!
Honestly I grew up watching SFM animations like this. This is my favorite by far because of the beautiful lighting and music. I loved the game because my autistic brother and I could bond over it and now as a "adult" I'm playing it. I would love a part 3 after 7 years but its fine at this point. (Not fine lol I still want one.)
R.I.P medic we will never forget you😢
Ethan E3N To Medic: You were good son, real good. Maybe even the best.
Rest in Spaghetti Never Forgetti
3 years ago... where are you ;( we love to see part 3
dude part 3 wont ever be released. dont you get it? it is a trilogy. all 3parts have been released. some memorial stuff was p.1, then Till death do us was p.2 and this is p.3
"Team Fortress 2 - Till Death Do Us Part *TWO* (SFM Saxxy Awards 2013 - Best Drama Winner)" did you even read the title? Its second part.
I dont think this needs a third part. It wouldnt make sense to continue a good ending.
+Rain4k how in the bloody hell is this a good ending
Ikr XD
Medic: (revives pyro)
Engineer: SICK EM PYRO!
Pyro: (mumbles) *hugs zombies to death*
Engineer: eh, close enough
I meam.... If ye gets a kill by hugging them.... Yeah it's close enough
How did the pyro die first anyway? He wears a rubber suit thick enough to render him immune to anything but direct flame, meaning that there is no way a zombie’s claw can touch him, the power jack gives him vampirism, meaning that even if he is slowly whittled down over time, he should be able to endlessly sustain himself with the power jack, his secondaries can deal massive amounts of damage in succession, and his flamethrower is objectively the best possible weapon to use against zombies, as it penetrates hordes, meaning that it can’t be overrun like a sentry or mini gun, and it has the ability to push back approaching zombies to make more space to further stack his AoE DoT’s. He is literally the best person to be in this situation.
Yeah how did he get infected🤔
@@cmickj3688 I'm guessing that the zombies managed to take of their mask.
That feeling when I was younger and I probably even cried once when I saw it, even without knowing English. And now I'm here.... now also with the awareness of the lyrics.
Rip. Medic.
The. True. Hero. Of. This. Animation. Who. Die. To. Saving. His. Friend
Hey everyone, just thought i'd give you guys an update on the status of 'Till Death Do Us Part 3'. For now, the video is on hold i'm afraid, and it has been for a while.
The project just got too big and ambitious and I had to take a break from it. It's still a way from complete and right now i'm not sure when i'll be picking it back up again. I know it's not the news that people want to hear, but that's just the way it is right now as i'm spending a lot of my time outside of Source Filmmaker looking for a stable full-time VFX job.
I will return to it eventually, but i'm sorry I can't say when yet :(
+Lozeng3r Take your time! Dont rush it man, and take brakes if you want! Were not going to stop you! Keep your good work up!
Also, I'd like to see a plot twist. Maybe a way they can bring back the medic or maybe the demoman. Anyways Part 3 is hopefully gonna be as good if not maybe better than zombie u corssover, till death do us part 1 and 2...
Take your time, you are doing great :D
+Lozeng3r You don't owe us anything man, we appreciate your work, and we give you nothing in return, if it's draining on you, that's okay, you're only human, we can't expect you to have the work ethic of a machine :)
+Lozeng3r No worries! Take a season and rest and take care of other things. When you come back to it, you'll have a fresh perspective. Thanks for keeping us informed! :D
+Lozeng3r If waiting patiently helps you make a better video, then I'll happily wait an eternity.
Hard to think that this was made 3 years ago...time needs to slow the fuck down
Holy shit.
the doctor from doctor who:uh i did nothing *jumps into the tardis*
Demetrius Morris *angrily fixes bow tie* Listen here you lil shit
2 Years to be exact... SFM was better
One of the most epic, well made sfm short films I've ever seen. probably the best ever made. I remember this when it first was uploaded and it's aged extremely well, this is still one of the best sfm films ever made.
R.I.P. here lies medic, He got impaled while healing the dead.
I will not take from you, and you will not owe!
I will protect you from the fire below!
Absolutely fantastic choice in music, man. FABULOUS!
RussianPlays lol
dat Russian is a spy with A BOTTLE OF VODKA
Accidentally clicked on this.
No regrets at all.
This is the most well-placed song I’ve ever heard. I don’t know if anyone else has noticed but the song in Till Death Do Us Part(one)’s song is called “Save me” and Till Death Do Us Part Two’s song is called “Who will save you now”. Symbolizing that their only hope (the medic's knowledge on how to make the cure) is now gone. I'm probably totally off but just a small little thing I noticed.
Don't worry, he'll made a deal with the devil and he'll be alive again
I dont think so, medic's machine with the cure did an explosion thingy which probably cured all humans cause *p l o t*
Dude, you have, like, seriously good taste in music.
Wait... At 1:17 it looks like something should be on his shoulder... WHERE IS ARCHIMEDES!?!?
Edit: Archimedes is the Medic's bird.
Yextes I don’t want to make u sad bit it’s dead
@@dipper-kun2827 NOOOOOOOO
Zombie Archimedes told Medic to kill his friends, but Medic didn't listen. Medic probably locked Archimedes in his cage till he could find a cure. Sadly, Archimedes won't have his dad back....
I think he got smacked
Or probably Got killed by an infected
You know my friend he's......... dead.
coming back to this after all these years and it's still one of the best SFMs ever made
the nostalgia hits hard
Some attention to detail I've seen on this video:
Undead Spy's silhouettes in the bright white glowing room. Also, some of them noticed the silhouette of spy.
Undead Spy in the window, moving from left to right.
Undead Spy's perspective from the previous detail.
Dead Pyro might not actually be dead and might still be alive.
