@@BfbwkBxxwk Quoting from Quran : In Sura Al-Mai'dah (5:21) "Allah" addresses the children of Israel as "O my people," urging them to enter the Holy Land. The verse states "O my people enter the Holy Land which Allah has assigned to you and do not turn back !
@@jaisone5292 نعم صحيح القرأن الكريم ذكر بني إسرائيل كثيرا و بين كل قصصهم مع أنبياءهم سواءا سيدنا موسى و سليمان و داوود و يحيى و زكرياء عليهم السلام و حتى أخر نبي لبني إسرائيل سيدنا المسيح عيسى إبن مريم عليه السلام و شكرا لك على الرد و نسأل الله سبحانه و تعالى أن يهدي الجميع إلى طريق المستقيم
Oh god, your mercy expanded everything and preceded your punshiment and wrote it on yourself, so write it to us in this world and the hereafter, O lord. 💔💔💔💔💔
Thank you dear Mr. Obadia Yosef! I love your style! You are such a world famous Rabbi! You made so many students get excited about Torah! Your reward is so much better in afterlife! G-D promised this to all who study Torah very much get better portion in afterlife! Also what I especially love about you is this: you hate wigs! I hate wigs also! Also you study Torah very much like a real Scribe! I love this style! Thank you! May G-D bless you! All the best!
WOW WOW WOW What a Gadol Atum this man is, every minute of his life is full of mitvot, He is probably resting in Heaven and basking in Hashem's glory, we miss you terribly
You are so classy...not! I cannot even be bothered debating with such low class 'people'. Do you think a million people will be attending your funeral? Bi ezrot HaShem, sooner rather than later - world is better without your like.
this rabbi was actually way smarter than you its funny how he didn't do anything to you he didn't curse you out or anything but are so jealous of him you go to curse him out
הכתבה הזאת נכתבה באתר עיתון גלובוס(הכותבת היא מנכ"לית BossProblem, הפורטל להצלחה בעבודה, יועצת ארגונית בכירה ופסיכולוגית חברתית) אני לא כותב ההודעה ופרסתי זאת בכדי שתחרימו את העיתון ותיצאו נגד אותה כותבת,תהיי נשמתו של הרב עובדיה יוסף זצ"ל צרורה בצרור החיים אמן!חילוני
You can't have as he is rotting in hell alongside Hitler and chmielnitski with terrible suffering, for being responsible for thousands and thousands of innocent Jewish men, women and children of all ages, being killed brutally in his name
בסד המציאות היחידה זה רק הקדוש ברוך הוא האחד היחיד והמיוחד הבילתי מוגבל הכול יכול בורא את כול הבריות הוא האלוהים השאר הכול השליה תעשו תשובת אמת רק אלוהים ואליהו הנביא יודעים את תאריכי הגאולה ואת יום הקץ וזה ממש ממש בקרוב מאוד מאוד אמר אלוהים הינא בא מלאך הברית אשר אתם חפצים בהם אליהו הנביא ומשייח צידקינו להודיע לכם לעשות תשובת אמת פן אבוא והכתי את הארץ חרם אותיות חרם חורבן רעב מוות אפוקליפסה חובקת עולם אותיות אמת אדוני מלך תמיד ומהסוף תורת משה אמת אותיות משייח מי שיעשה תשובה יחיה לא שומרים שבת אותיות שבת שווא בכול תבל ברוך דיין האמת אמן ואמן אמן ואמן
The American Jewish Committee condemned the rabbi’s remarks in a statement issued Monday. “Rabbi Yosef’s remarks - suggesting outrageously that Jewish scripture asserts non-Jews exist to serve Jews - are abhorrent and an offense to human dignity and human equality,” said AJC Executive Director David Harris. “Judaism first taught the world that all individuals are created in the divine image, which helped form the basis of our moral code. A rabbi should be the first, not the last, to reflect that bedrock teaching of our tradition.”
