Terima kasih banyak Rob, Cheyne dan Antonio...You are all very sweet persons ...I really appreciate it ! Semoga kalian menikmati Palembang, guys ! Karena Sabang masih sangat jauh dgn sepeda motor dari Palembang , kenapa tidak naik pesawat terbang saja ??? Best luck to the Lost Boys & enjoy your challenging adventure in Sumatera.Take care & terima kasih telah memilih Indonesia as your travel destination. See you...
Gw seneng banget sama channel yang kalo ngevlog gak muter2 jawa-bali doank tapi explore sampe pulau2 lain. Bukti beneran menjelajah kuliner nusantara bukan cuma ngeruk viewer dengan nebeng nama Indonesia
Trimakasih bro the lost boys...kalian sgt menghargai budaya kami Indoneaia..terbukti kalian disambut hangat disetiap tempat yg kalian kunjungi...God bless you all...
One word to the Lost Boys : Salute !!! Finally you arrived in Palembang City, South Sumatera, Indonesia.. I learn from the Lost Boys in this video about a mutual-respect to different religions/beliefs. Thank you very much, Gentlemen! One of the important meanings of fasting , is self control/self-restrain... Many thanks to Rob, Cheyne and Antonio for showing the hospitality of the locals in this lovely video . Take care & have a lovely weekend..GBU .
One of our favorite subscribers Tri! As always, thanks for the lovely comment. And yes although we aren't muslim, we wanted to observe/learn about the traditions and meaning surrounding Ramadan. We're glad you enjoyed it 👍 Thank you very much for your nice words and your friendliness, guys ! Sumatera is very large. Please try the local train , ferry or ship to give you different experiences and sensations. I hope the sponsor will give three new motor cycles to the Lost Boys. Their health and safety is "numero uno" , number one! Pls ignore this personal opinion if not well accepted. Terima kasih.
Indonesian hospitality is original . We like foreigners. Its good that the lost boys now more into the social side of the indonesian people. Keep on the good work boys!
Itulah ciri khas penduduk Indonesia 🇮🇩, dimana aja kalian berada slalu disambut dengan ramah, sopan & ceria setiap saat. Jangan ja'im (jaga image), slalu rendah hati (low profile)🤗, sopan (politely attitude)🙏🏼, memberi senyuman😁 dan yang penting menghargai adat istiadat (customs), kebudayaan setempat (local cultures) juga perbedaan keyakinan (different religions)😇... ayyoooo,... semangat untuk belajar berbicara dalam Bahasa Indonesia yaaa.. biar lebih lancar lagi😉👌🏼... kita tunggu video" selanjutnya deh. Keep healthy 💪🏽, stay save🙏🏼, be happy always😄, have fun adventures🌈🌊🏝🏞⛺ and save journey 🏍
Bravo! Bahasa Indonesia kalian bagus sekali dan komunikasi dengan penduduk lokal kelihatan benar benar asli. Semoga kalian bisa terus membuat konten perjalanan seperti ini. Selamat menjelajahi Indonesia!
the lost boys mingle with the locals, but don't forget your style from previous videos such as exploring places the world rarely knows about, the diversity of cultural customs, the history behind an Indonesian natural tourist spot, everything is summarized properly like a documentary. So, I will always look forward to watching videos like your past ones
Hope this will answered all the questions : 1. We begin/learn fasting in the earliest stage of age usually start at 3 to 5. But its not a mandatory. Puasa begin an obligation when we reach puberty. 2. We break our fast with something sweet to increase/fix our energy (sugar level) first then we continue to pray then eat reguler dish (personal preferences) 3. Puasa is one of pillars of Islam. Basically to purify our soul. Hold any kind of lust and anger during fasting and also to feel what our brother and sister feel when they cannot eat or drink because of poverty
Real humble people you guys, you mingled easily with our locals and brought smiles to us from your hearts. May Allah bless your journeys and protect you all, aamiin... 💝
no way i literally was binge-watching all of your vlog videos since yesterday and finished it a few minutes ago!!! new subscriber here and sending lots of love, stay safe guys! terima kasih banyak!!