Medic slightly hesitates to fire the Flare Gun and is visibly shaking. Also Medic starts to walk away upon firing the flare gun. (Credit to WhyDidIPickTheName?)
Medic has 1 more bottle of cure, which could be a foreshadowing the revival of Medic. (Credit again to WhyDidIPickTheName?)
Medic uses the Vaccinator to cure/vaccinate the zombies, how ironic.
(Thanks to WhyDidIPickTheName?)
That's all, let me know if there's more detail in this masterpiece of a video that my dead brain missed..
KimiGaming, the medic is using the vaccinator to bring back zombies, since he is administering a cure/vaccine
KimiGaming, I found 1 more, at 1:46 medic contemplates pulling the trigger and is visibly shaking
Edit: at 3:39 in the background medic has 1 more bottle of the cure
Edit 2: at 1:47 you can see the medic start to walk away
Edit 3: at the end around the start of the credits, you can see spy pound the ground
In the first part, you can see spy drop his dead ringer that has no charges left
Edit: also in the first pat spy drops his knife so that explains hey he only used his gun and scratching
KimiGaming, I’ve contacted lozeng3r by email, if you’re seeing this I’ll edit my comment if he responds, we can only hope for closure
@@whydidipickthename7413 You've done us good, thank you.
I agree
jake mack I figured out why you get goosebumps. It's the angles. Like when the scout saved the spy, the camera angles were astonishing
Don't even get me started on the musuc
I like end of the line, but THIS, THIS is a master piece
end of the line?
This was a great sequel to part 1 the animation had improved and the background music was awesome.
Merry Christmas all! I guess now is as good a time as any to confirm that, yes, there will eventually be a Part 3 to end the series. It's a long way off, but there'll be many new videos released throughout the year, starting with a Christmassy/Winter video coming in a few weeks! Thanks guys :)
Can't wait,the music you pick for this videos always blow my mind.
If you make an part 3... you are just awsome .. I really enjoyed the second part, keep up with amazing stuff like that :D
So part 3 is the end? :c
I love your videos man. Keep up the great work
Heavy be like
Imagine if heavy had a voice brake when shouting for the medic. MEDic HelP me.
Scout just spamming E
Losenger it's been so long. I watched both parts of these as a child and they were amazing. Good work bro. I hope you come back soon. You made amazing animations. Anyways bye bro
Watched this when it came out, but im back again, and i never left a comment back then. Ill keep it short and sweet seeing as how long has past:
This is the most amazing emotional thing ever. And the choice of using Les Friction is a perfect perfect choice
This needs to be put in an art museum
Imagine if we had to kill hoards of zombies instead of MvM
and also *F* for Medic
That's technically wave 666 in MvM.
@@feverdreams17 that's literally how I'm gonna start or finish Halloween
Press E for Medic
@@sarragazoharin9259 MeeeEEeedIC
I remember i used to watch this when I was 10...
Thanks for coming back :)
I came back too! Good to see your news
@@Lozeng3r I came back too I was 11
E E hey I'm 10 and I seen this so many times so hashtag relatable
@@Lozeng3r Make part 3!Please!
I miss this so much, its been 11 years now.. damn
I'd love to personally thank you for creating this masterpiece, and for introducing me to Les Friction, they have been my favorite band sence this. Thank you
If there was a zombie Saxton Hale model, I could imagine the current survivors fighting him.
you cannot kill him
+Kryptonaut Chuck Norris could beat Saxton Hale with no limbs.
+Kryptonaut A zombie Saxton Hale model exists on the Gmod Workshop
+Aeiou It'd be a tough fight, wouldn't it?
Beyonder Saxton Hales blood is australian meaning he cant turn into a zombie, but hes busy fighting the kangaroos
great now he has to sell one of his souls again.
edit holy poop 81 likes the most likes i have ever gotton thank you guys
Sorry but its not happening due to 1 respwan failure medic can't respwan due to a zombie apocalypse 2 he can't sell his soul cuz ether he's in heaven due to saving everyone most of them or his out of souls
Where did u idiots get the idea of selling souls here
@@xdeathtv5155 the comics
@@lastnamefirstname2 what comics
@@xdeathtv5155 the tf2 comics, search it up
This SFM unlocked what I call a “Golden Memory”. TH-cam did me a huge favor by recommending this to me today.
Medic was a hero
Ya he gode(^_^)1+1=09080897558 lol
but he die as a hero of cured
Medic IS a hero. And always will be, in our hearts.
your right lets honor his sacrifice
By killing the spy...again?
Dude medic has like 7 more souls to use. He’s fine
Well in absolute fairness? This was made before that detail got out... Plus i doubt anyone would believe the madman anyway.
People have asked how the TF2 Zombie Apocalypse started,well, I have a theory. My theory states that the blue medic, the one not in the video, tried to make a serum to bring his comrades back from the dead. He loaded it up in to the vaccinater and tested it on a fallen mercenary. When he did this the zombie arose and bit him starting the apocalypse.
That's really good actually
I don't think tf2 zombies can make half life zombies
It would be even cooler if part 3 was them heading to the laboratory of the blu medic to get this serum to infect and then revive red medic. The pyro could lead the way, he was a skeleton, which means he had time to decay.
Then part 4 could be the demoman showing up crazy with an eyelander he found being a god by killing zombles when he tries to fight the other mercs to collect heads. The mercs could then fight him.
***** Uhh no, they are half life 2 zombies.
All the tf characters have taken "die and come back stronger" pills though...
The best SFM I watched in my whole life!
10 out of 10
Keep up the good work my friend!!!
1:48 I think that's the first time anyone's actually used the flare gun for it's intended purpose.