انتظروا ظهور الامام المهدي عج . ومعه المسيح والخضر عليهم السلام . يوم ان يملى الأرض قسطا وعدلا كما ملءت ظلما وجورا . اللهم عجل لوليك الفرج والعافية والنصر واجعلنا من خير انصاره واعوانه والمستشهدين بين يديه . انتظروا انتقام الشيعة. انتظروا معركة هرمجدون يوم ان تحاربون مع السفياني ومعه دول اوروبا على امتداد الساحل من انطاكيا الى عكا وتهزمون فيها على يد المهدي عج المنتظر ويحرر القدس بعد ان يهزمكم . عبدالله من بغداد العراق 🇮🇶
פרק 24 הבשורה על פי מתי עזוסכריסטוJ 24: 1כשהמשיח עזב את המקדש והלכו, ותלמידיו באו להראות לו את מבני המקדש. 24: 2 הוא ענה ואמר להם: האם אתה רואה את כל זה? אמן אני אומר לכם, אין להשאיר כאן אבן אחת על אחרת, כי יושלך למטה. 24: 3 ובעודו יושב על הר הזיתים, תלמידיו הגיעו אל אותו באופן פרטי, אומר, ספר לנו, מתי הדברים האלה להיות, ומה יהיה הסימן של לבוא שלך ושל סוף המאה? 24: 4 ויען ישוע ויאמר אליהם, השמר שאף אחד מרמה אותך. 24: 5 כי רבים יבואו בשמי לאמר אני המשיח; ולהוביל רבים מכחישים אותי. 24: 6 ואתם עתידים לשמוע מלחמות ושמועות של מלחמות; ראה כי אתה לא נבהל, כי אתה צריך את כל הדברים האלה; אבל זה עדיין לא הסוף. 24: 7 כי אומה יעלו נגד אומה, ואת הממלכה נגד הממלכה; יהיה רעב, ו למגפות, ורעידות אדמה במקומות שונים. 24: 8 כל אלה הם תחילת לצער. 24: 9 אז יהיה להם לספק לך עד פורענות להרוג אותך, ואתם תהיו שנואים של כל העמים למען שמי. 24:10 ואז יהיה נעלב רב, ולא יחול לבגוד זה בזה, ישנא אחד אחר. 24:11 ונביאי שקר רבים קמו, ולא יהיו להטעות רבים; 24:12 ובגלל העוון יהיה בשפע, האהבה רבה תגדל קרה. 24:13 אבל הוא כי endureth עד הסוף יושע. 24:14 וגם את הבשורה הזו של הממלכה ברחבי העולם, עדות על כל האומות; ואז תהיה בסופו של דבר.
yes the esteemed rabbi who had to ponder whether picking one's nose on sabbath is considered work? and that all non jews must submit to will of Jews? humm Adolph Ovadia!
This commentor is a weirdo! I had the same issue concerning nose I have been pondering as a child! This Man can definitely solve this! I love this Man!
Well I can certanly design a better plant outfit if He doesn't like this first one ! Of course it is Real gold! Might be heavy! So He needs to find a plant He likes and find a flower! Let's add few more... I might go just a little overboard with this ;) I really love extravaganza!
Let's design a new outfit also! Everything has to fit and mitch and match perfectly! Who cares... if He doesn't like the outfit idea, let's design a new one!
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef looks like he could have been related to my mother, Floraienda Leona Page, who passed at age 81 on Aug 11, 2013. 5th of Ellul 5773. #581 in the Up-vote. Baruch HaShem!
Pregate adonai consultato conoscete il mio nome e dove abito vi do anche la mia data di nascita sono nata il 3 9 1964 a Firenze toscana italia alle ore 22 30
What the fuck are you saying anything shit about a Rebbe ! You can't even use a word "smack" in His video! You yourself are nothing but a filthy "st" compared to Him!
Ovadia Yosef did. more than Muhammad. Muhammad married a little girl, killed thousands of people, had over 10 wives, forced women to marry him (safiyya), he was a false prophet and he had slaves (also allowed his followers to have intercourse with them in the Quran)
@@egononcogito2590 Well you are an idiot who is just parroting about things you don't even know. You don't know anything about Islam and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
@@mamade3970 u should read the quran and understand how a cheap this book is. Muhammad was not a prophet and islam is a copycat religion assatir al awwalin
Such a wicked man should have been denied taharah, let alone a long life filled with comfort. If there is justice in this world, followers like Deri will be granted far less merciful fates.