Hampir semua negara yg berakar budaya islam orang2nya terkenal friendly , care , humble n helpfull itu di akui oleh petualang2 barat . Seorang petualang wanita dr kanada sampe sempt menangis karena saking terharunya dia bgtu merasakan perbedaan ketika dia berada di negara2 non muslim yg katanya lebih makmur dn aman justru dia mengalami banyk perlakuan yg tdk menyenngkn ketika dia menolong ujung2nya minta duit sebaliknya ketika dia memasuki negara2 sprti somalia , oman , pakistan yg katanya tdk aman dia justru diperlakukan bak seorang ratu mereka bgtu ramah mengajk kerumahnya untuk makan bersama dn mereka menolong dg begitu tulus tnpa embel2 meskipun penduduk situ tau kalau dia non muslim
Agama adalah hal penting di indonesia, agama adalah filter bagi setiap manusia itu yang membentuk karakter orang indonesia.saya senang kalian banyak belajar tetang berbagai hal tetang negara ini 👍👍👍
Bule gondrong gw fans berat seneng bgt waktu liat video kalian masuk ke barbershop dan kamu mempertahan kan rambut kamu agar tidak di potong...bule gondrong kasep pisan...
Dari keramah tamahan kalian dan kesopanan kalian sama orang lokal membuat saya menunggu video video anda... membuat saya sayang kalian.bahagia selalu orang orang baik......
13:11 Anak2 Muslim memang diajar berpuasa sejak kecil, tapi bukan berarti mereka ikut menahan makan dan minum sampai maghrib, melainkan bertahap dari tahun ke tahun. 😁 Awalnya mereka akan diajar berpuasa hanya sampai jam 10 pagi. Tahun berikutnya mereka akan diajar berpuasa sampai jam 12 siang. Tahun berikutnya lagi, sampai jam 4 sore. Tahun berikutnya lagi, barulah mereka belajar berpuasa sampai maghrib. Ini adalah cara yang umum yang biasanya dipakai oleh para orangtua tua Muslim untuk mengenalkan dan mengajarkan anak-anak mereka tentang puasa Ramadhan.
Thank you for visiting my city, Palembang. Hope you all enjoy it. It's tipically how local person in here speak with loud voice. Stay safe and healthy 🥰
Itu lah org Indonesia bro,ramah2 semua,SK bersahabat dan berkenalan SM org baru,org Indonesia cinta damai,silah kan berwisata ke seluruh Indonesia....slm NKRI
Kalian bukan hanya Posting photo bagus" Dan di posting di instagram tapi kalian Lebih memahami Culture setiap daerah, dan salut buat kalian yg mau belajar dan Menghormati Penduduk lokal
orang indonesia kebanyakan tidak kaya tapi walau kita tidak kaya ada budaya saling bantu dan memberi membuat kita bertahan , wajah kita selalu ceria berkumpul bersama selalu terbuka untuk menolong. thats why The most generous country in the world is Indonesia for the fifth year in a row
I love to way Cheyne respect and being polite when interviewed the bapak, Cheyne move his way to squat position and pay attention to the bapak while he explained the meaning of Puasa in Ramadan month. Salute to TLB❤❤❤
Si ibuk lucu dah 😂 mosquito bilangnya , byk nyamuk ya buk masjid nya jd mosquito 😂ya Allah seneng liat warga yg lucu2 baik ditawarin pulak bukber dimasjid bu hamda mau service bule panggil temen2nya masyaAllah
ini br palempang blm daerah lain di Indonesia...Indonesia adalah surga ya kuliner turis asing yg pernah mencicipi kuliner khas Indonesia akan berfikir utk tinggal di Indonesia semoga sukse dgn Vidio konten yg mengedukasi ini gas pool bro
Saya sangat salut dengan kesopanan, toleransi antar umat beragama anda bro...islam itu adalah agama kebenaran dan penuh kedamaian...semoga anda mendapatkan hidayah bro...amiin🤲
Hay the last boys. Honestly , I Really like it when you mix with society and also speak Indonesian, I know you are studying Indonesian, therefore I want to correct it a little so that it seems more polite to older people, that when you ask older people it is better to use with "IBU" and "BAPAK" don't use the word "KAMU", using that word will give them the impression that you have lived in Indonesia for a long time and really respect your elders. success for the lost boy. respectfully
