The 8 Churches in Palau you have to Visit

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024
  • The Catholic Church in Palau is part of the worldwide Catholic Church, under the spiritual leadership of the Pope in Rome. According to the last census (2000) 41.6% of the population belonged to the Catholic Church. Palau belongs to the Diocese of Caroline Islands, which is itself a suffragan to the Archdiocese of Agaña (Guam).

ความคิดเห็น • 42

  • @yaosamuelkouakou3201
    @yaosamuelkouakou3201 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    18 Well, the first dispensation of my ministry consisted in pronouncing the judgment. And in Kacou 1 and Kacou 2, I had already pronounced the judgment. And that is what was remembered from my preachings and even from the preachings of my disciples. And to those who listened to you, you would say, "You who have not yet accepted this Message, after listening to me, if you believe that this Message is true, and that Kacou Philippe is the only true prophet of God in our time, raise your hand,... come and kneel down and I will pray for your commitment".
    19 And the second dispensation of my ministry consisted in the change of life. And this is what is remembered from my preachings and from the whole of the preachings in our assemblies and now in our evangelisations. And in Kacou 17, I had laid the foundation for the change of life. And every Sunday, we hear Kc.17:26. And all this happened before 2006. And from 2005, which was the 40th year of William Branham's death, God sent my Message out of Locodjro. And since 2010, men came from all the places of the earth to receive their baptism and consecration.
    Download the free application PROPHÈTE KACOU PHILIPPE (Officiel) on playstore for Android or App store for iPhone prophète kacou Philippe
    Contact :
    Apostle Yanick Aka

  • @manuel50618
    @manuel50618 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Gracias por este viaje por Palau visitando las iglesias católicas.

  • @elodiegnago3709
    @elodiegnago3709 ปีที่แล้ว

    8 You remember the experience I had in 1993, I was like the Angel of judgment, that is to say a glowing white cloud like a mirage. I was standing very far from me without a body with my mind and all my senses, recognizing those I could see as if I were already in the Millennium. This is to say that one day, when our bodies are lifeless, we will still be alive but in this other divine dimension to go and give God an account of all of our actions on earth.

  • @rialbbe
    @rialbbe 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Nice to see that you have a tour around the Catholic Churches around Palau. I hope I could visit Palau some day.

    • @adjouakouassiisabelle6596
      @adjouakouassiisabelle6596 ปีที่แล้ว

      Nice to see that you have a tour around catholic cherches around palais.i Hope could visit palau some day

    • @desiredibi1621
      @desiredibi1621 ปีที่แล้ว

      12 All those that you follow in the religions have no mandate from God. God did not send them. A king can send his servant to go and call his wife who is on a journey. But this does not give everyone the right to go and call the king's wife. If you do so, you will be asked, "Sir, by which mandate do you speak to the queen?" And the sentence is hanging.
      13 And all of you, leaders of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism, on which date, in which language, where and how did God speak to you to send you? In which appearance did God appear to you? I that speak to you, when an audible voice speaks to me, I know if that voice is the one of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 or not.
      14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan.
      15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers.
      16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.

  • @yaobleestelle2513
    @yaobleestelle2513 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    40 You brethren of Africa, of Asia, of Europe and of America! Maybe you were expecting the Message of Matthew 25:6 in your country, but God did it another way. Remember our Lord Jesus Christ! Being the high priest Melchisedec, the rabbis and the scribes saw that He should come from the tribe of Levi. But He came out of the tribe of Judah. Then, His Message and his works confirmed that it was Him the Messiah. And today, on the whole face of the earth, if you are a child of God, your place, it is here with the prophet of your time, Prophet Kacou Philippe. And he that has ears to hear, let him hear.

  • @singbardringang4878
    @singbardringang4878 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you!

    • @yaobleestelle2513
      @yaobleestelle2513 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      40 You brethren of Africa, of Asia, of Europe and of America! Maybe you were expecting the Message of Matthew 25:6 in your country, but God did it another way. Remember our Lord Jesus Christ! Being the high priest Melchisedec, the rabbis and the scribes saw that He should come from the tribe of Levi. But He came out of the tribe of Judah. Then, His Message and his works confirmed that it was Him the Messiah. And today, on the whole face of the earth, if you are a child of God, your place, it is here with the prophet of your time, Prophet Kacou Philippe. And he that has ears to hear, let him hear.