What exactly makes him wicked, i know what makes YOU wicked, you bashing One of the Greatest Rabbis in this generation, you judging him based on the israeli media that HATES religion and everyone that represents it, I would be careful if i were you, G-d doesn't forgive those that bash His representatives, especially in public.
So you believe in Jewish supremacism then? Ovadia did his faith no favors. And he got official sanction from the state for part of his life. If he is truly representative of his god, then what a sick god for one to worship.
blueelectricsmoke much of these comments attributed to this Great Rav have been taken out of context and have deliberately been fed upon and misinterpreted by the white left wing secular media in Israel who hate the Rabbi and his Shas party, which did so much to fight institutional discrimination against the mizrahi jews. What astonishes me is how gullible and racist are those who have accepted it at face value without any attempt to investigate the matter properly. How many for instance know that these supposed comments have always arisen at the end of his Saturday night religious lectures when he answers questions from his audience. These lectures are televised to synagogues in Israel. You might ask your self what are secular journalists doing listening in on the Rabbis lectures? Its certainly not for spiritual enlightenment. Its for mischief. Check before you abuse, criticise and accuse
Please. The chief rabbinates are infamously corrupt and politicized. Thousands of men & women across the world with scholarship and you choose to rise to the defense of those who tirelessly preach supremacism & hatred? Even right-wing outlets in Israel don't take kindly to Shas. You should take some time to think about who you venerate.
I heard many of his speeches and read many of his books, he doesn't ,mention one word of hatred towards anyone or supremacism, He mentioned on numerous occasions that we must respect all human beings because all people are created in G-ds image, He gave lectures on what the responsibilities are of every Jew to G-d and to the world, I listened to many of his lectures and their isnt a word of him saying that we are better then anyone, he did his job well, you believing all the nonsense that you read about him, you dont know the politics that are involved in Israel, Self Hating Jews AKA the Liberals, try at every corner to distort his words, they want ppl to hate him,and you falling into their traps its very heart breaking, I know first hand how special this man is, he did ALOT for the Jewish world, We Jews feel like our own father has died, He loved all people and he made a huge difference to our communities, you making assumptions as if you knew him, you can never imagine what kind of great soul this man possessed.
And garlic comes kind of as a package, if He eats in my Table! And so He does! So He is propably bathing quite often! Who cares... children love swimming also!
Israeli Rabbi?...mmm..Born in Baghdad Iraq with an arabic name, currently getting punished by Eloh for his hatred. I`m pretty sure if Eloh would allow him to come back to life he would tell you guys another story, hell is the final destination for this monster. Amen.
mizter boot he wasn't born with an Arabic name ovadiah is a hebrew name and Abdullah is the Arabic equivalent. Just like how Isaac in English is Yitzhak in hebrew
And guess what happens when a real Iraq Barbie-doll just lighter and smaller version appears: He teaches my Children! (this time I came from other nation... so my name, color, so on, might not fit your criteria either !) But what happens to you: you are full of hatred and propably worship Idol so you sink with Lucifer!
דמעות. זכר צדיק קדוש לברכה זכותו תגן עלינו 🙌
إلى جهنم و بئس المصير يا قتلة الأنبياء و الرسل
Quoting from Quran :
In Sura Al-Mai'dah (5:21) "Allah" addresses the children of Israel as "O my people," urging them to enter the Holy Land. The verse states "O my people enter the Holy Land which Allah has assigned to you and do not turn back !
Hatred / Jealousy = 💣 💥
@@jaisone5292 نعم صحيح القرأن الكريم ذكر بني إسرائيل كثيرا و بين كل قصصهم مع أنبياءهم سواءا سيدنا موسى و سليمان و داوود و يحيى و زكرياء عليهم السلام و حتى أخر نبي لبني إسرائيل سيدنا المسيح عيسى إبن مريم عليه السلام و شكرا لك على الرد و نسأل الله سبحانه و تعالى أن يهدي الجميع إلى طريق المستقيم
נפלה עטרת ראשינו,
העולם ללא מרן אינו עוד כשהיה
יתומים היינו ואין אב,
אויי מה יהי עלינו.