Senang sekali ada bule akrab dengan penduduk lokal, bersahabat dan bercerita, berbagi pengalaman dan indahnya kebersamaan berbuka puasa bersama dan mengenalkan makanan indonesia, senang berjumpa dengan kalian kawan menambah saudara dan berbagi pengetahuan, semoga kerasan di indonesia, Salam dari Penjara Polisi Indonesia
Dont know how many times I should thank you guys for genuinely wanting to understand our people and culture. To help you guys understand better, I would like to add, since Indonesia is a muslim majority country, religious acts are starting to look like a culture. However, first and foremost, fasting is one of the forms of worship to our one God. Parents make it a habit to introduce the concept to their children from a very early age although it is not obligatory for the young children. Also, if you’re eating in front of a person who is fasting, i am sure 90% of us wouldn’t mind and it is not exactly impolite if you guys eat in front of us cause that becomes part of the reward of fasting. Keep up the good work guys!! Always looking forward to your next video!
I hope you guys still eat regularly during Ramadan. It’s actually alright to eat if you’re not fasting during Ramadan. Usually restaurants are still open
Hope you guys enjoy ramadhan, also Saturday will be Happy Ied in Indonesia. That will be one of the biggest islamic celebration after ramadhan, hope you guys can enjoy that day too. Make sure to take a rest because Saturday will be so crowd Happy Ied too you guys, make sure today until sunday just take rest and avoid travel far away, it is one of the crowded moment in Indonesia, many people will go to visit their relatives and family. Also don't forget to enjoy ied celebration in nearby village and eat Ied food.
Inilah Indonesia sangat ramah tamah. Keren. Dan the lost boy sangat menghargai dan sangat sopan terhadap penduduk lokal. Inilah petualang sesungguhnya. BULANG(BULE Petualang)
Fasting is not obligation for children, although they could learn. Most of them will fast only half day or until noon. They usually get challenge by their parents and they get rewards or gift when they pass the challenge. It's for fun though. Note, sick people, pregnant, elderly, children, women in their period, people on traveling/long journey etc. Not obligated to fast. Some conditions apply though like they can replace it after Ramadan or replace it by paying donation to people in need.
Salut sama 3 bule ini, mereka rela menunggu azdan magrib demi menghargai orang lokal yang pada puasa. Padahal mereka singgah disana karena sudah g kuat lapar. Bravo the lost boy.. love you guys ❤❤❤
I cant believe it, saya selalu nonton video kalian and in this video I was surprised karena kalian sampai di kota saya :) I hope to meet you guys by chance in this city of Palembang, semoga lancar perjalanan kalian ya :)
Don’t forget to checkout our podcast with Scoopy Gang which was just released!
Lucu bgt kontennya🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Berapa pacarnya?😂😂😂
Te veo en Baturaja. Tu habeas Bahasa Indonesia bien. Bravo! Me gusta tus videos.
I'am big fans
Real traveller, not just about nature it is also about culture.
coba buat konten horor
di indonesia banyak tempat angker/horor
tidak ada bule yang membuat konten horor saat malam
@@mrhan-nf9qvorang bule itu SDM nya tinggi mana mau bikin konten horor 😂
@@mrhan-nf9qv komentar anda sangat memalukan bagi saya
Happy Eid everyone!
