CH Fake collab vs

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024
  • Second video in day, yeah. I'm sorry, I'm so late with joining to this Fake Collab, much time had passed.
    [🇬🇧/🇺🇸] As they usually say in my country about this... "I'm walking on very thin ice." I really wanted to do this battle, but due to the current situation in the world, I'm very scared. Please, just in case, if any of my videos will feature characters on Countryhumans... No politics in the comments! Please do not touch on these topics, at least under my videos. I don't want to see or participate in such conflicts, so life is very difficult.
    [🇧🇷] Como dizem no meu país... "Eu ando sobre gelo muito fino."Eu queria muito participar dessa batalha, mas por causa da situação atual do mundo, Estou com muito medo. Por favor, caso haja personagens Countryhumans em algum dos meus vídeos... Nada de política nos comentários! Por favor, não toque nesses tópicos, pelo menos não nos meus vídeos. Não quero ver esses conflitos nem participar deles, porque a vida é muito difícil.
    [🇷🇺] Как говорят по этому поводу в моей стране... "Я хожу по очень тонкому льду". Я очень хотела сделать эту коллаборацию, но из-за ситуации в мире мне очень страшно. Если я когда-либо буду делать видео по Контрихьюмэнс... Никакой политики под комментариями! Пожалуйста, не затрагивайте эти темы хотя бы под моими видео. Я не хочу видеть подобные конфликты или участвовать в них, жизнь итак сейчас очень тяжелая.
    [🇮🇩] Seperti yang biasa mereka katakan di negara saya tentang ini... "Saya berjalan di atas es yang sangat tipis."Saya sangat ingin melakukan pertempuran ini, tetapi karena situasi dunia saat ini, saya sangat takut. Tolong, untuk berjaga-jaga, jika ada video saya yang menampilkan karakter di Countryhumans... Tidak ada politik di komentar! Tolong jangan menyentuh topik ini, setidaknya di bawah video saya. Saya tidak ingin melihat atau berpartisipasi dalam konflik seperti itu, jadi hidup ini sangat sulit.
    [🇪🇸] Como suelen decir en mi país sobre esto... "Estoy caminando sobre hielo muy delgado."Realmente quería hacer esta batalla, pero debido a la situación actual en el mundo, tengo mucho miedo. Por favor, por si acaso, si alguno de mis videos presenta personajes en Countryhumans... ¡Nada de política en los comentarios! Por favor, no toque estos temas, al menos en mis videos. No quiero ver ni participar en tales conflictos, así que la vida es muy difícil.
    [🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿] Fel y dywedant fel arfer yn fy ngwlad am hyn... "Dwi'n cerdded ar iâ tenau iawn."Roeddwn i wir eisiau gwneud y frwydr hon, ond oherwydd y sefyllfa bresennol yn y byd, mae gen i ofn mawr. Os gwelwch yn dda, rhag ofn, os bydd unrhyw un o fy fideos yn cynnwys cymeriadau Ar Countryhumans... Dim gwleidyddiaeth yn y sylwadau! Peidiwch â chyffwrdd ar y pynciau hyn, o leiaf o dan fy fideos. Dydw i ddim eisiau gweld neu gymryd rhan mewn gwrthdaro o'r fath, felly mae bywyd yn anodd iawn.
    By tradition, a little bit about the battle =)
    Favorite Country
    Singapore. As far as I know, it is one of the most developed countries. I really like it.
    Favorite Countryhumans Design
    Mexico. Of all the countryhumans I've done, I like it the most by design.
    A country you want to visit
    Singapore and Nepal. If Singapore is clear in principle, then why is Nepal here? I love mountains. But to be honest, I want to visit a lot of countries, more than 10.
    Most Popular Country
    Gacha Life 2 crashed and deleted my China -_-
    Least popular country
    Liechtenstein. Quite a small country, I don't understand why it is underestimated, like other small countries?
    Favorite Food
    Georgia. I love spicy Georgian cuisine. Especially Khinkali)
    Favorite Culture
    Russia. The culture of Russia is very diverse, I like it.
    A country you visited
    None. I have never been outside my country before. I still have everything ahead of me and I really hope that I will be able to visit at least the closest countries.
    Favorite Flag
    Ukraine and Canada. I like the maple leaf on the flag of Canada. There is a pleasant combination of colors on the flag of Ukraine.
    Favorite language
    French and Russian. As for me, these are very beautiful languages. At the moment, I have started learning French.
    Edit: I should make it in video but I can't. 22 December. I decided to listen to a cover of I Got No Time in Brazilian Portuguese... He's gorgeous. Now I want to learn even more languages 😅
    Favorite History.
    I don't know. Each country has its own history, but I will not risk giving preference to any one. It is too easy to run into political conflicts.
    Gacha Club
    Gacha Life 2
    Cap Cut
    Video Maker
    Tegs (Don't pay attention)
    #jackieoutfitbattle #gachaclub #smallgachatuber #gachafakecollab #gachaoutfits #gachafnf

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