מעוד מרגש עד דמעות קול פעם מחדש מרן הרב עובדיה יוסף זצל קודש קודשים
מוהר"ן נחמן בן פיגא=קודש קודשים‼️
זכר הצדיק לברכה זכותו תגן עלינו אמן
A hateful loxist. Good riddens to bad rubbish.
Incredible, what a Tzadik. Amazing service to the Hakadosh Barachu and humanity.
Exactly! He is a real Zadik!!!!
מורנו ורבינו
מרן רבי עובדיה יוסף זצ"ל לחיי העולם הבא
Rabid hateful Loxists
Thank you
Morenu v Rabenu R‘ Ovadiah Yosef Zecher Tzadik v Hakadosh Levracha, The President of the Torah 👑
Oh god, your mercy expanded everything and preceded your punshiment and wrote it on yourself, so write it to us in this world and the hereafter, O lord. 💔💔💔💔💔
צדיק צדיקק יסודדדד עולםם
Muy Hermoso ❤️ Que Gran Contenido... Toda Raba H. Amén Amén...
2:47 יאאא איזה זכות רואים אותי
איך הוא אוהב לחלק סטירות הורג אותי סטירות של אהבה זכינו
عندما أتجاوز الخمسين سأعيش مع القران في انقطاع تام مثل هذا الرجل الحاخام.
Thank you dear Mr. Obadia Yosef! I love your style! You are such a world famous Rabbi! You made so many students get excited about Torah! Your reward is so much better in afterlife! G-D promised this to all who study Torah very much get better portion in afterlife! Also what I especially love about you is this: you hate wigs! I hate wigs also! Also you study Torah very much like a real Scribe! I love this style! Thank you! May G-D bless you! All the best!
Rabbi not Mr
מלך ישראל!
Yahudi terör örgütü
זכותונתגו עלינו עם ישראל אמן 🇮🇱
WOW WOW WOW What a Gadol Atum this man is, every minute of his life is full of mitvot, He is probably resting in Heaven and basking in Hashem's glory, we miss you terribly
A holy man indeed.
a holy man my ass. this guy was a piece of shit!
You are so classy...not! I cannot even be bothered debating with such low class 'people'. Do you think a million people will be attending your funeral? Bi ezrot HaShem, sooner rather than later - world is better without your like.
this rabbi was actually way smarter than you its funny how he didn't do anything to you he didn't curse you out or anything but are so jealous of him you go to curse him out
You're right...i read some stuff about the rabbi that got my temperature up and said some things that i should not have. I apologize.
I apologize to if I said anything Tyrd Ferguson
Adonai e con me e vuole che vi salvi sarò come mose
מצמרר עד היום
איפה תמצאו מנהיג כזה היום😢
B"H, Amazing!, BDE 🇮🇱🕯️Rab. Ovadya Iosef!, what a Tzadik!
Wait until you see Him next time ;)
לא שוכחים ולא נשכח לעולם את הרב הקדוש עובדיה יוסף ז'ל, צדיק בסדר גודל כזה מגיע רק אחד לכמה דורות
Tov me'od !
He is an Iraqi Babylonian Jew from Basra who combines holiness and knowledge in his blood. RIP
Portatemi sul Sinai quando verrò voglio pregare adonai da vicino
Amo il popolo eletto del mio dio il santo d isdraele yiave
Adonai yiave e il mio dio
إلى جهنم و بئس المصير عن أي رب تتحدثون يا قتلة الأنبياء و الرسل
Io sono sempre stata sola perseguitata a sangue ma adonai mi ha sempre salvata
woww priceless
Oh how I wish there were English subtitles
Best would be to watch this with someone who can translate for you.
Exactly this is my problem also! I face this in many Jewish teaching videos! We should have english subtitles! I lack all the important knowledge now!
Zicaron LeBeracha!!!
Monarquista sionista? Primeira vez que vejo
Siete il mio popolo eletto
Non so ancora quando verrò in isdraele non so ancora quando sarà
Io sono la nuova gerusalemme e quando il santo d isdraele mi dirà di venire in isdraele ospitatemi
Welcome to the father in heaven family
I do.