Kopi mana kopi bro😅
@@netijenkw7678 Kopi dulu ☕
Happy eid my bro.....come on let's go to the next video
Terima kasih banyak Rob, Cheyne dan Antonio...You are all very sweet persons ...I really appreciate it ! Semoga kalian menikmati Palembang, guys ! Karena Sabang masih sangat jauh dgn sepeda motor dari Palembang , kenapa tidak naik pesawat terbang saja ??? Best luck to the Lost Boys & enjoy your challenging adventure in Sumatera.Take care & terima kasih telah memilih Indonesia as your travel destination. See you... Haha so cool sir! Ngopi dulu boys 😅☕
Whattt!!! Salim??!! Cium tangan?!?!?!.... Damn!!! You guys are polite!!!!!! Kudos to you guys!!! Respect!!!👍🏾👍🏾
Gw seneng banget sama channel yang kalo ngevlog gak muter2 jawa-bali doank tapi explore sampe pulau2 lain. Bukti beneran menjelajah kuliner nusantara bukan cuma ngeruk viewer dengan nebeng nama Indonesia
i like how you hold not to eat in public until buka puasa to respect them, thats real tolerance and politeness right there 😊😊😊
Trimakasih bro the lost boys...kalian sgt menghargai budaya kami Indoneaia..terbukti kalian disambut hangat disetiap tempat yg kalian kunjungi...God bless you all...
One word to the Lost Boys : Salute !!! Finally you arrived in Palembang City, South Sumatera, Indonesia..
I learn from the Lost Boys in this video about a mutual-respect to different religions/beliefs. Thank you very much, Gentlemen! One of the important meanings of fasting , is self control/self-restrain...
Many thanks to Rob, Cheyne and Antonio for showing the hospitality of the locals in this lovely video . Take care & have a lovely weekend..GBU .
One of our favorite subscribers Tri! As always, thanks for the lovely comment. And yes although we aren't muslim, we wanted to observe/learn about the traditions and meaning surrounding Ramadan. We're glad you enjoyed it 👍
Salah satu vlog yg sangat sy sukai ternyata mereka sdh tiba d kota palembang kota yg sgt kami cintai. ❤❤❤ Thank you very much for your nice words and your friendliness, guys ! Sumatera is very large. Please try the local train , ferry or ship to give you different experiences and sensations. I hope the sponsor will give three new motor cycles to the Lost Boys. Their health and safety is "numero uno" , number one! Pls ignore this personal opinion if not well accepted. Terima kasih.
Salut gw sama bule dua ini, akhlak nya keren, sopan bgt sama orang yg lebih tua
Betiga bang😌
@@xiexia_ maafkannn
You are a great American who can speak Indonesian and really appreciate Indonesians who fast, I love watching your videos, have a nice day ❤
Makasih Abdi 🙏
Indonesian hospitality is original . We like foreigners. Its good that the lost boys now more into the social side of the indonesian people. Keep on the good work boys!
Ramah sekali , sampai sampai tidak diajak makan dan minum, nada tinggi, kaki diatas kursi 15:25 LoL
@@yongkygunawan1636 lol, asam pedas sindiran anda
@@yongkygunawan1636 baper lu ya...cengeng...😂
Indeed it is and we appreciate it so much 🙏
Itulah ciri khas penduduk Indonesia 🇮🇩, dimana aja kalian berada slalu disambut dengan ramah, sopan & ceria setiap saat. Jangan ja'im (jaga image), slalu rendah hati (low profile)🤗, sopan (politely attitude)🙏🏼, memberi senyuman😁 dan yang penting menghargai adat istiadat (customs), kebudayaan setempat (local cultures) juga perbedaan keyakinan (different religions)😇... ayyoooo,... semangat untuk belajar berbicara dalam Bahasa Indonesia yaaa.. biar lebih lancar lagi😉👌🏼... kita tunggu video" selanjutnya deh. Keep healthy 💪🏽, stay save🙏🏼, be happy always😄, have fun adventures🌈🌊🏝🏞⛺ and save journey 🏍
Kalian pandai sekali bersosialisasi dengan penduduk lokal, sukses selalu buat TLB
Bravo! Bahasa Indonesia kalian bagus sekali dan komunikasi dengan penduduk lokal kelihatan benar benar asli. Semoga kalian bisa terus membuat konten perjalanan seperti ini. Selamat menjelajahi Indonesia!
