Quanto aos preços exorbitantes, é o presidente Lula da Silva não injetar dinheiro no Agro, mas priorizar a distribuição da terra. Justiça social agrícola.
i kept wondering why some people could just think about what they wanted and somehow get it. i tried affirmations, vision boards, all of it-but nothing seemed to stick. then i found Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane. this ebook explained why i was blocking my own results without even realizing it. the way it breaks down energy alignment makes so much sense. since reading it, my whole approach has changed.
Chega dos grandes fazendeiros, com várias fazendas Terra para quem nela trabalhe. Nào terra para o Agro cheio de máquinas caras e dominado o preço dos alimentos.
i was skeptical about all this manifestation stuff until i started seeing people in my life actually making it work. when i asked how, they all mentioned this ebook, Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane. after reading it, i get why so many people swear by it. it’s not about “thinking positive” or luck, it’s about tuning into the right energy. i wish i had found this sooner.
Boa tarde, desde Lábrea - AM
Bom dia.
O ENEN e o PROUNI que era justo por priorizar quem sempre estudou em escolas públicas.
Quanto aos preços exorbitantes, é o presidente Lula da Silva não injetar dinheiro no Agro, mas priorizar a distribuição da terra. Justiça social agrícola.
Esse povo que até hoje não aceita o primeiro e mais justo PROUNI, no governo Lula em 2005.
i kept wondering why some people could just think about what they wanted and somehow get it. i tried affirmations, vision boards, all of it-but nothing seemed to stick. then i found Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane. this ebook explained why i was blocking my own results without even realizing it. the way it breaks down energy alignment makes so much sense. since reading it, my whole approach has changed.
Me lembra. Dos governos Sarney e Itannar Franco....
É desnecessário um ENEM 2 dias em tempo integral. É absurdo. Volta o projeto original.
Chega dos grandes fazendeiros, com várias fazendas Terra para quem nela trabalhe. Nào terra para o Agro cheio de máquinas caras e dominado o preço dos alimentos.
E.isso ai lulao mostra pra este urso alpino quem manda aqui e nos
O Lula tem que cuidar de quem mora em Pantanais. Duas décadas de PT e duas do time do Alckmin
Sem solução.
Sou de extema-Esquerda, Comunista sim nn
i was skeptical about all this manifestation stuff until i started seeing people in my life actually making it work. when i asked how, they all mentioned this ebook, Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane. after reading it, i get why so many people swear by it. it’s not about “thinking positive” or luck, it’s about tuning into the right energy. i wish i had found this sooner.