דמעות בעניים אשכרה הופתעתי איך דמעות בעניים
הכתבה הזאת נכתבה באתר עיתון גלובוס(הכותבת היא מנכ"לית BossProblem, הפורטל להצלחה בעבודה, יועצת ארגונית בכירה ופסיכולוגית חברתית)
אני לא כותב ההודעה ופרסתי זאת בכדי שתחרימו את העיתון ותיצאו נגד אותה כותבת,תהיי נשמתו של הרב עובדיה יוסף זצ"ל צרורה בצרור החיים אמן!חילוני
Quando vengo vi chiedo di ospitarmi
My spirit was taken to Heaven and i stood face to face with the Messiah and his name is Yeshua aka Jesus Christ.
You can't have as he is rotting in hell alongside Hitler and chmielnitski with terrible suffering, for being responsible for thousands and thousands of innocent Jewish men, women and children of all ages, being killed brutally in his name
Yes, He definitely knows this!
Why did he give the guy a slap? At 1:57
Mantas tiirsen the misionary...
Negative comments have been censored out of this comments section. My original post, which you cryptically responded to, has been JewTube deleted
ה למבול ישב
Io sono la nuova gerusalemme quando verrò in isdraele e perché mi manda il santo d isdraele adonai ositatemi salverò isdraele
In nome di adonai in nome di yiave quando verrò in isdraele ospitatemi
בסד המציאות היחידה זה רק הקדוש ברוך הוא האחד היחיד והמיוחד הבילתי מוגבל הכול יכול בורא את כול הבריות הוא האלוהים השאר הכול השליה תעשו תשובת אמת רק אלוהים ואליהו הנביא יודעים את תאריכי הגאולה ואת יום הקץ וזה ממש ממש בקרוב מאוד מאוד אמר אלוהים הינא בא מלאך הברית אשר אתם חפצים בהם אליהו הנביא ומשייח צידקינו להודיע לכם לעשות תשובת אמת פן אבוא והכתי את הארץ חרם אותיות חרם חורבן רעב מוות אפוקליפסה חובקת עולם אותיות אמת אדוני מלך תמיד ומהסוף תורת משה אמת אותיות משייח מי שיעשה תשובה יחיה לא שומרים שבת אותיות שבת שווא בכול תבל ברוך דיין האמת אמן ואמן אמן ואמן
Abito sul monte sion che si trova a Calenzano in provincia di Firenze toscana italia
The American Jewish Committee condemned the rabbi’s remarks in a statement issued Monday.
“Rabbi Yosef’s remarks - suggesting outrageously that Jewish scripture asserts non-Jews exist to serve Jews - are abhorrent and an offense to human dignity and human equality,” said AJC Executive Director David Harris. “Judaism first taught the world that all individuals are created in the divine image, which helped form the basis of our moral code. A rabbi should be the first, not the last, to reflect that bedrock teaching of our tradition.”
انتظروا ظهور الامام المهدي عج . ومعه المسيح والخضر عليهم السلام . يوم ان يملى الأرض قسطا وعدلا كما ملءت ظلما وجورا . اللهم عجل لوليك الفرج والعافية والنصر واجعلنا من خير انصاره واعوانه والمستشهدين بين يديه . انتظروا انتقام الشيعة. انتظروا معركة هرمجدون يوم ان تحاربون مع السفياني ومعه دول اوروبا على امتداد الساحل من انطاكيا الى عكا وتهزمون فيها على يد المهدي عج المنتظر ويحرر القدس بعد ان يهزمكم . عبدالله من بغداد العراق 🇮🇶
MsMuradova, you said that Rabbi Ovadia Yosef was a representative of God, can you please enlighten me on that? Thank you
Well I think this is very obvious if you see Him! Just observe the video! ;)
May I know where he was born?
Baghdad Iraq
What's the meaning of slightly slapping one's face?
פרק 24 הבשורה על פי מתי
24: 1כשהמשיח
עזב את המקדש והלכו, ותלמידיו באו להראות לו את מבני המקדש.
24: 2 הוא ענה ואמר להם: האם אתה רואה את כל זה? אמן אני אומר לכם, אין להשאיר כאן אבן אחת על אחרת, כי יושלך למטה.