Real travellers learn the language :) thank u for being respectful. You guys are awesome!!
Salut sama lost boys..sangat menghargai budaya indonesia..sopan ramah senyum.
the lost boys mingle with the locals, but don't forget your style from previous videos such as exploring places the world rarely knows about, the diversity of cultural customs, the history behind an Indonesian natural tourist spot, everything is summarized properly like a documentary. So, I will always look forward to watching videos like your past ones
We won't forget our style don't worry 😉 We've got a diverse set of videos coming up from our time in Palembang. Stay tuned 👍
Hope this will answered all the questions : 1. We begin/learn fasting in the earliest stage of age usually start at 3 to 5. But its not a mandatory. Puasa begin an obligation when we reach puberty.
2. We break our fast with something sweet to increase/fix our energy (sugar level) first then we continue to pray then eat reguler dish (personal preferences)
3. Puasa is one of pillars of Islam. Basically to purify our soul. Hold any kind of lust and anger during fasting and also to feel what our brother and sister feel when they cannot eat or drink because of poverty
Thanks for all of this info!
Itulah orang Indonesia mereka akan meminta berfoto bersamamu, itu akan membuat mereka senang dan menjadi bukti sebagai kenang-kenangan.
Salut dengan kemampuan lost boys mencoba berkomunikasi dgn bhs indonesia.
Real humble people you guys, you mingled easily with our locals and brought smiles to us from your hearts. May Allah bless your journeys and protect you all, aamiin... 💝
Eid Mubarak to all Indonesian Muslims ❤❤❤
no way i literally was binge-watching all of your vlog videos since yesterday and finished it a few minutes ago!!! new subscriber here and sending lots of love, stay safe guys! terima kasih banyak!!
Perfect timing! Thanks so much for supporting us and joining our journey 🙏 waiting for the merchandise of TLB 🫡
Super friendly locals as always, safe travels here in Indonesia!
Super friendly as always 👍
Keren bgt respect mereka gakmau makan dulu sebelum waktunya buka puasa walau banyak yg nawarin makan mereka menghormati yg puasa
Ibu kerudung pink sumpah ramah banget. Adem banget liat beliau🙏🏻
She was so nice! It was so kind of her to invite us to the mosque.
Hampir semua negara yg berakar budaya islam orang2nya terkenal friendly , care , humble n helpfull itu di akui oleh petualang2 barat . Seorang petualang wanita dr kanada sampe sempt menangis karena saking terharunya dia bgtu merasakan perbedaan ketika dia berada di negara2 non muslim yg katanya lebih makmur dn aman justru dia mengalami banyk perlakuan yg tdk menyenngkn ketika dia menolong ujung2nya minta duit sebaliknya ketika dia memasuki negara2 sprti somalia , oman , pakistan yg katanya tdk aman dia justru diperlakukan bak seorang ratu mereka bgtu ramah mengajk kerumahnya untuk makan bersama dn mereka menolong dg begitu tulus tnpa embel2 meskipun penduduk situ tau kalau dia non muslim
Terima kasih sudah menghargai budaya indonesia dan betah tinggal di Indonesia semoga betah
Agama adalah hal penting di indonesia, agama adalah filter bagi setiap manusia itu yang membentuk karakter orang indonesia.saya senang kalian banyak belajar tetang berbagai hal tetang negara ini 👍👍👍
Bule gondrong gw fans berat seneng bgt waktu liat video kalian masuk ke barbershop dan kamu mempertahan kan rambut kamu agar tidak di potong...bule gondrong kasep pisan...