    • @desiredibi1621
      @desiredibi1621 ปีที่แล้ว

      12 All those that you follow in the religions have no mandate from God. God did not send them. A king can send his servant to go and call his wife who is on a journey. But this does not give everyone the right to go and call the king's wife. If you do so, you will be asked, "Sir, by which mandate do you speak to the queen?" And the sentence is hanging.
      13 And all of you, leaders of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism, on which date, in which language, where and how did God speak to you to send you? In which appearance did God appear to you? I that speak to you, when an audible voice speaks to me, I know if that voice is the one of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 or not.
      14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan.
      15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers.
      16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.

  • @yaoarmandkoffi1930
    @yaoarmandkoffi1930 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    30 Despite their differences in doctrines, the churches unite in alliances and I said that they were beasts, dragons with multiple heads. Each head symbolizes a church and having the demon and the language which is the theology of that church. Whoever is in one of those churches has already received the mark, that is to say, the spirit, which is the demon of the beast. A mark is a spirit. When God put a mark on Cain, it was a spirit. And the mark of the beast of Revelation, it's the holy spirit of the beast. You see? The mark of the beast today is, it is the holy spirit that acts in those Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist churches. And when you are in an evangelical church, you are fathered by that spirit and it’s by it that you speak in tongues, you prophesy ... as if it was really the Holy Spirit. It controls your body, your soul, your spirit. And you are exactly like in the condition of the Pharisees before the Lord Jesus Christ or the condition of a Catholic who has candles, rosaries, statues, incense, crucifixes and holy water in his hand and who believes himself in the truth. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. The same mark, the same demon of disbelief that possesses the beast is the same mark that possesses its image, its daughters, that is, the Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist churches. [Kc.2v21]

  • @alimaakobe3583
    @alimaakobe3583 ปีที่แล้ว

    8 Since 2002, I have always told you that of all the things you are doing in your temples, churches and mosques, there is nothing that will be remembered before God. You can have the conviction that you are saved. You may have seen revelations which serve you as a base. You may be rich and have everything your hearts desire with assurance and peace of heart, but you will go to hell if you die without believing in me.

  • @delimaaho3695
    @delimaaho3695 ปีที่แล้ว

    1 Révélation que moi le prophète Kacou Philippe, j’ai donnée le 18 décembre 2022 de mon village, aux saints de ma génération sur l’étape actuelle de ma mission.

  • @arifhoti2871
    @arifhoti2871 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    One video should on Mosques

    • @desiredibi1621
      @desiredibi1621 ปีที่แล้ว

      12 All those that you follow in the religions have no mandate from God. God did not send them. A king can send his servant to go and call his wife who is on a journey. But this does not give everyone the right to go and call the king's wife. If you do so, you will be asked, "Sir, by which mandate do you speak to the queen?" And the sentence is hanging.
      13 And all of you, leaders of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism, on which date, in which language, where and how did God speak to you to send you? In which appearance did God appear to you? I that speak to you, when an audible voice speaks to me, I know if that voice is the one of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 or not.
      14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan.
      15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers.
      16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.

  • @jeanrenengbebou7989
    @jeanrenengbebou7989 ปีที่แล้ว

    13 You call us a sect so that nobody will listen to me but where are you now? In a deep shame! We are a sect because we are different from Catholics, Protestants, evangelicals and Branhamists? Every prophetic dispensation brings that and we have to be called a sect. The Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles were called a sect. Yes, exactly! Every prophet dispensation brings that. The Apostles, Martin Luther, John Wesley… All those that God sent on the earth were called a sect and if we are called a sect, you should not be distracted by it. Paul said, "But this I avow to thee, that in the way which they call sect, so I serve my fathers' God, believing all things which are written throughout the law, and in the prophets." [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].