24: 3 ובעודו יושב על הר הזיתים, תלמידיו הגיעו אל אותו באופן פרטי,
אומר, ספר לנו, מתי הדברים האלה להיות, ומה יהיה הסימן של לבוא שלך ושל סוף המאה?
24: 4 ויען ישוע ויאמר אליהם, השמר שאף אחד מרמה אותך.
24: 5 כי רבים יבואו בשמי לאמר אני המשיח; ולהוביל רבים מכחישים אותי.
24: 6 ואתם עתידים לשמוע מלחמות ושמועות של מלחמות; ראה כי אתה לא נבהל, כי אתה צריך את כל הדברים האלה; אבל זה עדיין לא הסוף.
24: 7 כי אומה יעלו נגד אומה, ואת הממלכה נגד הממלכה; יהיה רעב, ו למגפות, ורעידות אדמה במקומות שונים.
24: 8 כל אלה הם תחילת לצער.
24: 9 אז יהיה להם לספק לך עד פורענות להרוג אותך, ואתם תהיו שנואים של כל העמים למען שמי.
24:10 ואז יהיה נעלב רב, ולא יחול לבגוד זה בזה, ישנא אחד אחר.
24:11 ונביאי שקר רבים קמו, ולא יהיו להטעות רבים;
24:12 ובגלל העוון יהיה בשפע, האהבה רבה תגדל קרה.
24:13 אבל הוא כי endureth עד הסוף יושע.
24:14 וגם את הבשורה הזו של הממלכה ברחבי העולם, עדות על כל האומות; ואז תהיה בסופו של דבר.
האיש שכל העולם היה מונח לפניו והוא רק רצה בכלל לקרוא ספר
Why did he slap that one fella.
yes the esteemed rabbi who had to ponder whether picking one's nose on sabbath is considered work?
and that all non jews must submit to will of Jews? humm Adolph Ovadia!
This commentor is a weirdo! I had the same issue concerning nose I have been pondering as a child! This Man can definitely solve this! I love this Man!
What sort of plant is Ovadia having golden on this clothes. Is it a specific sort?
Well I can certanly design a better plant outfit if He doesn't like this first one ! Of course it is Real gold! Might be heavy! So He needs to find a plant He likes and find a flower! Let's add few more... I might go just a little overboard with this ;) I really love extravaganza!
Let's design a new outfit also! Everything has to fit and mitch and match perfectly! Who cares... if He doesn't like the outfit idea, let's design a new one!
Jahovah and Jesus of Nazareth is one, my friend saw in dream in 2015 -(ex-Hindu) India Christian
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef looks like he could have been related to my mother, Floraienda Leona Page, who passed
at age 81 on Aug 11, 2013. 5th of Ellul 5773. #581 in the Up-vote. Baruch HaShem!
je sais pas c'est qui ce amselem mais c chaud
Sfardeem godfather 🏴☠️
Sona la donna di genesi capitolo 3 verso 15
Pregate adonai consultato conoscete il mio nome e dove abito vi do anche la mia data di nascita sono nata il 3 9 1964 a Firenze toscana italia alle ore 22 30
Why did the heilge heilge rav ovadia yosef shlita slap the individual
That was his love tap he gave for everyone.
Consider it like a pat on the back.
Maybe He deserved a "sp" some sort of thing you all are writing about here ! So inappropriate!
What's the smack in the face @ 1:42 all about?
It's a good slap, it's shows his love, everyone wished to get a slap from the rebi
Middle Eastern kindly way of showing appreciation
What the fuck are you saying anything shit about a Rebbe ! You can't even use a word "smack" in His video! You yourself are nothing but a filthy "st" compared to Him!
@@sallanurkkala8065 "ST" ?
Sono la figlia di sion
La ilah il Allah Mouhamed rasol allah ya khanazir
eat shit sandbag.
Idol comment has nothing to do here ! Never mention an idol here! Idol is never even supposed to be pronounced!
