The Sword in the Stone is a 1963 American animated musical-fantasy-comedy film produced by Walt Disney and released by Buena Vista Distribution. The 18th Disney animated feature film, it is based on T. H. White's novel of the same name, published in 1938 as a single novel, then republished in 1958 as the first book of the Arthurian tetralogy The Once and Future King. Directed by Wolfgang Reitherman, the film features the voices of Rickie Sorensen, Karl Swenson, Junius Matthews, Sebastian Cabot, Norman Alden, and Martha Wentworth. Hope that helps!
Awesome Video! Learned so much! Thanks Colin!
The Sword in the Stone is a 1963 American animated musical-fantasy-comedy film produced by Walt Disney and released by Buena Vista Distribution. The 18th Disney animated feature film, it is based on T. H. White's novel of the same name, published in 1938 as a single novel, then republished in 1958 as the first book of the Arthurian tetralogy The Once and Future King. Directed by Wolfgang Reitherman, the film features the voices of Rickie Sorensen, Karl Swenson, Junius Matthews, Sebastian Cabot, Norman Alden, and Martha Wentworth. Hope that helps!
Nil this is so beast!! The sword and the stone looks so stupid anyway so frick them!
nice! Looks really fun colin!
Colin, very excellent presentation
I got a Starwars, Lord of the Rings aaaand a Disney one to. Love them all. What do you think about Star Wars as a part of Disney now?
Whoever disliked is tripping
Beastly vids COLIN 🔥