  • @kouassilouisferdinandkouak4932
    @kouassilouisferdinandkouak4932 ปีที่แล้ว

    5 Well, I have two questions here. The first question is… Brother Philippe, from times past, prophets were Jews, how does it come that an African like you is a prophet? And here is my answer on this subject: All the prophets were Hebrew because, firstly, Jesus Christ was to be sent to the lost Sheep of the house of Israel, that’s why God only dealt with Jews and secondly, his first coming was for Jews and thus was it and his disciples and Apostles were Jews only; but for the second coming, it was for all the nations of the earth. That’s why He raises up messengers out of the four corners of the earth. He had sent Martin Luther, John Wesley and Ulrich Zwingli to say it to the Europeans. He had sent William Branham to say it to the Americans and now, He has sent the prophet Kacou Philippe to say it to the Africans. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. And Africa has never been so stable and even the midnight Cry is also sounding in Angola through our Brother Hugo Zé.

    • @niceforkoffi7732
      @niceforkoffi7732 ปีที่แล้ว

      But because of the sin and because of the churches,know that the World will go from suffering.and it shall Come to pass that a man will not be able to shake hands with his brother or his best Friend for fear of being contaminated with the disease.people shall walk wthout touching one another . School will be closed and you will haer people Say .

  • @dorgeleskoffi956
    @dorgeleskoffi956 ปีที่แล้ว

    10 For school competitions and studies, you look for annals, test booklets and documents outside of the teachings of your school. But for Heaven, you do not do that. And all the effort that you make day and night to have money and a better future on the earth, why don't you also do the same for the paradise after your death?

  • @elyseekoffi1717
    @elyseekoffi1717 ปีที่แล้ว

    - - Kacou 15 : What God expects from us
    4 When a man claims to serve God, seek to know the authenticity of his call, his commission and his mandate before seeking to know if what he says or what he does is exact. When God has not sent a man on earth, he cannot recognize the efforts and even the good things of that man. The fact of preaching true does not mean anything because the devil himself knows the Word. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. [Kc.3v39-40] [Kc.6v34-35] [Kc.28v13-14] [Kc.115v21] [Kc.118v33-36]
    5 God's perfect will was that a prophet leads Israel instead of a king. But Israel demanded a king, 1 Samuel 8:4-7. God does not speak by a king but by a prophet. Before the death of Samuel, he had to anoint a prophet in his place. And if the advent of a king designated by a prophet messenger is not God's perfect will, it is not a president elected by men who will be so. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. In 2 Kings 22:11-14, king Josiah sends the priest Hilkijah and the scribe Ahikam to the prophet to inquire about God's Word. In 2 Chronicles 20:20, king Jehoshaphat says to Israel: "Believe in Jehovah your God, and ye shall be established; believe his prophets, and ye shall prosper!". [Kc.41v36]
    6 A Christian is like a soldier who is called to die for his homeland one day, if necessary. The day when the call sounds to attack, everything on earth is meaningless, it is not only his money or his home which is at stake but the most precious thing he has, his life. That is why you need to be ready when the General calls. And it is neither within a month, nor within a year but today. The Bible and the vision confirm that that is why in the vision of 1993, you see the Lamb which is the symbol of the sacrifice.
    7 And in accordance with Acts 16:6-10, the Holy Spirit will coordinate this awakening on the field of mission. Everything must fall in line with the plan of the perfect will of God, if not it is even a sin and I reckon that if He called me then He knew me before the foundation of the world and He knew my capacities. When He gave the keys of the Kingdom to Peter, He knew who Peter was! How this Message will reach the ends of the earth, He knows it and they are those who have this faith of Joshua and Caleb who will enter. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
    8 What can the book of a Baptist pastor bring me if it is not to be a good Baptist! When the reading of the Bible was forbidden by Pope Innocent III, which purpose did Satan want to reach? It is the same purpose he has reached today by another means, in order to subject people to his will. While leaving the Bible in their hands, he has given them an infinite number of interpretations. A Baptist way, a Pentecostal way, a Jehovah’s Witness, Adventist, Nazarene, Anabaptist way, … reaching exactly and completely the same purpose.
    9 A child of God concerned about Salvation and about eternal Life, will seek, even in the slightest details, to know what Christianity is. A rat cannot be domesticated, a son of the devil, even in contact with the truth, will remain what he is. A son of God in contact with falsehood will ask himself questions until he is enlightened! Amen! You see? The deep calleth the deep. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. [Kc.43v32]

  • @johntheoreyes5276
    @johntheoreyes5276 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Do you work in palau?