שם עוד שניה אזיקונים ותלמדו את שולכים לכלא כמוכם כמוני שעשית פשע לבן טיפה יותר מכל פושע
Mau dibunuh
Satan in human form
Ovadia Yosef did. more than Muhammad. Muhammad married a little girl, killed thousands of people, had over 10 wives, forced women to marry him (safiyya), he was a false prophet and he had slaves (also allowed his followers to have intercourse with them in the Quran)
@@egononcogito2590 Well you are an idiot who is just parroting about things you don't even know. You don't know anything about Islam and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
@@mamade3970 u should read the quran and understand how a cheap this book is. Muhammad was not a prophet and islam is a copycat religion assatir al awwalin
@@גיאזבולון you are frankly embarrassing yourself
Such a wicked man should have been denied taharah, let alone a long life filled with comfort. If there is justice in this world, followers like Deri will be granted far less merciful fates.
What exactly makes him wicked, i know what makes YOU wicked, you bashing One of the Greatest Rabbis in this generation, you judging him based on the israeli media that HATES religion and everyone that represents it, I would be careful if i were you, G-d doesn't forgive those that bash His representatives, especially in public.
So you believe in Jewish supremacism then? Ovadia did his faith no favors. And he got official sanction from the state for part of his life. If he is truly representative of his god, then what a sick god for one to worship.
blueelectricsmoke much of these comments attributed to this Great Rav have been taken out of context and
have deliberately been fed upon and misinterpreted by the white left wing secular media in Israel who hate the Rabbi and his Shas party, which did so much to fight institutional discrimination against the mizrahi jews. What astonishes me is how gullible and
racist are those who have accepted it at face value without any attempt to investigate the matter properly. How many for instance
know that these supposed comments have always arisen at the end of his Saturday night religious lectures when he answers questions
from his audience. These lectures are televised to synagogues in Israel. You might ask your self what are secular journalists doing listening in on the Rabbis lectures? Its certainly not for spiritual enlightenment. Its for mischief. Check before you abuse,
criticise and accuse
Please. The chief rabbinates are infamously corrupt and politicized. Thousands of men & women across the world with scholarship and you choose to rise to the defense of those who tirelessly preach supremacism & hatred? Even right-wing outlets in Israel don't take kindly to Shas. You should take some time to think about who you venerate.
I heard many of his speeches and read many of his books, he doesn't ,mention one word of hatred towards anyone or supremacism, He mentioned on numerous occasions that we must respect all human beings because all people are created in G-ds image, He gave lectures on what the responsibilities are of every Jew to G-d and to the world, I listened to many of his lectures and their isnt a word of him saying that we are better then anyone, he did his job well, you believing all the nonsense that you read about him, you dont know the politics that are involved in Israel, Self Hating Jews AKA the Liberals, try at every corner to distort his words, they want ppl to hate him,and you falling into their traps its very heart breaking, I know first hand how special this man is, he did ALOT for the Jewish world, We Jews feel like our own father has died, He loved all people and he made a huge difference to our communities, you making assumptions as if you knew him, you can never imagine what kind of great soul this man possessed.
religion.......what a joke
What religion are you? Please let me know before I go on a rant!
And please don't reply because I don't want to make you look stupid for following it!
Atheism (socialism)... What a joke
Rabi Ovadia SS , stinks of garlic for kilometers.
He is very freely able to use our bath house then!
And garlic comes kind of as a package, if He eats in my Table! And so He does! So He is propably bathing quite often! Who cares... children love swimming also!
Israeli Rabbi?...mmm..Born in Baghdad Iraq with an arabic name, currently getting punished by Eloh for his hatred. I`m pretty sure if Eloh would allow him to come back to life he would tell you guys another story, hell is the final destination for this monster. Amen.
mizter boot he wasn't born with an Arabic name ovadiah is a hebrew name and Abdullah is the Arabic equivalent. Just like how Isaac in English is Yitzhak in hebrew
@@mitzavor8468 He was born with an Arabic name, but he was still Israeli. This man has clearly never heard of immigrants...
And guess what happens when a real Iraq Barbie-doll just lighter and smaller version appears: He teaches my Children! (this time I came from other nation... so my name, color, so on, might not fit your criteria either !) But what happens to you: you are full of hatred and propably worship Idol so you sink with Lucifer!
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