Dari keramah tamahan kalian dan kesopanan kalian sama orang lokal membuat saya menunggu video video anda... membuat saya sayang kalian.bahagia selalu orang orang baik......
13:11 Anak2 Muslim memang diajar berpuasa sejak kecil, tapi bukan berarti mereka ikut menahan makan dan minum sampai maghrib, melainkan bertahap dari tahun ke tahun. 😁
Awalnya mereka akan diajar berpuasa hanya sampai jam 10 pagi. Tahun berikutnya mereka akan diajar berpuasa sampai jam 12 siang. Tahun berikutnya lagi, sampai jam 4 sore. Tahun berikutnya lagi, barulah mereka belajar berpuasa sampai maghrib.
Ini adalah cara yang umum yang biasanya dipakai oleh para orangtua tua Muslim untuk mengenalkan dan mengajarkan anak-anak mereka tentang puasa Ramadhan.
Masya Allah, masyarakat nya ramah ramah semua, terimakasih 🙏
Thank you for visiting my city, Palembang. Hope you all enjoy it. It's tipically how local person in here speak with loud voice. Stay safe and healthy 🥰
Itu lah org Indonesia bro,ramah2 semua,SK bersahabat dan berkenalan SM org baru,org Indonesia cinta damai,silah kan berwisata ke seluruh Indonesia....slm NKRI
Kalian bukan hanya Posting photo bagus"
Dan di posting di instagram tapi kalian Lebih memahami Culture setiap daerah, dan salut buat kalian yg mau belajar dan Menghormati Penduduk lokal
the lost boy orang2 yg baik dan sopan sangat menghormati daerah org yg dia kunjungi I am proud of you and you are the best 👍👍
Sy senang sekali. .melihat org Amerika dan spanyol. .menghargai org berpuasa dibulan ramadan. . Semoga kalian dpt hidayah
Respect for you guys....god bless you..
You too 🙏
That was fantastic! I really liked how you shared the video time amongst the three of you. You really captured the excitement of breaking fast.
Thanks so much! We do think about that while shooting/editing 👍
masya allah respect sama kalian mau belajar tentang agama islam yang besar di negara ini, sehat selalu buat kalian seeyou ramadhan 2024 TLB 🤴🤴🤴🧡
Sehat selalu untuk The Lost Boys dan Antonio..teruslah menjelajahi dan menikmati keanekaragaman serta keramahan indonesia.
happy fasting experience guys,hope you get a lot of kindness in ramadhan
Happy Eid!
Saya merasa ikut senang lihat konten Lost Boy pandai bergaul sopan pokoknya Full happy
cheyn bhs indo nya sdh lumayan mahir. sering2 ngobrol sm org indo :D
I dont know but i think, as a person shayne really have kindly sensitive, kind hearted and understanding to people
orang indonesia kebanyakan tidak kaya tapi walau kita tidak kaya ada budaya saling bantu dan memberi membuat kita bertahan , wajah kita selalu ceria berkumpul bersama selalu terbuka untuk menolong. thats why The most generous country in the world is Indonesia for the fifth year in a row
I love to way Cheyne respect and being polite when interviewed the bapak, Cheyne move his way to squat position and pay attention to the bapak while he explained the meaning of Puasa in Ramadan month. Salute to TLB❤❤❤
Thank you Cheyne, Rob, and Antonio! 💐 Mksi ya sudah sangat membaur dengan negeri kami ...
Thank you for watching and supporting!
Respect..menghargai orang yang berpuasa
Terima kasih ibu yang baik hati sudah mengajak the lost boys makan bersama.
Suka sama TLB selalu sopan dan menghargai budaya setempat, cium tangan sama yg lebih tua itulah budaya indonesia dan cheyne melakukan nya...good👍
Terima kasih kawan.. kalian org ny menghargai dan sopan pada penduduk Indonesia,saya bangga dgn kalian.