    • @desiredibi1621
      @desiredibi1621 ปีที่แล้ว

      12 All those that you follow in the religions have no mandate from God. God did not send them. A king can send his servant to go and call his wife who is on a journey. But this does not give everyone the right to go and call the king's wife. If you do so, you will be asked, "Sir, by which mandate do you speak to the queen?" And the sentence is hanging.
      13 And all of you, leaders of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism, on which date, in which language, where and how did God speak to you to send you? In which appearance did God appear to you? I that speak to you, when an audible voice speaks to me, I know if that voice is the one of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 or not.
      14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan.
      15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers.
      16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.

  • @rogercompaore7581
    @rogercompaore7581 ปีที่แล้ว

    28 And yet, the Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 13:24-30 that the children of the devil and their churches will be bound into several bundles to be burnt but that the elect will be gathered in a single granary. There were many beliefs and gods in Egypt and God brought his children out by exercising judgment. Before the multitude of churches in Israel, God gathered the elect. There were Pharisees, Essenes, Sadducees, Hellenists, Herodians, Zealots ... they were all in the wrong way and the Lord brought the elect out by exercising judgment on them. And before the rapture, the elect, according to Matthew 24:31 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16, will be gathered by the sound of the trumpet, including Revelation 14:6-10. And that’s what the Lord Jesus Christ is always doing. [Kc.2v33-34] [Kc.9v28] [Kc.14v17]

  • @marie-phineseri2902
    @marie-phineseri2902 ปีที่แล้ว

    DIEU sauve au présent de l'indicatif

    • @desiredibi1621
      @desiredibi1621 ปีที่แล้ว

      12 All those that you follow in the religions have no mandate from God. God did not send them. A king can send his servant to go and call his wife who is on a journey. But this does not give everyone the right to go and call the king's wife. If you do so, you will be asked, "Sir, by which mandate do you speak to the queen?" And the sentence is hanging.
      13 And all of you, leaders of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism, on which date, in which language, where and how did God speak to you to send you? In which appearance did God appear to you? I that speak to you, when an audible voice speaks to me, I know if that voice is the one of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 or not.
      14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan.
      15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers.
      16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.

  • @armandbelga1387
    @armandbelga1387 ปีที่แล้ว

    1 We must not make the same mistakes that the Jews made against the prophets and against the Lord Jesus Christ. Today, the world has built the monument of John Wesley that it so persecuted and humiliated.

  • @philipphilos4886
    @philipphilos4886 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    the rest SDA and Protestant

    • @desiredibi1621
      @desiredibi1621 ปีที่แล้ว

      12 All those that you follow in the religions have no mandate from God. God did not send them. A king can send his servant to go and call his wife who is on a journey. But this does not give everyone the right to go and call the king's wife. If you do so, you will be asked, "Sir, by which mandate do you speak to the queen?" And the sentence is hanging.
      13 And all of you, leaders of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism, on which date, in which language, where and how did God speak to you to send you? In which appearance did God appear to you? I that speak to you, when an audible voice speaks to me, I know if that voice is the one of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 or not.
      14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan.
      15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers.
      16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.

    • @teddymegidosiburian9808
      @teddymegidosiburian9808 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Seventhday adventist is protestant

  • @niceforkoffi7732
    @niceforkoffi7732 ปีที่แล้ว

    But because of the sin and Because of the churches ,know that the World will go from suffering to suffering.and it shall Come to pass that a man will not be able to shake hands with his brother or his best Friend for faer of being contaminated with the disease. People shall walk without touching one another .schools will be closed and you will hear people Say.

    • @desiredibi1621
      @desiredibi1621 ปีที่แล้ว

      12 All those that you follow in the religions have no mandate from God. God did not send them. A king can send his servant to go and call his wife who is on a journey. But this does not give everyone the right to go and call the king's wife. If you do so, you will be asked, "Sir, by which mandate do you speak to the queen?" And the sentence is hanging.
      13 And all of you, leaders of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism, on which date, in which language, where and how did God speak to you to send you? In which appearance did God appear to you? I that speak to you, when an audible voice speaks to me, I know if that voice is the one of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 or not.
      14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan.
      15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers.
      16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.

  • @konanguyhervekouame-ue9mv
    @konanguyhervekouame-ue9mv ปีที่แล้ว

    L'homme de Dieu aujourd'hui c'est kacou Philippe il le seul vrai prophète messager vivant pour notre génération ,tu la rejète tu vas en enfer