@@azuyasayaka5857 nah bro, what u mean i dont explain anything🤫(you can't see anything cuz i've edited my comment, lol🗿) i'm just laughing🗿 that's it✌😶🌫
i pierced my earlobes myself, with a safety pin. But one of them got infected the next week, so I get that one pierced again after it recovered. And it cost rm50 for one earlobe
You need watch kobo birthday karaoke
High recomended
And its all Japanese, so it doesn't get copyright (i guest)
9:27 I think it's kobo.At first I thought it was Mami Shela, because she can sing too. But after I heard it again, it was clearly Kobo's voice.
That color tone is really Kobo. You must to hear her voice more often 😂
@@kebahagiaanterbang4294 hah?
yes ethan go bath 😂😂
@EthanAFAFAF no bath no boba
@@maulanarifqi4699 oh... great. I don't like boba
@@EthanAFAFAF mission failed... i cant make ethan take his bath guys
@@maulanarifqi4699mission failed, abort mission. I repeat, abort mission
I immediately took a shower after watching this
Yes that's kobo, you can hear another one at anya melfisa anniversary.
so my confusion was justified when reading the credits😂 usually it's just lyrics, composer, arrangement, and mix
TH-cam kids detected 😅
8:58 yep caught me off guard too😂
Yes i think that low voice is Kobo, because i thought it was Ayunda at first but in the description there's not Colab/ Feat listing
The market for video songs is really for small children , she said earlier
For the first time, i think that deep voice part is filled by ayunda risu
I thought it was mami shela
Nah, for me at first I thought that was Kaela.
for first, i tough that was cireng
kobo brithaday karaoke please
6:46 😂I don't know why i'm laughing🗿
The more u explain it, the worst it gets lmao
@@azuyasayaka5857 nah bro, what u mean i dont explain anything🤫(you can't see anything cuz i've edited my comment, lol🗿) i'm just laughing🗿 that's it✌😶🌫
Wait... Is piercing really that expensive ?
i pierced my earlobes myself, with a safety pin. But one of them got infected the next week, so I get that one pierced again after it recovered. And it cost rm50 for one earlobe
I immediately took a shower after watching this