I like to see when Cheyne and Antonio did "salim" than shake hand to Ibu Hamda 💕
Sopan banget yak ❤😂
Si ibuk lucu dah 😂 mosquito bilangnya , byk nyamuk ya buk masjid nya jd mosquito 😂ya Allah seneng liat warga yg lucu2 baik ditawarin pulak bukber dimasjid bu hamda mau service bule panggil temen2nya masyaAllah
Trima kasih bro,telah mengunjungi kota saya Palembang,semoga anda semua betah dan nyaman berada di Palembang.👍🏻🙏🏽🇲🇨
Thank you very much for visiting Indonesia
We're really happy to be here 👍
Sehat selalu buat team lost boys, saya sangat suka nonton video kalian ...semoga betah di Indonesia...Aamiin
Akun saya hilang padahal sudah mengikuti the lost boy dari setahun lalu, dan saya senang sekarang menemukan vlog the lost boy lg. Salam dari jakarta
Hi The Lost Boy... Masjid always welcome❤❤❤ for everyone
Semangat terus the lost boy . Semoga di jaga selalu kesehatan nya
ini br palempang blm daerah lain di Indonesia...Indonesia adalah surga ya kuliner turis asing yg pernah mencicipi kuliner khas Indonesia akan berfikir utk tinggal di Indonesia semoga sukse dgn Vidio konten yg mengedukasi ini gas pool bro
Alhamdulillah nice to see you again during the last month of Ramadhan.
Stay blessed and healthy Lost Boys
🙏 wiih..diberi tanda hati from TLB
Thank you.
May this Eid Al Fitri bring us joy, happines and harmony
Happy Eid Mubarak
Saya sangat salut dengan kesopanan, toleransi antar umat beragama anda bro...islam itu adalah agama kebenaran dan penuh kedamaian...semoga anda mendapatkan hidayah bro...amiin🤲
keren banget bahasa indonesianya udah lancar, pas awal awal masih dikit banget ngomong bahasa indonesia nya. Gas terus bro
Hay the last boys.
Honestly , I Really like it when you mix with society and also speak Indonesian, I know you are studying Indonesian, therefore I want to correct it a little so that it seems more polite to older people, that when you ask older people it is better to use with "IBU" and "BAPAK" don't use the word "KAMU", using that word will give them the impression that you have lived in Indonesia for a long time and really respect your elders.
success for the lost boy. respectfully
Seneng nonton mrk krn bs membaur dgn masyarakat setempat.. Keren TLB..
Respect untuk the lost boy, selalu menghargai dan menghormati kultur warga sekitar yg di kunjungi, ,bravo bro
Senang sekali ada bule akrab dengan penduduk lokal, bersahabat dan bercerita, berbagi pengalaman dan indahnya kebersamaan berbuka puasa bersama dan mengenalkan makanan indonesia, senang berjumpa dengan kalian kawan menambah saudara dan berbagi pengetahuan, semoga kerasan di indonesia, Salam dari Penjara Polisi Indonesia
Luar biasa ramahnya org2 palembang 🙏
Makasih Agus!
Dont know how many times I should thank you guys for genuinely wanting to understand our people and culture. To help you guys understand better, I would like to add, since Indonesia is a muslim majority country, religious acts are starting to look like a culture. However, first and foremost, fasting is one of the forms of worship to our one God. Parents make it a habit to introduce the concept to their children from a very early age although it is not obligatory for the young children. Also, if you’re eating in front of a person who is fasting, i am sure 90% of us wouldn’t mind and it is not exactly impolite if you guys eat in front of us cause that becomes part of the reward of fasting. Keep up the good work guys!! Always looking forward to your next video!
Yes we think most people wouldn’t mind but out of respect, we choose not to or at least ask first. Thanks for the support as always 🙏🏼
Great experience and adventure, blessing for you Mr
Terima kasih brother sudah berkunjung ke kota palembang
nek...bkn mosquito tp Mosque...nenek hebat pandai ckp english...
Tiga2 ny saling melengkapi,ceyne kereen,antonio selalu menghibur dan rob leader ny semua kwren..
selama ramadhan selalu liat youtuber2 dari luar yg coba merasakan indahnya Ramadan walaupun mereka tidak ikut berpuasa tapi mereka sangat excited
shane nanya ke orang yang tepat...sehingga mndapat jawaban yang bagus..alhamdulillah
I smiled the whole video! Thank you soo much for being tolerant to them and ikutan puasa. Cium tangan part is my fave! 😍❤ you are the best guys!
Amin sehat selaluya yg semangatya Abang.buleya
Welcome to my city guys
Welcome to Palembang
Semoga sehat dan sukses selalu to all of you guys
MasyaaAllah...ketika cium tangan ibu itu. Hati ini sejuk
I hope you guys still eat regularly during Ramadan. It’s actually alright to eat if you’re not fasting during Ramadan. Usually restaurants are still open
Yes we have not been fasting while on the road. And yes there's always a way to find food 👍
salute for the lostboys menginspirasi terbaikk
Hope you guys enjoy ramadhan, also Saturday will be Happy Ied in Indonesia. That will be one of the biggest islamic celebration after ramadhan, hope you guys can enjoy that day too. Make sure to take a rest because Saturday will be so crowd
Happy Eid! Happy Ied too you guys, make sure today until sunday just take rest and avoid travel far away, it is one of the crowded moment in Indonesia, many people will go to visit their relatives and family. Also don't forget to enjoy ied celebration in nearby village and eat Ied food.
Happy Ied Mubarak for every Moeslem in the world....
Well done boys.. absolutely you all make me cry 😢 #respect❤
akhirnya sampai ke kampung halaman aku juga ❤ selamat berlibur di palembang
Inilah Indonesia sangat ramah tamah. Keren. Dan the lost boy sangat menghargai dan sangat sopan terhadap penduduk lokal. Inilah petualang sesungguhnya. BULANG(BULE Petualang)
top mans, what a amazing and thoughtful ppl, its quite rare now to see these kind of behavior rn, i love u guys, TOP TLB! ❤
Luar biasa Cheyne pegang tangan nenek salaman ke Jidad, Sopan banget ❤❤❤❤❤,
Respect Rob, Cheyne & Antonio kalian makan menunggu ketika berbuka puasa
Fasting is not obligation for children, although they could learn. Most of them will fast only half day or until noon. They usually get challenge by their parents and they get rewards or gift when they pass the challenge. It's for fun though. Note, sick people, pregnant, elderly, children, women in their period, people on traveling/long journey etc. Not obligated to fast. Some conditions apply though like they can replace it after Ramadan or replace it by paying donation to people in need.
I'll straighten it out, until 12 am, not until 12 am.
@@fishbone4860 yes until noon.
Tetap semangat membuat konten kalian bertiga. i believe someday your channel will be more famous and inspired to everyone
It happy to see you guys when felt fasting together with Moslem people, love it
Salut sama 3 bule ini, mereka rela menunggu azdan magrib demi menghargai orang lokal yang pada puasa. Padahal mereka singgah disana karena sudah g kuat lapar. Bravo the lost boy.. love you guys ❤❤❤
Welcome to my hometown Palembang 👍
Salute untuk turis Amerika, sangat bersahaja dan santun sekali.
Rob is the most indonesian the way he talks to indonesian.
Keren ..salut untuk the lost boy...salam toleransi 😊😊
I cant believe it, saya selalu nonton video kalian and in this video I was surprised karena kalian sampai di kota saya :) I hope to meet you guys by chance in this city of Palembang, semoga lancar perjalanan kalian ya :)
We're really enjoying our time in Palembang and we've eaten a lot of pempek hahaha video coming soon 😉
Wow sudah sampai Palembang yah?❤ Love the lost boys so much❤❤❤❤❤❤
Udah Sampai!
You are all so great guys.
Thanks for respected to our cultures traditions religions all part in Indonesia. 💖💖💖💖